Aceraceae NEBC: 00677458 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45920 1942-5-9
A: 00677459 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45940 1942-5-9
A: 01793801 Acer saccharinum Linnaeus USA: Arkansas Low woods along White River, near Goshen E. J. Palmer 24777 1942-5-10
Anacardiaceae A: 00772420 Toxicodendron radicans pubens (Engelmann ex S. Watson) Reveal USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46188 1942-6-27
A: 00772392 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46077 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00772394 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46077 1942-6-13
Apiaceae NEBC: 00483782 Cicuta bulbifera Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46356 1942-7-26
NEBC: 01050932 Cicuta maculata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46125 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00483547 Sanicula marilandica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46261 1942-6-28
NEBC: 00566112 Zizia aurea (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45709 1942-5-8
Aquifoliaceae A: 00713177 Ilex mucronata (Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45732 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00767991 Ilex verticillata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46058 1942-6-13
Araceae NEBC: 01010721 Acorus calamus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46207 1942-6-27
NEBC: 01080887 Peltandra virginica (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Schott USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46071 1942-6-13
Aspleniaceae NEBC: 00681646 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46041 1942-6-13
Asteraceae A: 00339102 Aster sp. USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46546 1942-9-16
NEBC: 00549095 Aster sp. USA: Massachusetts Boston: Arnold Arboretum, southeast side of ... E. J. Palmer 46546 1942-9-16
NEBC: 02577157 Bidens discoidea (Torrey & A. Gray) Britton USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: [no additional data] E. J. Palmer 46428 1942-9-4
NEBC: 00339049 Bidens frondosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Deutzia group ... E. J. Palmer 46412 1942-8-24
A: 00339050 Bidens frondosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Deutzia group ... E. J. Palmer 46412 1942-8-24
NEBC: 00339049 Bidens vulgata puberula (Wiegand) Greene USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Deutzia group ... E. J. Palmer 46412 1942-8-24
A: 00339050 Bidens vulgata puberula (Wiegand) Greene USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Deutzia group ... E. J. Palmer 46412 1942-8-24
NEBC: 01052528 Erigeron strigosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46061 1942-6-13
NEBC: 01079575 Euthamia graminifolia (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46304 1942-7-25
A: 00354701 Eutrochium dubium (Willdenow ex Poiret) E. E. Lamont USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, along Bussey B... E. J. Palmer 46400 1942-8-20
NEBC: 00833350 Hieracium kalmii Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46527 1942-9-6
NEBC: 00833591 Hieracium paniculatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46437 1942-8-4
NEBC: 00587873 Hieracium piloselloides Villars USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46210 1942-6-27
A: 00339933 Hieracium pratense Tausch USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46158 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00680439 Krigia virginica (Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46024 1942-6-13
NEBC: 01067828 Lactuca canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46348 1942-7-26
A: 00354078 Matricaria discoidea de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46176 1942-6-19
A: 00354078 Matricaria matricarioides (Lessing) Porter USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46176 1942-6-19
A: 00354078 Matricaria suaveolens (Pursh) Buchenau USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46176 1942-6-19
NEBC: 01054565 Solidago gigantea Aiton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46357 1942-7-7
NEBC: 01064107 Solidago odora Aiton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46581 1942-9-25
NEBC: 01064965 Solidago uliginosa Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46465 1942-9-5
NEBC: 01031372 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46516 1942-9-6
NEBC: 01014562 Symphyotrichum racemosum (Elliott) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46508 1942-9-5
NEBC: 00549095 Symphyotrichum sp. USA: Massachusetts Boston: Arnold Arboretum, southeast side of ... E. J. Palmer 46546 1942-9-16
A: 00354690 Xanthium commune Britton USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46551 1942-9-18
A: 00354690 Xanthium pensylvanicum Wallroth USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46551 1942-9-18
A: 00354690 Xanthium strumarium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46551 1942-9-18
Betulaceae NEBC: 00657985 Betula alleghaniensis Britton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46335 1942-7-25
A: 00657986 Betula alleghaniensis Britton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46335 1942-7-25
A: 00312623 Betula lenta Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46370 1942-7-31
NEBC: 00634567 Betula lenta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45714 1942-5-8
