<< < Previous Aceraceae A: 01870850 Acer glabrum Torrey USA: Montana Mt. Bridger J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-3
GH: 00363513 Acer macrophyllum Pursh USA: California Berkeley J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-3
GH: 00363619 Acer negundo californicum Sargent USA: California [no additional data] [Yolo County, Woodland ... J. W. Blankinship 1893-3-31
Agaricaceae FH: 00527999 Xeromphalina cauticinalis (Withering) Kühner & Maire USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship s.n. 1918-8-27
Alismataceae NEBC: 01032225 Alisma subcordatum Pursh USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverly J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-10
GH: 01632271 Echinodorus cordifolius (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Oklahoma Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 01632272 Echinodorus cordifolius (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Oklahoma Perkins J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 01632273 Echinodorus cordifolius (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Oklahoma Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
NEBC: 01032568 Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow USA: Maine Bryant Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-2
NEBC: 01032628 Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
NEBC: 01032717 Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-22
Amaranthaceae GH: 00614843 Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-9-15
GH: 01929130 Amaranthus hybridus Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Stillwater J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 00598388 Amaranthus retroflexus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington Heights J. W. Blankinship 1896-10-3
GH: 01929631 Amaranthus tamariscinus Nuttall USA: Oklahoma Stillwater J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 01930087 Froelichia floridana (Nuttall) Moquin-Tandon USA: Oklahoma Arkansas River, Creek Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-24
Anacardiaceae GH: 00347356 Rhus canadensis Marshall USA: California [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 00347356 Rhus trilobata quinata Jepson USA: California [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 00347358 Rhus trilobata quinata Jepson USA: California [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
Apiaceae GH: 01010374 Sium suave Walter USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
NEBC: 00566096 Zizia aurea (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Massachusetts Westfield: Westfield J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-3
Aquifoliaceae GH: 00767477 Ilex mucronata (Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-2
Araceae GH: 01080811 Peltandra virginica (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Schott USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-6-22
Araliaceae GH: 00816743 Aralia hispida Ventenat USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
NEBC: 00448516 Aralia nudicaulis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-18
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01681602 Aristolochia californica Torrey USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
Asclepiadaceae GH: 01082604 Asclepias verticillata Linnaeus USA: Montana Arden, G.N.R. J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-14
Aspleniaceae GH: 02068267 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-13
Asteraceae GH: 02217490 Amphiachyris dracunculoides (de Candolle) Nuttall USA: Oklahoma Fowls J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 02172069 Arctium lappa Linnaeus USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1901-8-7
GH: 00968465 Artemisia cana Pursh USA: Montana Arden J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-15
GH: 01234759 Artemisia tridentata Nuttall USA: Montana Bozeman Cañon J. W. Blankinship 1898-9-18
GH: 02215120 Boltonia asteroides latisquama (A. Gray) Cronquist USA: Oklahoma Baker J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-25
GH: 02215294 Boltonia diffusa interior Fernald & Griscom USA: Missouri Springfield: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1888-8-31
GH: 01923538 Brickellia eupatorioides texana (Shinners) Shinners USA: Oklahoma [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 02172602 Centaurea solstitialis Linnaeus USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-7
GH: 02215560 Chaetopappa asteroides (Nuttall) de Candolle USA: Oklahoma [illegible] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
GH: 02142225 Cichorium intybus Linnaeus USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-23
NEBC: 00587347 Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-6
GH: 02188617 Conoclinium coelestinum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
GH: 02203225 Conyza ramosissima Cronquist USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1887-8-6
NEBC: 01019441 Doellingeria umbellata (Miller) Nees USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
GH: 02206832 Erigeron divergens Torrey & A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 02352491 Erigeron philadelphicus Linnaeus USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-18
GH: 01052522 Erigeron strigosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Southwick: Southwick J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-4
GH: 02190621 Eupatorium serotinum Michaux USA: Kansas Caney J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-31
NEBC: 00574330 Eurybia macrophylla (Linnaeus) Cassini USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-27
GH: 02191452 Eutrochium purpureum (Linnaeus) E. E. Lamont USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 02204426 Heterotheca subaxillaris latifolia (Buckley) Semple USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 01831975 Hieracium gronovii Linnaeus USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-8-26
GH: 01832469 Hieracium longipilum Torrey ex Hooker USA: Oklahoma [illegible] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 01832466 Hieracium longipilum Torrey ex Hooker USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-8-2
GH: 01071679 Hieracium venosum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-17
NEBC: 00680330 Krigia virginica (Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington J. W. Blankinship 1895-5-25
GH: 01834538 Lactuca floridana (Linnaeus) Gaertner USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-9-7
GH: 00626998 Leucanthemum vulgare Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-17
GH: 02191819 Liatris aspera Michaux USA: Oklahoma Arkansas River Creek Nation J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 02192382 Liatris hirsuta Rydberg USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
GH: 02192883 Liatris punctata Hooker USA: Oklahoma Pawnee J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-30
GH: 02213086 Liatris pycnostachya Michaux USA: Kansas Caney J. W. Blankinship 1895-8
GH: 02213134 Liatris pycnostachya Michaux USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 02213760 Liatris squarrosa glabrata (Rydberg) Gaiser USA: Oklahoma Forts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 01054041 Solidago arguta Aiton USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 01054043 Solidago arguta Aiton USA: Maine South Oxford J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 00553081 Solidago bicolor Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-31
NEBC: 00680661 Solidago leiocarpa de Candolle USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
NEBC: 01054991 Solidago macrophylla Pursh USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
NEBC: 01056599 Solidago nemoralis Aiton USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1893-9-3
NEBC: 01064228 Solidago puberula Nuttall USA: Maine Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 01064309 Solidago puberula Nuttall USA: Maine Lewiston: Lewiston J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 01079376 Symphyotrichum USA: Maine Lewiston: Lewiston J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 01031241 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-10
NEBC: 00697443 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii villicaule (A. Gray) J. Labrecque & L. Brouillet USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
GH: 00832954 Symphyotrichum undulatum (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
GH: 01925459 Vernonia arkansana de Candolle USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 01925543 Vernonia baldwinii Torrey USA: Oklahoma Forts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 01925688 Vernonia fasciculata Michaux USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
NEBC: 00691774 Xanthium strumarium canadense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-6
Athyriaceae NEBC: 00662390 Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Linnaeus) Newman USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
Azollaceae GH: 00376910 Azolla filiculoides Lamarck USA: California Pt. Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
Berberidaceae GH: 00376789 Berberis dictyota Jepson USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 00376789 Mahonia dictyota (Jepson) Fedde USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
Betulaceae A: 02197218 Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Arkansas [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-17
Bombacaceae GH: 00422674 Fremontodendron californicum (Torrey) Coville USA: California [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-31
Boraginaceae GH: 02026439 Echium vulgare Linnaeus USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-13
NEBC: 00633145 Symphytum officinale Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newton: Hammond's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1896-7-4
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00625909 Bryoandersonia illecebra (Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
Brassicaceae GH: 00974514 Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greene USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 00974515 Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greene USA: California Grizzly Peak J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
GH: 00974516 Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greene USA: California [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 00974573 Athysanus pusillus glabrior S. Watson USA: California High, dry hills behind Berkeley J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-3
GH: 01181559 Boechera breweri (S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 00946146 Boechera lemmonii (S. Watson) W. A. Weber USA: Montana Black Butte, Tabacco River Range J. W. Blankinship 1902-8-11
