Next page >Oleaceae A: 00073706 Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai South Korea: Chinsen T. Nakai 8147 1919-7-21
A: 01846742 Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai USA: District of Columbia Washington: [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01846743 Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai USA: District of Columbia Washington: [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01846744 Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai USA: Massachusetts Weston: Case Estates of the Arnold Arboretum D. E. Boufford 23141 1983-4-17
GH: 00075135 Amarolea megacarpa Small USA: Florida Sandhills near Lake Annie J. K. Small & P. A. Matthaus 11612 1925-1-8
GH: 00257204 Bigelovia Mexico: Oaxaca F. W. Keerl s.n. 1850
GH: 00368113 Bigelovia Mexico: San Luis Potosà C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 375 1878
GH: 00257822 Bolivaria decemfida Gilles ex Hooker Argentina: Mendoza Valleys above Mendoza J. Gillies 1829-10-30
GH: 00075050 Chionanthus acuminatissimus (Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Palawan Palawan Island E. D. Merrill 1245 1913-5
A: 02458069 Chionanthus acuminatissimus (Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Palawan [no additional data] E. D. Merrill 1245
A: 02458068 Chionanthus acuminatissimus (Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Palawan Malasgao River, Aborlan G. E. Edaño PNH 14036 1951-3-12
A: 02458067 Chionanthus acuminatissimus (Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Takdua Zigzag, 35-40 km fro... D. D. Soejarto & E. J. Reynoso 6244 1988-7-30
A: 02458066 Chionanthus acuminatissimus (Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Palawan Bataraza Municipality, Bgy Rio Tuba, Belanja... D. D. Soejarto, F. Gaerlan, E. C. ... 8405 1994-6-19
A: 02458065 Chionanthus acuminatissimus (Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Palawan [no additional data] E. D. Merrill 1373
A: 00075066 Chionanthus africana (Welwitsch ex Knoblauch) Stearn Cameroon: H. Deistel 891 1905-12-24
GH: 00003588 Chionanthus apertus B. Ståhl Ecuador: Portovelo (Gold mine near Zaruma), dry hill,... A. S. Hitchcock 21223 1923-9-1
GH: 00075021 Chionanthus axilliflorus (Grisebach) Stearn Cuba: Monte Verde C. Wright 1388 1859-4-7
ECON: 00216507 Chionanthus bakeri (Urban) Stern : Caribbean: Cuba: Provincia de Santa Clara, L... C. F. Baker 4952
A: 02459339 Chionanthus beccarii (Stapf) Kiew Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 8046 1934-2-5
A: 02459338 Chionanthus beccarii (Stapf) Kiew Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 7819 1935-2-5
A: 02459337 Chionanthus beccarii (Stapf) Kiew Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Rahmat Si Boeea 7819 1935-2-5
A: 02459336 Chionanthus beccarii (Stapf) Kiew Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Loemban Ria Rahmat Si Boeea 8034 1934-2-5
A: 02459335 Chionanthus beccarii (Stapf) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Mount Dulit P. W. Richards 1706 1932-9-11
A: 02459334 Chionanthus beccarii (Stapf) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Mount Dulit P. W. Richards 1773 1932-9-13
A: 00046859 Chionanthus brachythyrsus (Merrill) P. S. Green China: Hainan Seven Finger Mountains, mixed forests C. Wang 36469 1934-1-12
A: 00055100 Chionanthus brachythyrsus (Merrill) P. S. Green Vietnam: Tonkin, Province de Longsou, environs de Van... P. A. Pételot 6293 1938-2
A: 00105314 Chionanthus brachythyrsus (Merrill) P. S. Green Vietnam: Tonkin, Province de Langson, envrions de Van... P. A. Pételot 6293 1938-2
A: 02459794 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Wandos Waar, Island Meas Waar, Subdis... C. Versteegh BW 3878 1956-6-26
A: 00914338 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Enga Paiela area, expedition Camp 2 W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & D. Ama 20072 2005-9-2
A: 02459796 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Taun Creek (Lower), Bulolo J. J. Havel NGF 17076 1963-1-17
AMES: 02459795 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kuali Creek - about 5 miles S of Wau T. G. Hartley 11,537 1963-4-3
A: 02459793 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo K. J. White NGF 10105 1958-6-19
A: 02459792 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Mekil Research Station, Mt. Stoll... L. Salas & S. Stephens KP080 1997-10-13
A: 02459791 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe hills near Taraka W. N. Takeuchi & D. Ama 17921 2005-2
A: 02459790 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands near the expedition's Beneria River basecamp W. N. Takeuchi, A. Towati & T. Jis... 19546 2005-5-8
GH: 02459789 Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Madang Wanang R. Ctvrtecka 2833 2008-10-22
GH: 00075022 Chionanthus bumelioides (Grisebach) Stearn Cuba: Toscano C. Wright 2941 1860-7-28
A: 02459341 Chionanthus calcicola (Kerr) Kiew Malaysia: Kedah Pulau Chupah E. J. H. Corner SF 37817 1941-11-19
A: 02459340 Chionanthus calcicola (Kerr) Kiew Malaysia: Kedah Pulau Chupah E. J. H. Corner SF 37835 1941-11-19
A: 00073710 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Indonesia: Borneo P. W. Korthals
A: 02459349 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: Hoeta Padang Estate, near Kisaran B. A. Krukoff 310 1930-12
A: 02459348 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Indonesia: Wester afd.v.Borneo, Melawi B.Watas Emang na... [no data available] bb.26862 1939-2-1
A: 02459347 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo; W. Koetai, no.24, L. Ib... F. H. Endert 2788 1925-8-21
A: 02459346 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Malaysia: Johor Tribuatary at head waters of S. Segamat belo... B. Everett FRI 14018 1970-3-13
A: 02459345 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Malaysia: Perak Sg. Legap, Chior Fr., Sg. Siput F. S. P. Ng FRI 5794 1967-10-8
A: 02459344 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Malaysia: Sabah District Pensiangan; Pontomon FR. [data not captured] SAN 139558 1994-8-24
A: 02459343 Chionanthus callophylla Blume Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Ulu Gombak. FR near extraction... [data not captured] KEP 98273 1961-6-30
A: 02459342 Chionanthus callophylloides Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungai Berar, Gunong Mulu National Park,... P. P. K. Chai S 39633 1977-10-3
A: 02459504 Chionanthus callophyllus Blume Malaysia: Johor Sungai Kayu, E. Johor M. S. Kiah bin Hadji SF 32325 1937-3-5
A: 02459350 Chionanthus caudifolius (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands Mohd. Nur SF 32826 1937-4-2
A: 02459354 Chionanthus celebicus Koorders Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W of Manado, ca. 50 km inland from Pa... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3676 1990-3-5
A: 02459353 Chionanthus celebicus Koorders Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Sangi and Talaud Isl. Talaud, Karakelang; S.... H. J. Lam 2918 1926-5-9
A: 02459352 Chionanthus celebicus Koorders Indonesia: Sulawesi: (Minahassa): Bojong, N. Celebes O. Warburg 15411 1888
A: 02459351 Chionanthus celebicus Koorders Indonesia: Sulawesi: Minahasse [illegible] [See label] S. H. Koorders 18382
A: 02458071 Chionanthus clementis (Quisumbing & Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Isabela San Mariano M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño BS 46932 1926-2
A: 02458070 Chionanthus clementis (Quisumbing & Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Quezon Quezon National Park between Lucena and Atim... D. D. Soejarto, D. A. Madulid & O.... 7778 1992-7-7
A: 00075030 Chionanthus compactus Swartz Colombia: Santa Marta, 1500 feet Herbert H. Smith 780 1898-11
GH: 00075031 Chionanthus compactus Swartz Colombia: Santa Marta, 1500 feet Herbert H. Smith 780 1898-11
A: 02459356 Chionanthus cordulatus Koorders Indonesia: Sulawesi: [data not captured] S. H. Koorders
A: 02459355 Chionanthus cordulatus Koorders Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Kaingaran, 12 miles E. of Tambunan G. H. S. Wood & C. Charrington SAN 17031 1955-10-25
A: 00073709 Chionanthus coreanus H. Léveillé South Korea: Jeju-do Quelpaert seus torrentis ??? T. Taquet 1515 1908-5-5
A: 00075061 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Palawan Puerto Princesa (Mount Pulgar), Palawan Isla... A. D. E. Elmer 12810 1911-3
A: 00075058 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Agusan del Norte Cabadbaran (Mount Urdaneta), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 13835 1912-9
A: 02458177 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Surigao C. A. Wenzel 2763 1927-6-29
A: 02458176 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Quezon Mono E. J. Reynoso PNH 87801 1963-12-4
A: 02458175 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 17313 1916-9
A: 02458174 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 15276 1915-11
A: 02458089 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Albay Mt. Komagingking; Mt. Malinao G. E. Edaño PNH 34532 1956-2-4
A: 02458088 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Laguna Mayakba, Famy M. Lagrimas PNH 39291 1957-4-22
A: 02458087 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Quezon Kalunuran, Palasan Isld. F. M. Salvoza PNH 3701 1946-6
A: 02458086 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Quezon [no additional data] A. D. E. Elmer 7527 1906-5
A: 02458085 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Cagayan [no additional data] A. Bernardo FB 26608 1917-2
A: 02458084 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Cagayan Clalayan Island; Babuyanes N. Peñas FB 26700 1917-5
A: 02458083 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Luzon: [no additional data] S. Vidal y Soler 1468 bis
A: 02458082 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Mindoro: Paluan M. Ramos BS 40142 1921-4
A: 02458081 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Albay Bulan, Pr. Albay (Sorzogon Pr.) S. Vidal y Soler 3243
A: 02458080 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Halcon G. E. Edaño PNH 3325 1948-2-23
GH: 02458079 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Palawan TayTay E. D. Merrill 9335 1913-5
GH: 02458078 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Rizal Bosoboso M. Ramos BS 2070 1907-2
A: 02458077 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Sorsogon Lake Polog M. Ramos BS 23650 1915-8
GH: 02458096 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Palawan TayTay E. D. Merrill 9177 1913-4
A: 02458101 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Palawan TayTay E. D. Merrill 9335 1913-5
A: 02458100 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Irawan, Impapai forest plot... D. D. Soejarto & D. A. Madulid 6715 1990-3-12
A: 02458099 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Palawan Municipality Narra D. D. Soejarto, E. J. Reynoso, E. ... 5669 1989-4-13
A: 02458098 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14220 1913-2
A: 02458097 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Surigao C. A. Wenzel 2763 1927-6-29
A: 02458095 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Apayao [no additional data] E. Fénix BS 28233 1917-5
GH: 02458094 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Capiz Magallanes (Mt. Giting-Giting) A. D. E. Elmer 12127 1910-3
A: 02458093 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Palawan Island, 35-38 km fr... D. D. Soejarto & E. J. Reynoso 6278 1988-7-31
GH: 02458092 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Puerto Princesa: So. Impapay, Bgy. Irawan D. A. Madulid & R. S. Majaducon 8123 1992-10-11
A: 02458091 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Malacdao Mt., vicinity of P... L. E. Ebalo 475 1940-2-10
GH: 02458090 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Sorsogon Irosin: (Mt. Bulusan) A. D. E. Elmer 17313 1916-9
A: 00216556 Chionanthus cubensis (P. Wilson) Stearn : Caribbean: Cuba: Mouth of Rio Yamaniguey, Or... J. A. Shafer-1 4253 1910-2-27
A: 02459361 Chionanthus curvicarpus Kiew Brunei: Belait Labi; valley of Sungei Rampayoh J. Dransfield S. Dransfield, Kamar... JD7317 1992-3-12
A: 02459358 Chionanthus curvicarpus Kiew Brunei: Belait Labi; Kampong Rampayoh; Trail to Rampayoh Wa... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Dr. Ken Oga... BRUN 17725 1996-8-15
A: 02459357 Chionanthus curvicarpus Kiew Brunei: Belait Labi; Kampong Rampayoh; Trail to Rampayoh Wa... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Dr. Ken Oga... BRUN 17725 1996-8-15
A: 02459360 Chionanthus curvicarpus Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Crocker Range F. Res. D. Sundaling SAN 83970 1976-11-10
A: 02459359 Chionanthus curvicarpus Kiew Malaysia: Sabah District Brantian; Kalabakan K. Muroh SAN 75309 1972-3-29
A: 02459386 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo; W. Koetai, no. 26, near... F. H. Endert 3361 1925-9-16
A: 02459385 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo; W. Koetai, no. 36, near... F. H. Endert 3128 1925-9-10
A: 02459384 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: Near Permantang Siantar A. H. G. Alston 15214 1954-4-6
A: 02459382 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sintang. Bukit Baka National Park. South of ... A. C. Church Mahyar, U. W., Ruskan... 339 1993-10-24
A: 02459380 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Permantang, S. of Kwala Kwajan A. H. G. Alston 13370 1954-1-27
A: 02459379 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo. W. Koetai, no. 39, near... F. H. Endert 4133 1925-10-14
A: 02459378 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo. W. Koetai, no. 38, near... F. H. Endert 4192 1925-10-15
A: 02459375 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: Si Hare-hare Djae (Topographic She... Rahmat Si Toroes 5035 1933-7-15
A: 02459374 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: C. Sumatra; Indragiri Uplands; Kri... P. Buwalda 6941 1939-7-19
A: 02459370 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) E. Borneo; Berau, Tdg. Redeb; Kelai River ne... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 21104 1963-10-5
A: 02459383 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Kg. Tibou, Sepulut F.R. Fedilis & Sumbing SAN 105328 1984-7-17
A: 02459381 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Bangkulat; Kg. Monsok [data not captured] SAN 110059 1986-5-18
A: 02459377 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Marotai [no data available] BNBFD 2721 1932-10-10
A: 02459376 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tongod: Ulu Menenam D. Sundaling & K. Tarodop SAN 89303 1978-9-20
A: 02459373 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah West Trail, Conservation Area E. J. F. Campbell bis SAN 112323 1986-5-22
A: 02459372 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Johor Sungai Kayu, E. Johor M. S. Kiah bin Hadji SF 32325 1937-3-5
A: 02459371 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinestone Province A. D. E. Elmer 21047 1922-10
A: 02459369 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Kabili-Sepilok F.R. Enggoh bin Limbuan NBFD 10,144 1939-3-5
A: 02459368 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: 1/2 mile from jetty to Chin Lik'... G. H. S. Wood A 4752 1954-5-26
A: 02459367 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Kaingaran, 10 miles E> of Tambunan G. H. S. Wood & C. Charrington SAN 17927 1955-10-25
A: 02459366 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Lamag; Babawing, Sg. Karamuak, Karamuak P. Lasan SAN 81331 1975-6-17
A: 02459365 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 30010 1931
A: 02459364 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Kabatang F. Res., Tulid D. Sundaling SAN 80849 1976-5-25
A: 02459363 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah SRT Pinatasan, Ulu Segama P. F. Cockburn SAN 79153 1975-10-14
A: 02459362 Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 21047 1922-10
A: 02459437 Chionanthus domingensis Lamarck Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan Rahmat Si Boeea 7241 1934-9-7
A: 00075032 Chionanthus elaeocarpus (Stapf) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak O. Beccari 725
A: 02459392 Chionanthus ellipticus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Tor Matoetoeng, Asahan (The summit, is Secon... Rahmat Si Boeea 9484 1936-7-10
A: 02459391 Chionanthus ellipticus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Vicinity of Hoeta Bagasan Rahmat Si Boeea 6762 1934-9-7