A: 00312625 Betula populifolia Marshall USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. slope of Busse... E. J. Palmer 45685 1942-4-23
A: 00727312 Carpinus caroliniana virginiana (Marsh.) Furlow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46098 1942-6-14
A: 00312647 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Peters Hi... E. J. Palmer 46278 1942-6-10
Boraginaceae NEBC: 00577257 Myosotis scorpioides Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Jamaica Plain, Margins of Bussey Brook, Sout... E. J. Palmer 46386 1942-8-16
Brassicaceae NEBC: 00592631 Brassica rapa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46029 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00757686 Cardamine parviflora arenicola (Britton) O. E. Schulz USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46116 1942-8-18
NEBC: 00558946 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46088 1942-6-13
Campanulaceae A: 00312699 Campanula aparinoides Pursh USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46363 1942-7-29
Caprifoliaceae A: 00682803 Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45705 1942-5-8
A: 00682804 Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46358 1942-7-26
NEBC: 00713943 Lonicera villosa (Michaux) Roemer & Schultes USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45705 1942-5-8
A: 00682804 Lonicera villosa calvescens (M. L. Fernald & K. M. Wiegand) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46358 1942-7-26
A: 00682803 Lonicera villosa calvescens (M. L. Fernald & K. M. Wiegand) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45705 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00702016 Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45725 1942-5-8
A: 00702017 Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45725 1942-5-8
A: 00312820 Viburnum dentatum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46602 1942-10-7
A: 00312820 Viburnum dentatum venosum (Britton) Gleason USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46602 1942-10-7
NEBC: 00611391 Viburnum nudum cassinoides (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46228 1942-6-27
A: 00611394 Viburnum nudum cassinoides (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46441 1942-9-4
Caryophyllaceae NEBC: 00722554 Paronychia fastigiata (Rafinesque) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46293 1942-7-21
NEBC: 00602630 Scleranthus annuus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46252 1942-6-28
NEBC: 00602876 Silene latifolia alba (Miller) Greuter & Burdet USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 1942-6-13
Celastraceae A: 00312930 Celastrus orbiculatus Thunberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 46597 1942-10-6
A: 00312931 Celastrus orbiculatus Thunberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, slopes of Pete... E. J. Palmer 46600 1942-10-7
A: 00312931 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, slopes of Pete... E. J. Palmer 46600 1942-10-7
A: 00312930 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 46597 1942-10-6
Chenopodiaceae A: 00312938 Atriplex patula Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Bussey ba... E. J. Palmer 46376 A 1942-8-4
Cistaceae NEBC: 00699413 Crocanthemum bicknellii (Fernald) Janchen USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46343 1942-7-26
GH: 00569175 Lechea intermedia Leggett ex Britton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45558 1942-8-23
NEBC: 00757976 Lechea tenuifolia Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46343=A 1942-7-26
Convolvulaceae A: 00354700 Cuscuta arvensis Beyrich ex Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, along Bussey B... E. J. Palmer 46400 1942-8-20
A: 00354700 Cuscuta pentagona Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, along Bussey B... E. J. Palmer 46400 1942-8-20
Cornaceae NEBC: 00767172 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46133 1942-6-14
A: 00767173 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46445 1942-9-4
A: 00767341 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45730 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00573546 Cornus racemosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46034 1942-6-13
A: 00502658 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46347 1942-7-26
Cyperaceae NEBC: 00817825 Bulbostylis capillaris (Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46342 1942-7-25
A: 00342286 Carex aestivalis M. A. Curtis ex A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Hemlock Hill ,... E. J. Palmer 46021 1942-6-9
NEBC: 00214813 Carex annectens (E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46090 1942-6-14
A: 00342358 Carex blanda Dewey USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46165 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00221489 Carex canescens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46224 1942-6-28
NEBC: 00248025 Carex debilis rudgei L. H. Bailey USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46062 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00229892 Carex digitalis digitalis USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46231 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00242551 Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46027 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00241242 Carex folliculata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46063 1942-6-13
