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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[39248]
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FH: 00512468
Pannaria microphylla
(Swartz) A. Massalongo USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00512178
Physcia caesia
(Hoffmann) Hampe ex Fürnrohr USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00512179
Physcia caesia
(Hoffmann) Hampe ex Fürnrohr USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00597303
Agaricus lividus
Hudson USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 248 1851
FH: 00597553
Agaricus tergiversans
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 145 1849
FH: 00597095
Clitocybe infundibuliformis
Quélet USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 263 1851
FH: 00597569
Coprinus atramentarius
(Bulliard) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 142 1841
FH: 00597575
Coprinus fimetarius
Fries USA: New York [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 350 1859
FH: 00597675
Hygrophorus cinnabarinus
(Schweinitz) Saccardo USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 88 1849
FH: 00597652
Hygrophorus sp.
USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 264 1851
FH: 00597481
Hypholoma sublateritium
(Schaeffer) Quélet USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 261 1851
FH: 00547003
Lentinus lecomtei
Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 130 1849
FH: 00548998
Lepiota procera
(Scopoli) Gray: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 258
FH: 00597974
Marasmius rotula
(Scopoli) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 332 1853
FH: 00597407
Naucoria furfuracea
(Persoon) P. Kummer: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 229 1850
FH: 00597715
Panus angustatus
Berkeley USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 151
FH: 00597730
Panus illudens
(Schweinitz) Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 39
FH: 00597743
Panus stipticus
(Bulliard) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 80 1849
FH: 00597189
Pleurotus atrocoeruleus
(Fries) P. Kummer: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 150 1849
FH: 00597217
Pleurotus niger
(Schweinitz) Saccardo: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 226 1850
FH: 00597239
Pleurotus salignus
(Schrader) P. Kummer: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 131 1849
FH: 00597512
Psalliota cretacea
(Bulliard) Gillet: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 146
GH: 01929175
Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Linnaeus USA: New York [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01763408
Chenopodiastrum simplex
(Torrey) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch USA: New York [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02178252
Apocynum floribundum
Greene USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01083458
Periploca graeca
Linnaeus USA: New York W. N. Y. H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01655482
Calla palustris
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00961223
Asclepias quadrifolia
Jacquin USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02068135
Asplenium platyneuron
(Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02068739
Asplenium rhizophyllum
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02070258
Asplenium trichomanes
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01003844
Artemisia biennis
Willdenow USA: Wisconsin Milwaukee: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00241317
Bidens frondosa
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02352676
Erigeron philadelphicus
Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02191405
Eutrochium purpureum
(Linnaeus) E. E. Lamont USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01832922
Hieracium scabrum
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01834396
Lactuca canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00443466
Nabalus altissimus
(Linnaeus) Hooker USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00443466
Nabalus altissimus ovatus
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00443466
Prenanthes altissima
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00012583
Solidago uniligulata levipes
Fernald USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02070522
Homalosorus pycnocarpos
(Sprengel) Pichi Sermolli USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02069063
Azolla caroliniana
Willdenow USA: New York Lake Ontario H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02168782
Berberis vulgaris
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02168804
Caulophyllum giganteum
(Farw.) Loconte & Blackwell USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02169039
Jeffersonia diphylla
(Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02054742
Catalpa bignonioides
Walter USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01957553
Buglossoides arvensis
(Linnaeus) I. M. Johnston USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01957554
Buglossoides arvensis
(Linnaeus) I. M. Johnston USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02026120
Cynoglossum officinale
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02027957
Hackelia virginiana
(Linnaeus) I. M. Johnston USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01994726
Lappula echinata
Gilibert USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01996504
Lithospermum latifolium
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01997344
Lithospermum virginianum
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01997425
Lycopsis arvensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Oswego H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00960627
Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa
(M. Hopkins) Rollins USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00974463
Armoracia rusticana
G. Gaertner, B. Meyer & Scherbius USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01181649
Boechera canadensis
(Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01023309
Boechera stricta
(Graham) Shehbaz USA: New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01098047
Camelina sativa
(Linnaeus) Crantz USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00983346
Cardamine diphylla
(Michaux) Alph. Wood USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00983498
Cardamine douglassii
Britton USA: New York W. N. York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00999500
Cardamine pensylvanica
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01087043
Cardamine rhomboidea
(Persoon) de Candolle USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01538572
Erysimum cheiranthoides
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01692496
Rorippa palustris
(Linnaeus) Besser USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01692844
Rorippa palustris hispida
(Desvaux) Rydberg USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01693731
Sinapis arvensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01716258
Sisymbrium officinale
(Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01953938
Triodanis perfoliata
(Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01872473
Polanisia dodecandra
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02036487
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Moench USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02036898
Symphoricarpos rivularis
Suksdorf USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02036903
Symphoricarpos rivularis
Suksdorf USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01740829
Agrostemma githago
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01742889
Cerastium arvense
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01743678
Cerastium fontanum
Baumgarten USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01744072
Cerastium nutans
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01715956
Saponaria officinalis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01751581
Silene antirrhina
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01753576
Silene stellata
(Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01622559
Stellaria longifolia
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01623640
Stellaria media
(Linnaeus) Villars USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01854818
Euonymus atropurpureus
Jacquin USA: New York New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01781415
Blitum capitatum
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00596742
Clavaria sp.
USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 303 1851
GH: 02056296
Cuscuta compacta
Jussieu ex Choisy USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02056599
Cuscuta gronovii
Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027129
Carex alopecoidea
Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 19
GH: 00027130
Carex alopecoidea
Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 19
GH: 00027131
Carex alopecoidea
Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 19
GH: 02394323
Carex alopecoidea
Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027137
Carex aquatilis
Wahlenberg USA: New York Nov. Ebor. H. P. Sartwell 56
GH: 00027137
Carex aquatilis substricta
Kükenthal USA: New York Nov. Ebor. H. P. Sartwell 56
GH: 00027137
Carex aquatilis altior
(Rydberg) Fernald USA: New York Nov. Ebor. H. P. Sartwell 56
GH: 01155451
Carex blanda
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01155453
Carex blanda
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391954
Carex bromoides
Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391948
Carex bromoides
Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00221817
Carex brunnescens
(Persoon) Poiret USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 33
GH: 00221818
Carex brunnescens
(Persoon) Poiret USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02392431
Carex brunnescens
(Persoon) Poiret USA: New York Utica: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02393829
Carex canescens disjuncta
(Fernald) Toivonen USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 32
GH: 02393830
Carex canescens disjuncta
(Fernald) Toivonen USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00221817
Carex canescens sphaerostachya
Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 33
GH: 00221818
Carex canescens sphaerostachya
Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02371477
Carex cephaloidea
(Dewey) Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02371475
Carex cephaloidea
(Dewey) Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02371474
Carex cephaloidea
(Dewey) Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02370514
Carex cephalophora
Muhlenberg USA: Michigan Detroit: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02370543
Carex cephalophora
Muhlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02370565
Carex cephalophora
Muhlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02370561
Carex cephalophora
Muhlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027160
Carex cephalophora maxima
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02369470
Carex chordorrhiza
Ehrhart ex Linnaeus f. USA: New York Junius: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02369469
Carex chordorrhiza
Ehrhart ex Linnaeus f. USA: New York Junius: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02369457
Carex chordorrhiza
Ehrhart ex Linnaeus f. USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027182
Carex crinita minor
Boott USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395300
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395311
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395322
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 15
GH: 02395321
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395317
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395316
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395315
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395527
Carex diandra
Schrank USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 13
GH: 02395526
Carex diandra
Schrank USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 14
GH: 02395512
Carex diandra
Schrank USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 13
GH: 02394619
Carex disperma
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 30
GH: 02394600
Carex disperma
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 29
GH: 00027403
Carex disticha
Hudson USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00299200
Carex disticha
Hudson USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027401
Carex disticha sartwellii
(Dewey) Dewey USA: New York Junius: H. P. Sartwell 1841
GH: 00027403
Carex disticha sartwellii
(Dewey) Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391784
Carex echinata
Murray USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02368122
Carex gynocrates
Wormskjold ex Drejer USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02368116
Carex gynocrates
Wormskjold ex Drejer USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02368117
Carex gynocrates
Wormskjold ex Drejer USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02368115
Carex gynocrates
Wormskjold ex Drejer USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1845-9-2
GH: 01771705
Carex hartii
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00260741
Carex hormathodes
Fernald USA: [New York?] H. P. Sartwell 1866-4
GH: 00027275
Carex interior
L. H. Bailey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 36
GH: 02391029
Carex interior
L. H. Bailey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391025
Carex interior
L. H. Bailey USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391013
Carex interior
L. H. Bailey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1845
GH: 01772629
Carex intumescens
Rudge USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01772650
