<< < Previous Aceraceae NEBC: 00772478 Acer negundo Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-1
NEBC: 00677010 Acer pensylvanicum Linnaeus USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-5
NEBC: 00677012 Acer pensylvanicum Linnaeus USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-5
NEBC: 00580777 Acer platanoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-6-11
NEBC: 00580779 Acer platanoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00580819 Acer pseudoplatanus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00772862 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 391 1909-9-5
NEBC: 00677449 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00677451 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-1
NEBC: 00677454 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-18
NEBC: 00677893 Acer saccharinum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-8-31
NEBC: 00677894 Acer saccharinum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-3-13
NEBC: 00677826 Acer saccharum Marshall USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope 1909-9-8
NEBC: 00677828 Acer saccharum Marshall USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-8
Aizoaceae NEBC: 00761329 Mollugo verticillata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-6-27
GH: 00761330 Mollugo verticillata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1907-8-20
NEBC: 00761339 Mollugo verticillata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1921-8-13
Alismataceae NEBC: 01032275 Alisma subcordatum Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-8
NEBC: 01032277 Alisma subcordatum Pursh USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 01032384 Alisma triviale Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-7-20
NEBC: 01032873 Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-8-23
Amaranthaceae NEBC: 00614789 Amaranthus albus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Branston Thomas Hope 1910-8-11
Anacardiaceae NEBC: 00690774 Rhus copallinum latifolia Engler USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-9-19
NEBC: 00690781 Rhus copallinum latifolia Engler USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00720961 Rhus glabra Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00720963 Rhus glabra Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Wilbur's Crossing Thomas Hope 1914-1-31
NEBC: 00752679 Rhus typhina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 243 1907-11-23
NEBC: 00660628 Toxicodendron radicans (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 641 1912-6-13
NEBC: 00660629 Toxicodendron radicans (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
Apiaceae NEBC: 00483780 Cicuta bulbifera Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-8-7
NEBC: 00483784 Cicuta bulbifera Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-16
NEBC: 01050934 Cicuta maculata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-7-14
NEBC: 01051191 Cryptotaenia canadensis (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 725 1921-8-10
NEBC: 01051558 Hydrocotyle americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-2
NEBC: 01009460 Osmorhiza claytonii (Michaux) C. B. Clarke USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-24
NEBC: 01009058 Panax trifolius Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-2
NEBC: 00483031 Pastinaca sativa Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Holderness: Holderness Thomas Hope 1916-8-4
NEBC: 01009708 Sium suave Walter USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 01009709 Sium suave Walter USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
NEBC: 00566117 Zizia aurea (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Rhode Island Longmeadow Thomas Hope 1909-5-23
Apocynaceae GH: 02380700 Nerium oleander Linnaeus : Bermuda: Elba Beach Thomas Hope 1911-3-30
Aquifoliaceae NEBC: 00767459 Ilex mucronata (Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 00767462 Ilex mucronata (Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00713180 Ilex mucronata (Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-30
NEBC: 00767992 Ilex verticillata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-10-19
NEBC: 00713319 Ilex verticillata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1909-9-11
Araceae NEBC: 01010833 Arisaema triphyllum (Linnaeus) Schott USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-21
NEBC: 01032957 Calla palustris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Woonsocket: Woonsocket Thomas Hope 1908-5-20
NEBC: 01032958 Calla palustris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00764297 Symplocarpus foetidus (Linnaeus) Salisbury ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 462 1910-4-12
NEBC: 00764298 Symplocarpus foetidus (Linnaeus) Salisbury ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 461 1910-4-12
NEBC: 00764299 Symplocarpus foetidus (Linnaeus) Salisbury ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 460 1910-4-21
Araliaceae NEBC: 01036294 Aralia hispida Ventenat USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 01036323 Aralia hispida Ventenat USA: New Hampshire Jackson: Jackson Thomas Hope 1908-8-15
NEBC: 00448604 Aralia nudicaulis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 253 1908-5-24
NEBC: 00282970 Aralia racemosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: Old Time Quarry Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00282971 Aralia racemosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
Asclepiadaceae NEBC: 00572926 Asclepias incarnata pulchra [delete] (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00572927 Asclepias incarnata pulchra [delete] (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1908-7-20
NEBC: 00572929 Asclepias incarnata pulchra [delete] (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-31
NEBC: 00572934 Asclepias incarnata pulchra [delete] (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 137 1888
NEBC: 00572941 Asclepias incarnata pulchra [delete] (Ehrhart ex Willdenow) Woodson USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 00634817 Asclepias tuberosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
Aspidiaceae NEBC: 00695570 Polystichum acrostichoides (Michaux) Schott USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1910-11-19
Aspleniaceae NEBC: 00681651 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1910-11-19
NEBC: 00577888 Asplenium rhizophyllum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1910-11-19
Asteraceae NEBC: 00531142 Achillea millefolium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00531150 Achillea millefolium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00734609 Ageratina aromatica (Linnaeus) Spach USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1908-10-4
NEBC: 00566589 Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-29
NEBC: 00566590 Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-29
GH: 00566591 Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-7-20
NEBC: 00566592 Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-7-20
NEBC: 01066017 Anaphalis margaritacea (Linnaeus) Bentham & Hooker f. USA: Maine Rowe Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-5
NEBC: 01065264 Antennaria howellii canadensis (Greene) Bayer USA: Maine Carrying Place Thomas Hope 1916-9-12
NEBC: 01007979 Antennaria neglecta Greene USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-4-10
NEBC: 01007980 Antennaria neglecta Greene USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 142 1908-5-3
NEBC: 01007994 Antennaria neglecta Greene USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 01065915 Antennaria parlinii fallax (Greene) Bayer & Stebbins USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-31
NEBC: 01053348 Antennaria plantaginifolia (Linnaeus) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 01053349 Antennaria plantaginifolia (Linnaeus) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1914-5-28
NEBC: 01053358 Antennaria plantaginifolia (Linnaeus) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00531454 Anthemis cotula Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 69 1879
NEBC: 00531465 Anthemis cotula Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00531466 Anthemis cotula Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1908-10-4
NEBC: 00531467 Anthemis cotula Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00566196 Arctium lappa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00566197 Arctium lappa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00566302 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernhardi USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00725676 Artemisia campestris caudata (Michaux) H. M. Hall & Clements USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Buttonwoods Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 01037427 Bidens cernua Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-3
NEBC: 01037645 Bidens connata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-10
NEBC: 01038276 Bidens frondosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-9-9
NEBC: 01037875 Bidens laevis (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-10-10
NEBC: 00566644 Bidens tripartita Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-2
NEBC: 01038099 Bidens vulgata Greene USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-3
NEBC: 01017612 Carduus acanthoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00566357 Centaurea nigra Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Narragansett: Narragansett Thomas Hope 1909-8-4
NEBC: 00577017 Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00577018 Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00725565 Cirsium horridulum Michaux USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: South Kingstown Thomas Hope 1910-7-4
NEBC: 01017729 Cirsium muticum Michaux USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-12
NEBC: 00587316 Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 00587333 Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore USA: Vermont Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1917-8-19
NEBC: 00626835 Erechtites hieraciifolius (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
NEBC: 00564140 Erigeron annuus (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 01079204 Erigeron pulchellus Michaux USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 256 1908-5-24
NEBC: 01052530 Erigeron strigosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 01052531 Erigeron strigosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-31
NEBC: 01034008 Eupatorium perfoliatum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 01034036 Eupatorium perfoliatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 01034167 Eupatorium pilosum Walter USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 01034176 Eupatorium pilosum Walter USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 01034179 Eupatorium pilosum Walter USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-9-25
NEBC: 00574392 Eurybia macrophylla (Linnaeus) Cassini USA: New Hampshire Waterville: Waterville Thomas Hope 1912-8-30
NEBC: 00574525 Eurybia macrophylla (Linnaeus) Cassini USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln, Cobble Hill Road Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 01055138 Euthamia graminifolia (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 01034926 Eutrochium dubium (Willdenow ex Poiret) E. E. Lamont USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 00535504 Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pavon USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 01053823 Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 00735248 Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-9-11
NEBC: 01038587 Helianthus divaricatus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