A: 00342358 Carex gracilescens Steudel USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46165 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00248025 Carex gracillima Schweinitz USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46062 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00299305 Carex intumescens Rudge USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46101 1942-6-14
NEBC: 01049200 Carex laxiculmis Schweinitz USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46093 1942-6-14
NEBC: 01049285 Carex laxiflora Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46230 1942-6-27
A: 00342461 Carex longirostris Torrey USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45945 1942-5-13
NEBC: 00869058 Carex lucorum Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46141-A 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00808638 Carex lurida Wahlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46198 1942-6-27
A: 00342394 Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46149B 1942-6-15
A: 00342394 Carex muehlenbergii enervis Boott USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46149B 1942-6-15
A: 00342411 Carex projecta Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Admiistra... E. J. Palmer 46006 1942-6-9
A: 00342461 Carex sprengelii Dewey ex Sprengel USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45945 1942-5-13
NEBC: 01059834 Carex tribuloides Wahlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46215 1942-6-27
A: 00342411 Carex tribuloides reducta L. H. Bailey USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Admiistra... E. J. Palmer 46006 1942-6-9
NEBC: 01058490 Carex utriculata Boott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46142 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00874868 Carex vestita Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46127 1942-6-14
A: 00342497 Carex vulpinoidea Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Borders of Bus... E. J. Palmer 46272 1942-7-10
NEBC: 01042932 Cyperus lupulinus macilentus (Fernald) Marcks USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46308 1942-7-25
A: 00342521 Eleocharis capitata borealis Svenson : E. J. Palmer 46009 1942-6-9
NEBC: 00897856 Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schultes USA: Rhode Island [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 46222 1942-6-27
A: 00342521 Eleocharis tenuis (Willdenow) Schultes : E. J. Palmer 46009 1942-6-9
NEBC: 01060076 Fimbristylis autumnalis (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46431 1942-9-4
NEBC: 00892289 Scirpus hattorianus Makino USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: near Diamond Hill [Town of Cumbe... E. J. Palmer 46123 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00339662 Scirpus planifolius Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of He... E. J. Palmer 45966 1942-5-28
A: 00342956 Scirpus planifolius Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of He... E. J. Palmer 46010 1942-6-9
NEBC: 00854230 Scirpus tabernaemontani C. C. Gmelin USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46572 1942-9-26
A: 00342956 Scirpus verecundus Fernald USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of He... E. J. Palmer 46010 1942-6-9
NEBC: 01029264 Scirpus verecundus Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46103 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00339662 Trichophorum planifolium (Sprengel) Palla USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of He... E. J. Palmer 45966 1942-5-28
A: 00342956 Trichophorum planifolium (Sprengel) Palla USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of He... E. J. Palmer 46010 1942-6-9
Droseraceae NEBC: 00741927 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46195 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00754594 Drosera rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46454 1942-9-4
Dryopteridaceae NEBC: 00704479 Dryopteris cristata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46350 1942-7-26
NEBC: 00634185 Dryopteris triploidea Wherry USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46485 1942-9-5
Equisetaceae A: 00338192 Equisetum arvense Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Peters Hill [J... E. J. Palmer 45686 1942-5-5
NEBC: 00674473 Equisetum arvense Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45105 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00674626 Equisetum fluviatile Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46432 1942-9-4
Ericaceae A: 00448317 Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46226 1942-6-27
A: 01717189 Lyonia ligustrina (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46124 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00387939 Pyrola americana Sweet USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near foot of H... E. J. Palmer 46266 1942-7-29
NEBC: 00387939 Pyrola asarifolia americana (Sweet) Krisa USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near foot of H... E. J. Palmer 46266 1942-7-29
NEBC: 00770884 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46192 1942-6-27
A: 00770886 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46192 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00519407 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46285 1942-7-21
A: 00519408 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46285 1942-7-21
NEBC: 00519832 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45690 1942-5-8
