Aizoaceae GH: 01681171 Mollugo verticillata Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6206 1936-7-19
Alismataceae GH: 01617989 Alisma subcordatum Pursh USA: Virginia Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5979 1936-7-27
GH: 01632288 Echinodorus cordifolius (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Virginia Nottoway River, Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6452 1936-8-24
Amaranthaceae GH: 01929552 Amaranthus spinosus Linnaeus USA: Virginia Richmond M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6813 1936-10-19
Anacardiaceae GH: 01867233 Rhus copallinum Linnaeus USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): south of Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6825 1936-10-19
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01681829 Aristolochia serpentaria Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6195 1936-7-19
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00993437 Asclepias incarnata pulchra (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6355 1936-7-26
GH: 01083240 Gonolobus gonocarpos (Walter) L. M. Perry USA: Virginia Nottoway River, Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6672 1936-8-25
GH: 01083946 Matelea carolinensis (Jacquin) Woodson USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 3656 1936-7-19
Asteraceae GH: 01924743 Ageratina aromatica (Linnaeus) Spach USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6881 1936-10-17
GH: 02214422 Baccharis halimifolia Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6900 1936-7-28
GH: 02215178 Boltonia caroliniana (Walter) Fernald USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6716a 1936-10-18
GH: 02215177 Boltonia caroliniana (Walter) Fernald USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6717 1936-8-25
GH: 01923972 Carphephorus bellidifolius (Michaux) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6883 1936-10-16
GH: 02188318 Carphephorus tomentosus (Michaux) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6882 1936-10-16
GH: 00004835 Chrysopsis mariana macradenia Fernald USA: Virginia Dry pine and oak woods about 3 miles southwe... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6885 1936-10-20
GH: 02021452 Cirsium nuttallii de Candolle USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6438 1936-7-25
GH: 02188683 Conoclinium coelestinum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Virginia Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6414 1936-7-23
GH: 00006182 Coreopsis oniscicarpa Fernald USA: Virginia Wet thickets and ditches bordering sandy woo... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6906 1936-10-17
GH: 01925140 Elephantopus nudatus A. Gray USA: Virginia north of Gary Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6704 1936-8-25
GH: 01925248 Elephantopus tomentosus Linnaeus USA: Virginia southwest of Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6407 1936-7-25
GH: 02207597 Erigeron annuus (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6424 1936-7-24
GH: 02188894 Eupatorium album Linnaeus USA: Virginia west of Petersburg Turnpike, north of Swift ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6410 1936-7-18
GH: 02188886 Eupatorium album Linnaeus USA: Virginia northeast of Prince George M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6411 1936-7-18
GH: 02188884 Eupatorium album Linnaeus USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6412 1936-7-24
GH: 02189055 Eupatorium altissimum Linnaeus USA: Virginia about 3 miles southwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6880 1936-10-20
GH: 02189052 Eupatorium altissimum Linnaeus USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6413 1936-7-19
GH: 02189629 Eupatorium leucolepis Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia west of Petersburg Turnpike, north of Swift ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6408 1936-7-18
GH: 02189628 Eupatorium leucolepis Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia west of Petersburg Turnpike, north of Swift ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6878 1936-10-16
GH: 02190520 Eupatorium semiserratum de Candolle USA: Virginia Nottoway River, below Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6409 1936-7-23
GH: 02044842 Euthamia caroliniana (Linnaeus) Greene ex Porter & Britton USA: Virginia headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6892 1936-10
GH: 02044842 Euthamia tenuifolia USA: Virginia headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6892 1936-10
GH: 01832066 Hieracium gronovii Linnaeus USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6922 1936-10-19
GH: 02213590 Liatris spicata resinosa (Nuttall) Gaiser USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6417 1936-7-26
GH: 02213738 Liatris squarrosa (Linnaeus) Michaux USA: Virginia Westover Hills M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6415 1936-7-21
GH: 02584579 Pityopsis aspera adenolepis (Fernald) Semple & Bowers USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6418 1936-7-27
GH: 02584580 Pityopsis aspera adenolepis (Fernald) Semple & Bowers USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6711 1936-8-25
GH: 02584573 Pityopsis aspera adenolepis (Fernald) Semple & Bowers USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6712 1936-8-25
GH: 02584574 Pityopsis aspera adenolepis (Fernald) Semple & Bowers USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6711 1936-8-25