A: 02459390 Chionanthus ellipticus Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg C. S. Sargent 1903-10-16
A: 02459393 Chionanthus enerve (Steenis) Kiew Brunei: Tutong Pasir Putih, between Sungai Liang and Tutong M. J. E. Coode Wong Khoon Meng et ... 6854 1990-4-20
A: 02459396 Chionanthus enerve (Steenis) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Spur S. of Kina Taki river; Penibukan J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 31442 1933-2-7
A: 02459395 Chionanthus enerve (Steenis) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Nunkok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32834 1933-4-15
A: 02459394 Chionanthus enerve (Steenis) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Penibukan, divide, head of Dahobong Cr.; Upp... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 40704a 1933-10-11
A: 02459387 Chionanthus evenius (Stapf) Kiew Brunei: Belait Badas, near Lumut M. J. E. Coode Wong Khoon Meng et ... 6479 1990-4-2
A: 02459389 Chionanthus evenius (Stapf) Kiew Malaysia: Selangor Sekinchan Sg. Karang F.R. L. S. L. Chua, H. Zuzaidy & K. Apok FRI 38770 1992-8-4
A: 02459388 Chionanthus evenius (Stapf) Kiew Malaysia: Selangor Tanjung Karang. Sungai Karang F.R. L. S. L. Chua FRI 38753 1993-4-28
GH: 00075028 Chionanthus filiformis (Vellozo) P. S. Green Brazil: L. Riedel
GH: 00075068 Chionanthus foveolatus tomentella (Verdoorn) Stearn South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5539
A: 00057594 Chionanthus francii (Guillaumin) P. S. Green New Caledonia: Prony I. Franc 1867 1914-7-15
A: 00063132 Chionanthus francii (Guillaumin) P. S. Green New Caledonia: Prony, foret rocheuse I. Franc 1867 1914-7-15
A: 02459797 Chionanthus gigas (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Burep River, about 15 miles NE of Lae T. G. Hartley 12,373 1961-11-18
A: 02459400 Chionanthus grandifolius (Elmer) Kiew Malaysia: Terengganu Bitu Biwa, Ulu Trengganu [Terengganu]. Base ... P. F. Cockburn FRI 10578 1968-6-10
A: 02459399 Chionanthus grandifolius (Elmer) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang W. ridge of Gunong Kumaku, 10 miles... G. H. S. Wood SAN 16715 1955-9-25
A: 02459398 Chionanthus grandifolius (Elmer) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Kelabit highland, Baram District, 4th... P. P. K. Chai S 35338 1975-2-3
A: 02459397 Chionanthus grandifolius (Elmer) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Ugong, Bakelaban, Lawas Ilias bin Paie S 26013 1967-9-19
GH: 00075054 Chionanthus grandifolius (Elmer) Kiew Philippines: Agusan del Norte Cabadbaran (Mount Urdaneta), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 13425 1912-8
A: 00075055 Chionanthus grandifolius (Elmer) Kiew Philippines: Agusan del Norte Cabadbaran (Mount Urdaneta), Mindanao Island A. D. E. Elmer 13425 1912-8
A: 02459803 Chionanthus hahlii (Rech) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Kieta S. F. Kajewski 1562 1930
A: 02459801 Chionanthus hahlii (Rech) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: middle Silibai gorge, ... R. Schodde & L. A. Craven 3818 1964-8-12
A: 02459799 Chionanthus hahlii (Rech) Kiew Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Peak behind Fulleborn Harbour J. R. Croft & R. S. Isles NGF 12342 1973-5-3
A: 02459802 Chionanthus hahlii (Rech) Kiew Solomon Islands: Northwest Treasury Island, Kughala River Are... R. Mauriasi & collectors [Solomon ... BSIP 14075 1969-4-25
A: 02459800 Chionanthus hahlii (Rech) Kiew Solomon Islands: Barora Ite Island, Suguliliu Area, Santa Ysa... R. Mauriasi & collectors [Solomon ... BSIP 16069 1969-8-25
A: 02459798 Chionanthus hahlii (Rech) Kiew Solomon Islands: vicinity of Koniguru I village, c. 11 miles ... R. Schodde & L. A. Craven 3628 1964-7-19
A: 00003589 Chionanthus implicatus (Rusby) P. S. Green Bolivia: Cochabamba Cochabamba M. Bang 1163 1891
A: 00075033 Chionanthus insignis Miquel Indonesia: Sumatra J. E. Teysmann
A: 00112525 Chionanthus kinabaluensis Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mount Kinabalu, Tenompok, 5000 feet J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29348 1932-4-20
A: 02459401 Chionanthus kinabaluensis Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 30229-29348 1932-3-14
A: 00075035 Chionanthus laxiflora Blume Indonesia: Borneo P. W. Korthals
A: 02459421 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Brunei and Muara Lumapas; Bukit Lumpas. Along path 25m below ... Bygrave A. P. Davis, D. Kirkup, Jo... 41 1994-10-12
A: 02459420 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Moarra damit, nr. Bruni, Borneo G. D. Haviland 782
A: 02459413 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Tutong Telisai; Bukit Basong; near Telisai satellit... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Dr. Ken Oga... BRUN 17805 1996-9-11
A: 02459412 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Brunei and Muara Serasa; Kampong Rimba Kumpai; Kampong Rimba ... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Dr. Ken Oga... BRUN 17676 1996-7-13
A: 02459406 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Tutong Pasir Putih, between Sungai Liang and Tutong M. J. E. Coode Wong Khoon Meng et ... 6853 1990-4-20
A: 02459405 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Tutong Telisai; Pengkalan Dalai. Along the old logg... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Nig, Shanan... ARK 86 1991-9-14
A: 02459404 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Tutong Telisai, Bukit Basong N. Nangkat CLayton J., Ibrahim A. BRUN 15507 1994-11-9
A: 02459403 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Brunei: Brunei and Muara Rimba Kumpal Meragang S. H. Zinin Ariffin K., Sharbini M... BRUN 15024 1993-6-24
A: 02459418 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) inland (N-NW) of the town of Batangtoru, Kec... W. N. Takeuchi & E. Sambas 18401 2003-6-12
A: 02459417 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Indonesia: Bangka, G. Maras A. J. G. H. Kostermans & Anta 1250 1949-10-25
A: 02459411 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Dolok Si Haboe-Haboe, Asahan (mountain west ... Rahmat Si Boeea 11185 1936-11-30
A: 02459402 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Indonesia: Papua: N of Ayawasi; Plot 5 (Hoyt) A. M. Polak 958 1995-12-13
A: 02459419 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] Native Collector [Malaysia] 1180
A: 02459416 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Mile 8 1/2 Tulid road P. Binideh SAN 58470 1968-3-13
A: 02459415 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Bario, ulu Baram; path to Pa'Ukat J. A. R. Anderson S 20,216 1964-7-1
A: 02459414 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Penampang: Jalam S.R.K. Ulu Tuaram Gunong Al... Amin & Ismail SAN 65580 1984-7-16
A: 02459410 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Kabili-Sepilok F.R. Enggoh bin Limbuan NBFD 7321 1937-6-26
A: 02459409 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Bangawan F.R., Sabah For. Dis. Bangawan A. Rahim NBFD A 429 1948-6-4
A: 02459408 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Catchment Area Panching 1015 1928-10
A: 02459407 Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands: Bukit Mentigi W. L. Chew CWL 861 1963-10-8
GH: 00075036 Chionanthus longipetalus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tawao A. D. E. Elmer 20455 1922-10
A: 02459440 Chionanthus longipetalus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Buri, 1st Division Ilias bin Paie S 42085 1981-5-22
A: 02459439 Chionanthus longipetalus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak G. Santubong Banying ak Nudong & Sibat ak Luang S 21518 1965-6-12
A: 02459438 Chionanthus longipetalus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Kuching G. D. Haviland 2167 1893-1-17
A: 02459441 Chionanthus lucens Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Sepaku area, PT. ITCI, Kenagan, Balikpapan Ambriansyah & Z. Arifin AA78
A: 02459444 Chionanthus lucens Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Nyabau catchment area, Bintulu, 4th Division Sibat ak Luang S.24551 1966-6-14
A: 02459443 Chionanthus lucens Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Sg. Bunut, Maying, Kakus, Tatau, Bintulu, 4t... Ilias bin Paie S 50174 1985-10-6
A: 02459442 Chionanthus lucens Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Batu Laga Plateau, Batang Rejang, 7th Divisi... A. M. M. Abang Pawozan S 48202 1984-9-10
A: 02459445 Chionanthus macrobotrys (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Penibukan; left ridge above ca... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 30910 1933-1-10
A: 00075033 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Indonesia: Sumatra J. E. Teysmann
A: 00075034 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Indonesia: Java C. L. Blume
A: 02459423 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan: Borneo; Sg. Wain region, N. of B... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 4447 1950-9-10
A: 02459422 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) East Borneo; E. Kutei. Sg. Menubar region A. J. G. H. Kostermans 5081 1951-6-9
A: 02459436 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Pahang NW of Pahang. K. Lipis District. Sg. Telom N... Z. Sohadi FRI 17879 1971-5-30
A: 02459435 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Dallas J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 26506 1931-9-21
A: 02459434 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Kiau, Upper Kinabalu J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 40468 1933-9-25
A: 02459433 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: 7 miles E. of Dallas on path to ... G. H. S. Wood & J. Wyatt-Smith A 4537 1954-8-17
A: 02459432 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Gurulau spur, near camp; Kinab... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 50551 1933-11-29
A: 02459431 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Dallas J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 26149 1931-8-23
A: 02459430 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Johor Sungai Sedili B. H. I. Ngadiman SF 36922 1939-7-30
A: 02459429 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Johor Mawai B. H. I. Ngadiman SF 34702 1938-1-8
A: 02459427 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Johor Eastern boundary of Segamat Wild Life Reserv... L. H. Shing FRI 17121 1970-6-1
A: 02459426 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29223 1931
A: 02459425 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29427 1932-4-27
A: 02459424 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Dallas J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 26677 1931-10-2
A: 02459428 Chionanthus macrocarpa Blume Singapore: Batang Malaka forest Reserve Sidek bin Kiah SF 37232 1940-4-12
A: 02459460 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan: Central East Borneo. W. Koetai, ... [data not captured] 3134 1925-9-10
A: 02459459 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan: Central East Borneo; W. Koetai, ... F. H. Endert 3150 1925-9-11
A: 02459458 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan: Central East Borneo. West Koetai... F. H. Endert 3673 1925-9-28
A: 02459457 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan: Central East Borneo. W. Koetai, ... F. H. Endert 4436 1925-10-21
A: 02459456 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Central East Borneo; W. Koetai, no.37, near ... F. H. Endert 3634 1925-9-27
A: 02459455 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Besuki S. H. Koorders 6089B
GH: 02459454 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] H. Zollinger 3164
A: 02459453 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Pasuruan S. H. Koorders 23054B
A: 02459452 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] H. Zollinger 3164
A: 02459451 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bot. Garden Buitzenzorg C. S. Sargent 1903-10-20
A: 02459449 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [illegible] [see label] [illegible] 533
A: 02459448 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Gajolands. Between Gadjah and Blang Kedjeren C. G. G. J. van Steenis 9416 1937-2-27
A: 02459447 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Bangka, Bangka, G. Mangkol A. J. G. H. Kostermans & Anta 803 1949-9-20
GH: 02459446 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 2959 1880
A: 02459450 Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Malaysia: Johor Mwai B. H. I. Ngadiman SF 34702 1938-1-8
A: 00105318 Chionanthus mala-elengi terniflorus (Wallich ex G. Don) P. S. Green Vietnam: Montibus Mu noui J. B. L. Pierre 143 1866-12
A: 00105321 Chionanthus mala-elengi terniflorus (Wallich ex G. Don) P. S. Green Vietnam: Austro-Cochinchine, Province Bien Hoa, Baoch... J. B. L. Pierre 1822 1877-7
A: 00105320 Chionanthus mala-elengi terniflorus (Wallich ex G. Don) P. S. Green Vietnam: Cochinchine, Province Bien Hoa, Mui-chua-cha... E. Poilane 19525 1931
A: 00105319 Chionanthus mala-elengi terniflorus (Wallich ex G. Don) P. S. Green Vietnam: Cochinchine, Province Bien Hoa, Gia ray E. Poilane 2517 1921-2-13
GH: 00075067 Chionanthus mannii congestus (Baker) Stearn : Africa: West Trop Africa [protologue: Lower ... G. Mann 1747 1859
GH: 00075069 Chionanthus mannii (Solereder) Stearn Gabon: G. Mann 949
GH: 00075070 Chionanthus mannii (Solereder) Stearn Gabon: G. Mann 949
A: 00242255 Chionanthus mannii (Solereder) Stearn Liberia: Monrovia, near the Cape M. J. Dinklage 2915 1923-10-28
A: 00105317 Chionanthus microstigma (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Laos: Stung-streng C. Thorel 2219 1866
A: 00105324 Chionanthus microstigma (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques E. Poilane 560 1919-10-17
A: 00105322 Chionanthus microstigma (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Austor-Cochinchine, montibus Dinh prope Bari... J. B. L. Pierre 8809 1866-10
A: 00105323 Chionanthus microstigma (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Annam, Province Nhatrang, ile Tre E. Poilane 3013 1922-4-14
A: 00105316 Chionanthus microstigma (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Austro-Cochinchine, Proivince Bien Hoa, Gia ... J. B. L. Pierre 2811 1865-9
A: 00105315 Chionanthus microstigma (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Cochinchine, Proivince Bien Hoa, Gia-ray E. Poilane 2515 1921
A: 02459487 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) E. Borneo, Loa Djanan, W. of Smarainda A. J. G. H. Kostermans 9874 1954-8-23
A: 02459486 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W of Manado ca. 50 km inland from Pan... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3820 1990-3-12
GH: 02459485 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 2638a 1880
GH: 02459484 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 2600
A: 02459483 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa Timur (East Java) Cn. Baung, Purwodadi A. Dilmy 718 1967-10-21
GH: 02459482 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Cult. in Horto. Bogor [no data available]
A: 02459481 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Besuki S. H. Koorders 30235B 1898
A: 02459480 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Besuki S. H. Koorders 30235B 1898
A: 02459479 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Besuki S. H. Koorders 32453B 1898
A: 02459478 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Preanger S. H. Koorders 6107B
A: 02459476 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg C. S. Sargent 1903-10-16
A: 02459475 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] C. L. Blume
A: 02459474 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Udjung Kulon Reserve, Peutjang Island E. Kuswata Kartawinata 292 1961-6-15
A: 02459473 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Pulau Panaitan (Prinseneiland) near Tjiharas... J. van Borssum Waalkes 366 1952-6-20
A: 02459472 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: S. W. Java; Udjungkulon Res. near ligh... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 21822 1964-12-9
A: 02459471 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg C. S. Sargent 1903-10-16
GH: 02459470 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 2879 1880
GH: 02459469 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 2799 1880
GH: 02459468 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 1443 1881
A: 02459467 Chionanthus montanus Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [no data available]
A: 02459466 Chionanthus montanus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Mount Kinabalau; Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29891 1932-6-13
A: 02459465 Chionanthus montanus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Penibukan; Upper Kinabalu J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 40734 1933-10-14
A: 02459464 Chionanthus montanus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Mount KInabalu; Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 28601 1932-2-29
A: 02459463 Chionanthus montanus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Gurulau spur; Upper KInabalu J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 50438 1933-11-23
A: 02459462 Chionanthus montanus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Mount Kinabalu; Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 28605 1932-2-29
A: 02459461 Chionanthus montanus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Mount Kinabalu; Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 28188 1932-2-1
A: 02459477 Chionanthus montanus Blume Timor-Leste: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 3544 1882
A: 00242254 Chionanthus niloticus (Oliver) Stearn Côte d'Ivoire: A. Aubréville 1848
A: 02459495 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Indonesia: Jawa: Oost Java, Ngandjoek [no data available] Ja.3066 1934-10-28
A: 02459494 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Indonesia: Jawa: Provincia Besuki S. H. Koorders 29025B 1897
A: 02459493 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Indonesia: Jawa: Provincia du Banyumas S. H. Koorders 20289B
A: 02459492 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Indonesia: Jawa: Provincia Besuki S. H. Koorders 21814B
A: 02459489 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W. of Manado; 50 km inland from Pangi... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3819 1990-3-11
A: 02459488 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 220 km W. of Manado 50 km inland from Pangi,... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 3992 1990-3-18
A: 02459491 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu; Penibukan J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32004 1933-3-9
A: 02459490 Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalau; Penibukan J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32180 1933-3-17
GH: 00075020 Chionanthus oblanceolatum (B. L. Robinson) P. S. Green Belize: Upper Moho River, forest M. E. Peck 219 1907-3-16
A: 02459496 Chionanthus oblongifolius Koord. & Valeton Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Sumorong [?] S. H. Koorders 6109B
A: 02459668 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) East Borneo; E. Kutei. G. Tepian Lobang on M... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 5271 1951-6-17
A: 00075037 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah A. Villamil 385 1917-9
A: 02459670 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Bau: Below Bungoh Range Ilias bin Paie & J. D. Mamit S 29335 1969-12-6
A: 02459669 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Limestone hill near Melinau camp J. A. R. Anderson & H. Keng K 44 1961-7-11
A: 02459667 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Sub-cpt.16,Cpt.2, Bombay Burmah T. G. Conces... G. H. S. Wood A 4140 1954-11-25
GH: 02459666 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 20789 1922-10
GH: 02459665 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 20701 1922-10
A: 02459664 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 21749 1922-10
A: 02459663 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] A. Villamil 385 1917-5
A: 02459662 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Bettotan P. Orolfo BNBFD 3081 1933-4-24
A: 02459661 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Path from Melinau to Terikan, foot of... J. A. R. Anderson 4331 1961-7-10
A: 02459660 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: G. Api, Melinau Gorge J. A. R. Anderson 4618 1961-7-15
A: 02459659 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Mt. Tiekan C. Hose 554
A: 02459658 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Tibang, Indonesian Border; Extreme eas... J. A. R. Anderson S 28512 1969-7-8
A: 02459657 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Gunong Pueh, Sematan, 1st Division James et al. S 34457 1974-6-19
A: 02459656 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Gunong Api, ulu Melinau, Totoh; NE fl... J. A. R. Anderson S 31765 1971-10-4
A: 02459655 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Bkt. Batu Semakan Cave, Ulu Sampurau, Melina... Ilias bin Paie S 25825
A: 02459654 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 21749 1922-10
A: 02459653 Chionanthus oliganthus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinestone Province A. D. E. Elmer 20701 1922-10
A: 02459503 Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merrill) Kiew Brunei: Belait Sukang Dungun, Ulu Belait Salleh Ismail Ibrahim A., Melinau ... BRUN 15317 1993-6-9
A: 02459502 Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merrill) Kiew Brunei: Belait Melilas; Ulu Sungai Belait; Along Belait riv... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Niga, Salle... BRUN 17040 1995-8-23
A: 02459501 Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merrill) Kiew Brunei: Temburong Amo; Bukit Belalong J. Dransfield S. Dransfield, G. T.... JD7210 1993-2-24
A: 02459500 Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merrill) Kiew Brunei: Belait Sukang; Sungai Paleh Bangawong; Vicinity of ... D. W. Kirkup S. Thomas 604 1992-11-21
A: 02459498 Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merrill) Kiew Brunei: Temburong Temburong River, at Wong Nguan rapids M. J. E. Coode Wong Khoon Meng et ... 6620 1990-4-8
A: 02459497 Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merrill) Kiew Brunei: Tutong Tanjong Maya; Bukit Udai; Bukit Kukup S. H. Zinin Ken Ogata, Niga Nangka... BRUN 17438 1996-4-27
A: 02459499 Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merrill) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Marudi, Pulong Tau National Park (Western pa... [data not captured] S 97534 2007-5-9
A: 02459507 Chionanthus palustris Kiew Brunei: Belait Melilas; Ulu Ingei. path from Ulu Ingei to S... M. J. S. Sands S. Atkins, E. J. Co... 5929 1993-7-24
A: 02459508 Chionanthus palustris Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Sungai Terus, Bakong J. A. R. Anderson S 30703 1971-9-12
A: 02459506 Chionanthus palustris Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Lassa Protected Forest, Rejang Delta, Third ... Hamdi S 27834 1971-8-27
A: 02459505 Chionanthus palustris Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Delta Timber Co., Sg. Tutus, Igan, 3rd Div. P. P. K. Chai S 26779 1971-2-21
A: 02459534 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Brunei: Tutong Rambai; Ladan Hills Forest Reserve; Nyamokni... A. A. Joffre I. M. Said, Niga N., ... BRUN 17549 1996-6-9
A: 02459521 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Brunei: Belait Melilas; Ulu Belait. About 1 km from the Ing... M. J. S. Sands S. Atkins, E. J. Co... 5877 1993-7-22
A: 02459520 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Brunei: Belait Melilas; Ulu Belait. About 1km from the Inge... M. J. S. Sands S> Atkins, E. .j. C... 5878 1993-7-22
A: 02459510 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Brunei: Tutong Upstream from Belabau on tutong River M. J. E. Coode Wong Khoon Meng et ... 6366 1990-3-28
A: 02459522 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) East Borneo; E. Kutei; G. Tepian Lobang on M... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 5321 1951-6-19
A: 02459519 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. 8 Km NE of Desa Jelundung, Batu Lin... A. C. Church, U. W. Mahyar & J. J.... 1727 1995-2-3
A: 02459549 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sintang. Bukit Baka National Park. Ila Saka ... A. C. Church Mahyar, U. W., Ruskan... 255 1993-10-20
A: 02459548 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sintang. Bukit Baka National Park. Environs ... A. C. Church Mahyar, U. W., Ruskan... 54 1993-10-14
A: 00075040 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak O. Beccari 915
A: 02459543 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Betotan P. Orolfo BNBFD 3246 1933-5-23
A: 02459542 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Bukau F. Melegrito BNBFD 2518 1932-9-12
A: 02459541 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: Lumaku F.R. D. Sundaling & A. K. Momin SAN 77741 1973-6-25
A: 02459540 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Mount Matang J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 20993 1929
A: 02459539 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Near Long Kapa, Mount Dulit (Ulu Tinjar). IV... P. M. Synge 2210 1932-10-14
A: 02459538 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Sungai Silabukan Kadir Bin Abdul NBFD A 3607 1951-10-6
A: 02459537 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tenom: West of Kampong Kapulu L. Saikeh SAN 72077 1972-5-4
A: 02459536 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Kinabatangan B. Evangelista 871
A: 02459535 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Sandakan and vicinity W. D. Jupp 820 1920-2
A: 02459533 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tenom: West of Kg. Mendalom, Baru S. Lantoh SAN 72048 1972-1-19
A: 02459532 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Plot 1, Uni [?] of Sturling [?] Plots Conser... E. J. F. Campbell bis SAN 117060 1986-6
GH: 02459531 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Borneo; Rejang, Belaga G. D. Haviland 1733 1891-11
GH: 02459530 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Myburgh Province A. D. E. Elmer 20332 1921-10
A: 02459528 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Cpt. A, Sub-cpt. 13, (in camp) Bombay Burmah... G. H. S. Wood A 4016 1954-4-25
A: 02459529 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mostyn; Madai forest [See H.T. Sinanggul] H. Sinanggul SAN 57100 1966-8-8
A: 02459527 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: [no additional data] C. Hose 330 1894-11-3
A: 02459526 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: [no additional data] C. Hose 222 1894-11-6
A: 02459525 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Lagsikan, Comp. 1 P. P. Sam NBFD A 2954 1953-7-21
A: 02459524 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Kinabatangan B. Evangelista 1123 1929-12
A: 02459523 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Mile 3 1/2 Silam Road H. T. Sinanggul SAN 57317 1966-10-20
A: 02459518 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Sabal Sawmill Area, Sabal F.R., 70th Mile, S... Ilias bin Paie & Azahari S 35749 1974-10-13
A: 02459517 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Supu F. R., Kinabatangan M. Puasa NBFD 10,105 1938-10-12
A: 02459516 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Eastern Shoulder W. L. Chew, E. J. H. Corner & J. D... RSNB 286 1961-8-7
A: 02459515 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Pinangah; Sg. Melikop Chung Chau Lung logged... L. Madani & D. Sundaling SAN 60180 1984-8-21
A: 02459514 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak S. Labang, Bintulu P. S. Ashton 16294 1963-3-20
A: 02459513 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Tuban, Bintulu P. S. Ashton S 18445 1963-4-8
A: 02459511 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Sepilok F. R. Compt. 15, Elopura Kadir Bin Abdul NBFD A 980 1948-12-28
A: 02459509 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Sg. Tondulu P. Binideh SAN 55806 1968-7-11
A: 02459558 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Gunong Alab Range Lideh SAN 60384 1984-7-17
A: 02459557 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data Native Collector [Malaysia] 5276 1927
A: 02459556 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Tubau, Bintulu P. S. Ashton 18181 1963-4-5
A: 02459555 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Ulu Sg. Kaindangan S. Lantoh SAN 82380 1975-10-19
A: 02459554 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sandakan and vicinity M. Ramos 1476 1920-9
A: 02459553 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Kinabatangan R. valley Arsat 1144 1930-1
A: 02459552 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Myburgh Province A. D. E. Elmer 1921-10
A: 02459550 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Tama Abu Range, Bario, 4th Division D. Awa & B. Lee SAN 51181 1985-9-8
A: 02459547 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Kg. Bukau, weston Suleiman BNBFD 2205 1932-7-18
A: 02459546 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Sg. Bunut, Maying, Kakus, Tatau, Bintulu, 4t... Ilias bin Paie S 50174 1985-10-6
A: 02459545 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Tama Abu Range, Bario, 4th Division D. Awa & B. Lee S 51181 1985-9-6
A: 02459544 Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knoblauch) Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Route to Pa' Ukat, Bario, 4th Division D. Awa et al. S 50432 1985-7-27
A: 02459805 Chionanthus polygamus (Roxburgh) Kiew : Papuasia: [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02459808 Chionanthus polygamus (Roxburgh) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, above Wandosw... [no data available] BW 3562 1956-6-21
A: 02459807 Chionanthus polygamus (Roxburgh) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Tengah Boemi, 40 km. inward of Nabire, Geelvink Bay R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 12796 1940-3-10
A: 02459806 Chionanthus polygamus (Roxburgh) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Archipel. Ind.: Nw. Guinea; Jappen-Biak. Was... Aet & Idjan 387 1939-8-12
A: 02459804 Chionanthus polygamus (Roxburgh) Kiew Indonesia: Papua New Guinea, Seroei, Eil. Japen Mariattoe [no data available] bb.30370 1939-8-12
A: 02459566 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Indonesia: Borneo W. H. de Vriese & J. E. Teijsmann
A: 02459565 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan: Borneo. Peak of Balikpapan. (G. ... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 7569 1952-7-17
A: 02459564 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan: Borneo. Peak of Balikpapan (C. B... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 7561 1952-7-16
A: 02459563 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Pujungan District, Kayan-Mentarang Nature Re... J. A. McDonald & Ismail [do not us... 3477 1992-6-26
A: 02459561 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) East Borneo; E. Kutei. Sg. Menubar region A. J. G. H. Kostermans 4963 1951-6-5
A: 02459559 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area: 5-10 km north of Masa vill... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 2952 1989-6-28
A: 02459562 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Tondulu P. Binideh SAN 55811 1968-7-12
A: 02459560 Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Kibundu [data not captured] SAN 129109 1989-7-27
GH: 00073707 Chionanthus proctorii Stearn Jamaica: Westmoreland Parish Clarks Wood District, southeast of Woodstock... G. R. Proctor 222206 1961-4-24
A: 02459569 Chionanthus pubicalyx (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: Bukit Sipitang, 5 miles E. of Sipi... G. H. S. Wood SAN 15178 1955-5-31
A: 02459568 Chionanthus pubicalyx (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Mt. Trusmadi F. Res. L. Madani SAN 87412 1977-8-24
A: 02459567 Chionanthus pubicalyx (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 29397 1932-5-4
GH: 02086777 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02459579 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Brunei: Kemanian; Kedayan: Kemanian larat Jalan Muar... P. S. Ashton BRUN 5143 1959-1-27
A: 02459578 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Brunei: Tutong Bukit Pasir white sands K. M. Wong WKM 150 1988-5-21
A: 02459585 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Snibong, Sampadi F. R., 25th miles, Ba... Ilias bin Paie S 26962 1968-7-1
A: 02459584 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Kian J. A. Griswold 83 1937-7-3
A: 02459583 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Near Mile 11 1/2 on Apas Road (11 miles E. o... G. H. S. Wood SAN 17199 1955-11-7
A: 02459582 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: Near boundary of Mtt.Templer F. ... G. Shea & F. Minjulu SAN 76234 1972-9-25
A: 02459581 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 28521 1933-2-22
A: 02459580 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Upper Kinabalu J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 51325 1934-1-2
A: 02459577 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Tuaran: [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 11262 1915-12-11
A: 02459576 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] A. Villamil 310 1917-4
A: 02459575 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Tuaran: [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 11262 1915-12-12
A: 02459574 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah [illegible] A. Villamil 310 1917-4
A: 02459573 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] J. Agama 527 1918-8
A: 02459572 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Malaysia: Sabah Mile 82 1/2. Labuk Rd, base of bukit Tangkun... D. Sundaling, L. Madani & G. Shea SAN 74575 1971-12-9
A: 02458105 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Philippines: Bataan [no additional data] [no data available]
A: 02458104 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Philippines: Laguna [no additional data] F. L. Amarillas 1916-5
A: 02458103 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Philippines: Quezon Mt. Dingalan M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño BS 26546 1916-8
GH: 02458102 Chionanthus racemosus (Merrill) Kiew & Pelser Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] M. Ramos BS 1758 1907-1
A: 02459586 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Brunei: Belait Telisai; Pasir Puteh. Road between Sg. Liang... S. Atkins E. J. Cowley, M. J. S. S... 451 1993-7-10
A: 02459611 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Brunei: east of Brunei town M. Hotta 13167 1964-1-16
A: 02459610 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Brunei: Tutong Telisai; Pasir Putih area; near junction to ... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) BRUN 17452 1996-5-16
A: 00056520 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh China: Hainan Dung Ka to Wen Fa Shi, in forest along strea... N. K. Chun & C. L. Tso 43744 1932
A: 02459828 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Kabupaten Manokwari; Kecamatan Kebar;... M. J. S. Sands Johns R.J., Moeljon... 6602 1994-5-13
A: 02459819 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Archip. Key: O. Warburg 21353 1889
A: 02459818 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Archip. Key O. Warburg 21353 1889
A: 02459875 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea Div. West N. G... H. R. Karstel BW 2353 1958-2-25
A: 02459874 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, distr. Radjah... P. van Royen 5554 1955-2-17
A: 02459873 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua Coastal plain and Gunung Top, W of Sungai To... J. A. McDonald & Ismail [do not us... 3744 1993-5-29
A: 02459872 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, distr. Radjah... P. van Royen 5230 1955-1-18
A: 02459871 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua New G.; Res. Biak; Numfoor isl. Namber C. Koster BW 1026 1954-9-23
A: 02459868 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea. Div. Fak-Fak,... G. Iwanggin BW 10151 1961-3-24
A: 02459867 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua Barat Waren, 60 miles south of Manokwari R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 13083 1940-3-23
A: 02459866 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua Barat New Guinea, subdistrict Manokwari, Ransiki A. J. G. H. Kostermans 112 1948-7-31
A: 02459865 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea Subdstr. Ransi... C. Koster BW 1333 1956-7-23
A: 02459864 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua Barat Daya Archipel. Ind: Nw. Guinea; Misool; Sorong D. R. Pleyte 1004 1948-9-23
A: 02459863 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea; Hamadi near H... F. A. W. Schram BW 2894 1957-7-15
A: 02459850 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua Barat Nw. Guinea; Vogelkop. Warnapi, N. of Ransiki... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 4752 1948-8
A: 02459847 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea; Div. Hollandi... G. Iwanggin BW 5257 1957-4-5
A: 02459596 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Gunung Dayuh, Bentiang, Pontianak [data not captured] 26847 1980-10-29
GH: 02459594 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] T. Horsfield 1859
A: 02459593 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Sum. Benkoelen Aer Ketenong F. W. Rappard 193 1937-9-12
A: 02459592 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas. Morotai. G. Perm... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 956 1949-5-23
A: 02459591 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa Timur (East Java) Mt. Tengu, North of Mt. Baung, Malang Soejatmi 21 1964-5-8
A: 02459590 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Molukken, Tanimbar eilande... [no data available] bb.24301 1938-3-18
A: 02459589 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas; Ternate. Malulu ... F. C. J. Bish 14 1950-4-14
A: 02459588 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Maluku Ambon, Pulau: [no additional data] W. H. de Vriese
A: 02459587 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Sum. Benkoelen Air Seblat F. W. Rappard 183 1937-9-10
A: 02459606 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas. Morotai; Ngele 2 A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1596 1949-6-23
A: 02459644 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Sumbawa: W. Sumbawa; Batulanteh Mts; trail f... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 18240 1961-4-16
A: 02459643 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Boeroe, D.E.I. West Coast D. G. Fairchild 308 1940-5-2
A: 02459642 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Besuki C. S. Sargent 29924B 1898
A: 02459640 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Maluku Utara Akekolano, Oba district A. H. G. Alston 16738 1954-8-9
A: 02459634 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Ceram; Pantai Taniwel.Kec.Taniwel Ramlanto Ram.375 1984-12-14
A: 02459630 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas; Aroe Isl. P. Tra... P. Buwalda 5426 1938-6-30
A: 02459629 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Bivak. Wae. Tapinaloe, Eranf. Seri Ka... P. J. Eyma 3040 1938-2-25
A: 02459628 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas. Tenimber Isl. (T... P. Buwalda 4287 1938-3-18
A: 02459627 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bot. Garden Buitenzorg C. S. Sargent 1903-10-16
A: 02459626 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Soela Sanana, Molukken (So... S. Bloembergen 4408 1939-7-29
A: 02459625 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Molukken, Aroe-eilanden, N... [no data available] bb.25458 1938-6-30
A: 02459624 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Molukken, Tanimbar eilande... [no data available] bb.24359 1938-3-28
A: 02459623 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bot. Garden Buitenzorg C. S. Sargent 1903-10-16
A: 02459620 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa Timur (East Java) District of Besuki; Mount Ringit village of ... P. Buwalda 7537 1940-3-8
A: 02459619 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas. Morotai. Ngele2 A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1597 1949-6-23
A: 02459618 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa: Prov. Semarang S. H. Koorders 6110
A: 02459616 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas; Morotai A. J. G. H. Kostermans 7842 1949-5
A: 02459615 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Kabaena; Kabaena, Gunung Sabampolulu, 1 km S... J. A. McDonald & Ismail [do not us... 3889 1993-7-25
A: 02459609 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Donggala Regency, Pangi-Binangga Nature Rese... E. L. Bynum 7166 1991-6-5
A: 02459598 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: Overlooking Sungei Telupit - nea... G. Shea & F. Minjulu SAN 76178 1972-9-20
A: 02459597 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: About a mile west of Kg. Takuta G. Shea & A. Gibot SAN 77150 1973-5-23
A: 02459595 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 9460 1915-10-18
A: 02459607 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Pulau Gaya Bayak BNBFD 2629 1932-8-23
A: 02459605 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 9460 1915-10-18
A: 02459604 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: Limpasan H. G. Keith BNBFD 6781 1937-1-10
A: 02459603 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Jabu-Jabu, Timbun Mata F. R. H. G. Keith BNBFD 9483 1938-8-29
A: 02459602 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: Jesselton; Kg. Taginambur Kanis & Kuripin SAN 54385 1966-2-11
A: 02459601 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Outside the Forest Reserve, Sabah For. Dis.,... A. Rahim NBFD A 435 1948-6-8
A: 02459600 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Kitauh, Tambunan P. Binideh SAN 55797 1968-7-9
A: 02459599 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Penang Penang Botanical Garden D. Hou 826 1966-9-13
A: 02459645 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Gunong Api, ulu Melinau, Tutoh, Baram... J. A. R. Anderson S 30855 1971-10-1
A: 02459641 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] D. D. Wood 1197
A: 02459639 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Bundu T. Goklin BNBFD 2404 1932-8-19
A: 02459638 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Simporna along the seashore. at Kalumpany A. Mael BNBFD 1841 1932-4-27
A: 02459637 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Gaya Is. Kahar BNBFD 5402 1935-5-31
A: 02459636 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 9460 1915-10-18
A: 02459635 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Gaya Island Park area, near Kota Kinabalu, n... W. Meijer, L. Madani, P. Tikau, Go... SAN 136218 1992-6-30
A: 02459633 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Bukit Kulung W. Meijer SAN 122462 1987-10-9
A: 02459632 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Bukit Kulung W. Meijer SAN 122462 1987-10-9
A: 02459631 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Kota Maruda: Hill ridge right side of Sg Tor... A. Gibot SAN 99620 1983-8-13
A: 02459617 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Kedah Pulau Langkwai stateland near sanatorium S. Chelliah FRI 6918 1969-3-14
A: 02459614 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands M. R. Henderson SF 23425
A: 02459613 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Johor Mawai, Sungai Sedili E. J. H. Corner SF 28083 1934-3-3
A: 02459612 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Jesselton; Pulau Gaya Forest Reserve A. Gibot SAN 42006 1966-7-23
A: 02459608 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Malaysia: Pahang [no additional data] [data not captured] 13425/23481
A: 02459846 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Burep River NE of Lae T. G. Hartley 10,132B 1962-4-30
A: 02459845 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Burep River NE of Lae T. G. Hartley 11,769 1963-5-3
A: 02459844 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Central Bordering tributary of the Laloki RIver abou... T. G. Hartley 10,626 1962-9-6
A: 02459843 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Labu, about 6 miles S of Lae T. G. Hartley 12,364 1963-11-13
A: 02459842 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Crooked Creek, about 4 miles W of Bulolo T. G. Hartley 10,891 1962-11-7
A: 02459841 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Hela Lake Kopiago: Shore of Lake Kopiago J. Vandenberg & M. Galore NGF 42109 1968-11-11
A: 02459840 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Tonolei Harbour; Buin D... C. D. Sayers NGF 19707 1964-5-23
A: 02459839 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Teilogo R. Levingston NGF 36406 1967-12-9
A: 02459837 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe [no additional data] [no data available] NGF 2992
AMES: 02459836 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Burep River NE of Lae T. G. Hartley 11,769 1863-5-3
AMES: 02459835 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Burep River NE of Lae T. G. Hartley 10,132 1962-4-30
AMES: 02459834 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Bordering tributary of the Lal... T. G. Hartley 10,626 1962-9-6
AMES: 02459833 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Crooked Creek, about 4 miles W of Bulolo T. G. Hartley 10,891 1962-11-7
AMES: 02459832 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Labu, about 6 miles S of Lae T. G. Hartley 12,364 1963-11-13
A: 02459831 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Bulili Rid... W. N. Takeuchi & A. Towati 14607 2000-7-18
A: 02459830 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, base of ri... W. N. Takeuchi & A. Towati 14672 2000-7-19
A: 02459829 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, base of ri... W. N. Takeuchi & A. Towati 14672 2000-7-19
A: 02459827 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, ridge to C... W. N. Takeuchi & A. Towati 14883 2001-1-13
A: 02459826 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Bubia W. N. Takeuchi & D. Ama 16258 2002-5-11
A: 02459825 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Atzera Range W. N. Takeuchi 9304 1993-12-21
A: 02459824 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe hills near Taraka W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & E. Morris... 17054 2004-7-21
A: 02459823 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe hills near Taraka W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & E. Morris... 17054 2004-7-21
A: 02459822 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Lower Fly River, east bank opp. Sturt Island L. J. Brass 8070 1936-10
A: 02459821 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Kaiser-Wilhelmsland: In den Waldern den [ill... R. Schlechter 18866 1908-11-20
A: 02459820 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Kieta S. F. Kajewski 1551 1930
A: 02459817 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Lower Fly River, east bank opp. Sturt Island L. J. Brass 8222 1936-10
A: 02459816 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Western Daru Island L. J. Brass 6377 1936-3-18
A: 02459815 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Kieta S. F. Kajewski 1585 1930
A: 02459814 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands South Karius (Expedition Bivouac 4), survey ... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 26611 2008-2-8
GH: 02459813 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Madang Yawan Village G. D. Weiblen YS4F0508 2010-9-10
A: 02459876 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Ruti cattle station, Jimi Sub-province K. Kerenga & J. Landsberg LAE 56763 1984-1-21
A: 02459870 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Kakolan I. off Nantambu Forest Station J. R. Croft et al. NGF 41427 1973-6-2
A: 02459869 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay NE of Bwasiaiai, Normanby I. Subprovince Esa... J. R. Croft LAE 71115 1977-12-2
A: 02459862 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Manus Derimbat D. B. Foreman LAE 52369 1973-6-29
A: 02459861 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Near Ingembit C. E. Ridsdale & M. Galore NGF 33392 1967-7-11
A: 02459860 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Guasopa, Woodlark Is. A. N. Gillison NGF 25372 1966-10-8
A: 02459859 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Guasopa, Woodlark Is. A. N. Gillison NGF 25373 1966-10-8
A: 02459858 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Fulleborn Harbour, hill over-looking bay P. F. Stevens et al. LAE 58190 1973-5-3
A: 02459857 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Selio Island, Aitape subdist. A. N. Millar & J. Vandenberg NGF 40897 1969-5-31
A: 02459856 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Madang Madang: Bagabag Island, south side E. B. Mann & J. Vandenberg NGF 43443 1969-6-15