A: 00519834 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46119 1942-6-14
A: 00517177 Vaccinium pallidum Aiton USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45690 1942-5-8
Euphorbiaceae NEBC: 00580162 Euphorbia esula Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46288 1942-7-21
A: 00580163 Euphorbia esula Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46288 1942-7-21
Fabaceae A: 00423295 Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south of Peter... E. J. Palmer 46414 1942-8-24
NEBC: 00423506 Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46418 1942-8-25
NEBC: 00562391 Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46520 1942-9-6
NEBC: 00423506 Amphicarpaea monoica Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46418 1942-8-25
A: 00423295 Amphicarpaea pitcheri Torrey & A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south of Peter... E. J. Palmer 46414 1942-8-24
NEBC: 00712425 Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle ex G. Don USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46310 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00654492 Desmodium glutinosum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Alph. Wood USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46301 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00639154 Desmodium perplexum B. G. Schubert USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46487 1942-9-5
A: 00639570 Lespedeza nuttallii Darlington USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46447 1942-9-4
NEBC: 00639571 Lespedeza nuttallii Darlington USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46447 1942-9-4
Fagaceae A: 00567221 Quercus bicolor Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46283 1942-7-21
NEBC: 00567307 Quercus bicolor Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46144 1942-6-14
A: 00567308 Quercus bicolor Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46144 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00662853 Quercus montana Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46095 1942-6-14
A: 00662856 Quercus montana Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46095 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00716149 Quercus saulii C. K. Schneider USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46132 1942-6-14
A: 00716153 Quercus saulii C. K. Schneider USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46132 1942-6-14
A: 00716154 Quercus saulii C. K. Schneider USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46132 1942-6-14
Gentianaceae NEBC: 00717427 Bartonia virginica (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46352 1942-7-26
Hypericaceae NEBC: 00760116 Triadenum virginicum (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46355 1942-7-26
Iridaceae A: 00348600 Iris pseudacorus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 45994 1942-6-5
NEBC: 01044776 Sisyrinchium atlanticum E. P. Bicknell USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46036 1942-6-13
Isoetaceae NEBC: 00738354 Isoetes eatonii R. Dodge USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46591 1942-9-27
NEBC: 00744677 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46475 1942-9-5
NEBC: 00744739 Isoetes engelmannii A. Braun USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46208-A 1942-6-27
Juncaceae NEBC: 01026555 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46200 1942-6-27
NEBC: 01026659 Juncus anthelatus (Wiegand) R. E. Brooks USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46307 1942-7-5
NEBC: 01174836 Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelmann) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46340 1942-7-25
A: 00348716 Juncus dichotomus Elliott USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street N... E. J. Palmer 46557 1942-9-18
A: 00348716 Juncus dichotomus platyphyllus Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street N... E. J. Palmer 46557 1942-9-18
NEBC: 00859615 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46343-A 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00878824 Juncus pelocarpus E. Meyer USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46573 1942-9-26
Lamiaceae NEBC: 00658542 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46458 1942-9-4
A: 00423159 Lycopus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, at foot of Hem... E. J. Palmer 46372 1942-7-31
NEBC: 00642208 Pycnanthemum incanum (Linnaeus) Michaux USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester E. J. Palmer 46383 1942-8-8
NEBC: 00648519 Pycnanthemum muticum (Michaux) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46311 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00648670 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46589 1942-9-26
NEBC: 00686508 Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46055 1942-6-13
Lauraceae A: 00505075 Lindera benzoin (Linnaeus) Blume USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46053 1942-6-13
Lemnaceae A: 00423617 Lemna minor Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46381 1942-8-4
Lentibulariaceae NEBC: 00736478 Utricularia vulgaris macrorhiza (L. LeConte) R. T. Clausen USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46264 1942-6-28
Liliaceae A: 00423662 Lilium canadense Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46401 1942-8-20
A: 00423662 Lilium superbum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46401 1942-8-20
