<< < Previous Aceraceae GH: 01792444 Acer nigrum F. Michaux USA: New York Dewitt. one and one half miles east of James... K. M. Wiegand 2784 1914-5-24
GH: 01792446 Acer nigrum F. Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: Enfield Ravine and vicinity K. M. Wiegand 2787 1914-8-31
GH: 01792452 Acer nigrum F. Michaux USA: New York Road to Labrador Pond, Truxton K. M. Wiegand 2785 1914-7-5
GH: 01792593 Acer pensylvanicum Linnaeus USA: New York Top of West Danby hill, Danby K. M. Wiegand 2772 1914-5-26
Aizoaceae GH: 01681084 Mollugo verticillata Linnaeus USA: New York Syracuse: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6401 1916-8-21
Alliaceae NEBC: 00573113 Allium canadense Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1070 1911-6-22
Amaranthaceae GH: 01928815 Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson USA: New York Ithaca: northeast of Veterinary College, Cor... K. M. Wiegand 2255 1914-7-24
GH: 01928817 Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson USA: New York Syracuse: Syracuse K. M. Wiegand 6398 1916-8-21
GH: 01929174 Amaranthus hypochondriacus Linnaeus USA: New York Syracuse: southeast corner of Onondaga Lake K. M. Wiegand 6396 1916-8-21
Anacardiaceae GH: 01866835 Rhus aromatica Aiton USA: New York Ithaca: near Gun Works K. M. Wiegand 2759 1914-5-7
NEBC: 00660630 Toxicodendron radicans (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1014 1911-5-30
GH: 01869159 Toxicodendron radicans negundo (Greene) Gillis USA: New York Ithaca: Renwick woods K. M. Wiegand 12402 1919-9-14
GH: 01869371 Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydberg) Greene USA: New York south of Esty's, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 12401 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00772396 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1015 1911-5-30
Apiaceae NEBC: 01051326 Heracleum maximum W. Bartram USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1102 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01025211 Osmorhiza longistylis (Torrey) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1022 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00483528 Sanicula marilandica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1100 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00587117 Zizia aurea (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1101 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00566113 Zizia aurea (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1021 1911-5-30
Apocynaceae GH: 02179970 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: New York railroad bank Fleming crossing, south of Ith... K. M. Wiegand 12760 1919-6-28
GH: 02179955 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: New York Junius: Moor of Newton's Pond K. M. Wiegand 3038 1914-6-20
Aquifoliaceae NEBC: 00713744 Ilex verticillata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts West Medway K. M. Wiegand 2031 1911-9-13
Araceae GH: 00444158 Acorus americanus (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: New York bog east of railroad, Little York Lake, Vall... K. M. Wiegand 1953 1914-6-7
GH: 00444158 Acorus calamus Linnaeus USA: New York bog east of railroad, Little York Lake, Vall... K. M. Wiegand 1953 1914-6-7
NEBC: 01010718 Acorus calamus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 952 1911-5-30
GH: 01654074 Arisaema dracontium (Linnaeus) Schott USA: New York along stone wall, Isoetes Pond, South Cortla... K. M. Wiegand 3665 1915-7-20
NEBC: 01010839 Arisaema triphyllum (Linnaeus) Schott USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 951 1911-5-30
GH: 01654505 Arisaema triphyllum stewardsonii (Britton) Huttleston USA: New York Dryden, Ellis Hollow Swamp K. M. Wiegand 11716 1919-5-26
GH: 01655485 Calla palustris Linnaeus USA: New York Cicero K. M. Wiegand 6120 1916-8-20
GH: 01655492 Calla palustris Linnaeus USA: New York Mendon K. M. Wiegand 9550 1918-8-18
Araliaceae NEBC: 00448608 Aralia nudicaulis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1020 1911-5-30
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01682113 Asarum canadense Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2219 1914-5-6
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00961218 Asclepias quadrifolia Jacquin USA: New York east side of valley, south of Mecklenburg, H... K. M. Wiegand 10639 1918-6-16
GH: 00961219 Asclepias quadrifolia Jacquin USA: New York Esty's Glen. Lansing K. M. Wiegand 3042 1914-6-16
GH: 00961221 Asclepias quadrifolia Jacquin USA: New York Ithaca: glen between Renwick and McKinney's K. M. Wiegand 7031 1916-6-18
GH: 01082111 Asclepias tuberosa Linnaeus USA: New York Junius: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3039
GH: 02233637 Asclepias tuberosa interior Woodson USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1896-7-18
GH: 01083125 Cynanchum rossicum (Kleopow) Borhidi USA: New York Wood road, east side of Westbury Bog, Butler K. M. Wiegand 8648 1917-6-24
Aspidiaceae NEBC: 00627715 Polystichum acrostichoides (Michaux) Schott USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1057 1911-6-22
Aspleniaceae NEBC: 00701082 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1059 1911-6-22
GH: 02068741 Asplenium rhizophyllum Linnaeus USA: New York Paine's Creek Glen, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 5377 1916-6-20
GH: 02070019 Asplenium scolopendrium americanum (Fernald) Kartesz & Gandhi USA: New York south side of White Lake, east of Jamesville... K. M. Wiegand 5374 1916-8-21
GH: 02070257 Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus USA: New York south of White Lake, east of Jamesville, Dew... K. M. Wiegand 5366 1916-8-21
GH: 02070256 Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus USA: New York Ledyard: Paine's Creek Glen K. M. Wiegand 5367 1916-6-20
Asteraceae GH: 01007179 Anaphalis margaritacea (Linnaeus) Bentham & Hooker f. USA: Massachusetts Mount Greylock K. M. Wiegand 911 1909-8-30
NEBC: 01007609 Antennaria howellii neodioica (Greene) Bayer USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1038 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01007989 Antennaria neglecta Greene USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1037 1911-5-30
GH: 02172131 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernhardi USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7315 1916-8-21
GH: 01003559 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: Cornell University Campus K. M. Wiegand 3307 1914-8-9
GH: 01003819 Artemisia biennis Willdenow USA: New York Syracuse: southeast corner of Onondaga Lake K. M. Wiegand 7310 1916-9-13
NEBC: 00531724 Artemisia stelleriana Besser USA: Massachusetts Ipswich: Ipswich K. M. Wiegand 2120 1911-6-15
GH: 02172373 Centaurea jacea Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11025 1918-6-27
GH: 02142149 Chondrilla juncea Linnaeus USA: New York Dryden: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1919-8-13
GH: 02020639 Cirsium discolor (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Sprengel USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7316 1916-8-21
GH: 02207555 Erigeron annuus (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3266 1914-9-12
NEBC: 01079196 Erigeron pulchellus Michaux USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1035 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01052508 Erigeron strigosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1067 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01017088 Helianthus strumosus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts West Medway K. M. Wiegand 2124 1911-9-13
GH: 01832738 Hieracium piloselloides Villars USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13859 1920-8-22
GH: 01833182 Hieracium venosum Linnaeus USA: New York Junius: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3329 1914-6-20
GH: 01835185 Lapsana communis Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 914 1909-9-6
GH: 01835184 Lapsana communis Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1344 1913-8-10
NEBC: 00568876 Packera öve Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1036 1911-5-30
Azollaceae GH: 02069068 Azolla caroliniana Willdenow USA: New York Pools in old Cayuga Canal bed, 2 miles south... K. M. Wiegand 17442 1930-7-27
Berberidaceae NEBC: 00606799 Berberis vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 981 1911-5-30
GH: 02169035 Jeffersonia diphylla (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New York Paines Creek Glen, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6460 1916-6-20
GH: 02169840 Podophyllum peltatum Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2530 1914-6-7
Betulaceae GH: 02196774 Betula alleghaniensis Britton USA: New York south of Mecklenburg K. M. Wiegand 9797 1918-6-16
NEBC: 00727034 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Massachusetts Newton: Newton Lower Falls K. M. Wiegand 1912-7-23
GH: 02193074 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15407 1924-6-23
GH: 02193073 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15408 1924-5-26
GH: 02193066 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11919 1919-8-31
A: 02193058 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15407 1924-6-23
NEBC: 00727272 Carpinus caroliniana virginiana (Marsh.) Furlow USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1074 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00746158 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 970 1911-5-30
Bignoniaceae GH: 02054456 Bignonia capreolata Linnaeus USA: North Carolina Drowning Creek, 4 miles south of Pinebluff K. M. Wiegand 2904 1927-7-1
Blasiaceae NEBC: 00495649 Blasia pusilla Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Natick: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1909-10-3
Boraginaceae GH: 01957550 Buglossoides arvensis (Linnaeus) I. M. Johnston USA: New York Paine's Creek Glen, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 7057 1916-6-20
GH: 01996889 Lithospermum officinale Linnaeus USA: New York Jone's Hill, Truxton K. M. Wiegand 3059 1914-9-13
GH: 01996886 Lithospermum officinale Linnaeus USA: New York Paine's Creek, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 7058 1916-6-20
GH: 01996980 Lithospermum parviflorum Weakley, Witsell & D. Estes USA: New York Ithaca: south Cayuga Street extension, South... K. M. Wiegand 7061 1916-7-16
NEBC: 00716875 Myosotis verna Nuttall USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1027 1911-5-30
GH: 02059635 Myosotis verna Nuttall USA: New York Ithaca: Renwick slope near salt works K. M. Wiegand 12786 1919-6-1
GH: 02059630 Myosotis verna Nuttall USA: New York Esty's Glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 3056 1914-6-16
GH: 02143887 Symphytum officinale Linnaeus USA: New York Main Lake, Tully K. M. Wiegand 996 1913-8-11
GH: 02143911 Symphytum uplandicum Nyman USA: New York south of Westbury bog, Victory K. M. Wiegand 8668 1917-6-24
Brassicaceae GH: 00992291 Alyssum alyssoides Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15516 1924-5-28
GH: 00992568 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9952 1918-6-27
GH: 00992578 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15551 1924-5-24
GH: 00974464 Armoracia rusticana G. Gaertner, B. Meyer & Scherbius USA: New York Ithaca: back of Renwick. Bottom land woods a... K. M. Wiegand 4187 1915-5-18
NEBC: 00712902 Barbarea stricta Andrzejowski USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 985 1911-5-30
GH: 00974835 Barbarea verna (Miller) Ascherson USA: New York Ithaca: by chain works. South Hill K. M. Wiegand 12103 1919-6-8
NEBC: 00448893 Barbarea vulgaris W. T. Aiton USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 983 1911-5-30
GH: 00932982 Boechera laevigata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Al-Shehbaz USA: New York Enfield ravine 1/2 mile below falls, Enfield K. M. Wiegand 8221 1917-7-11
GH: 00948971 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: New York ravine beyond McKinney's Glens K. M. Wiegand 2412 1914-6-11
GH: 00948975 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: New York Big Gulf, LeRoy K. M. Wiegand 13966 1921-5-22
GH: 00983485 Cardamine douglassii Britton USA: New York near cross-roads below Varna. Dryden K. M. Wiegand 2407 1914-5-10
NEBC: 00558949 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 984 1911-5-30
GH: 00999817 Cardamine pratensis Linnaeus USA: New York near river road from Sand Ridge to Phoenix K. M. Wiegand 15547 1924-5-28
GH: 01087035 Cardamine rhomboidea (Persoon) de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: between Fall Creek, East Hill, and C... K. M. Wiegand 4206 1915-5-18
NEBC: 00617435 Conringia orientalis (Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1913-6-5
GH: 01561450 Draba verna aestivalis Lejeune USA: New York Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 2368 1914-4-22
GH: 01549790 Lepidium virginicum Linnaeus USA: New York Syracuse: south end of Onondaga Lake K. M. Wiegand 6473 1916-8-21
GH: 01716257 Sisymbrium officinale (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: New York McLean Station K. M. Wiegand 12090 1919-8-13
Caprifoliaceae A: 02039941 Lonicera dioica Linnaeus USA: New York top of hill from Spencer Summit to West Danb... K. M. Wiegand 3188a 1914-5-27
GH: 02039958 Lonicera dioica Linnaeus USA: New York hilltop southwest of West Danby, Danby K. M. Wiegand 3188 1914-5-26
GH: 02038968 Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hooker USA: New York East of Clyde, Galen K. M. Wiegand 8838 1917-6-23
GH: 02038972 Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hooker USA: New York Wayland Swamp, Wayland K. M. Wiegand 15954 1924-6-22
GH: 02037329 Lonicera tatarica Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: near Percy Field K. M. Wiegand 5016 1914-5-12
GH: 02037961 Symphoricarpos albus (Linnaeus) Blake USA: New York above Esty's Glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 3191 1914-6-25
GH: 02037977 Symphoricarpos albus (Linnaeus) Blake USA: New York Ledyard: south of Willets, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 7192 1916-6-20
GH: 02036894 Symphoricarpos rivularis Suksdorf USA: New York Ithaca: near Enfield Ravine K. M. Wiegand 3194 1914-8-31
GH: 02036896 Symphoricarpos rivularis Suksdorf USA: New York McKinney's to Esty's, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 7191 1916-6-18
A: 02036899 Symphoricarpos rivularis Suksdorf USA: New York near Esty's Glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 3192 1914-6-25
A: 02035320 Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell USA: New York Ledyard: Paines Creek K. M. Wiegand 7196 1916-6-20
GH: 02035336 Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell USA: New York Ledyard: Paines Creek Glen, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 7195 1916-6-20
