Adiantaceae A: 02529651 Doryopteris concolor (Langsdorf & Fischer) Kuhn Papua New Guinea: Central near Rouna Falls lookout, 19 mi from Port Mo... J. S. Womersley 1956-4
Araliaceae A: 02523691 Schefflera simbuensis Frodin Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8964 1956-8
Asclepiadaceae A: 02478633 Heterostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 9001 1956-12-15
Asteraceae A: 02249618 Anaphalioides mariae (F. Mueller) Glenny Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8840 1956-8
A: 02249580 Anaphalioides mariae (F. Mueller) Glenny Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8836 1956-8
A: 02249579 Anaphalioides mariae (F. Mueller) Glenny Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8930 1956-8
A: 00009461 Keysseria radicans xiphophylla J. Koster Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mount Wilhelm J. S. Womersley 8969 1956-8
A: 02251772 Lactuca sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Anamapi Creek near Bulolo. J. S. Womersley NGF 9009 1956-12-16
A: 02249241 Olearia floccosa J. Koster Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8946 1956-8
A: 02249362 Olearia spectabilis J. Koster Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8920 1956-8
A: 02251528 Papuacalia mogrere (P.Royen) Veldkamp Papua New Guinea: Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8872 1956-8
A: 02249481 Tetramolopium klossii (S. Moore) Mattfeld Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8973 1956-8
A: 02249529 Tetramolopium macrum (F. Mueller) Mattfeld Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8856 1956-8
A: 02251916 [None] Papua New Guinea: Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8875 1956-8
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8875 1956-8
Begoniaceae A: 02228663 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 9003 1956-12-15
Blechnaceae A: 02569679 Parablechnum revolutum (Alderwerelt) Gasper & Salino Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity Lake Aunde, Mt Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8945 1956-7-31
Boraginaceae A: 02476700 Myosotis australis R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8877 1956-8
A: 02476949 Trigonotis papuana (Hemsley) Johnston Papua New Guinea: Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm Eastern Highlands J. S. Womersley NGF 8966 1956-8
A: 02476997 Trigonotis procumbens (Warburg) Johnston Papua New Guinea: Lake Aunde, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm Eastern Hi... J. S. Womersley NGF 8948 1956-8
Burseraceae A: 02276706 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Botanic Gardens, Lae J. S. Womersley NGF 8764 1956-2
A: 02278392 Scutinanthe brevisepala Leenhouts Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Atzera Range near Lae J. S. Womersley NGF 8762 1956-2
Cunoniaceae A: 02460440 Pullea glabra verticillata Hoogland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity of Mt. Wilhelm; Dengalagu Mission, ... J. S. Womersley NGF 8979 1956-8
A: 02460582 Schizomeria sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Road, near Wau, Moro... J. S. Womersley NGF 8748 1956-2-2
Cyperaceae A: 02431239 Oreobolus ambiguus G. Kükenthal & C. G. G. J. van Steenis Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8928 1956-8
Davalliaceae A: 02507962 Davallia pentaphylla Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Edie Creek Rd, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 8757 1956-2-2
Ebenaceae A: 02477361 Diospyros insularis Bakhuizen Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Vudal DIvide, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 7947 1956-3-8
Elaeocarpaceae A: 02462459 Elaeocarpus miegei Weibel Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Waikaiuna Bay. Sewa Bay, Normanby Island J. S. Womersley NGF 8622 1956-4-18
A: 02466118 Sericolea calophylla grossiserrata Coode Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde. Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8935 1956-8
A: 02466922 Sloanea tieghemii (F. Mueller) A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 8759 1956-2-2
Ericaceae A: 01819350 Dimorphanthera anchorifera J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 8750 1956-2-2
A: 01819675 Dimorphanthera keysseri (Diels) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity of Lake Piunde, Vicinity Mt. Wilhel... J. S. Womersley 8832 1956-8-1
A: 00014839 Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mount Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8956 1956-7-31
A: 01819718 Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm, Lake Aunde J. S. Womersley NGF 8952 1956-8