NEBC: 00868627 Polygonatum pubescens (Willdenow) Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45693 1942-5-8
Lobeliaceae NEBC: 00725329 Lobelia spicata Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46253 1942-6-28
Malvaceae NEBC: 00415217 Malva moschata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Bussey Hill [J... E. J. Palmer 46182 1942-6-22
Marsileaceae NEBC: 00359476 Marsilea quadrifolia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Shrub Col... E. J. Palmer 46540 1942-9-13
Oleaceae A: 00602261 Fraxinus americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46216 1942-6-27
A: 00602262 Fraxinus americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46035 1942-6-13
Onagraceae A: 00423765 Chamaenerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46150 1942-6-16
NEBC: 01039522 Chamaenerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46213 1942-6-27
NEBC: 01040866 Epilobium leptophyllum Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46444 1942-9-4
NEBC: 00568496 Oenothera perennis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46294 1942-7-21
Ophioglossaceae NEBC: 00654865 Botrychium dissectum Sprengel USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46505 1942-9-5
NEBC: 00654864 Botrychium multifidum (S. G. Gmelin) Ruprecht USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46505 1942-9-5
Orchidaceae AMES: 01021238 Goodyera pubescens (Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46332 1942-7-25
AMES: 01052426 Malaxis unifolia Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46513 1942-9-15
AMES: 01062306 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46318 1942-7-25
AMES: 01062850 Platanthera flava herbiola (R. Brown) Luer USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46319 1942-7-25
AMES: 01062851 Platanthera flava herbiola (R. Brown) Luer USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46317 1942-7-25
AMES: 00462827 Platanthera lacera (Michaux) G. Don USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46353 1942-7-26
AMES: 00485124 Platanthera psycodes (Linnaeus) Lindley USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46331 1942-7-25
AMES: 00569931 Pogonia ophioglossoides (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46104 1942-6-14
AMES: 01063629 Spiranthes cernua (Linnaeus) Richard USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46463 1942-9-5
AMES: 01063577 Spiranthes cernua (Linnaeus) Richard USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46427 1942-9-4
AMES: 01063577 Spiranthes ochroleuca (Rydberg) Rydberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46427 1942-9-4
AMES: 01008718 Spiranthes vernalis Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46463 1942-9-5
Orobanchaceae NEBC: 00645566 Agalinis paupercula (A. Gray) Britton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46457 1942-9-4
A: 00518134 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Border of Nort... E. J. Palmer 46529 1942-9-12
NEBC: 00664068 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46449 1942-9-4
A: 00518134 Gerardia tenuifolia Vahl USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Border of Nort... E. J. Palmer 46529 1942-9-12
Osmundaceae NEBC: 00772063 Osmunda regalis spectabilis (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46509 1942-9-5
Oxalidaceae NEBC: 00443470 Oxalis dillenii Jacquin USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46017 1942-6-9
A: 00423804 Oxalis stricta Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46175 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00443470 Oxalis stricta Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46017 1942-6-9
NEBC: 01067449 Oxalis stricta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46250 1942-6-28
Papaveraceae A: 00415364 Capnoides sempervirens (Linnaeus) Borkhausen USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46183 1942-6-22
A: 00415364 Corydalis sempervirens (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46183 1942-6-22
Plantaginaceae NEBC: 00745199 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46081 1942-6-13
A: 00518147 Gratiola neglecta Torrey USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46268 1942-6-29
A: 00518147 Gratiola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, South Street t... E. J. Palmer 46268 1942-6-29
NEBC: 00582159 Plantago aristata Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46312 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00775075 Veronica scutellata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46295-A 1942-7-21
NEBC: 00775108 Veronica scutellata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Jamaica Plain E. J. Palmer 46451 1942-9-4
Poaceae A: 00415508 Agrostis canina Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46160 1942-6-19
A: 00415508 Agrostis palustris Hudson USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46160 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00338282 Alopecurus aequalis Sobolewsky USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, base of Hemloc... E. J. Palmer 45960 1942-5-28
A: 00415509 Alopecurus aequalis Sobolewsky USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, base of Hemloc... E. J. Palmer 45960 1942-5-28
NEBC: 00338282 Alopecurus carolinianus Walter USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, base of Hemloc... E. J. Palmer 45960 1942-5-28