GH: 02035337 Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell USA: New York Mt. Toppin, Preble K. M. Wiegand 3196 1914-7-7
GH: 00031622 Triosteum aurantiacum glaucescens Wiegand USA: New York Ledyard: Paines Creek, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 7196 1916-6-20
GH: 02035378 Triosteum aurantiacum glaucescens Wiegand USA: New York Esty - McKinney state road near Esty, Lansin... K. M. Wiegand 13824 1920-9-11
GH: 02035379 Triosteum aurantiacum glaucescens Wiegand USA: New York Esty-McKinney state road near Esty K. M. Wiegand 13824 1920-9-11
GH: 02035380 Triosteum aurantiacum glaucescens Wiegand USA: New York ravine east of Ludlowville, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 10795 1918-6-12
NEBC: 00579590 Viburnum dentatum lucidum Aiton USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1066 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00579612 Viburnum dentatum lucidum Aiton USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1034 1911-5-30
GH: 02185691 Viburnum lantanoides Michaux USA: New York Newfield Creek, one-half mile above village,... K. M. Wiegand 3198 1914-5-17
GH: 02186961 Viburnum opulus trilobum (Marshall) R. T. Clausen USA: New York Along railroad in Preble Swamp, Preble K. M. Wiegand 1152 1913-8-11
Caryophyllaceae NEBC: 00820238 Arenaria serpyllifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 974 1911-5-30
GH: 01742901 Cerastium arvense Linnaeus USA: New York southeast corner of Seneca Lake, Watkins K. M. Wiegand 15464 1924-5-24
NEBC: 00698562 Honckenya peploides robusta (Fernald) Hultén USA: Massachusetts Ipswich: Ipswich K. M. Wiegand 1184 1911-6-15
GH: 01744917 Lychnis chalcedonica Linnaeus USA: New York Narrows, south of Cayuta Lake, Catharine K. M. Wiegand 6420 1916-7-30
GH: 01714440 Paronychia canadensis (Linnaeus) Alph. Wood USA: New York bank of Lehigh Valley R.R., Montour K. M. Wiegand 8061 1917-9-23
NEBC: 00602635 Scleranthus annuus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 973 1911-5-30
GH: 01751958 Silene dichotoma Ehrhart USA: New York Groton Road K. M. Wiegand 2269 1914-7-5
NEBC: 00581320 Spergularia rubra (Linnaeus) J. Presl & C. Presl USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 975 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00753622 Stellaria longifolia Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1076 1911-6-22
Celastraceae NEBC: 00295295 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: near R.R. [Railroad]; Lyon ... K. M. Wiegand 1016 1911-5-30
GH: 00295433 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6794 1916-6-20
GH: 01855009 Euonymus obovatus Nuttall USA: New York near Big Gulf, Mayville K. M. Wiegand 15751 1924-6-25
Cephaloziaceae FH: 00496485 Cephalozia lunulifolia (Dumortier) Dumortier USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-19
FH: 00496486 Cephalozia lunulifolia (Dumortier) Dumortier USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894
Ceratophyllaceae GH: 02073345 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 471 1913-7-19
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01826385 Atriplex patula Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2251 1914-9-12
GH: 01826709 Atriplex rosea Linnaeus USA: New York Syracuse: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6390 1916-9-14
GH: 01781252 Blitum bonus-henricus (Linnaeus) Reichenbach USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 917 1909-9-6
GH: 01781988 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2247 1914-9-27
GH: 01782376 Chenopodium berlandieri bushianum (Aellen) Cronquist USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2248 1914-9-27
GH: 01782374 Chenopodium berlandieri bushianum (Aellen) Cronquist USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 8050 1917-9-23
GH: 01783148 Oxybasis glauca (Linnaeus) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6377 1916-8-21
GH: 01783239 Oxybasis rubra (Linnaeus) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch USA: New York Syracuse: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6375 1916-9-14
GH: 01783537 Salicornia europaea Linnaeus USA: New York Syracuse: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6392 1916-8-21
GH: 01785005 Salsola tragus pseudotragus (Beck) Mosyakin USA: New York Syracuse: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6393 1916-9-14
Cistaceae NEBC: 00757843 Lechea pulchella Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Dedham: Dedham K. M. Wiegand 1909-7-23
Commelinaceae GH: 02073903 Commelina erecta Linnaeus USA: North Carolina [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 705 1927-6-30
NEBC: 00699957 Lechea mucronata (do not use) Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Natick: Natick, Eliot St. near Morseville K. M. Wiegand 2025 1911-9-28
Convolvulaceae GH: 02055609 Calystegia spithamaea (Linnaeus) Pursh USA: New York 1 mile north of New London K. M. Wiegand 15119 1923-6-23
GH: 02055819 Convolvulus arvensis Linnaeus USA: New York near Westbury Bog, Butler K. M. Wiegand 8653 1917-6-24
GH: 02056575 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: New York Ithaca: mouth of gorge, Enfield Ravine K. M. Wiegand 3044 1914-8-31
GH: 02042378 Ipomoea pandurata Conzatti & L. C. Smith USA: North Carolina 6 miles west of Greenville K. M. Wiegand 2653 1927-6-25
Cornaceae A: 01845629 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: New York Kings Ferry, Genoa K. M. Wiegand 6956 1916-5-19
NEBC: 00573519 Cornus racemosa Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1103 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00573548 Cornus racemosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1023 1911-5-30
GH: 02018528 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: New York McKinney's Glens, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2950 1914-6-11
GH: 02018527 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: New York Ithaca: at foot bridge, Fall Creek, Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 2949 1914-7-11
Crassulaceae GH: 01991263 Sedum acre Linnaeus USA: New York Chautauqua County. Sinclairville. K. M. Wiegand 15565 1924-6-24
GH: 01991266 Sedum acre Linnaeus USA: New York near Willow Glen Cemetery K. M. Wiegand 2423 1914-7-11
Cupressaceae GH: 02107334 Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 5452 1916-8-21
Cyperaceae GH: 02367189 Bulbostylis capillaris (Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 190 1913-8-27
GH: 02367188 Bulbostylis capillaris (Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3125 1913-8-27
GH: 02394333 Carex alopecoidea Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13900 1921-5-22
GH: 02394329 Carex alopecoidea Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1895-6-17
GH: 02371831 Carex annectens (E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1834 1914-7-20
GH: 02370145 Carex appalachica J. M. Webber & P. W. Ball USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15019 1923-7-1
GH: 02370141 Carex appalachica J. M. Webber & P. W. Ball USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1824 1914-6-7
GH: 02370139 Carex appalachica J. M. Webber & P. W. Ball USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1808 1914-6-7
GH: 02370138 Carex appalachica J. M. Webber & P. W. Ball USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9459 1918-6-27
GH: 02370122 Carex appalachica J. M. Webber & P. W. Ball USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1823 1914-6-7
GH: 02392597 Carex arcta Boott USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1896-6
NEBC: 00216464 Carex atlantica L. H. Bailey USA: Rhode Island East Providence: K. M. Wiegand 939 1911-5-30
GH: 02391179 Carex atlantica L. H. Bailey USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11531 1919-6-8
GH: 02391305 Carex atlantica capillacea (L. H. Bailey) Reznicek USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1803 1914-6-20
NEBC: 00218168 Carex blanda Dewey USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Barrington Boulevard K. M. Wiegand 946 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00218167 Carex blanda Dewey USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Lyon Farm K. M. Wiegand 936 1911-5-20
NEBC: 00221293 Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie ex Lunell USA: Massachusetts Worcester: South of the city, valleyof the B... K. M. Wiegand 1049 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00221316 Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie ex Lunell USA: Rhode Island East Providence: K. M. Wiegand 938 1911-5-30
GH: 02392432 Carex brunnescens (Persoon) Poiret USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1896-5-30
GH: 02392427 Carex brunnescens (Persoon) Poiret USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11535 1919-5-30
GH: 02392425 Carex brunnescens (Persoon) Poiret USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1806 1914-5-31
GH: 02393926 Carex canescens Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1804 1914-5-31
GH: 02393840 Carex canescens disjuncta (Fernald) Toivonen USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11534 1919-6-8
GH: 02393844 Carex canescens disjuncta (Fernald) Toivonen USA: New York Junius: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2264 1894-5-30
GH: 02371467 Carex cephaloidea (Dewey) Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9463 1918-5-28
GH: 02371466 Carex cephaloidea (Dewey) Dewey USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11558 1919-6-6
GH: 02371465 Carex cephaloidea (Dewey) Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13899 1921-5-22
GH: 02371486 Carex cephaloidea (Dewey) Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1895-6-14
NEBC: 00222162 Carex cephalophora Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Lyon Farm K. M. Wiegand 934 1911-5-30
GH: 02370555 Carex cephalophora Muhlenberg USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1828 1914-6-5
NEBC: 00228470 Carex crinita crinita USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Valley of the Blackstone River, s... K. M. Wiegand 1042 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00260098 Carex crinita gynandra (Schweinitz) Schweinitz & Torrey USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Barrington Boulevard K. M. Wiegand 942 1911-5-30
GH: 02395519 Carex diandra Schrank USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1835 1914-5-31
GH: 02395516 Carex diandra Schrank USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13422 1920-6-27
GH: 02395511 Carex diandra Schrank USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1837 1914-6-7
GH: 02395507 Carex diandra Schrank USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1895-6-2
NEBC: 00229893 Carex digitalis digitalis USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Barrington Boulevard K. M. Wiegand 945 1911-5-30
GH: 02394614 Carex disperma Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1817 1914-6-7
GH: 02394613 Carex disperma Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11537 1919-5-21
GH: 02394609 Carex disperma Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6000 1916-6-30
GH: 02391778 Carex echinata Murray USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7679 1917-6-30
GH: 02391755 Carex echinata Murray USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16455 1926-8-30
GH: 02391753 Carex echinata Murray USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1896-5-30
GH: 02391796 Carex echinata Murray USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16455 1926-8-30
NEBC: 00242013 Carex echinata echinata USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Riverside K. M. Wiegand 940 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00248029 Carex gracillima Schweinitz USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Barrington Boulevard K. M. Wiegand 943 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00260098 Carex gynandra Schweinitz USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Barrington Boulevard K. M. Wiegand 942 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00260511 Carex hirtifolia Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Valley of the Blackstone River, S... K. M. Wiegand 1107 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00260835 Carex hormathodes Fernald USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Riverside K. M. Wiegand 948 1911-5-30
GH: 02391015 Carex interior L. H. Bailey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 5990 1916-6-30
GH: 01772628 Carex intumescens Rudge USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 19340 1936-6-28
GH: 01772640 Carex intumescens Rudge USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1941 1914-6-7
GH: 01772664 Carex intumescens Rudge USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6108 1916-7-1
GH: 02578395 Carex lacustris Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6092 1916-6-30
GH: 02578398 Carex lacustris Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7780 1917-6-23
GH: 02578401 Carex lacustris Willdenow USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1896-6-8
GH: 02394126 Carex laevivaginata (Kükenthal) Mackenzie USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1839 1914-6-7
GH: 02394120 Carex laevivaginata (Kükenthal) Mackenzie USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand X19655 1937-6-20
NEBC: 01049201 Carex laxiculmis Schweinitz USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 944 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01030350 Carex laxiflora Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1110 1911-6-22
GH: 01771877 Carex lupulina Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6103 1916-8-21
GH: 01771881 Carex lupulina Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11683 1919-7-16
GH: 01773201 Carex lurida Wahlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1936 1914-7-7
GH: 02371096 Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11550 1919-6-10
NEBC: 00717106 Carex muehlenbergii enervis Boott USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 937 1911-5-30
GH: 02371197 Carex muehlenbergii enervis Boott USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13898 1921-5-23
NEBC: 00807241 Carex normalis Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1048 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01161204 Carex pallescens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1055 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01161237 Carex pallescens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 947 1911-5-30
GH: 00854501 Carex pedunculata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Montague: Montague K. M. Wiegand 78001 1912-5-11
NEBC: 00854657 Carex pellita Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1054 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00854912 Carex pensylvanica Lamarck USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 950 1911-5-30
