<< < Previous Actinidiaceae A: 00098291 Saurauia altiterra P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Below Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14692 1962-9-26
Adiantaceae A: 02529776 Pityrogramma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14543 1962-6-11
Anacardiaceae A: 02279898 Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merrill & Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 22599 1965-7-9
A: 02279930 Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merrill & Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Garden A. N. Millar NGF 23861 1965-3-26
A: 02279938 Dracontomelon lenticulatum H.P.Wilk. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 22600 1965-7-9
A: 02279937 Dracontomelon lenticulatum H.P.Wilk. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Garden A. N. Millar NGF 23862 1965-3-26
A: 02280029 Euroschinus papuanus Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Siserata A. N. Millar NGF 23524 1964-7-27
A: 02281032 Melanococca tomentosa Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kassam Pass A. N. Millar NGF 22768 1966-11-8
A: 02281325 Rhus lamprocarpa Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau/Bulolo: Below water race, Dengalu Villag... A. N. Millar NGF 23028 1964-1-15
A: 02281333 Rhus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Amampi River, road from Dengalu to Bulo... A. N. Millar NGF 14476 1962-1-18
A: 02281640 Semecarpus forstenii Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Hallstrom Flora & Fauna Sanctua... A. N. Millar NGF 37722 1968-7-10
A: 02281668 Semecarpus forstenii Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Baiyer River Bridge below Missi... A. N. Millar NGF 37612 1968-7-7
A: 02281711 Semecarpus magnificus K.Schum. Papua New Guinea: Northern Kepara A. N. Millar NGF 23513 1964-7-26
Annonaceae A: 02267724 Drepananthus polycarpus (C. T. White & W. D. Francis) Survesw. & R. M. K. Saunders Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9796 1959-2
Apocynaceae A: 02182621 Alstonia macrophylla Wallich ex Don Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 12233 1960
A: 02182774 Alstonia spectabilis R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Northern Sub District: Popondetta. Road to Killerton A. N. Millar 1909 1972-5-31
A: 02181527 Alyxia acuminata K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Island near Kui A. N. Millar NGF 22891 1967-5-17
A: 02181571 Alyxia acuminata K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Wantoat A. N. Millar NGF.12186 1968-8-8
A: 02181640 Alyxia markgrafii Tsiang Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 23306 1964-2-12
A: 02181738 Alyxia subalpina Markgraf Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 28 adjacent to Summit Camp, Wau-Salamaua... A. N. Millar N.G.F.22825 1967-2-9
A: 02114572 Cerbera floribunda K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Amboin, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 22999 1967-7-27
A: 02116788 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected on rock-pile deposited by gold dre... A. N. Millar 14500 1962-3-6
A: 02116774 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Road to Potep II, Mumeng Sub-Distric... A. N. Millar NGF 38481 1970-1-25
A: 02116773 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River near Kiunga, Kiunga Sub-di... A. N. Millar NGF. 35456 1968-3-30
A: 02116772 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River - 100 miles from Kiunga, K... A. N. Millar NGF.35381 1968-3-29
A: 02116812 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit, Morobe Dist., T.... A. N. Millar NGF 23264 1964-3-3
A: 02116810 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Wau, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 23882 1965-4-1
A: 02116809 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Collected Botanic Gardens. Lae. Morobe ... A. N. Millar N.G.F. 9766 1959-1-19
A: 02116807 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu Village, Bulolo, Morobe District. A. N. Millar N.G.F. No. 14462 1962-1-18
A: 02116756 Ichnocarpus novoguineensis (K. Schumann) D. J. Middleton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep RIver A. N. Millar N.G.F. 13874 1961-12-6
A: 02116862 Ichnocarpus rhombifolius (Markgraf) D. J. Middleton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected Oomsis Creek. Markham Valley, Moro... A. N. Millar N.G.F. 11782 1959-11-19
A: 02380136 Melodinus acutiflorus F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23267 1964-3-3
A: 02380130 Melodinus acutiflorus F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Wagau. A. N. Millar NGF. 23378 1964-6-11
A: 02380202 Melodinus australis (F. Mueller) Pierre Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Wago A. N. Millar NGF 23346 1964-6-10
A: 02380218 Melodinus forbesii Fawcett Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Wau A. N. Millar N.G.F. 14504 1962-3-7
A: 02380254 Melodinus forbesii Fawcett Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Near Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF. 35474 1968-4-1
A: 02381425 Odontadenia speciosa Bentham Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Cultivated Lae Botanic Garden. A. N. Millar NGF 38458 1969-11-24
A: 02381517 Papuechites aambe (Warburg) Markgraf Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep A. N. Millar 23886 1965-4-2
A: 02381489 Papuechites aambe (Warburg) Markgraf Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, Wampit A. N. Millar 22929 1967-7-13
A: 02381842 Parsonsia buruensis (Teijsmann & Binnendijk) Boerlage Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar 14545 1962-6-11
A: 02381841 Parsonsia buruensis (Teijsmann & Binnendijk) Boerlage Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar 14499 1962
A: 02381883 Parsonsia curvisepala K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Markham Road. near Lae. A. N. Millar 9771 1959-1-21
A: 02381882 Parsonsia curvisepala K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Botanic Gardens Lae. A. N. Millar 9906 1959-2-20
A: 02381881 Parsonsia curvisepala K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Markham Road, 15 miles from Lae A. N. Millar 23234 1964-2-11
A: 02381923 Parsonsia lata Markgraf Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu Village above Bulolo. A. N. Millar 18899 1964-1-14
A: 02381979 Parsonsia oligantha (K. Schumann) D. J. Middleton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Bulowat, Bulolo A. N. Millar 38472 1970-1-21
A: 02382003 Parsonsia sanguinea brassii (Markgraf) D. J. Middleton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar 23621 1964-8-11
A: 02382036 Parsonsia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Watut A. N. Millar 18770 1963-7-12
A: 02372858 Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poiret Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Bupu village, Morobe District, T. N.... A. N. Millar 1964
Aquifoliaceae A: 02521249 [None] Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Kundiawa, Kundiawa A. N. Millar NGF 38378 1969-10-19
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Kundiawa, Kundiawa A. N. Millar NGF 38378 1969-10-19
Araceae A: 01655806 Cyrtosperma macrotum Beccari ex Engler Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Gabensis A. N. Millar N.G.F. 9285 1957-2-6
A: 01630006 Pothos sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River, Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF 35464 1968-3-30
A: 01630016 Pothos sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 23292 1964-2-26
A: 01630313 Rhaphidophora neoguineensis Engler Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar N.G.F. 9938 1959-5
Araliaceae A: 02456624 Gastonia spectabilis (Harms) Philipson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Near D.C.A. Mess A. N. Millar NGF 14512 1962-3-16
A: 02456623 Gastonia spectabilis (Harms) Philipson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: near D.C.A. Mess A. N. Millar NGF 14512 1962-3-16
A: 02456635 Gastonia spectabilis (Harms) Philipson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: foot of Kassam A. N. Millar NGF 37787 1968-8-20
A: 02456655 Harmsiopanax harmsii K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Patep River below road A. N. Millar NGF 14699 1962-10-15
A: 02456659 Harmsiopanax harmsii K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Central Near Rounda No.2, Sogeri Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 48614 1970-8-13
A: 02456681 Harmsiopanax ingens Philipson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek Rd. A. N. Millar NGF 40972 1969-8-14
A: 02456723 Mackinlaya celebica (Harms) Philipson Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Brown River A. N. Millar NGF 40845 1969-3-22
A: 02523031 Plerandra stahliana Warburg Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Pota-Galai, near Mt. Bango A. N. Millar NGF 40573 1968-10-18
A: 02523157 Polyscias macgillivrayi (Bentham) Harms Papua New Guinea: Northern Sub District: Popondetta; Oro Bay A. N. Millar 1904 1972-5-29
A: 02523545 Schefflera bractescens Ridley Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: D'Albertis Junction A. N. Millar NGF 35390 1968-3-29
