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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[2680] and year collected:[1914]
= with images
FH: 00453165
Lobaria quercizans
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 495 1914-7
FH: 00469508
Peltigera aphthosa
(Linnaeus) Willdenow Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of Barrasois Rive... G. E. Nichols 1914-7
FH: 00469508
Peltigera aphthosa variolosa
(A. Massalongo) J. W. Thomson Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of Barrasois Rive... G. E. Nichols 1914-7
FH: 00470005
Peltigera polydactyla
(Necker) Hoffmann Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 579 1914-7
GH: 01792520
Acer pensylvanicum
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: St. Ann's Mountain G. E. Nichols 1914-7-20
GH: 01794807
Acer spicatum
Lamarck Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 20 1914-7-16
FH: 00544370
Amblystegium sp.
Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: in Warren Lake near Ingo... G. E. Nichols 888 1914-8-15
FH: 00800438
Calliergon giganteum
(Schimper) Kindberg Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [no additional data] G. E. Nichols 1914-7
FH: 00800605
Calliergon stramineum
(Dickson ex Bridel) Kindberg Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: in the mountains west of... G. E. Nichols 1021 1914-8-28
FH: 00800616
Calliergon stramineum
(Dickson ex Bridel) Kindberg Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of Barrasois Rive... G. E. Nichols 569 1914-7
FH: 00800687
Calliergon stramineum
(Dickson ex Bridel) Kindberg Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: in the mountains west of... G. E. Nichols 1021 1914-8-28
GH: 01868555
Rhus typhina
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Clyburn Ri... G. E. Nichols 919 1914-8-17
GH: 02179190
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 289 1914-7-23
GH: 02179649
Apocynum cannabinum
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Rocky flood plain along ... G. E. Nichols 345 1914-7-25
GH: 02172470
Centaurea nigra
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 679a 1914-8-6
GH: 02205064
Doellingeria umbellata
(Miller) Nees Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 783 1914-8-12
GH: 02353538
Erigeron hyssopifolius
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 564A 1914-7
GH: 01832192
Hieracium kalmii
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 865 1914-8-10
GH: 01832191
Hieracium kalmii
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 646 1914-8-4
GH: 02197833
Alnus viridis crispa
(Aiton) Turrill Canada: Nova Scotia Valley of the Barrasois River, Cape Breton I... G. E. Nichols 30 1914-7-16
GH: 02193525
Betula pumila
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 991 1914-8-21
FH: 00797352
Eurhynchium pulchellum
(Hedwig) Jennings Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7
GH: 02040427
Diervilla lonicera
Miller Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 564 1914-8-1
GH: 02037609
Lonicera villosa
(Michaux) Roemer & Schultes Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains bordering St. ... G. E. Nichols 238 1914-7-21
GH: 02037666
Lonicera villosa
(Michaux) Roemer & Schultes Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains north of the B... G. E. Nichols 428 1914-7-28
GH: 02183141
Sambucus nigra canadensis
(Linnaeus) Bolli Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 607 1914-8-4
GH: 02186494
Viburnum nudum cassinoides
(Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 45 1914-7-17
GH: 01715719
Sagina procumbens
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near Tarbet Vale, Valley... G. E. Nichols 61 1914-7-17
GH: 01755934
Stellaria graminea
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 137 1914-7-18
GH: 01781860
Chenopodium album
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 903 1914-8-16
FH: 00392760
Cladonia alpestris
(Linnaeus) Rabenhorst Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 474 1914-7
FH: 00406071
Cladonia arbuscula
(Wallroth) Flotow Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 462 1914-7
FH: 00440500
Cladonia coccifera pleurota
(Flörke) Schaerer Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 506 1914-7
FH: 00411724
Cladonia crispata virgata
(Acharius) Vainio Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. west of Ingonish G. E. Nichols 810 1914-7
FH: 00411747
Cladonia cristatella
Tuckerman Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 505 1914-7
FH: 00410292
Cladonia deformis
(Linnaeus) Hoffmann Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of Barrasois Rive... G. E. Nichols 314 1914-7
