<< < Previous Lycoperdaceae FH: 00616185 Lycoperdon plicatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 120 1853
FH: 00616183 Lycoperdon purpuraceum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 118 1853
FH: 00616184 Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeffer China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 119 1853
FH: 00488238 Lycoperdon sericellum Berkeley Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright s.n. 1853
Lycopodiaceae GH: 01154816 Lycopodium carolinianum Linnaeus Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154816 Pseudolycopodiella caroliniana (Linnaeus) Holub Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
Lythraceae GH: 00423799 Ammannia subspicata Bentham China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 164 1853
GH: 00423799 Rotala rotundifolia (Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh) Koehne China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 164 1853
Malpighiaceae GH: 00059509 Stigmaphyllon lindenianum nicaraguense Niedenzu Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
Malvaceae GH: 00898761 Kosteletzkya depressa (Linnaeus) O. J. Blanchard, Fryxell & D. M. Bates Nicaragua: C. Wright 3 1853
GH: 00898761 Kosteletzkya pentasperma Grisebach Nicaragua: C. Wright 3 1853
GH: 00898761 Kosteletzkya sp. Nicaragua: C. Wright 3 1853
GH: 00348807 Urena lobata Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 35 1853
GH: 00348807 Urena lobata tomentosa (Blume) Walpers China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 35 1853
Menispermaceae GH: 00423119 Hypserpa nitida Miers China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00423119 Limacia cuspidata Hooker f. & Thomson China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
Mimosaceae GH: 00058225 Acacia costaricensis Schenck Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00058225 Acacia spadicigera Schlechtendal & Chamisso Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
Moraceae GH: 00589487 Ficus angustifolia Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 457 1853
GH: 00353563 Ficus boninsimae Koidzumi Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 290 1853
GH: 00312514 Ficus difformis Lamarck China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 504 1853
GH: 00589496 Ficus difformis Lamarck China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 405 1853
GH: 00589488 Ficus erecta Thunberg Japan: Kiu-siu [Kyushu] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589489 Ficus erecta Thunberg Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 288 1853
GH: 00589495 Ficus gibbosa Blume Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 287 1853
GH: 00034574 Ficus harlandii Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 502 1853
GH: 00589484 Ficus hirta Vahl China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 456 1853
GH: 00589485 Ficus hirta Vahl China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 456 1853
GH: 00589491 Ficus impressa Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 453 1853
GH: 00589497 Ficus impressa Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 454 1853
GH: 00589495 Ficus insularis Miquel Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 287 1853
GH: 00589487 Ficus nervosa B. Heyne ex Roth China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 457 1853
GH: 00589488 Ficus pumila Linnaeus Japan: Kiu-siu [Kyushu] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589489 Ficus pumila Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 288 1853
GH: 00589490 Ficus pyriformis Hooker & Arnott China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 452 1853
GH: 00589491 Ficus sarmentosa impressa (Champion ex Bentham) Corner China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 453 1853
GH: 00589492 Ficus septica N. L. Burman Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 293 1853
GH: 00589494 Ficus subpisocarpa Gagnepain China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 450 1853
GH: 00589493 Ficus subpisocarpa Gagnepain Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 289 1853
GH: 00312514 Ficus tinctoria gibbosa (Blume) Corner China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 504 1853
GH: 00589496 Ficus tinctoria gibbosa (Blume) Corner China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 405 1853
GH: 00589495 Ficus tinctoria gibbosa (Blume) Corner Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 287 1853
GH: 00589491 Ficus variolosa Lindley ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 453 1853
GH: 00589497 Ficus variolosa Lindley ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 454 1853
GH: 00589494 Ficus wightiana Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 450 1853
GH: 00589493 Ficus wightiana Bentham Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 289 1853
Myricaceae GH: 00342045 Morella humilis (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Killick South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342045 Myrica burmannii E. Meyer ex C. de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
Myrsinaceae GH: 00342094 Maesa coriacea Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 200 1853
GH: 00342094 Maesa japonica (Thunberg) Moritz China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 200 1853
GH: 00342093 Maesa montana A. de Candolle Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 185 1853
GH: 00342093 Maesa tenera Mez Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 185 1853
GH: 00342044 Myrsine africana Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
Myrtaceae GH: 00589628 Angophora cordifolia Cavanilles Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589628 Angophora hispida (Smith) Blaxell Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589658 Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxburgh) Merrill & L. M. Perry China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589660 Eugenia arnottiana (Wallich ex Wight & Arnott) Wight China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 171 1853
GH: 00589660 Eugenia microphylla Abel China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 171 1853
GH: 00589658 Eugenia operculata Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589660 Syzygium buxifolium Hooker & Arnott China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 171 1853
GH: 00589658 Syzygium nervosum de Candolle China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 1853
Najadaceae GH: 00338353 Najas graminea Delile China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 511 1853
GH: 00338353 Najas indica (Willdenow) Chamisso China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 511 1853
GH: 00338396 Zannichellia indica Morong Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 326 1853
GH: 00338396 Zannichellia palustris Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 326 1853
GH: 00338396 Zannichellia pedicellata (Wahlenberg & Rosen) Fries Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 326 1853
Nephrolepidaceae GH: 00342925 Nephrolepis acuta (Schkuhr) C. Presl Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright P 1853
GH: 00342925 Nephrolepis biserrata (Swartz) Schott Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright P 1853
GH: 00342936 Nephrolepis brownii (Desvaux) Hovenkamp & Miyamoto China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342934 Nephrolepis cordifolia (Linnaeus) C. Presl China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342935 Nephrolepis cordifolia (Linnaeus) C. Presl Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00283887 Nephrolepis decurrens (C. Presl) Baker Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342936 Nephrolepis hirsutula (G. Forster) C. Presl China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342936 Nephrolepis multiflora (Roxburgh) F. M. Jarrett ex C. V. Morton China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342925 Nephrolepis sp. Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright P 1853
GH: 00342934 Nephrolepis tuberosa (Bory ex Willdenow) C. Presl China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342935 Nephrolepis tuberosa (Bory ex Willdenow) C. Presl Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
Nyctaginaceae GH: 00037421 Pisonia fasciculata Standley Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
Ochnaceae GH: 00898755 Gomphia acuminata de Candolle Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898755 Gomphia nitida (Swartz) Vahl Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898755 Ouratea acuminata (de Candolle) Engler Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898755 Ouratea guatemalensis Engler Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898755 Ouratea lucens (Kunth) Engler Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898755 Stenouratea wrightii Tieghem Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
Olacaceae GH: 00339072 Schoepfia chinensis Gardner & Champion China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 399 1853
Oleaceae A: 00073878 Fraxinus insularis Hemsley Japan: Loo-Choo [Ryukyu] Islands C. Wright 182 1853
GH: 00342249 Ligustrum sinense Loureiro China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 318 1853
Onagraceae GH: 00312258 Epilobium alpinum Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
Ophioglossaceae GH: 00342446 Ophioglossum angustatum Maxon Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342446 Ophioglossum japonicum Thunberg Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342446 Ophioglossum nudicaule Linnaeus f. Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342448 Ophioglossum pedunculosum Desvaux Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342447 Ophioglossum petiolatum Hooker Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342448 Ophioglossum petiolatum Hooker Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342447 Ophioglossum reticulatum Linnaeus Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342448 Ophioglossum reticulatum Linnaeus Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
Orchidaceae GH: 00000257 Arethusa japonica A. Gray Japan: Hakodate C. Wright s. n. 1853
GH: 02174327 Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochreutiner China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 517 1853
GH: 00000257 Bletilla japonica (A. Gray) Schlechter Japan: Hakodate C. Wright s. n. 1853
GH: 02386196 Bulbophyllum odoratum Lindley China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 515 1853
AMES: 00106445 Camaridium wrightii Schlechter Nicaragua: C. Wright sn 1853
GH: 00106444 Camaridium wrightii Schlechter Nicaragua: C. Wright sn 1853
GH: 01941960 Cephalanthera longibracteata Blume Japan: Simoda & Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