A: 02523543 Schefflera bractescens Ridley Papua New Guinea: Fly River, Mogumogu 120 miles, Daru Sub-dist... A. N. Millar NGF 35290 1968-2-20
A: 02523578 Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Botanic Gardens Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9920 1959-2-26
A: 02523576 Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms Papua New Guinea: Northern Kodoka Trail A. N. Millar NGF 23553 1964-7-28
A: 02523686 Schefflera simbuensis Frodin Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde; Eastern Highlands A. N. Millar 14665 1962-9-24
A: 02522026 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Snake River near Bangalang Village A. N. Millar NGF 15610 1962-12-12
A: 02522047 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Kwiona. Banz sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 38333 1969-10-15
A: 02522050 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Near Chuave, Chuave Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 40512 1968-8-29
A: 02522078 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 22838 1967-4-12
A: 02522114 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamape Creek, below Dengalu A. N. Millar NGF 23071 1964-1-18
Arecaceae A: 02427497 Drymophloeus hentyi (Essig) Zona Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Sali Village, sub-dist. Pomio. A. N. Millar NGF 40558 1968-10-16
A: 02427360 Hydriastele pinangoides (Beccari) W. J. Baker & Loo Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River (Bulge). A. N. Millar NGF 35430 1968-3-28
A: 02427408 Hydriastele sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamapi Creek, Dengalu. A. N. Millar NGF 23072 1964-1-18
A: 02427681 Licuala lauterbachii Dammerman ex Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Oomsis. A. N. Millar NGF 12018 1967-8-24
A: 02427702 Licuala sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Pota-Galai, near Mt. Bango sub-dist. Hoskins... A. N. Millar NGF 40576 1968-10-18
A: 02427780 Livistona benthamii F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: National Capital Moresby: Brown River. A. N. Millar NGF 38385 1969-11-20
Aristolochiaceae A: 02022520 Aristolochia odoratissima Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Kerevat, New Britain; in Gordon Dun's garden... A. N. Millar NGF 22620 1966-5-25
A: 02022548 Aristolochia tagala Chamisso Papua New Guinea: Morobe Water Race below Dengalu, Morobe Dist., T.N.... A. N. Millar NGF 23095 1964-1-19
A: 02022546 Aristolochia tagala Chamisso Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected Botanic Gardens Lae. Morobe Distri... A. N. Millar NGF 9768 1959-1-19
Asclepiadaceae A: 02478231 Hoya albiflora Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Specimen from indigenous New Guinea pla... A. N. Millar NGF 9213 1957
A: 02478232 Hoya anulata Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23296 1964-3-3
A: 02478244 Hoya calycina Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Zenag A. N. Millar NGF 12115 1968-7-26
A: 02478243 Hoya calycina Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep Creek A. N. Millar NGF 9967 1959
A: 02478281 Hoya piestolepis Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda A. N. Millar NGF 23483 1964-7-25
A: 02478801 Sarcolobus retusus K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Island near Kui A. N. Millar NGF 22887 1967-5-17
A: 02478601 [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit A. N. Millar NGF 23270 1964-3-4
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit A. N. Millar NGF 23270 1964-3-4
Asteraceae A: 02249616 Anaphalioides mariae (F. Mueller) Glenny Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. A. N. Millar NGF 14652 1962-9-23
A: 02249595 Anaphalioides mariae (F. Mueller) Glenny Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. A. N. Millar NGF 14663 1962-9-24
A: 02249732 Anaphalis lorentzii Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake AUnde. A. N. Millar NGF 14662 1962-9-24
A: 02250041 Blumea riparia (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: McAdam Park. A. N. Millar NGF 14573 1962-6-12
A: 02247776 Cyanthillium cinereum (Linnaeus) H. Robinson Papua New Guinea: Western Madiri, Fly River, Daru Sub-district. A. N. Millar NGF 35270 1968-3-19
A: 02251416 Gynura procumbens (Loureiro) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Watut. A. N. Millar NGF 18771 1963-7-12
A: 02251392 Gynura procumbens (Loureiro) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40749 1969-11-13
A: 02248791 Mikania cordata B. L. Robinson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Sub-district. A. N. Millar NGF 12126 1968-8-9
A: 02248783 Mikania cordata B. L. Robinson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Wau. A. N. Millar NGF 23871 1965-4-1
A: 02248825 Mikania scandens (Linnaeus) Willdenow Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Tabai-Rekau. A. N. Millar NGF 40585 1968-10-19
A: 02248827 Mikania sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Trail. A. N. Millar NGF 23552 1964-7-28
A: 02249237 Olearia floccosa J. Koster Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. A. N. Millar NGF 14673 1962-9-24
A: 02249386 Olearia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40651 1968-11-10
A: 02249423 Olearia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Rockpile deposited in 1956, Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 14546 1962-6-11
A: 02249422 Olearia sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Tsidibamul, Woitape sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 40999 1969-8-23
A: 02250941 Synedrella sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island. A. N. Millar NGF 38433 1970-5-11
A: 02249519 Tetramolopium macrum (F. Mueller) Mattfeld Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. A. N. Millar NGF 14670 1962-9-24
A: 02248210 Vernonia arborea Buchanan-Hamilton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Below water race, Dengalu Village, above Bul... A. N. Millar NGF 23027 1964-1-15
A: 02248232 Vernonia arborea Buchanan-Hamilton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Below water race, Dengalu Village, above Bul... A. N. Millar NGF 23027 1964-1-15
A: 02248344 Vernonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis near Lae. A. N. Millar NGF 9795 1959-2
A: 02248331 Vernonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River. A. N. Millar NGF 23295 1964-3-3
A: 02248327 Vernonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 14532 1962-5-1
A: 02250412 Xerochrysum bracteatum (Ventenat) Tzvelev Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Bulolo River. A. N. Millar NGF 38464 1970-1-19
Begoniaceae A: 02228350 Begonia brachybotrys Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu A. N. Millar NGF 23329 1964-3-4
A: 02228352 Begonia brachybotrys Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 12139 1968-8-9
A: 02228324 Begonia brevirimosa Irmscher Papua New Guinea: Madang Above Mam, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF 37742 1968-7-16
A: 02228484 Begonia serratipetala Irmscher Papua New Guinea: Madang Above Mom, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF 37740 1968-7-16
A: 02228558 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek. Forest below Guest House A. N. Millar NGF 12170 1968-8-14
A: 02228571 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Road above Avios, Woitape subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 40995 1969-8-23
A: 02228575 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit River near Gurakor A. N. Millar NGF 23279 1964-2-26
A: 02228596 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Arawa Plantation, Kieta... A. N. Millar NGF 38397 1969-12-4
A: 02228599 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu A. N. Millar NGF 22523 1965-4-16
A: 02228689 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Road above Avios A. N. Millar NGF 40991 1969-8-22
A: 02228719 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Road to Jimi - 6 miles, Hagen Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 37665 1968-7-9
A: 02228799 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Trauna Creek, Hagen Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 37627 1968-7-7
A: 02229017 Symbegonia geraniifolia Ridley Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Aiyura-Lae Road A. N. Millar NGF 22722 1966-9-2
A: 02229083 Symbegonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23330 1964-3-4
Boraginaceae A: 02476302 Cordia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Neat Watut A. N. Millar NGF 18767 1963-7-12
A: 02476294 Cordia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18835 1963-11-21
A: 02476794 Tournefortia sarmentosa Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Western Ellengowan Island, Fly River, Daru Sub-distr... A. N. Millar NGF 35404 1968-3-23
A: 02476926 Trigonotis inoblita archboldii (I. M. Johnston) P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Central Road above Avio. Woitape sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 40989 1969-8-23
Burseraceae A: 02276321 Canarium acutifolium (de Candolle) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Markham Road near Lae. A. N. Millar NGF 9910 1959-2-25
