Botanical Indexes
Search hints
Diacritical marks and punctuation are unnecessary and will be stripped prior to processing. Hyphens and periods are considered word separators and will be converted to spaces prior to processing.
Remove initial articles in all languages ('the', 'der', 'les', etc.).
Enter only one author as a search key in the publications index.
The title field applies to both titles and abbreviations.
Distribution and Use Policy
- The data provided shall not to be redistributed without permission.
- The data provided shall not to be made available for commercial or for-profit use.
- The Harvard University Herbaria is not responsible for the use or misuse of the data provided.
- The databases are made available with the understanding that their use will not lead to the detriment of wild species.
An initial database of approximately 11,000 publication records was provided by Deborah Kama and Nancy Morin from the TROPICOS database at the Missouri Botanical Garden. James Affleck of Rockledge Computer Systems, Inc. developed Advanced Revelation programs to import and export files and to process batch updates. Additional information in the publication records was entered and/or edited in the course of entering type specimen and Gray Card Index information by staff members of the Harvard University Herbaria and others:
Other staff members who have contributed to the compilation and entry of data: