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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for higher taxon:[Chrysothricaceae]
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FH: 01146821
Montagne USA: Pennsylvania Penn. St. Univ. Park [no data available] 1982-8
FH: 01093303
Chrysothrix bergeri
LaGreca : Bermuda: [no additional data] A. B. Hervey 1915-12-13
FH: 00413552
Chrysothrix bergeri
LaGreca USA: Alabama [data not captured] A. W. Evans 1924
FH: 00413556
Chrysothrix bergeri
LaGreca USA: Mississippi [data not captured] D. Demaree 34637 1954
NEBC: 00897039
Chrysothrix caesia
(Flotow) D. Ertz & A. G. Tehler USA: Massachusetts Lincoln: [no additional data] D. N. Greene 2001
NEBC: 00897040
Chrysothrix caesia
(Flotow) D. Ertz & A. G. Tehler USA: Massachusetts Reading: [data not captured] D. N. Greene 2001-10-19
NEBC: 00897504
Chrysothrix caesia
(Flotow) D. Ertz & A. G. Tehler USA: Massachusetts Reading: [data not captured] D. N. Greene 2001-9-27
FH: 01129055
Chrysothrix caesia
(Flotow) D. Ertz & A. G. Tehler USA: South Dakota [data not captured] M. K. Advaita 7652 2009-5-28
FH: 01096049
Chrysothrix caesia
(Flotow) D. Ertz & A. G. Tehler USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Gridley Mountain S. N. Messier & C. Mangels 21099 2021-7-20
FH: 01122732
Chrysothrix caesia
(Flotow) D. Ertz & A. G. Tehler USA: Connecticut Salisbury: Round Mountain S. N. Messier & C. Mangels 22217 2022-10-30
FH: 01093303
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon : Bermuda: [no additional data] A. B. Hervey 1915-12-13
FH: 00413551
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: California [data not captured] V. Ahmadjian 1965
FH: 00413552
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Alabama [data not captured] A. W. Evans 1924
FH: 00413553
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Alabama [data not captured] C. Mohri
FH: 00413554
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: California [data not captured] E. C. Knopf
FH: 00413555
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: California Claremont: [data not captured] Johnston 1916
FH: 00413556
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Mississippi [data not captured] D. Demaree 34637 1954
FH: 00413557
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Florida Sanford: [data not captured] S. Rapp 1914
FH: 00413558
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Florida Gainesville: [data not captured] N. L. T. Nelson
FH: 00413559
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Florida Gainesville: [data not captured] Jones 1915
FH: 00413560
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Florida [data not captured] P. C. Standley 12933 1916
FH: 00413561
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Florida Sanford: [data not captured] S. Rapp 1912
FH: 00413562
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Florida [data not captured] W. W. Calkins
FH: 00413563
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Texas [data not captured] F. W. Thurow 1925
FH: 00413564
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: North Carolina [data not captured] P. C. Standley 5840 1910
FH: 00377886
Chrysothrix candelaris
(Linnaeus) J. R. Laundon USA: Missouri Johnson Shut-Ins State Park [OZ-1], near mai... P. F. May 3507 1997-10-9
FH: 01142194
Chrysothrix chamaecyparicola
Lendemer USA: Massachusetts Blue Hills Reservation - at the edge of the ... Har. Schaefer 653 2011-4-16
FH: 00377887
Chrysothrix chlorina
(Acharius) J. R. Laundon USA: Arkansas between Sand Gap and Ben Hur, Ozark National... P. F. May 504-29 2005-10-14
FH: 00377888
Chrysothrix chlorina
(Acharius) J. R. Laundon USA: New York Wawarsing, Ice Cave Mountain National Landma... P. F. May 1416 1994-5-14
FH: 00302056
Chrysothrix granulosa
G. Thor USA: California Transverse Range: Santa Cruz Island: Channel... K. Knudsen 11893 2010-3-30
FH: 00302339
Chrysothrix granulosa
G. Thor USA: California Central Coast: San Simeon: San Simeon State ... K. Knudsen 11218 2010-5-11
FH: 00377328
Chrysothrix granulosa
G. Thor USA: California Central Coast: Morro Bay, Hills above Highwa... K. Knudsen w/ Michael Walgren 16492 2014-4-15
FH: 00413553
Chrysothrix insulizans
R. C. Harris & Ladd USA: Alabama [data not captured] C. Mohri
FH: 00965427
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb Bahamas: New Providence Farrington Road E. G. Britton 221 1904-8
FH: 00259975
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb Ecuador: Galapagos Province T. Hill 1872
FH: 00197203
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb Ecuador: Galapagos Province Floreana Island (Charles) A. Higgins & M. Higgins 1971-3-25
FH: 00197366
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb Ecuador: Galapagos Province Isla Bartolomé A. Higgins & M. Higgins 1971-3-18
FH: 00413550
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb Mexico: [data not captured] [no data available] 3472 1919
FH: 00302022
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: California Transverse Range: Santa Monica Mountains: MA... K. Knudsen 11190 2009-6-1
FH: 00302023
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: California Transverse Range: Santa Monica Mountains: Up... K. Knudsen 11794 2009-11-22
FH: 00302024
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: California Transverse Range: Santa Monica Mountains: Po... K. Knudsen 11228 2009-6-2
FH: 00302057
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: California Transverse Range: Santa Monica Mountains: Ru... K. Knudsen 12063 2010-4-6
FH: 00302336
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: California Central coast: Cambria: Along Highway One so... K. Knudsen 12190 2010-5-13
FH: 00413549
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00476611
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: California [data not captured] K. Knudsen Frank Landis, Andrew R.... 15698.2 2013-3-2
FH: 01146859
Chrysothrix xanthina
(Vainio) Kalb USA: Georgia Cloister Sea Island [no data available] 1984-2-1