A: 01819744 Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity of Mt. Wilhelm, Lake Aunde J. S. Womersley NGF 8956A 1956-8
A: 01819741 Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity of Mt. Wilhelm. Lake Aunde. J. S. Womersley NGF 8914 1956-7-31
A: 01820353 Gaultheria mundula F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity Lake Aunde. Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm Ea... J. S. Womersley NGF 8937 1956-8
A: 01820373 Gaultheria mundula F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Collected vicinity Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8921 1956-7-31
A: 01820425 Gaultheria pullei J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm, Dengalgu Mission, near... J. S. Womersley NGF 8976 1956-8-4
A: 01820373 Gaultheria sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Collected vicinity Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8921 1956-7-31
A: 00015657 Rhododendron atropurpureum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity of Lake Piunde, Mount Wilhelm, 1187... J. S. Womersley 8870 1956-8-1
A: 02540465 Rhododendron gaultheriifolium J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. Collected vicinity Lak... J. S. Womersley NGF 8834 1956-8-1
A: 02540571 Rhododendron herzogii Warburg Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. Col... J. S. Womersley NGF 8879 1956-8
A: 02540550 Rhododendron herzogii Warburg Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Road, n... J. S. Womersley NGF 8754 1956-2-2
A: 02540765 Rhododendron macgregoriae F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Valley, Vici... J. S. Womersley NGF 888I 1956-8
A: 00015792 Rhododendron womersleyi Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity of Mount Wilhelm J. S. Womersley 8871 1956-8
A: 02545239 Rhododendron womersleyi Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde. Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm Eastern Hig... J. S. Womersley NGF 8918 1956-8
A: 02545718 Styphelia suaveolens (Hooker f.) Warburg ex P. B. Sarasin & K. F. Sarasin Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. Collected vicinity Lak... J. S. Womersley NGF 8924 1956-7-31
A: 02545867 Trochocarpa dekockii (J. J. Smith) H. J. Lam Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde. Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8923 1956-7-31
A: 02545858 Trochocarpa dekockii (J. J. Smith) H. J. Lam Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. Vicinity Lake Piunde. J. S. Womersley NGF 8851 1956-8
A: 00016061 Vaccinium amblyandrum pungens Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mount Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8835 1956-8
A: 02544844 Vaccinium amblyandrum pungens Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. Lake Aunde. J. S. Womersley NGF 8915 1956-7-31
A: 02544969 Vaccinium cruentum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Collected vicinity Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8931 1956-7-31
A: 00016113 Vaccinium keysseri acutatum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, vicinity Mount Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8926 1956-8
A: 02543169 Vaccinium molle mollissimum (Sleumer) Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. Degalagu Mission, near Keglsugl... J. S. Womersley NGF 8977 1956-8-4
Euphorbiaceae A: 02563030 Alchornea rugosa (Loureiro) Müller Argoviensis Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected on Long Island Creek. Bulolo J. S. Womersley N.G.F.9017 1956-12-17
A: 02419594 Macaranga novaguineensis J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley N.G.F.8751 1956-2-2
A: 02416040 Pimelodendron amboinicum Hasskarl Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae-Wau Road. J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 8992 1956
A: 02416040 Pimelodendron sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae-Wau Road. J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 8992 1956
Fabaceae A: 02262901 Strongylodon lucidus (G. Forster) Seemann Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Keravat - Vudal Divide, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 7950 1956-3-8
Gentianaceae A: 01245174 Gentiana sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde; Vicinity of Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 8929 1956-8
A: 01245173 Gentiana sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 8839 1956-8
Gesneriaceae A: 02313144 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Al River. Nondugl. J. S. Womersley NGF 9034 1956-12