A: 02459855 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Tonolei Harbour, Buin s... C. D. Sayers NGF 19707 1964-5-23
A: 02459854 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Leitre village, Sepik village C. D. Sayers NGF 19510 1964-3-20
A: 02459853 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Madang Yagadun (Anul), Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF 12104 1968-7-17
A: 02459852 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Central Abau: Mori River E. E. Henty & Y. Lelean NGF 41815 1969-2-11
A: 02459851 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Buso River D. B. Foreman LAE 52325 1973-1-8
A: 02459849 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Northern Sub DIistrict: Popondetta; Oro Bay A. N. Millar 1905 1972-5-29
A: 02459848 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Central Rubulogo Creek, c. 18 miles N. of Port Mores... R. Pullen 6707 1967-4-12
A: 02459622 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area; near mouth... W. N. Takeuchi 14385 2000-5-25
A: 02459621 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area; shoreline ... W. N. Takeuchi, D. Ama & A. Towati 15149 2001-2-20
A: 02458134 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14193 1913-2
GH: 02458150 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Quezon Pagbalao A. D. E. Elmer 1933 1903-4
A: 02458149 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Puerto Princesa: (Mt. Pulgar) A. D. E. Elmer 12973 1911-4
A: 02458148 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya [no additional data] R. C. McGregor BS 20177 1913-1
A: 02458147 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Mindoro: Mt. Yagaw (SE slope) H. C. Conklin PNH 18675 1953-7-27
A: 02458146 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Bukidnon [no additional data] F. L. Rola FB 26535 1917-4
A: 02458145 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Zambales Mt. Canaynayan Castillejos G. E. Edaño BS 26837 1916-12
GH: 02458144 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Luzon: Province of Camarines R. J. Alvarez FB 21429 1914-5
A: 02458143 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Capiz Magallanes (Mt. Giting-Giting) A. D. E. Elmer 12168 1910-3
A: 02458142 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Batanes Sabtang, Sabtang Island M. Ramos BS 79886 1930-5
GH: 02458141 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Panay: Capiz L. Escritor BS 21258 1913-6-30
A: 02458140 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Puerto Princesa: (Mt. Pulgar) A. D. E. Elmer 12582 1911-2
A: 02458139 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Ilocos Norte [no additional data] E. Paraiso FB 25090 1916-2
GH: 02458138 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Quezon Pagbalao E. D. Merrill 1994 1903-4
A: 02458137 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12263 1910-12
A: 02458136 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Capiz Mt. Macosolon M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño BS 30790 1918-4
A: 02458135 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Mt. Angilog G. Lopez bis BS 42025 1923-2
GH: 02458133 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Bulacan Angat Watershed Area, Norzagaray E. B. Barbon & H. G. Garcia PPI 22365 1996-3-11
GH: 02458132 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Cagayan Brgy. San Vicente, Palaui Island, Sta. Ana Barbon, Garcia & Romero PPI 18982 1995-12-18
A: 02458131 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Aurora Dipaculao Municip., Bgy. Gupa, road Baler-Ca... D. D. Soejarto, O. Fernando & D. F... 7911 1993-6-11
A: 02458130 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: La Union Bauang E. Fénix 116 1916-4-27
A: 02458129 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Balabac Island, Danglis trail from village t... D. D. Soejarto, D. A. Madulid, F. ... 8706 1994-7-2
A: 02458128 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Cuyo Island Group, Pamalican Island: SW coas... L. L. Co 2970 1990-1-27
A: 02458127 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Cuyo Island Group, Pamalican Island, Hill 38... L. L. Co 2950 1990-1-26
A: 02458126 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Bataan [no additional data] S. Vidal y Soler 829c
A: 02458125 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Bulacan Angat S. Vidal y Soler 829bis
A: 02458124 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Nueva Ecija Santa Rosa S. Vidal y Soler 829d
A: 02458123 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Guimaras Buena vista - Bo.Nasareth top of Sulangen M. D. Sulit PNH 11803 1950-3-4
A: 02458122 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Isabela Bo. Alibadabad; Sierra Madre Mountains, San ... H. G. Gutierrez PNH 78013 1961-4-20
GH: 02458121 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Luzon: Paracale, Camarines Province Magistrado FB 27059 1917-5
GH: 02458120 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Batanes [no additional data] E. Fénix BS 3755 1907-4
A: 02458119 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12141 1908-7
A: 02458172 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Quezon Baler E. Quisumbing PNH 2058 1947-5-3
A: 02458171 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] J. Reillo 1344 1912-12
GH: 02458170 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] M. Ramos BS 2186 1907-3
A: 02458169 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Davao Todaya (Mt. Apo) A. D. E. Elmer 11694 1909-9
A: 02458168 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Laguna Mt. Makiling, Calamba Estate Block, alipasya... M. D. Sulit PNH 6890 1947-5-6
A: 02458167 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Zambales Mt. Pinatubo R. B. Fox PNH 4686 1948-6-2
A: 02458166 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Quezon Naler E. Quisumbing PNH 7656 1941-5
A: 02458165 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Cotabato Mt. Matutum M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño BS 85064 1932-4
A: 02458164 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Victoria Mountains (SE slope) Panacan, Aborl... M. D. Sulit PNH 12327 1950-5-10
A: 02458163 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Luzon: Sierra Madre Mountains, NNW of Dingal... M. Jacobs 7804 1968-3-17
A: 02458162 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Luzon: Sierra Madre Mountains, WSW of Baler,... M. Jacobs 7981 1968-3-24
A: 02458161 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Municipality Brookes Point, Caramay, forest ... R. Edrada 6549 1989-4-12
A: 02458160 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Bakungan, hills and slopes ... D. D. Soejarto, E. J. Reynoso, E. ... 6486 1989-4-9
A: 02458159 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Irawan River Valley, base o... D. D. Soejarto, E. J. Reynoso, E. ... 6404 1989-4-4
A: 02458158 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Dalipiri Island, Babuyan Group (see chart 42... H. H. Bartlett 15046 1935-10-31
A: 02458157 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Dalupiri Island, Babuyan Group (see chart 42... H. H. Bartlett 15058 1935-10-31
A: 02458156 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Antipolo S. Vidal y Soler 452 bis
GH: 02458155 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Batangas [no additional data] M. Ramos 1851 1914-8
A: 02458154 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Oriental Mindoro Barrio Manaul, Mansalay M. D. Sulit PNH 17116 1952-12-28
A: 02458153 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Apulit Island; Taytay Bay E. D. Merrill 9416 1913-5
A: 02458152 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Laguna San Antonio S. Vidal y Soler 452
GH: 02458151 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Irawan; West portion of L.R... D. A. Madulid & R. S. Majaducon 8194 1993-10-22
A: 02458072 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Quezon Palawan Island, Quezon Municip., Tabon Islan... D. D. Soejarto & D. A. Madulid 6222 1988-7-26
A: 02458111 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Mt. Susong-Dalaga M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño BS 29274 1917-8
GH: 02458107 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Capiz Magallanes (Mt. Giting-Giting) A. D. E. Elmer 12168 1910-3
A: 02458106 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Capiz Panay L. Escritor BS 21258 1913-6-30
GH: 02458109 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Puerto Princesa: (Mt. Pulgar) A. D. E. Elmer 12582 1911-2
GH: 02458108 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Apulit Island TayTay Bay E. D. Merrill 9416 1913-5
A: 02458110 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Quezon Polillo A. Loher 14529 1908-5
A: 02458118 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Palawan Calusa Island, Sulu Sea E. Fénix 1353 1912-7
A: 02458117 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Mindoro: [no additional data] H. Cuming 1479
A: 02458116 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: [no additional data] H. Cuming
A: 02458115 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: [no additional data] H. Cuming 1531
GH: 02458114 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Antipolo M. Ramos 2084 1914-1
GH: 02458113 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Puerto Princesa: (Mt. Pulgar) A. D. E. Elmer 12973 1911-4
A: 02458112 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Cagayan Dalupiri Island, Babuyan Group, 19° to 19°... H. H. Bartlett 15826 1935-10-31
A: 02459838 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Solomon Islands: Fauro Is., Pa. at Japanese camp-site T. C. Whitmore BSIP 4118 1964-4-24
A: 00898833 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Thailand: Khao Chong 24-hectare plot A. Sinbumroong & S. J. Davies 253 2001-2
A: 00898834 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Thailand: In area of 24-hectare plot. Khao Chong A. Sinbumroong & S. J. Davies 2001-017 2001-1
A: 00063061 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Vietnam: Tonkin, Chapa, 1500 m P. A. Pételot 2690 1940-8
A: 02458173 Chionanthus remotinervius (Merrill) Kiew Philippines: Luzon: San Isidio M. Ramos BS 29933
ECON: 01846745 Chionanthus retusus Lindley & Paxton USA: California Chico: [no additional data] C. R. Howard 1916-4-2
GH: 01846746 Chionanthus retusus Lindley & Paxton USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 00073842 Chionanthus rostrata Thwaites Sri Lanka: Hinidoon Corle G. H. K. Thwaites CP 3472
A: 00073711 Chionanthus rugosus Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh Forest Reserve, 12th Mile Penrissen... Banying ak Nudong & Sibat ak Luang S 27067 1966-11-17
A: 02459671 Chionanthus rugosus Kiew Malaysia: Sarawak 12th mile Penrissen Road, Arboretum Semengoh... Sibat ak Luang S 26287 1966-10-14
A: 02459881 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew : New Guinea: Nw. Guinea; Nassau mts. Rouffaer... W. M. Docters van Leeuwen 10071 1926-10
A: 02459880 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew : New Guinea: Nw. Guinea; Motorbiv. Bruine riv... W. M. Docters van Leeuwen 11142 1926-11
A: 02459953 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua W. Irian, valley in town of Hollandia (=Suke... A. J. G. H. Kostermans & W. Soegen... 284 1966-8-10
A: 02459901 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Barat Angi, Arfak Mts. R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 14041 1940-4-9
A: 02459900 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, Vogelkop PEni... P. van Royen & H. O. Sleumer 7484 1961-11-29
A: 02459899 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Barat W. Irian. Seacoast below Sukarnapura (=Holla... A. J. G. H. Kostermans & W. Soegen... 309 1966-8-11
A: 02459898 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Barat Waren, 60 miles south of Manokwari R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 13026 1940-3-23
A: 02459895 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, Warsamson-riv... F. A. W. Schram BW 2979 1957-9-5
A: 02459894 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea Div. West N. G... [data not captured] BW 7271 1958-9-9
A: 02459893 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Barat Monte Arfak O. Beccari 805
A: 02459892 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea. Div. West Nw.... F. A. W. Schram BW 7937 1958-11-10
A: 02459888 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherland New Guinea, Rendawaja 2, I... G. M. Malinka BW 7011 1957-10-14
A: 02459886 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea; Biak; Oregont... W. Vink BW 12040 1961-7-1
A: 02459885 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, distr. Hollan... P. van Royen & H. O. Sleumer 5630 1961-5-30
A: 02459884 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea; Pulau Pandjan... W. Vink BW 12130 1962-2-21
A: 02459883 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Maluku Kei Eilanden: Toeal H. Jensen 187 1922-4-12
A: 02459882 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, Vogelkop peni... P. van Royen & H. O. Sleumer 6939 1961-10-23
A: 02459879 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Netherlands New Guinea; Div. Hollandia. Holl... G. Iwanggin BW 5209 1957-1-24
A: 02459878 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Barat Netherlands New Guinea, Div. Fak-Fak; Kaiman... A. P. Wugadjé BW 2448 1960-8-25
A: 02459676 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Sulawesi: Sudost-Celebes; Insel Kabaena; San... J. E. W. Elbert 3484 1909-10-22
A: 02459675 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Sulawesi: Sudost-Celebes; Insel Kabaena; San... J. E. W. Elbert 3470 1909-10-22
A: 02459674 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas. Morotai. G. Sang... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1050 1949-5-26
A: 02459673 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas. Morotai. G. Pare... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1252 1949-5-27
A: 02459672 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Moluccas. Morotai. G. Pare... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 1143 1949-5-27
A: 00914339 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, ridge to B... W. N. Takeuchi, T. Jisaka, A. Towa... 20992 2005-3-1
A: 02459911 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu-Okapa road near Onamuga T. G. Hartley 13667 1972-5-23
A: 02459910 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Namatanai: Danfu River area, c. 8 miles inla... M. J. E. Coode & M. J. S. Sands NGF 46102 1970-2-9
A: 02459909 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: New Guinea C. L. Ledermann 12879
A: 02459908 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ogeramnang M. S. Clemens 6044 1937-2
A: 02459907 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sattelberg M. S. Clemens 5365 1937-2-11
A: 02459906 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mt. Sege Artic, Ogeramenang M. S. Clemens 4933 1937-1-11
A: 02459905 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Yunzaing vicinity M. S. Clemens 3406 1936-6-22
A: 02459904 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ogeramenang M. S. Clemens 4577 1936-12-10
AMES: 02459903 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands 2 miles N of village of Maura T. G. Hartley 11,948 1963-7-3
A: 02459902 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands one mile S of Akuna T. G. Hartley 12,061 1963-7-19
A: 02459965 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Fergusson Isl.; Mts. between Agamoia and Ail... L. J. Brass 27067 1956-6-10
A: 02459967 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo Valley J. S. Womersley & Jones NGF 8819 1956-6-6
A: 02459966 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Fergusson Isl.; Mts. between Agamoia and Ail... L. J. Brass 27062 1956-6-9
A: 02459964 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands neat Tutam, ca. 8 miles e. of Mendi R. Pullen 2678 1961-7-4
A: 02459963 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Normanby Isl., Mt. Pabinama L. J. Brass 25656 1956-5-2
A: 02459962 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Busu Bridge Native Collector [Papua New Guinea] 5585 1954-3-19
A: 02459961 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo [data not captured] 4061 1952-6-10