GH: 00944637 Brassica nigra (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Montana Great Falls J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-10
GH: 00944760 Brassica rapa Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-16
GH: 00986007 Conringia orientalis (Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: Montana Hinsdale, G.N.Ry. J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-13
GH: 00379432 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: California Cold Creek Canyon J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-3
GH: 00379433 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1891-3-9
GH: 01538361 Erysimum capitatum argillosum (Greene) R. J. Davis USA: Wyoming Big Horn Mts. J. W. Blankinship 1890-7-16
GH: 00379433 Erysimum franciscanum R. Rossbach USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1891-3-9
GH: 01548395 Lepidium dictyotum A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-3-25
GH: 00379705 Lepidium latipes Hooker USA: California Woodland J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-8
GH: 01575312 Physaria curvipes (A. Nelson) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Wyoming Big Horn Mts. J. W. Blankinship 1890-7-17
GH: 01693109 Rorippa sinuata (Nuttall) Hitchcock USA: Montana Wilaux near Dakota Line J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-15
GH: 01731118 Thelypodium paniculatum A. Nelson USA: Wyoming Hayden Valley J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-9
GH: 00422494 Tropidocarpum gracile Hooker USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-29
GH: 00422549 Tropidocarpum gracile Hooker USA: California Woodlawn J. W. Blankinship 1893-3-31
GH: 01733219 Turritis glabra Linnaeus USA: Wyoming Pass Cr., Big Horn Mts. J. W. Blankinship 1890-7-14
Buxbaumiaceae FH: 00799767 Buxbaumia aphylla Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Malden: Hill near Malden, Middlesex Fells [R... J. W. Blankinship 1894-4-15
Cactaceae GH: 01874855 Coryphantha vivipara (Nuttall) Britton & Rose Canada: Alberta Lethbridge J. W. Blankinship 1901-8
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 01676832 Gymnocladus dioicus (Linnaeus) K. Koch USA: Oklahoma Clear Creek, near Grand River, 8 mi. E. of W... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
Caprifoliaceae NEBC: 00611075 Viburnum nudum cassinoides (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Maine Lewiston Junction J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
GH: 02187948 Viburnum rufidulum Rafinesque USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-31
GH: 02354035 Viburnum rufidulum Rafinesque USA: Oklahoma Wagoner, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00037621 Arenaria michauxii texana (B. L. Robinson) Mattfeld USA: Missouri Bluff at Gate's Ford on the James J. W. Blankinship 1888-5-26
GH: 01743033 Cerastium arvense maximum (Hollick & Britton) Ugborogho USA: California Point Rays J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 01743668 Cerastium fontanum Baumgarten USA: Montana Kalispell J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-22
GH: 01743781 Cerastium glomeratum Thuillier USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-26
GH: 00037620 Minuartia michauxii texana (B. L. Robinson ex Britton) Mattfeld USA: Missouri Limestone barrens J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-1
NEBC: 00755540 Moehringia lateriflora (Linnaeus) Fenzl USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Belmont J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-11
GH: 00037863 Silene campanulata orbiculata B. L. Robinson USA: California Hetlin Chow Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-23
GH: 00037862 Silene campanulata orbiculata B. L. Robinson USA: California Hetlin Chow Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-23
GH: 00602847 Silene latifolia alba (Miller) Greuter & Burdet USA: Massachusetts Provincetown: Provincetown J. W. Blankinship 1896-5-24
GH: 00693369 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-7
GH: 00376703 Stellaria littoralis Torrey USA: California Point Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 00376704 Stellaria littoralis Torrey USA: California Pt. Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-30
NEBC: 00753613 Stellaria longifolia Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-11
Characeae FH: 00899418 Chara gymnopus A. Braun USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1887-7-23
FH: 00876479 Nitella blankinshipii Allen USA: Missouri [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship
FH: 00876476 Nitella flexilis subnidifica Allen USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00650776 Atriplex mucronata Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Quincy: Quincy J. W. Blankinship 1896-9-6
GH: 01826374 Atriplex patula Linnaeus USA: Montana Bozeman: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1898-9-4
NEBC: 00561659 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Provincetown: Provincetown J. W. Blankinship 1896-8-20
GH: 01782006 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Stillwater J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 01782684 Chenopodium pallescens Standley USA: Oklahoma [Fonts?] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-26
GH: 01782813 Chenopodium standleyanum Aellen USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-1
GH: 01784117 Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Sprengel) J. M. Coulter USA: Oklahoma Arkansas River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-24
GH: 01784116 Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Sprengel) J. M. Coulter USA: Oklahoma Cimarron River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-24
GH: 01783652 Salicornia rubra A. Nelson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1900-9-9
NEBC: 00732327 Salsola kali Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-10
GH: 01785464 Suaeda depressa (Pursh) S. Watson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1900-9-9
Cleomaceae GH: 01872046 Cleomella angustifolia Torrey USA: Oklahoma Pawnee J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-30
Commelinaceae GH: 02073651 Commelina diffusa N. L. Burman USA: Kansas [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-3
GH: 02073919 Commelina erecta Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
GH: 02113166 Commelina virginica Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 02098041 Tradescantia tharpii E. S. Anderson & Woodson USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1897-4-25
Convolvulaceae GH: 02056213 Cuscuta cephalanthi Engelmann USA: Montana the Missouri at Poplar, G.N.Ry. J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-12
GH: 02056306 Cuscuta compacta Jussieu ex Choisy USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, IT. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 02056371 Cuscuta cuspidata Engelmann USA: Oklahoma Stillwater J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 00714747 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverly J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-5
GH: 00441147 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverly J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-8
GH: 02056597 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
Cornaceae GH: 01845210 Cornus drummondii C. A. Meyer USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 01845259 Cornus drummondii C. A. Meyer USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 00385396 Cornus nuttallii Audubon ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Mt. Siegler J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-2
GH: 00385605 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: California Rattlesnake Creek J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-10
GH: 02019214 Cornus stolonifera Michaux USA: Montana Troy J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-25
Crassulaceae GH: 01871844 Crassula connata A. Berger USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-5
GH: 01871845 Crassula connata A. Berger USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-5
GH: 01871855 Crassula connata A. Berger USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-12
GH: 01987405 Dudleya cymosa (Lemaire) Britton & Rose USA: California Blue Lakes J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 01991210 Sedella pumila Britton & Rose USA: California Sandstone barrens. near [Marysville Bultes] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 00581908 Sedum purpureum (Linnaeus) Schultes USA: Maine Danville J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
GH: 01991890 Sedum radiatum S. Watson USA: California Blue Lakes, Lake Co. J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 01990181 Sedum spathulifolium Hooker USA: California Blue Lakes J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-4
GH: 01990566 Sedum stenopetalum stenopetalum R. T. Clausen USA: Montana Belton, G. N. Ry. J. W. Blankinship 1902-8-19
Cucurbitaceae GH: 01544464 Melothria pendula Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Baker J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-25
Cyperaceae GH: 02367225 Bulbostylis capillaris (Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
GH: 02367352 Bulbostylis ciliatifolia (Elliott) Fernald USA: Oklahoma Isyou J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
NEBC: 00216225 Carex arctata Boott USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams, 3500 feet J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
GH: 00342872 Carex blankinshipii Fernald USA: California Hydesville J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
GH: 02371690 Carex densa (L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-4
GH: 02371684 Carex densa (L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 02371679 Carex densa (L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-20
GH: 01774925 Carex exsiccata L. H. Bailey USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
GH: 00342872 Carex gynodynama Olney USA: California Hydesville J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
GH: 00339108 Carex lupulina Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Boston: Stonybrook [Reservation, Hyde Park/W... J. W. Blankinship 1894-10-18
GH: 00339108 Carex lupulina pedunculata A. Gray ex L. C. Beck USA: Massachusetts Boston: Stonybrook [Reservation, Hyde Park/W... J. W. Blankinship 1894-10-18
GH: 01773143 Carex lurida Wahlenberg USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-9-9
GH: 02370823 Carex mesochorea Mackenzie USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-28
NEBC: 00807699 Carex paleacea Schreber ex Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-18