Betulaceae GH: 02197608 Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Virginia west of Franklin M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6583 1936-8-24
GH: 02197624 Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Virginia southeast of Petersburg, at head of Poo Run M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6187 1936-7-18
Bignoniaceae GH: 02054821 Catalpa speciosa Teas USA: Virginia Ivor M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6396 1936-7-28
Boraginaceae GH: 01993837 Heliotropium indicum Linnaeus USA: Virginia Nottoway River, Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6862 1936-10-20
Brassicaceae GH: 01084751 Diplotaxis tenuifolia (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Virginia Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6816 1936-10-20
Cactaceae GH: 01875709 Opuntia humifusa (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6291 1936-7-24
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02037276 Lonicera sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6401 1936-7-19
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01714378 Paronychia baldwinii riparia (Chapman) Chaudhri USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6205 1936-7-24
GH: 01714379 Paronychia baldwinii riparia (Chapman) Chaudhri USA: Virginia northeast of Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6204 1936-7-22
Ceratophyllaceae GH: 02073398 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6814 1936-10-20
Commelinaceae GH: 02073552 Commelina communis Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6793 1936-7-18
GH: 02113089 Commelina erecta Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6133 1936-7-24
GH: 02113204 Commelina virginica Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6134 1936-7-19
GH: 02113193 Commelina virginica Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6135 1936-7-24
Convolvulaceae GH: 02042399 Ipomoea pandurata Conzatti & L. C. Smith USA: Virginia Coddyshore M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6361 1936-7-19
Cornaceae GH: 01843906 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6323 1936-7-24
GH: 02019744 Cornus stricta Lamarck USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6322 1936-7-24
Cupressaceae GH: 02107008 Juniperus virginiana Linnaeus USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6755 1936-10-17
Cyperaceae GH: 02371870 Carex annectens (E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6105 1936-7-19
GH: 01773946 Carex bullata Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6119 1936-7-18
GH: 02370648 Carex cephalophora Muhlenberg USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6103 1936-7-24
GH: 02578071 Carex frankii Kunth USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6115 1936-7-19
GH: 01772793 Carex grayi Carey USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6117 1936-7-25
GH: 01772117 Carex louisianica L. H. Bailey USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6116 1936-7-28
GH: 02371146 Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6104 1936-7-22
GH: 01775893 Carex squarrosa Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6113 1936-7-18
GH: 01775977 Carex typhina Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6114 1936-7-25
GH: 00027919 Rhynchospora debilis Gale USA: Virginia Depressions in argillaceous field north of L... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6085 1936-7-22
GH: 00027920 Rhynchospora debilis Gale USA: Virginia Depressions in argillaceous field north of L... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6085 1936-7-22
GH: 00139595 Rhynchospora globularis recognita Gale USA: Virginia About 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6070 1936-7-26
GH: 00027925 Rhynchospora gracilenta diversifolia Fernald USA: Virginia Sandy and peaty depressions (exiccated shall... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6081 1936-7-19
GH: 00027924 Rhynchospora gracilenta diversifolia Fernald USA: Virginia Sandy and peaty depressions (exiccated shall... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6081 1936-7-19
Droseraceae GH: 01143630 Drosera capillaris Poiret USA: Virginia About 4 miles northwest of Homeville. M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6218 1936-7-19
GH: 01143631 Drosera capillaris Poiret USA: Virginia Near head of Old Town Creek, southwest of Pe... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6217 1936-7-22
GH: 01143632 Drosera capillaris Poiret USA: Virginia Headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6216 1936-7-20
Ericaceae GH: 01718218 Lyonia lucida (Lamarck) K. Koch USA: Virginia by Blackwater River, near Oak Grove School M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 1936-8-26
GH: 01718226 Lyonia lucida (Lamarck) K. Koch USA: Virginia by Blackwater River, near Oak Grove School. M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 1936-8-26
GH: 01762442 Rhododendron atlanticum (Ashe) Rehder USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6326 1936-7-26
Fabaceae GH: 02047132 Astragalus canadensis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Sunken Meadow Beach M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6822 1936-10-20
GH: 01881333 Baptisia tinctoria (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Virginia northeast of Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6227 1936-7-22