Carex intumescens
Rudge USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 139
GH: 02578381
Carex lacustris
Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02578383
Carex lacustris
Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02578385
Carex lacustris
Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02578387
Carex lacustris
Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02578388
Carex lacustris
Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02394121
Carex laevivaginata
(Kükenthal) Mackenzie USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 18
GH: 01155474
Carex laxiflora
Lamarck USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell 95
GH: 01771983
Carex lupuliformis
Sartwell ex Dewey USA: Arkansas [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 25
GH: 01772001
Carex lupuliformis
Sartwell ex Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01772002
Carex lupuliformis
Sartwell ex Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01772003
Carex lupuliformis
Sartwell ex Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01772004
Carex lupuliformis
Sartwell ex Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01684636
Carex lupulina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01771855
Carex lupulina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01771869
Carex lupulina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 146
GH: 01771879
Carex lupulina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01771880
Carex lupulina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01773196
Carex lurida
Wahlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01773207
Carex lurida
Wahlenberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 137
GH: 01773212
Carex lurida
Wahlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1866
GH: 00895049
Carex magellanica én
(Wahlenberg) Hultén USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington H. P. Sartwell 1861
GH: 02371085
Carex muehlenbergii
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 24
GH: 02371201
Carex muehlenbergii enervis
Boott USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02370879
Carex occidentalis
L. H. Bailey USA: New Mexico [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00056979
Carex oligocarpa sartwelliana
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00056980
Carex oligocarpa sartwelliana
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 1844
GH: 00056978
Carex oligocarpa sartwelliana
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00056981
Carex oligocarpa sartwelliana
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 1845
GH: 00056979
Carex oliocarpa
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00056980
Carex oliocarpa
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 1844
GH: 00056978
Carex oliocarpa
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00056981
Carex oliocarpa
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 1845
GH: 00576879
Carex panicea
Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Ipswich: Ipswich H. P. Sartwell
NEBC: 00717178
Carex polymorpha
Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395657
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 14
GH: 02395656
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395653
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395652
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395678
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395677
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395674
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395675
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1859
GH: 02395673
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 29457 1860-5-31
GH: 02369713
Carex retroflexa
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01773414
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01773436
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02370037
Carex rosea
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02370038
Carex rosea
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027401
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York Junius: H. P. Sartwell 1841
GH: 00027400
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York Junius: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027402
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027403
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00299200
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02369553
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027411
Carex scabrior
Sartwell USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027407
Carex scabrior
Sartwell USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027408
Carex scabrior
Sartwell USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 1841
GH: 00027409
Carex scabrior
Sartwell USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027410
Carex scabrior
Sartwell USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01684615
Carex sp.
USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 138
GH: 01684617
Carex sp.
USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01771347
Carex sp.
USA: Nebraska [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 1
GH: 01771348
Carex sp.
USA: Nebraska [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 2
GH: 01771349
Carex sp.