GH: 02395672 Carex prairea Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1838 1914-5-31
GH: 02395670 Carex prairea Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1836 1914-6-20
GH: 02395666 Carex prairea Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7709 1917-6-24
NEBC: 01029510 Carex projecta Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1046 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01029511 Carex projecta Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1051 1911-6-22
GH: 02369716 Carex retroflexa Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6005 1916-6-17
GH: 01773433 Carex retrorsa Schweinitz USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6100 1916-6-20
NEBC: 00892759 Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1041 1911-6-22
GH: 02370028 Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1820 1914-6-5
GH: 02370027 Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1819 1914-6-7
GH: 02370022 Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11543 1919-6-10
GH: 01774422 Carex rostrata Stokes USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16457 1926-9-6
NEBC: 00775823 Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1044 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00802411 Carex seorsa Howe USA: Massachusetts Needham: Needham K. M. Wiegand 1908-6-5
GH: 01771465 Carex sp. Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 27631 1925-9-4
GH: 02371573 Carex sparganioides Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand X19664 1937-6-19
GH: 02371571 Carex sparganioides Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6007 1916-6-20
GH: 02371567 Carex sparganioides Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1832 1914-6-7
GH: 02391418 Carex sterilis Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1802 1914-6-20
GH: 02391407 Carex sterilis Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Junius: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2512 1904-5-27
NEBC: 00766025 Carex stipata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 949 1911-5-30
GH: 02395979 Carex stipata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11567 1919-6-6
NEBC: 01029921 Carex stricta Lamarck USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 941 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01059100 Carex swanii (Fernald) Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1052 1911-6-22
GH: 02578320 Carex trichocarpa Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1895-6-17
GH: 02578331 Carex trichocarpa Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9528 1918-5-28
GH: 02394824 Carex trisperma Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 5997 1916-7-2
GH: 02394823 Carex trisperma Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1815 1914-6-20
GH: 01774020 Carex tuckermanii Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1945 1914-6-3
GH: 01773757 Carex utriculata Boott USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11700 1919-7-16
GH: 01773759 Carex utriculata Boott USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7801 1917-7-11
GH: 01773764 Carex utriculata Boott USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16457 1926-9-6
GH: 01773774 Carex utriculata Boott USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1944 1914-6-7
GH: 01774805 Carex vesicaria Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-6-22
GH: 01774836 Carex vesicaria Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1914-6-7
GH: 01775384 Carex vesicaria Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11699 1919-7-16
NEBC: 01042983 Cyperus engelmannii Steudel USA: Massachusetts Framingham: So. [South] Framingham, by Farm ... K. M. Wiegand 1909-10-9
NEBC: 01042983 Cyperus odoratus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Framingham: So. [South] Framingham, by Farm ... K. M. Wiegand 1909-10-9
NEBC: 01047084 Cyperus squarrosus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wayland: Wayland, Heard's Pond K. M. Wiegand 1909-8-27
NEBC: 01047085 Cyperus squarrosus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wayland: Wayland, Lake Cochituate, south end K. M. Wiegand 1909-10-1
NEBC: 00680013 Eleocharis elliptica Kunth USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 933 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01048015 Eleocharis engelmannii Steudel USA: Massachusetts Westwood: Westwood K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00766193 Lipocarpha micrantha (Vahl) G. C. Tucker USA: Massachusetts Wayland: Wayland, Heard's Pond K. M. Wiegand 1909-8-27
NEBC: 00766196 Lipocarpha micrantha (Vahl) G. C. Tucker USA: Massachusetts Sherborn: Sherborn, Farm Pond K. M. Wiegand 1909-10-5
NEBC: 00892267 Scirpus hattorianus Makino USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1050 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01160796 Scirpus microcarpus J. Presl & C. Presl USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1040 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00807446 Scirpus pungens Vahl USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 935 1911-5-30
Dennstaedtiaceae NEBC: 00663149 Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michaux) T. Moore USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1911-5-30
Droseraceae GH: 01143877 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: New York Mendon. K. M. Wiegand 9960 1918-8-17
GH: 01143881 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: New York Junius Peat Bog, Waterloo. K. M. Wiegand 6547 1916-8-16
GH: 01143882 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: New York Cicero Swamp, west end, Cicero. K. M. Wiegand 6548 1916-8-21
GH: 01145259 Drosera rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: New York In Bergen Swamp, Bergen. K. M. Wiegand 9958 1918-8-18
Dysphaniaceae GH: 01784242 Dysphania ambrosioides (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: New York Syracuse: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6369 1916-8-21
GH: 01784430 Dysphania aristata (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6372 1916-9-13
GH: 01784430 Dysphania botrys (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6372 1916-9-13
Ericaceae GH: 01117234 Andromeda polifolia latifolia Aiton USA: New York shore of Plymouth Pond, Plymouth K. M. Wiegand 6982 1916-8-27
GH: 01117239 Andromeda polifolia latifolia Aiton USA: New York Waterloo K. M. Wiegand 2974 1914-6-20
GH: 01117245 Andromeda polifolia latifolia Aiton USA: New York Dryden: Round Marshes (Gracie's Swamp) and V... K. M. Wiegand 2973 1914-5-22
GH: 01117104 Andromeda polifolia glaucophylla (Link) de Candolle USA: New York Mendon Ponds K. M. Wiegand 10572 1918-8-17
GH: 01117107 Andromeda polifolia glaucophylla (Link) de Candolle USA: New York McCall Pond, Preston K. M. Wiegand 6981 1916-8-27
GH: 01536511 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: New York top of Connecticut Hill; Newfield K. M. Wiegand 6985 1916-7-30
A: 01536518 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: New York Lehigh Valley quaries, Lime Rock K. M. Wiegand 15851 1924-5-25
GH: 01591854 Gaultheria hispidula (Linnaeus) Muhlenberg USA: New York east of Clyde K. M. Wiegand 8601 1917-6-23
GH: 01591862 Gaultheria hispidula (Linnaeus) Muhlenberg USA: New York south of 8th Lake K. M. Wiegand 16705 1926-8-30
GH: 01592504 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: New York east of Clyde, Galen K. M. Wiegand 8604 1917-6-23
GH: 01593620 Kalmia angustifolia Linnaeus USA: New York border of Plymouth Pond, Plymouth K. M. Wiegand 6976 1916-8-27
GH: 01594590 Kalmia polifolia Wangenheim USA: New York Cicero Swamp, Cicero K. M. Wiegand 6979 1916-8-21
GH: 01594593 Kalmia polifolia Wangenheim USA: New York Mud Pond K. M. Wiegand 13764 1920-6-27
GH: 01720066 Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House USA: New York west slope of Connecticut Hill, Newfield K. M. Wiegand 6962 1916-7-30
GH: 01720067 Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House USA: New York west of McCall Pond, Preston K. M. Wiegand 6961 1916-8-27
GH: 01683776 Pyrola americana Sweet USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6966 1916-7-30
GH: 01763891 Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6972 1916-8-27
GH: 01763910 Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6971 1916-7-1
A: 01764913 Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 10569 1918-8-17
A: 01764924 Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2970 1914-5-26
GH: 01764927 Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2970 1914-5-26
GH: 01764941 Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6973 1916-7-1
NEBC: 00519855 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1026 1911-5-30
GH: 00638197 Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus Loddiges USA: Maine Eastport: Eastport K. M. Wiegand 1909-7-14
Fabaceae GH: 02067085 Apios americana Medikus USA: New York North Pond, Sandy Creek K. M. Wiegand 13692 1920-8-22
GH: 02067111 Apios americana Medikus USA: New York around Lowery's Pond. Junius K. M. Wiegand 6757 1916-8-16
GH: 02047091 Astragalus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York north of Lake Ridge, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 10173 1918-7-18
GH: 02047092 Astragalus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York Myers Point, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 10171 1918-8-21
GH: 01881314 Baptisia tinctoria (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Pennsylvania Warriors Mark K. M. Wiegand 1924-6-27
GH: 01881972 Coronilla varia Linnaeus USA: New York North Spencer K. M. Wiegand 2706 1914-8-17
GH: 01881970 Coronilla varia Linnaeus USA: New York near Salmon Creek, east of Five Corners. Gen... K. M. Wiegand 10177 1918-8-21
GH: 01961162 Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle ex G. Don USA: New York Mendon K. M. Wiegand 10178 1918-8-17
GH: 02150822 Lespedeza capitata Michaux USA: New York 2 miles east of Owego K. M. Wiegand 12337 1919-9-18
GH: 02087291 Lespedeza nuttallii Darlington USA: New York Ithaca: north of Enfield Ravine K. M. Wiegand 1895-8-14
GH: 02177814 Lupinus perennis Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2691 1914-6-20
NEBC: 00534397 Medicago lupulina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1010 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00534398 Medicago lupulina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1011 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00591648 Melilotus albus Medikus USA: Massachusetts Dedham: Dedham K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-23
GH: 02130228 Melilotus altissimus Thuillier USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 14796 1922-8-17
NEBC: 00564561 Melilotus officinalis (Linnaeus) Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Dedham: Dedham K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-23
GH: 02133563 Pitcheria galactoides Nuttall USA: Florida [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1627 1927-8-6
GH: 02342027 Trifolium arvense Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 4402 1915-9-3
NEBC: 00586306 Trifolium aureum Pollich USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1079 1911-6-22
GH: 02342422 Trifolium campestre Schreber USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2696 1914-8-6
GH: 02342722 Trifolium dubium Sibthorp USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15092 1923-6-3
GH: 02344210 Trifolium repens Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 12318 1919-6-6
GH: 02345075 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6750 1916-6-20
GH: 02345391 Vicia angustifolia Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6743 1916-7-30
GH: 02345381 Vicia angustifolia Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2720 1914-7-24
GH: 02345461 Vicia angustifolia segitalis (Thuillier) Arcangeli USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 8363 1917-7-25
NEBC: 00591926 Vicia sativa nigra (Linnaeus) Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1078 1911-6-22
GH: 02347543 Vicia villosa Roth USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 10190 1918-7-29
Fagaceae NEBC: 00727863 Fagus grandifolia Ehrhart USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 971 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00567268 Quercus bicolor Willdenow USA: Massachusetts West Medway K. M. Wiegand 1171 1911-9-13
Frullaniaceae FH: 00498736 Frullania tamarisci (Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-17
Gentianaceae GH: 02069363 Bartonia virginica (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: New York along Marl Pond. Junius K. M. Wiegand 4830 1915-7-24
GH: 02072799 Gentiana linearis Froelich USA: New York strand of upper Brown Tract Pond K. M. Wiegand 16719 1926-9-11
GH: 02072798 Gentiana linearis Froelich USA: New York Sandy strand of White Lake K. M. Wiegand 16718 1926-9-15
Geocalycaceae FH: 00498811 Geocalyx graveolens (Schrader) Dumortier USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-19
Geraniaceae NEBC: 00761088 Erodium cicutarium (Linnaeus) L'Heritier ex Aiton USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1913-6-11
NEBC: 01067564 Geranium carolinianum confertiflorum Fernald USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1012 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01068353 Geranium maculatum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1080 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01068392 Geranium maculatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1013 1911-5-30
Haloragaceae GH: 01628731 Proserpinaca palustris Linnaeus USA: New York north of Crusoe Lake K. M. Wiegand 6935 1916-7-3
GH: 01628734 Proserpinaca palustris Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: Renwick K. M. Wiegand 1895-7-22
Hypoxidaceae NEBC: 01652469 Hypoxis hirsuta (Linnaeus) Coville USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Barrington Boulevard K. M. Wiegand 964 1911-5-30
Iridaceae NEBC: 01044516 Iris versicolor Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 965 1911-5-30
GH: 01748720 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller USA: New York northeast of Mud Lake, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6209 1916-7-1
GH: 01748726 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller USA: New York Victory K. M. Wiegand 6207 1916-7-1
GH: 02237553 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11805 1919-7-16
NEBC: 01044754 Sisyrinchium atlanticum E. P. Bicknell USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1073 1911-6-22
GH: 01750050 Sisyrinchium montanum Greene USA: New York Victory K. M. Wiegand 6207a 1916-7-1
Isoetaceae GH: 02074644 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: New York South Pond. Sandy Creek K. M. Wiegand 13330 1920-8-23
Juncaceae GH: 02098306 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1966 1914-7-3