NEBC: 00807700 Carex paleacea Schreber ex Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-18
NEBC: 01060746 Carex tuckermanii Dewey USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
GH: 01773734 Carex utriculata Boott USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-14
NEBC: 01043548 Cyperus dentatus Torrey USA: Maine Greenwood: Greenwood J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 00892993 Eleocharis acicularis (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
NEBC: 00672248 Eleocharis palustris (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1894-6-22
GH: 01930227 Froelichia gracilis (Hooker) Moquin-Tandon USA: Oklahoma Forts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
GH: 01160884 Scirpus pedicellatus Fernald USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
Dennstaedtiaceae NEBC: 00677981 Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michaux) T. Moore USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-27
Diapensiaceae NEBC: 00638451 Diapensia lapponica Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
Droseraceae GH: 01143544 Drosera brevifolia Pursh USA: Virginia Suffolk. J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
Dryopteridaceae GH: 00667596 Dryopteris campyloptera (Kunze) Clarkson USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
NEBC: 00704774 Dryopteris intermedia (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
Dysphaniaceae GH: 00610447 Dysphania botrys (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 00610448 Dysphania botrys (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
Elaphomycetaceae FH: 00276926 Elaphomyces cervinus (Linnaeus) Schlechtendal USA: Massachusetts Arlington: J. W. Blankinship 1896-11
FH: 00276926 Elaphomyces granulatus Fries USA: Massachusetts Arlington: J. W. Blankinship 1896-11
Equisetaceae NEBC: 00654142 Equisetum sylvaticum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: Readville [Hyde Park] J. W. Blankinship 1896-5-19
Ericaceae GH: 01117191 Andromeda polifolia latifolia Aiton Canada: Quebec Province Lake Eduoard J. W. Blankinship 1897-8-10
GH: 01591813 Gaultheria hispidula (Linnaeus) Muhlenberg Canada: Quebec Province Lake Edward J. W. Blankinship 1897-8-10
GH: 00448936 Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus USA: Maine Woodstock: Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-2
NEBC: 00448982 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Maine Woodstock: Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 00484554 Kalmia angustifolia Linnaeus USA: Maine Lewiston Junction J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
GH: 01595975 Lyonia ligustrina foliosiflora (Michaux) Fernald USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): Great Dismal Swamp J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
GH: 00553787 Monotropa uniflora Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford J. W. Blankinship 1896-7-7
GH: 01719747 Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House Canada: Quebec Province Lake Edward J. W. Blankinship 1897-8-10
NEBC: 00638271 Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus Loddiges USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
Fabaceae GH: 01992996 Acmispon americanus (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Montana Banks of the Missouri R. at Poplar J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-12
GH: 01963214 Acmispon brachycarpus (Bentham) D. D. Sokoloff USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-23
GH: 01963578 Acmispon heermannii orbicularis (A. Gray) Brouillet USA: California Point Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 01963752 Acmispon nevadensis (S. Watson) Brouillet USA: California Mad River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-24
GH: 00366541 Acmispon prostratus (Nuttall) Brouillet USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-27
GH: 01967190 Acmispon subpinnatus (Lagasca) D. D. Sokoloff USA: California Woodland J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-25
GH: 02067219 Apios priceana B. L. Robinson USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 00058578 Aragallus blankinshippii A. Nelson USA: Montana Bozeman: Middle Creek, 15 miles southwest of... J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-4
GH: 00366260 Astragalus clevelandii Greene USA: California Bartlett Springs J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-4
GH: 00366275 Astragalus crotalariae Bentham USA: California San Francisco: J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-17
GH: 02044108 Astragalus drummondii Douglas ex Hooker USA: Montana Billings (Montana): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1898-6
GH: 02044606 Astragalus gambellianus E. Sheldon USA: California Capay J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
GH: 02049712 Astragalus nuttallii (Torrey & A. Gray) J. T. Howell USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-17
GH: 02049717 Astragalus nuttallii (Torrey & A. Gray) J. T. Howell USA: California Point Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 02049957 Astragalus pectinatus (Douglas ex Hooker) Douglas ex G. Don USA: Montana Culberson J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-11
GH: 00366400 Astragalus pycnostachyus A. Gray USA: California Point Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 00366402 Astragalus rattanii A. Gray USA: California Summit of Mt. Sanhedrin J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-7
GH: 00366406 Astragalus tener A. Gray USA: California J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-8
GH: 00366407 Astragalus tener A. Gray USA: California J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
GH: 01881843 Clitoria mariana Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
GH: 01884228 Crotalaria purshii de Candolle USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-13
GH: 01885051 Dalea candida oligophylla (Torrey) Shinners USA: Montana Big Timber J. W. Blankinship 1901-7-12
GH: 01921855 Desmodium canadense (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Oklahoma Stillwater J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 01961080 Desmodium ciliare (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 01961077 Desmodium ciliare (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 01961106 Desmodium ciliare (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle USA: North Carolina Southern Pines J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-19
GH: 01961178 Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle ex G. Don USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, Ind. Ter. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
GH: 01961961 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River. Creek Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 01960514 Desmodium sessilifolium (Torr.) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 01959044 Galactia erecta (Walter) Vail USA: North Carolina Southern Pines J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-18
GH: 02148158 Hylodesmum pauciflorum (Nuttall) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mill USA: Oklahoma Illinois River. Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 01539481 Kummerowia striata (Thunberg) Schindler USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-17
GH: 02150844 Lespedeza capitata Michaux USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 02087462 Lespedeza repens (Linnaeus) W. P. C. Barton USA: Arkansas [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-16
GH: 02087690 Lespedeza stuevei Nuttall USA: Arkansas Rogers. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-16
GH: 00366541 Lotus micranthus Bentham USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-27
GH: 00366541 Lotus nuttalianus Greene USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-27
GH: 02085758 Lupinus caespitosus Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Wyoming Willow Park J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-14
GH: 00065496 Lupinus densiflorus Bentham USA: California Woodland: J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
GH: 00065496 Lupinus densiflorus curvicarinus C. P. Smith USA: California Woodland: J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
GH: 02176659 Lupinus kingii S. Watson USA: Arizona Belmont J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-21
GH: 02176712 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 02176767 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 02176766 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-18
GH: 02177012 Lupinus luteolus Kellogg USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-4
GH: 00065496 Lupinus microcarpus Sims USA: California Woodland: J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
GH: 00065496 Lupinus microcarpus microcarpus USA: California Woodland: J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
GH: 02177239 Lupinus microcarpus densiflorus (Bentham) Jepson USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-16
GH: 02177924 Lupinus polycarpus Greene USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-28
GH: 02177988 Lupinus polyphyllus Lindley USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 02128046 Lupinus polyphyllus grandifolius (Lindley ex J. Agardh) Torr. & A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 02128159 Lupinus pusillus Pursh USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-3
GH: 02128156 Lupinus pusillus Pursh USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1903-6-27
GH: 02128485 Lupinus sericeus Pursh USA: Montana Bozeman: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-30
GH: 02128831 Lupinus succulentus Douglas ex K. Koch USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-17
GH: 02129545 Medicago hispida Gaertner USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-12
GH: 02129800 Medicago lupulina glandulosa Neilreich USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-4
GH: 02130261 Melilotus indicus (Linnaeus) Allioni USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-20
GH: 00058578 Oxytropis argentata Pursh USA: Montana Bozeman: Middle Creek, 15 miles southwest of... J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-4
GH: 00058578 Oxytropis blankinshipii (A. Nelson) K. Schumann USA: Montana Bozeman: Middle Creek, 15 miles southwest of... J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-4
GH: 00058578 Oxytropis lagopus lagopus USA: Montana Bozeman: Middle Creek, 15 miles southwest of... J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-4
GH: 02131745 Pediomelum argophyllum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-15
GH: 02131987 Pediomelum esculentum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1887-5-19
GH: 02133666 Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Montana Glasgow J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-17
GH: 02133665 Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 102 1890-5-30
GH: 02133845 Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-10
GH: 02133838 Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1888-6-2
GH: 02133892 Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Oklahoma Stillwater J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 02134183 Rhynchosia difformis (Elliott) de Candolle USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
GH: 02134388 Rhynchosia reniformis de Candolle USA: North Carolina [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-19
GH: 02134474 Rhynchosia tomentosa (Linnaeus) Hooker & Arnott USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-19
GH: 02135107 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma "Bottom" of Grand River (8 mi. E. of Wagoner... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 02135320 Rupertia physodes (Douglas ex Hooker) J. W. Grimes USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-1
GH: 02135883 Sesbania herbacea (Miller) McVaugh USA: Oklahoma Creek Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 02135453 Sophora nuttalliana B. L. Turner USA: Arizona Arizona J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-21
GH: 02136336 Strophostyles leiosperma (Torrey & A. Gray) Piper USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1889-9-4
GH: 02136767 Stylosanthes biflora Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
GH: 02136791 Stylosanthes biflora Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 02136877 Stylosanthes riparia Kearney USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
GH: 02137012 Tephrosia florida (F. Dietrich) C. E. Wood USA: North Carolina [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-20
GH: 02137588 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-8-14
GH: 02342233 Trifolium bifidum A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
GH: 02342252 Trifolium bifidum decipiens Greene USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
GH: 02342576 Trifolium ciliolatum Bentham USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-25
GH: 02342808 Trifolium dichotomum Hooker & Arnott USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-25
GH: 02342713 Trifolium dubium Sibthorp USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1888-6-2
GH: 02342841 Trifolium eriocephalum Nuttall USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-10
GH: 02620654 Trifolium fucatum Lindley USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
GH: 02342939 Trifolium gracilentum Torrey & A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
GH: 02343570 Trifolium microcephalum Pursh USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-12
GH: 02344194 Trifolium repens Linnaeus USA: Montana Billings (Montana): [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1903-6-30
GH: 01816199 Trifolium variegatum Nuttall USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-6
GH: 01816200 Trifolium variegatum Nuttall USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 02498802 Trifolium variegatum Nuttall USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 02289300 Trifolium willdenovii Sprengel USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-25
GH: 02344395 Trifolium wormskioldii Lehmann USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
GH: 02344952 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-3
GH: 02344943 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-3
GH: 02345261 Vicia americana minor Hooker USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-1
GH: 02345457 Vicia angustifolia segitalis (Thuillier) Arcangeli USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1901-8-7
GH: 02347036 Vicia hassei S. Watson USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
GH: 02347147 Vicia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Missouri [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1887-5-19
GH: 00591973 Vicia tetrasperma (Linnaeus) Schreber USA: Maine Danville J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 00591974 Vicia tetrasperma (Linnaeus) Schreber USA: Maine Danville J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
Fagaceae GH: 00356865 Lithocarpus densiflorus (Hooker & Arnott) Rehder USA: California [Unknown location between Rattlesnake Creek ... J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-10
GH: 00356865 Notholithocarpus densiflorus (Hooker & Arnott) Manos, Cannon & S. H. Oh USA: California [Unknown location between Rattlesnake Creek ... J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-10
GH: 00356877 Notholithocarpus densiflorus (Hooker & Arnott) Manos, Cannon & S. H. Oh USA: California Marin Co. J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-18
NEBC: 00727930 Quercus alba Linnaeus USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
GH: 00727950 Quercus alba Linnaeus USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1897-8-27
GH: 00356865 Quercus densiflora Hooker & Arnott USA: California [Unknown location between Rattlesnake Creek ... J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-10
GH: 00356877 Quercus densiflora Hooker & Arnott USA: California Marin Co. J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-18
A: 00344376 Quercus douglasii Hooker & Arnott USA: California Round Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-9
A: 00344933 Quercus garryana Douglas ex Hooker USA: California Mt. Sanhedrin J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-7
NEBC: 00695198 Quercus ilicifolia Wangenheim USA: Maine Lewiston: Lewiston J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 00695280 Quercus ilicifolia Wangenheim USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Bedford J. W. Blankinship 1895-5-11
GH: 00716101 Quercus rubra ambigua (A. Gray) Fernald USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-27
A: 00343553 Quercus wislizenii A. de Candolle USA: California S Fk. of Eel R. J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-9
Geraniaceae GH: 01068474 Geranium robertianum Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
Haloragaceae GH: 01626887 Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michaux USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): Dismal Swamp J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-13
NEBC: 01067119 Myriophyllum humile (Rafinesque) Morong USA: Massachusetts between Lexington & Concord J. W. Blankinship 1894-7-21
NEBC: 01017913 Myriophyllum humile (Rafinesque) Morong USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-5
Hydrangeaceae GH: 01737105 Hydrangea arborescens Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, Ind. Terr. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
Hypnaceae FH: 00837223 Herzogiella turfacea (Lindberg) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Virginia [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
Iridaceae NEBC: 00463382 Iris prismatica Pursh USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-9-1
NEBC: 00463078 Iris prismatica Pursh USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-18
NEBC: 01044427 Iris versicolor Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1894-7-7
Isoetaceae GH: 00744793 Isoetes riparia Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverly J. W. Blankinship 1894-8
Juncaceae GH: 02099680 Juncus balticus melanogenus Fernald & Wiegand USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-6
GH: 02099949 Juncus brachycarpus Engelmann USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-29
NEBC: 01174681 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-2
GH: 02100601 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-29
GH: 02100598 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-5
GH: 02100597 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-1
GH: 02100591 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-5
GH: 02100577 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-17
GH: 02102673 Juncus effusus gracilis Hooker USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-6
GH: 02401683 Juncus hesperius (Piper) Lint USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-6
GH: 02101101 Juncus macrophyllus Coville USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 02399182 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-5
GH: 02399204 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-5
GH: 02399239 Juncus oxymeris Engelmann USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-4
GH: 02399230 Juncus oxymeris Engelmann USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-8-3
GH: 02399387 Juncus patens E. Meyer USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-16
GH: 02399392 Juncus patens E. Meyer USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
NEBC: 01045925 Juncus pelocarpus E. Meyer USA: Maine Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-2
GH: 02399599 Juncus phaeocephalus Engelmann USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-17
GH: 00364949 Juncus sp. USA: California Upper Mad River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-26
GH: 00364951 Juncus sp. USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-5
GH: 02398593 Juncus sphaerocarpus Nees USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
GH: 00443178 Juncus supiniformis Engelmann USA: California Pt. Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 02398914 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-5
GH: 00364951 Juncus tenuis congestus Engelmann USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-5
GH: 02397322 Juncus textilis Buchenau USA: California Woodland: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
GH: 00549136 Luzula campestris (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: California Summit of Mt. Sanhedrin J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-7
GH: 00549136 Luzula campestris comosa (E. Meyer) Fernald & Wiegand USA: California Summit of Mt. Sanhedrin J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-7
GH: 00404695 Luzula campestris comosa (E. Meyer) Fernald & Wiegand USA: California Hd. of Dobbin Cr. J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
GH: 00404695 Luzula comosa E. Meyer USA: California Hd. of Dobbin Cr. J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
GH: 02396707 Luzula comosa E. Meyer USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
GH: 02396706 Luzula comosa E. Meyer USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
GH: 00404587 Luzula macrantha Zika & B. L. Wilson USA: California Mt. Tamalpais J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-2
GH: 00404588 Luzula macrantha Zika & B. L. Wilson USA: California Summit of Mt. Sanhedrin J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-7