USA: Nebraska [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 3
GH: 02371593
Carex sparganioides
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775829
Carex squarrosa
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391415
Carex sterilis
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 37
GH: 02391416
Carex sterilis
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1859
GH: 02391414
Carex sterilis
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Junius: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391411
Carex sterilis
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02391410
Carex sterilis
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027443
Carex sterilis excelsior
L. H. Bailey USA: New York Junius H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395996
Carex stipata
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00221815
Carex torta
Boott ex Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00221816
Carex torta
Boott ex Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027461
Carex torta
Boott ex Tuckerman USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell 51
GH: 02578329
Carex trichocarpa
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02578330
Carex trichocarpa
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02578332
Carex trichocarpa
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01774017
Carex tuckermanii
Dewey : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01774018
Carex tuckermanii
Dewey : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... H. P. Sartwell 1859
GH: 01774016
Carex tuckermanii
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1845
GH: 01774027
Carex tuckermanii
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01774037
Carex tuckermanii
Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775952
Carex typhina
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775956
Carex typhina
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01773770
Carex utriculata
Boott USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01773784
Carex utriculata
Boott USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775379
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... H. P. Sartwell 3
GH: 01774817
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775362
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775365
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1865-8-17
GH: 01775368
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 152
GH: 01775369
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775370
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775378
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775380
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 152
GH: 01775381
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775382
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01775385
Carex vesicaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02371956
Carex vulpinoidea
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 16
GH: 02395158
Carex vulpinoidea
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395157
Carex vulpinoidea
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02395149
Carex vulpinoidea
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027770
Eleocharis rostellata
(Torrey) Torrey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027770
Eleocharis sp.
USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00268205
Rhynchospora breviseta
Channell USA: Florida H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00268205
Rhynchospora oligantha
A. Gray USA: Florida H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00766153
Rhynchospora scirpoides
(Torrey) Grisebach USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00027770
Scirpus rostellatus
Torrey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
FH: 01138210
Dicranum drummondii
Müller Halle USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01145239
Drosera rotundifolia
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01784538
Dysphania multifida
(Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
NEBC: 00706467
Equisetum scirpoides
Michaux USA: Vermont Rockingham: Rockingham H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01719082
Moneses uniflora
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: New York W. N. Y. H. P. Sartwell 5
GH: 01684759
Pyrola asarifolia
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01761138
Pyrola chlorantha
Swartz USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01761141
Pyrola chlorantha
Swartz USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01764919
Rhododendron prinophyllum
(Small) Millais USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00972600
Erysiphe densissima
Schweinitz USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 290
GH: 02049471
Astragalus neglectus
(Torrey & A. Gray) E. Sheldon USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02030957
Baptisia leucantha
Torr. & A. Gray USA: Ohio Miami H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01921852
Desmodium canadense
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01921950
Desmodium canescens
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01961073
Desmodium ciliare
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01961174
Desmodium cuspidatum
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle ex G. Don USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01961639
Desmodium marilandicum
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01961936
Desmodium paniculatum
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01960253
Desmodium perplexum
B. G. Schubert USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01960252
Desmodium perplexum
B. G. Schubert USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01958903
Hylodesmum glutinosum
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mill USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02149543
Lathyrus ochroleucus
Hooker USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02149900
Lathyrus palustris
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02149891
Lathyrus palustris
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02129598
Medicago hispida
Gaertner USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02342718
Trifolium dubium
Sibthorp USA: Maryland [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02620684
Trifolium fucatum
Lindley USA: New York Penn Yan: cult. a Sartwell san California H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02345081
Vicia americana
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00601034
Geastrum saccatum
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 269 1851
GH: 02072284
Gentiana andrewsii
Grisebach USA: New York West New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02167112
Gentiana saponaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01864150
Geranium carolinianum
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01864921
Geranium pusillum
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01864925
Geranium pusillum
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01628545
Myriophyllum verticillatum
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00601310
Bulgaria inquinans
(Persoon) Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 281 1851
FH: 00601774
Cenangium triangulare
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 161 1849
FH: 00601686
Tympanis sp.
USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 211 1850
FH: 00547919
Hydnum adustum
Schweinitz USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 302 1851
FH: 00596037
Hydnum ochraceum
Persoon USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 301 1851
FH: 00596179
Phlebia radiata
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 202 1850
GH: 01737088
Hydrangea arborescens
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01748159
Iris versicolor
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01748713
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Miller USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02098630
Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus
(Farwell) Hämet-Ahti USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02098631
Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus
(Farwell) Hämet-Ahti USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1849-7-12
GH: 01025566
Juncus articulatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell 1863-7-29
GH: 02098949
Juncus articulatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02098945
Juncus articulatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02098943
Juncus articulatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02098944
Juncus articulatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell 1866
GH: 00970062
Juncus brachycephalus
(Engelmann) Buchenau USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00970062
Juncus canadensis brachycephalus
Engelmann USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02399079
Juncus nodosus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02399081
Juncus nodosus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02398668
Juncus stygius americanus
(Buchenau) Hultén USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01617760
Triglochin palustris
Linnaeus USA: New York Junius H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01555055
Agastache scrophulariifolia
(Willdenow) Kuntze USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01555061
Agastache scrophulariifolia
(Willdenow) Kuntze USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01554563
Dracocephalum parviflorum
Nuttall USA: New York Jeff. Co. H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01600778
Monarda didyma
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02410944
Monardella breweri lanceolata
(A. Gray) A. C. Sanders & Elvin USA: California Cult a Sartwell H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02410944
Monardella lanceolata
A. Gray USA: California Cult a Sartwell H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01598003
Phlomoides tuberosa
(Linnaeus) Moench USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01598004
Phlomoides tuberosa
(Linnaeus) Moench USA: New York Near Rochester H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01697510
Scutellaria galericulata
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01698472
Scutellaria parvula
Michaux USA: New York Dexter: Dexter H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01699162
Stachys hispida
Pursh USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00512851
Lecanora pallida
(Schreber) Rabenhorst USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00512852
Lecanora pallida
(Schreber) Rabenhorst USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00438951
Lecanora sp.
USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 1852
FH: 00512883
Lecanora subfusca
(Linnaeus) Acharius USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 1853
FH: 00476152
Pyrrhospora russula
(Acharius) Hafellner USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00476152
Ramboldia russula
(Acharius) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01798469
Lobelia kalmii
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02164847
Dendrolycopodium obscurum
(Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02163846
Diphasiastrum digitatum
(Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02163847
Diphasiastrum tristachyum
(Pursh) Holub USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02163846
Diphasiastrum tristachyum
(Pursh) Holub USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02077146
Huperzia lucidula
(Michaux) Trevisan USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02077857
Lycopodium clavatum
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02076611
Spinulum annotinum
(Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02199100
Sidalcea neomexicana
A. Gray USA: Texas [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01545465
Morus rubra
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01545550
Morus rubra
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00601126
Cyathus campanulatus
Corda USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 304 1851
GH: 01740002
Nuphar microphylla
(Persoon) Fernald USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01740333
Nuphar variegata
Engelmann ex Durand USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01740603
Nymphaea odorata
Aiton USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00455711
Ochrolechia tartarea
(Linnaeus) A. Massalongo USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01848149
Fraxinus americana biltmoreana
(Beadle) Wright ex Fernald USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01849993
Fraxinus profunda
(Bush) Bush USA: New York W. N. York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01675109
Camissonia strigulosa
(Fischer & C. A. Meyer) P. H. Raven USA: California [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 1852
GH: 01673734
Clarkia unguiculata
Lindley USA: California Cult. a Sartwell [?] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01643454
Oenothera perennis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01883936
Aplectrum hyemale
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Torrey : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01883938
Aplectrum hyemale
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Torrey USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02031347
Arethusa bulbosa
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02031831
Calopogon tuberosus
(Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02028145
Goodyera pubescens
(Willdenow) R. Brown USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02051734
Isotria verticillata
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Rafinesque USA: New York Oneida: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02066624
Platanthera ciliaris
(Linnaeus) Lindley USA: New York W. N. York H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02066930
Platanthera clavellata
(Michaux) Luer USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02063602
Platanthera dilatata
(Pursh) Lindley ex Beck USA: New York [illegible] H. P. Sartwell 1906-7-5
AMES: 02045279
Platanthera hookeri