AMES: 00098466 Cremastra mitrata A. Gray Japan: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01952292 Cypripedium japonicum Thunberg Japan: [Sinoda] C. Wright 1265 1853
GH: 02017317 Dipodium punctatum R. Brown Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00000257 Eleorchis japonica (A. Gray) F. Maekawa Japan: Hakodate C. Wright s. n. 1853
GH: 02159234 Elleanthus wercklei Schlechter Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 02108985 Encyclia cordigera (Kunth) Dressler Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 02112632 Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 02126034 Eria pusilla Lindley China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 02341386 Eulophia flava (Lindley) Hooker f. China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00090595 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 533 1853
GH: 00090593 Goodyera procera (Ker Gawler) Hooker Japan: Loo-Choo Islands, Gosima, Shado hillsides C. Wright 339 1853
GH: 00100218 Habenaria viridis interjecta Fernald Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 02095150 Liparis campylostalix H. G. Reichenbach Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 02095248 Liparis elata Lindley Japan: Ryukyu Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 342 1853
GH: 02095216 Liparis makinoana Schlechter Japan: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 01939816 Microtis parviflora R. Brown Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01939758 Microtis unifolia (G. Forster) H. G. Reichenbach Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Takunosima C. Wright 340 1853
GH: 00052460 Oreorchis lancifolia A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00052460 Oreorchis patens (Lindley) Lindley Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 02387852 Pachystoma chinensis (Lindley) Reichenbach f. China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 521 1853
GH: 02388587 Phaius grandifolius Loureiro China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 519 1853
GH: 02175923 Pholidota chinensis Lindley China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 516 1853
GH: 00103206 Platanthera japonica (Thunberg) Lindley Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
AMES: 02158253 Pogonia japonica H. G. Reichenbach Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 02158252 Pogonia japonica H. G. Reichenbach Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Simoda Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00103983 Satyrium candidum Lindley South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02387309 Spathoglottis pubescens Lindley China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright P578 1853
GH: 00105152 Tainia hongkongensis Rolfe China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
Orobanchaceae GH: 00078212 Cordylanthus mollis A. Gray USA: California Mare Island [Bay of San Francisco] C. Wright 1853
Oscillatoriaceae FH: 00890032 Lyngbya confervoides C. Agardh ex Gomont Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890033 Lyngbya confervoides C. Agardh ex Gomont Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Osmundaceae GH: 00518057 Osmunda japonica Thunberg Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518059 Osmunda javanica Blume Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka C. Wright 1853
Oxalidaceae GH: 00589727 Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 33 1853
GH: 00589727 Oxalis corniculata viscidula Wiegand China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 33 1853
GH: 00348270 Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus Japan: Kiu-siu [Kyushu] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589726 Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 36 1853
GH: 00589726 Oxalis corniculata viscidula Wiegand Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 36 1853
GH: 00589727 Oxalis radicosa A. Richard China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 33 1853
Paeoniaceae GH: 00589557 Paeonia japonica (Makino) Miyabe & Takeda Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589557 Paeonia obovata Maximowicz Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589557 Paeonia officinalis Linnaeus Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
Palmariaceae FH: 00890025 Halosaccion glandiforme (S. G. Gmelin) Ruprecht : Pacific Ocean: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890026 Halosaccion glandiforme (S. G. Gmelin) Ruprecht : Pacific Ocean: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890006 Halosaccion intestinalis Harvey : Pacific Ocean: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890007 Halosaccion intestinalis Harvey : Pacific Ocean: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890018 Halosaccion japonicum Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890019 Halosaccion japonicum Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Papaveraceae GH: 00589564 Corydalis incisa (Thunberg) Persoon Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589566 Corydalis maximowicziana Nakai Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589566 Corydalis pallida (Thunberg) Persoon Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589566 Corydalis speciosa Maximowicz Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 02437370 Corydalis vesicaria Persoon South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02437370 Cysticapnos vesicaria (Linnaeus) Fedde South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589567 Dicentra spectabilis (Linnaeus) Lemaire Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589567 Lamprocapnos spectabilis (Linnaeus) Fukuhara Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
Parmeliaceae FH: 01141373 Coelocaulon divergens (Acharius) R. Howe USA: Alaska [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Pentaphylacaceae GH: 00549874 Pentaphylax euryoides Gardner & Champion China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 59 1853
Pezizaceae FH: 00258808 Geopyxis verruculosa (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Saccardo Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene I. Behring's Straits C. Wright 150 1853
FH: 00616187 Peziza boninensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 147 1853
FH: 00616193 Peziza hongkongensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 154 1853
FH: 00616192 Peziza inconspicua Persoon Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 153 1853
FH: 00616188 Peziza insititia Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 148 1853
FH: 00616190 Peziza lepida Persoon Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 149 1853
FH: 00616191 Peziza leucophaea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 152 1853
FH: 00616189 Peziza porphyra Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 151 1853
FH: 00258808 Peziza verruculosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene I. Behring's Straits C. Wright 150 1853
Phyllanthaceae GH: 00299379 Glochidion ferdinandi (Müller Argoviensis) F. M. Bailey Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00048026 Glochidion lanceolarium Hayata China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 426 1853
GH: 00048026 Glochidion macrophyllum Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 426 1853
GH: 00299379 Glochidion obliquum (Willdenow) Decaisne Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00048025 Glochidion wrightii Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 495 1853
GH: 00282087 Phyllanthus emblica Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 428 1853
GH: 00048609 Phyllanthus leptocladus Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 479 1853
GH: 00048025 Phyllanthus wrightii (Bentham) Müller Arg. China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 495 1853
Pinaceae GH: 00348625 Pinus massoniana Lambert China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 471 1853
GH: 00348625 Pinus sinensis D. Don China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 471 1853
Piperaceae GH: 01678950 Lepianthes peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00338463 Peperomia blanda (Jacquin) Kunth Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 264 1853
GH: 00338463 Peperomia leptostachya Hooker & Arnott Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 264 1853
GH: 01984423 Peperomia parkeriana Miquel Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01984481 Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacquin) Kunth Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154762 Piper amalago Linnaeus Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01979363 Piper amalago Linnaeus Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154762 Piper amalago medium (Jacquin) Yuncker Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01979513 Piper auritum Kunth Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01934673 Piper futokadsura Siebold Japan: Ryukyu Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 259 1853
GH: 01979966 Piper hispidum Kunth Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01980123 Piper jacquemontianum Kunth Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01980289 Piper marginatum Jacquin Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01980946 Piper tuberculatum Jacquin Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154762 Schilleria sp. Nicaragua: C. Wright 1853
Pittosporaceae GH: 00312381 Pittosporum boninense Koidzumi Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00312379 Pittosporum glabratum Lindley China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 25 1853
GH: 00312381 Pittosporum glabrum Hooker & Arnott Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00312380 Pittosporum lutchuense Koidzumi Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00312381 Pittosporum parvifolium Hayata Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
Plantaginaceae GH: 00048939 Callitriche japonica Engelmann ex Hegelmaier Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154954 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154953 Callitriche verna Linnaeus Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154954 Callitriche verna Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 02000721 Lagotis glauca stelleri Trautvetter Russia: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589698 Microcarpaea minima (Retzius) Merrill China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 362 1853
GH: 00589698 Microcarpaea muscosa R. Brown China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 362 1853
GH: 01154542 Plantago asiatica Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154542 Plantago major Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354639 Veronica agrestis Linnaeus USA: Alaska Kodiak I. [Island] C. Wright 222 1853
