Apocynaceae A: 02114546 Cerbera odollam Gaertner Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Djawa Barat; Bantam; Gandeglang; Tjigorondon... [data not captured] 134 1957-9-26
A: 02378220 Kopsia arborea Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) P. Peutjang (jw. Barat); Bantam; Pandeglang;... [data not captured] 202 1957-10-7
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01682209 Asarum canadense Linnaeus USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured] 22203 1957-4-28
GH: 01682384 Asarum hartwegii S. Watson USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 10693 1957-4-27
Asteraceae GH: 02217460 Amphiachyris amoena (Shinners) Solbrig USA: Arkansas probably from Red River, ARk. [illegible]. H... [data not captured] 1957-5-24
GH: 02172832 Cirsium altissimum (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured] 22705 1957-9-1
Aulacomniaceae FH: 00522898 Aulacomnium acuminatum (Lindberg & Arnell) Kindberg USA: Alaska [data not captured] [data not captured] 9436 1957-8-3
FH: 00522952 Aulacomnium androgynum (Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Colorado [data not captured] [data not captured] 27 1957-8-3
Berberidaceae GH: 02169959 Vancouveria hexandra (Hooker) C. Morren & Decaisne USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 1957-5-12
Bignoniaceae GH: 02054509 Bignonia capreolata Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma near Highway 28, 8 miles east of Eagletown [data not captured] 1957-4-28
Boraginaceae GH: 02027078 Hackelia diffusa (Lehmann) I. M. Johnston USA: Idaho South slope of Targhee Pass, at Howard Sprin... [data not captured] 7331 1957-7-10
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02225009 Linnaea borealis longiflora (Torrey) Piper & Beattie USA: Alaska Aleutians West Census Area: [data not captur... [data not captured] 727 1957-7-23
Cephaloziaceae FH: 01091628 Odontoschisma sp. USA: New Hampshire no additional information, NH 330 [data not captured] 1957-9-19
Commelinaceae GH: 02113401 Tradescantia bracteata Small USA: Arkansas [data not captured] [data not captured] 57.125 1957-4-18
Cryptopleureae FH: 00778468 Botryoglossum farlowianum (J. Agardh) De Toni USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 236 1957-8-24
Dumontiaceae FH: 00876344 Farlowia compressa J. Agardh USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 239 1957-8-25
FH: 00876355 Farlowia crassa J. Agardh USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 240 1957-8-25
FH: 00876360 Farlowia mollis (Harvey & Bailey) Farlow & Setchell USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 233 1957-8-23
Ebenaceae GH: 02504276 Diospyros xanthochlamys Gürke Central African Republic: Station de Boukoko, Central African Rep. (Ou... [data not captured] 2019 1957-2-23
Ericaceae GH: 01117204 Andromeda polifolia latifolia Aiton Canada: Manitoba Churchill: The Pas, By mill [data not captured] 2012 1957-8-16
Fabaceae GH: 02128005 Lupinus polyphyllus Lindley USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 1957-5-22
GH: 02128868 Lupinus sulphureus Douglas USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 264 1957-6-1
GH: 02134154 Rhynchosia cinerea Nash USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured] 1 1957-4-1
Haloragaceae GH: 01628153 Myriophyllum sibiricum Komarov Canada: British Columbia Sage Creek Lodge, Flathead area [data not captured] 317 1957-7-20
Hyaloscyphaceae FH: 00464235 Leucoscypha rutilans (Fries) Dennis & Rifai Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 2145 1957-7-27
Hypnaceae FH: 01091037 Hypnum pratense Koch ex Spruce USA: Maine Mt. Desert Island, Otter Cliffs [data not captured] 1957-6-10
Juncaceae GH: 02366126 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] 375 1957-7-15
Melampsoraceae FH: 00877394 Coleosporium asterum (Dietel) Sydow & P. Sydow China: Hebei [data not captured] 1931 1957-10-4
Nephrolepidaceae A: 02506828 Nephrolepis exaltata (Linnaeus) Schott Philippines: Sorsogon Mt. Bulusan [data not captured] PNH 38596 1957-5-16
Oleaceae A: 02459932 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Okapa Patrol Post [data not captured] NGF 9588 1957-2-18
Ophioglossaceae GH: 02282884 Botrychium lunaria (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Michigan [data not captured] [data not captured] 8453 1957-7-20
Pezizaceae FH: 00433271 Galactinia sp. Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 2006 1957-7-11
FH: 00464254 Melastiza chateri (W. G. Smith) Boudier Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 2244 1957-8-21
FH: 00823631 Peziza badia Persoon: Fries Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 2136 1957-7-27
Plantaginaceae GH: 01998471 Collinsia heterophylla Graham USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 1957-5-23
Polygalaceae GH: 01969413 Polygala mariana Miller USA: South Carolina 0.9 mile north of Charleston-Berkeley County... [data not captured] 26575 1957-5-27
Polygonaceae GH: 02006371 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 15 1957-5-12
GH: 02006920 Rumex conglomeratus Murray USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 44 1957-5-26
Polyporaceae FH: 00489920 Ceriporia viridans (Berkeley & Broome) Donk USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 8312 1957-9-4
FH: 00548110 Fomes occidentalis Overholts USA: Montana [data not captured] [data not captured] 8407 1957-9-23
FH: 00588452 Rigidoporus sanguinolentus (Albertini & Schweinitz) Donk USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 7892 1957-8-26
FH: 00527498 Tyromyces floriformis (Quélet) Bondartsev & Singer USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 7871 1957-8-22
FH: 00527546 Tyromyces guttulatus (Saccardo) Murrill USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 8228 1957-9-8
Pteridaceae A: 02529120 Adiantum flabellulatum Linnaeus Malaysia: Selangor 20th m.s. Ginting Simpah [data not captured] 3476 1957-6-30
Pucciniaceae FH: 00873606 Gymnosporangium clavipes Cooke & Peck Canada: Quebec Province NW St. Aubert, Que. by Hy. #26, l. Islet Co.... [data not captured] 534 1957-8-13
Rosaceae GH: 01587121 Alchemilla microcarpa Boissier & Reuter USA: Arkansas one mile east of Falcon, 29 miles south of P... [data not captured] 57-64 1957-4-14
Thelephoraceae FH: 00603567 Scytinostroma arachnoideum (Peck) Gilbertson USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 7875 1957-8-22
FH: 00603568 Scytinostroma arachnoideum (Peck) Gilbertson USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 8216 1957-9-6
FH: 00603571 Scytinostroma arachnoideum (Peck) Gilbertson USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 7958 1957-8-31