A: 00415509 Alopecurus carolinianus Walter USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, base of Hemloc... E. J. Palmer 45960 1942-5-28
NEBC: 00338283 Alopecurus geniculatus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, opposite Adm. ... E. J. Palmer 46151 1942-6-19
A: 00415539 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46148 1942-6-15
NEBC: 01175366 Aristida dichotoma Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46423 1942-9-4
NEBC: 01045328 Brachyelytrum aristosum (Michaux) P. Beauvois ex Branner & Coville USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46219 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00338375 Bromus arvensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46002 1942-6-8
A: 00415548 Bromus arvensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46002 1942-6-8
A: 00415548 Bromus commutatus Schrader USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46002 1942-6-8
A: 00415554 Bromus commutatus Schrader USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46002 1942-6-8
NEBC: 00338375 Bromus japonicus Thunberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46002 1942-6-8
NEBC: 01045161 Calamagrostis canadensis (Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46050 1942-6-13
A: 00387719 Coleataenia rigidula (Bosc ex Nees) LeBlond USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 46535 1942-9-12
NEBC: 00879781 Danthonia allenii Austin USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46488 1942-9-5
NEBC: 00338400 Deschampsia flexuosa (Linnaeus) Trinius USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near base of P... E. J. Palmer 46169 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00705992 Dichanthelium acuminatum implicatum (Scribner) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46128 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00764869 Dichanthelium clandestinum (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46069 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00750054 Dichanthelium dichotomum microcarpon (Muhl. ex Ell.) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46515 1942-9-5
NEBC: 00750055 Dichanthelium dichotomum microcarpon (Muhl. ex Ell.) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46207 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00855099 Dichanthelium latifolium (Linnaeus) Harvill USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46100 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00689002 Dichanthelium scabriusculum (Elliott) Gould & C. A. Clark USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46190 1942-6-27
NEBC: 01104673 Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon (Elliott) Gould USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46206 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00689122 Digitaria filiformis (Linnaeus) Koeler USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46424 1942-9-4
A: 00387640 Festuca elatior Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 46186 1942-6-23
NEBC: 00583012 Festuca rubra Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46087 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00878446 Glyceria acutiflora Torrey USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46256 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00338579 Glyceria septentrionalis Hitchcock USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Wet margins of... E. J. Palmer 46409 1942-8-21
NEBC: 01149639 Glyceria striata (Lamarck) Hitchcock USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46037 1942-6-13
NEBC: 01174146 Muhlenbergia uniflora (Muhlenberg) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46489 1942-9-5
A: 00387719 Panicum agrostoides Sprengel USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 46535 1942-9-12
NEBC: 00865284 Piptatherum racemosum (Smith) Eaton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46484 1942-9-5
NEBC: 01148554 Poa palustris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46214 1942-6-27
NEBC: 01148555 Poa palustris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46030 1942-6-13
A: 00387640 Schedonorus pratensis (Hudson) P. Beauvois USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 46186 1942-6-23
NEBC: 01182128 Sphenopholis intermedia Rydberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46135 1942-6-14
NEBC: 01582028 Sphenopholis obtusata (Michaux) Scribner USA: Massachusetts Boston: Arnold Arboretum, Peters Hill E. J. Palmer 46643 1942-6-26
NEBC: 00863959 Zizania aquatica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46579 1942-9-26
Polygalaceae NEBC: 00720335 Polygala polygama Walter USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46117 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00505988 Polygala verticillata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46291 1942-7-21
Polygonaceae A: 00375835 Persicaria longiseta (Bruijn) Kitagawa USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46382 1942-8-7
NEBC: 00342055 Persicaria maculosa Gray USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46548 1942-9-16
A: 00375835 Polygonum caespitosum longisetum (Bruijn) Danser USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46382 1942-8-7
NEBC: 00552119 Polygonum hydropiperoides Michaux USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46422 1942-9-4
NEBC: 00342055 Polygonum lapathifolium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46548 1942-9-16