A: 02276618 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River, 100 miles from Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF 35448 1968-3-29
A: 02276665 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Creek A. N. Millar NGF 11775 1959-11-12
A: 02276710 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens. A. N. Millar NGF 18862 1963-12-11
A: 02277811 Protium macgregorii (F.M.Bailey) Leenh. ex Steenis Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Red Hill, 15 miles from Lae A. N. Millar NGF 14403 1961-12-15
A: 02278511 [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 14590 1962-7-18
A: 02278519 [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 13857 1961-11-14
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 14590 1962-7-18
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 13857 1961-11-14
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02229426 Caesalpinia bonduc (Linnaeus) Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 14536 1962-5-4
A: 02229623 Cassia bartonii F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Garagos Bridge A. N. Millar NGF 18882 1964-1-3
A: 02229628 Cassia bartonii F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: Western Terarama, Fly River, 160 mi, Daru subdistric... A. N. Millar NGF 35326 1968-3-21
A: 02229719 Chamaecrista mimosoides (Linnaeus) Green Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Wau A. N. Millar NGF 23867 1965-3-31
A: 02231359 Intsia bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Maprik: Saragum, Wasaro A. N. Millar NGF 37516 1969-5-21
A: 02231864 Maniltoa sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Kassam Pass A. N. Millar NGF 40969 1969-8-16
A: 02231870 Maniltoa sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau Rd, near Garagos, Markham Valley A. N. Millar NGF 9995 1959-10-27
A: 02232393 Phanera williamsii (F. Mueller) de Wit Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Brown River A. N. Millar NGF 40842 1969-3-20
Convolvulaceae A: 02422552 Aniseia martinicensis (Jacquin) Choisy Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Pangoa Airstrip, Lake Murray A. N. Millar NGF.35423 1968-3-26
A: 02421136 Merremia gemella (N. L. Burman) H. Hallier Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gabensis A. N. Millar NGF 23863 1965-3-31
Cucurbitaceae A: 00252109 Luffa aegyptiaca leiocarpa (Naudin) Heiser & Schilling Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Moitaka A. N. Millar NGF 48609 1970
A: 00252299 Momordica Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: National Capital Moresby: Road to Brown River A. N. Millar NGF 48604 1970
A: 00252292 Momordica charantia Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Igam; in site of Institute of Technical... A. N. Millar NGF 35249
A: 00252299 Momordica charantia Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: National Capital Moresby: Road to Brown River A. N. Millar NGF 48604 1970
A: 00252495 Neoalsomitra clavigera (Wallich) Hutchinson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 12261 1961-1
A: 00252499 Neoalsomitra clavigera (Wallich) Hutchinson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9934 1959-5
A: 00423132 [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit Road A. N. Millar 12263 1961-2
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit Road A. N. Millar 12263 1961-2
Cunoniaceae A: 02460101 Caldcluvia clemensiae (L. M. Perry) Hoogland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Above Fatima River, Marafunga. Sub-d... A. N. Millar NGF 40734 1968-11-13
A: 02460235 Caldcluvia papuana (Pulle) Hoogland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Garaina, Morobe District, TNG. A. N. Millar 22664 1966-7-20
A: 02460244 Caldcluvia rufa (Schlechter) Hoogland Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, Wampit, Morobe District A. N. Millar NGF 22965 1967-7-13
A: 02460282 Caldcluvia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands New road to Jimi - 8 miles, Hagen Sub-distri... A. N. Millar NGF 37669 1968-7-9
A: 02459013 [None] R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: McAdam Park A. N. Millar NGF 14567 1962-6-12
A: 02459039 [None] R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23434 1964-6-13
A: [None] R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: McAdam Park A. N. Millar NGF 14567 1962-6-12
A: [None] R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23434 1964-6-13
Cyatheaceae A: 02532734 Alsophila gregaria Brause Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Yamap A. N. Millar NGF 23087 1964-1-19
A: 02530009 Alsophila pycnoneura (Holttum) R. M. Tryon Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River Valley A. N. Millar NGF 22553 1965-5-27
A: 02530138 Alsophila sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village above Wampit village A. N. Millar NGF 23354 1964-3-4
Cyperaceae A: 02412950 Cyperus cyperinus (Retzius) Valck. Suringar Papua New Guinea: Madang Matafuna, Long Island, Saidor Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38447 1970-5-11
A: 02412947 Cyperus cyperinus (Retzius) Valck. Suringar Papua New Guinea: Western Terarama, Fly River, 160 miles, Daru Sub-dis... A. N. Millar NGF 35323 1968-3-21
A: 02430373 Fuirena sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Trauna Creek. A. N. Millar NGF 37625 1968-7-7
A: 02431154 Mapania macrocephala (Gaudichaud) K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Western Kauaharo Creek, off Fly River, Daru Sub-dist... A. N. Millar NGF 35276 1968-3-19
A: 02431432 Rhynchospora corymbosa (Linnaeus) Britton Papua New Guinea: Western Mediri, Fly River, Daru Sub-district. A. N. Millar NGF 35273 1968-3-19
A: 02468305 Scleria sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Lake Murray. A. N. Millar NGF 35360 1968-3-25
Daphniphyllaceae A: 02294670 Daphniphyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar 40784 1968-11-14
Davalliaceae A: 02508632 Davallia trichomanoides Blume Papua New Guinea: Jiwaka Minj: Nondugl A. N. Millar NGF 23851 1965-2-16
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02565525 Anisoptera thurifera polyandra (Blume) Ashton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis near Lae, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 9799 1959-2
A: 02565522 Anisoptera thurifera polyandra (Blume) Ashton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis bear Lae, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 9788 1959-2-2
Ebenaceae A: 02477473 Diospyros sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23081 1964-1-18
A: 02477493 Diospyros sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Wulai Is. sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 40591 1968-10-19
A: 02477524 Diospyros sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamapi Creek above Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 23040 1964-1-16
A: 02477582 Diospyros sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek above Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 23040 1964-1-16
A: 02477687 Diospyros sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Baiyer River above bridge, Hagen Sub-distric... A. N. Millar NGF 37619 1968-7-7
A: 02477743 Diospyros sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek below Dengalu Village A. N. Millar NGF 23010 1964-1-14
Elaeocarpaceae A: 01829586 Aceratium oppositifolium de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep A. N. Millar NGF 23884 1965
A: 02463561 Elaeocarpus altisectus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Near Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF 35477 1968-4-1
A: 02463817 Elaeocarpus dasycarpus A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Above Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40733 1968-11-13
A: 02462142 Elaeocarpus dolichostylus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Gurakor, Lae-Wau Road A. N. Millar NGF 14611 1962-8-14
A: 02462157 Elaeocarpus elatus A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Trail A. N. Millar NGF 23580 1964-7-30
A: 02462156 Elaeocarpus elatus A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Above Bupu village, Wampit A. N. Millar NGF 23371 1964-3-4
A: 02462222 Elaeocarpus habbemensis A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 28 adjacent to Summit Camp. Wau-Salamaua... A. N. Millar NGF 22828 1967-2-9
A: 02462401 Elaeocarpus ledermannii Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 14593 1962-7-18
A: 00051998 Elaeocarpus millarii Weibel Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga, 6°05'S, 14... A. N. Millar NGF 40701 1968-11-12
A: 02462503 Elaeocarpus multisectus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Elavala River A. N. Millar NGF 35489 1968-4-2
A: 02462498 Elaeocarpus multisectus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Kauaharo Creek, off Fly River, Daru Sub-dist... A. N. Millar NGF 35258 1968-3-19
A: 02462648 Elaeocarpus polydactylus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep A. N. Millar NGF 23883 1965-4-2
A: 02462667 Elaeocarpus polydactylus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep A. N. Millar NGF 23883 1965-4-2
A: 02462773 Elaeocarpus sarcanthus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF 22799 1967-8-2