FH: 00259139
Cladonia gracilis chordata
(Flörke) Schaerer Canada: Cape Breton Island, valley of Barrasois Rive... G. E. Nichols 98 1914-7
FH: 00428162
Cladonia gracilis elongata
(Wulfen) Flörke Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of Barrasois Rive... G. E. Nichols 265 1914-7
FH: 00259139
Cladonia maxima
(Asahina) Ahti Canada: Cape Breton Island, valley of Barrasois Rive... G. E. Nichols 98 1914-7
FH: 00440500
Cladonia pleurota
(Flörke) Schaerer Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 506 1914-7
FH: 00426273
Cladonia rangiferina
(Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Near mouth Indian Brook G. E. Nichols 119 1914-7
FH: 00426279
Cladonia rangiferina
(Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Near Mouth Indian Brook G. E. Nichols 134 1914-7
FH: 00392760
Cladonia stellaris
(Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 474 1914-7
FH: 00406071
Cladonia sylvatica
(Linnaeus) Hoffmann Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 462 1914-7
FH: 00475398
Pycnothelia papillaria
(Ehrhart) Dufour USA: Connecticut North Haven: [no additional data] G. E. Nichols 1914-4
GH: 02055290
Calystegia sepium americana
(Sims) Brummitt Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Summit of Bird Island G. E. Nichols 589 1914-8-3
GH: 01843495
Cornus alternifolia
Linnaeus f. Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: St. Ann's Mountain G. E. Nichols 161 1914-7-20
GH: 01844510
Cornus canadensis
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 7 1914-7-16
GH: 02018407
Cornus rugosa
Lamarck Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: South Ingonish G. E. Nichols 676 1914-8-6
GH: 02018850
Cornus stolonifera
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Head of Ingonish Harbor G. E. Nichols 911 1914-8-16
GH: 02105042
Juniperus horizontalis
Moench Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 591 1914-7
GH: 02392328
Carex brunnescens sphaerostachya
(Tuckerman) Kükenthal Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 410 1914-7-30
GH: 02394459
Carex disperma
Dewey Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 76 1914-7-17
GH: 02391627
Carex echinata
Murray Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 66 1914-7
GH: 02391619
Carex echinata
Murray Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 417 1914-7-29
GH: 02392680
Carex exilis
Dewey Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 222 1914-7-21
GH: 01772447
Carex intumescens
Rudge Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 115 1914-7-18
GH: 01773614
Carex oligosperma
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 843 1914-8-13
GH: 02395798
Carex stipata
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 184 1914-7-20
GH: 02394719
Carex trisperma
Dewey Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 450 1914-7-30
FH: 01136152
Trematodon ambiguus
(Hedwig) Hornschuch Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7-30
FH: 00793134
Distichium capillaceum
(Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7
GH: 01145086
Drosera rotundifolia
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Near Dingwall. Cape Breton Islands. G. E. Nichols 955 1914-7
GH: 01576604
Shepherdia canadensis
Nuttall Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Lowlands about Dingwall G. E. Nichols 949 1914-8-18
GH: 01562919
Empetrum nigrum
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains north of the Barrasois River. G. E. Nichols 442 1914-7-29
GH: 01591818
Gaultheria hispidula
(Linnaeus) Muhlenberg Canada: Nova Scotia Valley of the Barrasois River G. E. Nichols 14 1914-7-16
GH: 01594315
Kalmia polifolia
Wangenheim Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains bordering St. ... G. E. Nichols 231 1914-7-21
GH: 01718973
Moneses uniflora
(Linnaeus) A. Gray Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near Tarbet Vale; Valley... G. E. Nichols 13B 1914-7-17
GH: 01719232
Monotropa hypopitys
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near Tarbet Vale; Valley... G. E. Nichols 61B 1914-7-17
GH: 01719401
Monotropa uniflora
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Smoky Mountain G. E. Nichols 863 1914-8-10
GH: 01719794
Orthilia secunda
(Linnaeus) House Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 620B 1914-8-4
GH: 01683863
Pyrola asarifolia
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 923 1914-7-17
GH: 01761052
Pyrola chlorantha
Swartz Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 868 1914-8-10
GH: 01761279
Pyrola elliptica
Nuttall Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 704B 1914-8-6