NEBC: 00342055 Polygonum persicaria Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 46548 1942-9-16
NEBC: 00729146 Polygonum robustius (Small) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46346 1942-7-26
Primulaceae A: 00375978 Lysimachia terrestris (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Shrub Col... E. J. Palmer 46542 1942-9-13
Ranunculaceae NEBC: 00562183 Actaea pachypoda Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46314 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00572152 Anemone quinquefolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45692 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00753887 Anemone virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46212 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00866886 Thalictrum pubescens Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46524 1942-9-6
NEBC: 00866889 Thalictrum pubescens Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46112 1942-6-14
Rhamnaceae A: 00359403 Frangula alnus Miller USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46375 1942-7-31
A: 00359403 Rhamnus frangula Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46375 1942-7-31
Rosaceae NEBC: 00649673 Agrimonia gryposepala Wallroth USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46289 1942-7-21
A: 00519031 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46140 1942-6-14
A: 00740549 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45731 1942-5-8
A: 00740548 Amelanchier laevis Wiegand USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45710 1942-5-8
A: 00738604 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45121 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00738605 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46121 1942-6-14
A: 00359449 Aronia arbutifolia leiocalyx Rehder USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46374 1942-7-31
A: 00744226 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45719 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00744230 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45719 1942-5-8
A: 00744957 Aronia prunifolia (Marshall) Rehder USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 461210A 1942-6-14
A: 00674698 Crataegus chrysocarpa Ashe USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45707 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00674791 Crataegus chrysocarpa phoenicea Palmer USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45707 1942-5-8
A: 00768353 Crataegus macracantha Loddiges ex Loudon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46065 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00768277 Crataegus macracantha occidentalis (Britton) Eggleston USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46065 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00654021 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46566 1942-9-26
A: 00654022 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45717 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00673544 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46337 1942-7-25
A: 00673547 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46337 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00561293 Potentilla norvegica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46303 1942-7-25
A: 00359578 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of He... E. J. Palmer 45962 1942-5-28
NEBC: 00740043 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45728 1942-5-8
A: 00740046 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45734 1942-5-8
A: 00742847 Prunus susquehanae Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45716 1942-5-8
A: 00742848 Prunus susquehanae Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46227 1942-6-27
A: 00738261 Prunus virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45141 1942-5-9
A: 00742477 Rubus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46244 1942-6-28
A: 00443572 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45978 1942-6-1
A: 00443573 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45978 1942-6-1
A: 00758475 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46361 1942-7-26
A: 00758990 Rubus flagellaris Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46092 1942-6-14
A: 00723673 Rubus hispidus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46028 1942-6-13
A: 00723674 Rubus hispidus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46507 1942-9-5
NEBC: 00523027 Rubus idaeus strigosus (Michaux) Maximowicz USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46360 1942-7-27
A: 00443646 Rubus pensilvanicus Poiret USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Oak group [Jam... E. J. Palmer 1942-9-18
A: 00443645 Rubus pensilvanicus Poiret USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Hemlock Hill, ... E. J. Palmer 1942-7-31
A: 00443607 Rubus permixtus Blanchard USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46016 1942-6-9
NEBC: 00742145 Rubus setosus Bigelow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46075 1942-6-13
A: 00443607 Rubus sp. Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46016 1942-6-9
A: 00443628 Rubus sp. Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Oak group [Jam... E. J. Palmer 45981 1942-6-2
A: 00443645 Rubus sp. Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Hemlock Hill, ... E. J. Palmer 1942-7-31
A: 00443646 Rubus sp. Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Oak group [Jam... E. J. Palmer 1942-9-18