NEBC: 01038588 Helianthus divaricatus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 01017128 Helianthus strumosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 01028826 Hieracium gronovii Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00833562 Hieracium paniculatum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879-8-11
NEBC: 01071562 Hieracium scabrum Michaux USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00833809 Hieracium scabrum Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 00637910 Inula helenium Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bristol: [no additional data] Thomas Hope 1917-8-19
NEBC: 00626430 Inula helenium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: [no additional data] Thomas Hope 1879-8-12
NEBC: 01017387 Iva frutescens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 01067837 Lactuca canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Barrington: Barrington Thomas Hope 1908-10-17
NEBC: 00718312 Matricaria discoidea de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00576040 Onopordum acanthium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-9-11
NEBC: 00576042 Onopordum acanthium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1919-7-4
NEBC: 00568872 Packera öve Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Rhode Island Chepachet Thomas Hope 1919-5-31
NEBC: 00568882 Packera öve Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 01037202 Pluchea odorata succulenta (Fernald) Cronquist USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 01037203 Pluchea odorata succulenta (Fernald) Cronquist USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-9-19
NEBC: 01066347 Pseudognaphalium macounii (Greene) Kartesz USA: Maine Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-9
NEBC: 01023752 Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-3
NEBC: 00637131 Rudbeckia hirta pulcherrima Farwell USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 126 1888
NEBC: 00637137 Rudbeckia hirta pulcherrima Farwell USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 50 1878
NEBC: 00734562 Sclerolepis uniflora (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Burrillville: Burrillville Thomas Hope 1909-10-29
NEBC: 00734564 Sclerolepis uniflora (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Burrillville: Burrillville Thomas Hope 1909-10-29
NEBC: 01079907 Sericocarpus asteroides (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 01054017 Solidago altissima Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol Thomas Hope 1910-9-5
NEBC: 01077515 Solidago caesia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 01077518 Solidago caesia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1907-10-26
NEBC: 01077520 Solidago caesia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
NEBC: 01054315 Solidago canadensis Linnaeus USA: Maine Carrying Place Thomas Hope 1916-9-13
NEBC: 01054877 Solidago juncea Aiton USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 01077787 Solidago macrophylla Pursh USA: New Hampshire Waterville Thomas Hope 1911-9-2
NEBC: 01063393 Solidago nemoralis Aiton USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 01063396 Solidago nemoralis Aiton USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-10-26
NEBC: 01063407 Solidago nemoralis Aiton USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1916-9-4
NEBC: 01064106 Solidago odora Aiton USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 01064452 Solidago puberula Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00501063 Solidago rugosa Miller USA: New Hampshire Asquam Lake Thomas Hope 1910-9-11
NEBC: 00501257 Solidago rugosa Miller USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 51 1879
NEBC: 00501299 Solidago rugosa Miller USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1916-9-15
NEBC: 00501301 Solidago rugosa Miller USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00501303 Solidago rugosa Miller USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 1909-10-3
NEBC: 01064641 Solidago sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 1909-10-3
NEBC: 01064651 Solidago sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1907-10-12
NEBC: 00637321 Sonchus arvensis Linnaeus USA: Vermont Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1917-8-17
NEBC: 00637322 Sonchus arvensis Linnaeus USA: Vermont Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1917-8-17
NEBC: 00719682 Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
NEBC: 01031379 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-8-26
NEBC: 01031381 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Pawtuxet Village Thomas Hope 1909-10-3
NEBC: 01031382 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-9-30
NEBC: 01031802 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Barrington: Barrington Thomas Hope 1908-10-17
NEBC: 00574679 Symphyotrichum patens (Aiton) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 01031723 Symphyotrichum puniceum (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Maine Little Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 01031724 Symphyotrichum puniceum (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Maine Carry Pond Trail Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 01014190 Symphyotrichum puniceum (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 1909-10-3
NEBC: 01014571 Symphyotrichum racemosum (Elliott) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1907-9-26
NEBC: 01016204 Symphyotrichum undulatum (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-9-20
NEBC: 01016207 Symphyotrichum undulatum (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 00718825 Tanacetum vulgare Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 00691877 Xanthium strumarium canadense (Miller) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-9-18
Athyriaceae NEBC: 00668835 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1914-7-31
NEBC: 00668847 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-9-25
Balsaminaceae NEBC: 00484301 Impatiens capensis Meerburgh USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 43 1879
NEBC: 00484352 Impatiens capensis Meerburgh USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1910-9-18
GH: 00484354 Impatiens capensis Meerburgh USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-9-18
Betulaceae NEBC: 00657868 Betula alleghaniensis Britton USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-5
NEBC: 00765658 Betula caerulea Blanch. (pro sp.) USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-12
NEBC: 00765660 Betula caerulea Blanch. (pro sp.) USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00634558 Betula lenta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
GH: 00634563 Betula lenta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
NEBC: 00634631 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00634632 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1909-9-8
NEBC: 00634634 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Maine Caratunk: Caratunk Thomas Hope 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00634792 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 246 1908-5-14
NEBC: 00634798 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 188 1908-9-26
NEBC: 00627564 Betula populifolia Marshall USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
GH: 00627567 Betula populifolia Marshall USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-4-17
NEBC: 00627568 Betula populifolia Marshall USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-4-17
NEBC: 00727360 Carpinus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1913-5-2
NEBC: 00727308 Carpinus caroliniana virginiana (Marsh.) Furlow USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-10-4
NEBC: 00727415 Corylus americana Walter USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-4-4
NEBC: 00727416 Corylus americana Walter USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1912-4-11
NEBC: 00727459 Corylus cornuta Marshall USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-11
NEBC: 00746024 Corylus cornuta Marshall USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-18
NEBC: 00746062 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Maine Caratunk: Caratunk Thomas Hope 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00746161 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-4-16
NEBC: 00746162 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
NEBC: 00746163 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
Boraginaceae NEBC: 00716871 Myosotis verna Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-24
Brassicaceae NEBC: 00712907 Barbarea stricta Andrzejowski USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-29
NEBC: 00593203 Brassica juncea (Linnaeus) Czernajew USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 144 1908-6-22
NEBC: 01023448 Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1908-8-28
NEBC: 00617303 Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 263 1908-5-17
NEBC: 00757685 Cardamine parviflora arenicola (Britton) O. E. Schulz USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-24
NEBC: 00582353 Lepidium densiflorum Schrader USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 01023886 Lepidium virginicum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnson Thomas Hope 1919-5-16
NEBC: 00580034 Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenninghausen) Reichenbach USA: Rhode Island Wickford Junction Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
NEBC: 00733309 Rorippa palustris hispida (Desvaux) Rydberg USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-4
NEBC: 00582563 Sinapis arvensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 567 1910-6-3
NEBC: 00582731 Sisymbrium altissimum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00602361 Thlaspi arvense Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1914-7-31
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00747239 Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michaux) Greene USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 127 1888
NEBC: 00747297 Chamaecrista nictitans (Linnaeus) Moench USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1916-8-24
NEBC: 00761891 Gleditsia triacanthos Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1908-6-7
NEBC: 00741419 Senna hebecarpa (Fernald) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1899
NEBC: 00741427 Senna hebecarpa (Fernald) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
Campanulaceae NEBC: 00698290 Campanula aparinoides Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00698293 Campanula aparinoides Pursh USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00698364 Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-8
NEBC: 00753116 Triodanis perfoliata (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Rhode Island Auburn Thomas Hope 1909-6-20
NEBC: 00753120 Triodanis perfoliata (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 00753121 Triodanis perfoliata (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-2
Caprifoliaceae NEBC: 00682097 Diervilla lonicera Miller USA: New Hampshire Ossipee: Ossipee Thomas Hope 1916-8-1
NEBC: 00633317 Linnaea borealis americana (Forbes) Rehder USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00633318 Linnaea borealis americana (Forbes) Rehder USA: Maine Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00682302 Lonicera canadensis Bartram ex Marsh. USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-11
NEBC: 00682786 Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hooker USA: Vermont Bristol: Bristol Thomas Hope 1917-8-15
GH: 00633489 Lonicera sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
NEBC: 00633493 Lonicera sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnson Thomas Hope 1912-7-13
NEBC: 00713936 Lonicera villosa (Michaux) Roemer & Schultes USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-20
NEBC: 00721160 Sambucus nigra canadensis (L.) R. Bolli USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-9-18
NEBC: 00702321 Viburnum acerifolium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
