<< < Previous Anthocerotaceae FH: 00495147 Anthoceros punctatus Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1938-8-12
Apocynaceae GH: 02179608 Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeus USA: Washington on Mima Prairie, 3 miles south of Littlerock F. G. Meyer 1666 1939-6-22
Araceae GH: 01627388 Lysichiton americanum Hultén & H. St. John USA: Washington along Perry Creek, 5 miles west of Olympia F. G. Meyer 807 1937-4-3
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01682355 Asarum caudatum Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1628 1939-6-10
Asteraceae GH: 02141004 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1291 1937-9-6
GH: 02141356 Agoseris glauca dasycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) Jepson USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1239 1937-9-4
GH: 01003999 Artemisia borealis purshii Besser USA: Washington on the east face of Obstruction Point ridge F. G. Meyer 1236 1937-9-4
GH: 01234558 Artemisia suksdorfii Piper USA: Washington along the Satsop River near U. S. highway 41... F. G. Meyer 978 1937-7-6
GH: 01234843 Artemisia tridentata Nuttall USA: Washington at Palouse Falls along the east side of the ... F. G. Meyer 1712 1939-10-22
GH: 02215531 Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G. L. Nesom USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1010 1937-8-8
GH: 02021868 Cirsium undulatum (Nuttall) Sprengel USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 887 1937-6-5
GH: 02205980 Ericameria nauseosa speciosa (Nuttall) G. L. Nesom & G. I. Baird USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1710 1939-10-15
GH: 02348246 Erigeron filifolius Nuttall USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1467 1938-5-28
GH: 02352341 Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1576 1938-8-14
GH: 02352749 Erigeron philadelphicus Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1121 1937-8-14
GH: 00244047 Eupatorium africanum Oliver & Hiern Ethiopia: Kaffa Province, 30 km. so. along Omonadda ro... F. G. Meyer 7966 1962-1-10
GH: 01835206 Lapsana communis Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 981 1937-7-10
GH: 01835886 Microseris douglasii (de Candolle) Schultz Bipontinus USA: California [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1350 1938-4-5
GH: 02593003 Microseris laciniata (Hooker) Schultz Bipontinus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1669 1939-6-22
GH: 02022327 Saussurea americana D. C. Eaton USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1572 1938-8-11
GH: 02022326 Saussurea americana D. C. Eaton USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1251 1937-9-5
GH: 00244047 Stomatanthes meyeri King & Robinson Ethiopia: Kaffa Province, 30 km. so. along Omonadda ro... F. G. Meyer 7966 1962-1-10
Aytoniaceae FH: 00506422 Mannia fragrans (Balbis) Frye & L. Clark USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1941-11-15
Bartramiaceae FH: 00787086 Bartramia pomiformis Hedwig USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 118 1942-4-3
FH: 00787166 Bartramia pomiformis elongata Turner USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 126 1946-6-16
Berberidaceae GH: 02169988 Vancouveria hexandra (Hooker) C. Morren & Decaisne USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1629 1939-6-10
Betulaceae GH: 01539825 Betula pumila glandulifera Regel USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 967 1937-7-4
Bignoniaceae A: 02054691 Campsis tagliabuana Loureiro USA: Maryland Takoma Park: In my garden, 7417 Buffalo Ave. F. G. Meyer 21600 1986-8-21
Boraginaceae GH: 00424616 Amsinckia douglasiana de Candolle USA: California 17 miles north of Red Bluff F. G. Meyer 1330 1938-4-3
GH: 01956640 Amsinckia lycopsoides Lehmann USA: Idaho along the north bank of the Clearwater River... F. G. Meyer 884 1937-6-5
GH: 02027138 Hackelia cinerea (Piper) I. M. Johnston USA: Idaho Along the Clearwater River, Arid Transition ... F. G. Meyer 906
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00538337 Chamberlainia velutina (Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1939-4-30
FH: 00797620 Eurhynchium pulchellum robustum (J. Röll) Jennings USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 113 1942-4-3
Brassicaceae GH: 00992917 Arabidopsis thaliana (Linnaeus) Heynhold USA: Idaho opposite Clarkston along the north side of t... F. G. Meyer 1769 1940-4-14
GH: 00974225 Arabis crucisetosa Constance & Rollins USA: Idaho south side of the Clearwater River, 5 miles ... F. G. Meyer 895 1937-6-5