GH: 01881605 Centrosema virginianum (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6246 1936-7-19
GH: 01884225 Crotalaria purshii de Candolle USA: Virginia about 1 mile southeast of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6233 1936-7-27
GH: 01884415 Crotalaria rotundifolia vulgaris Windler USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6610 1936-8-24
GH: 01884414 Crotalaria rotundifolia vulgaris Windler USA: Virginia near Walters M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6229 1936-7-28
GH: 01884560 Crotalaria sagittalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homerville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6232 1936-7-19
GH: 01884559 Crotalaria sagittalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Coddyshore M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6231 1936-7-19
GH: 01884558 Crotalaria sagittalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Second Swamp, north of Baxter Crossing M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6230 1936-7-18
GH: 01884557 Crotalaria sagittalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia north of Littleton M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6228 1936-7-22
GH: 01961234 Desmodium fernaldii B. G. Schubert USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6613 1936-8-24
GH: 01961791 Desmodium ochroleucum M. A. Curtis ex Canby USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6237 1936-7-24
GH: 01960062 Desmodium paniculatum epetiolatum B. G. Schubert USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6615 1936-8-24
GH: 01960450 Desmodium rotundifolium (Michaux) de Candolle USA: Virginia east of Ivor M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6236 1936-7-27
GH: 01960582 Desmodium strictum (Pursh) de Candolle USA: Virginia northeast of Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6238 1936-7-22
GH: 01959461 Galactia volubilis (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6247 1936-7-19
GH: 01539559 Kummerowia stipulacea (Maximowicz) Makino USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6239 1936-7-27
GH: 02149274 Lathyrus latifolius Linnaeus USA: Virginia String-of-Logs Pocoson, north of Windsor M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6245 1936-7-28
GH: 02150444 Lathyrus venosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6244 1936-7-24
GH: 02087736 Lespedeza stuevei Nuttall USA: Virginia Nottoway River, Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6621 1936-8-24
GH: 02087735 Lespedeza stuevei Nuttall USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6823 1936-10-17
GH: 02086089 Lespedeza virginica (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Virginia west of Swann Point M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6824 1936-10-20
GH: 02130769 Orbexilum pedunculatum gracile (Torr. & A. Gray) J. W. Grimes USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6234 1936-7-26
GH: 02134192 Rhynchosia difformis (Elliott) de Candolle USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6249 1936-7-28
GH: 02134191 Rhynchosia difformis (Elliott) de Candolle USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6248 1936-7-22
GH: 02134546 Rhynchosia tomentosa (Linnaeus) Hooker & Arnott USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6250 1936-7-18
GH: 02136765 Stylosanthes biflora Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6240 1936-7-25
GH: 02136755 Stylosanthes biflora Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6242 1936-7-28
GH: 02136749 Stylosanthes biflora Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6241 1936-7-27
GH: 02136878 Stylosanthes riparia Kearney USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6243 1936-7-19
GH: 02136871 Stylosanthes riparia Kearney USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6623 1936-8-24
GH: 02137383 Tephrosia spicata (Walter) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6235 1936-7-28
GH: 02137382 Tephrosia spicata (Walter) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6611 1936-8-24
GH: 02137378 Tephrosia spicata (Walter) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6612 1936-8-26
Gentianaceae GH: 02069180 Bartonia paniculata (Michaux) Muhlenberg USA: Virginia south-west of Whaleyville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6859 1936-10-19
GH: 02072378 Gentiana autumnalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): south of Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6852 1936-10-19
GH: 02072521 Gentiana catesbaei Walter USA: Virginia east of Joyner's Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6854 1936-10-17
GH: 02072520 Gentiana catesbaei Walter USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): south of Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6853 1936-10-19
GH: 02167145 Gentiana saponaria Linnaeus USA: Virginia east of Joyner's Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6857 1936-10-17
GH: 02167144 Gentiana saponaria Linnaeus USA: Virginia northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6856 1936-10-16
GH: 02167234 Gentiana villosa Linnaeus USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6352 1936-7-24
GH: 00075444 Sabatia brachiata candida Fernald USA: Virginia Dry argillaceous field north of Littleton M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6346 1936-7-22
GH: 00075444 Sabatia quadrangula Wilbur USA: Virginia Dry argillaceous field north of Littleton M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6346 1936-7-22