NEBC: 00579611 Viburnum dentatum lucidum Aiton USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00687886 Viburnum lantanoides Michaux USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-31
NEBC: 00702396 Viburnum lantanoides Michaux USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1909-9-4
NEBC: 00721599 Viburnum lantanoides Michaux USA: New Hampshire Jackson: Jackson Thomas Hope 1908-8-15
NEBC: 00702599 Viburnum lentago Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00558992 Viburnum nudum Linnaeus USA: Maine Waterford: Jewett Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-13
NEBC: 00558993 Viburnum nudum cassinoides (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Maine Rowe Pond Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00765091 Viburnum opulus trilobum (Marsh.) Clausen USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia Thomas Hope 1915-9-12
NEBC: 00691529 Viburnum opulus trilobum (Marsh.) Clausen USA: Maine Caratunk: Caratunk Thomas Hope 1909-9-14
Caryophyllaceae NEBC: 00564860 Cerastium fontanum vulgare (Hartman) Greuter & Burdet USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00698611 Honckenya peploides robusta (Fernald) Hultén USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1919-10-13
NEBC: 00700101 Minuartia groenlandica (Retzius) Ostenfeld USA: New Hampshire Jaffrey: Jaffrey Thomas Hope 1879-8-14
NEBC: 00755619 Moehringia lateriflora (Linnaeus) Fenzl USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1909-5-23
NEBC: 00612914 Sagina procumbens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1910-7-4
NEBC: 00602556 Saponaria officinalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-8
NEBC: 00602631 Scleranthus annuus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-12
NEBC: 00693067 Silene antirrhina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00602693 Silene dioica (Linnaeus) Clairville USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00693257 Spergularia canadensis (Persoon) G. Don USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1919-7-6
NEBC: 00693493 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 719 1921-8-13
NEBC: 00581612 Stellaria graminea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-6-17
NEBC: 00586074 Stellaria media (Linnaeus) Villars USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 217 1907-11-3
NEBC: 00586075 Stellaria media (Linnaeus) Villars USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1907-11-3
Celastraceae NEBC: 00295294 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Wilbur's Crossing Thomas Hope 1908-9-9
Ceratophyllaceae NEBC: 00834237 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-3
Chenopodiaceae NEBC: 00685970 Atriplex rosea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00561689 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-8-13
NEBC: 00561690 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-31
NEBC: 00754700 Salicornia bigelovii Torrey USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00754871 Salicornia depressa Standley USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00754875 Salicornia depressa Standley USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1919-10-13
NEBC: 00732479 Sarcocornia perennis USA: Rhode Island Prudence Island Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00732483 Sarcocornia perennis USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1919-7-6
NEBC: 00732582 Suaeda linearis (Elliott) Moquin-Tandon USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
Cistaceae NEBC: 00699416 Crocanthemum bicknellii (Fernald) Janchen USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00699674 Crocanthemum canadense (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Rhode Island Auburn Thomas Hope 1909-6-20
NEBC: 00699678 Crocanthemum canadense (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00750475 Hudsonia tomentosa Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1921-8-13
NEBC: 00750476 Hudsonia tomentosa Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1919-6-7
NEBC: 00757296 Lechea maritima Leggett ex Britton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-31
NEBC: 00757297 Lechea maritima Leggett ex Britton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-16
NEBC: 00757298 Lechea maritima Leggett ex Britton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-31
NEBC: 00757307 Lechea maritima Leggett ex Britton USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00757977 Lechea tenuifolia Michaux USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
Cladoniaceae NEBC: 00436296 Cladonia cristatella Tuckerman USA: Rhode Island Quonochontaug: [no additional data] Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00436457 Cladonia submitis A. Evans USA: Rhode Island Quonochontaug: [no additional data] Thomas Hope 1919-10-17
Commelinaceae NEBC: 00567728 Commelina communis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1908-7-19
NEBC: 00757813 Lechea mucronata (do not use) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
Convolvulaceae NEBC: 00714868 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-10-9
NEBC: 00714871 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00714878 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-9-25
NEBC: 00668541 Ipomoea hederifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1916-9-25
Cornaceae NEBC: 00629778 Cornus alternifolia Linnaeus f. USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-11
NEBC: 00629779 Cornus alternifolia Linnaeus f. USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-11
NEBC: 00767034 Cornus alternifolia Linnaeus f. USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1908-6-3
NEBC: 00773592 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Vermont Lake Dunmore Thomas Hope 1917-8-18
NEBC: 00767175 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-9-19
NEBC: 00767179 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 00760643 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00760644 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1916-9-9
NEBC: 00760648 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-10
NEBC: 00713147 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-31
NEBC: 00767353 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1908-5-24
NEBC: 00573551 Cornus racemosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 00672568 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: Maine Moscow: Moscow Thomas Hope 341 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00765443 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: Maine Moscow: Moscow Thomas Hope 1909-9-14
Crassulaceae GH: 01987856 Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamarck) Persoon : Bermuda: Warwick Thomas Hope 525 1911-3-30
NEBC: 00581949 Sedum acre Linnaeus USA: Maine Kennebunkport: Kennebunkport Thomas Hope 1914-9-5
NEBC: 00591483 Sedum telephium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
Cucurbitaceae NEBC: 00564001 Echinocystis lobata (Michaux) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1916-8-25
NEBC: 00564002 Echinocystis lobata (Michaux) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 312 1908-8-20
Cyperaceae NEBC: 00214002 Carex albicans Willdenow ex Sprengel USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Northwest corner of Smithfield Thomas Hope 1919-5-16
NEBC: 00218173 Carex blanda Dewey USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Spring Green Thomas Hope 1914-6-4
NEBC: 00221313 Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie ex Lunell USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Meshanticut Park Thomas Hope 1910-5-22
NEBC: 00221314 Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie ex Lunell USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Meshanticut Park Thomas Hope 1910-5-22
NEBC: 00222881 Carex comosa Boott USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Quonochontaug Thomas Hope 1920-7-25
NEBC: 00228176 Carex crawfordii Fernald USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Plantation: Jewett Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-13
NEBC: 00248387 Carex crinita Lamarck USA: Maine Caratunk: On North Pleasant Pond Mt. Thomas Hope 429 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00228480 Carex crinita Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Meshanticut Park Thomas Hope 1910-5-20
NEBC: 00248387 Carex crinita gynandra (Schweinitz) Schweinitz & Torrey USA: Maine Caratunk: On North Pleasant Pond Mt. Thomas Hope 429 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00248389 Carex crinita gynandra (Schweinitz) Schweinitz & Torrey USA: Maine Canada Road near Rome Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-10
NEBC: 00260099 Carex crinita gynandra (Schweinitz) Schweinitz & Torrey USA: Rhode Island Edgewood: The Dell Thomas Hope 1911-6-8
NEBC: 00242021 Carex echinata echinata USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Spring Green Thomas Hope 603 1910-6-26
NEBC: 00248387 Carex gynandra Schweinitz USA: Maine Caratunk: On North Pleasant Pond Mt. Thomas Hope 429 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00248389 Carex gynandra Schweinitz USA: Maine Canada Road near Rome Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-10
NEBC: 00260099 Carex gynandra Schweinitz USA: Rhode Island Edgewood: The Dell Thomas Hope 1911-6-8
NEBC: 00260846 Carex hormathodes Fernald USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Spring Green Thomas Hope 1910-6-26
NEBC: 00808650 Carex lurida Wahlenberg USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 430 1907-10-12
NEBC: 00717049 Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-20
NEBC: 00717056 Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-15
NEBC: 00854918 Carex pensylvanica Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1913-5-4
NEBC: 00854920 Carex pensylvanica Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1914-5-4
NEBC: 00802255 Carex scabrata Schweinitz USA: New Hampshire Waterville Thomas Hope 1912-8-30
NEBC: 00802527 Carex siccata Dewey USA: Rhode Island Greenville Thomas Hope 1914-5-19
NEBC: 00874212 Carex silicea Olney USA: Massachusetts Harwich: Harwich Thomas Hope 1912-7-21
NEBC: 00874248 Carex silicea Olney USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1910-7-4
NEBC: 00874253 Carex silicea Olney USA: Rhode Island South Kingston Thomas Hope 1910-7-4
NEBC: 00299595 Carex sp. USA: Rhode Island East Providence: State Line Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 01029926 Carex stricta Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-5-14
NEBC: 01029930 Carex stricta Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 01029936 Carex stricta Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 01029935 Carex stricta Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-6-26
NEBC: 00874873 Carex vestita Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1919-5-16
NEBC: 01043451 Carex vulpinoidea Michaux USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 01043452 Carex vulpinoidea Michaux USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope
NEBC: 01043453 Carex vulpinoidea Michaux USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 01061417 Cyperus grayi Torrey USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Green's Island Thomas Hope 1910-8-6
NEBC: 01042937 Cyperus lupulinus macilentus (Fernald) Marcks USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1921-8-13
NEBC: 01048313 Cyperus strigosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 01048316 Cyperus strigosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 1908
NEBC: 01048319 Cyperus strigosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-16
NEBC: 00680015 Eleocharis elliptica Kunth USA: Rhode Island Johnson Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
NEBC: 00766877 Eriophorum virginicum Linnaeus USA: Maine Little Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 00892827 Rhynchospora alba (Linnaeus) Vahl USA: Vermont Bristol: Bristol Thomas Hope 1917-8-13
NEBC: 01160410 Scirpus cyperinus (Linnaeus) Kunth USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-8-7