GH: 00974226 Arabis crucisetosa Constance & Rollins USA: Idaho on the south side of Squaw Creek, about 1 1/... F. G. Meyer 845 1937-5-13
GH: 00974227 Arabis crucisetosa Constance & Rollins USA: Idaho mts. bordering the Snake River, between Ligh... F. G. Meyer 260 1936-5-16
GH: 00974295 Arabis eschscholtziana Andrzejowski ex Ledebour USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 2075 1941-6-22
GH: 00974566 Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1716 1940-3-17
GH: 01181779 Boechera cusickii (S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 347 1936-5-24
GH: 00946445 Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1106a 1937-8-11
GH: 00946478 Boechera microphylla (Nuttall) Dorn USA: Idaho about 1/2 mile below Sheep Creek in the Snak... F. G. Meyer 847 1937-5-13
GH: 00946641 Boechera nuttallii (Kuntze) Dorn USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1440 1938-4-30
GH: 00948567 Boechera sparsiflora subvillosa (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Idaho along the south side of the Clearwater River... F. G. Meyer 871 1937-5-29
GH: 00948638 Boechera sparsiflora subvillosa (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 347 1936-5
GH: 00944843 Brassica rapa Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 23 1936-4-9
GH: 01098440 Cardamine angulata Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 942 1937-6-21
GH: 01098823 Cardamine breweri orbicularis (Greene) Detling USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 830 1937-4-11
GH: 00983106 Cardamine constancei Detling USA: Idaho Three Devils Camp along the middle fork of t... F. G. Meyer 909 1937-6-6
GH: 00983108 Cardamine constancei Detling USA: Idaho About 5 miles east of lenore on the south si... F. G. Meyer 894 1937-6-5
GH: 00983555 Cardamine flexuosa Withering USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 822 1937-4-5
GH: 00983808 Cardamine nuttallii Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1596 1939-4-7
GH: 00999021 Cardamine oligosperma kamtschatica (Regel) Detling USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1261 1937-9-5
GH: 01561474 Draba verna major Stur USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 818 1937-4-5
GH: 01538167 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1082 1937-8-11
GH: 01538215 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1296 1937-9-6
GH: 01538219 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1147 1937-8-14
GH: 01540428 Halimolobos perplexa (Henderson) Rollins USA: Idaho About 10 miles south of Pollock, Arid Transi... F. G. Meyer 1461 1938-5-28
A: 02451185 Raphanus sativus Linnaeus Ethiopia: Illubabor Prov. 6 km. e. of Teppi F. G. Meyer 8954 1964-12-10
Bryaceae FH: 00798568 Bryum capillare Hedwig USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 125 1942-7-9
FH: 00799117 Bryum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1942-7-9
Cactaceae GH: 01677053 Opuntia sp. USA: Idaho along the Salmon River, about 10 miles south... F. G. Meyer 1454 1938-5-28
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 01676203 Cercis canadensis Linnaeus USA: California about 10 miles west of Williams F. G. Meyer 1358 1938-4-5
Campanulaceae GH: 01796308 Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeus USA: Idaho on the south side of the Clearwater River, A... F. G. Meyer 873 1937-5-29
Caprifoliaceae A: 02038138 Lonicera fragrantissima Lindley & Paxton USA: Delaware Near Museum, Winterthur Museum and Gardens, ... F. G. Meyer 20707 1985-4-5
GH: 02038369 Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: 6 miles west of Upper Camp... F. G. Meyer 1536 1938-6-26
A: 02184685 Viburnum carlcephalum Burkwood ex A. V. Pike USA: Maryland In a small triangle and the Metro Station ne... F. G. Meyer 21250 1986-4-28
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01741973 Arenaria serpyllifolia Linnaeus USA: Idaho Camas Prairie near Grangville F. G. Meyer 2069 1941-6-1
GH: 01742801 Cerastium arvense Linnaeus USA: Idaho above the east side of Sheep Creek, 2 1/2 mi... F. G. Meyer 1603 1939-5-11
Chenopodiaceae GH: 02003964 Atriplex gmelinii C. A. Meyer ex Bongard USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 793 1936-8-15
GH: 01782047 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 787 1936-8-15
GH: 01785190 Sarcocornia pacifica (Standley) A. J. Scott USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 581 1936-7-5
Cornaceae GH: 02018002 Cornus occidentalis (Torrey & A. Gray) Coville USA: Idaho near the Clearwater River opposite Kamiah, A... F. G. Meyer 920 1937-6-6
GH: 02018961 Cornus unalaschkensis Ledebour USA: Idaho In moist woods at Three Devils Camp along th... F. G. Meyer 912 1937-6-6