GH: 02366341 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: California Eureka (California): Redwoods J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-17
GH: 02366342 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-15
GH: 02366338 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-15
GH: 02366336 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: California Eureka (California): [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-17
GH: 00549136 Luzula subsessilis (S. Watson) Buchenau USA: California Summit of Mt. Sanhedrin J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-7
GH: 02366828 Luzula subsessilis (S. Watson) Buchenau USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-02-18
GH: 02366823 Luzula subsessilis (S. Watson) Buchenau USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
GH: 02366821 Luzula subsessilis (S. Watson) Buchenau USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-20
GH: 02366822 Luzula subsessilis (S. Watson) Buchenau USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-2-18
Lamiaceae NEBC: 00685005 Galeopsis tetrahit Linnaeus USA: Maine Woodstock: Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
GH: 01552318 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Oklahoma Arkansas River, Creek Nation I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-24
GH: 02502499 Monarda punctata Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Between Verdigris & Arkansas River, Creek Na... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 01597507 Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-13
GH: 01597892 Pycnanthemum pilosum Nuttall USA: Oklahoma Wagoner, I. T., Creek Nation J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 01596149 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
GH: 00645021 Trichostema dichotomum Linnaeus USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-27
Lemnaceae GH: 00875283 Lemna trisulca Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-11
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01975671 Utricularia vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Near Verdigris River. Creek Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
Leucobryaceae FH: 00844450 Leucobryum glaucum (Hedwig) Angstrom USA: Massachusetts Medford: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1894-12-16
Liliaceae NEBC: 00817135 Aletris farinosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Southwick: Southwick J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-4
NEBC: 00560424 Clintonia borealis (Aiton) Rafinesque USA: New Hampshire Mt. Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
GH: 01540691 Hornungia procumbens (Linnaeus) Hayek USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-3-25
NEBC: 00869680 Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverly J. W. Blankinship 1894-5-4
Limnanthaceae GH: 00364870 Limnanthes douglasii sulphurea (C. T. Mason) C. T. Mason USA: California Point Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 01181315 Limnanthes douglasii rosea (Bentham) C. T. Mason USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-15
Linaceae GH: 02054113 Linum sulcatum Riddell USA: Oklahoma Arkansas River, Creek Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-23
Lobeliaceae GH: 01798623 Lobelia nuttallii Roemer & Schultes USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1894-7-15
NEBC: 00725317 Lobelia spicata Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Southwick: Southwick J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-4
Loranthaceae GH: 00355123 Phoradendron tomentosum (de Candolle) Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: California Mt. Hamilton J. W. Blankinship 1891-8-29
GH: 00355123 Phoradendron villosum (Nuttall) Nuttall ex Engelmann USA: California Mt. Hamilton J. W. Blankinship 1891-8-29
Lycopodiaceae NEBC: 00742401 Spinulum annotinum (Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
Malvaceae GH: 02202234 Callirhoe digitata Nuttall USA: Arkansas [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-16
GH: 00420623 Malva neglecta Wallroth USA: California Berkeley: [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-18
GH: 00420623 Malva rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-18
GH: 00420648 Malvella leprosa (Ortega) Krapovickas USA: California Williams J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-7
GH: 00420648 Sida leprosa hederacea (Douglas) K. Schumann USA: California Williams J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-7
GH: 00420718 Sidalcea diploscypha (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: California [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-30
GH: 00420721 Sidalcea diploscypha (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 00420722 Sidalcea diploscypha (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: California Capay Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 00420699 Sidalcea hartwegii A. Gray USA: California Lower Lake J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-1
GH: 00420756 Sidalcea malachroides (Hooker & Arnott) A. Gray USA: California Eureka (California): [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-17
GH: 00385069 Sidalcea malviflora laciniata C. L. Hitchcock USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 00385069 Sidalcea malviflora laciniata USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
Melampsoraceae FH: 00806714 Cronartium comandrae Peck USA: Montana Kalispell J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-27
FH: 00806715 Cronartium comandrae Peck USA: Montana Bridge's Canon J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-11
Mimosaceae GH: 01786852 Neptunia lutea (Leavenworth) Bentham USA: Oklahoma Pawnee J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-30
GH: 01992404 Prosopis velutina Wooton USA: Arizona [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-21
Myricaceae NEBC: 00563934 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Maine Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
Najadaceae GH: 00614147 Najas guadalupensis (Sprengel) Magnus USA: Maine Danville J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
Nyctaginaceae GH: 01642504 Abronia latifolia Eschscholtz USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1891-8-16
GH: 01641596 Mirabilis albida (Walter) Heimerl USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-26
GH: 01846446 Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michaux) MacMillan USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-26
Oleaceae GH: 00401126 Fraxinus dipetala Hooker & Arnott USA: California Mill Creek J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-31
GH: 00401186 Fraxinus latifolia Bentham USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 00401234 Fraxinus latifolia Bentham USA: California Scott Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-4
GH: 00401186 Fraxinus oregona Nuttall USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 00401234 Fraxinus oregona Nuttall USA: California Scott Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-4
GH: 01849690 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall USA: Oklahoma Grand River, Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
Onagraceae GH: 01624906 Calylophus serrulatus (Nuttall) P. H. Raven USA: Montana Custer J. W. Blankinship 1890
GH: 01624907 Calylophus serrulatus (Nuttall) P. H. Raven USA: Montana Billings (Montana): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1903-6-30
GH: 01625840 Camissonia ovata (Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) P. H. Raven USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1891-3-30
GH: 01675112 Camissonia strigulosa (Fischer & C. A. Meyer) P. H. Raven USA: California San Francisco: Ocean View J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-17
GH: 01674552 Circaea alpina pacifica (Ascherson & Magnus) P. H. Raven USA: Montana Deep Cr. Canyon, Little Belt Mts. J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-14
GH: 01673697 Clarkia unguiculata Lindley USA: California Capay Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-30
GH: 00367790 Epilobium canum (Greene) P. H. Raven USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1893-8-23
GH: 01041079 Epilobium coloratum Biehler USA: Maine Lewiston: Lewiston J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
NEBC: 01057617 Epilobium leptophyllum Rafinesque USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-27
GH: 01780367 Ludwigia peploides glabrescens (Kuntze) P. H. Raven USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
NEBC: 00568369 Oenothera perennis Linnaeus USA: Maine Lewiston: Lewiston J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
Orchidaceae AMES: 02031518 Calopogon pallidus Chapman USA: North Carolina Southern Pines J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-18
AMES: 02029453 Calypso bulbosa (Linnaeus) Oakes USA: Montana Lower Basin of the Gallatin J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-8
AMES: 02066054 Coeloglossum viride bracteata (Muhlenberg) Grey USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1899-6-22
AMES: 01938299 Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: Montana Salesville J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-24
AMES: 02065048 Cypripedium parviflorum Salisbury USA: Montana Bozeman: Rocky Cañon J. W. Blankinship 1899-6-26
AMES: 02051376 Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Wyoming Yellowstone National Park, Continental Divid... J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-11
AMES: 02066212 Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak USA: Montana Lower Basin of the Gallatin J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-6
AMES: 02066948 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: North Carolina Southern Pines J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-18
AMES: 02063570 Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex Beck USA: Montana Flathead Creek J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-17
AMES: 02063165 Platanthera dilatata albiflora (Chamisso) Ledebour USA: Montana Shale Mts. E. of Lone Mtn. J. W. Blankinship 1898-7-8
AMES: 02063190 Platanthera dilatata albiflora (Chamisso) Ledebour USA: Wyoming Apolinaris Spring J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-6
AMES: 02063191 Platanthera dilatata albiflora (Chamisso) Ledebour USA: Wyoming Continental Divide J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-11
AMES: 02045564 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Montana Upper Madison River J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-16
AMES: 02045565 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Montana Divide between Flathead and Brackett Creeks J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-18