NEBC: 01160536 Scirpus expansus Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909
NEBC: 00808139 Scirpus maritimus ük. (A. Nelson) Kükenthal USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1920-7-24
NEBC: 00807442 Scirpus pungens Vahl USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 00807445 Scirpus pungens Vahl USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 425 1909
Dennstaedtiaceae NEBC: 00663152 Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michaux) T. Moore USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
Droseraceae NEBC: 00741654 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: Maine Rome: Rome Thomas Hope 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00741930 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 1877
NEBC: 00754346 Drosera rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 00754598 Drosera rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 9 1877
Dryopteridaceae NEBC: 00667531 Dryopteris campyloptera (Kunze) Clarkson USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-10
NEBC: 00666397 Dryopteris carthusiana (Villars) H. P. Fuchs USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-9-15
NEBC: 00704942 Dryopteris marginalis (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: New Hampshire Grafton: Grafton Thomas Hope 1910-9-11
Dysphaniaceae NEBC: 00610428 Dysphania ambrosioides (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-9-19
Equisetaceae NEBC: 00674472 Equisetum arvense Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-1
NEBC: 00654202 Equisetum sylvaticum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00654203 Equisetum sylvaticum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 1877
Ericaceae NEBC: 00707999 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1908-12-12
NEBC: 00726006 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-5-13
NEBC: 00448084 Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Plantation: Rowe Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-10
NEBC: 00448137 Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 00448279 Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1878-8-7
NEBC: 00461347 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 00461354 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Wilbur's Crossing Thomas Hope 1914-5-28
NEBC: 00484514 Kalmia angustifolia Linnaeus USA: Maine Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00553733 Monotropa uniflora Linnaeus USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 00553932 Monotropa uniflora Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Pomfret: Thomas Hope 37 1848
NEBC: 00775943 Rhododendron maximum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: South Kingstown Thomas Hope 1911-1-7
NEBC: 00770894 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 00463052 Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-5-14
NEBC: 00463088 Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Pocasset Thomas Hope 1914-5-19
NEBC: 00519839 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00519842 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-5-14
NEBC: 00519843 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
Eriocaulaceae NEBC: 00853111 Eriocaulon aquaticum (Hill) Druce USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-11
NEBC: 00855388 Eriocaulon aquaticum (Hill) Druce USA: Rhode Island Coventry: Coventry Thomas Hope 1907-9-1
Euphorbiaceae NEBC: 01069397 Acalypha rhomboidea Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-21
NEBC: 01069402 Acalypha rhomboidea Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-19
NEBC: 00712784 Chamaesyce maculata Gray USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-8-24
NEBC: 00712785 Chamaesyce maculata Gray USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-8-24
GH: 00712794 Chamaesyce maculata Gray USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1907-8-20
NEBC: 00699178 Chamaesyce polygonifolia (Linnaeus) Small USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-8-4
NEBC: 00699179 Chamaesyce polygonifolia (Linnaeus) Small USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1921-8-13
NEBC: 00699182 Chamaesyce polygonifolia (Linnaeus) Small USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1919-10-12
NEBC: 00699183 Chamaesyce polygonifolia (Linnaeus) Small USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-8-4
NEBC: 00578180 Euphorbia cyparissias Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-10-1
Fabaceae NEBC: 00562393 Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00747513 Apios americana Medikus USA: Massachusetts Provincetown: Provincetown Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 00747536 Apios americana Medikus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00747673 Baptisia tinctoria (Linnaeus) Ventenat USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-4-20
NEBC: 00747682 Baptisia tinctoria (Linnaeus) Ventenat USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00747852 Desmodium canadense (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 00711028 Desmodium canadense (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 136 1888
NEBC: 00711031 Desmodium canadense (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
NEBC: 00654470 Desmodium glutinosum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Alph. Wood USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879-8-11
NEBC: 00558516 Desmodium nudiflorum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 00558606 Desmodium nudiflorum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879-8-11
NEBC: 00711373 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-1-23
NEBC: 00711378 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00735768 Lathyrus japonicus pellitus Fernald USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1909-7-4
NEBC: 00639372 Lespedeza capitata Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-8-15
NEBC: 00639374 Lespedeza capitata Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-23
NEBC: 00711709 Lespedeza hirta Elliott USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00754062 Lespedeza stuevei Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-9-19
NEBC: 00639745 Lespedeza violacea (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
NEBC: 00739863 Lespedeza virginica (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-23
NEBC: 00534400 Medicago lupulina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
NEBC: 00534412 Medicago lupulina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 121 1888
GH: 02130015 Medicago sativa Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] Thomas Hope 1911-6-22
NEBC: 00591676 Melilotus albus Medikus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00564591 Melilotus officinalis (Linnaeus) Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Tiverton: Tiverton Thomas Hope 1910-6-16
NEBC: 00578354 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 277 1908-6-7
GH: 00578355 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 493 1910-6-5
NEBC: 00739967 Strophostyles helvola (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1907-10-7
NEBC: 00739969 Strophostyles helvola (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1907
NEBC: 00739972 Strophostyles helvola (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1916-9-4
NEBC: 00739974 Strophostyles helvola (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1916-9-4
NEBC: 00739977 Strophostyles helvola (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00586297 Trifolium aureum Pollich USA: Massachusetts Douglas: Douglas Thomas Hope 1909-7-8
Fagaceae NEBC: 00746196 Fagus grandifolia Ehrhart USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-12
NEBC: 00746197 Fagus grandifolia Ehrhart USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-11
NEBC: 00662246 Quercus alba Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00567300 Quercus bicolor Willdenow USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00695125 Quercus coccinea Münchhausen USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
NEBC: 00695130 Quercus coccinea Münchhausen USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00662646 Quercus ilicifolia Wangenheim USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00662848 Quercus montana Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Burrillville: Burrillville Thomas Hope 1909-10-10
NEBC: 00695831 Quercus prinoides Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 309 1909-10-10
NEBC: 00695835 Quercus prinoides Willdenow USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00622823 Quercus robur Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1914-6-4
NEBC: 00676560 Quercus rubra Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Squam Lake Thomas Hope 1910-9-11
NEBC: 00716215 Quercus stellata Wangenheim USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1908-6-3
NEBC: 00716216 Quercus stellata Wangenheim USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1908-6-3
Geastraceae NEBC: 00456448 Geastrum sp. USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Spring Green Thomas Hope 1914-6-4
Gentianaceae NEBC: 00726695 Gentiana clausa Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-9-13
NEBC: 00717296 Sabatia stellaris Pursh USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1919-10-13
Geraniaceae NEBC: 01068399 Geranium maculatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1909-5-23
NEBC: 01070572 Geranium robertianum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
Haloragaceae NEBC: 01028633 Proserpinaca palustris crebra Fernald & Griscom USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1904-10-9
Hamamelidaceae NEBC: 00649030 Hamamelis virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1912-4-11
NEBC: 00683366 Liquidambar styraciflua Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-9-30
Hydrocharitaceae NEBC: 01047593 Elodea canadensis Michaux USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-8-30
NEBC: 01047594 Elodea canadensis Michaux USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-3
NEBC: 00635040 Elodea nuttallii (Planchon) H. St. John USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
Hypericaceae NEBC: 00660905 Hypericum canadense Linnaeus USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 00774274 Hypericum canadense Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00504623 Hypericum gentianoides (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Riverside Thomas Hope 1907-9-7
NEBC: 00629117 Hypericum mutilum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00629118 Hypericum mutilum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00629119 Hypericum mutilum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1914-7-31
NEBC: 00685480 Hypericum perforatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-5-28
NEBC: 00685483 Hypericum perforatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1907-10-26
NEBC: 00774744 Hypericum punctatum Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00760115 Triadenum virginicum (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-8-28
NEBC: 00760119 Triadenum virginicum (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-23
Hypoxidaceae NEBC: 00485945 Hypoxis hirsuta (Linnaeus) Coville USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-22
NEBC: 00485959 Hypoxis hirsuta (Linnaeus) Coville USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 34 1878
Iridaceae NEBC: 00463457 Iris prismatica Pursh USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Quanochontaug Thomas Hope 1920-7-24
NEBC: 01044522 Iris versicolor Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 153 1908-6-7
Isoetaceae NEBC: 00668070 Isoetes lacustris Linnaeus USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
Juglandaceae NEBC: 00622834 Juglans nigra Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
Juncaceae NEBC: 01174838 Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelmann) Fernald USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