Crassulaceae GH: 01991360 Sedum divergens S. Watson USA: Washington along Bogachiel Peak trail, 2 1/2 miles sout... F. G. Meyer 1056 1937-8-9
GH: 01991640 Sedum leibergii Britton USA: Idaho along the south side of the Clearwater River... F. G. Meyer 870 1937-5-29
GH: 01990155 Sedum spathulifolium Hooker Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: about 3 miles east of Sook... F. G. Meyer 1549 1938-6-30
GH: 01990271 Sedum stenopetalum stenopetalum R. T. Clausen USA: Washington near Cloverdale, Arid Transition life zone F. G. Meyer 1621 1939-6-3
Cupressaceae GH: 00356070 Cupressus macrocarpa Hartweg USA: California about 20 miles north of Eureka, Humboldt Cou... F. G. Meyer 1397 1938-4-7
GH: 02104653 Juniperus communis montana Aiton USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1026 1937-8-9
GH: 02104652 Juniperus communis montana Aiton USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1275 1937-9-5
GH: 02105576 Juniperus occidentalis Hooker USA: Oregon [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1311 1938-4-2
GH: 02107531 Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1422 1938-4-9
GH: 02107506 Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 802 1937-4-3
GH: 02107586 Xanthocyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Farjon & D. K. Harder USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1301 1937-9-6
Cyperaceae GH: 02368226 Carex circinata C. A. Meyer USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1134 1937-8-14
GH: 01774938 Carex exsiccata L. H. Bailey USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 952 1937-7-3
GH: 01774939 Carex exsiccata L. H. Bailey USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 955 1937-7-3
GH: 02370410 Carex hoodii Boott USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1070 1937-8-11
GH: 02392785 Carex laeviculmis Meinshausen USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1639 1939-6-13
GH: 02368437 Carex micropoda C. A. Meyer USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1096 1937-8-11
GH: 02368436 Carex micropoda C. A. Meyer USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1244 1937-9-5
GH: 02395746 Carex neurophora Mackenzie USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1282 1937-9-6
GH: 02395740 Carex neurophora Mackenzie USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1691 1939-8-16
GH: 02369331 Carex praegracilis W. Boott USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1446 1938-4-30
GH: 02467245 Carex rossii Boott USA: Washington on the summit of Capitol Peak; Black Hills F. G. Meyer 1631 1939-6-13
GH: 02394066 Carex stipata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 947 1937-6-24
Ditrichaceae FH: 00515126 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 117 1942-4-3
FH: 00849975 Pleuridium subulatum (Hedwig) Rabenhorst USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1942-4-3
FH: 01136251 Trichodon cylindricus (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 128 1946-6-10
Elaeagnaceae GH: 01576781 Shepherdia canadensis Nuttall Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: along the margin of Sproat... F. G. Meyer 1541 1938-6-28
Encalyptaceae FH: 00796258 Encalypta ciliata Hedwig USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1944-4-26
Ericaceae GH: 01117495 Arctostaphylos nevadensis A. Gray USA: Washington Goose Lake, 13 miles west of Trout Lake F. G. Meyer 1520 1938-6-20
GH: 01117550 Arctostaphylos patula Greene USA: Oregon 5 miles south of Bend F. G. Meyer 1312 1938-4-2
GH: 01117551 Arctostaphylos patula Greene USA: Oregon along U. S. highway 99, about 10 miles north... F. G. Meyer 1412 1938-4-8
GH: 01536051 Arctostaphylos tomentosa Lindley USA: Washington along Webb Hill road, 10 miles west of Shelt... F. G. Meyer 1594 1939-4-7
GH: 01562537 Elliottia pyroliflora (Bongard) Brim & P.F. Stevens USA: Washington 2 1/2 miles west of Deer Lake F. G. Meyer 1039 1937-8-9
A: 01562561 Elliottia racemosa (Muhlenberg) Elliott USA: Maryland In my [F. G. Meyer] garden, 7417 Buffalo Ave... F. G. Meyer 21580 1986-7-10
GH: 01718660 Menziesia ferruginea Smith USA: Washington in deep woods of the Black Hills F. G. Meyer 1939-7-30
GH: 01719354 Monotropa hypopitys Linnaeus USA: Washington 5 miles west of Olympia, Humid transition li... F. G. Meyer 1937-6-20
GH: 01719588 Monotropa uniflora Linnaeus USA: Washington 5 miles west of Olympia, Humid Transition li... F. G. Meyer 1937-7-24
GH: 01720115 Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House USA: Washington along trail to Mt. Ellinor F. G. Meyer 1937-8-15