GH: 02098304 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3687 1915-7-20
GH: 02098302 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6175 1916-8-27
GH: 02098813 Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus (Farwell) Hämet-Ahti USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13455 1920-8-20
GH: 02098803 Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus (Farwell) Hämet-Ahti USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 906 1909-9-3
GH: 02098960 Juncus articulatus Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13457 1920-6-26
GH: 02098941 Juncus articulatus Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9600 1918-8-17
GH: 02098940 Juncus articulatus Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-8-6
GH: 02099611 Juncus balticus littoralis (Engelmann) Snogerup USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9565 1918-8-18
GH: 02100040 Juncus brachycephalus (Engelmann) Buchenau USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6152 1916-8-21
GH: 02100327 Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelmann) Fernald USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16490 1926-8-30
GH: 02100322 Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelmann) Fernald USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6154 1916-7-30
GH: 02100321 Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelmann) Fernald USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6155 1916-8-26
GH: 02100692 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6137 1916-7-1
GH: 02100968 Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6165 1916-8-27
GH: 02102407 Juncus dudleyi Wiegand USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6145 1916-7-1
GH: 02102405 Juncus dudleyi Wiegand USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1898-8
GH: 02102404 Juncus dudleyi Wiegand USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6143 1916-6-20
GH: 02102822 Juncus effusus solutus (Fernald & Wiegand) Hämet-Ahti USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6146 1916-7-1
NEBC: 00835879 Juncus effusus decipiens Buchenau USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-7-18
NEBC: 00835880 Juncus effusus decipiens Buchenau USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-7-18
GH: 02401432 Juncus filiformis Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16494 1926-9-6
GH: 02401547 Juncus gerardi Loiseleur-Deslongchamps USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6138 1916-8-21
GH: 02400084 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9605 1918-9-11
GH: 02399537 Juncus pelocarpus E. Meyer USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16499 1926-9-15
GH: 02399535 Juncus pelocarpus E. Meyer USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13452 1920-8-20
GH: 02399864 Juncus pylaei Laharpe USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1960 1914-7-19
GH: 02396437 Luzula acuminata Rafinesque USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1968 1914-5-3
NEBC: 00880287 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 953 1911-5-30
GH: 02117767 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11762 1919-6-1
Juncaginaceae NEBC: 00684138 Triglochin maritima Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 925 1911-5-30
GH: 01617769 Triglochin palustris Linnaeus USA: New York Bergen swamp K. M. Wiegand 9117 1918-8-18
Jungermanniaceae FH: 00499276 Jamesoniella autumnalis (de Candolle) Stephani USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-19
FH: 00499277 Jamesoniella autumnalis (de Candolle) Stephani USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-17
Lamiaceae GH: 01580953 Agastache nepetoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: New York shore of Green Lake, Dewitt K. M. Wiegand 7071 1916-8-21
GH: 01555310 Blephilia ciliata (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: Pennsylvania south of Bellefont K. M. Wiegand 1924-6-28
GH: 01555369 Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh) Bentham USA: New York Ithaca: Lick Brook K. M. Wiegand 7081 1916-7-16
GH: 01555370 Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh) Bentham USA: New York along Salmon Creek, two miles north of Ludlo... K. M. Wiegand 10698 1918-8-21
GH: 01554674 Galeopsis bifida Boenninghausen USA: New York Ithaca: "Gravelly island" Beebe Lake, Fall C... K. M. Wiegand 3069 1914-8-5
GH: 01554860 Glechoma hederacea Linnaeus USA: New York near Oswego K. M. Wiegand 3066 1914-5-24
GH: 01553868 Lamium purpureum Linnaeus USA: New York north of Enfield Ravine, Enfield K. M. Wiegand 7073 1916-5-14
GH: 01553869 Lamium purpureum Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: near Fleming school house K. M. Wiegand 3070 1914-5-3
GH: 01552304 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: New York Syracuse: south end of Onondaga Lake K. M. Wiegand 7107 1916-8-21
GH: 01552876 Lycopus uniflorus Michaux USA: New York shore of South Bay, Cicero K. M. Wiegand 7103 1916-8-21
GH: 01552880 Lycopus uniflorus Michaux USA: New York Junius Peat Bogs, Waterloo K. M. Wiegand 7104 1916-8-16
GH: 01552883 Lycopus uniflorus Michaux USA: New York border of Plymouth Pond, Plymouth K. M. Wiegand 7102 1916-8-27
GH: 01552887 Lycopus uniflorus Michaux USA: New York shore of Green (White) Lake, East of Jamesvi... K. M. Wiegand 7105 1916-8-21
GH: 01552895 Lycopus uniflorus Michaux USA: New York Near Woodwardia Swamp, Dryden K. M. Wiegand 3095 1914-9-12
GH: 01551113 Marrubium vulgare Linnaeus USA: New York northeast corner of Butler K. M. Wiegand 7069 1916-7-3
GH: 01551971 Mentha gentilis Linnaeus USA: New York Truxton K. M. Wiegand 920 1909-9-8
GH: 01600940 Monarda fistulosa Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: returning from mouth of Enfield Ravi... K. M. Wiegand 7079 1916-7-30
GH: 01599285 Monarda fistulosa mollis (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: New York Ithaca: near mouth of Enfield Ravine K. M. Wiegand 7080 1916-7-30
GH: 02236601 Monarda media Willdenow USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7078 1916-7-30
GH: 01599891 Origanum vulgare Linnaeus USA: New York south of Willet's, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6567 1916-6-20
GH: 01598480 Physostegia virginiana (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: New York 1 mile south of Dryden K. M. Wiegand 3068 1914-8-29
GH: 01598481 Physostegia virginiana (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: New York mouth of Havanna Glen, Montour K. M. Wiegand 8691 1917-9-23
NEBC: 00591107 Prunella vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Pittsfield: Pittsfield K. M. Wiegand 1909-8-31
GH: 01597546 Pycnanthemum incanum (Linnaeus) Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: near Coy Glen K. M. Wiegand 3091 1914-9-4
GH: 01596100 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: New York Ithaca: Triphammer Road, Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 3085 1914-8-3
GH: 02539731 Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca, road to lighthouse K. M. Wiegand 1896-7-14
NEBC: 00707499 Stachys hispida Pursh USA: Massachusetts Needham: Needham K. M. Wiegand 1 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00668583 Stachys hispida Pursh USA: Massachusetts Medfield: Medfield K. M. Wiegand 2 1908-7-9
GH: 01699999 Teucrium canadense Linnaeus USA: New York N. Y. C. freight tracks, southeast corner of... K. M. Wiegand 7066 1916-9-14
GH: 01700251 Teucrium canadense occidentale (A. Gray) E.M. McClint. & Epling USA: New York Main Lake, Tully K. M. Wiegand 1019 1913-8-11
GH: 01700448 Thymus pulegioides Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: north of Pleasant Grove Cemetery K. M. Wiegand 3092 1914-8-3
GH: 02539737 Thymus serpyllum Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca Roadisdie just N of Pleasant K. M. Wiegand 1895-7-22
Lauraceae NEBC: 00505088 Lindera benzoin (Linnaeus) Blume USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 982 1911-5-30
Lejeuneaceae FH: 00499821 Lejeunea flava (Swartz) Nees USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-17
FH: 00500145 Leucolejeunea clypeata (Schweinitz) A. W. Evans USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-27
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974667 Utricularia cornuta Michaux USA: New York Mendon. K. M. Wiegand 10760 1918-8-17
GH: 01974788 Utricularia geminiscapa Benjamin USA: New York Lowery's Pond, Junius. K. M. Wiegand 7158 1916-8-16
Liliaceae GH: 02466880 Anticlea elegans glaucus (Nuttall) Zomlefer & Judd USA: New York Bergen Swamp. K. M. Wiegand 9610 1918-8-18
NEBC: 00505666 Maianthemum canadense Desfontaines USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 954 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00817382 Maianthemum racemosum (Linnaeus) Link USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1071 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00868264 Maianthemum racemosum (Linnaeus) Link USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 956 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00810831 Uvularia perfoliata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1072 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00810913 Uvularia perfoliata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 957 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00869815 Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 958 1911-5-30
Limnanthaceae GH: 01181166 Floerkea proserpinacoides Willdenow USA: New York Homer Gulf. Homer K. M. Wiegand 15742 1924-6-1
Linaceae GH: 02054258 Linum virginianum Linnaeus USA: New York Newfield: just below village, Newfield Glen K. M. Wiegand 6761 1916-7-30
Lobeliaceae GH: 01798445 Lobelia kalmii Linnaeus USA: New York South Bay, Cicero K. M. Wiegand 7216 1916-8-21
GH: 01798466 Lobelia kalmii Linnaeus USA: New York Bergen Swamp, Bergen K. M. Wiegand 10822 1918-8-18
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02163502 Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: New York Lake Como to Homer, Summer Hill K. M. Wiegand 1459 1914-9-6
GH: 02163869 Diphasiastrum tristachyum (Pursh) Holub USA: New York south of 8th Lake K. M. Wiegand 16391 1926-8-30
GH: 02077133 Huperzia lucidula (Michaux) Trevisan USA: New York Junius, Waterloo K. M. Wiegand 5424 1916-8-16
GH: 02077860 Lycopodium clavatum Linnaeus USA: New York Lake Como to Homer, Summer Hill K. M. Wiegand 1456 1914-9-6
GH: 02076063 Lycopodium lagopus (Laestadius ex C. Hartman) G. Zinserling ex Kuzeneva USA: New York Summit of Bear Mountain, 7th Lake K. M. Wiegand 16389 1926-9-1
GH: 02076612 Spinulum annotinum (Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: New York summit of Bear Mountain, 7th Lake K. M. Wiegand 16388 1926-9-1
Malvaceae GH: 02201655 Malva alcea Linnaeus USA: New York Truxton K. M. Wiegand 915 1909-9-6
GH: 02201650 Malva alcea Linnaeus USA: New York near High School, Truxton K. M. Wiegand 799
Metzgeriaceae FH: 00507317 Metzgeria conjugata Lindberg USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-17
Moraceae A: 01545461 Morus rubra Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: Old street railway grade, toward Ren... K. M. Wiegand 9817 1918-6-15
Myricaceae NEBC: 00563468 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 968 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00563469 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 969 1911-5-30
Najadaceae NEBC: 01032114 Najas gracillima (A. Braun ex Engelmann) Magnus USA: Massachusetts Needham: Needham K. M. Wiegand 1909-8-26
GH: 01734389 Zannichellia palustris Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 5475 1916-8-16
Nyctaginaceae GH: 01846430 Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michaux) MacMillan USA: New York Syracuse: near Salt Marsh, southeast corner ... K. M. Wiegand 6400 1916-9-15
Nymphaeaceae GH: 01739900 Nuphar advena (Aiton) W. T. Aiton USA: New York south side of Slaterville swamp, Caroline K. M. Wiegand 12029 1919-7-16
GH: 01740006 Nuphar microphylla (Persoon) Fernald USA: New York Willow Grove Mill Pond, Truxton K. M. Wiegand 6430 1916-8-22
GH: 01740581 Nymphaea odorata Aiton USA: New York McMullen Pond, Hannibal K. M. Wiegand 13521 1920-6-29
Nyssaceae NEBC: 01010528 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1024 1911-5-30
Oleaceae GH: 01849560 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall USA: New York Ithaca: road to Buttermilk Ravine (South Cay... K. M. Wiegand 3029 1914-5-17
Onagraceae GH: 01674719 Circaea canadensis canadensis (Linnaeus) Hill USA: New York Newfield Glen, Newfield K. M. Wiegand 6931 1916-7-30
GH: 01674720 Circaea canadensis canadensis (Linnaeus) Hill USA: New York Ithaca: Lick Brook K. M. Wiegand 6930 1916-7-16
GH: 01672922 Epilobium ciliatum Rafinesque USA: New York Slayton Pond, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6912 1916-7-2
Orchidaceae AMES: 02031816 Calopogon tuberosus (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: New York Mud Pond K. M. Wiegand 13478 1920-6-27
GH: 01938182 Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: New York Eagle Pond (near 7th Lake) K. M. Wiegand 16506 1926-8-30
GH: 01938315 Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: New York west slope of Connecticut Hill, Newfield K. M. Wiegand 6293 1916-7-30
AMES: 02028388 Goodyera repens ophioides Fernald USA: New York Bug Lake (near 7th Lake) K. M. Wiegand 16509 1926-8-30
AMES: 02028393 Goodyera repens ophioides Fernald USA: New York west shore of McCall Pond, Preston K. M. Wiegand 6289 1916-8-27
AMES: 02045943 Platanthera lacera (Michaux) G. Don USA: New York Springy Meadow, east of Mud Pond, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6245 1916-7-1
AMES: 02045950 Platanthera lacera (Michaux) G. Don USA: New York northeast corner of Butler K. M. Wiegand 6250 1916-7-3
AMES: 02031067 Pogonia ophioglossoides (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: New York Northeast side of moor of Mud Pond, Oswego K. M. Wiegand 13477 1920-6-27
AMES: 02032223 Spiranthes incurva (Jennings) M. C. Pace USA: New York one mile south of Dryden K. M. Wiegand 2044 1914-8-29
Orobanchaceae GH: 02033229 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: New York side of Connecticut Hill, Enfield K. M. Wiegand 7144 1916-7-30
GH: 01879851 Conopholis americana (Linnaeus) Wallroth USA: New York north shore of Summit Marsh, Spencer K. M. Wiegand 14915 1922-6-7
NEBC: 00731349 Orobanche uniflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1030 1911-5-30
GH: 02080108 Pedicularis canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York one miles south of Oswego K. M. Wiegand 3128 1914-5-24
GH: 02080104 Pedicularis canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York Dryden: southeast corner of Dryden K. M. Wiegand 4971 1915-5-23
Osmundaceae NEBC: 00631029 Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1911-5-30
Oxalidaceae GH: 01585222 Oxalis dillenii Jacquin USA: New York Ithaca: mouth of Lick Brook K. M. Wiegand 12365 1919-6-6