NEBC: 01175998 Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-10-9
NEBC: 01175992 Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-8-7
NEBC: 00835986 Juncus effusus solutus Fernald & Wiegand USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00859259 Juncus gerardii Loiseleur-Deslongchamps USA: Rhode Island Tiverton: Tiverton Thomas Hope 1910-6-16
NEBC: 01045674 Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-28
NEBC: 01045681 Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman USA: Rhode Island Greens Island Thomas Hope 1910-8-6
NEBC: 00859617 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
NEBC: 00878826 Juncus pelocarpus E. Meyer USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00878907 Juncus pylaei Laharpe USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-23
NEBC: 01182388 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1903-7-23
NEBC: 01182394 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1911-7-23
NEBC: 00880277 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00880281 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
NEBC: 00880282 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00880283 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-5-8
NEBC: 00880293 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
Juncaginaceae NEBC: 00684146 Triglochin maritima Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-6-26
Lamiaceae NEBC: 00696477 Collinsonia canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1914-7-31
NEBC: 00685097 Galeopsis bifida Boenninghausen USA: New Hampshire Moultonborough: Moultonborough Thomas Hope 1916-7-30
NEBC: 00685100 Galeopsis bifida Boenninghausen USA: New Hampshire Waterville Thomas Hope 1912-8-30
NEBC: 00685029 Galeopsis tetrahit Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Waterville Thomas Hope 1912-8-30
NEBC: 00562663 Glechoma hederacea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 2008-5-3
NEBC: 00505896 Hedeoma pulegioides (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1907-11-8
NEBC: 00558368 Leonurus cardiaca Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 00558369 Leonurus cardiaca Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
NEBC: 00558377 Leonurus cardiaca Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Buttonwoods Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00658541 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
NEBC: 00658553 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1920-7-24
NEBC: 00658866 Lycopus uniflorus Michaux USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-24
NEBC: 00658992 Lycopus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-8-30
NEBC: 01018282 Mentha canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00611512 Mentha piperita Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1908-10-4
NEBC: 00591110 Prunella vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00751907 Prunella vulgaris lanceolata (W. P. C. Barton) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00648669 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-8-15
NEBC: 00648685 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1916-9-4
NEBC: 00612581 Pycnanthemum verticillatum (Michaux) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00686511 Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00762446 Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 00762447 Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00762448 Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-8
NEBC: 00762452 Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-14
NEBC: 00762453 Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-8-7
NEBC: 00762455 Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-14
NEBC: 00525070 Teucrium canadense Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence Island Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00686631 Trichostema dichotomum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1907-9-7
Lauraceae NEBC: 00505103 Lindera benzoin (Linnaeus) Blume USA: Rhode Island Spring Green Thomas Hope 1910-9-25
NEBC: 00505101 Lindera benzoin (Linnaeus) Blume USA: Rhode Island Spring Green Thomas Hope 1908-4-26
NEBC: 00683167 Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees USA: Rhode Island Pocasset Thomas Hope 1914-5-19
NEBC: 00683168 Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00683169 Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00683172 Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
NEBC: 00683184 Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1919-5-16
NEBC: 00683187 Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1907-10-5
Lentibulariaceae NEBC: 00664405 Utricularia radiata Small USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
Liliaceae NEBC: 00817158 Aletris farinosa Linnaeus USA: Connecticut West Thompson Thomas Hope 1878-6-13
NEBC: 00560344 Clintonia borealis (Aiton) Rafinesque USA: Maine Rowe Pond Thomas Hope 406 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00560645 Clintonia borealis (Aiton) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Chepachet Thomas Hope 1919-5-20
NEBC: 00880682 Erythronium americanum Ker Gawler USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: South Kingstown Thomas Hope 1908-5-9
NEBC: 00673404 Lilium canadense Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00880821 Lilium philadelphicum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 116 1888
NEBC: 01030012 Lilium superbum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
NEBC: 00868260 Maianthemum racemosum (Linnaeus) Link USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-24
NEBC: 00868263 Maianthemum racemosum (Linnaeus) Link USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland Thomas Hope 1877
NEBC: 01182964 Maianthemum stellatum (Linnaeus) Link USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-5-21
NEBC: 00868625 Polygonatum pubescens (Willdenow) Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-24
GH: 00575998 Trillium cernuum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00575999 Trillium cernuum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00810398 Trillium undulatum Willdenow USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope 1909-9-12
NEBC: 00810679 Trillium undulatum Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-20
NEBC: 00869823 Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1909-5-23
NEBC: 00869824 Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-15
NEBC: 00869940 Veratrum viride Aiton USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1914-5-28
NEBC: 02284622 Veratrum viride Aiton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Washington Pond, Edgewood Thomas Hope 1914
Linaceae NEBC: 00712279 Linum medium texanum (Planchon) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1920-8-15
NEBC: 00712281 Linum medium texanum (Planchon) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1916-9-4
NEBC: 00712284 Linum medium texanum (Planchon) Fernald USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
Lobeliaceae NEBC: 00820759 Lobelia cardinalis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1898-8-4
NEBC: 00820772 Lobelia cardinalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-8-23
NEBC: 00820773 Lobelia cardinalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-8-23
NEBC: 00820782 Lobelia cardinalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 133 1888
NEBC: 00820885 Lobelia dortmanna Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Thomas Hope 2009-8-29
NEBC: 00820886 Lobelia dortmanna Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Whittons Pond Thomas Hope 1909-8-29
NEBC: 00698903 Lobelia inflata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879-8-11
NEBC: 00698940 Lobelia inflata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1907-9-26
Lycopodiaceae NEBC: 00647746 Dendrolycopodium dendroideum (Michaux) A. Haines USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-16
NEBC: 00647747 Dendrolycopodium dendroideum (Michaux) A. Haines USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 00647752 Dendrolycopodium dendroideum (Michaux) A. Haines USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 00214857 Diphasiastrum tristachyum (Pursh) Holub USA: Maine Rowe Pond, Pleasant Plantation Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 00743674 Huperzia lucidula (Michaux) Trevisan USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-5
NEBC: 00743677 Huperzia lucidula (Michaux) Trevisan USA: Maine Carrying Place Thomas Hope 1910
NEBC: 00720853 Lycopodium clavatum Linnaeus USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00720855 Lycopodium clavatum Linnaeus USA: Maine Caratunk: Caratunk Thomas Hope 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00720860 Lycopodium clavatum Linnaeus USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00742293 Spinulum annotinum (Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00742298 Spinulum annotinum (Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00632338 Spinulum canadense (Nessel) A. Haines USA: Maine Caratunk: Caratunk Thomas Hope 2009-9-14
Lythraceae NEBC: 01069496 Decodon verticillatus (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 209 1907-8-23
NEBC: 01069498 Decodon verticillatus (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket Thomas Hope 1907-8-23
NEBC: 00576271 Lythrum salicaria Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
Malvaceae NEBC: 00660476 Hibiscus moscheutos Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Narragansett: Narragansett Thomas Hope 1909-8-23
NEBC: 00761425 Malva alcea Linnaeus USA: Connecticut West Thompson Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 00761526 Malva moschata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00761442 Malva moschata Linnaeus USA: Maine Denmark: Denmark Thomas Hope 1919-8-12
Marchantiaceae NEBC: 00506554 Marchantia polymorpha Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: [data not captured] Thomas Hope 1911-8-14
NEBC: 00506558 Marchantia polymorpha Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: [data not captured] Thomas Hope 1911-8-14
NEBC: 00506566 Marchantia polymorpha Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: [no additional data] Thomas Hope 1910-10-1
Melastomataceae NEBC: 01072255 Rhexia virginica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
Moraceae NEBC: 00761853 Morus alba Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Elmwood Thomas Hope 1912-10-6
Myricaceae NEBC: 00563476 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00563478 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Rhode Island Warwick Neck Thomas Hope 494 1910-6-5
NEBC: 00563925 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Maine Thomas Hope 2009-9-11
NEBC: 00563926 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Maine Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00565273 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Allendale: Thomas Hope 1908-5-1
Neckeraceae NEBC: 00847012 Neckera pennata Hedwig USA: Rhode Island [no additional data] Thomas Hope 232
Oleaceae NEBC: 00602086 Fraxinus americana Linnaeus USA: Maine Caratunk: Caratunk Thomas Hope 1909-9-14
NEBC: 00593625 Fraxinus americana Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Waterville Thomas Hope 1912-9-2
NEBC: 00602258 Fraxinus americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1919-5-16
Onagraceae NEBC: 01039390 Chamaenerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 01039520 Chamaenerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Rhode Island Auburn Thomas Hope 1909-6-20
NEBC: 01039521 Chamaenerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Rhode Island Auburn Thomas Hope 1909-6-20
NEBC: 01073671 Circaea canadensis canadensis (Linnaeus) Hill USA: Vermont Lake Dunmore Thomas Hope 1917-8-18
NEBC: 01074541 Circaea sterilis Boufford USA: Vermont Lake Dunmore Thomas Hope 1917-8-18
NEBC: 01074590 Epilobium ciliatum Rafinesque USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 01074591 Epilobium ciliatum Rafinesque USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-13