A: 01683543 Pieris forrestii R. L. Harrow ex W. W. Smith USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1974-5-7
A: 01683546 Pieris japonica (Thunberg) D. Don ex G. Don USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer NA 21970 1974-3-27
A: 01683547 Pieris japonica (Thunberg) D. Don ex G. Don USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer NA 22868 1974-3-27
A: 01683548 Pieris japonica (Thunberg) D. Don ex G. Don USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer NA 22000 1974-3-27
A: 01683549 Pieris japonica (Thunberg) D. Don ex G. Don USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer NA 21952 1974-3-27
A: 01683560 Pieris taiwanensis Hayata USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer NA 22870 1974-3-27
GH: 01683672 Pterospora andromedea Nuttall USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 988 1937-7-25
GH: 01762151 Rhododendron albiflorum Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1288 1937-9-6
A: 01763969 Rhododendron japonicum C. K. Schneider USA: District of Columbia Washington: U. S. National Arboretum F. G. Meyer 33148 1983-5-4
A: 01764524 Rhododendron oldhamii Maximowicz USA: District of Columbia Washington: [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1972-9-29
A: 01765308 Rhododendron vaseyi A. Gray USA: Maryland [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 20749 1985-5-6
Fabaceae GH: 02047808 Astragalus cusickii A. Gray USA: Idaho above the east side of Sheep Creek, 3 miles ... F. G. Meyer 1605 1939-5-11
GH: 02044979 Astragalus inflexus Douglas USA: Idaho along Sheep Creek, about 1 mile above the bo... F. G. Meyer 861 1937-5-13
GH: 02044980 Astragalus inflexus Douglas USA: Idaho on the south side of the Clearwater River, a... F. G. Meyer 1434 1938-4-24
A: 02323920 Cajanus cajan (Linnaeus) Huth Ethiopia: Hirna village. 143 km. west of Dire Dawa on ... F. G. Meyer 8733 1964-11-6
GH: 02148194 Indigofera fortunei Craib USA: Maryland [no additional data] F. G. Meyer 1965-6-10
GH: 02149953 Lathyrus pauciflorus Fernald USA: Idaho North side of the clearwater river, Arid Tra... F. G. Meyer 214 1936-5-7
GH: 02150382 Lathyrus venosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Idaho Along the White Bird grade about 10 miles so... F. G. Meyer 1450 1938-5-28
GH: 02086561 Lupinus arboreus Sims Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: about 10 miles east of Soo... F. G. Meyer 1550 1938-6-30
GH: 02176786 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1676 1939-7-10
GH: 02176785 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1078 1937-8-11
GH: 02176852 Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 962 1937-7-3
GH: 02177576 Lupinus ornatus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 933 1937-6-6
GH: 02128031 Lupinus polyphyllus Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 943 1937-6-21
GH: 02128585 Lupinus sericeus Pursh USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 177 1936-5-4
GH: 02128288 Lupinus sericeus sabinii (Douglas ex Hooker) L. Ll. Phillips USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 311 1936-5-18
GH: 02128883 Lupinus sulphureus Douglas USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 309 1936-5-18
GH: 02132020 Oxytropis borealis viscida (Nuttall) Welsh USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1226 1937-9-4
A: 00977652 Pisum sativum Linnaeus Ethiopia: Gera, 50 km. s.w. Agaro; Kaffa Prov. F. G. Meyer 8851b 1964-11-30
GH: 02289254 Trifolium willdenovii Sprengel USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1646 1939-6-22
GH: 02347110 Vicia hirsuta (Linnaeus) Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 582 1936-7-7
A: 02347697 Wisteria floribunda de Candolle USA: District of Columbia Washington: Bonsai Pavilion F. G. Meyer N.A. 40984 1986-4-18
Fagaceae GH: 00344300 Quercus douglasii Hooker & Arnott USA: California about 11 miles north of Red Bluff F. G. Meyer 1319 1938-4-3
Fissidentaceae FH: 00779375 Fissidens grandifrons Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 137 1946-6-10
Fontinalaceae FH: 00779818 Fontinalis missourica Cardot USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1942-4-4
Funariaceae FH: 00557307 Funaria hygrometrica Hedwig USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 115 1942-4-3
FH: 00847517 Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedwig) Hampe USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 116 1942-4-2
Geraniaceae A: 00963617 Pelargonium graveolens L'Heritier ex Aiton Ethiopia: 10 km. s.w. Sheshamene at Wondo-Ginet, Shoa ... F. G. Meyer 8789 1964-11-16
Grimmiaceae FH: 00487736 Grimmia laevigata (Bridel) Bridel USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 121 1942-4-4