GH: 01585470 Oxalis florida Salisbury USA: New York southeast of McLean K. M. Wiegand 10204 1918-6-8
NEBC: 01067483 Oxalis stricta Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1081 1911-6-22
Papaveraceae GH: 01738159 Adlumia fungosa (Aiton) Greene ex Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Pennsylvania Trout Run K. M. Wiegand 1924-6-28
GH: 01739317 Dicentra canadensis (Goldie) Walpers USA: New York below Varna cross roads, Dryden K. M. Wiegand 2364 1914-5-10
Parnassiaceae GH: 01855586 Parnassia glauca Rafinesque USA: New York Bergen swamp K. M. Wiegand 9970 1918-8-17
Pinaceae A: 00397188 Picea mariana (Miller) Brittan, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: New York Mendon K. M. Wiegand 9083 1918-8-17
Plantaginaceae NEBC: 00745191 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1093 1911-6-22
GH: 00466745 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: New York east of Slaterville, Caroline K. M. Wiegand 4500 1915-5-23
GH: 02212625 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6780 1916-8-5
GH: 02212763 Callitriche sp. USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2751 1914-7-5
GH: 02212838 Chaenorhinum minus (Linnaeus) Lange USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7132 1916-8-21
GH: 01999648 Gratiola neglecta Torrey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 10749 1918-6-27
NEBC: 00650280 Nuttallanthus canadensis (Linnaeus) D. A. Sutton USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1029 1911-5-30
GH: 02118035 Penstemon calycosus Small USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7137 1916-7-3
GH: 02120334 Penstemon hirsutus (Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3112 1914-6-11
NEBC: 00745593 Plantago virginica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1031 1911-5-30
GH: 01805289 Veronica anagallis-aquatica Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 12895 1919-7-31
GH: 01805284 Veronica anagallis-aquatica Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 12894 1919-7-31
NEBC: 00656594 Veronica arvensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1028 1911-5-30
GH: 01805619 Veronica chamaedrys Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1100 1913-8-11
GH: 01805842 Veronica officinalis Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16738 1926-9-1
GH: 01805937 Veronica officinalis tournefortii Reichenbach USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3119 1914-5-24
GH: 01811025 Veronica peregrina Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 4950 1915-5-18
Platanaceae NEBC: 00648245 Platanus occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 987 1911-5-30
Poaceae NEBC: 01175893 Anthoxanthum nitens (Weber) Y. Schouten & J. F. Veldkamp USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 930 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01175894 Anthoxanthum nitens (Weber) Y. Schouten & J. F. Veldkamp USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 932 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01045300 Brachyelytrum aristosum (Michaux) P. Beauvois ex Branner & Coville USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1104 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00611572 Bromus tectorum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 929 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00635547 Cenchrus longispinus (Hackel) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Natick: Natick K. M. Wiegand 1909-10-1
NEBC: 00750325 Dichanthelium acuminatum columbianum (Scribner) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-1
NEBC: 00737758 Dichanthelium acuminatum implicatum (Scribner) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1120 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00768483 Dichanthelium acuminatum lindheimeri (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-7-20
NEBC: 00764572 Dichanthelium boreale (Nash) Freckmann USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-7-24
NEBC: 00764587 Dichanthelium boreale (Nash) Freckmann USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1115 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00764843 Dichanthelium clandestinum (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1114 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00635899 Dichanthelium depauperatum (Muhlenberg) Gould USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 927 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00635923 Dichanthelium depauperatum (Muhlenberg) Gould USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1121 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00684683 Dichanthelium dichotomum (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00855073 Dichanthelium latifolium (Linnaeus) Harvill USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1113 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00875538 Dichanthelium oligosanthes scribnerianum (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 926 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00875677 Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon (Elliott) Gould USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1118 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00689085 Digitaria filiformis (Linnaeus) Koeler USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1911-9-15
GH: 00609629 Echinochloa crus-galli (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: New Hampshire Jaffrey: Jaffrey K. M. Wiegand 566 1898-8-7
GH: 00609651 Echinochloa crus-galli (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Vermont Manchester (Vermont): Manchester K. M. Wiegand 272 1898-7-20
NEBC: 00609652 Echinochloa crus-galli (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Vermont Manchester (Vermont): Manchester K. M. Wiegand 272 1898-7-30
NEBC: 00865802 Elymus hystrix Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-2
NEBC: 00863640 Elymus trachycaulus subsecundus (Link) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-7-20
GH: 00415789 Eragrostis peregrina Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: Lehigh Valley Railroad yards K. M. Wiegand 1669 1914-8-12
GH: 00415789 Eragrostis pilosa (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: New York Ithaca: Lehigh Valley Railroad yards K. M. Wiegand 1669 1914-8-12
NEBC: 00594937 Festuca filiformis Pourret USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-5-27
NEBC: 00613615 Festuca ovina Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-5-27
NEBC: 00613616 Festuca ovina Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1908-5-29
NEBC: 00613617 Festuca ovina Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-6-19
NEBC: 00609968 Festuca rubra Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-6-19
NEBC: 00878725 Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batchelder USA: Massachusetts Natick: Natick, north-east cor. [corner] of ... K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-15
NEBC: 00878727 Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batchelder USA: Massachusetts Needham: Needham K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00878736 Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batchelder USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1105 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01149117 Glyceria grandis S. Watson USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1109 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00613319 Hordeum jubatum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1108 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00595176 Lolium perenne Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1912-6-20
NEBC: 00595177 Lolium perenne Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1913-6-11
NEBC: 00855898 Muhlenbergia schreberi J. F. Gmelin USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1907-9-20
NEBC: 00722428 Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Trinius USA: Massachusetts Weston: Weston, between Summer & Newton Sts. K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-27
NEBC: 00722434 Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Trinius USA: Massachusetts Needham: Needham K. M. Wiegand 1910-9-17
NEBC: 00606014 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel USA: Massachusetts Boston: So. [South] Boston Flats K. M. Wiegand 1911-9-21
NEBC: 00595679 Poa trivialis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1106 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01150487 Puccinellia fasciculata (Torrey) E. P. Bicknell USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 931 1911-5-30
GH: 01814904 Sorghastrum nutans (Linnaeus) Nash USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9133 1918-8-18
NEBC: 01175074 Spartina pectinata Link USA: Massachusetts Sudbury: between Wayland and Nobscot Hill K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-30
NEBC: 00700121 Sphenopholis nitida (Biehler) Scribner USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1908-6-10
NEBC: 00614558 Tridens flavus (Linnaeus) Hitchcock USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1910-9-16
Polemoniaceae GH: 01571742 Phlox divaricata Linnaeus USA: New York east of LeRoy K. M. Wiegand 15889 1924-5-25
Polygalaceae GH: 01968173 Polygala sanguinea Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: South Hill K. M. Wiegand 12384 1919-8-27
GH: 01968408 Polygala senega Linnaeus USA: New York Ledyard: Paines Creek Glen K. M. Wiegand 6767 1916-6-20
GH: 01968569 Polygala verticillata Linnaeus USA: New York bank of L.V.R.R., Montour K. M. Wiegand 8406 1917-9-23
Polygonaceae GH: 02346072 Antenoron virginianum (Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11986 1919-9-3
GH: 02365225 Fallopia cilinodis (Michaux) Holub USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9848 1918-6-27
GH: 02364435 Persicaria amphibia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 11972 1919-7-16
GH: 02362331 Persicaria orientalis (Linnaeus) Assenov USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 8034 1917-9-19
GH: 02362877 Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6364 1916-9-17
GH: 02362875 Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 9840 1918-8-17
NEBC: 00630544 Polygonum hydropiper Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts West Medway K. M. Wiegand 1174 1911-9-13
GH: 02007469 Polygonum prolificum (Small) B. L. Robinson USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6353 1916-9-14
GH: 02007947 Polygonum tenue Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 18817 1935-9-14
GH: 02004292 Rumex triangulivalvis (Danser) K. H. Rechinger USA: New York Syracuse: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6348 1916-9-14
Pontederiaceae GH: 02068366 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: New York South Bay, Cicero K. M. Wiegand 6133 1916-8-21
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01564774 Potamogeton epihydrus Rafinesque USA: New York Inlet to Spencer Lake, Spencer K. M. Wiegand 5467 1916-8-5
GH: 01564810 Potamogeton epihydrus Rafinesque USA: New York outlet of 8th Lake K. M. Wiegand 16411 1926-8-30
GH: 01572175 Potamogeton foliosus Rafinesque USA: New York Dwyers Pond, Cascadilla Creek, Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 1896-8-3
GH: 01572197 Potamogeton foliosus Rafinesque USA: New York Lowery's Pond, Junius K. M. Wiegand 5472 1916-8-16
GH: 01688367 Potamogeton illinoensis Morong USA: New York Summit Marsh, Spencer K. M. Wiegand 11178 1919-9-3
Primulaceae GH: 01920798 Lysimachia borealis (Rafinesque) U. Manns & Anderberg USA: New York top of South Pinnacle, Caroline K. M. Wiegand 12723 1919-6-1
GH: 01927091 Lysimachia quadrifolia Linnaeus USA: Virginia 2 miles north of Falmouth K. M. Wiegand 2479 1927-6-11
GH: 01927073 Lysimachia quadrifolia Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania Warriors Mark K. M. Wiegand 1924-6-27
GH: 01927536 Lysimachia thyrsiflora Linnaeus USA: New York north of Mud Pond K. M. Wiegand 13780 1920-6-27
GH: 01927534 Lysimachia thyrsiflora Linnaeus USA: New York border of East Mud Pond K. M. Wiegand 15878 1924-6-24
GH: 01926419 Primula veris Linnaeus USA: New York glen between Kings Ferry and Willets, Ledyar... K. M. Wiegand 7003 1916-5-19
GH: 01926694 Samolus parviflorus Rafinesque USA: New York shore of Green Lake, east of Jamesville, Dew... K. M. Wiegand 7006 1916-8-21
Ranunculaceae NEBC: 00562103 Actaea pachypoda Elliott USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1077 1911-6-22
NEBC: 01034483 Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 976 1911-5-30
GH: 01706751 Anemone cylindrica A. Gray USA: New York Sandy crest of Salmon Creek ravine, east of ... K. M. Wiegand 9902 1918-8-21
GH: 01708785 Anemone virginiana Linnaeus USA: New York Rochester: Inspiration Point K. M. Wiegand 13956 1921-5-23
NEBC: 01565134 Halerpestes cymbalaria (Pursh) Green USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Lyon Farm K. M. Wiegand 980 1911-5-30
GH: 01661279 Hepatica acutiloba de Candolle USA: New York Six miles south of Oswego K. M. Wiegand 2314 1914-5-24
NEBC: 01020555 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 977 1911-5-30
GH: 01662105 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: New York along state road 3 miles north of Jamesville... K. M. Wiegand 2291 1914-5-24
GH: 01662615 Ranunculus allegheniensis Britton USA: New York LeRoy K. M. Wiegand 13954 1921-5-22
GH: 01662852 Ranunculus aquatilis diffusus Withering USA: New York Red Mill Pond. Freeville and Vicinity, Dryde... K. M. Wiegand 8106 1917-6-30
NEBC: 00517414 Ranunculus bulbosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 979 1911-5-30
GH: 01662969 Ranunculus bulbosus Linnaeus USA: New York Paines Creek Glen, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6449 1916-6-20
GH: 01837509 Ranunculus recurvatus Poiret USA: New York Ithaca: along Fall Creek at head of Cayuga L... K. M. Wiegand 4060 1915-5-18
GH: 01837523 Ranunculus recurvatus Poiret USA: New York one mile south of Willets, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6445 1916-6-20
NEBC: 00697018 Ranunculus sceleratus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 978 1911-5-30
GH: 01838098 Ranunculus sceleratus Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: Renwick K. M. Wiegand 4055 1915-5-18
GH: 01838100 Ranunculus sceleratus Linnaeus USA: New York Spring Lake, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6442 1916-7-1
GH: 01838885 Thalictrum dioicum Linnaeus USA: New York Kings Ferry, Genoa K. M. Wiegand 6450 1916-5-19
Rhamnaceae GH: 01972661 Rhamnus alnifolia L'Heritier USA: New York Larch Meadows, Buttermilk Ravine and Vicinit... K. M. Wiegand 4531 1915-5-18
GH: 01972662 Rhamnus alnifolia L'Heritier USA: New York Dryden: Mud Pond, Round Marshes (Gracie's Sw... K. M. Wiegand 2803 1914-5-22
NEBC: 00578474 Rhamnus cathartica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1017 1911-5-30