Haloragaceae GH: 01628794 Proserpinaca palustris Linnaeus USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6659 1936-8-25
GH: 01628804 Proserpinaca palustris Linnaeus USA: Virginia near Gary Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6313 1936-7-18
Iridaceae GH: 01747593 Iris prismatica austrina Fernald USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6170 1936-7-26
GH: 01748232 Iris virginica Linnaeus USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6171 1936-7-19
Isoetaceae GH: 02074762 Isoetes engelmannii A. Braun USA: Virginia Nottoway River, Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5974 1936-7-25
Juncaceae GH: 02098417 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6140 1936-7-25
GH: 02400380 Juncus biflorus Elliott USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6567 1936-8-24
GH: 02099996 Juncus brachycarpus Engelmann USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6137 1936-7-28
GH: 02101734 Juncus debilis A. Gray USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6138 1936-7-20
GH: 02102971 Juncus elliottii Chapman USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6139 1936-7-26
GH: 00029655 Juncus longii Fernald USA: Virginia Spring-fed wooded argillaceous sphagnous bog... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6144 1936-7-20
GH: 02401903 Juncus longii Fernald USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6145 1936-7-22
GH: 02401901 Juncus longii Fernald USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6146 1936-7-22
GH: 02401900 Juncus longii Fernald USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6147 1936-7-22
GH: 02401910 Juncus longii Fernald USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6148 1936-7-28
GH: 00029655 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: Virginia Spring-fed wooded argillaceous sphagnous bog... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6144 1936-7-20
GH: 02400140 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6143 1936-7-20
GH: 02400406 Juncus marginatus odoratus Torrey USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6149 1936-7-19
GH: 02398103 Juncus repens Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6141 1936-7-20
GH: 02398104 Juncus repens Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6142 1936-7-28
GH: 02397171 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6136 1936-7-20
Lamiaceae GH: 01552115 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6682 1936-8-26
GH: 01552368 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6382 1936-7-19
GH: 01552371 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6681 1936-8-25
GH: 01552557 Lycopus europaeus Linnaeus USA: Virginia Sunken Meadow Beach M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6865 1936-10-20
GH: 01598208 Physostegia leptophylla Small USA: Virginia Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6368 1936-7-23
GH: 01598211 Physostegia leptophylla Small USA: Virginia Blackwater River, Zuni. M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6369 1936-7-27
GH: 01597500 Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia north of Littleton M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6373 1936-7-22
GH: 01597501 Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6375 1936-7-26
GH: 01597504 Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia southwest of Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6374 1936-7-25
GH: 01597505 Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia south of Pleasant Grove Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6371 1936-7-22
GH: 01597513 Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia northeast of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6372 1936-7-20
GH: 01597673 Pycnanthemum loomisii Nuttall USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6381 1936-7-19
GH: 00001517 Pycnanthemum monotrichum Fernald USA: Virginia Northeast of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6380 1936-7-20
GH: 01597823 Pycnanthemum muticum (Michaux) Persoon USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of New Bohemia M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6379 1936-7-28
GH: 01597831 Pycnanthemum muticum (Michaux) Persoon USA: Virginia southwest of Petersburg M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6377 1936-7-22
GH: 01597832 Pycnanthemum muticum (Michaux) Persoon USA: Virginia 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6378 1936-7-26
GH: 01596450 Pycnanthemum virginianum (Linnaeus) B. L. Robinson & Fernald USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6376 1936-7-24
GH: 00269939 Stachys hispida Pursh USA: Virginia Nottoway River, below Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6370 1936-7-23
GH: 00269939 Stachys tenuifolia Willdenow USA: Virginia Nottoway River, below Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6370 1936-7-23
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974950 Utricularia gibba Linnaeus USA: Virginia Headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6394 1936-7-20
GH: 01974941 Utricularia gibba Linnaeus USA: Virginia Near Moore's Mill. M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6395 1936-7-19
Linaceae GH: 02053551 Linum medium texanum (Planchon) Fernald USA: Virginia north of Littleton M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6251 1936-7-22