FH: 00836552 Hedwigia ciliata (Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 119 1942-4-3
FH: 00902467 Racomitrium varium (Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 130 1945-6-10
Hypnaceae FH: 00841158 Hypnum dieckei Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 135 1946-6-10
Juncaceae GH: 02100777 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1672 1939-6-28
GH: 02102183 Juncus drummondii E. Meyer USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1286 1937-9-6
GH: 02102181 Juncus drummondii E. Meyer USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1068 1937-8-11
GH: 02401185 Juncus falcatus E. H. F. Meyer USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1283 1937-9-6
GH: 02366423 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1638 1939-6-13
Lamiaceae A: 01555764 Clinopodium dentatum (Chapman) Kuntze USA: South Carolina Woodlanders Nursey, 1128 Colleton Ave., Aike... F. G. Meyer 21617 1986-8-28
A: 01554331 Conradina grandiflora Small USA: South Carolina Woodlanders Nursey, 1128 Colleton Avenue, Ai... F. G. Meyer 21606 1986-8-28
A: 01553915 Lavandula angustifolia Miller USA: Maryland Brookside Gardens, 1500 Glen-allan Road, Whe... F. G. Meyer [data not captured] 21542 1986-6-25
A: 01553916 Lavandula angustifolia Miller USA: Maryland Brookside Gardens, 1500 Glenallan Rd., Wheat... F. G. Meyer [data not captured] 21546 1986-6-25
GH: 00403291 Salvia columbariae Bentham USA: California slopes along the northeast side of Clearlake F. G. Meyer 1380 1938-4-5
GH: 01698909 Stachys chamissonis cooleyae (A. Heller) G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: at Elk Falls, 7 miles west... F. G. Meyer 1531 1938-6-26
Lauraceae GH: 00381265 Umbellularia californica (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall USA: California on open banks and in woods 20 miles north of... F. G. Meyer 1328 1938-4-3
GH: 00381266 Umbellularia californica (Hooker & Arnott) Nuttall USA: California along the Smith River at Darlingtonia F. G. Meyer 1402 1938-4-7
Lembophyllaceae FH: 00842698 Isothecium stoloniferum Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 136 1946-6-10
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974307 Pinguicula vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Washington Along Deer Lake, about 8 miles southeast of ... F. G. Meyer 1047 1937-8-9
Limnanthaceae GH: 01181324 Limnanthes douglasii rosea (Bentham) C. T. Mason USA: California [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1337 1938-4-4
Melampsoraceae FH: 00956846 Pucciniastrum pustulatum Dietel USA: Washington at Upper Lena Lake F. G. Meyer 107 1940-6-14
Mimosaceae A: 02321550 Leucaena leucocephala (Lamarck) de Wit Ethiopia: Jimma Agricultural & Technical School, Jimma... F. G. Meyer 8835 1964-11-25
Moraceae A: 01544767 Fatoua villosa (Thunberg) Nakai USA: Maryland Takoma Park: 7414 Buffalo Ave. F. G. Meyer 22475 1990-9-30
Neckeraceae FH: 00846829 Neckera douglasii Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 131 1946-6-10
Oleaceae A: 01846913 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Maryland Near main gate Brookside Gardens, 1500 Glena... F. G. Meyer 21462 1986-5-23
A: 01850608 Ligustrum quihoui Carrière USA: Maryland Planted by a building on Kennett St., Silver... F. G. Meyer 21579 1986-6-30
A: 01854045 Osmanthus armatus Diels USA: Maryland Brookside Gardens, 1500 Glen-allen Ave., Whe... F. G. Meyer 21747 1986-12-3
A: 01854052 Osmanthus heterophyllus (G. Don) P. S. Green USA: Maryland Planted at Plant Intro-duction Station, Glen... F. G. Meyer P. I. 205644 1975-11-28
Orchidaceae GH: 01938421 Corallorhiza maculata occidentalis (Lindley) W. J. Schrenk USA: Washington Black Hills F. G. Meyer 1675 1939-7-10
GH: 01938506 Corallorhiza mertensiana Bongard USA: Washington 3 1/2 miles above Sol Duc Hot Springs F. G. Meyer 1013 1937-8-9
GH: 01938493 Corallorhiza mertensiana Bongard USA: Washington on the northeast side of Capitol Peak, Black... F. G. Meyer 1682 1939-7-10
AMES: 02028073 Goodyera oblongifolia Rafinesque USA: Washington about five miles west of Olympia F. G. Meyer 795 1936-8-23
AMES: 02051097 Listera convallarioides (Swartz) Nuttall ex Elliott USA: Washington Black Hills F. G. Meyer 1673 1939-7-10
AMES: 02063842 Platanthera dilatata leucostachys (Lindley) Luer USA: Washington about four miles northwest of Olympia F. G. Meyer 496 1936-6-20
AMES: 02063970 Platanthera elegans Lindley USA: Washington about one mile east of Lacey F. G. Meyer 629 1936-7-14
AMES: 02050195 Platanthera stricta Lindley USA: Washington bordering Mink Lake, about 4 miles from Sol ... F. G. Meyer 1020 1937-8-9