Gleicheniaceae A: 02552928 Gleichenia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8934 1956-8
A: 02552920 Gleichenia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity Lake Piunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8854 1956-8
Goodeniaceae A: 02305622 Scaevola oppositifolia Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl airstrip, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8892 1956-8
Grammitaceae A: 02220976 Oreogrammitis graminifolia (Copeland) Parris Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8953 1956-8
A: 02221010 Oreogrammitis padangensis (Baker) Parris Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Piunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8846 1956-8-1
Hymenophyllaceae A: 02581867 Hymenophyllum foersteri Rosenstock Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity Lake Piunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8850 1956-8
Icacinaceae A: 02588040 Gomphandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands at Waikaiuna Bay, inland about 1/2 mile from... J. S. Womersley 8610 1956-4-18
A: 02588257 Medusanthera laxiflora (Miers) R. A. Howard Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Collected near Nondugl J. S. Womersley 9026 1956-12-20
Lauraceae A: 02535675 Beilschmiedia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Keravat - Vudal Divide, Gazelle Peninsula Ne... J. S. Womersley NGF 7939 1956-3-6
Lecythidaceae A: 02438439 Barringtonia niedenzuana (K. Schumann) R. Knuth Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Keravat - Vudal Divide, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 7945 1956-3-8
Lycopodiaceae A: 02314810 Diphasiastrum complanatum (Linnaeus) Holub Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8954 1956-7-31
Melastomataceae A: 02273736 Melastoma cyanoides Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Morobe District T.N.G. J. S. Womersley NGF 8990 1956
Meliaceae A: 02482564 Aglaia sapindina (F. Mueller) Harms Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Waikaiuna Bay, Normanby Island J. S. Womersley NGF 8611 1956-4-18
Monimiaceae A: 02297496 Palmeria clemensae Philipson Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl airstrip, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 8891 1956-8
Moraceae A: 02412506 Ficus irritans Summerhayes Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Road, n... J. S. Womersley NGF 8746 1956-2-2
A: 02412506 Ficus odoardoi King Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Road, n... J. S. Womersley NGF 8746 1956-2-2
Myrsinaceae A: 02439772 Aegiceras corniculatum (Linnaeus) Blanco Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Sewa Bay, Eastern Division; Normanby Island.... J. S. Womersley NGF 8682 1956-4-22
A: 02442163 Embelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Collected at Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Ro... J. S. Womersley NGF 8749 1956-2-2
A: 02442203 Embelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Collected at Wariarata, Sogeri sub-District J. S. Womersley NGF 8765 1956-3-18
A: 02600566 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8848 1956-8
Myrtaceae A: 02446188 Decaspermum paniculatum (Lindley) Kurz Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 8758 1956-2-2
A: 02446190 Decaspermum parviflorum (Lamarck) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Al River. Nondugl West Hoghlands J. S. Womersley NGF 9044 1956-12
A: 02446188 Decaspermum parviflorum (Lamarck) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 8758 1956-2-2
A: 02446188 Decaspermum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 8758 1956-2-2
A: 02449009 Osbornia octodonta F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Fairfax Harbour, near Port Mor... J. S. Womersley NGF 8997 1956-2-12
A: 02423594 Syzygium hylophilum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Anamapi Creek, near Bulolo J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 9008 1956-12-16
A: 02446190 Xanthomyrtus Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Al River. Nondugl West Hoghlands J. S. Womersley NGF 9044 1956-12
Oleaceae A: 02458419 Jasminum didymum G. Forster Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Waikaiuna Bay, inland about 1/2 mile from co... J. S. Womersley NGF 8627 1956-4-18
Orchidaceae AMES: 02338879 Agrostophyllum sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Valley, Vici... J. S. Womersley NGF.8889 1956-8-4
AMES: 02340415 Appendicula sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Al River, Nondugl J. S. Womersley NGF 9032 1956-12