GH: 01761687
Pyrola minor
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 3 1914-7-16
GH: 02149064
Lathyrus japonicus pellitus
Fernald Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Summit of Bird Island G. E. Nichols 584 1914-8-3
GH: 02149749
Lathyrus palustris
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Summit of Bird Rock G. E. Nichols 582 1914-8-3
FH: 01132671
Tetraphis geniculata
Girgensohn ex Milde Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7-24
GH: 01628518
Myriophyllum verticillatum
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Vicinity of Dingwall G. E. Nichols 1034 1914-8-25
FH: 00841183
Hypnum fertile
(Sendtner) Rabenhorst Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 398 1914-7-25
FH: 00841187
Hypnum fertile
(Sendtner) Rabenhorst Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7
FH: 00841196
Hypnum fertile
(Sendtner) Rabenhorst Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7-25
FH: 00450700
Hypogymnia physodes
(Linnaeus) Nylander Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 577 1914-7
FH: 00438007
Hypogymnia vittata
(Acharius) Parrique Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Tarbet Vale G. E. Nichols 7 1914-7
GH: 01749948
Sisyrinchium montanum
Greene Canada: Nova Scotia near mouth of the Barrasois River G. E. Nichols 611 1914-8-4
GH: 02074897
Isoetes macrospora
Durieu Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Warren Lake G. E. Nichols 877 1914-8-15
GH: 02099516
Juncus balticus littoralis
(Engelmann) Snogerup Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 530 1914-7
GH: 02100223
Juncus brevicaudatus
(Engelmann) Fernald Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 745 1914-8-14
GH: 02100418
Juncus bufonius
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 392 1914-7-24
GH: 02401351
Juncus filiformis
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 549 1914-7
GH: 02463110
Juncus militaris
Bigelow Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Warren Lake G. E. Nichols 870 1914-8-15
GH: 02396364
Luzula acuminata
Rafinesque Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 542 1914-7
GH: 02366162
Luzula parviflora
(Ehrhart) Desvaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 276 1914-7
GH: 01555918
Clinopodium vulgare
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 347 1914-7-25
GH: 01552710
Lycopus uniflorus
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of Indian Bro... G. E. Nichols 663A 1914-8-5
GH: 01551610
Mentha canadensis
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Lowlands about Dingwall G. E. Nichols 936 1914-8-17
GH: 01597113
Prunella vulgaris lanceolata
(W. P. C. Barton) Piper & Beattie Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 529 1914-8-1
GH: 01697338
Scutellaria galericulata
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Shore of St. Ann's Bay G. E. Nichols 177 1914-7-20
GH: 01697339
Scutellaria galericulata
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 556 1914-8-1
GH: 01697939
Scutellaria lateriflora
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Head of Ingonish Harbor G. E. Nichols 731 1914-8-14
GH: 01974531
Utricularia cornuta
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains west of Ingonish. G. E. Nichols 847 1914-8-13
GH: 01975188
Utricularia intermedia
Hayne Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains bordering on St. Arm's Bay. G. E. Nichols 218 1914-7-21
FH: 00453165
Sticta amplissima
(Scopoli) Rabenhorst Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. north of Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 495 1914-7
GH: 01798344
Lobelia kalmii
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Vicinity of Dingwall G. E. Nichols 1039 1914-8-25
GH: 02163752
Diphasiastrum tristachyum
(Pursh) Holub Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains bordering St. ... G. E. Nichols 212 1914-7-21
GH: 01740485
Nymphaea odorata
Aiton Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains north of Barra... G. E. Nichols 437 1914-7-29
GH: 01848772
Fraxinus nigra
Marshall Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Head of Ingonish Harbor G. E. Nichols 913 1914-8-16
GH: 01675329
Chamaenerion angustifolium
(Linnaeus) Scopoli Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 558 1914-8-1
GH: 01674317
Circaea alpina
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains west of Dingwa... G. E. Nichols 986 1914-8-21
GH: 01672468
Epilobium ciliatum
Rafinesque Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of Indian Bro... G. E. Nichols 652 1914-8-5
GH: 01671832
Epilobium hornemannii