AMES: 02050434 Platanthera unalascensis (Sprengel) Kurtz USA: Washington about five miles west of Olympia F. G. Meyer 526 1936-6-27
Orobanchaceae GH: 01876842 Castilleja foliolosa Hooker & Arnott USA: California about 5 miles south of Clearlake F. G. Meyer 1366 1938-4-5
GH: 01876973 Castilleja hispida Bentham USA: Idaho on north hillside along the north side of th... F. G. Meyer 212 1936-5-7
GH: 01877909 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: on cliffs above the Strait... F. G. Meyer 1548 1938-6-30
GH: 01877908 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: banks at Cameron Lake, 15 ... F. G. Meyer 1544 1938-6-28
GH: 01878460 Castilleja oresbia Greenman USA: Idaho About 0.5 miles north of New Meadows F. G. Meyer 1468 1938-5-28
Orthotrichaceae FH: 00796030 Drummondia prorepens (Hedwig) E. Britton USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 122 1942-4-4
FH: 00898196 Orthotrichum pusillum Mitten USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 120 1942-4-3
Pelliaceae FH: 00508252 Pellia neesiana (Gottsche) Limpricht USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1940-5-9
Pinaceae GH: 00395407 Abies amabilis Douglas ex J. Forbes USA: Washington in the Black Hills F. G. Meyer 1683a 1939-7-18
GH: 00395961 Abies lasiocarpa (Hooker) Nuttall USA: Washington on slopes of Sawtooth Ridge F. G. Meyer 1706 1939-8-17
GH: 00246920 Pinus attenuata Lemmon USA: California along the Smith River, about 8 miles north o... F. G. Meyer 1403 1938-4-7
GH: 00398029 Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: along shore of Sproat Lake... F. G. Meyer 1537 1938-6-28
A: 00022440 Pinus holfordiana A. B. Jackson United Kingdom: England: ex Westonbirt Arboretumnr. Tetbury,... F. G. Meyer 8376 1964-8-21
A: 00022451 Pinus holfordiana A. B. Jackson United Kingdom: England: Westonbirt Arboretum, NR. Tetbury, ... F. G. Meyer 8376 1964-8-21
GH: 00357188 Pinus sabiniana Douglas USA: California along Shot Gun Creek, about 10 miles south o... F. G. Meyer 1314 1938-4-3
GH: 00357189 Pinus sabiniana Douglas USA: California on the summit of a ridge, 10 miles east of C... F. G. Meyer 1345 1938-4-4
Plagiotheciaceae FH: 00849355 Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 127 1946-6-10
Plantaginaceae GH: 01999455 Gratiola ebracteata Bentham ex A. de Candolle USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 537 1936-6-28
GH: 01999454 Gratiola ebracteata Bentham ex A. de Candolle USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 21192 1937-8-5
GH: 02001032 Linaria vulgaris Miller USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 491 1936-6-20
GH: 02001456 Nothochelone nemorosa (Douglas) Straw USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1690 1939-8-6
GH: 02001455 Nothochelone nemorosa (Douglas) Straw USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 970 1937-7-5
GH: 02118490 Penstemon confertus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 341 1935-5-24
GH: 02118489 Penstemon confertus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 385 1936-5-27
GH: 02118485 Penstemon confertus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 341 1936-5-24
GH: 02118778 Penstemon davidsonii menziesii (D. D. Keck) Cronquist USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1143 1937-8-14
GH: 02118835 Penstemon deustus Douglas USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1460 1938-5-28
GH: 02118902 Penstemon deustus Douglas USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 401 1936-5-30
GH: 02119342 Penstemon eriantherus Pursh USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1459 1938-5-28
GH: 02119556 Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 327 1936-5-23
GH: 02119595 Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1519 1938-6-20
GH: 02119656 Penstemon fruticosus serratus (D. D. Keck) Cronquist USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1489 1938-5-29
GH: 02119818 Penstemon glandulosus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 875 1937-5-29
GH: 02119848 Penstemon globosus (Piper) Pennell & D. D. Keck USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1466 1938-5-28
GH: 02120496 Penstemon humilis Nuttall ex A. Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1497 1938-6-18
GH: 02121955 Penstemon procerus tolmiei (Hooker) Cronquist USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1220 1937-9-4
GH: 02121954 Penstemon procerus tolmiei (Hooker) Cronquist USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1198 1937-8-22
