Alismataceae NEBC: 01032398 Echinodorus tenellus (Martius) Buchenau USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, Winter Pond W. Boott 1876-9-10
GH: 01032403 Echinodorus tenellus (Martius) Buchenau USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, Winter Pond W. Boott 1876-8-27
GH: 01080763 Sagittaria montevidensis spongiosa (Engelmann) Bogin USA: Massachusetts Banks of Mystic Pond [now the Upper and Low... W. Boott 1876-10-1
Aquifoliaceae GH: 00767897 Ilex verticillata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Winchester, Lexington St. [this stre... W. Boott 1876-7-2
Aspleniaceae GH: 00631545 Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington W. Boott 1876-7-16
Asteraceae GH: 00680551 Coreopsis rosea Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, Winter Pond W. Boott 1876-7-30
NEBC: 00680552 Coreopsis rosea Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, Winter Pond W. Boott 1876-7-30
Athyriaceae NEBC: 00668626 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington by R.R [Railroad] W. Boott 1876-6-15
GH: 00551664 Deparia acrostichoides (Swartz) M. Kato USA: Massachusetts W. Boott 1876-7-9
Brassicaceae NEBC: 00712881 Barbarea stricta Andrzejowski USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-11
GH: 00617514 Draba verna Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-5-14
GH: 00606935 Hesperis matronalis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts between Medford & Malden W. Boott 1876-6-11
Caprifoliaceae NEBC: 00702210 Viburnum acerifolium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-11
Convolvulaceae GH: 00714958 Cuscuta pentagona Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, Winter Pond W. Boott 1876-8-27
Cornaceae GH: 00502608 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-18
Cyperaceae GH: 00135696 Carex aestivalis M. A. Curtis ex A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Lexington: W. Boott 1876-7-2
GH: 00216589 Carex atlantica capillacea (L. H. Bailey) Reznicek USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington Branch Railroad W. Boott 1876-6-15
NEBC: 00221253 Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie ex Lunell USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Winchester, Lexington Street [this s... W. Boott 1876-7-2
NEBC: 00260766 Carex hormathodes Fernald USA: Massachusetts Banks of Mystic Pond [now Upper and Lower My... W. Boott 1876-6-25
NEBC: 01059850 Carex tribuloides Wahlenberg USA: Connecticut Hartford: Hartford W. Boott 1876-7-10
GH: 01043808 Cyperus diandrus Torrey USA: Massachusetts Banks of Mystic Pond [now Upper and Lower My... W. Boott 1876-10-1
GH: 01047090 Cyperus squarrosus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Mystic Pond [now the Upper and Lower Mystic... W. Boott 1876-10-1
NEBC: 00638688 Scirpus hallii A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winter Pond, Winchester W. Boott 1876-9-10
Dryopteridaceae NEBC: 00704387 Dryopteris cristata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington br. R.R [branch Railroa... W. Boott 1876-6-15
NEBC: 00636310 Dryopteris marginalis (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington W. Boott 1876-7-16
GH: 00636311 Dryopteris marginalis (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington W. Boott 1876-7-16
NEBC: 00636319 Dryopteris marginalis (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-18
Equisetaceae GH: 00674567 Equisetum fluviatile Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Canal, Medford W. Boott 1876-6-11
Ericaceae NEBC: 00519455 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-18
NEBC: 00519455 Vaccinium corymbosum atrococcum A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-18
Fabaceae NEBC: 00643355 Lathyrus palustris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington br. R.R [Branch Railroa... W. Boott 1876-6-15
Fagaceae GH: 00567240 Quercus bicolor Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-4
Geraniaceae NEBC: 01070512 Geranium robertianum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-11
Juncaceae NEBC: 00835005 Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe USA: Massachusetts near Apple Tree valley [Boott has this in b... W. Boott 1876-9-3
GH: 00865338 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Massachusetts Medford: off Fulton St. Medford W. Boott 1876-6-11
Lythraceae GH: 00725003 Rotala ramosior (Linnaeus) Koehne USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, Winter Pond W. Boott 1876-9-27
Nyssaceae NEBC: 01010417 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington br. R.R [branch Railroa... W. Boott 1876-6-15
NEBC: 01080089 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Massachusetts Boston: Dorchester W. Boott 1876-4-25
NEBC: 01010424 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Massachusetts Boston: Dorchester W. Boott 1876-4-25
NEBC: 01010474 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Massachusetts Medford: Brook St. Medford W. Boott 1876-6-18
GH: 01010476 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Massachusetts Medford: [Partings?] Medford W. Boott 1876-6-25
Oleaceae NEBC: 01076654 Fraxinus nigra Marshall USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington, above E. Dwights W. Boott 1876-7-2
Poaceae NEBC: 01045273 Brachyelytrum aristosum (Michaux) P. Beauvois ex Branner & Coville USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington, above E. Dwight's W. Boott 1876-7-2
NEBC: 00609517 Digitaria ischaemum (Schreber) Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, near Bacons W. Boott 1876-10-1
NEBC: 00879484 Sporobolus vaginiflorus (Torrey) Alph. Wood USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Canal Bank W. Boott 1876-9-3
Primulaceae GH: 01076481 Samolus parviflorus Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Medford: E. [Edward] Brooks field, margin of... W. Boott 1876-7-30
Rosaceae NEBC: 00653337 Potentilla simplex Michaux USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-18
GH: 00743052 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford Turnpike W. Boott 1876-6-11
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00686951 Lindernia dubia anagallidea (Michaux) Cooperrider USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-7-30
Thelypteridaceae GH: 00652129 Thelypteris noveboracensis (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Massachusetts Lexington: Lexington W. Boott 1876-7-2
NEBC: 00652131 Thelypteris noveboracensis (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Massachusetts Lexington: Lexington W. Boott 1876
Violaceae GH: 00629735 Viola pallens (Banks ex Gingins) Brainerd USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester W. Boott 1876-5-14
GH: 00773849 Viola primulifolia acuta (Bigelow) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1876-6-4