Reichenbach Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: mountains west of Dingwa... G. E. Nichols 987 1914-8-21
GH: 01776472
Epilobium leptophyllum
Rafinesque Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Lowlands about Dingwall G. E. Nichols 959 1914-8-18
GH: 01643318
Oenothera parviflora
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Ingonish Ferry G. E. Nichols 857A 1914-8-10
GH: 01643406
Oenothera perennis
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 618 1914-8-4
AMES: 02031647
Calopogon tuberosus
(Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg Canada: Nova Scotia near mouth of Barrasois River G. E. Nichols 567a 1914-8-1
GH: 01938068
Corallorhiza maculata
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque Canada: Nova Scotia near Tarbet Vale Valley of the Barrasis Rive... G. E. Nichols 325 1914-7-25
GH: 01938866
Corallorhiza trifida
Châtelain Canada: Nova Scotia Valley of the Barrasois River G. E. Nichols 278 1914-7-23
GH: 01937600
Cypripedium acaule
Aiton Canada: Nova Scotia along old Tarbet Vale road Valley of the [il... G. E. Nichols 71 1914-7-17
AMES: 02065423
Cypripedium reginae
Walter Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains west of Ingonish G. E. Nichols 755 1914-7
AMES: 02032924
Goodyera oblongifolia
Rafinesque Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains west of Ingonish G. E. Nichols 753 1914-8-4
AMES: 02028475
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains west of Dingwall G. E. Nichols 989 1914-8-21
AMES: 02050872
Listera convallarioides
(Swartz) Nuttall ex Elliott Canada: Nova Scotia St. Ann's Mountain G. E. Nichols 159 1914-7-20
AMES: 02050873
Listera convallarioides
(Swartz) Nuttall ex Elliott Canada: Nova Scotia Tarbet Vale, Valley of the Barrasois River G. E. Nichols 282 1914-7-23
AMES: 02051190
Listera cordata
(Linnaeus) R. Brown Canada: Nova Scotia along old Tarbet Vale Road Valley of the Bar... G. E. Nichols 64 1914-7-17
GH: 02028766
Malaxis unifolia
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia near mouth of Indian Brook, Valley of the Ba... G. E. Nichols 665 1914-8-5
AMES: 02066785
Platanthera clavellata
(Michaux) Luer Canada: Nova Scotia along Barrasois River near its mouth G. E. Nichols 619 1914-8-4
AMES: 02063235
Platanthera dilatata
(Pursh) Lindley ex Beck Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains bordering St. Anno Bay G. E. Nichols 247 1914-7-21
AMES: 02046010
Platanthera lacera terrae-novae
(Fernald) Luer Canada: Nova Scotia near mouth of Barrasois River G. E. Nichols 537a 1914-8-1
AMES: 02046714
Platanthera orbiculata
(Pursh) Lindley Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains west of Ingonish G. E. Nichols 760 1914-8-11
AMES: 02046741
Platanthera orbiculata
(Pursh) Lindley Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains west of Ingonish G. E. Nichols 769 1914-8-11
AMES: 02051858
Pogonia ophioglossoides
(Linnaeus) Ker Gawler Canada: Nova Scotia West of Dingwall G. E. Nichols 935 1914-8-18
GH: 02078641
Rhinanthus minor
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 141 1914-7-18
FH: 01136767
Ulota phyllantha
Bridel Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7
FH: 00450700
Parmelia physodes
(Linnaeus) Acharius Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 577 1914-7
FH: 00438007
Parmelia physodes
(Linnaeus) Acharius Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Tarbet Vale G. E. Nichols 7 1914-7
FH: 00468311
Parmelia saxatilis
(Linnaeus) Acharius Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Vicinity of Barrasois Ri... G. E. Nichols 1914-7
GH: 00396721
Picea glauca
(Moench) Voss Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 617 1914-8-4
GH: 00397064
Picea mariana
(Miller) Brittan, Sterns & Poggenburg Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Tarbet Vale; Valley of t... G. E. Nichols 395 1914-7-24
GH: 01113600
Tsuga canadensis
(Linnaeus) Carrière Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Ravine along North (Smit... G. E. Nichols 623 1914-8
GH: 01802681
Plantago major
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 538 1914-8-1
GH: 02364316
Persicaria amphibia
(Linnaeus) Delarbre Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1036 1914-7
GH: 02363678
Persicaria lapathifolia
(Linnaeus) Delarbre Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 976 1914-7
GH: 02361706
Polygonum aviculare
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 661 1914-7
GH: 02006140
Rumex acetosella
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 139 1914-7-18
GH: 02005609
Rumex obtusifolius
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 565 1914-7
FH: 01135264