A: 02459960 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Markham Bridge site Native Collector [Papua New Guinea] 5522 1954-2-24
A: 02459959 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Plantation area 1953/54 Bulolo A. Graham 4089 1953-6-18
A: 02459958 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Near Perosa, about 18 miles SW of Okapa T. G. Hartley 13204 1964-9-30
A: 02459957 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Kandrian/Gloucester: Pirilongi village C. D. Sayers NGF 21915 1965-3-11
A: 02459956 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Central Near Boridi Village D. B. Foreman et al. LAE 60043 1973-9-27
A: 02459955 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Buso River, S/dist. P. Katik & G. Larivita LAE 62060 1974-5-22
A: 02459954 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Buso River, S/dist. P. Katik & G. Larivita LAE 62048 1974-5-22
A: 02459952 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Buso River K. Rau 572 1979-5-19
A: 02459951 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Buso River K. Rau 567 1979-5-19
A: 02459950 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda: 0.5 km. east of Hanjiri village, on ... J. Wiakabu & A. Kairo LAE 70236 1975-9-27
A: 02459949 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: 3 miles SE of Frieda Airstrip K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73966 1978-4-26
A: 02459948 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Madang Madang: Gogol River Valley, Woodchip Project... S. H. Sohmer & P. Katik LAE 75180 1979-4-24
A: 02459947 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Bulolo road to Dengaru P. Katik et al. LAE 74802 1980-3-24
A: 02459946 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Misima: Mt. Oiatau, Misima Island P. Katik et al. LAE 70986 1979-3-16
A: 02459945 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Eastern ridge above Notrikots Swam... J. M. Wheeler ANU 5910 1966-10
A: 02459944 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Near Ambunti R. D. Hoogland 10,189 1966-6-2
A: 02459943 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis 18 miles from Lae J. S. Womersley NGF 12376 1967-9-6
A: 02459897 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Mt Klangal, 25 miles NNE of Gasmata J. R. Croft & P. Katik NGF 41265 1973-5-17
A: 02459896 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Hunstein range (Mt. Samsai), on ridge above ... W. N. Takeuchi 4931 1989-9-21
A: 02459891 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: border of Chimbu (Simbu) and Gulf Province; ... W. N. Takeuchi 11909 1997-3-27
A: 02459890 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: border of Chimbu (Simbu) and Gulf Province; ... W. N. Takeuchi 119909 1997-3-27
A: 02459889 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae, hills above 10 mile W. N. Takeuchi & D. Ama 16559 2003-3
A: 02459887 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Netherlands New Guinea, distr. Hollandia, Cy... P. van Royen & H. O. Sleumer 6121 1961-6-30
A: 02459877 Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands South Karius (Expedition Bivouac 4) W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 22448 2008-2-5
A: 02459924 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew : Southeast Asia: [illegible] Guinea C. Versteegh 1799
A: 02459809 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew : Papuasia: N. Guinea [data not captured]
GH: 02459930 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea. Div. West N. ... C. Koster BW 4425 1957-9-24
A: 02459929 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea. Div. West N. ... C. Kalkman BW 6296 1958-4-27
A: 02459928 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Indonesia: Papua Tengah S. Nw. Guinea; Sg. Aendosa near Oeta Aet 509 1941-7-9
GH: 02459931 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Oksapmin E. E. Henty, R. Isgar & M. Galore NGF 41604 1968-10-17
A: 02459927 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Crater Mt. Wildlife Management Area, Abegara... W. N. Takeuchi 12921 1998-8-2
A: 02459926 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands Lake Kutubu, Kutubu subdistrict P. Katik LAE 70780 1977-5-23
A: 02459925 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kauli Creek, about 5 miles S of Wau T. G. Hartley 11537 1963-4-3
A: 02459923 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near the Bitubum River about 7 miles N of La... T. G. Hartley 9818 1962-1-30
A: 02459922 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kuali Creek, about 5 miles S of Wau T. G. Hartley 11,473 1963-3-27
A: 02459921 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near the Butibum River about 7 miles N of La... T. G. Hartley 11, 759 1963-4-30
A: 02459920 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe N side of the Busu River about 12 miles N of... T. G. Hartley 11,338 1963-2-28
A: 02459919 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Tyme-Wago track T. G. Hartley 11,459 1963-3-21
A: 02459918 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Kaiser-Wilhelmsland R. Schlechter 1908-10-25
A: 02459917 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Kaiser-Wilhelmsland R. Schlechter 19994 1909-8-23
A: 02459916 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Hunstein range (Mt. Samsai) below site "Gipa... W. N. Takeuchi 4952 1989-9-21
A: 02459915 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: East Sepik headwaters of the Sitipa River; near the vil... W. N. Takeuchi 6610 1990-9-5
A: 02459914 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: West Sepik North of Bewani Patrol Post; Bewani subprovi... K. Kerenga LAE 55422 1985-8-28
A: 02459913 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above the foot ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10169 1995-6-26
A: 02459912 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Simbu Chimbu (Simbu) Province; Crater Mt. Wildlife... W. N. Takeuchi 11175 1996-9-14
A: 02459812 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near the Butibum River about 7 miles N of La... T. G. Hartley 11,895 1963-5-24
A: 02459811 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near the Butibum River about 7 miles N of La... T. G. Hartley 9882 1962-2-13
A: 02459810 Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: Morobe Burep River - about 15 miles NE of Lae T. G. Hartley 11,861 1963-5-16
A: 02459805 Chionanthus sp. : Papuasia: [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02459785 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Belait Belait R., around Kuala Ingai C. Puff, A. Igersheim & M. Martine... 900808-1/2 1990-9-8
A: 02459784 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Brunei and Muara Sabun area K. M. Wong WKM 925 1989-2-19
A: 02459778 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Belait Anduki Forest Reserve N. Nangkat NN 145 1989-4-17
A: 02459763 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Tutong Lamunin; Bukit Sulang; along logging road to... Salleh Ismail Niga N., Hussain H.O... BRUN 16842 1995-6-24
A: 02459727 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Temburong Amo, Ulu Temburong National Park, Kuala Bela... C. Hemingway Shariwan anak Dom & B... 68 1998-2-4
A: 02459726 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Temburong Amo, Ulu Temburong National Park, Kuala Bela... C. Hemingway 128 1998-3-1
A: 02459722 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Temburong Amo, Ulu Temburong National Park, Kuala Bela... C. Hemingway Shariwan anak Dom & B... 119 1998-2-4
A: 02459709 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Belait Melilas; Ulu Sungai Belait; Along Belait riv... Ariffin Kalat (Brunei) Niga, Salle... BRUN 17044 1995-8-23
A: 02459708 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Temburong Amo; Ulu Belalong. L.P. 382, ridge west of c... J. Dransfield M.J.E. Coode, D.W. K... 7423 1994-1-22
A: 02459706 Chionanthus sp. Brunei: Belait Belait River, between Melilas and Sg Topi K. M. Wong, A. A. Joffre, J. Clayt... WKM 3137 2011-2-12
A: 02458051 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua: Vogelkop; promptly, N. of Manokwari [data not captured] 1943-3-5
A: 02458048 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua: Irian Jaya: Baliem Valley; north of k... J. S. Burley & Ismail [do not use;... 4640 1991-5-24
A: 02458043 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua Barat Dist. Manokwari, Subdist. Wasior P. Joop E. A. Widjaja EAW4637 1991-7-5
A: 02458042 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua Barat Hamlet Rado, Village Wasior; Wasior Subdistr... E. A. Widjaja EAW4545 1991-7-6
A: 02458040 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Maluku Pulau Trangan, Kp. Sia M. M. J. van Balgooy & J. Mamesah 6311 1993-4-16
A: 02459787 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Bukit Raya H. P. Nooteboom 4567 1983-1-24
A: 02459786 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Bukit Raya H. P. Nooteboom 4639 1983-1-24
A: 02459782 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) East Borneo, Central Kutei [Kutai], Pedohon ... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 10.611 1955-4-27
A: 02459781 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Inland from Batui and Seseba on Batui R., at... M. J. E. Coode 6022 1989-10-19
A: 02459780 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Southeast of Sulawesi: north Buton... M. J. E. Coode 6278 1989-11-15
A: 02459777 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Road Balikpapan - Samarinda Ambri & Arifin AA373 1992-2-3
A: 02459775 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Plot 7. Tree number 197. Km 92 from Sangai (... P. Wilkie & E. R. Latupeirissa 94354 1994-10-31
A: 02459774 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) inland (N-NW) of the town of Batangtoru, Kec... W. N. Takeuchi, J. Zegar & K. Sino... 18487 2003-6-14
A: 02459772 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Borneo. Kalteng. Samba. 1994-199... J. K. Jarvie & A. Ruskandi 5669 1995-1-30
A: 02459771 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Sungai Wain Protected area, Km. 15 Balikpapa... K. Sidiyasa et al. 2894 2003-11-1
A: 02459770 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Mount HalimunNationalPark, Gunong Kendeng W. S. Hoover, M. Hendra & J. M. Hu... 32827 2000-3-10
A: 02459769 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Leuweung tengah, Gunung Salak W. S. Hoover & H. Wiriadinata 31230 2000-2-22
A: 02459768 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Gunung Halimun National Park, Gunong Cikanik... W. S. Hoover, H. Wiriadinata & J. ... 31325 2000-2-7
A: 02459766 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Leuweung tengah, Ranca upas, Cadas Panjang W. S. Hoover & H. Wiriadinata 31056 2000-2-14
A: 02459765 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) road from Desa Batu Kajang to Penajam; Gunun... P. J. A. Kessler et al. Ambriansya... PK2010 1996-11-16
A: 02459764 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Manado. Parigi [no data available] bb 18803 1934-8-23
A: 02459762 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab. Kotawari... Tuke I. Djuda P1 1009 1994
A: 02459760 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km 92 from Sangai (S. Mentaya), Kab. Kotawar... Tuke I. Djuda P5 1015 1994
A: 02459757 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Sungai Wain Protected Forest, km 15 Balikpap... K. Sidiyasa & Z. Arifin 2985 2004-4-13
A: 02459756 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Kab. Bulungan, Gunung Lunjut, Kayan Mentaran... K. Sidiyasa & Z. Arifin 1527 1999-3-5
A: 02459755 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Kab. Bulungan, South of mount Mencah K. Sidiyasa & Z. Arifin 1641 1999-3-12
A: 02459754 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) hutan lindung Waduk Kecamatan Samboja Ambriansyah & Z. Arifin A.A. 569 1992-8-26
A: 02459753 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km. 92 from Sangai, S. Mentaya. outside plot... P. Wilkie 93381 1993-8
A: 02459752 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Base camp P.B.U. and environs Off trail J1. ... K. Sidiyasa PBU417 1990-6-9
A: 02459751 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Punjungan District, Kayan Mentarang Reserve:... J. A. McDonald & Ismail [do not us... 3621 1992-7-25
A: 02459750 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km 77 from Sangai, S. Mentaya Kab. Kotawarin... G. C. G. Argent, K. Sidiyasa, K. S... 93159 1993-5-14
A: 02459749 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km N. of Masa village... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 2687 1989-6-19
A: 02459748 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) near Gunung Buntung R. Geesink 9319 1981-8-29
A: 02459747 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Wanariset research area, Km. 40 Balikapapan-... Ambriansyah & Z. Arifin A.A.505 1992-4-7
A: 02459746 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km 59 from Sangai (S. Mentaya), Kab. Kotawar... G. C. G. Argent & A. Saridan 9381 1993-2-5
A: 02459744 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Plot 7. Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab. ... Tuke I. Djuda P7 178 1993-11
A: 02459743 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab. Kotawari... Tuke I. Djuda P13 487 1993-11
A: 02459742 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Plot 6. Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab. ... Tuke I. Djuda P6 104 1993-11
A: 02459741 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab. Kotawari... Tuke I. Djuda P13 155 1993-11
A: 02459740 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Serawai. Sungai Merah; 2 km to W of camp alo... A. C. Church, U. W. Mahyar & J. J.... 2030 1995-2-17
A: 02459739 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) S. Sulawesi, Malili, of [off] km 4 road to U... K. Sidiyasa 1309 1994-12-9
A: 02459808 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua: Netherlands New Guinea, above Wandosw... [no data available] BW 3562 1956-6-21
A: 02459807 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua Tengah Boemi, 40 km. inward of Nabire, Geelvink Bay R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 12796 1940-3-10
A: 02459806 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua Archipel. Ind.: Nw. Guinea; Jappen-Biak. Was... Aet & Idjan 387 1939-8-12
A: 02459804 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Papua New Guinea, Seroei, Eil. Japen Mariattoe [no data available] bb.30370 1939-8-12
A: 02459571 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast H. S. Yates 682
A: 02459570 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Near Lake Tawar W. N. Bangham & C. M. Bangham-Mast... 1932-1-10
A: 02459695 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: [illegible] Java [illegible] [illegible] 253
A: 02459692 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Balukang; on Tinombo-Siboang path, between S... G. Brown, L. A. Craven, L. S. Jusw... 93 2002-7-22
A: 02459685 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Jawa: S. W. Java; Lower slope of Mt. Hondje ... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 19363 1962-1-3
A: 02459684 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Berau, km 35 from Labanan, transect E, Berau... Ambriansyah & Z. Arifin Berau 1078 1997-12-16
A: 02459737 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bot. Garden Buitenzorg C. S. Sargent 1903-10-16
A: 02459735 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Maluku Utara Northern Moluccas: Halmahera Island Jailolo ... P. M. Taylor P-553 1981-2-21
A: 02459734 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Padang O. Beccari 826
A: 02459732 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan: Borneo, Bukit Raya H. P. Nooteboom 4678 1983-1-30
A: 02459731 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Leuser Reserve, Ketambe, c. 40 km N. of Kuta... E. F. de Vogel 1471 1972-7-16
A: 02459718 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Merkoli (Uma lang) M. M. J. van Balgooy 3068 1979-4-28
A: 02459717 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Mt. Roroka TImbu W. slope; 0°30'-1°30' S; ... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3190 1979-5-7
A: 02459716 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Mt. Roroka Timbu W. slope; 0°30'-1°30' S';... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3401 1979-5-16