GH: 02121953 Penstemon procerus tolmiei (Hooker) Cronquist USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1575 1938-8-14
GH: 02122521 Penstemon serrulatus Menzies ex Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 938 1937-6-16
GH: 02122520 Penstemon serrulatus Menzies ex Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1129 1937-8-14
GH: 02122519 Penstemon serrulatus Menzies ex Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1037 1937-8-9
GH: 02122686 Penstemon speciosus Douglas USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 439 1936-6-10
GH: 02122684 Penstemon speciosus Douglas USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 407 1936-5-30
GH: 01801214 Penstemon venustus Douglas USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1623 1939-6-3
GH: 01801540 Penstemon wilcoxii Rydberg USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 326 1936-5-23
GH: 01801533 Penstemon wilcoxii Rydberg USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 189 1936-5-7
GH: 01801531 Penstemon wilcoxii Rydberg USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1490 1938-5-29
GH: 01801575 Penstemon wilcoxii Rydberg USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1527 1938-6-21
GH: 01802145 Plantago erecta E. Morris USA: California [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1320 1938-4-3
GH: 01802916 Plantago major Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 546 1936-6-28
GH: 01804519 Synthyris dissecta Rydberg USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1103 1937-8-11
GH: 01804543 Synthyris missurica (Rafinesque) Pennell USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 843 1937-5-2
GH: 01804592 Synthyris reniformis (Douglas) Bentham USA: Oregon [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1413 1938-4-8
GH: 01804633 Synthyris schizantha Piper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 998 1937-8-6
GH: 01804662 Tonella collinsioides Nuttall ex A. Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1592 1939-4-5
GH: 01805544 Veronica arvensis Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 39 1936-4-9
GH: 01805543 Veronica arvensis Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1773 1940-4-24
GH: 01805667 Veronica cusickii A. Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1200 1937-8-22
GH: 01811281 Veronica peregrina xalapensis (Kunth) Pennell USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1648 1939-6-22
GH: 01812464 Veronica wormskjoldii Roemer & Schultes USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1695 1939-8-16
Polemoniaceae GH: 01092393 Collomia linearis Nuttall USA: Idaho Places opposite Kamiah, along the Clearwater... F. G. Meyer 922 1937-6-6
GH: 00985156 Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. E. Grant USA: Idaho Along bluffs of the Salmon River, about 3 mi... F. G. Meyer 1458 1938-5-28
Polygonaceae GH: 02365444 Fallopia convolvulus (Linnaeus) Á. Löve USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 788 1936-8-15
GH: 02364041 Oxyria digyna (Linnaeus) Hill USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1107 1937-8-11
GH: 02363113 Polygonum hydropiper Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 595 1936-7-11
GH: 02360933 Polygonum majus Piper USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1709 1939-10-15
GH: 02360910 Polygonum majus Piper USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 886 1937-6-5
GH: 02007106 Polygonum paronychia Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1587 1938-8-28
GH: 02007238 Polygonum polygaloides confertiflorum (Nuttall ex Piper) J. C. Hickman USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1514 1938-6-19
GH: 02007795 Polygonum sawatchense oblivium Costea & Tardif USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1622 1939-6-3
GH: 02005986 Rumex paucifolius Nuttall USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1465 1938-5-28
Portulacaceae GH: 01858142 Calandrinia caulescens Kunth USA: California about 5 miles west of Williams F. G. Meyer 1353 1938-4-5
GH: 01858602 Claytonia exigua Torrey & A. Gray USA: California about 5 miles west of Williams F. G. Meyer 1355 1938-4-5
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01688422 Potamogeton illinoensis Morong USA: Texas in Upper McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mts. F. G. Meyer [data not captured] 2185 1947-6-21
Pottiaceae FH: 01136888 Weissia controversa Hedwig USA: Missouri [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 112 1942-4-3
Ranunculaceae GH: 01710888 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho In the Moscow Mountains F. G. Meyer 143 1936-4-29