AMES: 02045623 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Wyoming Pass Creek, Big Horn Mts. J. W. Blankinship 235 1890-7-23
AMES: 02045627 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Wyoming Yellowstone National Park. Mammoth Hot Sprin... J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-5
AMES: 02046721 Platanthera orbiculata (Pursh) Lindley Canada: Quebec Province Lake Edward J. W. Blankinship 1897-8-11
AMES: 02050232 Platanthera stricta Lindley USA: Wyoming Yellowstone National Park, Continental Divid... J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-11
AMES: 02050396 Platanthera unalascensis (Sprengel) Kurtz USA: Montana Bozeman: Mystic Lake J. W. Blankinship 1898-8-1
NEBC: 00569689 Pogonia ophioglossoides (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-29
NEBC: 01008605 Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamisso USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
Orobanchaceae GH: 02034976 Aureolaria grandiflora (Bentham) Pennell USA: Oklahoma Grand River, Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 02033660 Buchnera americana Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 01879233 Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh USA: Montana Custer J. W. Blankinship 1890-6-7
GH: 01880341 Dasistoma macrophyllum (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
NEBC: 00630671 Epifagus virginiana (Linnaeus) W. P. C. Barton USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
GH: 00731073 Melampyrum lineare Desrousseaux USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-7
GH: 00731074 Melampyrum lineare Desrousseaux USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-7
Papaveraceae GH: 01856635 Argemone rotundata Rydberg USA: California N. fork of Cache Cr. J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-5
GH: 00669908 Corydalis sempervirens (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-27
GH: 00257627 Meconella californica Torrey USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-3
GH: 00257627 Platystigma oreganum Bentham & Hooker f. USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-3
Pinaceae NEBC: 00443707 Tsuga canadensis (Linnaeus) Carrière USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: J. W. Blankinship 1896-1-29
Plantaginaceae GH: 01046528 Bacopa rotundifolia (Michaux) Wettstein USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1888-6-26
GH: 01046543 Bacopa rotundifolia (Michaux) Wettstein USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 00466599 Callitriche hermaphroditica Linnaeus USA: Montana Bozeman: Townsend J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-12
GH: 00466767 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: Oklahoma Clear Creek near Grand River, Cherokee Natio... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 02119079 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1888-5-26
GH: 02212461 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1897-8-11
GH: 02212752 Callitriche sp. USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1900-9-7
GH: 02000781 Leucospora multifida (Michaux) Nuttall USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-5
GH: 01802856 Plantago major Linnaeus USA: Montana Bozeman: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1899-9-24
GH: 00650690 Plantago maritima juncoides (Lamarck) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-7
GH: 01803559 Plantago patagonica Jacquin USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-3
NEBC: 00745393 Veronica scutellata Linnaeus USA: Maine Woodstock: Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
Poaceae GH: 00387452 Agropogon lutosus (Poiret) P. Fournier USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 52 1892-6-17
GH: 00341318 Agrostis stolonifera Linnaeus USA: California San Francisco: San Francisco J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-17
GH: 00341365 Aira caryophyllea Linnaeus USA: California Harris, Humboldt Co. J. W. Blankinship 34 1893-6-12
GH: 01812866 Andropogon hallii Hackel USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1901-7-14
GH: 01812891 Andropogon hallii Hackel USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
GH: 01813293 Andropogon virginicus Linnaeus USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-17
GH: 01175283 Aristida dichotoma Michaux USA: Massachusetts Malden: Malden J. W. Blankinship 1896-9-4
GH: 00341458 Avena fatua Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley. J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-17
GH: 00341492 Beckmannia syzigachne (Steudel) Fernald USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 01813625 Bothriochloa laguroides torreyana (Steudel) Allred & Gould USA: Oklahoma Stillwater J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
GH: 00341519 Briza minor Linnaeus USA: California Point Reyes J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-30
GH: 00361729 Bromus carinatus Hooker & Arnott USA: California Mt. Sanhedrin J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-7
GH: 00361732 Bromus carinatus Hooker & Arnott USA: California Potter's Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-5
GH: 00361783 Bromus ciliatus Linnaeus USA: California Hydesville J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-17
GH: 00609770 Bromus commutatus Schrader USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 152 1896-6-19
GH: 00609771 Bromus commutatus Schrader USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 152 1896-6-19
GH: 00609772 Bromus commutatus Schrader USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-6-19
GH: 00361793 Bromus hordaceus Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-18
GH: 00361813 Bromus hordaceus Linnaeus USA: California Woodland J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-18
GH: 00361836 Bromus laevipes Shear USA: California Eureka (California): J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-17
GH: 00361793 Bromus racemosus Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-5-18
GH: 00865575 Bromus ramosus Hudson USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
GH: 00361911 Bromus rubens Linnaeus USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-8-29
GH: 01045590 Calamagrostis canadensis (Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 206 1896-6-29
GH: 01045591 Calamagrostis canadensis (Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 206 1896-6-29
NEBC: 01045592 Calamagrostis canadensis (Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-6-29
NEBC: 00722852 Calamagrostis canadensis langsdorffii (Link) Inman USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
GH: 00341108 Danthonia californica Bolander USA: California Mt. Sanhedrin, Mendocino Co. J. W. Blankinship 54 1893-6-7
GH: 00341688 Deschampsia calycina J. Presl USA: California Scott Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-4
GH: 00341691 Deschampsia calycina J. Presl USA: California Ketten Chow Calley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-24
GH: 00341712 Deschampsia cespitosa (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: California Eel River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-8
GH: 00341712 Deschampsia cespitosa holciformis (J. Presl) W. E. Lawrence USA: California Eel River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-8
GH: 00341688 Deschampsia danthonioides (Trinius) Munro USA: California Scott Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-4
GH: 00341691 Deschampsia danthonioides (Trinius) Munro USA: California Ketten Chow Calley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-24
GH: 00341766 Deschampsia elongata (Hooker) Munro USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
NEBC: 00737358 Dichanthelium acuminatum fasciculatum (Torrey) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-6-22
GH: 00737608 Dichanthelium acuminatum implicatum (Scribner) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 110 1896-6-22
GH: 00737609 Dichanthelium acuminatum implicatum (Scribner) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 110 1896-6-22
GH: 00673918 Dichanthelium acuminatum spretum (Schultes) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 109 1896-6-29
GH: 00673919 Dichanthelium acuminatum spretum (Schultes) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 109 1896-6-29
GH: 00023594 Echinochloa muricata multiflora Wiegand USA: Oklahoma J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-26
GH: 00365073 Elymus multisetus (J. G. Smith) Burtt Davy USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
NEBC: 00855715 Eragrostis capillaris (Linnaeus) Nees USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Waltham,Stonybrook J. W. Blankinship 1896-9-21
GH: 00341904 Festuca occidentalis Hooker USA: California Hydesville J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
GH: 00341868 Festuca pacifica Piper USA: California Mad River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-24
GH: 00360021 Gastridium australe P. Beauvois USA: California Blocksburg J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
GH: 00360021 Gastridium ventricosum (Gouan) Schinz & Thellung USA: California Blocksburg J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
NEBC: 00878561 Glyceria canadensis (Michaux) Trinius USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
GH: 00859465 Glyceria canadensis (Michaux) Trinius USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 148 1896-6-22
GH: 00859466 Glyceria canadensis (Michaux) Trinius USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 148 1896-6-22
GH: 01148232 Glyceria striata (Lamarck) Hitchcock USA: Massachusetts Newton: Hammond's Pond, Boston J. W. Blankinship 1896-7-4
GH: 00360152 Hierochloë macrophylla Thurber ex Bolander USA: California Hydesville J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
GH: 00360152 Hierochloë occidentalis Buckley USA: California Hydesville J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-19
GH: 00360074 Holcus lanatus Linnaeus USA: California Eel River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-12
GH: 00360089 Holcus lanatus Linnaeus USA: California Patter's [Potter] Valley J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-5
GH: 00365217 Hordeum marinum gussoneanum (Parlatore) Thellung USA: California Woodland J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-3
GH: 00365242 Hordeum murinum Linnaeus USA: California Woodland: J. W. Blankinship 44 1893-5-3
GH: 00365242 Hordeum murinum leporinum (Link) Ascherson & Graebner USA: California Woodland: J. W. Blankinship 44 1893-5-3
GH: 00360116 Koeleria cristata Persoon USA: California Lake Co. J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-31
GH: 00360196 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck USA: California Berkeley J. W. Blankinship 1882-8-16