(Torrey ex A. Gray) Lindley USA: New York Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02031074
Pogonia ophioglossoides
(Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02032560
Spiranthes ochroleuca
(Rydberg) Rydberg USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02032576
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Chamisso USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
AMES: 02051646
Triphora trianthophora
(Swartz) Rydberg USA: New York [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02034657
Agalinis setacea
(J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02034656
Agalinis tenuifolia
(Vahl) Rafinesque USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02034919
Aureolaria flava
(Linnaeus) Farwell USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02033656
Buchnera americana
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02033654
Buchnera americana
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00437205
Fuscopannaria leucosticta
(Tuckerman) P. M. Jørgensen USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01738161
Adlumia fungosa
(Aiton) Greene ex Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01739330
Dicentra canadensis
(Goldie) Walpers USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01739546
Dicentra eximia
(Ker Gawler) Torrey USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01739792
Fumaria officinalis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01855572
Parnassia glauca
Rafinesque USA: New York New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01855584
Parnassia glauca
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00601492
Peziza floccosa
Batsch USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 296 1851
FH: 00601555
Peziza occidentalis
Schweinitz USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 295 1851
GH: 00395564
Abies balsamea
(Linnaeus) Miller USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01018933
Pinus resinosa
Aiton USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01113680
Tsuga canadensis
(Linnaeus) Carrière USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01999161
Collinsia verna
Nuttall USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01805489
Veronica arvensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00023292
Calamagrostis inexpansa
A. Gray USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00023293
Calamagrostis inexpansa
A. Gray USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00036860
Calamagrostis inexpansa
A. Gray USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00023292
Calamagrostis stricta inexpansa
(A. Gray) C. W. Greene USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01017213
Podostemum ceratophyllum
Michaux USA: New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01000162
Gilia capitata
Sims USA: New York New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01968411
Polygala senega
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell 1852-6-21
GH: 01968575
Polygala verticillata
Linnaeus USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02005089
Rumex crispus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02005659
Rumex obtusifolius
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02004633
Rumex verticillatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00547776
Daedalea cinerea
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 224 1850
FH: 00547777
Daedalea cinerea
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 222 1850
FH: 00547778
Daedalea cinerea
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 246 1851
FH: 00547791
Daedalea unicolor
(Bulliard) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 156 1849
FH: 00547810
Favolus europaeus
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 127 1849
FH: 00596142
Irpex sinuosus
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 268 1851
FH: 00547067
Lenzites betulinus
(Linnaeus) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 221 1852
FH: 00547096
Lenzites rhabarbarina
Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 155
FH: 00547111
Lenzites striata
(Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 158 1849
FH: 00547222
Polyporus abietinus
(Dickson) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 159 1849
FH: 00547229
Polyporus adustus
(Willdenow) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 65 1849
FH: 00547377
Polyporus elegans
Bulliard USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 253 1851
FH: 00547416
Polyporus frondosus
(Dickson) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 256 1851
FH: 00547429
Polyporus gilvus
(Schweinitz) Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 252 1851
FH: 00547467
Polyporus laceratus
Berkeley USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 250, 4 1851
FH: 00547483
Polyporus lepideus
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 81 1850
FH: 00547574
Polyporus pergamenus
Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 163 1849
FH: 00547624
Polyporus sartwellii
Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 251 1851
GH: 01919155
Heteranthera dubia
MacMillan USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01859529
Claytonia virginica
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01564772
Potamogeton epihydrus
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01564773
Potamogeton epihydrus
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01572176
Potamogeton foliosus
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01572196
Potamogeton foliosus
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01688643
Potamogeton natans
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01695321
Potamogeton perfoliatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01695337
Potamogeton perfoliatus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01695713
Potamogeton pusillus
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01746446
Potamogeton richardsonii
(A. Bennett) Rydberg USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01746447
Potamogeton richardsonii
(A. Bennett) Rydberg USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01734112
Stuckenia pectinata
(Linnaeus) Börner USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01922474
Dodecatheon meadia
Linnaeus USA: New York Chemung H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01920558
Lysimachia arvensis
(Linnaeus) U. Manns & Anderberg USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01927290
Lysimachia terrestris
(Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01926248
Primula mistassinica
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01926246
Primula mistassinica
Michaux USA: New York Crooked Lake H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00972287
Aecidium laceratum
Sowerby USA: [no data available] H. P. Sartwell 33
FH: 00972287
Gymnosporangium sp.
