GH: 02075154 riddellii (Van Eseltine) R. M. Tryon USA: Texas 4 miles south of Silsbee. D. S. Correll 32001 1965-10-10
GH: 01084364 ochroleuca (Wooton) Detling USA: Texas Along Alamito Creek, about 3 miles north of ... D. S. Correll 30672 1965-2-7
GH: 02055085 angustatum Rehder USA: Texas 30 mi. n. of Van Horn, Sierra Diablo Mts. D. S. Correll 31629 1965-9-9
GH: 00247807 affinis Engelmann USA: Texas West branch of Sycamore Creek, about 10 mi. ... D. S. Correll 31537 1965-9-7
GH: 00247812 affinis Engelmann USA: Texas Along Llano River at Junction. In old field. D. S. Correll 31527 1965-9-6
GH: 02059716 aliena A. Gray USA: Texas Boquillas Canyon (about 10 miles below west ... D. S. Correll [data not captured] 30715 1965-2-11
GH: 02165248 angularis (Linnaeus) Pursh USA: Texas Waterworks Lake, just NE of Wamba. D. S. Correll 31279 1965-7-13
GH: 01970061 barbeyana Chodat USA: Texas 3 mi. from mouth of Heath Canyon D. S. Correll 31580 1965-8-9
GH: 01700077 canadense Linnaeus USA: Texas Below spillway of Waterworks Lake, just NE o... D. S. Correll 31291 1965-7-13
GH: 01181694 canadensis (Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas just west of Wamba D. S. Correll 31302 1965-7-13
GH: 01181696 canadensis (Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas just W of Wamba D. S. Correll 31302 1965-7-13
GH: 01736127 carinatus C. Wright ex A. Gray USA: Texas 25 miles southwest of Fort Stockton D. S. Correll [data not captured] 30838 1965-4-5
GH: 01563817 cinerascens (Dunal) Hitchcock USA: Texas 8.5 miles northwest of Huntsville on Route #... D. S. Correll 31981 1965-10-7
GH: 02068438 cordata Linnaeus USA: Texas at Farris Chapel, north of Montgomery D. S. Correll 31933 1965-10-6
GH: 01106183 cuneifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas about 17 miles S. of Marathon. D. S. Correll 30717 1965-2-12
GH: 01700730 dichotomum Linnaeus USA: Texas Along Village Creek, 4 mi. south of Silsbee D. S. Correll 32002 1965-10-10
GH: 01947264 entomantha (La Llave & Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Michoacán on grassy slope at El Olivar, between Moreli... D. S. Correll 31344B 1965-8-5
GH: 02113040 erecta Linnaeus USA: Texas south of Addicks. D. S. Correll 31904 1965-10-6
GH: 01556293 ericifolia (Torrey ex A. Gray) Henrickson USA: Texas 3 mi. north from mouth of Heath Canyon D. S. Correll 31578 1965-9-8
GH: 01575588 fendleri (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas Noviculite hills west of Old Fort Pena Color... D. S. Correll 30829 1965-4-4
GH: 01575695 fendleri (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas Apache Mts., aboiut 28 miles NW of Kent D. S. Correll 31672 1965-9-10
GH: 02236581 fistulosa Linnaeus USA: Texas [data not captured] D. S. Correll 31191 1965-7-5
AMES: 02388912 gracilis Loddiges Mexico: México on grassy open pine-hardwood slope between V... D. S. Correll 31317 1965-8-1
GH: 01869626 halicacabum Linnaeus USA: Texas at Farris Chapel, north of Montgomery D. S. Correll 31934 1965-10-6
GH: 02176566 havardii S. Watson USA: Texas about 1.5 miles NW of Redford. D. S. Correll 30674 1965-2-7