A: 02462951 Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Gaertner) Heer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 11012 1959-3
A: 02462916 Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Gaertner) Heer Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Arafundi river, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35121 1967-7-27
A: 02464035 Elaeocarpus trichophyllus A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40683 1968-11-12
A: 02466119 Sericolea calophylla grossiserrata Coode Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar NGF 14667 1962-9-24
A: 02466187 Sericolea micans Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23112 1964-2-2
A: 02466232 Sericolea micans Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Kundip A. N. Millar NGF 18588 1963-9-2
A: 02466403 Sloanea aberrans (Brandis) A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga, slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar NGF 40752 1968-11-13
A: 02466401 Sloanea aberrans (Brandis) A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Pass A. N. Millar NGF 40609 1968-11-7
A: 02466414 Sloanea aberrans (Brandis) A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40634 1968-11-10
A: 02466413 Sloanea aberrans (Brandis) A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40634 1968-11-10
A: 02466434 Sloanea aberrans (Brandis) A. C. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Near Kundiawa A. N. Millar NGF 23835 1965-2-15
A: 02466900 Sloanea sogerensis E. G. Baker Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23276 1964-2-26
Ericaceae A: 01819256 Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Mueller) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek, Wau Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 12158 1968-8-14
A: 01819276 Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Mueller) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23612 1964
A: 01819296 Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Mueller) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Central Tsidibamul, Woitape subdist. A. N. Millar 1969-8-23
A: 01819290 Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Mueller) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Central Road above Avios. Woitape sub-dist. A. N. Millar 1969-8-23
A: 01819385 Dimorphanthera collinsii montis-wilhelmi Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar NGF 14642 1962-9-23
A: 01819384 Dimorphanthera collinsii montis-wilhelmi Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek near Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 14640 1962-9-21
A: 01819534 Dimorphanthera denticulifera pubens Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23139 1964-2-2
A: 01819529 Dimorphanthera denticulifera pubens Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23618 1964
A: 01819577 Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Sleumer) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Jiwaka Minj: Nondugl A. N. Millar NGF 23846 1965-2-16
A: 01819576 Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Sleumer) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga Sib-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 40745 1968
A: 01819645 Dimorphanthera kempteriana Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Baiyer River Bird Sanctuary Road, Hagen Sub-... A. N. Millar NGF 37611 1968-7-7
A: 01819692 Dimorphanthera keysseri (Diels) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23155 1964-2-2
A: 01819770 Dimorphanthera robbinsii Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23159 1965
A: 01820179 Diplycosia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar 40672 1968-11-11
A: 01820350 Gaultheria mundula F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14664 1962-9-24
A: 01820428 Gaultheria pullei J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40713 1968
A: 01820428 Gaultheria sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40713 1968
A: 02540045 Rhododendron atropurpureum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14668 1962-9-24
A: 02540038 Rhododendron atropurpureum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu East Highlands A. N. Millar 1962-9-24
A: 02540045 Rhododendron aurigeranum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14668 1962-9-24
A: 02540119 Rhododendron beyerinckianum Koorders Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Ekuam, Gumine Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38354 1969-10-16
A: 02540149 Rhododendron beyerinckianum Koorders Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Sugli, Kundiawa Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38434 1970
A: 02540208 Rhododendron christi F. Förster Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Ekuam, Gumine Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38353 1969-10-16
A: 02540234 Rhododendron comptum trichodes Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Central Tsidibamul. Woitape subdist. A. N. Millar 1969-8-24
A: 02540406 Rhododendron dielsianum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Watabung A. N. Millar NGF 40627 1968
A: 02540406 Rhododendron dielsianum stylotrichum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Watabung A. N. Millar NGF 40627 1968
A: 02540507 Rhododendron gracilentum F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mary Creek A. N. Millar NGF 22778 1966-11-29
A: 02540578 Rhododendron herzogii Warburg Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Dia, Gumine sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 38344 1969-10-16
A: 02540609 Rhododendron inconspicuum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Road to Nilguma, Kundiawa Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38374 1969-10-19
A: 02540596 Rhododendron inconspicuum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Mt. Kaindi, Wau sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 40968 1969-8-13
A: 02540644 Rhododendron inconspicuum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River 1 mile below camp. A. N. Millar NGF 40773 1968-11-14
A: 02540686 Rhododendron konori Beccari Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mary Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23638 1964
A: 02540676 Rhododendron konori Beccari Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi, Wau Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 12180 1968-7-28
A: 02540717 Rhododendron leptanthum Hayata Papua New Guinea: Morobe Maindi A. N. Millar NGF 23615 1964
A: 02540708 Rhododendron leptanthum Hayata Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek below Guest House, Wau Sub-distri... A. N. Millar NGF 12166 1968-8-14
A: 02540804 Rhododendron macgregoriae F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23620 1964
A: 02540799 Rhododendron macgregoriae F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Watabung Sub.-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 40629 1968
A: 02540844 Rhododendron macgregoriae F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23147 1964-2-2
A: 02540754 Rhododendron multinervium Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Pass A. N. Millar NGF 40614 1968
A: 02545002 Rhododendron phaeochiton F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40742 1968-11-13
A: 02545020 Rhododendron pleistanthum Wilding & I. B. Balfour Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23183 1964
A: 02545027 Rhododendron pseudonitens Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Central Below Tsidibamul, Woitape sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 38312 1969-8-24
A: 02545084 Rhododendron rarum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl, Pengagl creek A. N. Millar NGF 23123 1964-2-2
A: 02545067 Rhododendron rubellum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Central Tsidibamul, Woitape subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 38304 1969-8-24
A: 02545159 Rhododendron solitarium Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mt. Kaindi, Wau Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 12178 1968-7-28
A: 02545156 Rhododendron solitarium Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23625 1964
A: 02545153 Rhododendron solitarium Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi, Wau Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 37778 1968-8-14
A: 01820350 Rhododendron sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14664 1962-9-24
A: 02545258 Rhododendron womersleyi Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, Chimbu A. N. Millar NGF 14677 1962-9-24
A: 02545308 Rhododendron yelliottii Warburg Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Lake Aunde, Chimbu A. N. Millar NGF 14660 1962-9-24
A: 02545338 Rhododendron zoelleri Warburg Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23380 1964
A: 02420386 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Ridge A. N. Millar N.G.F. 14594 1962-7-24
A: 02420373 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna Village, Long Island A. N. Millar NGF 48561 1970-5-14
A: 02420438 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 40682 1968
A: 02420428 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23674 1964-8-21