GH: 00360204 Lolium temulentum Linnaeus USA: California "Chili Chess," Blue Lakes, Lake Co. J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-3
GH: 00360265 Melica californica Scribner USA: California High ridges west of Capay J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 00360468 Melica torreyana Scribner USA: California Berkeley: Berkeley J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-26
GH: 00361567 Nassella cernua (Stebbins & Love) Barkworth USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-26
GH: 00361592 Nassella lepida (Hitchcock) Barkworth USA: California J. W. Blankinship 50 1893-5-31
GH: 00360500 Phalaris californica Hooker & Arnott USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 58 1860
GH: 00360631 Poa annua Linnaeus USA: California Cahto J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-1
GH: 00583640 Poa nemoralis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 143 1896-6-29
GH: 00583641 Poa nemoralis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 143 1896-6-29
GH: 00360897 Poa secunda J. Presl USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-17
GH: 00360953 Poa secunda J. Presl USA: California Head of Van Doosen [Van Duzen?] River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-24
GH: 00387452 Polypogon littoralis Smith USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 52 1892-6-17
GH: 00361073 Polypogon monspeliensis (Linnaeus) Desfontaines USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-26
NEBC: 00684341 Schizachyrium scoparium (Michaux) Nash USA: Massachusetts Provincetown: Provincetown J. W. Blankinship 1896-8-20
NEBC: 00598346 Setaria verticillata (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-9-15
GH: 00365073 Sitanion jubatum J. G. Smith USA: California San Rafael J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-6
GH: 01814869 Sorghastrum nutans (Linnaeus) Nash USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-9-7
GH: 00361567 Stipa cernua Stebbins & Love USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-26
GH: 00361592 Stipa lepida Hitchcock USA: California J. W. Blankinship 50 1893-5-31
NEBC: 01182303 Torreyochloa pallida fernaldii (Hitchc.) Dore ex Koyama & Kawano USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: Shelburne J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-28
GH: 00341827 Vulpia microstachys (Nuttall) Bentham USA: California Lake Co. J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 00341868 Vulpia microstachys pauciflora (Scribner ex Beal) Lonard & Gould USA: California Mad River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-24
GH: 00361341 Vulpia myuros hirsuta Hackel USA: California Woodland: J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-4
Podostemaceae GH: 01017210 Podostemum ceratophyllum Michaux USA: Massachusetts Norfolk: Norfolk J. W. Blankinship 1894-10-18
Polemoniaceae GH: 01092437 Collomia linearis Nuttall USA: Montana Custer J. W. Blankinship 1890-6-1
GH: 01104116 Ipomopsis longiflora (Torrey) V. E. Grant USA: Oklahoma Perkins J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
Polygalaceae GH: 01969289 Polygala lutea Linnaeus USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-13
Polygonaceae GH: 02346333 Bistorta bistortoides (Pursh) Small USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-15
GH: 01717635 Chorizanthe membranacea Bentham USA: California Eel River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-9
GH: 01618226 Eriogonum annuum Nuttall USA: Oklahoma [Fonts?] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-26
GH: 01618230 Eriogonum annuum Nuttall USA: Oklahoma Arkansas River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-24
GH: 01851687 Eriogonum longifolium Nuttall USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 01851688 Eriogonum longifolium Nuttall USA: Oklahoma [Fonts?] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
GH: 02365487 Fallopia cristata (Engelmann & A. Gray) Holub USA: Oklahoma Grand River, Cherokee Nation I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
GH: 00404613 Persicaria coccinea (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Greene USA: California Lake Mead J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-27
GH: 02364861 Persicaria coccinea (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Greene USA: Oklahoma Perkins J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 02363704 Persicaria lapathifolia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-8-3
GH: 02362451 Persicaria pensylvanica (Linnaeus) M. Gomez USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-29
GH: 02361390 Polygonum achoreum S. F. Blake USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-14
GH: 02360217 Polygonum buxiforme Small USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-9
NEBC: 00645186 Polygonum cilinode Michaux USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
GH: 00404613 Polygonum coccineum Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: California Lake Mead J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-27
GH: 00364770 Polygonum paronychia Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: California San Francisco: [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-12
GH: 02007285 Polygonum polygaloides kelloggii (Greene) J. C. Hickman USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-8
GH: 02007622 Polygonum ramosissimum Michaux USA: Kansas Caney J. W. Blankinship 1895-9-1
NEBC: 00501754 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire White Mtns. J. W. Blankinship 1890-8-30
GH: 02006250 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-7-22
NEBC: 00650085 Rumex britannica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: N. [North] Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-22
GH: 02006893 Rumex conglomeratus Murray USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-8-3
GH: 02006932 Rumex conglomeratus Murray USA: Virginia Suffolk (Virginia): [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-13
GH: 02005015 Rumex crispus Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-7-22
GH: 02006997 Rumex crispus Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-7-22
GH: 02005317 Rumex hesperius Greene USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-7-24
GH: 02005479 Rumex maritimus fueginus (Philippi) Dusén USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-27
GH: 02005629 Rumex obtusifolius Linnaeus USA: California San Francisco: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-17
GH: 02004045 Rumex pulcher Linnaeus USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-26
GH: 02004636 Rumex violascens K. H. Rechinger USA: California [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-20
Polypodiaceae NEBC: 00696109 Polypodium virginianum Linnaeus USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
Polytrichaceae FH: 00918451 Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig USA: New Hampshire Mt. Adams: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
FH: 00918488 Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1894-4-30
Pontederiaceae NEBC: 00855479 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: Maine Bryant's Pond J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
Portulacaceae GH: 00376962 Calandrinia breweri S. Watson USA: California Mt. Tamalpais J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-20
GH: 01858174 Calandrinia elegans Spach USA: California Berkeley J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-12
GH: 00376997 Calyptridium quadripetalum S. Watson USA: California Barrens E. of Uncle Sam Mtn. J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 00376997 Cistanthe quadripetala (S. Watson) Hershkovitz USA: California Barrens E. of Uncle Sam Mtn. J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 01858610 Claytonia exigua Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Mt. Tamilpais J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-20
GH: 01858613 Claytonia exigua Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-23
GH: 01859327 Claytonia sibirica Linnaeus USA: Montana Evaro J. W. Blankinship 1902-6-8
GH: 01860917 Portulaca pilosa Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
GH: 01928132 Talinum calycinum Engelmann USA: Oklahoma [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-16
GH: 01928219 Talinum parviflorum Nuttall USA: Oklahoma Pawnee J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-29
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01564437 Potamogeton diversifolius Rafinesque USA: Oklahoma Clear Creek near Grand River, Cherokee Natio... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
NEBC: 01081209 Potamogeton oakesianus J. W. Robbins USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-24
Primulaceae GH: 01918232 Lysimachia ciliata Linnaeus USA: Wyoming Bass Creek J. W. Blankinship 1890-7-23
GH: 00563572 Lysimachia nummularia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Lexington: Lexington J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-30
Pucciniaceae FH: 00951383 Aecidium grindeliae Griffiths USA: Wihaux near Dakota Line J. W. Blankinship 1902-5-25
FH: 00950363 Aecidium sp. USA: Montana [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship
FH: 00997686 Gymnosporangium nelsonii Arthur USA: Montana [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1902
FH: 00949992 Puccinia cryptandri Ellis & Bartholomew USA: Montana Miles City J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-16
FH: 01001968 Puccinia cymopteri Dietel & Holway USA: Montana Bridger Canyon J. W. Blankinship
FH: 00950363 Puccinia epilobii de Candolle USA: Montana [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship
FH: 01001556 Puccinia holboellii (Hornemann) Rostrup USA: Montana Mt. Hyalite, Middle Cr. Canyon J. W. Blankinship 1902-8-1
FH: 01001968 Puccinia jonesii Peck USA: Montana Bridger Canyon J. W. Blankinship
FH: 00782793 Puccinia menthae Persoon: Persoon USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-19
FH: 00782793 Puccinia menthae americana Burrill USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-19
FH: 01131701 Puccinia obtecta Peck USA: Montana Billings (Montana): [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1903-10-25
FH: 01129805 Puccinia polygoni-alpini Cruchet & Mayor USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-19
FH: 00949992 Puccinia simulans (Peck) Bartholomew USA: Montana Miles City J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-16
FH: 00951383 Puccinia stipae (Opiz) Arthur USA: Wihaux near Dakota Line J. W. Blankinship 1902-5-25
FH: 00956320 Puccinia synthyridis Ellis & Everhart USA: Montana Morida J. W. Blankinship 1902-6-26
FH: 00956320 Puccinia wulfeniae Dietel & Holway USA: Montana Morida J. W. Blankinship 1902-6-26
FH: 01125668 Uromyces heterodermus Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1903-8-19