GH: 02135896 herbacea (Miller) McVaugh USA: Texas Along stream at Farris Chapel, north of Mont... D. S. Correll 31935 1965-10-6
GH: 00466815 heterophylla Pursh USA: Texas Koon Kreek Klub [Coon Creek Club], off Rt. 1... D. S. Correll [data not captured] 30936 1965-5-5
GH: 00466817 heterophylla Pursh USA: Texas Koon Kreek Klub [Coon Creek Club], off Rt. 1... D. S. Correll [data not captured] 30929 1965-5-4
GH: 02035890 heterophylla (Nuttall) Small USA: Texas 8.5 mi. north-west of Huntsville on Rte. #19 D. S. Correll 31979 1965-10-7
GH: 01842007 inamoena (Greene) G. L. Nesom USA: Texas Hot Springs, Big Bend National Park, in grav... D. S. Correll 30689 1965-2-8
GH: 02202974 laevis Allioni USA: Texas About Karnack and Caddo Lake State Park. D. S. Correll 31233 1965-7-11
GH: 02075444 lepidophylla (Hooker & Greville) Spring USA: Texas 3 mi. from mouth of Heath Canyon D. S. Correll 31574 1965-9-8
GH: 01847313 ligustrina (Michaux) Poiret USA: Texas 6 miles northwest of Fairfield. D. S. Correll 32121 1965-11-12
GH: 01540559 linearifolius (A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Texas 30 mi. n. of Van Horn, Sierra Diable Mts. D. S. Correll 31613 1965-9-9
GH: 01104141 longiflora (Torrey) V. E. Grant USA: Texas Steamboat Mt., about 18 miles S. of Abilene D. S. Correll 31729 1965-9-12
GH: 01969311 macradenia A. Gray USA: Texas Apache Mts., about 28 miles NW of Kent D. S. Correll 31665 1965-9-10
GH: 02354981 micrantha (Shinners) Terrell USA: Texas along Hwy. #259 just south of turn-off of Fa... D. S. Correll [data not captured] 30731 1965-2-28
GH: 02000825 multifida (Michaux) Nuttall USA: Texas 5.5 mi. east of Barstow. D. S. Correll 31684 1965-9-11
GH: 01846296 multiflora (Torrey) A. Gray USA: Texas Gyp Hills, about 28 miles N. of Kent. D. S. Correll 31674 1965-9-10
GH: 01544028 naudiniana Cogniaux USA: Texas Bear Mt., about 4 miles n. of Fredericksburg D. S. Correll [data not captured] 31184 1965-6-9
GH: 02036536 orbiculatus Moench USA: Texas West branch of Sycamore Creek, about 10 mi. ... D. S. Correll 31532 1965-9-7
GH: 01803459 ovata Forsskål USA: Texas about 24.5 miles SE of Redford. D. S. Correll 30682 1965-2-7
GH: 01717416 ovata (Walter) Shinners USA: Texas Uncertain, Caddo Lake D. S. Correll 31227 1965-7-11
GH: 01563560 parviflora Jussieu USA: Texas Along Llano River at Junction. D. S. Correll 31515 1965-9-6
GH: 02075594 peruviana (Milde) Hieronymus USA: Texas 30 mi. n. of Van Horn, Sierra Diablo Mts. D. S. Correll 31630 1965-9-9
GH: 02075592 peruviana (Milde) Hieronymus USA: Texas Apache Mts., 27 miles NE of Van Horn. D. S. Correll 31655 1965-9-10
GH: 02075601 pilifera A. Braun USA: Texas 30 mi. n. of Van Horn, Sierra Diablo Mts. D. S. Correll 31610 1965-9-9
GH: 01995223 redowskii (Hornemann) Greene USA: Texas about 1 mile SW of Terlingua. D. S. Correll 30710 1965-2-9
GH: 01046547 rotundifolia (Michaux) Wettstein USA: Texas 1 mi. e. of Streeter. D. S. Correll 31502 1965-9-6
GH: 01968264 scoparioides Chodat USA: Texas Apache Mts., 27 miles NE of Van Horn D. S. Correll 31650 1965-9-10
GH: 01968269 scoparioides Chodat USA: Texas 3 1/2 miles west of Marathon D. S. Correll [data not captured] 30825 1965-4-4