AMES: 02385367 Bulbophyllum dendrochiloides Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Collected Al River, Nondugl J. S. Womersley 9043 1956-12
AMES: 02156162 Cadetia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Collected Al River, Nondugl J. S. Womersley R. Good. 9041 1956-12
AMES: 02157511 Dendrobium brevicaule Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity Lake Piunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF. 8868 1956-8-1
A: 02336125 Dendrobium chalmersii F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Waikaiuna Bay, inland about 1/2 mile from co... J. S. Womersley NGF 8649 1956-4-20
AMES: 02157604 Dendrobium dekockii J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8831 1956-8
AMES: 02157626 Dendrobium dichaeoides Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands near Nongul J. S. Womersley NGF 9018 1956-12-20
AMES: 02157659 Dendrobium fantasticum L. O. Williams Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Valley. Vici... J. S. Womersley NGF 8886 1956-8
AMES: 02157716 Dendrobium hellwigianum Kraenzlin ex Warburg Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Al river, Nondugl J. S. Womersley NGF 9039 1956-12
A: 02157796 Dendrobium lawesii F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Sewa Bay, Normansby Island J. S. Womersley NGF 8688 1956-4-24
AMES: 01089163 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Valley J. S. Womersley NGF 8883 1956-8-1
A: 02336153 Dendrobium subacaule Reinwardt ex Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Mauri Creek, Edie Creek Road; n... J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 8744 1956-2-2
AMES: 02153108 Dendrochilum longifolium H. G. Reichenbach Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Valley J. S. Womersley 8884 1956-8-1
AMES: 02338061 Epiblastus montihageni P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Collected Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Va... J. S. Womersley NGF. 8885 1956-8-1
AMES: 02338082 Epiblastus pulchellus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Collected Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Va... J. S. Womersley NGF. 8882 1956-1-8
AMES: 02125701 Flickingeria sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Collected near Nondugl J. S. Womersley 1956-12-20
AMES: 02339175 Glomera sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, near Keglsugl, vicinity M... J. S. Womersley NGF 8978 1956-8-4
A: 02175300 Malaxis sp. Papua New Guinea: Waikaiuna Bay. Sewa Bay, Normanby Island. Co... J. S. Womersley 8638 1956-4-18
AMES: 02337945 Mediocalcar bifolium J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Collected near Nondugl J. S. Womersley 9021 1956-12-20
A: 02096593 Oberonia monstruosa Lindley Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Ganigl River J. S. Womersley NGF 8800 1956
A: 02096593 Oberonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Ganigl River J. S. Womersley NGF 8800 1956
AMES: 02387981 Pedilochilus alpinum P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands vicinity Lake Piunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley 8828 1956-8-1
AMES: 01945433 Peristylus pachyneurus (Schlechter) P. F. Hunt Papua New Guinea: Dengalagu Mission, near Keglsugl. Vicinity M... J. S. Womersley 1956-8-3
AMES: 02388674 Phaius tankervilleae (L'Heritier) Blume Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Collected Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Va... J. S. Womersley 8880 1956
AMES: 01828147 Phreatia myriantha Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Collected near Nondugl J. S. Womersley NGF 9019 1956-12-20
AMES: 01944563 Pterostylis papuana Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Dengalagu Mission, near Keglsugl, Eastern Hi... J. S. Womersley 1956-8-3
AMES: 01944562 Pterostylis papuana Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Al river, Nondugl, Western Highlands, TNG J. S. Womersley 9031 1956-12
AMES: 02387527 Spathoglottis sp. Papua New Guinea: Sanders Block. Wariarata. Sogeri Plateau J. S. Womersley 8995 1956
AMES: 02387588 Spathoglottis sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu Valley J. S. Womersley 8887 1956-8-4
Oxalidaceae A: 02305953 Oxalis magellanica G. Forster Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 11870 1956-8
Pandanaceae A: 02457433 Freycinetia novo-hibernica Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Keravat - Vudal Divide, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 7938 1956-3-6
Phyllanthaceae A: 02486322 Antidesma excavatum Miquel Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Near Nondugl J. S. Womersley NGF 9022 1956-12-20