A: 02420422 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Mt.Kaindi near station A. N. Millar NGF.40954 1969
A: 02420507 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Aiyura - Lae Road, 3 miles from St... A. N. Millar NGF 22720 1966
A: 02420506 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Above Sopa, Garaina sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 22706 1966-7-23
A: 02545766 Styphelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar NGF 14681 1962-9-24
A: 02544746 Vaccinium albicans Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo, Wau Manki Ridge. Wau sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 40971 1969-8-13
A: 02544743 Vaccinium albicans Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi River, road from Dengalu to Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 14480 1962-1-18
A: 02544739 Vaccinium albicans Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to McAdam Park, Wau Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 12022 1967-10-31
A: 02544980 Vaccinium cruentum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. Chimbu. Eastern Highlands A. N. Millar NGF 14679 1962-9-24
A: 02544975 Vaccinium cruentum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl. Chimbu Subdist. Eastern Highlands ... A. N. Millar NGF 23101 1964
A: 02543109 Vaccinium horizontale Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 22771 1966-11-30
A: 02543108 Vaccinium horizontale Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek below Guest House, Wau Sub-distri... A. N. Millar NGF 12167 1968-8-14
A: 02543170 Vaccinium molle mollissimum (Sleumer) Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23633 1964
A: 02543165 Vaccinium molle mollissimum (Sleumer) Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40769 1968-11-14
A: 02543493 Vaccinium sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae. Patep River. A. N. Millar NGF 14698 1962-10-15
A: 02543284 Vaccinium sparsum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23192 1964
Euphorbiaceae A: 01767447 Acalypha sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road from Dengalu to Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14474 1962-1-19
A: 02563097 Aleurites rockinghamensis (Baillon) P. I. Forster Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: near Kauli Creek, Wau A. N. Millar NGF 14503 1962-3-7
A: 02563093 Aleurites rockinghamensis (Baillon) P. I. Forster Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Trail A. N. Millar NGF 23573 1964-7-30
A: 02330788 Bridelia insulana Hance Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu Village A. N. Millar NGF 23032 1964-1-15
A: 02330816 Bridelia insulana Hance Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamapi Creek, above Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 23036 1964-1-16
A: 02330815 Bridelia insulana Hance Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamapi Creek, above Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 23036 1964-1-16
A: 02563881 Claoxylon sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Aibom Barat, Angoram Sub-district. A. N. Millar NGF. 37532 1969-5-23
A: 00100145 Croton amplifolius Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Hallstrom Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, Hagen S... A. N. Millar NGF 37723 1968
A: 00100145 Croton sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Hallstrom Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, Hagen S... A. N. Millar NGF 37723 1968
A: 02559068 Homalanthus novoguineensis K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road from Dengalu to Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14472 1962-1-18
A: 02559195 Homalanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Road to Jimi - 6 miles, Hagen Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 37667 1968-7-9
A: 02419028 Macaranga angustifolia K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, Wampit A. N. Millar NGF 22975 1967-7-13
A: 02419096 Macaranga bifoveata J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Northern Vaeavara Creek, Kokoda Trail A. N. Millar NGF 23590 1964-7-30
A: 02419147 Macaranga chrysotricha Lauterbach & K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Aiyura-Lae Road, 3 miles from Station, Kaina... A. N. Millar NGF 22714 1966
A: 02419531 Macaranga longicaudata L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Above Fataima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 40731 1968-11-13
A: 02419567 Macaranga neo-britannica Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda: [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 23597 1964-7-30
A: 02419612 Macaranga papuana (J. J. Smith) Pax & K. Hoffmann Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Near Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF.35481
A: 02419773 Macaranga punctata K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River (Bulge) A. N. Millar NGF.35432 1968-3-28
A: 02419772 Macaranga punctata K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River, 100 miles from Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF.35438 1968-3-29
A: 02419968 Macaranga similis Pax & K. Hoffmann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 18871 1963-11-19
A: 02418130 Macaranga sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar N.G.F. 14494
A: 02419922 Macaranga subpeltata K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar N.G.F. 14592 1962-7-13
A: 02417650 Mallotus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu A. N. Millar NGF 23068 1964-1-17
A: 02417708 Mallotus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor A. N. Millar NGF 14421 1961-12-20
A: 02417698 Mallotus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14498
A: 02417696 Mallotus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi River, road from Dengalu Village to ... A. N. Millar 14482 1962-1-18
A: 02417640 Mallotus trinervius (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Pax & K. Hoffmann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Suapmeri; Forest behind v... A. N. Millar NGF.37524 1969-5-22
Eupomatiaceae A: 02613335 Eupomatia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23269 1964-3-3
Fabaceae A: 02233257 Calopogonium mucunoides Desvaux Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14518 1962-4-3
A: 02233315 Canavalia mollis Wallich ex Wight & Arnott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 14577 1962-6-13
A: 02233417 Centrosema pubescens Bentham Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14513 1962-4-3
A: 02233681 Crotalaria goreensis Guill. & Perr. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Kiunga, near Mission A. N. Millar NGF 35375 1968-3-30
A: 02233737 Crotalaria micans Link Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14514 1962-4-3
A: 02233785 Crotalaria zanzibarica Bentham Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Mabaduam Village 50 mi from Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF 35443 1968-3-28
A: 02236054 Derris montana Bentham Papua New Guinea: Central Sogeri Road, Sogeri Subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 48634 1970-8-22
A: 02236966 Desmodium ormocarpoides de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near water race, Dengalu Village, above Bulo... A. N. Millar NGF 23024 1964-1-15
A: 02237021 Desmodium repandum (Vahl) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23472 1964-6-11
A: 02237068 Desmodium tortuosum (Swartz) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island A. N. Millar NGF 48553 1970-5-10
A: 02237106 Desmodium umbellatum de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Mogumogu, Fly River, Daru subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 35305 1968-3-21
A: 02237137 Desmodium umbellatum de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Strickland River A. N. Millar NGF 35429 1968-3-26
A: 02237195 Desmodium umbellatum de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Mogumogu, 120 mi up Fly River, Daru subdistr... A. N. Millar NGF 35297 1968-3-20
A: 02237707 Erythrina fusca Loureiro Papua New Guinea: East Sepik [data not captured] A. N. Millar 1967-7-28
A: 02237719 Erythrina fusca Loureiro Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wanaru Plantation, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 13818 1961-9-8
A: 02237904 Flemingia strobilifera (Linnaeus) R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Morobe Erap A. N. Millar 9716 1958-1-8
A: 02237915 Flemingia strobilifera (Linnaeus) R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Baiyer River Baptist Mission, Hagen Sub-dist... A. N. Millar NGF 37614 1968-7-7
A: 02261553 Inocarpus sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Fly River, 100 mi from Daru, Daru subdistric... A. N. Millar NGF 35284 1968-3-20
A: 00057464 Macropsychanthus lauterbachii Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bumbu River near LAE A. N. Millar NGF 13819 1961-8
A: 00057464 Macropsychanthus lauterbachii hirsutus Verdcourt Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bumbu River near LAE A. N. Millar NGF 13819 1961-8
A: 02261617 Macropsychanthus lauterbachii hirsutus Verdcourt Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bumbu River, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 13855 1961-11-7