Rosaceae NEBC: 00738572 Amelanchier USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 911 1911-5-30
GH: 00026079 Amelanchier amabilis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: Rocky crests of Fall Creek Ravine K. M. Wiegand 1897-3-11
GH: 01727166 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Ithaca: Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 1896-5-27
GH: 01727167 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Ithaca: Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 1896-4-25
GH: 01727168 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Freeville K. M. Wiegand 1896-5-7
GH: 01727169 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Ithaca: Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 1896-5-27
GH: 01727171 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Shurger's Glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 1896-5
GH: 01727172 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Ithaca: Fall Creek Ravine, Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 1897-4-28
GH: 01727173 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Ithaca: Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 1896-6-12
GH: 01727178 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Ithaca: In front of Prof. Comstock's, Fall C... K. M. Wiegand 2551a 1914-5-9
GH: 01727185 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York crest of Benicks Glen, near Ithaca, N. Y. K. M. Wiegand 1896-5-27
GH: 00483919 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 2131 1911-5-9
GH: 00483921 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 2132 1911-5-9
GH: 00483920 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 2131 1911-6-4
GH: 00483974 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 2132 1911-6-24
GH: 00519046 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Rhode Island K. M. Wiegand 1912
GH: 00026108 Amelanchier humilis Wiegand USA: New York Lake shore near McKenney's Patch K. M. Wiegand 1895
A: 01728166 Amelanchier humilis Wiegand USA: New York shore of Cayuga Lake, near McKinneys, Lansin... K. M. Wiegand 2509 1914-5-18
GH: 01728179 Amelanchier humilis Wiegand USA: New York just north of Willets Station, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6603 1916-5-19
GH: 01728180 Amelanchier humilis Wiegand USA: New York just north of Willets Station K. M. Wiegand 6603 1916-6-20
GH: 01728181 Amelanchier humilis Wiegand USA: New York Willets Station. Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6593 1916-6-20
GH: 01728182 Amelanchier humilis Wiegand USA: New York Willets Station. Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6593 1916-5-19
GH: 02503638 Amelanchier intermedia Spach USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 17962 1932-5-19
GH: 02503631 Amelanchier intermedia Spach USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2518 1914-6-16
GH: 02503632 Amelanchier intermedia Spach USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 17962 1932-6
GH: 00026111 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: At Aquaduct Bridge K. M. Wiegand 2136 1911-6-24
GH: 00026110 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: At Aquaduct Bridge K. M. Wiegand 2136 1911-5-9
GH: 01728468 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York border of Green Lake, Preble K. M. Wiegand 2539 1914-6-7
GH: 01728477 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: Six Mile Creek K. M. Wiegand 1896-4-25
GH: 01728478 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Ravine K. M. Wiegand 1895-4
GH: 01728479 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Truxton K. M. Wiegand 1897-5-9
GH: 01728480 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: Lick Brook Ravine K. M. Wiegand 1896-5-9
GH: 01728482 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Labrador Swamp. Truxton K. M. Wiegand 2536 1914-5-23
GH: 01728485 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York one mile east of Fort Ontario K. M. Wiegand 2581 1914-5-24
GH: 01728492 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: Six Mile Creek K. M. Wiegand 1896-6-12
A: 01728496 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: near Judd's Falls, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 2572 1914-6-5
GH: 01728503 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Freeville K. M. Wiegand 1899-7-22
GH: 01728507 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: West side of creek near Judd's Falls... K. M. Wiegand 2572 1914-6-5
GH: 01728508 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: West side of creek near Judd's Falls... K. M. Wiegand 2572 1914-5-13
GH: 00871728 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: at Aqueduct Bridge K. M. Wiegand 2136 (no. 24) 1911-5-9
GH: 02315759 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N of Coltsville, Route 8 K. M. Wiegand 59 1939-6-13
GH: 02315758 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N of Coltsville, Route 8 K. M. Wiegand 58 1939-6-13
GH: 01730094 Amelanchier neglecta (Eggleston) K. R. Cushman, M. B. Burgess, E. T. Doucette & C. S. Campbell USA: New York West side, Little Sodus Bay K. M. Wiegand 15621 1924-5-27
GH: 01730095 Amelanchier neglecta (Eggleston) K. R. Cushman, M. B. Burgess, E. T. Doucette & C. S. Campbell USA: New York West side, Little Sodus Bay K. M. Wiegand 15621 1924-7-2
GH: 01729023 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York McKenney's Glens, Cayuga Lake K. M. Wiegand 1897-5-11
GH: 01729024 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York near Genoa Line. Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6589 1916-5-19
GH: 01729028 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Esty Glen, north side of gorge near falls, L... K. M. Wiegand 2497 1914-5-18
GH: 01729029 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Esty Glen, north side of gorge near falls. L... K. M. Wiegand 2497 1914-6-16
GH: 01729030 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Rocky crest of falls, Paines Creek, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6592 1916-6-20
GH: 01729031 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: near Fall Creek Mills, Fall Creek Ra... K. M. Wiegand 2501 1914-5-19
GH: 01729032 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: near Fall Creek Mills K. M. Wiegand 2501 1914-6-11
GH: 01729033 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: Down road from first bridge, Cayuga ... K. M. Wiegand 2498 1914-5-19
GH: 01729034 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: Down road from first bridge, Cayuga ... K. M. Wiegand 2498 1914-6-5
GH: 01729035 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York southeast corner of Seneca Lake. Watkins K. M. Wiegand 15601 1924-5-24
GH: 01729043 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York near McKenney's Station K. M. Wiegand 1897-5-11
GH: 01729054 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York south of Willets. Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6587 1916-5-19
GH: 01729061 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York along Cayuga Lake, north of Esty's K. M. Wiegand 1899-5-10
GH: 01729062 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York crest of Genesee gorge, Seneca Park K. M. Wiegand 13979 1921-5-23
GH: 01729063 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York LeRoy K. M. Wiegand 13978 1921-5-22
GH: 01729064 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Turkey Hill, Dryden K. M. Wiegand 6582 1916-5-21
GH: 01729065 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Turkey Hill, Dryden K. M. Wiegand 6582 1916-7-10
GH: 01729067 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Connecticut Hill, Newfield K. M. Wiegand 6585 1916-7-30
GH: 01729073 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Reichert Lake, Sand Lake K. M. Wiegand 4281 1915-6-20
GH: 01729074 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Clearing top of West Danby hill, west side o... K. M. Wiegand 2505 1914-5-26
GH: 01729076 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: near 2nd bridge, Cayuga Heights Road... K. M. Wiegand 2499 1914-5-19
GH: 01729077 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: near 2nd bridge Cayuga Heights Road,... K. M. Wiegand 2499 1914-6-5
GH: 02503641 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6582 1916-7-10
GH: 02503636 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 19267 1936-5-12
A: 01729162 Amelanchier sanguinea grandiflora (Wiegand) Rehder USA: New York Esty Glen, north side of gorge near Falls, L... K. M. Wiegand 2497 1914-6-16
A: 01729163 Amelanchier sanguinea grandiflora (Wiegand) Rehder USA: New York Esty Glen, north side of gorge near Falls K. M. Wiegand 2497 1914-5-18
GH: 00026078 Amelanchier sanguinea grandiflora Wiegand USA: New York Ithaca: Rocky crests of Fall Creek Ravine K. M. Wiegand 1897-3-11
GH: 02315773 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 56 1939-6-13
GH: 02315772 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 53 1939-6-13
GH: 02315771 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts Savoy: [no additional data] K. M. Wiegand 52 1939-6-13
GH: 02315770 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N of Coltsville, Route 8 K. M. Wiegand 55 1939-7-13
GH: 02315769 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N of Coltsville, Route 8 K. M. Wiegand 54 1939-6-13
GH: 02315768 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N of Coltsville, Route 8 K. M. Wiegand 51 1939-6-13
GH: 02315767 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N. of Coltsville, Route 8 K. M. Wiegand 50 1939-6-13
GH: 02315766 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts 1.5mi. N of Coltsville, Route 8 K. M. Wiegand 49 1939-6-13
GH: 02315764 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N of Coltsville, valley floor, Route... K. M. Wiegand 46 1939-6-13
GH: 02315763 Amelanchier sp. USA: Massachusetts just SE of "Briggs Cobble." Just N of appare... K. M. Wiegand 47 1939-6-13
GH: 02315762 Amelanchier spicata (Lamarck) K. Koch USA: Massachusetts 1.5 mi. N of Coltsville, Route 8, N side of ... K. M. Wiegand 62 1939-6-13
GH: 02315761 Amelanchier spicata (Lamarck) K. Koch USA: Massachusetts 1 mi. SW of Berkshire Village K. M. Wiegand 61 1939-6-13
GH: 02315760 Amelanchier spicata (Lamarck) K. Koch USA: Massachusetts 1 mi. SW of Berkshire Village K. M. Wiegand 60 1939-6-13
GH: 00026146 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Railroad bank, between Central an... K. M. Wiegand 2133
GH: 00026145 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Railroad bank, between Central an... K. M. Wiegand 2133
GH: 00026144 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Railroad bank, between Central an... K. M. Wiegand 2133
GH: 00740694 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 2134 1911-5-10
GH: 00744036 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1911-6-5
A: 01729323 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: New York Rochester: east end of Pine Valley Road, Dur... K. M. Wiegand 13981 1921-5-25
GH: 01729325 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: New York N. of Reichert Lake, Sand Lake K. M. Wiegand 4290 1915-6-20
GH: 00871729 Amelanchier stolonifera Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: between Central & East College Ga... K. M. Wiegand 2133 1912-6-8
GH: 01730521 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New York Ithaca: South Hill K. M. Wiegand 6578 1916-9-6
NEBC: 00744231 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 992 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00744958 Aronia prunifolia (Marshall) Rehder USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 990 1911-5-30
GH: 01607564 Comarum palustre Linnaeus USA: New York MacMullen Pond. Hannibal K. M. Wiegand 13661 1920-6-26
GH: 01607579 Comarum palustre Linnaeus USA: New York border of Plymouth Pond, Plymouth K. M. Wiegand 6695 1916-8-27
GH: 01756870 Crataegus beata Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: southwest of railroad and Cayuga St.... K. M. Wiegand 6669 1917-6-8
GH: 01756871 Crataegus beata Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: southwest of railroad and Cayuga St.... K. M. Wiegand 6669 1916-10-3
GH: 01756872 Crataegus beata Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Cayuga Heights Road, Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 6666 1917-6-8
GH: 01756873 Crataegus beata Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Cayuga Heights Road, Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 6666 1916-10-1
GH: 01757255 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: east end of field, Dwyer's Pond, Cas... K. M. Wiegand 6639 1916-6-4
GH: 01757256 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: east end of field, Dwyer's Pond, Cas... K. M. Wiegand 6639 1916-9-20
GH: 01757257 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: above railroad and south of incline,... K. M. Wiegand 6641 1916-10-3
GH: 01757258 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: Renwick slope towards McKinney's. Ca... K. M. Wiegand 6642 1916-10-1
GH: 01757259 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: Renwick slope towards McKinney's K. M. Wiegand 6642 1907
GH: 01757260 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: West of State road and north of Iron... K. M. Wiegand 6643 1916-10-14
GH: 01757261 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: West of State road and north of Iron... K. M. Wiegand 6643 1917-6-14
GH: 01757262 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: west end of field, Dwyer's Pond, Cas... K. M. Wiegand 6640 1916-9-28
GH: 01757263 Crataegus boyntonii Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: west end of field, Dwyer's Pond, Cas... K. M. Wiegand 6640 1916-6-14
A: 01757444 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6623 1916-5-28
A: 01757445 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6623 1916-9-19
GH: 01757446 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: west end of field, Dwyer's Pond K. M. Wiegand 6624 1916-9-19
GH: 01757447 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: west end of field, Dwyer's Pond, Cas... K. M. Wiegand 6624 1916-5-28
GH: 01758126 Crataegus calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: New York Ithaca: Wiegand Lot, Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 6620 1916-6-17
NEBC: 00674699 Crataegus chrysocarpa Ashe USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 989 1911-5-30
GH: 01759181 Crataegus coccinea Linnaeus USA: New York shore of Lake Ontario, north of North Sterli... K. M. Wiegand 13637 1920-6-27
GH: 01759188 Crataegus coccinea Linnaeus USA: New York Hume K. M. Wiegand 15688 1924-6-23
NEBC: 00683977 Crataegus dissona Sargent USA: Massachusetts Franklin: Franklin K. M. Wiegand 2001 1911-9-13