Lobeliaceae GH: 01797265 Lobelia amoena glandulifera A. Gray USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of New Bohemia M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6876 1936-10-16
GH: 01797268 Lobelia amoena glandulifera A. Gray USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of New Bohemia M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6406 1936-7-28
GH: 01797704 Lobelia cardinalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Beaver Dam Swamp north of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6874 1936-10-20
GH: 01798772 Lobelia puberula Michaux USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of New Bohemia M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6875 1936-10-16
GH: 01798774 Lobelia puberula Michaux USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): South Quay M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6702 1936-8-26
GH: 01798775 Lobelia puberula Michaux USA: Virginia west of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6701 1936-8-25
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02163562 Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5971 1936-7-19
GH: 02163889 Diphasiastrum tristachyum (Pursh) Holub USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5970 1936-7-19
Malvaceae GH: 02202981 Hibiscus laevis Allioni USA: Virginia Nottoway River, below Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6274 1936-7-23
GH: 02202979 Hibiscus laevis Allioni USA: Virginia along Nottoway River, Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6834 1936-10-20
Nymphaeaceae GH: 01739960 Nuphar advena (Aiton) W. T. Aiton USA: Virginia Nottoway River at Sycamore Bend M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6207 1936-7-25
Oleaceae GH: 01847020 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6337 1936-7-26
GH: 01848542 Fraxinus caroliniana Miller USA: Virginia by Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6336 1936-7-23
GH: 01848570 Fraxinus caroliniana Miller USA: Virginia Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6335 1936-7-23
Onagraceae GH: 01779398 Ludwigia decurrens Walter USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6843 1936-10-17
GH: 01779474 Ludwigia glandulosa Walter USA: Virginia Second Swamp, north of Baxter Crossing M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6308 1936-7-18
GH: 01779475 Ludwigia glandulosa Walter USA: Virginia near Gary Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6307 1936-7-18
GH: 01779477 Ludwigia glandulosa Walter USA: Virginia south of Sebrell M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6309 1936-7-22
GH: 01779597 Ludwigia hirtella Rafinesque USA: Virginia west of Petersburg Turnpike, north of Swift ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6302 1936-7-18
GH: 01779601 Ludwigia hirtella Rafinesque USA: Virginia about 4 miles northeast of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6304 1936-7-19
GH: 01779602 Ludwigia hirtella Rafinesque USA: Virginia southeast of Petersburg, on headwaters of Bl... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6303 1936-7-18
GH: 01779603 Ludwigia hirtella Rafinesque USA: Virginia north of Gary Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6655 1936-8-25
GH: 01779604 Ludwigia hirtella Rafinesque USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6656 1936-8-26
GH: 01779759 Ludwigia linearis Walter USA: Virginia southwest of Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6306 1936-7-25
GH: 01779764 Ludwigia linearis Walter USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of Petersburg, at he... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6652 1936-8-25
GH: 01780248 Ludwigia palustris (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6311 1936-7-19
GH: 01780255 Ludwigia palustris (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Virginia near Gary Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6310 1936-7-18
GH: 01644146 Oenothera fruticosa fruticosa USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6440 1936-7-26
GH: 01644149 Oenothera fruticosa fruticosa USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6439 1936-7-26
GH: 01644161 Oenothera fruticosa fruticosa USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6312 1936-7-26
GH: 01644916 Oenothera nutans Atk. & Bartlett USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of Petersburg, at he... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6844 1936-10-18
Orchidaceae GH: 01938617 Corallorhiza odontorhiza (Willdenow) Poiret USA: Virginia southeast of Ivor M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6804 1936-10-16
GH: 01937584 Cypripedium acaule Aiton USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6173 1936-7-19
AMES: 02028199 Goodyera pubescens (Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Virginia near Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6180 1936-7-19
GH: 01938037 Hexalectris spicata Barnhart USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6182 1936-7-24
AMES: 02051779 Isotria verticillata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Rafinesque USA: Virginia about 3 miles northwest of Disputanta M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6179 1936-7-27
AMES: 02051783 Isotria verticillata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Rafinesque USA: Virginia south of Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6802 1936-10-19