A: 02261991 Pericopsis mooniana (Thwaites) Thwaites Papua New Guinea: Western Oriomo River, Daru Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 37604 1968-4-4
A: 02262038 Phylacium bracteosum Bennett Papua New Guinea: Madang Yagadun (Anul), Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF 12101 1968-7-17
A: 02262374 Pueraria pulcherrima Merrill ex Koorders-Schumacher Papua New Guinea: Madang Road to Amele A. N. Millar NGF 22651 1966-7-13
A: 02262624 Solori koolgibberah (F. M. Bailey) Sirichamorn & Adema Papua New Guinea: Madang Amele A. N. Millar NGF 22652 1966-7-13
A: 02262632 Solori pseudoinvoluta (Verdcourt) Sirichamorn & Adema Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 23305 1964-2-12
A: 02262644 Solori submontana (Verdcourt) Sirichamorn & Adema Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Matali River A. N. Millar NGF 40556 1968-10-16
A: 02262863 Strongylodon lucidus (G. Forster) Seemann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Coronation Drive A. N. Millar NGF 14535 1962-5-4
A: 02262871 Strongylodon lucidus (G. Forster) Seemann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Garagos A. N. Millar NGF 13822 1961-8
A: 02262873 Strongylodon lucidus (G. Forster) Seemann Papua New Guinea: Madang Be'on A. N. Millar NGF 22534 1965-5-4
A: 02259073 Trifolium repens Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek. Bank over gold workings A. N. Millar NGF 12152 1968-8-14
A: 02259246 Vigna radiata sublobata (Roxburgh) Verdcourt Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 12135 1968-8-9
Fagaceae A: 02554673 Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27 Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Roa... A. N. Millar NGF 22810 1967-2-8
A: 02554672 Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27 Adjacent to Summit Camp, Wau-Salamaua... A. N. Millar NGF 22823 1967-2-9
A: 02554681 Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Below Daulo, Eastern Highlands District, T.N... A. N. Millar NGF 23840 1965-2-15
A: 02554677 Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Road to Okapa, Kainantu sub-dist., Eastern H... A. N. Millar NGF 22726 1966-9-3
A: 02556492 Lithocarpus celebicus (Miquel) Rehder Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Trauna Valley, Hagen Sub-district, Western H... A. N. Millar NGF 37636 1968-7-7
A: 02556489 Lithocarpus celebicus (Miquel) Rehder Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road from Dengalu to Bulolo, Morobe District... A. N. Millar NGF 14479 1962-1-18
A: 02556498 Lithocarpus celebicus (Miquel) Rehder Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, Wampit, Morobe District A. N. Millar NGF 22931 1967-7-13
A: 02556543 Lithocarpus imperialis (Seemen) Markgraf Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF 22798 1967-2-8
A: 02556602 Lithocarpus lauterbachii (Seemen) Markgraf Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: District Morobe; District Mumeng A. N. Millar NGF 15623 1962-12-14
A: 02556754 Lithocarpus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near water race, Dengalu Village, above Bulo... A. N. Millar NGF 23012 1964-1-15
A: 02556732 Lithocarpus vinkii Soepadmo Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor. Lae Subdistrict. Morobe District. A. N. Millar 1965-03-31
Gesneriaceae A: 02594745 Aeschynanthus leptocladus C. B. Clarke Papua New Guinea: Chimbu [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 23102 1964-3-1
A: 02594856 Aeschynanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 40831 1969-2-13
A: 02594849 Aeschynanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 40967 1969-8-13
A: 02594839 Aeschynanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 22686 1966-7-22
A: 02594897 Aeschynanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] A. N. Millar 1964-1-16
A: 02594880 Aeschynanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 23038 1964-1-16
A: 02594875 Aeschynanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 38382 1969-10-19
A: 02594917 Aeschynanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 23119 1964-2-2
A: 02312982 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bumaiyum Creek, Buime A. N. Millar NGF 18821 1963-9-11
A: 02313045 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe 6 miles from Lae A. N. Millar NGF 13859 1961-11-16
A: 02313088 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Above Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40735 1968-11-13
A: 02313113 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40751 1968-11-13
A: 02313106 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu Village above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23262 1964-3-3
A: 02313173 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 12181 1968-7-28
A: 02313313 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Ridge A. N. Millar NGF 14500 1962-7-24
A: 02313328 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit River A. N. Millar NGf 23278 1964-2-26
A: 02313326 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23448 1964-6-14
A: 02313364 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23106 1964-2-1
A: 02313363 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Yamap A. N. Millar NGF 23094 1964-1-19
A: 02313360 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23457 1964-6-10
A: 02313414 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bumaiyum Creek, Buimo A. N. Millar NGF 15888 1963-8-23
A: 02313448 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Trail A. N. Millar NGF 23594 1964-7-30
A: 02314414 Rhynchoglossum obliquum Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep River A. N. Millar NGF 13885 1961-11-13
A: 02314428 Rhynchoglossum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: McAdam Park, Wau subdist., Morobe Distr... A. N. Millar NGF 23873 1965-4-1
Gnetaceae A: 02461515 Gnetum gnemon Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamapi Creek, Dengalu A. N. Millar NGF 23073 1964-1-18
A: 02461666 Gnetum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 23308 1964-2-12
Goodeniaceae A: 02305602 Scaevola oppositifolia Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23623 1964-8-11
A: 02305560 Scaevola oppositifolia Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga, slopes of Kerigomna. A. N. Millar NGF 40755 1968-11-13
A: 02305558 Scaevola oppositifolia Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 12163 1968-8-14
A: 02305636 Scaevola oppositifolia Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Morobe Garagos A. N. Millar NGF 13864 1961-12-6
A: 02305623 Scaevola oppositifolia Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Station, Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF 35484 1968-4-2
Haloragaceae A: 02303102 Gonocarpus sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23206 1964-2-3
Hernandiaceae A: 02222414 Hernandia nymphaeifolia (C. Presl) Kubitzki Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 13856 1961-11-8
A: 02222442 Hernandia ovigera Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Madang Kavailo Bay, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF 37729 1968-7-15
A: 02222480 Hernandia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18872 1963-11-19
Icacinaceae A: 02590720 Citronella sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu River A. N. Millar 13804 1961-5-10
A: 02590709 Citronella suaveolens (Blume) R. A. Howard Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek A. N. Millar 23080 1964-1-18
A: 02589998 Gomphandra papuana (Beccari) Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Western Mogumogu, Fly River, Daru Sub-district A. N. Millar 35308 1968-3-21
A: 02588029 Gomphandra rarinervis Schori Papua New Guinea: Morobe Busu River, near Lae A. N. Millar 12225 1960
A: 02589486 Polyporandra scandens Beccari Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Trail A. N. Millar 23577 1964-7-30
A: 02589481 Polyporandra scandens Beccari Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Govanea Sub-dist. Hoskins District; on area ... A. N. Millar 40564 1968-10-17
A: 02589636 Ryticaryum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar 23471 1964-6-11
A: 02589634 Ryticaryum sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga, slopes of Keri-gomna A. N. Millar 40764 1968-11-13
A: 02589666 [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit Hill, Lae-Wau Road A. N. Millar 14616 1962-8-14
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit Hill, Lae-Wau Road A. N. Millar 14616 1962-8-14
Lauraceae A: 02535019 Actinodaphne sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, 1 mile below camp A. N. Millar NGF 40776 1968-11-14
A: 02535670 Beilschmiedia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF 22807 1967-2-8
A: 02537953 Cryptocarya brevipes C. K. Allen Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 12240 1960
A: 02538498 Cryptocarya caloneura (Scheffer) Kostermans Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda A. N. Millar NGF 23486 1964-7-25
A: 02538526 Cryptocarya caloneura (Scheffer) Kostermans Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda A. N. Millar TNG 23537 1964-7-28