GH: 00354648 Veronica anagallis Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 223 1853
GH: 00354648 Veronica anagallis-aquatica Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 223 1853
GH: 00354648 Veronica undulata Wallich Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 223 1853
Plumbaginaceae GH: 00061774 Limonium wrightii (Hance) Kuntze Japan: Loo-Choo Islands [Ryukyu Islands] C. Wright 228 1853
GH: 00589057 Statice arctica (Chamisso) S. F. Blake Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589057 Statice armeria Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00061774 Statice wrightii Hance Japan: Loo-Choo Islands [Ryukyu Islands] C. Wright 228 1853
Poaceae GH: 00589882 Andropogon martini Roxburgh Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Ousima, Loo-Choo C. Wright 1853
GH: 00254374 Anthoxanthum glabrum (Trinius) Veldkamp Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00023104 Aristida chinensis Munro China: Guangdong Whampoa [Dasha] and Cum-sing-moon C. Wright 1853
GH: 00023127 Arundinaria longiramea Munro China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 02433489 Brizopyrum capense Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354868 Bromus japonicus Thunberg Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00023305 Calamagrostis neglecta wrightii Kearney Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen I [Isl... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00023305 Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen I [Isl... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00023305 Calamagrostis strigosa (Wahlenberg) Hartman Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen I [Isl... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936786 Cenchrus purpurascens Thunberg Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Kakai-sima [Kikaijima, Amami... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589861 Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retzius) Trinius China: Hong Kong: Hongkong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589861 Chrysopogon sp. China: Hong Kong: Hongkong C. Wright 1853
GH: 02542557 Cymbopogon marginatus Stapf ex Burtt Davy South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589882 Cymbopogon martini (Roxburgh) Will. Watson Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Ousima, Loo-Choo C. Wright 1853
GH: 02433489 Desmazeria capensis (Trinius) E. Phillips South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589866 Echinochloa colonum (Linnaeus) Link China: Hong Kong: Hongkong C. Wright 1853
GH: 02433999 Ehrharta brevifolia Schrader South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 192 1853
GH: 02434055 Ehrharta undulata Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 176 1853
GH: 00415791 Eragrostis amabilis (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415794 Eragrostis brownii (Kunth) Nees China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415797 Eragrostis cylindrica (Roxburgh) Nees ex Hooker & Arnott China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415797 Eragrostis geniculata Nees & Meyen China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415785 Eragrostis pilosa (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415791 Eragrostis plumosa (Retzius) Link China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415799 Eragrostis unioloides (Retzius) Nees ex Steudel China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00415794 Eragrostis zeylanica Nees & Meyen China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00023679 Eremochloa ciliaris (Linnaeus) Merrill China: Hong Kong: Lemma [Lamma] Island C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936730 Festuca ovina Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene I [Is... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354867 Festuca parvigluma Steudel Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354867 Festuca pauciflora Thunberg Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354868 Festuca pauciflora Thunberg Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354866 Festuca rubra Linnaeus Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936730 Festuca rubra prolifera Piper Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene I [Is... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936730 Festuca vivipara glabra Frederiksen Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene I [Is... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936730 Festuca viviparoidea Krajina ex Pavlick Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene I [Is... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936786 Gymnotrix sp. Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Kakai-sima [Kikaijima, Amami... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00254374 Hierochloë borealis Roemer & J. H. Schultes Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00023679 Ischaemum leersioides Munro China: Hong Kong: Lemma [Lamma] Island C. Wright 1853
GH: 02433625 Lamarckia aurea (Linnaeus) Moench South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589871 Leptochloa panicea (Retzius) Ohwi Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589871 Leptochloa tenerrima (Hornemann) Roemer & Schultes Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936782 Milium effusum Linnaeus Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936781 Oloptum miliaceum (Linnaeus) Röser & Hamasha Portugal: Madeira [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589866 Oplismenus colonus (Linnaeus) Kunth China: Hong Kong: Hongkong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589870 Oplismenus compositus (Linnaeus) Beauvais Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589866 Panicum sp. China: Hong Kong: Hongkong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936786 Pennisetum purpurascens (Thunberg) Makino Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Kakai-sima [Kikaijima, Amami... C. Wright 1853
GH: 02433953 Pentaschistis aristidoides (Thunberg) Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936781 Piptatherum multiflorum P. Beauvois Portugal: Madeira [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00338957 Poa angustifolia Linnaeus Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00338955 Poa arctica R. Brown Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936731 Poa arctica R. Brown Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen Island C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936732 Poa arctica R. Brown Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen Island C. Wright 1853
GH: 00338957 Poa nemoralis angustifolia Smith Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00338957 Poa pratensis angustifolia (Linnaeus) Lejeune Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936731 Poa williamsii Nash Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen Island C. Wright 1853
Polemoniaceae GH: 00589057 Armeria maritima purpurea (W. D. J. Koch) G. H. M. Lawrence Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
Polygalaceae GH: 00027013 Polygala aureocauda Dunn China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 22 1853
GH: 00027013 Polygala fallax Hemsley China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 22 1853
GH: 00589607 Polygala hondoensis Nakai Japan: Hodadadi [Hakodate, Hokkaido] & Simoda [Shim... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589608 Polygala hondoensis Nakai Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Anakerima,... C. Wright 8 1853
GH: 00589607 Polygala japonica Houttuyn Japan: Hodadadi [Hakodate, Hokkaido] & Simoda [Shim... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589608 Polygala japonica Houttuyn Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Anakerima,... C. Wright 8 1853
Polygonaceae GH: 02346533 Bistorta plumosa (Small) Greene Russia: Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 02346971 Bistorta vivipara (Linnaeus) Gray Russia: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01011877 Emex centropodium Meisner South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00195372 Koenigia islandica Linnaeus : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00057160 Koenigia tripterocarpa (A. Gray) T. M. Schuster & Reveal Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 02365959 Oxyria digyna (Linnaeus) Hill Russia: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00353578 Polygonum chinense Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 251 1853
GH: 00057160 Polygonum tripterocarpum A. Gray Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 01011877 Rumex hypogaeus T. M. Schuster & Reveal South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
Polyphysaceae FH: 00907974 Acetabularia crenulata J. V. Lamouroux Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Polypodiaceae GH: 00518668 Colysis elliptica pothifolia (Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don) Ching Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154902 Cyclophorus lingua (Thunberg) Desvaux Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Ousima & K... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342941 Drymoglossum carnosum (Wallich) J. Smith Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342942 Drymoglossum carnosum (Wallich) J. Smith Japan: Kekeah I. [Island] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154896 Drymoglossum microphyllum (C. Presl) C. Christensen China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342941 Drymoglossum microphyllum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342942 Drymoglossum microphyllum (C. Presl) C. Christensen Japan: Kekeah I. [Island] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154896 Drymoglossum subcordatum Fée China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936586 Drynaria hastata (Thunberg) Fée Japan: Kiu Siu & Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518674 Drynaria sp. Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154896 Lemmaphyllum carnosum (Wallich ex Hooker) C. Presl China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154896 Lemmaphyllum carnosum microphyllum (C. Presl) X. P. Wei China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342941 Lemmaphyllum carnosum microphyllum (C. Presl) X. P. Wei Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342942 Lemmaphyllum carnosum microphyllum (C. Presl) X. P. Wei Japan: Kekeah I. [Island] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154896 Lemmaphyllum microphyllum C. Presl China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342941 Lemmaphyllum microphyllum C. Presl Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342942 Lemmaphyllum microphyllum C. Presl Japan: Kekeah I. [Island] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518669 Lepisorus boninensis (Christ) Ching Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518668 Leptochilus ellipticus pothifolius (Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don) X. C. Zhang Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00021289 Leptochilus macrophyllus wrightii (Hooker) Nooteboom Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518674 Neolepisorus ensatus (Thunberg) Ching Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00254008 Niphobolus adnascens (Swartz) Kaulfuss China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154902 Niphobolus lingua (Thunberg) Sprengel Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Ousima & K... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518669 Pleopeltis boninensis (Christ) H. Ohba Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518669 Pleopeltis sp. Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518669 Polypodium boninensis Christ Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518674 Polypodium ensatum Thunberg Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518669 Polypodium lineare Thunberg Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00021289 Polypodium wrightii (Hooker) Mettenius ex Diels Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00254008 Pyrrosia lanceolata (Linnaeus) Farwell China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154902 Pyrrosia lingua (Thurber) Farwell Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Ousima & K... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518668 Selliguea decurrens C. Presl Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936586 Selliguea hastata (Thunberg) Fraser-Jenkins Japan: Kiu Siu & Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00021289 Selliguea pedunculata (Hooker & Greville) C. Presl Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
Polyporaceae FH: 00616158 Ganoderma boninense Patouillard Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright s.n. 1853
FH: 00616163 Hexagonia variegata Berkeley Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 99 1853
FH: 00616161 Polyporus linteus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 96 1853
FH: 00616160 Polyporus marmoratus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 95 1853
FH: 00616162 Polyporus nicaraguensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 97 1853
FH: 00616159 Polyporus nitidulus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 94 1853
Portulacaceae GH: 01858458 Claytonia acutifolia Pallas ex Willdenow Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
Potamogetonaceae GH: 00338369 Potamogeton limosellifolius Maximowicz ex Korshinsky Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 321 1853
GH: 00338368 Potamogeton malainus Miquel Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 320 1853
GH: 00338369 Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 321 1853
GH: 00338368 Potamogeton sp. Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 320 1853
GH: 00338368 Potamogeton wrightii Morong Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 320 1853
Primulaceae GH: 00375160 Anagallis arvensis Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342117 Androsace patens C. Wright ex A. Gray Japan: Kagoshima Ousima, Loo-Choo Islands [Amami Oshima, Ryuk... C. Wright 231 1853
GH: 00342117 Androsace umbellata (Loureiro) Merrill Japan: Kagoshima Ousima, Loo-Choo Islands [Amami Oshima, Ryuk... C. Wright 231 1853
GH: 01922149 Dodecatheon frigidum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 01922918 Douglasia ochotensis (Roemer & Schultes) Hultén Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00375160 Lysimachia arvensis (Linnaeus) U. Manns & Anderberg South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00073547 Primula japonica A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00102953 Primula japonica A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00073599 Stimpsonia chamaedryoides C. Wright ex A. Gray Japan: Loo-Choo Islands, Yakunosima, mountain sides C. Wright 232 1853
GH: 00342125 Trientalis europaea Linnaeus Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka C. Wright 1853
Proteaceae GH: 02434832 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589365 Grevillea buxifolia (Smith) R. Brown Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589363 Grevillea linearifolia (Cavanilles) Druce Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589363 Grevillea linearis (Andrews) R. Brown Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432018 Leucadendron laureolum (Lamarck) Fourcade South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432036 Leucadendron pubescens R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432154 Leucospermum conocarpum R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432182 Leucospermum hypophyllum R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432266 Mimetes cucullatus (Linnaeus) R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432255 Mimetes hirtus (Linnaeus) Knight South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589623 Persoonia salicina Persoon Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432338 Protea acaulis Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432392 Protea grandiflora Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432508 Protea mellifera Thunb. South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432508 Protea repens (Linnaeus) Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432521 Protea scolymocephala Reichard South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432550 Protea sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 633 1853
GH: 02432537 Protea speciosa (Linnaeus) Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 637 1853
GH: 02432590 Serruria burmanni R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432588 Serruria burmanni R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432605 Serruria cyanoides R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 631 1853
GH: 02432604 Serruria cyanoides R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 630 1853
GH: 02432616 Serruria flagellaris R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 625 1853
GH: 02432626 Serruria glomerata R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 627 1853
GH: 02432634 Serruria hirsuta R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 626 1853
GH: 02432637 Serruria hyemalis Knight South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 624 1853
Pteridaceae GH: 00342418 Acrostichum aureum Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342375 Acrostichum bicuspe integrifolia D. C. Eaton ex Hooker Japan: Kagoshima Loo-Choo [Ryukyu] Islands. Tukunosima [Tukun... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342418 Acrostichum inaequale Willdenow China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518208 Adiantum flabellulatum Linnaeus China: Hong Kong, Whampoa [Huangpu District Guizhou... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00135504 Adiantum monochlamys D. C. Eaton Japan: Hillsides near Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936549 Pteris cretica Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936550 Pteris cretica Linnaeus Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518205 Pteris dispar Kunze Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518206 Pteris dispar Kunze Japan: Kiu Siu [Kyushu] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342419 Pteris longifolia Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936549 Pteris multifida Poiret Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518200 Pteris quadriaurita Retzius Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518199 Pteris semipinnata Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936549 Pteris serrulata Linnaeus f. Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518200 Pteris sp. Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00359488 Pteris vespertilionis Labillardiere Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney, Austr. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00359489 Pteris vespertilionis Labillardiere Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: Sydney, Austr. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342419 Pteris vittata Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
Pucciniaceae FH: 00976681 Phragmidium potentillae (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: Alaska Arakamtchetchene I. Behring's Straits C. Wright 1853
FH: 01093335 Puccinia bistortae (F. Strauss) de Candolle Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 233 1853
Ramalinaceae FH: 00213761 Biatora tephraea Tuckerman China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
Ranunculaceae GH: 01720474 Aconitum delphinifolium de Candolle Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchechene Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936486 Anemone caerulea de Candolle Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchechene Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936486 Anemone debilis Fischer ex Turczaninow Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchechene Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936488 Anemone narcissiflora Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchechene Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936490 Anemone parviflora Michaux Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchechene Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 01708441 Anemone richardsonii Hooker USA: Alaska Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 02518291 Anemone vesicatoria Engler & Prantl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518564 Caltha palustris Linnaeus Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518564 Caltha palustris radicans (T. F. Forster) A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518565 Caltha palustris Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518565 Caltha palustris radicans (T. F. Forster) A. Gray Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518565 Caltha palustris arctica (R. Brown) Huth Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
A: 00291296 Clematis finetiana lutchuensis (Koidzumi) W. T. Wang Japan: Kagoshima Loo-Choo Islands, Takarajima [Ryukyu Islands... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589501 Clematis japonica Thunberg Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, Japan C. Wright 1853
A: 00291296 Clematis meyeniana Walpers Japan: Kagoshima Loo-Choo Islands, Takarajima [Ryukyu Islands... C. Wright 1853
A: 00291296 Clematis meyeniana insularis Sprague Japan: Kagoshima Loo-Choo Islands, Takarajima [Ryukyu Islands... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589526 Glaucidium palmatum Siebold & Zuccarini Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00353945 Ranunculus arcuans S. S. Chien Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 2 1853