Ranunculaceae GH: 01034583 Anemone canadensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Southwick: Southwick J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-4
GH: 01706558 Anemone canadensis Linnaeus USA: Montana Missouri River bottoms, coming on Culbertson J. W. Blankinship 1891-7-11
GH: 01706769 Anemone deltoidea Hooker USA: California Kneeland J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-5
GH: 01708775 Anemone virginiana cylindroidea B. Boivin Canada: Alberta Edmonton: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1908-8-28
GH: 01708989 Aquilegia coerulea James USA: Montana Monida J. W. Blankinship 1902-8-26
GH: 00369665 Clematis lasiantha Nuttall USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 00369666 Clematis lasiantha Nuttall USA: California J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-5
GH: 00369781 Clematis ligusticifolia Nuttall USA: California Bartlett Springs J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-4
GH: 00369782 Clematis ligusticifolia Nuttall USA: California Woodland J. W. Blankinship 1892-9-17
GH: 01658346 Delphinium bicolor Nuttall USA: Montana Lombard J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-1
GH: 01658354 Delphinium bicolor Nuttall USA: Montana Lombard J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-1
GH: 01658368 Delphinium bicolor Nuttall USA: Montana Lombard J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-1
GH: 01659118 Delphinium glaucum S. Watson USA: Montana Bozeman: East of the Continental Divide only J. W. Blankinship 1901-7-28
GH: 01659534 Delphinium nuttallianum Pritzel ex Walpers USA: Montana Thompson Falls J. W. Blankinship 1902-6-7
GH: 00369752 Delphinium uliginosum Curran USA: California J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-31
GH: 00068766 Ranunculus canus blankinshipii B. L. Robinson USA: California Capay, hills J. W. Blankinship s.n. 1893-4-15
GH: 01836919 Ranunculus pedatifidus Smith Canada: Alberta Olds. J. W. Blankinship [data not captur... 1901-8
Rhamnaceae GH: 01790143 Ceanothus sanguineus Pursh USA: Montana Troy J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-25
GH: 01790263 Ceanothus velutinus Douglas USA: Montana Bridger Mts. J. W. Blankinship 1900-7-9
GH: 00425871 Frangula californica (Eschscholtz) A. Gray USA: California [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 00378073 Frangula californica tomentella (Bentham) Kartesz & Gandhi USA: California Bartlett Springs J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-4
GH: 00425871 Rhamnus californica Eschscholtz USA: California [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 00378073 Rhamnus californica tomentella (Bentham) W. H. Brewer ex S. Watson USA: California Bartlett Springs J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-4
Ricciaceae FH: 00510254 Riccia fluitans Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-20
Rosaceae GH: 01586420 Acaena trifida Ruiz & Pavon USA: California Berkeley J. W. Blankinship 1892-4-23
GH: 00345286 Adenostoma fasciculatum Hooker & Arnott USA: California Calpella J. W. Blankinship 1893-7-3
GH: 01586668 Agrimonia parviflora Aiton USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I. T. near Ark. line. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
NEBC: 00483878 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1895-5-26
NEBC: 00483942 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Newton: W. [West] Newton J. W. Blankinship 1895-5-7
GH: 00994122 Aruncus dioicus pubescens (Rydberg) Fernald USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, Ind. Ter. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
GH: 01587261 Cercocarpus ledifolius intercedens C. K. Schneider USA: Montana Lombard J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-1
GH: 01587262 Cercocarpus ledifolius intercedens C. K. Schneider USA: Montana Lombard J. W. Blankinship 1901-6-1
GH: 01588638 Chamaerhodos nuttallii Pickering USA: Montana Smith River Basin J. W. Blankinship 1899-8-15
GH: 01759710 Crataegus columbiana piperi (Britton) Eggleston USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1899-6-15
GH: 01759711 Crataegus columbiana piperi (Britton) Eggleston USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1900-8-25
GH: 01612551 Crataegus douglasii Lindley USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1900-6-3
GH: 01612560 Crataegus douglasii Lindley USA: Montana Bozeman: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1898-8-20
GH: 01650482 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 00345003 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: California [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-22
GH: 00346934 Osmaronia cerasiformis (Torrey & A. Gray ex Hooker & Arnott) Greene USA: California Redding J. W. Blankinship 1911-3-24
GH: 01721143 Prunus angustifolia Marshall USA: Oklahoma Verdigris River, Creek Nation, I. T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 01721947 Prunus gracilis Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Oklahoma Fonts J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-27
GH: 01726213 Prunus sp. USA: Oklahoma [forts?] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-28
GH: 00758255 Rosa virginiana Miller USA: Maine Portland: Portland J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-27
GH: 00346183 Rubus leucodermis Douglas ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Eel River J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-29
GH: 00346265 Rubus ursinus Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: California Berkeley: J. W. Blankinship 1892-6-26
GH: 00710038 Spiraea tomentosa Linnaeus USA: Maine Woodstock: Woodstock J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-2
Rubiaceae GH: 00385665 Galium andrewsii A. Gray USA: California back of Capay J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-30
GH: 00385655 Galium aparine Linnaeus USA: California Marysville Buttes J. W. Blankinship 1893-4-29
GH: 02358455 Galium arkansanum A. Gray USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-18
GH: 02358444 Galium arkansanum A. Gray USA: Missouri [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1893-9-7
GH: 00503578 Galium asprellum Michaux USA: Maine Lewiston: Lewiston J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-3
GH: 02138571 Galium nuttallii A. Gray USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1891-7-18
GH: 02139376 Galium tinctorium Linnaeus Canada: Ontario County of Prince Edward: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1897-8-10
GH: 00417074 Galium trifidum columbianum (Rydberg) Hultén USA: California [No Additional Data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-8-6
NEBC: 00670468 Houstonia longifolia Gaertner USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-29
Salicaceae GH: 00382208 Populus fremontii S. Watson USA: California [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-5-16
Santalaceae GH: 00936790 Comandra umbellata (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-2
Sapindaceae GH: 01870027 Sapindus saponaria drummondii (Hooker & Arnott) L. D. Benson USA: Oklahoma Big Caney Creek, Cherokee Nation I.T. J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-30
Sarraceniaceae GH: 00232115 Sarracenia purpurea Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-29
GH: 01678917 Sarracenia rubra Walter USA: North Carolina Southern Pines J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-20
Saxifragaceae NEBC: 01008281 Chrysosplenium americanum Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: Massachusetts Boston: Hyde Park, Readville J. W. Blankinship 1895-5-19
GH: 00056303 Heuchera arkansana Rydberg USA: Arkansas Springdale [sic - town itself is in Washingt... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-16
GH: 00056303 Heuchera villosa arkansana (Rydberg) E. B. Smith USA: Arkansas Springdale [sic - town itself is in Washingt... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-16
NEBC: 00575041 Saxifraga virginiensis Michaux USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington J. W. Blankinship 1895-5-5
NEBC: 00568751 Saxifraga virginiensis Michaux USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington J. W. Blankinship 1895-5-23
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01840799 Diplacus nanus (Hooker & Arnott) G. L. Nesom USA: Wyoming Upper Gupu Basin J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-9
GH: 01841452 Erythranthe geyeri (Torrey) G. L. Nesom USA: Missouri J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-14
Sparganiaceae GH: 00022617 Sparganium androcladum (Engelmann) Morong USA: Missouri Springfield: J. W. Blankinship 1893-9-1
GH: 00022617 Sparganium lucidum Fernald & Eames USA: Missouri Springfield: J. W. Blankinship 1893-9-1
Thelypteridaceae NEBC: 00701354 Phegopteris connectilis (Michaux) Watt USA: New Hampshire Mount Adams J. W. Blankinship 1894-8-30
NEBC: 00708272 Thelypteris palustris Schott USA: Maine J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
NEBC: 00708273 Thelypteris palustris Schott USA: Maine J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-1
Typhaceae GH: 00666134 Typha glauca Godron USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-11
NEBC: 00652934 Typha latifolia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-28
Ulmaceae GH: 01931165 Ulmus alata Michaux USA: Oklahoma Cherokee Nation J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-19
Urticaceae NEBC: 00523614 Urtica dioica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverly J. W. Blankinship 1894-9-8
NEBC: 00523616 Urtica dioica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge J. W. Blankinship 1896-10-20
NEBC: 00866074 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington J. W. Blankinship 1894-7-29
GH: 02171487 Urtica dioica holosericea (Nuttall) Thorne USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1892-7-16
Verbenaceae GH: 01800146 Callicarpa americana Linnaeus USA: Virginia Suffolk J. W. Blankinship 1895-7-15
GH: 01954312 Phyla nodiflora (Linnaeus) Greene USA: Oklahoma Between Verdigris and Arkansas River, Creek ... J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-21
GH: 01954729 Verbena bracteata Lagasca & Rodriguez USA: Oklahoma Baker [?] J. W. Blankinship 1895-8-25
Violaceae GH: 00381826 Viola adunca Smith USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1892-3-5
GH: 00381930 Viola purpurea Kellogg USA: California [no additional data] J. W. Blankinship 1893-6-3
GH: 02209492 Viola purpurea venosa (S. Watson) Brainerd USA: Wyoming Falls of the Yellowstone. J. W. Blankinship 1899-7-8
Vitaceae NEBC: 00701600 Vitis labrusca Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth J. W. Blankinship 1895-6-17
GH: 01579772 Vitis palmata Vahl USA: Montana [data not captured] J. W. Blankinship 1901-7-15