A: 02538512 Cryptocarya caloneura (Scheffer) Kostermans Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda A. N. Millar TNG 23537 1964-7-28
A: 02538371 Cryptocarya sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Logging area; near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 14413 1961-12-20
A: 02538366 Cryptocarya sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Fly River, 100 miles from Dary, Daru Sub-dis... A. N. Millar NGF 35286 1968-3-20
A: 02538518 Cryptocarya sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens; near Didyman's Creek A. N. Millar NGF 18853 1963-12-11
A: 02538534 Cryptocarya sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Garden A. N. Millar NGF 14633 1962-9-11
A: 02538575 Cryptocarya sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 12030 1967-11-16
A: 02539673 Endiandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Oomsis Logging area N.G.I.) A. N. Millar NGF 12036 1967-11-16
A: 02539691 Endiandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF 22814 1967-2-8
A: 02500720 Neolitsea brassii C. K. Allen Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Dengalu above Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 23004 1964-1-14
Lecythidaceae A: 02438331 Barringtonia acutangula (Linnaeus) Gaertner Papua New Guinea: Western Suki Creek, off Fly River 200 miles up, Daru... A. N. Millar NGF 35352 1968-3-22
A: 02438330 Barringtonia acutangula (Linnaeus) Gaertner Papua New Guinea: Western Lake Murry, Morehead Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 35368 1968-3-25
A: 02438415 Barringtonia calyptrocalyx mollis Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Northern Road to Mamba A. N. Millar NGF 23570 1964-7-29
A: 02438453 Barringtonia novae-hiberniae Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kassam Pass A. N. Millar NGF 22767 1966-11-8
A: 02438505 Barringtonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18856 1963-12-11
Lindsaeaceae A: 02286405 Lindsaea repens (Bory) Thwaites Papua New Guinea: Northern Mamba A. N. Millar 1964-7-29
Lythraceae A: 02525952 Lagerstroemia ovalifolia Teijsmann & Binnendijk Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Angoram: Amboin, Angoram subdist., East Sepi... A. N. Millar NGF 35137 1967-7-28
A: 02525970 Lagerstroemia piriformis valleculata Furtado & Montien Papua New Guinea: Northern Oive Ridge A. N. Millar NGF 23520 1964-7-27
A: 02525973 Lagerstroemia speciosa (Linnaeus) Persoon Papua New Guinea: Western Daru: Suki Creek, off Fly River 200 miles up A. N. Millar NGF 35356 1968-3-22
Malpighiaceae A: 00306728 Ryssopterys timoriensis (de Candolle) A. Jussieu Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit, Morobe Dist., T.... A. N. Millar 23259 1964-3-3
A: 02536602 Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14531 1962
A: 02536613 Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Swamp in rockpile near Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 18830 1963-11-14
A: 00306728 Stigmaphyllon micranthum C. E. Anderson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit, Morobe Dist., T.... A. N. Millar 23259 1964-3-3
A: 02536625 Stigmaphyllon papuanum C. E. Anderson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 23875 1965
A: 02536617 Stigmaphyllon papuanum C. E. Anderson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Roadside near top of airstrip A. N. Millar 1963-11-14
Marantaceae A: 02245464 Phrynium sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Aiyura-Lae Road. A. N. Millar NGF 22723 1966-9-2
Melastomataceae A: 02557605 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens. Morobe District. A. N. Millar NGF 18854 1963-12-11
A: 02557606 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Aiyura - Lae Road, Kainantu sub-dist., Easte... A. N. Millar NGF 22724 1966-9-2
A: 02557601 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands New road to Jimi - 6 miles out, Hagen Sub-di... A. N. Millar NGF 37662 1968-7-9
A: 02557642 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Hallstrom Flora & Fauna Sanctuary, Hagen Sub... A. N. Millar NGF 37728 1968-7-10
A: 02557639 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Ridge, Morobe District A. N. Millar NGF 14597 1962-7-24
A: 02557730 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Rain forest, Amamapi Creek, subdistrict... A. N. Millar NGF 23037 1964-1-16
A: 02557728 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Road to Kauli Creek, above Wau, Morobe ... A. N. Millar NGF 18763 1963-7-10
A: 02557723 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Ekuam, Gumine Sub-District, Chimbu District. A. N. Millar NGF 38365 1969-10-16
A: 02557780 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Rain forest, Amamapi Creek, subdistrict Wau.... A. N. Millar NGF 23037 1964-1-16
A: 02557776 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau, Morobe District A. N. Millar NGF 14569 1962-6-12
A: 02557770 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Top of Pass, Jimi Rd., 9 miles, Hagen Sub-di... A. N. Millar NGF 37663 1968-7-9
A: 02271768 Medinilla brassii Markgraf Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Rumgirae, Kiunga Sub-district, Weste... A. N. Millar NGf 35469 1968-3-31
A: 02272016 Medinilla maidenii F.Muell. Papua New Guinea: Western D'Albertis Junction, Kiunga Sub-district, We... A. N. Millar NGF 35383 1968-3-29
A: 02272029 Medinilla maluensis Mansf. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River, Morobe Dis... A. N. Millar NGF 23275 1965-3-4
A: 02272027 Medinilla maluensis Mansf. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep River, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 13871 1961-12-6
A: 02272026 Medinilla maluensis Mansf. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kassam, Morobe District. A. N. Millar NGF 22765 1966-11-8
A: 02272116 Medinilla plumosa Mansfeld Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 23456 1964-6-10
A: 02272137 Medinilla plumosa Mansfeld Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Sub-district, Morobe... A. N. Millar NGF 12137 1968-8-9
A: 02273851 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau, Morobe District, TNG. A. N. Millar NGF 23387 1964-6-11
A: 02273864 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Kiunga Airstrip, Kiunga Sub-district... A. N. Millar NGF 35495 1968-4-3
A: 02273890 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 23864 1964-3-31
A: 02273888 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Oive Range, Northern District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 23519 1964-7-27
A: 02273886 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Merangis Barat, Kar Kar Island, Madang Distr... A. N. Millar NGF 37739 1968-7-16
A: 02273933 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Madiri, Fly River, Daru Sub-district, Wester... A. N. Millar NGF 35254 1968-3-19
A: 02273984 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Koimumu-Kapiura Sub-dist. Hoskins, District ... A. N. Millar NGF 40601 1968-10-21
A: 02273972 Melastoma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Below Bupu village, Wampit, Morobe District A. N. Millar NGF 22988 1967-7-14
A: 02274926 Memecylon sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 23424 1964-6-12
A: 02274974 Memecylon sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau, Morobe District, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF 23474 1964-6-11
A: 02275441 Osbeckia chinensis L. Papua New Guinea: Western Suki Creek, 200 miles Fly River, Daru Sub-di... A. N. Millar NGF 35344 1968-3-22
A: 02515241 Poikilogyne cordifolia (Cogniaux) Mansfeld Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek, Wau Sub-district, Morobe Distric... A. N. Millar NGF 12169 1968-8-14
A: 02515247 Poikilogyne furfuracea Markgr. Papua New Guinea: Central Tsidibamul, Woitape sub-dist., Central Distr... A. N. Millar NGF 38301 1969-8-23
A: 02515267 Poikilogyne rugosa M.P.Nayar Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl, Chimbu subdist., Eastern Highlands... A. N. Millar NGF 23105 1964-2-1
Meliaceae A: 02482062 Aglaia agglomerata Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo: Near Dengalu Village A. N. Millar NGF 14468 1962-1-18
A: 02482084 Aglaia agglomerata Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau/Bulolo: Dengalu A. N. Millar NGF 23056 1964-1-17
A: 02482306 Aglaia lawii (Wight) Saldanha ex Ramamoorthy Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau/Bulolo: Dengalu A. N. Millar NGF 23055 1964-1-17
A: 02482519 Aglaia sapindina (F. Mueller) Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Garaina A. N. Millar NGF 22670 1966-7-21
A: 02482618 Aglaia sapindina (F. Mueller) Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic garden A. N. Millar NGF 48562 1970-6-3
A: 02482602 Aglaia sapindina (F. Mueller) Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens. A. N. Millar NGF 18846 1963-12-11
A: 02482657 Aglaia sapindina (F. Mueller) Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Markham Road near Lae. A. N. Millar NGF 9913 1959-2-25
A: 02482739 Aglaia spectabilis (Miq.) S.S.Jain & Bennet Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9798 1959-2
A: 02482759 Aglaia subcuprea Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau/Bulolo: Kauli Creek A. N. Millar NGF 15620 1962-12-13