A: 02459715 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Mt. Roroka Timbu W. slope; 0°30'-1°30' S';... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3396 1979-5-16
A: 02459714 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu valley, c. 80 KM SSE of Palu, tributary... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3514 1979-5-26
A: 02459713 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Along South shore of lake Matano, West of So... E. Hennipman 5761 1979-6-12
A: 02459711 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Sumbawa: W. Sumbawa Mt. Batulanteh, andesite... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 18626 1961-5-1
A: 02459710 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) south of Kelumpang. Nr. Kelumpang (Karimata ... I. A. Rachman, Ahmat & Jembu IS 468 1998-3-28
A: 02459707 Chionanthus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Kab. Bulungan, Gunung Lunjut, Kayan Mentaran... K. Sidiyasa & Z. Arifin 1521 1999-3-4
A: 02568414 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak [data not captured] O. Beccari 3521
A: 02459788 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Conservation Area E. J. F. Campbell bis, J. Aik, L. ... SAN 112345 1986-5-29
A: 02459783 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Kinabatangan: Sg, Melikop CCL gogging [loggi... D. Sundaling & L. Madani SAN 60182 1984-8-21
A: 02459779 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Danum Valley and environs C. E. Ridsdale 2019 1989-5-14
A: 02459776 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Sg. Lutok, Bkt. Tebunan, Ulu Trusan, Lawas, ... B. Lee S.52321 1986-5-3
A: 02459773 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Selangor HS Sungai Karang L. S. L. Chua et al. FRI 38809 1992-11-3
A: 02459767 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: SFI. Meligan area L. Madani SAN 134027 1992-10-11
A: 02459761 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Tongod: Bukit Tingkah L. Madani et al. SAN 133958 1992-8-24
A: 02459759 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Silam J. B. Sugau Donggop T. JBS 24 1994-7-9
A: 02459758 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Tenompok Forest Reserve, Route from near Kg.... J. B. Sugau Donggop T. JBS 12 1994-6-30
A: 02459745 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Trusmadi; along Koingaran river Joseph B. et al. SAN 113719 1986-5-27
A: 02459738 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Sandakan. Telupid, Bkt. Tawai Forest Reserve... E. Soepadmo, T. Khalkausar, R. Geo... FRI 41255
A: 02459569 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: Bukit Sipitang, 5 miles E. of Sipi... G. H. S. Wood SAN 15178 1955-5-31
A: 02459694 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Cpt. 11, Sepilok Forest Reserve, 15 miles W.... G. H. S. Wood & C. Charrington SAN 16310 1955-4-24
A: 02459693 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Sungei Tutoh, Melana Prot. For. Locality: Bu... R. M. A. P. Haegens, N. Klazenga, ... 395 1997-4-17
A: 02459691 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Ulu Liwagu and Ulu Mesilau W. L. Chew, E. J. H. Corner & J. D... RSNB 2762 1961-9-5
A: 02459690 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Terengganu Trengganu, Gunong Padang Expedition. Ulu Bra... T. C. Whitmore FRI 12711 1969-9-19
A: 02459689 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: Kampong Melaliam ?Mesapol D. Sundaling & A. K. Momin SAN 77845 1973-8-18
A: 02459688 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Mt. Santubog Native Collector [Malaysia] 2252 1914-2
A: 02459687 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Bt. Wong, Pelagus P. S. Ashton S 17793 1963-4-20
A: 02459686 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Summit of Apo Dari, Kelabit Highland P. P. K. Chai S 35921 1974-11-17
A: 02459736 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Selangor Ginting Highlands Road K. M. Kochummen FRI 16626 1972-12-12
A: 02459733 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Gunong Mulu National Park 4th Divisio... G. C. G. Argent & C. A. Jermy SAN 1015 1978-4-15
A: 02459730 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Pahang Gunong Berembun, Cameron Highlands Y. C. Chan FRI 16836 1972-10-27
A: 02459729 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Pahang Gunong Jasar, Cameron Highlands Y. C. Chan FRI 16823 1972-10-26
A: 02459728 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: [no additional data]
A: 02459725 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Kg. Kabatanf Paru, Tulid Ag. Nordin SAN 84291 1977-3-11
A: 02459724 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Pababag Is. Simporna T. Bakat BNBFD 1843 1932-5-7
A: 02459723 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Mount Poi base camp J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 20115 1929-9-17
A: 02459721 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Banggi, southeast of banggi hill J. B. Sugau 225 1996-5-25
A: 02459720 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sabah Tawau, Kinabalu National Park, Bukit Burong ... P. F. Stevens et al. 567 1976-1-21
A: 02459719 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Bau: Bungoh Range Ilias bin Paie & J. D. Mamit S 28982 1969-12-1
A: 02459712 Chionanthus sp. Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands Telom valley 1mi. of Kg. R... T. C. Whitmore FRI 15517 1970-9-10
A: 02459942 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Matap M. S. Clemens 1127 1940-2-6
A: 02459941 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Matap M. S. Clemens 41026 1940-2-6
A: 02459940 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe A-mieng (A-mien), on Yaneng (Yanem) River, a... M. S. Clemens 12367 1941-7-4
A: 02459939 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Matap M. S. Clemens 41005 1940-2-6
A: 02459938 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sattelberg M. S. Clemens 8056a
A: 02459937 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sattelberg M. S. Clemens 8056a 1938-3-21
A: 02459936 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Banapa, cape Vogel Peninsula L. J. Brass 21983 1953-4-20
A: 02459935 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Two miles down beach from Labu village H. Streimann & A. Kairo NGF 25574 1964-9-17
A: 02459934 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Owen's Corner, Kokoda Trail, c. 9 miles nort... R. Schodde 3027 1962-9-17
A: 02459933 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bu[u River, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 12278 1961-4
A: 02459932 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Okapa Patrol Post [data not captured] NGF 9588 1957-2-18
A: 02458002 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo E. C. G. Gray NGF 4079 1952-12-7
A: 02458001 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Skindewai J. S. Womersley & A. N. Millar NGF 8461 1956-1-7
A: 02458000 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Aiyura J. S. Womersley, P. van Royen & C.... NGF 5996 1954-7-6
A: 02459999 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Tupusereia A. N. Gillison NGF 22203 1965-2-12
A: 02459998 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Markham Logging Area A. N. Millar NGF 23340 1964-4-28
A: 02459997 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Raba Raba: Junction Ugat and Mayu Rivers, ne... H. Streimann & P. Katik NGF 28860 1972-7-14
A: 02459996 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang nea Budemu village, southern slopes of the F... R. Pullen 5991 1961-10-16
A: 02459995 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Goldie R. ca. 5 miles N.E. of Port Moresby R. Pullen 3310 1962-7-16
A: 02459994 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Buso River H. Streimann NGF 24465 1972-4-27
A: 02459993 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands near Ebenda, Anga valley R. Schodde 1500 1961-7-19
A: 02459992 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sattelberg [illegible] M. S. Clemens 8113 1938-4-12
A: 02459991 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Talasea: [no additional data] K. J. White NGF 10942 1959-4
A: 02459990 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Wabag: Porget logging area, 12 miles north o... J. S. Womersley NGF 11252 1959-7
A: 02459989 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Wewak-Angoram Area; ca. 4 miles N. of Angora... R. Pullen 1859 1959-10-5
A: 02459988 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Michael, northeast slopes L. J. Brass 31497 1959-9-10
A: 02459987 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lake Kutubu, along Mendi track E. C. G. Gray NGF 8122 1956-5-23
A: 02459986 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Paiawa R. J. Johns NGF 47302 1970-5-12
A: 02459985 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Madang: Gogol River P. Katik NGF 46839 1971-10-12
A: 02459984 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Tributaries of Goragatbu Creek... P. C. Heyligers 1356 1965-6-17
A: 02459983 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Tributaries of Goragatabu Cree... P. C. Heyligers 1356 1965-6-17
A: 02459982 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo J. J. Havel NGF 9114 1962-5-14
A: 02459981 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road from Dengalu to Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14475 1962-1-18
A: 02459980 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo J. J. Havel NGF 9107 1962-5-4
A: 02459979 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Sogeri-Rouna Divide, c. 3 miles west of Soge... R. Schodde 2920 1962-9-6
A: 02459978 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulovat [?] east [?] [no data available] NGF 2519 1945-7-5
A: 02459977 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf West bank, junction of Lohiki and Vailala ri... R. Schodde & L. A. Craven 4288 1966-1-25
A: 02459976 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lasanga Is. H. Streimann NGF 44282 1969-11-5
A: 02459975 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo felling area K. J. White NGF 10141 1958-7-3
A: 02459974 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Lake Loloru P. Lavarack & C. E. Ridsdale NGF 31295 1967-2-7
A: 02459973 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Angabena ridge, ca. 4 miles east of Aseki R. Schodde 4831 1966-4-4
A: 02459972 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Prospect Creek, tributary of Frie... E. E. Henty & D. B. Foreman NGF 42633 1969-6-26
A: 02459971 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Manus NEar Bundrahei primary school D. B. Foreman & P. Katik LAE 59212 1974-10-28
A: 02459970 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Woitape E. J. H. Corner & E. C. G. Gray NGF 12922 1960-8-24
A: 02459969 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Jacquinot Bay K. Mair NGF 1848 1945-4
A: 02459968 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Southern Highlands ridgeline E of the Beneria River expedition ... W. N. Takeuchi, A. Gambia & T. Jis... 19405 2005-5-4
A: 02458033 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lasagna Is. H. Streimann NGF 44330 1969-11-7
A: 02458032 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kalapit; Umi River A. N. Millar & P. van Royen NGF 15636 1963-1-10
A: 02458031 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: [no additional data] S. F. Kajewski 2273 1930
A: 02458030 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Kupei Gold Field S. F. Kajewski 1728 1930-4-17
A: 02458029 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Markham Point A. G. Floyd NGF 5668 1954-4-19
A: 02458028 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Manumu Village; track to N.W. District Cent... R. S. Isles & N. A. Vinas NGF 32446 1973-9-13
A: 02458027 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Nunumai, c. 12 km N. of amazon Bay R. Pullen 7661 1969-6-21
A: 02458026 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Lala River (Papua) C. E. Carr 14121 1935-12-31
A: 02458025 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Baniara: Bonenau village area R. Pullen 8059 1969-8-18
A: 02458024 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Carpentaria Exploration Base Camp; from K1 t... W. S. Hoover 837 1978-1
A: 02458023 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay 5 miles N. W. of Salamo Station, Esa-ala M. Galore LAE 73042 1977-12-10
A: 02458022 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Vicinity Sawette Sawmill near Salamaua R. G. Wright 1959
A: 02458021 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sattelberg M. S. Clemens 8033 1937-3-10
A: 02458020 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sattelberg M. S. Clemens 8033 1938-3-10
A: 02458019 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Ossima H. Streimann & A. Kairo NGF 39261 1969-1-29
A: 02458018 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Barapidgin Village, Wogupmeri River G. J. Leach NGF 34364 1972-11-20
A: 02458017 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Tuidemasuk Road, Kiunga H. Streimann & Y. LeLean NGF 18333 1972-9-17
A: 02458016 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Nauti, Upper Watut H. Streimann NGF 44595 1971-3-10
A: 02458015 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Gobari Settlement near Bupu River J. S. Womersley & P. Katik NGF 43715 1971-5-10
A: 02458014 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Crater Mt. Wildlife Management Area, ridges ... W. N. Takeuchi 12965 1998-8-3
A: 02458013 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lake Trist E. E. Henty NGF 29081 1966-11-23
A: 02458012 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Usino E. E. Henty NGF 28021 1966-8-18
A: 02458011 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Boridi C. E. Carr 14625 1935-10-19
A: 02458010 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Lala river C. E. Carr 15653 1936-2-19
A: 02458009 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Boridi C. E. Carr 14578 1935-10-15
A: 02458008 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Kanosia C. E. Carr 11569 1935-3-3
A: 02458007 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Lala river C. E. Carr 14121 1935-12-31
A: 02458006 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Arau L. J. Brass 32059 1959-10-13
A: 02458005 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kassam L. J. Brass 32274 1959-10-27
A: 02458004 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kassam L. J. Brass 32340 1959-10-31
A: 02458003 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu 10 km due east of Haia. Cater Mountain Biolo... Debra Wright 1557
AMES: 02458064 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Burep River, about 15 miles NE of Lae T. G. Hartley 12,373 1963-11-18
A: 02458063 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Ti-wu Creek Kikori River Papua Forest Officer Hart NGF 4550 1952-7-8
A: 02458062 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Aiyura J. S. Womersley NGF 4462 1951-9-1
A: 02458061 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Binatang Creek, logging area J. S. Womersley & P. van Royen 5969 1954-7-1
A: 02458060 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Plantation area 1953/54 - Bulolo E. C. G. Gray 5210 1953-7-24
A: 02458059 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe 1954 Planting area, Bulolo A. G. Floyd & R. Morwood 6202 1954-7
A: 02458058 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik near Aitape, Aitape subdistrict, Sepik Distr... P. J. Darbyshire & R. D. Hoogland 7825 1961-5-31
A: 02458057 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Markham River, near bridge E. E. Henty & M. J. E. Coode NGF 28099 1966-11-10
A: 02458056 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Yat E. E. Henty, C. E. Ridsdale & M. G... NGF 33026 1967-6-14
A: 02458055 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kauli Lake, above Wau L. Clifford & A. Kairo NGF 17108 1963-3
A: 02458054 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Upper Nawata Banda L.A., Bulolo J. J. Havel NGF 17300 1963-9
A: 02458053 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang 30 km from Madanf town south Naru, Uya villa... J. M. Simaga UT 1814 1989-12-1