NEBC: 01074592 Epilobium ciliatum Rafinesque USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-9
NEBC: 01041071 Epilobium coloratum Biehler USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-8-7
NEBC: 01041072 Epilobium coloratum Biehler USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 01041083 Epilobium coloratum Biehler USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1910-8-14
NEBC: 01041088 Epilobium coloratum Biehler USA: Connecticut Woodstock: S. [South] Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878-8-21
NEBC: 00573893 Ludwigia alternifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood: Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00745946 Ludwigia palustris (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-9-4
NEBC: 00707737 Ludwigia polycarpa Short & R. Peter USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907
NEBC: 00816133 Oenothera oakesiana (A. Gray) J. W. Robbins ex S. Watson USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1877
NEBC: 00568603 Oenothera perennis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Auburn Thomas Hope 1909-6-20
NEBC: 00568621 Oenothera perennis Linnaeus USA: Connecticut West Thompson Thomas Hope 1878
Ophioglossaceae NEBC: 00654866 Botrychium dissectum Sprengel USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00654868 Botrychium dissectum Sprengel USA: Rhode Island Wenscott Reservoir Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
Orchidaceae NEBC: 00463658 Arethusa bulbosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1877
NEBC: 00834308 Coeloglossum viride bracteata (Muhlenberg) Grey USA: Maine Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 00462007 Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: New Hampshire Albany: Mt. Chocorua Thomas Hope 1916-8-2
NEBC: 01021241 Goodyera pubescens (Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-18
NEBC: 01016401 Goodyera tesselata Loddiges USA: Maine Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-10
NEBC: 01016465 Goodyera tesselata Loddiges USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 01062023 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: Maine Rowe Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 01062312 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
NEBC: 00462826 Platanthera lacera (Michaux) G. Don USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00462586 Platanthera lacera (Michaux) G. Don USA: New Hampshire Holderness: Holderness Thomas Hope 1916-7-28
NEBC: 00462803 Platanthera lacera (Michaux) G. Don USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879-8-11
NEBC: 00462841 Platanthera lacera (Michaux) G. Don USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878-7-23
NEBC: 01056266 Platanthera orbiculata (Pursh) Lindley USA: New Hampshire Ossipee: Ossipee Thomas Hope 1916-7-31
NEBC: 00462994 Platanthera psycodes (Linnaeus) Lindley USA: New Hampshire Holderness: Holderness Thomas Hope 1916-7-28
NEBC: 00569900 Pogonia ophioglossoides (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: Massachusetts Douglas: Douglas Thomas Hope 1909-7-8
NEBC: 01063173 Spiranthes lacera (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879-8-11
NEBC: 01063695 Spiranthes lacera gracilis (Bigelow) Luer USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 01063703 Spiranthes lacera gracilis (Bigelow) Luer USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 01063704 Spiranthes lacera gracilis (Bigelow) Luer USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 128 1888
NEBC: 01008514 Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamisso USA: Maine Carrying Place Thomas Hope 1906-9-12
Orobanchaceae NEBC: 00645551 Agalinis paupercula (A. Gray) Britton USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00561491 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-23
NEBC: 00561492 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00733409 Castilleja coccinea (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1903-5-30
NEBC: 00733410 Castilleja coccinea (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Connecticut West Thompson Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 00630666 Epifagus virginiana (Linnaeus) W. P. C. Barton USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-9
NEBC: 00630720 Epifagus virginiana (Linnaeus) W. P. C. Barton USA: New Hampshire Waterville Thomas Hope 1911-9-5
NEBC: 00630908 Melampyrum lineare Desrousseaux USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-9
NEBC: 00731194 Melampyrum lineare Desrousseaux USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1908-6-3
NEBC: 00731347 Orobanche uniflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Foster: Foster Thomas Hope 1921
NEBC: 00731356 Orobanche uniflora Linnaeus USA: Connecticut South Woodstock Thomas Hope 1908-5-31
NEBC: 00502154 Pedicularis canadensis praeclara A. H. Moore USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope
Osmundaceae GH: 00639828 Osmunda claytoniana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
GH: 00772011 Osmunda claytoniana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
NEBC: 00639829 Osmunda claytoniana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00772057 Osmunda regalis spectabilis (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-9-25
NEBC: 00772064 Osmunda regalis spectabilis (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 658 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00631034 Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
Oxalidaceae NEBC: 01070179 Oxalis USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 01071283 Oxalis montana Rafinesque USA: Vermont Mount Lincoln Thomas Hope 1917-8-13
NEBC: 01067448 Oxalis stricta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-1
Papaveraceae NEBC: 00669960 Corydalis sempervirens (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Gloucester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00669962 Corydalis sempervirens (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 279 1908-5-24
NEBC: 00669963 Corydalis sempervirens (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland Thomas Hope 23 1878
NEBC: 00578658 Glaucium flavum Crantz USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1921-7-2
NEBC: 00578654 Glaucium flavum Crantz USA: Rhode Island Prudence Island: Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
Parnassiaceae NEBC: 01078941 Parnassia glauca Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 129 1888
Penthoraceae NEBC: 01067023 Penthorum sedoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1914-7-31
NEBC: 01067024 Penthorum sedoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 183 1908-9-26
Phytolaccaceae NEBC: 00755315 Phytolacca americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-24
NEBC: 00755322 Phytolacca americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1909-7-31
Pinaceae NEBC: 00230645 Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch USA: Maine Rome Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-8
NEBC: 00230840 Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch USA: Rhode Island Glocester: In Bowdish Reservoir Thomas Hope 1919-5-29
NEBC: 00231042 Picea mariana (Miller) Brittan, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Bowdish Reservoir Thomas Hope 1919-5-20
NEBC: 00576536 Pinus resinosa Aiton USA: Maine Rome Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 00629460 Pinus strobus Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Jackman Thomas Hope 1908-8-15
Plantaginaceae GH: 00745215 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-5-8
NEBC: 00736700 Chelone glabra Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00502200 Gratiola aurea Muhlenberg USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-9
NEBC: 00502432 Gratiola aurea Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Coventry: Coventry Thomas Hope 1907-9-1
NEBC: 00691356 Linaria vulgaris Miller USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1907-10-23
NEBC: 00650277 Nuttallanthus canadensis (Linnaeus) D. A. Sutton USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908
NEBC: 00582156 Plantago aristata Michaux USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1911-7-21
NEBC: 00617146 Plantago lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00617996 Plantago major Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Edgewood Thomas Hope 1908-7-27
NEBC: 00650655 Plantago maritima juncoides (Lamarck) A. Gray USA: Maine Kennebunkport: Kennebunkport Thomas Hope 1915-9-5
NEBC: 00670203 Plantago maritima juncoides (Lamarck) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1919-7-6
NEBC: 00670386 Plantago rugelii Decaisne USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-27
NEBC: 00655379 Veronica longifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
NEBC: 00656871 Veronica officinalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00561881 Veronica peregrina xalapensis (Kunth) Pennell USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-17
NEBC: 00745377 Veronica scutellata Linnaeus USA: Maine Madison: Madison Thomas Hope 1919-8-16
Plumbaginaceae NEBC: 00670066 Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 117 1888
Poaceae NEBC: 00878075 Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 637 1911-6-4
NEBC: 01175518 Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuckerman USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-8
NEBC: 00622571 Alopecurus pratensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Spring Green Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00689758 Ammophila breviligulata Fernald USA: Maine Kennebunkport: Kennebunkport Thomas Hope 1914-9-5
NEBC: 00635202 Andropogon virginicus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol Thomas Hope 1910-9-5
NEBC: 00622738 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Pocasset Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
NEBC: 00622745 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
NEBC: 00622747 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00622751 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Spring Green Thomas Hope 1913-5-4
NEBC: 00622749 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Buttonwoods Thomas Hope 1910-5-29
NEBC: 00609725 Avena sativa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-31
NEBC: 00609855 Bromus secalinus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1913-6-26
NEBC: 00611570 Bromus tectorum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00611574 Bromus tectorum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-6-5
NEBC: 00635590 Cenchrus longispinus (Hackel) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00635591 Cenchrus longispinus (Hackel) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 714 1921-8-13
NEBC: 00878255 Cinna arundinacea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-17
NEBC: 00878256 Cinna arundinacea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-17
NEBC: 00609337 Dactylis glomerata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1910-5-26
NEBC: 00705999 Dichanthelium acuminatum implicatum (Scribner) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Rhode Island Portsmouth: Portsmouth Thomas Hope 1916-9-4
NEBC: 00764875 Dichanthelium clandestinum (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00855100 Dichanthelium latifolium (Linnaeus) Harvill USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
NEBC: 00609601 Digitaria sanguinalis (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1908-7-21
NEBC: 00864370 Distichlis spicata (Linnaeus) Greene USA: Rhode Island Prudence Island Thomas Hope 1919-9-4
NEBC: 00613023 Echinochloa crus-galli (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1907
NEBC: 01151382 Echinochloa muricata microstachya Wiegand USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 441 1908-7-30
NEBC: 00594652 Elymus repens (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1913-6-25