AMES: 02066242 Platanthera chapmanii (Small) Luer USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6178 1936-7-26
AMES: 02063001 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: Virginia bottomland of Nottoway River, above Cypress ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6176 1936-7-23
AMES: 02063002 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: Virginia headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6175 1936-7-20
AMES: 02063003 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: Virginia headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6800 1936-10-18
AMES: 02063141 Platanthera cristata (Michaux) Lindley USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6177 1936-7-26
AMES: 02063142 Platanthera cristata (Michaux) Lindley USA: Virginia headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6801 1936-10-18
AMES: 02045102 Platanthera flava (Linnaeus) Lindley USA: Virginia bottomland of Nottoway River, below Cypress ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6174 1936-7-25
GH: 02029334 Tipularia discolor (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Virginia near Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6181 1936-7-19
Orobanchaceae GH: 02034452 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Virginia west of Petersburg Turnpike, north of Swift ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6868 1936-10-16
GH: 02034509 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: Virginia east of Joyner's Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6869 1936-10-17
GH: 02034515 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: Virginia near Joyner's Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6694 1936-8-22
GH: 02034944 Aureolaria flava (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of Petersburg, at he... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6693 1936-8-25
GH: 02034942 Aureolaria flava (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Virginia Nottoway River, southwest of Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6392 1936-7-25
GH: 02033281 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Virginia about 3 miles north of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6871 1936-10-16
GH: 02033375 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Virginia west of Petersburg Turnpike, north of Grinda... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6393 1936-7-28
GH: 02033683 Buchnera americana Linnaeus USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of Petersburg, on he... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6737 1936-8-25
Oxalidaceae GH: 01585516 Oxalis florida Salisbury USA: Virginia northeast of Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6252 1936-7-22
Phyllanthaceae GH: 01971492 Phyllanthus carolinensis Walter USA: Virginia bank of Nottoway River, below Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6266 1936-7-23
Pinaceae GH: 01113267 Pinus virginiana Miller USA: Virginia near Gary Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5975 1936-7-18
Plantaginaceae GH: 02212884 Chelone cuthbertii Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6388 1936-7-25
GH: 01999858 Gratiola pilosa Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6391 1936-7
GH: 02000076 Gratiola viscidula Pennell USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6390 1936-7-20
GH: 02001285 Mecardonia acuminata (Walter) Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6389 1936-7-25
GH: 02002542 Penstemon australis Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6387 1936-7-28
GH: 02002535 Penstemon australis Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6386 1936-7-25
GH: 02002534 Penstemon australis Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6384 1936-7-22
GH: 02118131 Penstemon canescens (Britton) Britton USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6385 1936-7-24
Poaceae GH: 01853121 Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6759 1936-10-16
GH: 01812233 Andropogon glomeratus hirsutior (Hackel) C. Mohr USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6760 1936-10-16
GH: 01812785 Andropogon gyrans Ashe USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6761 1936-10-17
GH: 00971361 Dichanthelium mundum (Fernald) LeBlond USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6017 1936-7-19
GH: 00023511 Dichanthelium mundum (Fernald) LeBlond USA: Virginia Peaty clearing at border of cypress swamp, 4... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6499 1936-8-25
GH: 00971361 Dichanthelium ovale pseudopubescens (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6017 1936-7-19
GH: 01814169 Erianthus contortus Elliott USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6457 1936-8-26
GH: 01814274 Erianthus giganteus (Walter) P. Beauvois USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6455 1936-8-25
GH: 01814260 Erianthus giganteus (Walter) P. Beauvois USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6455 1936-8-25
GH: 01814259 Erianthus giganteus (Walter) P. Beauvois USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6456 1936-8-26
GH: 01814555 Miscanthus sinensis Andersson USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6757 1936-10-17
GH: 01814552 Miscanthus sinensis Andersson USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 7656 1936-10-17