GH: 00353945 Ranunculus diffusus de Candolle Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 2 1853
GH: 00353941 Ranunculus japonicus Thunberg Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 01836348 Ranunculus nivalis Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 01836935 Ranunculus pedatifidus Smith Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Bering Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00353941 Ranunculus propinquus hirsutus Trautvetter & C. A. Meyer Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518916 Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahlenberg Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589518 Ranunculus repens Linnaeus Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589519 Ranunculus sceleratus Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 4 1853
GH: 00589520 Ranunculus sceleratus Linnaeus Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00353945 Ranunculus sieboldii Miquel Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 2 1853
Resedaceae GH: 02498030 Reseda alba Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Rhamnaceae GH: 02454055 Phylica buxifolia L. South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02454171 Phylica parviflora P.J.Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02454192 Phylica pubescens Aiton South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02454212 Phylica secunda Thunb. South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02454233 Phylica stipularis L. South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00353623 Ventilago leiocarpa Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 102 1853
Rhizophyllidaceae FH: 00618019 Chondrococcus hornemannii (Lyngbye) F. Schmitz Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00618020 Chondrococcus hornemannii (Lyngbye) F. Schmitz Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00618033 Chondrococcus japonicus (Harvey) De Toni : Asia: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Rhizopogonaceae FH: 00616178 Rhizopogon piceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 114 1853
Rhodomelaceae FH: 00907972 Acanthophora thierryi J. V. Lamouroux Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907973 Acanthophora thierryi J. V. Lamouroux Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907976 Amansia glomerata C. Agardh Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907977 Amansia glomerata C. Agardh Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907922 Polysiphonia calacantha Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907923 Polysiphonia calacantha Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907924 Polysiphonia flabellulata Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907925 Polysiphonia forcipata Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907926 Polysiphonia gorgoniae Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907927 Polysiphonia gorgoniae Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907928 Polysiphonia japonica Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907929 Polysiphonia japonica Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907930 Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907931 Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907932 Polysiphonia urceolata patens (Dillwyn) Harvey Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907933 Polysiphonia urceolata patens (Dillwyn) Harvey Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
Rhodymeniaceae FH: 00890020 Chrysymenia wrightii (Harvey) Yamada Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890021 Chrysymenia wrightii (Harvey) Yamada Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
Rosaceae GH: 00549054 Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549054 Cydonia japonica (Thunberg) Persoon Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936564 Fragaria indica Andrews : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936564 Potentilla indica (Andrews) Th. Wolf : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936563 Potentilla indica (Andrews) Th. Wolf Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands, Takunosima C. Wright 1853
GH: 01565478 Potentilla nivea Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 01093184 Potentilla stolonifera Lehmann ex Ledebour Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski [Petropavlovsk] C. Wright 1853
GH: 01565478 Potentilla subvahliana Jurtzev Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 01565478 Potentilla vahliana Lehmann Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchen Island... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00959606 Rosa chinensis Jacquin Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00620390 Rosa kamtchatica Ventenat Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00620718 Rosa multiflora Thunberg Japan: Hakodadi. Simoda [Shimoda], etc. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00443592 Rosa rugosa Thunberg Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi. Is. C. Wright 1853
A: 00959231 Rosa sempervirens microphylla (Desfontaines) Regel Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. C. Wright 76 1853
GH: 00959229 Rosa sempervirens microphylla (Desfontaines) Regel Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00299085 Rubus coptophyllus A. Gray Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00299085 Rubus palmatus Thunberg Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00040766 Rubus wrightii A. Gray Japan: C. Wright 1853
Rubiaceae GH: 00936832 Aidia canthioides (Champion ex Bentham) Masamune China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 211, 235 1853
GH: 00936834 Aidia canthioides (Champion ex Bentham) Masamune Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands Ousima C. Wright 121 1853
GH: 00936830 Aidia leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) T. Yamazaki China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936831 Aidia leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) T. Yamazaki China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 245 1853
GH: 00936830 Alleizettella leucocarpa (Champion ex Bentham) Tirvengadum China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455882 Anthospermum bergianum Cruse South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455886 Anthospermum galioides Reichenbach ex Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455885 Anthospermum galioides Reichenbach ex Sprengel South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455916 Anthospermum paniculatum Cruse South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455919 Anthospermum prostratum Sonder South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936824 Borreria articularis (Linnaeus f.) F. N. Williams China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Cum-Syng-Moon C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936828 Borreria stricta (Linnaeus f.) G. Meyer China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Cum-Syng-Moon C. Wright 261 1853
GH: 02435987 Canthium inerme (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154836 Carpacoce spermacocea (H. G. Reichenbach) Sonder South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154836 Carpacoce spermacocea orientalis Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02455964 Carpacoce vaginellata T. M. Salter South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 530 1853
GH: 01154608 Dimetia sp. China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 257, 262 1853
GH: 01154615 Exallage auricularia (Linnaeus) Bremekamp China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 249 1853
GH: 00251295 Galium aparine Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00092868 Galium bungei Steudel Japan: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00097421 Galium bungei Steudel Japan: Shizuoka Simoda and Agenhu C. Wright 1853
GH: 00097422 Galium bungei Steudel Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, shaded hills C. Wright 1853
GH: 00092868 Galium lutchuense Nakai Japan: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00251294 Galium productum Lowe Portugal: Madeira C. Wright 1853
GH: 00097421 Galium trachyspermum setuliferum A. Gray Japan: Shizuoka Simoda and Agenhu C. Wright 1853
GH: 00097422 Galium trachyspermum gracilens A. Gray Japan: Shizuoka Simoda, shaded hills C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898280 Grumilea serpens (Linnaeus) K. Schumann Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 122 1853
GH: 01154840 Gynochthodes umbellata (Linnaeus) Razafim. & B. Bremer Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 117 1853
GH: 01154610 Hedyotis acutangula Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 258 1853
GH: 01154615 Hedyotis costata R. Brown ex G. Don China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 249 1853
GH: 00251293 Hedyotis leptopetala A. Gray Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 115 1853
GH: 00097150 Hedyotis loganioides Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 227, 247 1853
GH: 01154608 Hedyotis recurva Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 257, 262 1853
GH: 01154616 Hedyotis verticillata (Linnaeus) Lamarck China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 263 1853
GH: 00251293 Houstonia sp. Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 115 1853
GH: 00898169 Ixora chinensis Lamarck China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 223, 224 1853
GH: 00898169 Ixora stricta Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 223, 224 1853
GH: 00251293 Leptopetalum grayii (Hooker f.) Hatusima Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 115 1853
GH: 00251293 Leptopetalum mexicanum Hooker & Arnott Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 115 1853
GH: 01154584 Leptopetalum strigulosum (Bartling ex de Candolle) Neupane & N. Wikström Japan: Kagoshima Arch Rock off Kiu-siu. Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154840 Morinda umbellata Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 117 1853
GH: 01154610 Oldenlandia acutangula (Champion ex Bentham) Kuntze China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 258 1853
GH: 01154584 Oldenlandia biflora Linnaeus Japan: Kagoshima Arch Rock off Kiu-siu. Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936835 Oldenlandia brachiata (Wight) Hooker f. China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 265 1853
GH: 00872150 Oldenlandia burmanniana G. Don China: Guangdong Whampoa [Dasha] C. Wright 250 1853
GH: 00872150 Oldenlandia corymbosa Linnaeus China: Guangdong Whampoa [Dasha] C. Wright 250 1853