Tortula mucronifolia
Schwägrichen Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 1914-7
GH: 01660960
Halerpestes cymbalaria
(Pursh) Green Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 542a 1914-8-1
GH: 01663263
Ranunculus aquatilis diffusus
Withering Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Lowlands near Dingwall G. E. Nichols 941 1914-8-18
GH: 01837646
Ranunculus repens
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 605 1914-8-4
GH: 01839302
Thalictrum pubescens
Pursh Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains bordering St. ... G. E. Nichols 236 1914-7-21
GH: 01839383
Thalictrum pubescens
Pursh Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of Indian Bro... G. E. Nichols 670 1914-8-5
GH: 01586935
Agrimonia striata
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Head of Ingonish Harbor G. E. Nichols 914 1914-8-16
GH: 01728251
Amelanchier laevis
Wiegand Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: St. Ann's Bay G. E. Nichols 168 1914-7-20
GH: 01728252
Amelanchier laevis
Wiegand Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 557 1914-8-1
GH: 01756083
Aronia prunifolia
(Marshall) Rehder Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains west of Ingoni... G. E. Nichols 787 1914-8-12
GH: 01607264
Comarum palustre
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: South Ingonish G. E. Nichols 697 1914-8-6
GH: 01607343
Comarum palustre
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Lowlands near Dingwall G. E. Nichols 958 1914-8-18
GH: 01615162
Crataegus macracantha
Loddiges ex Loudon Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Shores of Warren Lake G. E. Nichols 872 1914-8-15
GH: 01606743
Fragaria virginiana
Miller Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Valley of the Barrasois ... G. E. Nichols 22a 1914-7-16
GH: 01609659
Geum macrophyllum
Willdenow Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains west of Dingwa... G. E. Nichols 984 1914-8-21
GH: 01610082
Geum rivale
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near Tarbet Vale; Valley... G. E. Nichols 361 1914-7-25
GH: 01566697
Potentilla anserina pacifica
(Howell) Rousi Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 548 1914-8-1
GH: 01569254
Potentilla norvegica
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Head of Ingonish Harbor G. E. Nichols 900 1914-8-16
GH: 01570943
Potentilla tridentata
Aiton Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of Indian Bro... G. E. Nichols 660 1914-8-5
GH: 01559598
Rosa nitida
Willdenow Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains north of the B... G. E. Nichols 429 1914-7-29
GH: 01603885
Rubus chamaemorus
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains North of the B... G. E. Nichols 404 1914-7-30
GH: 01605300
Rubus idaeus strigosus
(Michaux) Maximowicz Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 537 1914-8-1
GH: 01704421
Sanguisorba canadensis
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mountains west of Ingoni... G. E. Nichols 786 1914-8-12
GH: 01589821
Spiraea latifolia
(Aiton) Borkhausen Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 560 1914-8-1
GH: 02358525
Galium asprellum
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 909 1914-8-16
GH: 02138019
Galium kamtschaticum
Steller Canada: Nova Scotia [data not captured] G. E. Nichols 988 1914
GH: 01678727
Sarracenia purpurea
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Mountains bordering St. Ann's Bay G. E. Nichols 234 1914-7
GH: 01651558
Ribes hirtellum
Michaux Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Summit of Bird Island G. E. Nichols 586 1914-8-3
GH: 01886536
Ribes lacustre
Poiret Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: South Ingonish G. E. Nichols 685 1914-8-6
FH: 00479481
Stereocaulon coralloides
Fries Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth Indian Brook G. E. Nichols 121 1914-7
FH: 00479481
Stereocaulon dactylophyllum
Flörke Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth Indian Brook G. E. Nichols 121 1914-7
FH: 00480306
Stereocaulon tomentosum
Th. Fries Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Mts. west of Ingonish G. E. Nichols 1914-7
GH: 01116518
Taxus canadensis
Marshall Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: St. Ann's Mountain G. E. Nichols 149 1914-7-20
GH: 00933122
Typha latifolia
Linnaeus Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: near mouth of the Barras... G. E. Nichols 525 1914-8-1
GH: 02146224
Viola cucullata
Aiton Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island: Old Tarbet Vale road; Va... G. E. Nichols 50 1914-7-17