NEBC: 00594653 Elymus repens (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1913-7-27
NEBC: 00880480 Elymus riparius Wiegand USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-4
NEBC: 00863273 Elymus villosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1911-7-23
NEBC: 00863529 Elymus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-17
NEBC: 00863531 Elymus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00863534 Elymus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00863535 Elymus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1911-8-10
NEBC: 00864535 Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steudel USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-24
NEBC: 00864536 Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steudel USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-24
NEBC: 00859938 Glyceria canadensis (Michaux) Trinius USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-8
NEBC: 00859941 Glyceria canadensis (Michaux) Trinius USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-16
NEBC: 01149155 Glyceria melicaria (Michx.) F.T. Hubbard USA: Maine Little Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 01149451 Glyceria obtusa (Muhlenberg) Trinius USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-8
NEBC: 01149452 Glyceria obtusa (Muhlenberg) Trinius USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-8-30
NEBC: 01148146 Glyceria septentrionalis Hitchcock USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
NEBC: 01149638 Glyceria striata (Lamarck) Hitchcock USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1912-7-4
NEBC: 00613842 Holcus lanatus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: South Kingstown Thomas Hope 1910-7-4
NEBC: 00817667 Leersia oryzoides (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-30
NEBC: 00817731 Leersia virginica Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-17
NEBC: 00864572 Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poiret) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-10-1
NEBC: 00864573 Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poiret) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-9-9
NEBC: 01174148 Muhlenbergia uniflora (Muhlenberg) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00855561 Panicum virgatum spissum Linder USA: Rhode Island Narragansett: Narragansett Thomas Hope 1911-7-23
NEBC: 00855565 Panicum virgatum spissum Linder USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00722370 Paspalum setaceum psammophilum (Nash) D. Banks USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00853627 Paspalum setaceum muehlenbergii (Nash) D. Banks USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 732 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00606049 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel USA: Rhode Island Quonoehontaug Thomas Hope 1920-7-24
NEBC: 01148558 Poa palustris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00583779 Poa pratensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-26
NEBC: 00583788 Poa pratensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1914-6-4
NEBC: 00680956 Schizachyrium scoparium (Michaux) Nash USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-23
NEBC: 00680959 Schizachyrium scoparium (Michaux) Nash USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-24
NEBC: 00598060 Secale cereale Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1912-6-24
NEBC: 00614110 Setaria italica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Maine South Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 00614111 Setaria italica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-11
NEBC: 00598174 Setaria italica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1908-7-27
NEBC: 00598310 Setaria pumila (Poiret) Roemer & Schultes USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-27
NEBC: 00598357 Setaria verticillata (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 681 1921-8-22
NEBC: 00614330 Setaria viridis (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-22
NEBC: 00598114 Triticum aestivum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1913-6-26
NEBC: 00863893 Zizania aquatica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-7
NEBC: 00863894 Zizania aquatica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-7
NEBC: 00863895 Zizania aquatica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-30
Polygalaceae NEBC: 00558262 Polygala paucifolia Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-20
NEBC: 00752138 Polygala sanguinea Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879
NEBC: 00711136 Polygala sanguinea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-10-9
NEBC: 00752181 Polygala sanguinea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 130 1888
NEBC: 00503073 Polygala verticillata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope
Polygonaceae NEBC: 00642571 Polygonella articulata (Linnaeus) Meisner USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-10-3
NEBC: 00642579 Polygonella articulata (Linnaeus) Meisner USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1919-10-12
NEBC: 00762260 Polygonum amphibium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
NEBC: 00686483 Polygonum arifolium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-9-7
NEBC: 00749573 Polygonum aviculare aviculare Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-26
NEBC: 00762800 Polygonum cilinode Michaux USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1979-8-11
NEBC: 00630393 Polygonum coccineum Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1911-8-8
NEBC: 00630394 Polygonum coccineum Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1921-10-8
NEBC: 00759122 Polygonum convolvulus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1909-8-13
NEBC: 00664303 Polygonum hydropiper Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1910-8-30
NEBC: 00664305 Polygonum hydropiper Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1908-10-10
NEBC: 00552651 Polygonum persicaria Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood: Thomas Hope 1908-6-18
NEBC: 00645986 Polygonum prolificum (Small) B. L. Robinson USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00729057 Polygonum punctatum confertiflorum (Meisner) Fassett USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1911-8-14
NEBC: 00729064 Polygonum punctatum confertiflorum (Meisner) Fassett USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1919-10-12
NEBC: 00736772 Polygonum sagittatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-20
NEBC: 00736780 Polygonum sagittatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1907-10-5
NEBC: 00664843 Polygonum scandens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 00501922 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1910-5-28
NEBC: 00501927 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00759655 Rumex obtusifolius Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1913-6-25
NEBC: 00759656 Rumex obtusifolius Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 3 1913-6-25
NEBC: 00759657 Rumex obtusifolius Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1 1913-6-25
NEBC: 00765183 Rumex triangulivalvis (Danser) K. H. Rechinger USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
Polypodiaceae NEBC: 00658316 Polypodium virginianum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1910-10-9
Pontederiaceae NEBC: 00864174 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: Vermont Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1848
NEBC: 00764380 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-7-31
Primulaceae NEBC: 00563537 Lysimachia nummularia Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Holderness: Holderness Thomas Hope 1916-7-28
Ranunculaceae NEBC: 00561899 Actaea pachypoda Elliott USA: Maine Caratunk: Caratunk Thomas Hope 338 1909-9-14
GH: 00562181 Actaea pachypoda Elliott USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00572153 Anemone quinquefolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-2
NEBC: 00572162 Anemone quinquefolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00753892 Anemone virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1914-7-31
NEBC: 00753895 Anemone virginiana Linnaeus USA: Connecticut West Thompson Thomas Hope 1878-7-16
NEBC: 00485481 Aquilegia canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00485489 Aquilegia canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Edgewood Thomas Hope 1909-5-14
NEBC: 00866729 Caltha palustris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-2
NEBC: 00866734 Caltha palustris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1908-4-26
NEBC: 00575782 Clematis virginiana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00575825 Clematis virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 125 1888
NEBC: 00553399 Coptis trifolia (Linnaeus) Salisbury USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00866833 Hepatica americana (de Candolle) Ker Gawler USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-18
NEBC: 01020556 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-2
NEBC: 01020558 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00831167 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00485798 Ranunculus acris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00517422 Ranunculus bulbosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00692432 Ranunculus flammula Linnaeus USA: Maine Bridgton: Bridgton Thomas Hope 1908-8-9
NEBC: 00719279 Ranunculus recurvatus Poiret USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00832657 Thalictrum thalictroides (Linnaeus) A. J. Eames & B. Boivin USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1909-5-23
Rosaceae NEBC: 00649992 Agrimonia striata Michaux USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 1879-8-11
NEBC: 00519038 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope
NEBC: 00519051 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1910-4-17
NEBC: 00519057 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Rhode Island Quonochoutaug Thomas Hope 1919-10-12
NEBC: 00743881 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Vermont Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1917-8-22
NEBC: 00740551 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Rhode Island Pocasset Thomas Hope 1910-4-16
NEBC: 00738603 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Burrillville: Burrillville Thomas Hope 1909-10-29
NEBC: 00738610 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-22
NEBC: 00744098 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00644166 Comarum palustre Linnaeus USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-11
NEBC: 00688015 Dalibarda repens Linnaeus USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope 1909-9-5
NEBC: 00688112 Dalibarda repens Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Pequawket Thomas Hope 1909-8-29
NEBC: 00659986 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-5-8
NEBC: 00659989 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-1
NEBC: 00659991 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00724488 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00565502 Geum rivale Linnaeus USA: Maine Carrying Place Township: Thomas Hope 1916-9-12
NEBC: 00710777 Potentilla canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1908-5-2
NEBC: 00756339 Potentilla fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydberg USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878-8-13
NEBC: 00561292 Potentilla norvegica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Auburn Thomas Hope 1909-6-20
NEBC: 00561306 Potentilla norvegica Linnaeus USA: Connecticut West Thompson Thomas Hope 29 1843
NEBC: 00441220 Potentilla tridentata Aiton USA: New Hampshire Mount Chocorua Thomas Hope 1916-8-2
NEBC: 00703489 Prunus avium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-5-8
NEBC: 00669293 Prunus maritima Marshall USA: Rhode Island Westerly: Westerly Thomas Hope 1910-8-21