A: 00443628 Rubus strigosus Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Oak group [Jam... E. J. Palmer 45981 1942-6-2
A: 00359593 Sorbus americana Marshall USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46368 1942-7-31
A: 00359596 Spiraea japonica Linnaeus f. USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Margins of Bus... E. J. Palmer 16274 1942-7-10
Rubiaceae NEBC: 00375738 Galium aparine Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46167 1942-6-19
A: 00359608 Galium aparine Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45986 1942-6-2
NEBC: 00375738 Galium aparine vaillantii (de Candolle) W. D. J. Koch USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46167 1942-6-19
A: 00359608 Galium aparine vaillantii (de Candolle) W. D. J. Koch USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45986 1942-6-2
A: 00359609 Galium aparine vaillantii (de Candolle) W. D. J. Koch USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46167 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00375749 Galium mollugo Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, along Bussey B... E. J. Palmer 46403-A 1942-8-27
NEBC: 00755099 Galium obtusum Bigelow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46070 1942-6-13
NEBC: 00707337 Galium pilosum Aiton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46309 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00375764 Galium tinctorium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, along Bussey B... E. J. Palmer 46274 1942-7-10
A: 00359609 Galium triflorum Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 46167 1942-6-19
NEBC: 00503498 Galium triflorum Michaux USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 46046 1942-6-13
A: 00650799 Mitchella repens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46502 1942-9-5
NEBC: 00650804 Mitchella repens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46323 1942-7-25
Rutaceae A: 00898091 Zanthoxylum americanum Miller USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 46419 1942-8-26
Salicaceae A: 00688413 Populus canadensis Moench USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46205 1942-6-27
A: 00724196 Populus grandidentata Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45700 1942-5-8
A: 00443907 Salix discolor Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46598 1942-10-6
A: 00756934 Salix discolor Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46471 1942-9-5
A: 00443907 Salix discolor eriocephala (Michaux) Andersson USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46598 1942-10-6
A: 00441707 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00441708 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 1942-5-8
A: 00769491 Salix humilis tristis (Aiton) Griggs USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45735 1942-5-8
A: 00723002 Salix lucida Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 26203 1942-6-27
A: 00443971 Salix petiolaris Smith USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Southeast side... E. J. Palmer 46599 1942-10-6
NEBC: 00723553 Salix petiolaris Smith USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46578 1942-9-26
Saxifragaceae A: 00665072 Ribes americanum Miller USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45726 1942-5-8
A: 00730659 Ribes hirtellum Michaux USA: Massachusetts Newbury: Newbury E. J. Palmer 46281 1942-7-21
NEBC: 00771569 Ribes rubrum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45726 1942-5-8
Scrophulariaceae NEBC: 00375617 Mimulus ringens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, along Bussey B... E. J. Palmer 446411 1942-8-21
A: 00518143 Mimulus ringens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, along margins ... E. J. Palmer 46362 1942-7-29
Smilacaceae NEBC: 01049143 Smilax glauca Walter USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46142 1942-6-14
NEBC: 00865936 Smilax herbacea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46060 1942-6-13
Thelypteridaceae NEBC: 00631952 Phegopteris hexagonoptera (Michaux) Fée USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46321 1942-7-25
NEBC: 00708544 Thelypteris palustris pubescens (G. Lawson) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46464 1942-9-5
Trilliaceae NEBC: 00573383 Medeola virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46122 1942-6-14
Ulmaceae A: 00518295 Celtis occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near tope of H... E. J. Palmer 46369 1942-7-31
A: 00721976 Ulmus rubra Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46254 1942-6-28
NEBC: 00721977 Ulmus rubra Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46254 1942-6-28
Violaceae NEBC: 00560275 Viola blanda Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46238 1942-6-27
NEBC: 00574061 Viola labradorica Schrank USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45712 1942-5-8
NEBC: 00773651 Viola pedata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45939 1942-5-9
NEBC: 00649493 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45713 1942-5-9
NEBC: 00649494 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46492 1942-9-5
Vitaceae A: 00518634 Vitis riparia Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Peters Hill [J... E. J. Palmer 46562 1942-9-25
Woodsiaceae NEBC: 00676791 Woodsia obtusa (Sprengel) Torrey USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 46042 1942-6-13