GH: 00023508 Panicum lucidum opacum Fernald USA: Virginia Argillaceous and siliceous boggy depression ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6484 1936-8-25
GH: 00023509 Panicum lucidum opacum Fernald USA: Virginia Argillaceous and siliceous boggy depression ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6484 1936-8-25
GH: 00023511 Panicum mundum Fernald USA: Virginia Peaty clearing at border of cypress swamp, 4... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6499 1936-8-25
GH: 00023512 Panicum mundum Fernald USA: Virginia Peaty clearing at border of cypress swamp, 4... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6499 1936-8-25
GH: 00023513 Panicum mundum Fernald USA: Virginia Peaty clearing at border of cypress swamp, 4... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6499 1936-8-25
Polygalaceae GH: 01971973 Polygala ambigua Nuttall USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of Petersburg, at he... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6650 1936-8-25
GH: 01970455 Polygala cruciata aquilonia Fernald & B. G. Schubert USA: Virginia about 3 miles northwest of Ivor M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6262 1936-7-27
GH: 01970559 Polygala curtissii A. Gray USA: Virginia north of Littleton M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6360 1936-7-22
GH: 01970557 Polygala curtissii A. Gray USA: Virginia northeast of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6259 1936-7-20
GH: 01969004 Polygala incarnata Linnaeus USA: Virginia bordering Warwick Swamp, northwest of Waverl... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6255 1936-7-28
GH: 01969003 Polygala incarnata Linnaeus USA: Virginia north of Moore's Mill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6254 1936-7-19
GH: 01969288 Polygala lutea Linnaeus USA: Virginia south of Sebrell M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6253 1936-7-22
GH: 01969447 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of New Bohemia M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6256 1936-7-28
GH: 01969448 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Virginia bordering Warwick Swamp, northwest of Waverl... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6257 1936-7-28
GH: 01969444 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6261 1936-7-26
GH: 01969443 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Virginia southeast of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6258 1936-7-26
GH: 01968002 Polygala ramosa Elliott USA: Virginia north of Littleton M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6263 1936-7-22
Polygonaceae GH: 02346135 Antenoron virginianum (Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6202 1936-7-19
GH: 02346133 Antenoron virginianum (Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6201 1936-7-23
GH: 02365506 Fallopia cristata (Engelmann & A. Gray) Holub USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6200 1936-7-24
GH: 02364963 Persicaria glabra (Willdenow) M. Gómez USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6810 1936-10-20
GH: 02363503 Persicaria hydropiperoides (Michaux) Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6811 1936-10-20
GH: 02362287 Persicaria maculosa Gray USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6197 1936-7-28
GH: 02362286 Persicaria maculosa Gray USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6196 1936-7-28
GH: 02362955 Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6199 1936-7-25
GH: 02362940 Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6812 1936-10-17
GH: 00036757 Persicaria setacea (Baldwin) Small USA: Virginia Bottomland of Nottoway River, above Cypress ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6198 1936-7-23
GH: 02361278 Persicaria setacea (Baldwin) Small USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6589 1936-8-24
GH: 02007400 Polygonum polygamum Ventenat USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6809 1936-10-16
GH: 02007399 Polygonum polygamum Ventenat USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6809 1936-10-16
GH: 00036757 Polygonum setaceum tonsum Fernald USA: Virginia Bottomland of Nottoway River, above Cypress ... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6198 1936-7-23
GH: 00055735 Tovara virginiana glaberrima Fernald USA: Virginia Sandy alluvial woods, bottomland of Nottoway... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6203 1936-7-25
Potamogetonaceae GH: 00255077 Potamogeton capillaceus Poiret USA: Virginia head waters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Co... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5976 1936-7-20
GH: 00255074 Potamogeton capillaceus atripes Fernald USA: Virginia head waters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Co... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5976 1936-7-20
GH: 00255077 Potamogeton capillaceus atripes Fernald USA: Virginia head waters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Co... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5976 1936-7-20
GH: 00255074 Potamogeton diversifolius Rafinesque USA: Virginia head waters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Co... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5976 1936-7-20
GH: 00255077 Potamogeton diversifolius Rafinesque USA: Virginia head waters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Co... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5976 1936-7-20