GH: 01613515 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York between railroad and Round Marshes (Gracie's... K. M. Wiegand 13630 1920-7-21
GH: 01613529 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York east side of Michigan Hollow Swamp, Danby K. M. Wiegand 6676 1916-10-1
GH: 01613889 Crataegus intricata Lange USA: New York west of Paine's Creek Glen, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6636 1916-6-20
GH: 01613901 Crataegus intricata Lange USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6638 1917-6-14
GH: 01613902 Crataegus intricata Lange USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6638 1916-9-28
GH: 01613983 Crataegus intricata Lange USA: Pennsylvania south of Bellefont K. M. Wiegand 1924-6-28
GH: 01614358 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6647 1916-10-3
GH: 01614359 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6647 1917-6-7
GH: 01614743 Crataegus jesupii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: southeast slope of South Hill K. M. Wiegand 16604 1926-10-3
GH: 01614746 Crataegus jesupii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: north from Hanshaw schoolhouse. Itha... K. M. Wiegand 15673 1924-6-11
GH: 01614751 Crataegus jesupii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: In border at northwest of Agronomy B... K. M. Wiegand 6663 1917-6-5
GH: 01614752 Crataegus jesupii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: In border at northwest of Agronomy B... K. M. Wiegand 6663 1916-10-5
GH: 01614753 Crataegus jesupii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: near Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6665 1916-9-28
GH: 01614754 Crataegus jesupii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6662 1916-5-28
GH: 01614755 Crataegus jesupii Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond K. M. Wiegand 6662 1916-9-28
GH: 01615528 Crataegus macracantha Loddiges ex Loudon USA: New York 3 miles northeast of Auburn K. M. Wiegand 13571 1920-6-28
NEBC: 00709228 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1085 1911-6-22
GH: 01666198 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Ithaca: east of pasture, Dwyer's Pond. Casca... K. M. Wiegand 6646 1916-10-3
GH: 01666199 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Ithaca: east of pasture, Dwyer's Pond. Casca... K. M. Wiegand 6646 1917-6-5
GH: 01666201 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York near Cuba K. M. Wiegand 15668 1924-6-23
GH: 01666202 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Allegheny River flats at Bradford Junction K. M. Wiegand 15664 1924-6-26
GH: 01666203 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Beaver Brook K. M. Wiegand 10055 1918-6-8
GH: 01666205 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York west side of Cayuta Lake. Catherine K. M. Wiegand 10053 1918-6-16
GH: 01666206 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Ithaca: along stream of Wiegand Lot. K. M. Wiegand 6644 1916-5-29
GH: 01666207 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Ithaca: along stream of Wiegand Lot, Cayuga ... K. M. Wiegand 6644 1916-9-19
GH: 01666411 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York north from Truxton K. M. Wiegand 905 1909-9-8
GH: 01668845 Crataegus monogyna Jacquin USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond. Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6681 1916-6-4
GH: 01668846 Crataegus monogyna Jacquin USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6681 1916-9-20
A: 01670115 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyers Pond. Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6679 1916-6-5
A: 01670116 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyers Pond. Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6679 1916-9-28
GH: 01670768 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: Cayuga Heights Road, Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 6684 1916-10-1
GH: 01670769 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: southwest corner of railroad and Cay... K. M. Wiegand 6655 1916-10-3
GH: 01670770 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: southwest corner of railroad and Cay... K. M. Wiegand 6655 1917-6-8
GH: 01670771 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: north east of pasture, Dwyer's Pond,... K. M. Wiegand 6653 1917-6-7
GH: 01670772 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: north east of pasture, Dwyer's Pond,... K. M. Wiegand 6653 1916-9-28
GH: 01670774 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6651 1919-5-28
GH: 01670775 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6651 1916-9-19
GH: 01670777 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6657 1916-5-28
GH: 01670778 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6657 1916-9-20
GH: 01670799 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: opposite east end of narrows, Dwyer'... K. M. Wiegand 6652 1916-9-28
GH: 01670800 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6654 1916-10-3
GH: 01670801 Crataegus pruinosa (J. C. Wendland) K. Koch USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6654 1917-6-7
GH: 01646281 Crataegus pruinosa leiophylla (Sargent) Phipps USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6650 1916-5-28
GH: 01646282 Crataegus pruinosa leiophylla (Sargent) Phipps USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6650 1916-9-19
GH: 01646283 Crataegus pruinosa leiophylla (Sargent) Phipps USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond. Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6648 1916-5-28
GH: 01646284 Crataegus pruinosa leiophylla (Sargent) Phipps USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek, Itha... K. M. Wiegand 6648 1916-9-20
GH: 01646289 Crataegus pruinosa leiophylla (Sargent) Phipps USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6660 1917-6-7
GH: 01646290 Crataegus pruinosa leiophylla (Sargent) Phipps USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6660 1916-9-28
GH: 01646291 Crataegus pruinosa leiophylla (Sargent) Phipps USA: New York Ithaca: Northeast corner, Dwyer's Pond, Casc... K. M. Wiegand 6658 1916-10-3
GH: 01646904 Crataegus punctata Jacquin USA: New York Ithaca: Brown Lot, Cayuga Circle, Cayuga Hei... K. M. Wiegand 6611 1916-6-4
GH: 01646905 Crataegus punctata Jacquin USA: New York Ithaca: Brown Lot, Cayuga Circle, Cayuga Hei... K. M. Wiegand 6611 1916-9-20
GH: 01647850 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6623 1916-5-28
GH: 01647851 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6623 1916-9-28
A: 01647970 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyers Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6624 1916-9-19
GH: 01648629 Crataegus submollis Sargent USA: New York West Green Lake, Jamesville K. M. Wiegand 15690 1924-5-28
A: 01649038 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6614d 1917-6-7
A: 01649039 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6614d 1916-9-28
GH: 01649044 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6614a 1916-9-28
GH: 01649045 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Ithaca: Dwyer's Pond, Cascadilla Creek K. M. Wiegand 6614a 1916-6-7
GH: 01649046 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Ithaca: Recknagel Lot, Upland Road, Cayuga H... K. M. Wiegand 6613 1916-9-20
GH: 01649047 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Ithaca: Recknagel Lot, Upland Road, Cayuga H... K. M. Wiegand 6613 1916-6-4
GH: 01649063 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Big Gulf, LeRoy K. M. Wiegand 13988 1921-5-22
GH: 01649064 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Selkirk to Pulaski K. M. Wiegand 13575 1920-8-20
GH: 01608297 Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydberg USA: New York McKinneys, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2616a 1914-6-11
GH: 01606222 Filipendula ulmaria (Linnaeus) Maximowicz USA: New York Ithaca: between Hudson and Aurora Sts., Sout... K. M. Wiegand 6703 1916-7-16
GH: 01606238 Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duchesne ex Rozier (pro sp.) USA: New York railroad bank near McKinney's, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2600 1914-5-20
NEBC: 00524018 Fragaria vesca Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1006 1911-5-30
GH: 01606350 Fragaria vesca Linnaeus USA: New York east side of Stark Pond, Cato K. M. Wiegand 6688 1916-7-2
GH: 01606377 Fragaria vesca Linnaeus USA: New York Along road between Groton and Cortland K. M. Wiegand 2607 1914-7-5
GH: 01606488 Fragaria vesca americana (Porter) Staudt USA: New York Round Marshes (Gracie's Swamp) and Vicinity.... K. M. Wiegand 2609 1914-5-31
GH: 01606377 Fragaria vesca alba Rydberg USA: New York Along road between Groton and Cortland K. M. Wiegand 2607 1914-7-5
NEBC: 00659988 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1008 1911-5-30
GH: 01606831 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: New York West Damby to Spencer Summit, Danby K. M. Wiegand 2603 1914-5-27
GH: 01590891 Physocarpus opulifolius (Linnaeus) Maximowicz USA: New York south of Willet's, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6567 1916-6-20
GH: 01599891 Physocarpus opulifolius (Linnaeus) Maximowicz USA: New York south of Willet's, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6567 1916-6-20
GH: 01566529 Potentilla anserina Linnaeus USA: New York North Fair Haven, Sterling K. M. Wiegand 13662 1920-6-26
GH: 01566535 Potentilla anserina Linnaeus USA: New York near power plant, Aurora, Springport K. M. Wiegand 6700 1916-6-20
GH: 01566537 Potentilla anserina Linnaeus USA: New York Selkirk, shore of Lake Ontario K. M. Wiegand 912 1909-9-3
GH: 01566540 Potentilla anserina Linnaeus USA: New York South Bay, Cicero K. M. Wiegand 6701 1916-8-21
NEBC: 00524421 Potentilla argentea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 993 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00710770 Potentilla canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00561272 Potentilla norvegica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1089 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00644523 Potentilla simplex Michaux USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1083 1911-6-22
GH: 01556048 Potentilla tridentata Aiton USA: New York summit of Bear Mt., 7th Lake K. M. Wiegand 16634 1926-9-1
GH: 01705683 Prunus americana Marshall USA: New York Ithaca: one fourth mile up new Enfield State... K. M. Wiegand 6728 1916-7-30
GH: 01705694 Prunus americana Marshall USA: New York Ludlowville to Myers, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2682 1914-5-19
A: 01705698 Prunus americana Marshall USA: New York Ludlowville to Myers, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2682 1914-5-19
GH: 01721553 Prunus cerasus Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: north of Enfield Glen K. M. Wiegand 6725 1916-5-14
GH: 01721589 Prunus domestica Linnaeus USA: New York west of Enfield Falls, Enfield K. M. Wiegand 8339 1917-7-11
GH: 01721590 Prunus domestica Linnaeus USA: New York up hill from Portland Point, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 10163 1918-5-5
NEBC: 00743120 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1082 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00740215 Prunus serotina Ehrhart USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 998 1911-5-30
GH: 01557966 Rosa blanda Aiton USA: New York near Esty Glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2653 1914-6-25
GH: 01557971 Rosa blanda Aiton USA: New York along railroad, near Esty Glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2652 1914-6-25
GH: 01558918 Rosa carolina Linnaeus USA: New York near Esty Glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 2656 1914-6-25
GH: 01560038 Rosa palustris Marshall USA: New York outlet of Cayuta Lake, in narrows, Catharine K. M. Wiegand 6721 1916-7-30
NEBC: 00758493 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1004 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00758494 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1003 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00758495 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1005 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00758496 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 999 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00758497 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00758498 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1000 1911-5-30
GH: 01603706 Rubus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York south of Cayuta Lake. Catherine K. M. Wiegand 10135 1917-6-16
GH: 01603709 Rubus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York south of Cayuta Lake, Catherine K. M. Wiegand 10135 1917-6-16
GH: 01603711 Rubus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York Round Marshes, Dryden K. M. Wiegand 10134 1918-6-8
GH: 01603712 Rubus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York Upper Brown Tract Pond K. M. Wiegand 16641 1926-9-11
GH: 01603714 Rubus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York east of Featherbed Bog, Victory K. M. Wiegand 6709 1916-7-11
NEBC: 00646629 Rubus flagellaris Willdenow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1002 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00646633 Rubus flagellaris Willdenow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 988 1911-5-30
GH: 01604678 Rubus flagellaris Willdenow USA: Pennsylvania Warriors Mark K. M. Wiegand 1924-6-27
NEBC: 00723616 Rubus frondosus Bigelow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 995 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00723617 Rubus frondosus Bigelow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 997 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00723618 Rubus frondosus Bigelow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 996 1911-5-30
GH: 01605076 Rubus hispidus Linnaeus USA: New York White Lake K. M. Wiegand 16645 1926-9-15
GH: 01605078 Rubus hispidus Linnaeus USA: New York Between Spring Lake (village) and Duck Lake,... K. M. Wiegand 6714 1916-7-1
GH: 01605082 Rubus hispidus Linnaeus USA: New York Truxton K. M. Wiegand 1896-6
GH: 01605085 Rubus hispidus Linnaeus USA: New York border of Plymouth Pond, Plymouth K. M. Wiegand 6712 1916-8-27
NEBC: 00523010 Rubus idaeus strigosus (Michaux) Maximowicz USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1090 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00723748 Rubus jaysmithii L. H. Bailey USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1009 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00723749 Rubus jaysmithii L. H. Bailey USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1009 1911-5-30
GH: 01701225 Rubus noveboracus L. H. Bailey USA: New York near Howland Island, Savannah K. M. Wiegand 6716 1916-7-3
GH: 01701226 Rubus noveboracus L. H. Bailey USA: New York near Howland Island, Savannah K. M. Wiegand 6716 1916-7-3