GH: 01840100 Trautvetteria caroliniensis (Walter) Vail Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: at Menzies Bay, along the ... F. G. Meyer 1529 1938-6-24
Rhamnaceae GH: 00425395 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Eschscholtz USA: California 30 miles north of Eureka F. G. Meyer 1404 1938-4-7
GH: 01972204 Frangula purshiana (de Candolle) A. Gray USA: Idaho Along the clearwater River opposite Kamiah, ... F. G. Meyer 919 1937-6-6
Rhytidiaceae FH: 00900943 Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus (Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 132 1946-6-10
Ricciaceae FH: 00510566 Ricciocarpos natans (Linnaeus) Corda USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1940-4-28
Rosaceae GH: 01726666 Amelanchier alnifolia pumila (Torrey & A. Gray) C. K. Schneider USA: Idaho above Squaw Creek, 2 1/2 mile above the bott... F. G. Meyer 854 1937-5-13
GH: 01726775 Amelanchier alnifolia semiintegrifolia (Hooker) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Idaho along the south side of the Clearwater River... F. G. Meyer 1428 1938-4-24
GH: 01587259 Cercocarpus ledifolius intercedens C. K. Schneider USA: Idaho above the east side of Sheep Creek, 2 miles ... F. G. Meyer 1617 1939-5-11
GH: 01608534 Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindley) Rydberg USA: Idaho opposite Kamiah F. G. Meyer 928 1937-6-6
GH: 00345074 Holodiscus microphyllus glabrescens (Greenman) Ley USA: California Cedar Peak, Warner Mts. F. G. Meyer 2155 1940-7-1
A: 01722342 Prunus lusitanica Linnaeus USA: Virginia Hill's Camellia Gardens, Arlington, Va. Nurs... F. G. Meyer 14094 1974-8
A: 00247878 Pyrus calleryana Decaisne USA: District of Columbia Washington: Planted in 'M' St. parking lot. ... F. G. Meyer N.A. 31155 1985-4-2
A: 00247862 Pyrus calleryana Decaisne USA: District of Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 35177 1985-4-2
Rubiaceae GH: 00385629 Galium aparine Linnaeus USA: California About 17 miles north of Red Bluff F. G. Meyer 1333 1938-4-3
GH: 02358766 Galium boreale Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1540 1938-6-26
GH: 02359267 Galium boreale Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 929 1937-6-6
GH: 00385629 Galium parisiense Linnaeus USA: California About 17 miles north of Red Bluff F. G. Meyer 1333 1938-4-3
Salicaceae GH: 00383449 Salix lasiolepis Bentham USA: California about 12 miles north of Redding F. G. Meyer 1324 1938-4-3
Saxifragaceae GH: 01735090 Heuchera cylindrica glabella (Torrey & A. Gray) Wheelock USA: Idaho Along moist banks of the middle fork of the ... F. G. Meyer 913 1937-6-6
GH: 01735091 Heuchera cylindrica glabella (Torrey & A. Gray) Wheelock USA: Idaho Along moist banks of the middle fork of the ... F. G. Meyer 1119 1937-6-6
GH: 01735415 Heuchera micrantha Douglas ex Lindley USA: Idaho The south side of the Clearwater River, abou... F. G. Meyer 893 1937-6-5
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00365945 Diplacus aurantiacus (Curtis) Jepson USA: California along the northeast side of Clearlake F. G. Meyer 1379 1938-4-5
GH: 01841370 Erythranthe floribunda (Douglas ex Lindley) G. L. Nesom USA: Washington [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 1711 1939-10-22
GH: 01841775 Erythranthe guttata (de Candolle) G. L. Nesom USA: Idaho Bankd on the north side of the Clearwater Ri... F. G. Meyer 210 1936-5-7
GH: 01842487 Erythranthe nasuta (Greene) G. L. Nesom Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: woods at Elk Falls, 7 mile... F. G. Meyer 1530 1938-6-26
GH: 00365945 Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis USA: California along the northeast side of Clearlake F. G. Meyer 1379 1938-4-5
Solanaceae A: 00801888 Brugmansia suaveolens (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Sweet Ethiopia: behind Ghion Hotel, Jimma, Kaffa Prov. F. G. Meyer 8833 1964-11-15
A: 00813129 Datura metel Linnaeus Ethiopia: Illubabor Prov. F. G. Meyer 8964 1964-12-10
Taxodiaceae GH: 00357863 Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endlicher USA: California about 15 miles north of Cummings, Mendocino ... F. G. Meyer 1387 1938-4-6
GH: 00357864 Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endlicher USA: California about 15 miles north of Cummings, Mendocino ... F. G. Meyer 1388 1938-4-6
Theaceae A: 00449000 Camellia sinensis (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: District of Columbia Washington: U. S. National Arboretum F. G. Meyer NA 5097 1973-10-31
Urticaceae GH: 02170612 Parietaria pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Oregon [data not captured] F. G. Meyer 220 1936-5-14