GH: 01695573 Potamogeton pulcher Tuckerman USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 5977 1936-7-26
Primulaceae GH: 01918260 Lysimachia commixta Fernald USA: Virginia Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6332 1936-7-23
GH: 01927326 Lysimachia terrestris (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia Boaz M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6331 1936-7-28
Ranunculaceae GH: 01656108 Clematis crispa Linnaeus USA: Virginia Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6209 1936-7-23
GH: 01657405 Clematis viorna Linnaeus USA: Virginia Nottoway River, southwest of Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6597 1936-8-25
Rosaceae GH: 01586599 Agrimonia microcarpa Wallroth USA: Virginia south of Pleasant Grove Church M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6225 1936-7-22
GH: 01730637 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6602 1936-8-24
GH: 01730950 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6603 1936-6-24
GH: 01756656 Crataegus aprica Beadle USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6818 1936-10-17
GH: 01667769 Crataegus marshallii Eggleston USA: Virginia of Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6221 1936-7-23
GH: 01668912 Crataegus munda Beadle USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): Factory Hill M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6604 1936-8-26
GH: 01650735 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Blackwater River, Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6223 1936-7-27
GH: 01650736 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Virginia Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6222 1936-7-23
GH: 01650744 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Virginia along Nottoway River, Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6820 1936-10-20
GH: 01650963 Crataegus viridis ovata (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Virginia along Nottoway River, Courtland M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6819 1936-10-20
GH: 01609327 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Virginia Nottoway River, southwest of Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6605 1936-8-25
GH: 01609328 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Virginia southwest of Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6605 1936-8-25
GH: 00026497 Geum canadense brevipes Fernald USA: Virginia Bottomland of Nottoway River, southwest of B... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6224 1936-7-25
GH: 01705855 Prunus americana Marshall USA: Virginia Burt M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6226 1936-7-24
Rubiaceae GH: 02358396 Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J. H. Kirkbride USA: Virginia [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6698 1936-8-24
Sarraceniaceae GH: 01678415 Sarracenia catesbaei Elliott USA: Virginia near head of Old Town Creek, southwest of Pe... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6214 1936-7-22
GH: 01678416 Sarracenia catesbaei Elliott USA: Virginia near head of Old Town Creek, southwest of Pe... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6214 1936-7-22
GH: 01678485 Sarracenia flava Linnaeus USA: Virginia headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6212 1936-7-20
GH: 01678494 Sarracenia flava Linnaeus USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6817 1936-10-16
GH: 01678495 Sarracenia flava Linnaeus USA: Virginia near head of Old Town Creek, southwest of Pe... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6213 1936-7-22
GH: 01678869 Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus USA: Virginia south of Zuni M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6600 1936-8-24
GH: 01678877 Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus USA: Virginia headwaters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Cod... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6210 1936-7-20
GH: 01678879 Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus USA: Virginia near head of Old Town Creek, southwest of Pe... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6211 1936-7-22
GH: 01678414 Sarracenia sp. USA: Virginia near head of Old Town Creek, southwest of Pe... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6215 1936-7-22
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01843059 Mimulus alatus Aiton USA: Virginia about 4 miles northwest of Homeville M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6686 1936-8-25
Urticaceae GH: 02170982 Pilea pumila deamii (Lunell) Fernald USA: New Jersey [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6586 1936-8-25
GH: 02170981 Pilea pumila deamii (Lunell) Fernald USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6808 1936-10-17
Verbenaceae GH: 01800144 Callicarpa americana Linnaeus USA: Virginia Nottoway River, above Cypress Bridge M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6363 1936-7-23
Xyridaceae GH: 01147782 Xyris caroliniana Walter USA: Virginia bordering Warwick Swamp, northeast of Waverl... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6132 1936-7-28
GH: 01147795 Xyris caroliniana Walter USA: Virginia Warwick Swamp, northwest of Waverly M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6128 1936-7-28
GH: 01147770 Xyris torta macropoda Fernald USA: Virginia about 3 miles southeast of New Bohemia M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 6131 1936-7-28