GH: 01701227 Rubus noveboracus L. H. Bailey USA: New York Round Marshes (Gracie's Swamp) and Vicinity K. M. Wiegand 14789 1922-6-25
GH: 01701228 Rubus noveboracus L. H. Bailey USA: New York Round Marshes (Gracie's Swamp) and Vicinity K. M. Wiegand 14789 1922-6-25
NEBC: 00651432 Rubus occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1007 1911-5-30
GH: 01702760 Rubus recurvans Blanchard USA: New York Ithaca: Recknagel Lot, Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 10129 1918-6-8
GH: 01702761 Rubus recurvans Blanchard USA: New York Ithaca: Recknagel lot, Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 10129 1918-6-8
NEBC: 00641810 Rubus semisetosus Blanchard USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1092 1911-6-22
GH: 01704446 Sanguisorba canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York by railroad southeast corner of Catlin towns... K. M. Wiegand 12280 1919-8-31
GH: 01589017 Sorbaria sorbifolia (Linnaeus) A. Braun USA: New York Enfield Creek near mouth, Enfield Ravine K. M. Wiegand 13549e 1920-5-23
GH: 01862679 Sorbus americana Marshall USA: New York Plymouth Pond, Plymouth K. M. Wiegand 6581 1916-8-27
GH: 01589859 Spiraea latifolia (Aiton) Borkhausen USA: New York shore of McCall Pond, Preston K. M. Wiegand 6571 1916-8-27
A: 01586183 Spiraea tomentosa Linnaeus USA: New York northwest corner of Dryden K. M. Wiegand 9988 1918-9-11
Rubiaceae NEBC: 00670580 Galium aparine Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1033 1911-5-30
GH: 02359518 Galium brevipes Fernald & Wiegand USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 13815 1920-8-11
NEBC: 00558466 Galium circaezans hypomalacum Fernald USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1065 1911-6-22
GH: 02138133 Galium labradoricum (Wiegand) Wiegand USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1895-7-1
GH: 02138198 Galium lanceolatum (Torrey) Torrey USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7160a 1916-7-30
GH: 02138659 Galium obtusum Bigelow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1896-6-10
GH: 02138650 Galium obtusum Bigelow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7180 1916-7-3
NEBC: 00698061 Galium palustre Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1064 1911-6-22
GH: 02138921 Galium palustre Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 15941 1924-6-24
GH: 02138918 Galium palustre Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1895-6-4
GH: 02139489 Galium tinctorium Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7172 1916-7-2
GH: 02139469 Galium tinctorium Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1896-7-10
GH: 00375923 Galium trifidum Linnaeus USA: New York Junius: West Junius K. M. Wiegand 1896-7-18
GH: 02139843 Galium trifidum Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7168 1916-8-5
GH: 02139842 Galium trifidum Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 10774 1918-8-17
GH: 02139838 Galium trifidum Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 7167 1916-8-27
GH: 00820119 Galium trifidum halophilum Fernald & Wiegand USA: Maine South Lubec K. M. Wiegand 1909-7-26
GH: 02358299 Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J. H. Kirkbride USA: North Carolina [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 2957
Rutaceae GH: 01584823 Zanthoxylum americanum Miller USA: New York Renwick woods, Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 2742 1914-5-20
Salicaceae NEBC: 00649147 Salix bebbii Gandoger USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 895 1908-7-21
NEBC: 00653298 Salix bebbii Gandoger USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 895 1908-5-23
NEBC: 00653297 Salix bebbii Gandoger USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 895 1908-5-1
NEBC: 00441704 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 967 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00653905 Salix lucida Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Ipswich: Ipswich K. M. Wiegand 2088 1911-6-15
NEBC: 00523450 Salix rubens F. v. P. v. Schrank USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 966 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00641900 Salix sp. USA: Massachusetts Wayland: Wayland, Heard's Pond K. M. Wiegand 1908-7-16
NEBC: 00641901 Salix sp. USA: Massachusetts Wayland: Wayland, Heard's Pond K. M. Wiegand 1908-5-11
NEBC: 00641902 Salix sp. USA: Massachusetts Wayland: Wayland, Heard's Pond K. M. Wiegand 1908-5-31
Santalaceae GH: 01932698 Comandra umbellata (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: New York Spencer Summit, Spencer K. M. Wiegand 2215 1914-5-27
Sarraceniaceae GH: 01678834 Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus USA: New York Plymouth Pond, Plymouth K. M. Wiegand 6544 1916-8-27
Saxifragaceae GH: 01733573 Chrysosplenium americanum Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: New York Ithaca: Larch meadows, Valley of Cayuga Inle... K. M. Wiegand 2441 1914-5-1
GH: 01733574 Chrysosplenium americanum Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: New York Newfield Creek, South of Key Hill K. M. Wiegand 2443 1914-5-17
GH: 01735341 Heuchera hispida Pursh USA: Pennsylvania 5 miles SW of Williamsport K. M. Wiegand 1924-6-28
GH: 01712745 Micranthes virginiensis (Michaux) Small USA: New York Ithaca: by Fall Creek Mills, Fall Creek Ravi... K. M. Wiegand 4232 1915-5-12
GH: 01616011 Mitella diphylla Linnaeus USA: New York McKinney's to Esty glen, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 6555 1916-6-17
GH: 01616293 Mitella nuda Linnaeus USA: New York Border of Bergen Swamp K. M. Wiegand 15567 1924-5-25
A: 01651183 Ribes cynosbati Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: north crest of ravine, Fall Creek K. M. Wiegand 4247 1915-5-11
GH: 01651632 Ribes hirtellum Michaux USA: New York near north end of Crooked Lake, Tully K. M. Wiegand 2450 1914-6-7
GH: 01651634 Ribes hirtellum Michaux USA: New York northeast corner of Butler K. M. Wiegand 6563 1916-7-3
GH: 01651640 Ribes hirtellum Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: Larch Meadows K. M. Wiegand 4253 1915-5-18
NEBC: 00523147 Ribes nigrum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts West Medway K. M. Wiegand 2008 1911-9-13
GH: 01887931 Ribes rubrum Linnaeus USA: New York border of Round Marshes (Gracie's Swamp) and... K. M. Wiegand 2468 1914-5-22
GH: 01626268 Ribes triste Pallas USA: New York Newfield Creek, south of Key Hill, Newfield K. M. Wiegand 2469 1914-5-17
NEBC: 00563205 Saxifraga pensylvanica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 986 1911-5-30
GH: 01631667 Tiarella cordifolia Linnaeus USA: New York Six and one half miles South of Oswego K. M. Wiegand 2434 1914-5-24
Scapaniaceae FH: 00497596 Diplophyllum taxifolium (Wahlenberg) Dumortier USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 1894-10-17
Selaginellaceae NEBC: 00632661 Selaginella apoda (Linnaeus) C. Morren USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1911-5-30
Smilacaceae NEBC: 01049146 Smilax glauca Walter USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 955 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00865944 Smilax herbacea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 961 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00503922 Smilax rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 963 1911-5-30
Solanaceae GH: 00939230 Lycium barbarum Linnaeus USA: New York Ithaca: Cayuga Heights K. M. Wiegand 3108 1914-9-18
GH: 01541291 Physalis heterophylla Nees USA: New York Phillips pasture, Junius Peat Bogs, Waterloo K. M. Wiegand 3104 1914-6-20
NEBC: 00564415 Solanum dulcamara Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1063 1911-6-22
GH: 01543265 Solanum emulans Rafinesque USA: New York near Marl Pond, North of Chicago Bog, Cortla... K. M. Wiegand 8719 1917-9-12
Sparganiaceae GH: 00947045 Sparganium americanum Nuttall USA: New York Wood River, Cayuga, Seneca Falls K. M. Wiegand 34 1913-7-19
GH: 00947657 Sparganium emersum Rehmann USA: New York Border of Summit Marsh, Spencer K. M. Wiegand 11158 1919-9-3
GH: 00947660 Sparganium emersum Rehmann USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 3458 1915-7-20
GH: 00947770 Sparganium emersum acaule (Beeby ex Macoun) A. Haines USA: New York south end of 8th Lake K. M. Wiegand 16396 1926-8-30
Sphagnaceae FH: 00921430 Sphagnum sp. USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16-I 1915-7-18
FH: 00921433 Sphagnum sp. USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16-H 1915-7-18
Tiliaceae NEBC: 00733176 Tilia americana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1096 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00733224 Tilia americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1018 1911-5-30
Trilliaceae NEBC: 00573243 Medeola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1069 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00573378 Medeola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 959 1911-5-30
Ulmaceae NEBC: 00721811 Celtis occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 972 1911-5-30
Urticaceae GH: 02170183 Boehmeria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6342 1916-8-21
NEBC: 00648140 Laportea canadensis (Linnaeus) Weddell USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1075 1911-6-22
GH: 02170321 Laportea canadensis (Linnaeus) Weddell USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 16546 1926-9-6
GH: 02170584 Parietaria pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] K. M. Wiegand 6343 1916-7
Verbenaceae NEBC: 00678592 Verbena urticifolia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Franklin: Franklin K. M. Wiegand 2061 1911-9-13
Violaceae GH: 02144389 Hybanthus concolor (T. F. Forster) Sprengel USA: New York Paines Creek, Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6826 1916-6-20
NEBC: 00760311 Viola affinis Leconte USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1909-5-15
NEBC: 00760312 Viola affinis Leconte USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1909-8-26
GH: 00760313 Viola affinis Leconte USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1909-5-15
GH: 00760314 Viola affinis Leconte USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: Wellesley K. M. Wiegand 1909-8-26
GH: 02144993 Viola arvensis Murray USA: New York south side of upper ravine, Buttermilk Ravin... K. M. Wiegand 6842 1916-9-6
GH: 02144992 Viola arvensis Murray USA: New York Lansing Station, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 16229 1925-5-31
GH: 02145558 Viola blanda Willdenow USA: New York near Junius Peat Bogs, Waterloo K. M. Wiegand 2873 1914-6-20
GH: 02145552 Viola blanda Willdenow USA: New York east of Clyde K. M. Wiegand 8483 1917-6-23
GH: 02145546 Viola blanda Willdenow USA: New York east of Duck Lake, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6833 1916-7-1
GH: 02145541 Viola blanda Willdenow USA: New York north of Spring Lake, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6831 1916-7-1
GH: 02145799 Viola canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York east of Sea Breeze, Irondequoit Bay K. M. Wiegand 15786 1924-5-26
GH: 02145793 Viola canadensis Linnaeus USA: New York north of Jamesville, Dewitt K. M. Wiegand 2900 1914-5-24
NEBC: 00504313 Viola cucullata Aiton USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1099 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00504391 Viola cucullata Aiton USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence K. M. Wiegand 1019 1911-5-30
GH: 02146307 Viola cucullata Aiton USA: New York Spencer K. M. Wiegand 2831 1914-5-27
GH: 02147139 Viola labradorica Schrank USA: New York Newfield Creek, south of Key Hill, Newfield K. M. Wiegand 2909 1914-5-17
NEBC: 00713803 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: Massachusetts Natick: So. [South] Natick, Glen St. K. M. Wiegand 1912-5-18
GH: 02209289 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: New York five miles south of Oswego K. M. Wiegand 2894 1914-5-24
GH: 02209288 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: New York south of Coy Glen and Vicinity, Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 2885 1914-5-26
GH: 02209279 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: New York Renwick slope, Cayuga Heights, Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 4604 1915-5-18
GH: 02209278 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: New York above Remington Salt Works, Ithaca K. M. Wiegand 2884 1914-5-12
GH: 02209277 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: New York between Three River Point and Syracuse, Clay K. M. Wiegand 2893 1914-5-24
GH: 02209724 Viola renifolia A. Gray USA: New York around Bergen Swamp, Bergen K. M. Wiegand 10388 1918-8-18
GH: 02209705 Viola renifolia A. Gray USA: New York Bug Lake (near 7th Lake) K. M. Wiegand 16682 1926-8-30
GH: 02210324 Viola selkirkii Pursh USA: New York one half mile southeast of Mud Pond, Round M... K. M. Wiegand 2859 1914-5-31
NEBC: 00649347 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1098 1911-6-22
GH: 02210843 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: New York 6 miles south of Oswego K. M. Wiegand 2835 1914-5-24
GH: 02210842 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: New York Sand Ridge, Schroeppel K. M. Wiegand 15769 1924-5-28
GH: 02210876 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: New York border of Bergen Swamp K. M. Wiegand 15764 1924-5-25
GH: 02210901 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: New York south of Selkirk K. M. Wiegand 13714 1920-8-21
GH: 02210899 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: New York Ithaca: north crest of Six Mile Creek Ravine... K. M. Wiegand 12499 1919-7-13
GH: 02210890 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: New York south of Mud Pond, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6827a 1916-7-1
GH: 02210889 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: New York northeast of Mud Pond, Conquest K. M. Wiegand 6827 1916-7-1
GH: 02211632 Viola striata Aiton USA: New York east of Jamesville, Dewitt K. M. Wiegand 2901 1914-5-24
GH: 02211631 Viola striata Aiton USA: New York along Salmon Creek, north of Ludlowville, La... K. M. Wiegand 4611 1915-5-8
Vitaceae GH: 01577771 Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Linnaeus) Planchon USA: New York Ithaca: Short Line R.R. Renwick to McKinneys K. M. Wiegand 6802 1916-6-18
GH: 01577772 Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Linnaeus) Planchon USA: New York south of Willet's. Ledyard K. M. Wiegand 6801 1916-6-20
GH: 01577783 Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Linnaeus) Planchon USA: New York north of Lake Ridge, Lansing K. M. Wiegand 10263 1918-7-19
Woodsiaceae NEBC: 00676731 Woodsia obtusa (Sprengel) Torrey USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester K. M. Wiegand 1058 1911-6-22