USA: [no data available] H. P. Sartwell 33
FH: 00940279
Phragmidium speciosum
(Fries) Burrill USA: New York Novo-Eboraco H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00972287
Roestelia lacerata
Mérat USA: [no data available] H. P. Sartwell 33
FH: 00513601
Biatora russula
(Acharius) Montagne USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 1853
GH: 01720801
Actaea pachypoda
Elliott USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01706110
Actaea rubra
(Aiton) Willdenow USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01986942
Anemone americana
(de Candolle) H. Hara USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01706546
Anemone canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01706747
Anemone cylindrica
A. Gray USA: New York Oneida H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01708686
Anemone virginiana
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01709204
Aquilegia canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01710488
Cimicifuga racemosa
(Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01657598
Clematis virginiana
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01986942
Hepatica triloba obtusa
Pursh USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01661515
Hydrastis canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01662684
Ranunculus ambigens
S. Watson USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01662845
Ranunculus aquatilis diffusus
Withering USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01663961
Ranunculus flabellaris
Rafinesque USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01663962
Ranunculus flabellaris
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01664325
Ranunculus flammula filiformis
(Michaux) Hooker USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01664941
Ranunculus hispidus
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01665098
Ranunculus hispidus caricetorum
(Greene) T. Duncan USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01665809
Ranunculus longirostris
Godron USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01837055
Ranunculus pensylvanicus
Linnaeus f. USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01837514
Ranunculus recurvatus
Poiret USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01838096
Ranunculus sceleratus
Linnaeus USA: New York Gorham H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01839479
Thalictrum pubescens
Pursh USA: New York Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02043822
Thalictrum thalictroides
(Linnaeus) A. J. Eames & B. Boivin USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01972663
Rhamnus alnifolia
L'Heritier USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01727195
Amelanchier arborea
(F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01728509
Amelanchier laevis
Wiegand USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01646893
Crataegus punctata
Jacquin USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01646894
Crataegus punctata
Jacquin USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00994379
Gillenia trifoliata
(Linnaeus) Moench USA: New York W. New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01861273
Malus coronaria
(Linnaeus) Miller USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01589998
Spiraea salicifolia
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02139174
Galium pilosum puncticulosum
(Michaux) Torr. & A. Gray USA: New York [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02140411
Galium triflorum
Michaux USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00597767
Lactarius camphoratus
(Bulliard) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 260 1851
GH: 00306217
Sarracenia purpurea
Linnaeus USA: New York W. N. York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01678858
Sarracenia purpurea
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01733576
Chrysosplenium americanum
Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01712202
Micranthes pensylvanica
(Linnaeus) Haworth USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01712761
Micranthes virginiensis
(Michaux) Small USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01616000
Mitella diphylla
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01631649
Tiarella cordifolia
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02040143
Verbascum blattaria
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01541293
Physalis heterophylla
Nees USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01543291
Solanum emulans
Rafinesque USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 01116679
Taxus canadensis
Marshall USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
FH: 00597868
Cantharellus crispus
Persoon USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 292 1851
FH: 00596564
Corticium cinereum
Persoon USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 13 1848
FH: 00596669
Corticium salicinum
(Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 297 1851
FH: 00596220
Craterellus cornucopioides
(Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 283 1851
FH: 00596722
Cyphella fasciculata
Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 123 1849
FH: 00596487
Stereum spadiceum
(Persoon) Quélet USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 55 1849
FH: 00596495
Stereum striatum
(Fries) Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 121 1849
FH: 00596939
Exidia glandulosa
(Bulliard) Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 173 1849
FH: 00596948
Exidia recisa
(Ditmar) Fries USA: New York [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell s.n.
FH: 00596870
Tremella aurantia
Schweinitz: Fries USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 174 1849
FH: 00596876
Tremella foliacea
Persoon USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 172 1849
FH: 00795080
Trypethelium virens
Tuckerman ex E. Michener USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 1853
GH: 02170586
Parietaria pensylvanica
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow : US and Canada (countries only and not Greenl... H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02170907
Pilea pumila
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: New York Penn Yan: [data not captured] H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00032817
Valeriana sylvatica uliginosa
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02144394
Hybanthus concolor
(T. F. Forster) Sprengel USA: New York W. Neww York H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02144388
Hybanthus concolor
(T. F. Forster) Sprengel USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02145790
Viola canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell
GH: 02208077
Viola palmata
Linnaeus USA: New York Penn Yan: Penn Yan H. P. Sartwell