GH: 00872151 Oldenlandia corymbosa Linnaeus China: Guangdong Whampoa [Dasha] C. Wright 251 1853
GH: 00936835 Oldenlandia corymbosa Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 265 1853
GH: 01154615 Oldenlandia costata (Roxburgh) K. Schumann China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 249 1853
GH: 01154584 Oldenlandia crassifolia de Candolle Japan: Kagoshima Arch Rock off Kiu-siu. Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00251293 Oldenlandia grayi (Hooker f.) K. Schumann Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 115 1853
GH: 01154616 Oldenlandia hispida (Retzius) Lamarck China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 263 1853
GH: 01154608 Oldenlandia macrostemon (Hooker & Arnott) Kuntze China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 257, 262 1853
GH: 01154584 Oldenlandia paniculata Linnaeus Japan: Kagoshima Arch Rock off Kiu-siu. Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154608 Oldenlandia recurva (Bentham) Kuntze China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 257, 262 1853
GH: 00251292 Oldenlandia stricta Linnaeus China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 252 1853
GH: 00936827 Oldenlandia tenelliflora (Blume) Kuntze China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 255 1853
GH: 01154616 Oldenlandia verticillata Linnaeus China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 263 1853
GH: 00898164 Pavetta hongkongensis Bremekamp China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 209 1853
GH: 00898165 Pavetta hongkongensis Bremekamp China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 221 1853
GH: 00898166 Pavetta hongkongensis Bremekamp China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 222 1853
GH: 00898164 Pavetta indica Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 209 1853
GH: 00898165 Pavetta indica Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 221 1853
GH: 00898166 Pavetta indica Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 222 1853
GH: 02435987 Plectronia venosa Oliver South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898366 Psychotria asiatica Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 214, 215 1853
GH: 00898365 Psychotria asiatica Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Ousima C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898280 Psychotria boninensis Nakai Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 122 1853
GH: 00898367 Psychotria manillensis Bartling ex de Candolle Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 120 1853
GH: 00898278 Psychotria serpens Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00898280 Psychotria serpens Linnaeus Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 122 1853
GH: 00936831 Randia canthioides Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 245 1853
GH: 00936832 Randia canthioides Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 211, 235 1853
GH: 00936834 Randia canthioides Champion ex Bentham Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands Ousima C. Wright 121 1853
GH: 00936830 Randia leucocarpa Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936831 Randia leucocarpa Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 245 1853
GH: 00936827 Scleromitrion angustifolium (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 255 1853
GH: 01154616 Scleromitrion verticillatum (Linnaeus) R. J. Wang China: Guangdong Whampoa C. Wright 263 1853
GH: 00936828 Spermacoce sp. China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Cum-Syng-Moon C. Wright 261 1853
GH: 00339757 Spermacoce verticillata Linnaeus Cape Verde: Porto Praya C. Wright 1853
GH: 00936828 Spermacoce verticillata Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Cum-Syng-Moon C. Wright 261 1853
GH: 00872159 Stylocoryna webera A. Richard China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 240 1853
GH: 00872159 Tarenna asiatica (Linnaeus) Kuntze ex K. Schumann China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 240 1853
GH: 00872159 Tarenna zeylanica Gaertner China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 240 1853
Rutaceae GH: 00353607 Melicope triphylla (Lamarck) Merrill Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 44 1853
GH: 00353607 Zanthoxylon pteleifolium Champion ex Bentham Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 44 1853
GH: 00589722 Zanthoxylum piperitum de Candolle Japan: str. Sangar [Tsugaru Strait] & Simoda [Shimo... C. Wright 1853
Salicaceae GH: 00423332 Salix caprea Linnaeus Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka C. Wright 1853
GH: 00031180 Salix matsumuraei Seemen Japan: Hakodate and Simoda C. Wright 1853
Santalaceae GH: 02432730 Colpoon compressum P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432729 Colpoon compressum P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00251296 Thesidium globosum A. de Candolle South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432799 Thesium acuminatum A. W. Hill South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 536 1853
GH: 02432806 Thesium capitatum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432812 Thesium carinatum A. de Candolle South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 532 1853
GH: 02432858 Thesium funale Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 533 1853
GH: 02432896 Thesium paniculatum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432929 Thesium spicatum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02432943 Thesium strictum P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
Sargassaceae FH: 00907962 Sargassum assimile Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907961 Sargassum confusum C. Agardh Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907959 Sargassum corynecarpum Harvey Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890036 Sargassum filicinum Harvey Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890037 Sargassum filicinum Harvey Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907956 Sargassum gracile Greville : Asia: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907957 Sargassum gracile Greville : Asia: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907958 Sargassum gracile Greville Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907954 Sargassum hemiphyllum (Turner) C. Agardh Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907955 Sargassum hemiphyllum (Turner) C. Agardh Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907950 Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907951 Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907946 Sargassum longifolius \N South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C.B.S. [Cap bonae spei] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907947 Sargassum longifolius \N South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C.B.S. [Cap bonae spei] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907960 Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907945 Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907942 Sargassum ringgoldianum Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907943 Sargassum ringgoldianum Harvey Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907944 Sargassum ringgoldianum Harvey Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907939 Sargassum rodgersianum Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907940 Sargassum rodgersianum Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907941 Sargassum rodgersianum Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907938 Sargassum yamamotoi Yoshida Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Saxifragaceae GH: 00348153 Chrysosplenium grayanum Maximowicz Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00348153 Chrysosplenium ovalifolium Ledebour Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00042644 Chrysosplenium wrightii Franchet & Savatier Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518934 Micranthes davurica (Willdenow) Small Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518935 Micranthes davurica (Willdenow) Small Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589787 Micranthes foliolosa (R. Brown) Gornall Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589771 Micranthes hieraciifolia (Waldstein & Kitaibel ex Willdenow) Haworth Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589765 Micranthes nudicaulis (D. Don) R. J. Gornall & H. Ohba Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behrign Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00032749 Rodgersia podophylla A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00032750 Rodgersia podophylla A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00032751 Rodgersia podophylla A. Gray Japan: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00032752 Rodgersia podophylla A. Gray Japan: C. Wright 1853
GH: 01619132 Saxifraga bracteata D. Don Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 01619153 Saxifraga bronchialis Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 01619759 Saxifraga cespitosa sileneflora (Sternberg) Hultén Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits. C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518934 Saxifraga davurica Willdenow Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518935 Saxifraga davurica grandipetala (Engler & Irmscher) Hultén Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589763 Saxifraga eschscholtzii Sternberg Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589787 Saxifraga foliolosa R. Brown Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589771 Saxifraga hieraciifolia Waldstein & Kitaibel ex Willdenow Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518935 Saxifraga lyallii Engler Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589765 Saxifraga neglecta Bray ex Sternberg Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behrign Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589060 Saxifraga nivalis Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589765 Saxifraga nudicaulis D. Don Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behrign Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 01631234 Saxifraga rivularis Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 01631234 Saxifraga rivularis stricta Engler Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 01631189 Saxifraga rivularis Linnaeus USA: Alaska [illegible] I. [Island] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589787 Saxifraga stellaris Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589787 Saxifraga stellaris comosa Poiret Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