NEBC: 00740044 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Rhode Island Greenville Thomas Hope 1914-5-19
NEBC: 00740045 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-20
NEBC: 00740210 Prunus serotina Ehrhart USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-6-5
NEBC: 00742846 Prunus susquehanae Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1919-5-16
NEBC: 00738266 Prunus virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00653674 Rosa palustris Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00562982 Rosa rugosa Thunberg USA: Rhode Island Providence Island Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00758995 Rubus flagellaris Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00651439 Rubus occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00641473 Rubus pubescens Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00709981 Sorbus americana Marshall USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-5
NEBC: 00747032 Sorbus aucuparia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-5-14
NEBC: 00659536 Spiraea latifolia (Aiton) Borkhausen USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1877
NEBC: 00659544 Spiraea latifolia (Aiton) Borkhausen USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1888
NEBC: 00659550 Spiraea latifolia (Aiton) Borkhausen USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878
NEBC: 00710295 Spiraea tomentosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00710304 Spiraea tomentosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 132 1888
Rubiaceae NEBC: 00614387 Cephalanthus occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Connecticut West Thompson Thomas Hope 33 1878
NEBC: 00503728 Galium asprellum Michaux USA: Rhode Island The Dell Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00558481 Galium circaezans Michaux USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Wilbur's Crossing Thomas Hope 1914-7-31
NEBC: 00698022 Galium palustre Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-6-17
NEBC: 00732708 Galium tinctorium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1908-6-17
NEBC: 00650800 Mitchella repens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-24
NEBC: 00650806 Mitchella repens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 458 1910-6-26
Rutaceae NEBC: 01070793 Zanthoxylum americanum Miller USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 01070794 Zanthoxylum americanum Miller USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-5-14
Salicaceae NEBC: 00659795 Populus balsamifera Linnaeus USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-9
NEBC: 00688399 Populus balsamifera Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-5-14
NEBC: 00688510 Populus grandidentata Michaux USA: Maine Northwest Somerset Thomas Hope 1916-9-12
NEBC: 00724194 Populus grandidentata Michaux USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-18
NEBC: 00771838 Populus jackii Sargent USA: Rhode Island North Kingstown: North Kingstown Thomas Hope 1908-6-3
NEBC: 00724252 Populus tremuloides Michaux USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope 1909-9-8
NEBC: 00644266 Salix conifera Wangenheim USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-10
NEBC: 00644346 Salix discolor Muhlenberg USA: Maine Rowe Thomas Hope 1909-9-8
NEBC: 00756930 Salix discolor Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-4-10
NEBC: 00756931 Salix discolor Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00441710 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-4-10
NEBC: 00769774 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-4-21
NEBC: 00769775 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00441711 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-9-18
NEBC: 00441712 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-5-1
NEBC: 00769333 Salix humilis Marshall USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-5-14
NEBC: 00769492 Salix humilis tristis (Aiton) Griggs USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
Santalaceae NEBC: 00575480 Comandra umbellata (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 2004-5-26
NEBC: 00575484 Comandra umbellata (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: North Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
Sarraceniaceae NEBC: 00232086 Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Thomas Hope 14 1877
Saxifragaceae NEBC: 01008265 Chrysosplenium americanum Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 151 1908-5-2
NEBC: 00730530 Ribes americanum Miller USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 265 1908-5-14
NEBC: 00665342 Ribes hirtellum Michaux USA: Maine Carrying Place Thomas Hope 1916-9-12
NEBC: 00730850 Ribes lacustre Poiret USA: Maine Little Carry Trail Thomas Hope 1910-9-11
NEBC: 00575159 Saxifraga virginiensis Michaux USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00575154 Saxifraga virginiensis Michaux USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 2008-5-2
Scrophulariaceae NEBC: 00678817 Mimulus ringens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton Thomas Hope 89 1879-8-11
NEBC: 00678848 Mimulus ringens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
ECON: 00630303 Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh USA: Maine Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-9
NEBC: 00630304 Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh USA: Maine Carry Pond Thomas Hope 1916-9-9
NEBC: 00505280 Verbascum thapsus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Hope Island Thomas Hope 1911-5-30
NEBC: 00505283 Verbascum thapsus Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Woodstock: Woodstock Thomas Hope 1878
Selaginellaceae NEBC: 00632659 Selaginella apoda (Linnaeus) C. Morren USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1921-8-10
Simaroubaceae NEBC: 00580474 Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-10-1
Smilacaceae NEBC: 01049145 Smilax glauca Walter USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-10-9
NEBC: 00865934 Smilax herbacea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1912-6-13
NEBC: 00503929 Smilax rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 1914-6-4
Solanaceae NEBC: 00576221 Datura stramonium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Elmwood Thomas Hope 1877
NEBC: 00576222 Datura stramonium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1919-7-12
NEBC: 00576230 Datura stramonium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick Thomas Hope 123 1888
NEBC: 00576225 Datura stramonium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Prudence Island: Thomas Hope 1919-9-14
NEBC: 00576228 Datura stramonium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Buttonwoods: Thomas Hope 1916-8-19
NEBC: 00610154 Nicandra physalodes (Linnaeus) Gaertner USA: Rhode Island Elmwood Thomas Hope 47 1878
NEBC: 00564430 Solanum dulcamara Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908
NEBC: 00630270 Solanum emulans Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Edgewood, 129 Wentworth Ave Thomas Hope 1913-6-13
NEBC: 00630272 Solanum emulans Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Providence: Roger Williams Park Thomas Hope 1908-7-30
Sphagnaceae FH: 00923218 Sphagnum magellanicum Bridel USA: New Hampshire Waterville: [data not captured] Thomas Hope 1911-9-4
FH: 00923219 Sphagnum magellanicum Bridel USA: New Hampshire Waterville: [data not captured] Thomas Hope 1911-9-4
FH: 00923249 Sphagnum magellanicum Bridel USA: New Hampshire Waterville: [data not captured] Thomas Hope 1911-9-4
FH: 00923556 Sphagnum nemoreum Scopoli USA: New Hampshire Waterville: [data not captured] Thomas Hope 1911-9-4
Taxaceae NEBC: 00668261 Taxus canadensis Marshall USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 362 1909-9-9
Thelypteridaceae NEBC: 00652044 Thelypteris noveboracensis (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: New Hampshire Holderness: Holderness Thomas Hope 1910-9-11
Tiliaceae NEBC: 00733226 Tilia americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
NEBC: 00733228 Tilia americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1919-9-19
NEBC: 00733229 Tilia americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lime Rock Thomas Hope 1919-10-4
NEBC: 00733227 Tilia americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Wilbur's Crossing Thomas Hope 1914-5-28
NEBC: 00761745 Tilia cordata Miller USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 1912-10-6
Trilliaceae NEBC: 00569007 Medeola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Maine Little Carry Trail Thomas Hope 1910
NEBC: 00569009 Medeola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Maine Somerset Thomas Hope 364 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00569010 Medeola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Maine Rowe Pond Thomas Hope 1909-9-6
NEBC: 00573381 Medeola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-2
Ulmaceae NEBC: 00721810 Celtis occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield Thomas Hope 1910-5-21
NEBC: 00730318 Ulmus americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-4-10
NEBC: 00730323 Ulmus americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1910-4-16
NEBC: 00721974 Ulmus rubra Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-9-26
Urticaceae NEBC: 00696929 Boehmeria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-8-30
NEBC: 00696931 Boehmeria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-7-18
NEBC: 00696939 Boehmeria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Charlestown Thomas Hope 1920-7-23
NEBC: 00768115 Pilea pumila (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Edgewood: Thomas Hope 1916-8-21
NEBC: 00866112 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 380 1910-7-9
NEBC: 00866113 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1910-7-9
NEBC: 00866118 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-1-10
Verbenaceae NEBC: 00696358 Verbena hastata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence Thomas Hope 284 1908-7-23
NEBC: 00696359 Verbena hastata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Gloucester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00678623 Verbena urticifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cranston: Cranston Thomas Hope 1908-8-23
NEBC: 00678624 Verbena urticifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-9-3
NEBC: 00678626 Verbena urticifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Woonsocket: Woonsocket Thomas Hope 1910-8-4
Violaceae NEBC: 00574050 Viola labradorica Schrank USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1916-5-15
NEBC: 00569277 Viola lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Maine Pleasant Ridge Thomas Hope 1909-9-9
NEBC: 00569530 Viola lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Longmeadow: Thomas Hope 1909-5-23
GH: 00569528 Viola lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Longmeadow: Thomas Hope 1909-5-23
NEBC: 00773656 Viola pedata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Providence: North Providence Thomas Hope 1908-5-1
NEBC: 00767594 Viola primulifolia acuta (Bigelow) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester Thomas Hope 1919-5-31
NEBC: 00721240 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence Thomas Hope 1910-5-14
NEBC: 00702924 Viola rotundifolia Michaux USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-24
GH: 00640805 Viola sagittata ovata (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1908-4-24
NEBC: 00640817 Viola sagittata ovata (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-22
NEBC: 00640820 Viola sagittata ovata (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-10-9
NEBC: 00640825 Viola sagittata ovata (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-5-8
NEBC: 00649499 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Thomas Hope 1909-5-8
NEBC: 00649504 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston Thomas Hope 1909-5-15
Xyridaceae NEBC: 00855185 Xyris montana Ries USA: New Hampshire Tamworth: Tamworth Thomas Hope 1909-8-29