GH: 01742058 serpyllifolia Linnaeus USA: Texas Koon Kreek Klub [Coon Creek Club], off Rt. 1... D. S. Correll [data not captured] 30931 1965-5-4
GH: 00994331 stipulata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Nuttall USA: Texas about 2 mi. N of Texarkana D. S. Correll 31255 1965-7-12
GH: 00072131 texana Correll USA: Texas Along Clear Creek, 7.5 miles southeast of Co... D. S. Correll 32006 1965-10-10
GH: 01731199 texanum (Cory) Rollins USA: Texas along Terlingua Creek between Terlingua and ... D. S. Correll 30692 1965-2-9
GH: 01731203 texanum (Cory) Rollins USA: Texas on Terlingua Beds, 7 miles east of Lajitas D. S. Correll 30685 1965-2-7
GH: 01731205 texanum (Cory) Rollins USA: Texas about 24.5 miles SE of Redfor D. S. Correll 30681 1965-2-7
GH: 02032653 tuberosa Rafinesque USA: Texas on E edge of Scottsville D. S. Correll 31209 1965-7-11
GH: 01812716 virginicum (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Texas about 2 mi. N of Texarkana. D. S. Correll 31261 1965-7-12
GH: 01731244 wrightii A. Gray USA: Texas 30 mi. n. of Van Horn, Sierra Diablo Mts. D. S. Correll 31617 1965-9-9
GH: 02074300 wrightii Hieronymus USA: Texas 3 miles from mouth of Heath Canyon D. S. Correll 31581 1965-9-8
GH: 01799600 zeylanica Gaertner USA: Texas about 11 miles north of Addicks. D. S. Correll 31890 1965-10-6
Aizoaceae GH: 01785952 Mollugo cerviana (Linnaeus) Seringe USA: Texas 18 miles NE of Van Horn. D. S. Correll 31641 1965-9-10
Amaranthaceae GH: 01930531 Iresine leptoclada (Hooker f.) Henrickson & Sundberg USA: Texas about 17 mi. south of Marathon D. S. Correll 30718 1965-2-12
Apocynaceae GH: 02178086 Apocynum cannabinum glaberrimum A. de Candolle USA: Texas Along Red River north of Texarkana. D. S. Correll 31240 1965-7-12
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00961047 Asclepias perennis Walter USA: Texas near Addicks D. S. Correll 31884 1965-10-6
GH: 01083077 Cynanchum laeve (Michaux) Persoon USA: Texas On campus of Texas Research Foundation, Renn... D. S. Correll 31741 1965-9-24
GH: 01083078 Cynanchum laeve (Michaux) Persoon USA: Texas along Red River north of Texarkana D. S. Correll 31241 1965-7-12
GH: 01083147 Cynanchum unifarium (Scheele) Woodson USA: Texas about 15 mi. SE of Carta Valley D. S. Correll 31545 1965-9-7
GH: 01083149 Cynanchum unifarium (Scheele) Woodson USA: Texas Abilene State Park D. S. Correll 31734 1965-9-12
Asteraceae GH: 02215302 Bradburia hirtella A. Gray USA: Texas 8.5 mi. northwest of Huntsville on Rt. # 19 D. S. Correll 31977 1965-10-7
GH: 02215301 Bradburia hirtella A. Gray USA: Texas 8.5 miles northwest of Huntsville on Route #... D. S. Correll 31977 1965-10-7
GH: 02188665 Conoclinium coelestinum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Texas on south edge of Addicks D. S. Correll 31903 1965-10-6
GH: 01925238 Elephantopus tomentosus Linnaeus USA: Texas about 5 mi. N of Texarkana D. S. Correll 31251 1965-7-12
GH: 02192043 Liatris cymosa (Ness) K. Schumann USA: Texas 8.5 miles northwest of Huntsville on Route #... D. S. Correll 31976 1965-10-7
GH: 02192041 Liatris cymosa (Ness) K. Schumann USA: Texas 8.5 mi. northwest of Huntsville on Rt. #19 D. S. Correll 31976 1965-10-7