Schizaeaceae GH: 00342380 Lygodium microphyllum (Cavanilles) R. Brown China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342380 Lygodium scandens (Linnaeus) Swartz China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342372 Schizaea digitata (Linnaeus) Swartz Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
Schizymeniaceae FH: 00890030 Schizymenia edulis (Stackhouse) Kleen Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00549078 Bonnaya antipoda (Linnaeus) Druce China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549077 Bonnaya antipoda (Linnaeus) Druce Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549079 Bonnaya tenuifolia Sprengel China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549078 Bonnaya verbenifolia Sprengel China: Hong Kong: Hong Kong C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549077 Bonnaya verbenifolia Sprengel Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549074 Chaenostoma hispidum (Thunberg) Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00375321 Lindernia crustacea (Linnaeus) F. Mueller China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 357 1853
GH: 00354526 Mazus japonicus (Thunberg) Kuntze : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354524 Mazus japonicus (Thunberg) Kuntze China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354525 Mazus japonicus (Thunberg) Kuntze Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354526 Mazus pumilus (N. L. Burman) Steenis : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354524 Mazus pumilus (N. L. Burman) Steenis China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354525 Mazus pumilus (N. L. Burman) Steenis Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354526 Mazus rugosus Loureiro : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354524 Mazus rugosus Loureiro China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00354525 Mazus rugosus Loureiro Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00091682 Scrophularia alata A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00091682 Scrophularia grayana Maximowicz ex Komarov Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549074 Sutera brachiata Roth South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00375321 Vandellia crustacea (Linnaeus) Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 357 1853
Scytosiphonaceae FH: 00907912 Hydroclathrus cancellatus Bory Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907913 Hydroclathrus cancellatus Bory Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907914 Hydroclathrus cancellatus Bory Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Selaginellaceae GH: 02315699 Selaginella boninensis Baker Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 371 1853
GH: 00022054 Selaginella heterostachys Baker China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00022096 Selaginella xipholepis Baker China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
Sematophyllaceae FH: 00079635 Taxithelium oblingifolium (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Z. Iwatsuki China: C. Wright 1853
Simaroubaceae GH: 00044347 Picrasma japonica A. Gray Japan: C. Wright 1853
Siphonocladaceae FH: 00907966 Dictyosphaeria favulosa (C. Agardh) Decaisne ex Endlicher Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Smilacaceae GH: 00338044 Smilax gaudichaudiana Kunth China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 535 [&] 435 1853
GH: 00338043 Smilax hongkongensis Seemann China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00030089 Smilax hypoglauca Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 538 1853
GH: 00030104 Smilax lanceaefolia opaca A. de Candolle China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00056356 Smilax stenopetala A. Gray Japan: Kagoshima Bay, Kyushu C. Wright 1853
GH: 00030109 Smilax stenopetala A. Gray Japan: Kagoshima Bay, Kyushu C. Wright 1853
Solanaceae GH: 01154504 Capsicum annuum Linnaeus Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154487 Capsicum boninense Koidzumi Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 200 1853
GH: 01154504 Capsicum pyramidale Miller Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154487 Capsicum sp. Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 200 1853
GH: 00861970 Datura metel Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00813984 Lycium afrum Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518163 Solanum americanum Miller Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154486 Solanum nigrum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 01154486 Solanum retroflexum Dunal South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00077826 Solanum wrightii Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 489 1853
GH: 01154487 Tubocapsicum anomalum (Franchet & Savatier) Makino Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 200 1853
GH: 00342270 Withania somnifera (Linnaeus) Dunal Cape Verde: Porto Praya [Praia] C. Wright 1853
Staphyleaceae GH: 00348083 Staphylea bumalda de Candolle Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
Stilbaceae GH: 00589858 Stilbe pinastra Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589858 Stilbe vestita Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
Stylidiaceae GH: 00359460 Stylidium uliginosum Swartz ex Willdenow China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 191 1853
Styracaceae GH: 00306324 Styrax odoratissimus Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 315 1853
Symplocaceae GH: 00295512 Symplocos laurina (Retzius) Wallich ex G. Don Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 175 1853
GH: 00295512 Symplocos leptostachys Siebold & Zuccarini Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 175 1853
Tectariaceae GH: 00283887 Tectaria harlandii (Hooker) C. M. Kuo Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
Tetragoniaceae GH: 02434630 Tetragonia decumbens Miller South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02434633 Tetragonia fruticosa Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
Theaceae GH: 00589704 Camellia japonica Linnaeus Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Ousima C. Wright 27 1853
GH: 00549884 Camellia sasanqua Thunberg Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright [27 or 28] 1853
GH: 00549883 Camellia spectabilis Champion China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 60 1853
GH: 00549880 Eurya emarginata (Thunberg) Makino Japan: Kiu-siu [Kyushu] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589709 Eurya japonica Thunberg Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Tukunosima... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589709 Eurya japonica chinensis (R. Brown) Thwaites Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands. Tukunosima... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549880 Eurya japonica chinensis (R. Brown) Thwaites Japan: Kiu-siu [Kyushu] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00549879 Gordonia axillaris (Roxburgh ex Ker Gawler) D. Dietrich China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 58 1853
GH: 00549879 Polyspora axillaris (Roxburgh ex Ker Gawler) Sweet China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 58 1853
GH: 00549883 Pyrenaria championii (Nakai) H. Keng China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 60 1853
GH: 00549883 Pyrenaria spectabilis (Champion) C. Y. Wu & S. X. Yang China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 60 1853
GH: 00339892 Ternstroemia japonica (Thunberg) Thunberg China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 56 1853
GH: 00549883 Tutcheria championii Nakai China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 60 1853
GH: 00549883 Tutcheria spectabilis (Champion) Dunn China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 60 1853
Thelephoraceae FH: 00616148 Cantharellus behringensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: [no additional data] C. Wright 66 1853
FH: 00616149 Cantharellus nivosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 67 1853
FH: 00554034 Corticium aschistum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright s.n. 1853
FH: 00616171 Corticium aschistum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 109 1853
FH: 00616172 Corticium cinereum Persoon USA: California [data not captured] C. Wright s.n. 1853
FH: 00616174 Corticium rimosissimum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 110 1853
FH: 00616176 Corticium rimosissimum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 110 1853
FH: 00616165 Craterellus aureus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 103 1853
FH: 00616175 Cyphella epileuca Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 111 1853
FH: 00616173 Laschia peziziformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo Bonin Islands: [no additional data] C. Wright 107 1853
FH: 00616174 Phlebiopsis crassa (Léveillé) Floudas & Hibbett Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 110 1853
FH: 00616169 Stereum nicaraguense Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Nicaragua: [no additional data] C. Wright 105 1853
FH: 00616168 Stereum spadiceum (Persoon) Quélet USA: California [data not captured] C. Wright s.n. 1853
FH: 00616170 Stereum subcruentatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: [no additional data] C. Wright 106 1853
FH: 00616167 Thelephora xerantha Berkeley & M. A. Curtis China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 104 1853
Thelypteridaceae GH: 00342665 Cyclosorus acuminatus (Houttuyn) Nakai : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342666 Cyclosorus goggilodus (Schkuhr) Link China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342666 Cyclosorus interruptus (Willdenow) H. Ito China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342667 Cyclosorus parasiticus (Linnaeus) Farwell China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342668 Cyclosorus parasiticus (Linnaeus) Farwell Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00021482 Lastrea erythrosora (D. C. Eaton) T. Moore Japan: Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00274002 Lastrea lacera (Thunberg) D. C. Eaton Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00274003 Lastrea lacera (Thunberg) D. C. Eaton Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518372 Sphaerostephanos heterocarpos (Blume) Holttum China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342669 Stegnogramma pozoi mollissima (Kunze) K. Iwatsuki Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342665 Thelypteris acuminata (Houttuyn) C. V. Morton : C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342666 Thelypteris interrupta (Willdenow) Ching China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342667 Thelypteris parasitica (Linnaeus) Tardieu China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342668 Thelypteris parasitica (Linnaeus) Tardieu Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00342669 Thelypteris pozoi (Lagasca) C. V. Morton Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