Piperaceae A: 01882636 Piper mestonii F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Collected near Nondugl J. S. Womersley N.G.F. 9023 1956-12-20
Poaceae A: 02473722 Agrostis rigidula remota (Buse) Hoynck & J. M. Linden ex P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8838 1956-8
A: 02473376 Chimaerochloa archboldii (Hitchc.) Pirie & H.P.Linder Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8957 1956-8
A: 00078384 Deyeuxia echidnae Veldkamp Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mount Wilhelm, 2°45'S, 145°5'E, 1... J. S. Womersley NGF 8971 1956-8
A: 02243053 Festuca papuana Stapf Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8972 1956-8
A: 02243299 Poa sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8919 1956-7-31
A: 02244651 [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8857 1956-8
A: 02244776 [None] Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8960 1956-8
A: 02244775 [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8843 1956-8
A: 02244905 [None] Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8927 1956-8
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8857 1956-8
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8960 1956-8
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8843 1956-8
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8927 1956-8
Podocarpaceae A: 02246257 Dacrycarpus compactus (Wasscher) de Laubenfels Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8852 1956-8
A: 02246253 Dacrycarpus compactus (Wasscher) de Laubenfels Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8861 1956-8
A: 02247197 Podocarpus brassii Pilger Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm. J. S. Womersley NGF 8866 1956-8
Polyosmaceae A: 02502178 Polyosma sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8864A 1956-8
Polypodiaceae A: 02218031 Lepisorus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, Mt Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8963 1956-7-31
A: 02218028 Lepisorus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde. Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8959 1956-7-31
A: 02218027 Lepisorus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8845 1956-8-1
A: 02218366 Loxogramme subselliguea (Baker) Alston Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8941 1956-7-31
A: 02218742 Microsorum pteropus Copeland Papua New Guinea: Sanders Block, Wariarata. Sogeri Plateau J. S. Womersley NGF 8994 1956-12-8
A: 02220410 Selliguea plantaginea Brackenridge Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde. Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8936 1956-7-31
Proteaceae A: 02260783 Finschia chloroxantha Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek Road, near Wau J. S. Womersley NGF 8743 1956-2-2
Rhizophoraceae A: 02264373 Bruguiera sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay near Labadowa River, Sewa Bay J. S. Womersley NGF 8681 1956-4-22
Rubiaceae A: 02604468 Ophiorrhiza sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected Anamapi Creek near Bulolo J. S. Womersley NGF 9013 1956-12-16
Santalaceae A: 02295434 Cladomyza angustifolia Stauffer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde; Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley 8925 1956-8
A: 02295431 Cladomyza angustifolia Stauffer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Vicinity Lake Piunde, Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley 8867 1956-8
Symplocaceae A: 02602108 Symplocos cochinchinensis orbicularis (Hemsley) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm J. S. Womersley NGF 8865 1956-8
Theaceae A: 02524635 Eurya montis-wilhelmii W. R. Barker Indonesia: Papua Pegunungan Vicinity Mt. Wilhelm Eastern Highlands, T.N.... J. S. Womersley NGF 8853 1956-8
Verbenaceae A: 02516804 Clerodendrum sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Keravat - Vudal Divide, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 7951 1956-3-8
A: 02516910 Clerodendrum sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Wariarata, Sogeri Sub-Dist. J. S. Womersley NGF 8766 1956-3-18
Vitaceae A: 02326433 Leea macropus K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Keravat Plantation, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 8774 1956-6-19
A: 02326432 Leea macropus K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Kervat - Vudal Divide, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 7934 1956-3-6
A: 02325164 Tetrastigma papuanum Planchon Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Keravat, Vudal Divide, Gazelle Peninsula J. S. Womersley NGF 7946 1956-3-8