A: 02458052 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang 30 km from Madang town south Naru, Uya Villa... J. M. Simaga UT 1814 1989-12-1
A: 02458050 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik headwaters of the Sitipa river; near the vil... W. N. Takeuchi 6605 1990-9-5
A: 02458047 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Behind Wanabuth village on road to Bulla G. J. Leach UPNG 3855 1981-4-27
A: 02458046 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf on the edge of the Kaintiba airstrip A. Kairo & N. A. Vinas 812 1983
A: 02458045 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Finschafen M. J. Heads 467 1981-4-18
A: 02458044 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Buso S. of Lae A. Bellamy B.9. 1978-6-30
A: 02458041 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Hunstein range (Mt. Samsai) at stream above ... W. N. Takeuchi 5026 1989-9-24
GH: 02458039 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Waskuk Hills, area around... J. C. Regalado & W. N. Takeuchi 1402 1995-6-26
A: 02458038 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik April River, Bugabugi 2 above Natawe W. N. Takeuchi 10340 1995-7-20
A: 02458037 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Gnalan Gumbum J. J. Havel & School NGF 17223 1963-9-4
A: 02458036 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Schrader Range, Kaironk Valley R. O. Gardner 9455 1999-10-7
A: 02458035 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Josephstaal: [no additional data] D. Ama & W. N. Takeuchi 2006-6
A: 02458034 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Josephstaal: D. Ama & W. N. Takeuchi 2006-6
A: 02458187 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Palawan Pulot, Massin River 12km. N. Brooks Point C. E. Ridsdale 1030 1985-10-24
A: 02458186 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Palawan Narra, Victoria Peaks, Trident Mining compan... C. E. Ridsdale SMHI 1793 1984-5-21
A: 02458185 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Irawan R. valley head, lowe... C. E. Ridsdale SMHI 296 1984-3-30
A: 02458184 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Puerto Princesa: Irawan River valley head C. E. Ridsdale SMHI 48 1984-3-14
A: 02458183 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Mindoro: North coast. Subaan River inland fr... C. E. Ridsdale, M. J. E. Coode & E... Coode 5621 1986-4-30
A: 02458182 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Zambales Acoje Mine concession area, Santa Cruz C. E. Ridsdale 1464 1983-5-24
A: 02458180 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Mindoro: North coast. Subaan River inland fr... M. J. E. Coode C. E. Ridsdale 5621 1986-4-30
A: 02458179 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Mindoro: Onland San Teodoro at & above Subaa... C. E. Ridsdale 1226 1986-4-24
A: 02458178 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Palawan St. Paul's Bay, Mt. Bloomfield, WNW to W fac... C. E. Ridsdale SMHI 1609 1984-5-5
GH: 02458201 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Biliran Libtong, Naval Barbon, Alvarez & Fuentes PPI 8618 1992-8-13
GH: 02458200 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Negros Oriental Sibulan, Kabalinan, L. Balinsasayao E. J. Reynoso, R. U. Fuentes, & H.... PPI 1081 1991-5-23
A: 02458199 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Zambales Acoje Mine concession area, Santa Cruz C. E. Ridsdale 1519 1986-5-25
A: 02458198 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Luzon: Digallorin, Divinisa camp site C. E. Ridsdale, Baquiran et al ISU438 1992-4-9
A: 02458197 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Luzon: Digallorin, Divinisa camp site C. E. Ridsdale, Baquiran et al ISU434 1992-4-9
A: 02458196 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Luzon: [no additional data] E. Leuterio FB 25926 1916-6
A: 02458195 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Palawan Narra, Bato-Bato on the eastern foot of sout... D. D. Soejarto & O. Fernando 7386 1991-1-26
A: 02458194 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: [no additional data] H. Cuming 972
A: 02458193 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Aurora San Luis Municip, Bgy. Diteki, road S. Luis-... D. D. Soejarto, O. Fernando & D. F... 7951 1993-6-13
A: 02458192 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Palawan Bataraza, Bgy. Sumbiling, southwestern foot ... D. D. Soejarto & D. A. Madulid 9034 1995-3-21
A: 02458191 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Palawan Narra, Calatigas Range, forest on slopes abo... D. D. Soejarto, O. Fernando & E. S... 8960 1995-3-8
A: 02458190 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Quezon Bgy Saurigan, Sitio Ladayn, primary forest s... D. D. Soejarto, O. Fernando & R. S... 9198 1995-3-29
GH: 02458189 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Aurora Aurora Nat. Park, So. Dikong, brgy. Diteki, ... Barbon, Garcia & Fernando PPI 9068 1993-3-5
GH: 02458188 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Bukidnon Sumilao Municipality, Barangay Lupiagan N. R. Ingle & R. L. Baylomo 322 1998-6-26
A: 02458076 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Bulacan [no additional data] E. Leuterio FB 25926 1916-6
A: 02458074 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Albay Matnog, Albay Province C.n. Barangan S. Vidal y Soler
A: 02458073 Chionanthus sp. Philippines: Palawan [no additional data] E. D. Merrill 1373 1913-5
A: 02458049 Chionanthus sp. Solomon Islands: Vanikoro; jungle between Lawrence & Sundi re... C. J. Hadley 55 1954-12-16
GH: 01846747 Chionanthus sp. USA: Florida Coral Gables: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01846748 Chionanthus sp. USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01846749 Chionanthus sp. USA: District of Columbia Washington: [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 02459668 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) East Borneo; E. Kutei. G. Tepian Lobang on M... A. J. G. H. Kostermans 5271 1951-6-17
A: 02459651 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sintang. Bukit Baka National Park. Southeast... A. C. Church Mahyar, U.W., Ruskand... 490 1993-11-2
A: 02459649 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sintang. Bukit Baka National Park. Slope NE ... A. C. Church Mahyar, U. W., Ruskan... 158 1993-10-17
A: 02459648 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) SIntang. Bukit Baka National Park. Ola Saka ... A. C. Church Mahyar, U. W., Ruskan... 245 1993-10-20
A: 02459646 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Km 59 from Sangai (S. Mentaya), Kab. Kotawar... G. C. G. Argent & A. Saridan 9382 1993-2-5
A: 02459705 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi: C. Sulawesi; 0°30' S-1°30'S; 119... D. Darnaedi 1623 1979-5-18
A: 02459703 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu valley, c.80 KM SSE of Palu; 0° 30'-1... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3538 1979-5-28
A: 02459702 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) Sopu valley, c 80 KM SSE of Palu; 0° 30'-1Â... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3046 1979-4-27
A: 02459701 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Lake Matano, c. 2 KM SE of Soroako; 2°15' -... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3791 1979-6-28
A: 02459700 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Soroako; 2°15' - 3° S; 121° - 121°45' E M. M. J. van Balgooy 3859 1979-7-3
A: 02459699 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Lake Matano, South between Soroako and Matan... M. M. J. van Balgooy 3681 1979-6-12
A: 02459697 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Sulawesi: P. Moena G. K. Kjellberg 88 1929-2-9
A: 02459696 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) KPC area Sangatta, Guning Pasir P. J. A. Kessler et al. P.K. 2372 1997-4-5
A: 02459670 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Bau: Below Bungoh Range Ilias bin Paie & J. D. Mamit S 29335 1969-12-6
A: 02459669 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Limestone hill near Melinau camp J. A. R. Anderson & H. Keng K 44 1961-7-11
A: 02459667 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Sub-cpt.16,Cpt.2, Bombay Burmah T. G. Conces... G. H. S. Wood A 4140 1954-11-25
GH: 02459666 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 20789 1922-10
GH: 02459665 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 20701 1922-10
A: 02459664 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 21749 1922-10
A: 02459663 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] A. Villamil 385 1917-5
A: 02459662 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Bettotan P. Orolfo BNBFD 3081 1933-4-24
A: 02459661 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Path from Melinau to Terikan, foot of... J. A. R. Anderson 4331 1961-7-10
A: 02459660 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: G. Api, Melinau Gorge J. A. R. Anderson 4618 1961-7-15
A: 02459659 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Mt. Tiekan C. Hose 554
A: 02459658 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Tibang, Indonesian Border; Extreme eas... J. A. R. Anderson S 28512 1969-7-8
A: 02459657 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Gunong Pueh, Sematan, 1st Division James et al. S 34457 1974-6-19
A: 02459656 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Gunong Api, ulu Melinau, Totoh; NE fl... J. A. R. Anderson S 31765 1971-10-4
A: 02459655 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Bkt. Batu Semakan Cave, Ulu Sampurau, Melina... Ilias bin Paie S 25825
A: 02459654 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 21749 1922-10
A: 02459653 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinestone Province A. D. E. Elmer 20701 1922-10
A: 02459652 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: Jesselton; Mt. Templer F. Reserv... Kanis & Kuripin SAN 54361 1966-2-9
A: 02459650 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Tawao, Elphinstone Province A. D. E. Elmer 20789 1922-10
A: 02459647 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Mile 5 on Kennedy Bay Timber Co.... G. H. S. Wood SAN 16094 1955-3-20
A: 02459704 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Bau: Bungoh Range Ilias bin Paie & J. D. Mamit S 29021 1969-12-2
A: 02459698 Chionanthus spicatus Blume Malaysia: Penang Tanjong Acheh F. S. P. Ng FRI 1064 1966-5-6
A: 02459680 Chionanthus spiciferus (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands M. R. Henderson SF 23577 1930-4-15
A: 02459679 Chionanthus spiciferus (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Perak Cameron's Highlands M. R. Henderson 23577
A: 02459678 Chionanthus spiciferus (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Tenompok J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 27558 1932-4-26
A: 02459677 Chionanthus spiciferus (Ridley) Kiew Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Penibukan J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 31588 1933-2-15
GH: 02459683 Chionanthus sumatranus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] H. O. Forbes 1881
A: 02459682 Chionanthus sumatranus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: Riouw en Ond. Indragiriache bovenl... [no data available] bb.30116 1939-9-22
A: 02459681 Chionanthus sumatranus Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: S. Sumatra. Bencoolen; Kapahyang W. Soegeng Reksodihardjo 637 1971-2-13
A: 00105328 Chionanthus thorelii (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Cambodia: Montis Krang Repeau J. B. L. Pierre 644 1870-5
A: 00105327 Chionanthus thorelii (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Cambodia: Province Pursath J. B. L. Pierre 644 1870-5
A: 00105326 Chionanthus thorelii (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Cambodia: Montibus Krang Repoeu, 1200 m J. B. L. Pierre 862 1870-5
A: 00105325 Chionanthus thorelii (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Cochinchine, Chuoc-th?? C. Thorel 1179 1862-6
A: 00075043 Chionanthus timorensis Blume Indonesia: Timor
GH: 00075027 Chionanthus trichotomus (Vellozo) P. S. Green Brazil: Minas Gerais J. F. Widgren 54 1845
A: 00075026 Chionanthus urbanii (Knoblauch) Stearn Haiti: Nord Massif du Nord, Cerca-la-Source,sterile hill... E. L. Ekman 6421 1926-6-19
A: 00105329 Chionanthus verticillatus (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Province Quang-tri, massif de Dong-cho E. Poilane 10692 1924-5-31
A: 00105968 Chionanthus verticillatus (Gagnepain) P. S. Green Vietnam: Province Quang-tri, massif de Dong-cho E. Poilane 10692 1924-5-31
GH: 01846754 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... [data not captured]
NEBC: 00655908 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Framingham: Framingham Mrs. A. C. Shipley 1886-7
NEBC: 00655909 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Lowell: Lowell C. W. Swan
NEBC: 00655910 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Sudbury: Sudbury A. W. Cheever 1918-5-29
NEBC: 00655911 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Middleborough: Middleborough B. A. Sorrie & K. S. Anderson 1424 1982-5-23
GH: 01846750 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama 2 mi E of Berry [illegible] 15431 1951-4-21
GH: 01846751 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama on Warrior River near Warrior. C. Scroggin 63 1963-4-12
A: 01846752 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama along small creek, near Birmingham E. J. Palmer 35327 1929-4-14
A: 01846753 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama along Alabama Route 75, ca. 10 mi. s. s. e. ... C. E. Wood 8663 1955-4-24
GH: 01846755 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama Tanglewood. N. H. Williams 216 1966-4-23
GH: 01846756 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama the Choctawhatchee River, W. of Newton. R. K. Godfrey 55476 1957-4-6
A: 01846757 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama above a stream, ca. 2.4 mi. north of Tumblet... C. E. Wood & K. A. Wilson 9071 1959-4-29
GH: 01846758 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama [no additional data] H. C. Bigelow
A: 01846759 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama western edge of Little River Canyon rim on L... C. E. Wood & K. A. Wilson 8961 1959-4-26
A: 01846760 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama Selma: [no additional data] T. G. Harbison 1914-4-21
A: 01846761 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama ravine of Sipsey River, Duncan's Bridge, sou... E. T. Wherry 1935-7-12
GH: 01846762 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama ca. 1 mi. w. n. w. Cahaba R. Kral 45349 1972-3-31
GH: 01846763 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama Porter's Bluff, Porter Place. Bryant. [no data available] 1939-4-29
GH: 01846764 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama outcrop by Ala. 68, e. scarp Lookout Mt. due... R. Kral 63404 1979-4-27
GH: 01846765 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Alabama summit of Oak Mt., Oak Mt. State Park R. Kral 63328 1979-4-18
A: 01846766 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas Mount Magazine State Park; Brown's Springs P... A. S. Aiello [data not captured] ZARKS-032 2014-10-4
GH: 01846767 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas Ozark Plateau: Boston Mts.: Ozark National F... Dw. M. Moore 57-252 1957-6-11
GH: 01846768 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas Woods, valley of Mulberry River, near Yale, ... Dw. M. Moore 57.159 1957-5-12
A: 01846769 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas along Cove Creek, near Hardinville E. J. Palmer 26518 1924-10-13
A: 01846770 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas top of Magazine Mountain E. J. Palmer 23224 1923-6-11
A: 01846771 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas Heber Springs E. J. Palmer 6976 1914-10-31
A: 01846772 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01846773 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas Blanchard Springs. P. O. Mountain View. D. Demaree 31786 1952-5-10
GH: 01846774 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas P. O. Stephens D. Demaree 16835 1938-4-2
A: 01846775 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas top of Magazine Mountain E. J. Palmer 24114 1923-10-14
A: 01846776 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Arkansas top of Magazine Mountain E. J. Palmer 26427 1924-10-8