Thymelaeaceae GH: 00443696 Aquilaria grandiflora Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 398 1853
GH: 00443696 Aquilaria malaccensis Lamarck China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 398 1853
GH: 00443696 Aquilaria sinensis (Loureiro) Sprengel China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 398 1853
A: 00106841 Wikstroemia obovata Hemsley Japan: Loo-Choo Islands [Ryukyu Islands] C. Wright 256 1853
GH: 00061595 Wikstroemia retusa A. Gray Japan: Loo-Choo Islands [Ryukyu Islands] C. Wright 256 1853
Tiliaceae GH: 00338599 Corchorus olitorius Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 47 1853
GH: 00338599 Corchorus sp. China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 47 1853
GH: 00338674 Triumfetta pilosa Roth China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 49 1853
Tremellaceae FH: 00616177 Tremella intumescens Smith USA: California [no additional data] C. Wright s.n. 1853
FH: 00488011 Tremellodon gelatinosus (Scopoli) Fries USA: [data not captured] C. Wright s.n. 1853
Trilliaceae GH: 00056357 Paris tetraphylla A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
Udoteaceae FH: 00907990 Chlorodesmis comosa Harvey & Bailey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00907991 Chlorodesmis comosa Harvey & Bailey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Ulvaceae FH: 00907971 Enteromorpha caerulescens Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890039 Ulva reticulata Forsskål Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890040 Ulva reticulata Forsskål Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Urticaceae GH: 02324058 Australina capensis Weddell South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589550 Nanocnide lobata Weddell Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 301 1853
Valerianaceae GH: 00589064 Valeriana capitata Pallas ex Link Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamchechen Ostrov: Arakamtchetchene Islan... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00031763 Valeriana yezoensis Hara Japan: C. Wright 1853
Valoniaceae FH: 00890046 Valonia forbesii Harvey Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
Verbenaceae GH: 00518675 Callicarpa brevipes Hance China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 381 1853
GH: 00518681 Callicarpa cana Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 377 1853
GH: 00518676 Callicarpa integerrima Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 374 1853
GH: 00518677 Callicarpa japonica Thunberg Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518679 Callicarpa japonica Thunberg Japan: Kiu-siu [Kyushu] Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518679 Callicarpa japonica luxurians Rehder Japan: Kiu-siu [Kyushu] Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518680 Callicarpa kochiana Makino China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 376 1853
GH: 00518675 Callicarpa longifolia Lamarck China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 381 1853
GH: 00518680 Callicarpa longiloba Merrill China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 376 1853
GH: 00518681 Callicarpa nudiflora Hooker & Arnott China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 377 1853
GH: 00518682 Callicarpa nudiflora Hooker & Arnott China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 381 1853
GH: 00518685 Callicarpa purpurea Jussieu Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 218 1853
GH: 00518682 Callicarpa reevesii Wallich ex Walpers China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 381 1853
GH: 00518680 Callicarpa roxburghii Willdenow ex Walpers China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 376 1853
GH: 00518683 Callicarpa rubella Lindley China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 380 1853
GH: 00518683 Callicarpa tenuiflora Champion ex Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 380 1853
GH: 00518680 Callicarpa tomentosa Willdenow China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 376 1853
GH: 00518681 Callicarpa tomentosa Willdenow China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 377 1853
GH: 00518706 Clerodendrum inerme (Linnaeus) Gaertner China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 383 1853
GH: 00549039 Clerodendrum inerme (Linnaeus) Gaertner Japan: Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518710 Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunberg Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 216 1853
GH: 00518342 Gmelina chinensis Bentham China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 490 1853
GH: 00095365 Premna glabra A. Gray ex Maximowicz Japan: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 236 1853
GH: 00387854 Premna latifolia Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00095365 Premna microphylla Turczaninow Japan: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright 236 1853
GH: 00387854 Premna serratifolia Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00339895 Vitex ovata Thunberg China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 386 1853
GH: 00339896 Vitex ovata Thunberg Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00339895 Vitex rotundifolia Linnaeus f. China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 386 1853
GH: 00339896 Vitex rotundifolia Linnaeus f. Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00339895 Vitex trifolia Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 386 1853
GH: 00339896 Vitex trifolia Linnaeus Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: Bonin Islands C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518706 Volkameria inermis Linnaeus China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 383 1853
GH: 00549039 Volkameria inermis Linnaeus Japan: Japan C. Wright 1853
Violaceae GH: 00254038 Hybanthus filiformis (de Candolle) F. Mueller Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00254038 Pigea filiformis de Candolle Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: C. Wright 1853
GH: 00067203 Viola alata verecunda (A. Gray) W. Becker Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00067203 Viola arcuata Blume Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518976 Viola arvensis Murray South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province near Simon Town Cape BS. C. Wright 1853-10-26
GH: 00274011 Viola epipsila Ledebour Russia: Kamtschatka & Arakamtchetchene Id [Island, C... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00274012 Viola epipsila Ledebour Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00274014 Viola grypoceras A. Gray Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589632 Viola inconspicua Blume Japan: Loo-Choo [Ryukyu] Islands & [N.? Nagasaki?] C. Wright 9 1853
GH: 00589632 Viola japonica Langsdorff ex Gingins Japan: Loo-Choo [Ryukyu] Islands & [N.? Nagasaki?] C. Wright 9 1853
GH: 00518975 Viola mandshurica W. Becker Japan: Hakodadi & Simoda [Hakodate & Shimoda] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589632 Viola oblongosagittata Nakai Japan: Loo-Choo [Ryukyu] Islands & [N.? Nagasaki?] C. Wright 9 1853
GH: 00274011 Viola palustris Linnaeus Russia: Kamtschatka & Arakamtchetchene Id [Island, C... C. Wright 1853
GH: 00274012 Viola palustris Linnaeus Russia: Chukot Aut. Okrug Arakamtchetchene Island, Behring Straits C. Wright 1853
GH: 00518975 Viola patrinii de Candolle ex Gingins Japan: Hakodadi & Simoda [Hakodate & Shimoda] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589632 Viola patrinii de Candolle ex Gingins Japan: Loo-Choo [Ryukyu] Islands & [N.? Nagasaki?] C. Wright 9 1853
GH: 00589638 Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589640 Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatica C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589641 Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589637 Viola selkirkii Pursh Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589634 Viola selkirkii Pursh Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589636 Viola selkirkii Pursh Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589638 Viola sylvatica Fries Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi, Japan C. Wright 1853
GH: 00274014 Viola sylvatica micrantha A. Gray Japan: Shizuoka Simoda C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589640 Viola sylvatica Fries Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatica C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589641 Viola sylvatica Fries Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589640 Viola sylvestris Lamarck Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatica C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589641 Viola sylvestris Lamarck Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski C. Wright 1853
GH: 00589636 Viola uliginosa Besser Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka C. Wright 1853
GH: 00067203 Viola verecunda A. Gray Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: Hakodadi C. Wright 1853
Vitaceae GH: 00299956 Cayratia benthamiana F. P. Metcalf China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 80 1853
GH: 00299956 Cissus angustifolia Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 80 1853
GH: 00299956 Tetrastigma angustifolia (Roxburgh) Planchon China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 80 1853
GH: 00299956 Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels & Gilg China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 80 1853
GH: 00814695 Vitis coignetiae Diels : East Asia: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
A: 00814972 Vitis flexuosa parvifolia (Roxburgh) Gagnepain China: Hong Kong: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853
GH: 00306021 Vitis heyneana Roemer & Schultes China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 77 1853
GH: 00306021 Vitis lanata Roxburgh China: Hong Kong: C. Wright 77 1853
Vittariaceae GH: 00062324 Monogramma rostrata Hooker Nicaragua: Omotepec C. Wright 1853
Woodsiaceae GH: 00022288 Woodsia polystichoides D. C. Eaton Japan: Hokkaido Hakodate: C. Wright 1853
Xylariaceae FH: 00220996 Daldinia concentrica (Bolton: Fries) Cesati & De Notaris Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: C. Wright 1853
FH: 00220996 Daldinia eschscholzii (Ehrenberg) Rehm Japan: Tokyo Ogasawara-gunto: C. Wright 1853
Zonarieae FH: 00890041 Zonaria lobata C. Agardh Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890042 Zonaria lobata C. Agardh Japan: [data not captured] C. Wright 1853
FH: 00890043 Zonaria sinclairii J.D.Hooker & Harvey Australia (Country): New South Wales Sydney: [no additional data] C. Wright 1853