A: 02482758 Aglaia subcuprea Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: McAdam Park, Wau A. N. Millar NGF 14560 1962-6-12
A: 02483686 Aphanamixis sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Gorari Mission A. N. Millar NGF 23528 1964-7-27
A: 02483716 Aphanamixis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23076 1964-1-18
A: 02483715 Aphanamixis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens. Rainforest near Di... A. N. Millar NGF 18845 1963-12-11
A: 02484364 Chisocheton ceramicus (Miquel) C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda: Kokoda A. N. Millar NGF 23481 1964-7-25
A: 02484395 Chisocheton ceramicus (Miquel) C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Oomsis Logging Area, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 14417 1961-12-20
A: 02484452 Chisocheton cumingianus (C. de Candolle) Harms Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda: Kokoda A. N. Millar NGF 23601 1964-7-30
A: 02484506 Chisocheton lasiocarpus (Miquel) Valeton Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Angoram: Aibom Barat A. N. Millar NGF 37534 1969-5-23
A: 02484643 Chisocheton lasiocarpus (Miquel) Valeton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau/Bulolo: Near water falls, Dengalu villag... A. N. Millar NGF 23049 1964-1-17
A: 02484710 Chisocheton sapindinus P.F.Stevens Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Oomsis near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 7989 1959-2-11
Mimosaceae A: 02253863 Archidendron glabrum (K. Schumann) Lauterbach & K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Logging Area, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 14412 1961-12-20
A: 02253903 Archidendron lucyi F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Northern Popondetta. Road to Cro Bay A. N. Millar 1901 1972-5-29
A: 02234362 Falcataria moluccana (I. C. Nielsen) Barneby & J. W. Grimes Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda: Gorari A. N. Millar NGF 23529 1964-7-27
A: 02234369 Falcataria moluccana (I. C. Nielsen) Barneby & J. W. Grimes Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Wau Gorge A. N. Millar NGF 13850 1961-10-23
A: 02234484 Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright Papua New Guinea: Northern Road to Oro Bay A. N. Millar 1902 1972-5-29
A: 02234708 Schleinitzia novoguineensis (Warburg) Verdcourt Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wanaru Plantation A. N. Millar NGF 12298 1961-4
Monimiaceae A: 02296840 Dryadodaphne crassa Schodde ex Philipson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF.22803 1967
A: 02297034 Kibara coriacea (Blume) Tulasne Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamapi Creek, above Bulolo A. N. Millar 23042 1964-1-16
A: 02297031 Kibara coriacea (Blume) Tulasne Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu village A. N. Millar 23053 1964-1-17
A: 00039946 Kibara fugax Philipson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kauli Creek, ca. 3800 feet, 7°20'S, 14... A. N. Millar NGF 14581 1962-6-13
A: 02297056 Kibara fugax Philipson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu village - below race A. N. Millar 23044 1964-1-17
A: 02297254 Levieria nitens Perkins Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23427 1964
A: 02297277 Levieria nitens Perkins Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23469 1964
A: 02297494 Palmeria clemensae Philipson Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Above Keglsugl; forest above Pengagl Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23168 1964
Moraceae A: 02576052 Artocarpus integer (Thunberg) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Kawok A. N. Millar NGF 35391 1968-3-29
A: 02576178 Artocarpus sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Aibom Barat, Angoram Sub-district, East Sepi... A. N. Millar 37536 1969-5-23
A: 02413872 Ficus ampelos N. L. Burman Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens. A. N. Millar NGF 18844 1963-12-11
A: 02413970 Ficus armiti King Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23271 1964-3-4
A: 02413961 Ficus armiti King Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 23337 1964-4-23
A: 02413995 Ficus austrina Corner Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Sali Village, Sub-dist. Pomio A. N. Millar NGF 40551 1968-10-16
A: 02411029 Ficus baeuerlenii King Papua New Guinea: Western Ellengowan Island, Fly River, Daru Sub-distr... A. N. Millar NGF 35403 1968-3-23
A: 02411029 Ficus bauerlenii King. Papua New Guinea: Western Ellengowan Island, Fly River, Daru Sub-distr... A. N. Millar NGF 35403 1968-3-23
A: 02411437 Ficus benjamina Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit Village A. N. Millar NGF 12260 1960
A: 02411442 Ficus benjamina Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae-Wau road, 4 miles from Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14519 1962-4-5
A: 02411450 Ficus benjamina Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Madang Bulu Swamp, Kar Kar Island, Madang District.... A. N. Millar NGF 12102 1968-7-17
A: 02411476 Ficus bernaysii King Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Trail A. N. Millar NGF 23600 1964-7-30
A: 02411548 Ficus botryocarpa subalbidoramea (Elmer) C. C. Berg Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda Trail, Northern District A. N. Millar NGF 23599 1964-7-30
A: 02411580 Ficus calopilina Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau, Kauli Creek A. N. Millar NGF 15617 1962-12-13
A: 02411685 Ficus casearioides King Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Botanic Gardens. Lae. A. N. Millar NGF 9779 1959-1-23
A: 02411950 Ficus drupacea Thunberg Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek, Dengaloo A. N. Millar NGF 23079 1964-1-18
A: 02411951 Ficus drupacea Thunberg Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Koimumu-Kapiura, sub-dist. Hoskings A. N. Millar NGF 40605 1962-10-21
A: 02412041 Ficus erythrosperma Miquel Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda A. N. Millar NGF 23492 1964-7-25
A: 02412292 Ficus gul Lauterbach & K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 15607 1962-12-5
A: 02412289 Ficus gul Lauterbach & K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens. A. N. Millar NGF 18848 1963-12-11
A: 02412290 Ficus gul Lauterbach & K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Northern Mamba A. N. Millar NGF 23554 1964-7-28
A: 02412375 Ficus hesperidiiformis King Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu River A. N. Millar NGF 13803 1961-5
A: 02412476 Ficus insculpta Summerhayes Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Baiyer River above bridge, Hagen Sub-distric... A. N. Millar NGF 37618 1968-7-7
A: 02412472 Ficus insculpta Summerhayes Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kauli Creek, Wau [subdiatrict] A. N. Millar NGF 15613 1962-12-13
A: 02412248 Ficus lawesii King Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu RIver A. N. Millar NGF 12279 1961-4
A: 02412681 Ficus melinocarpa Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 18765 1963-7-10
A: 02412675 Ficus melinocarpa Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau Road A. N. Millar NGF 22737 1966-9-6
A: 02412760 Ficus microdictya Diels Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Above Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40739 1968-11-13
A: 02412804 Ficus mollior F. Mueller ex Bentham Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14491 1962-3-6
A: 02410150 Ficus nodosa Teijsmann & Binnendijk Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Ridge A. N. Millar NGF 14595 1962-7-24
A: 02410172 Ficus novoguineensis Corner Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng, Patep Creek A. N. Millar NGF 15626 1962-12-14
A: 02410238 Ficus odoardoi King Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Lae Botanic Gardens. A. N. Millar NGF 9905 1959-2-20
Myrsinaceae A: 02439812 Aegiceras sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Pomio A. N. Millar NGF 40543 1968-10-15
A: 02441322 Conandrium polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23418 1964-6-16
A: 02441311 Conandrium polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Amamapi Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23045 1964-1-17
A: 02441358 Conandrium polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: Morobe Red Hill, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 13897 1961-12-15
A: 02441349 Conandrium polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road from Dengalu to Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14473 1962-1-18
A: 02441343 Conandrium polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18875 1963-11-19
A: 02442132 Embelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Maragunga A. N. Millar NGF 40688 1968-11-12
A: 02442182 Embelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Pass A. N. Millar NGF 38428 1970-2-26
A: 02442198 Embelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 23876 1965-4-1
A: 02442196 Embelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23110 1964-2-2
A: 02442195 Embelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23193 1964-2-3
A: 02443088 Maesa bismarckiana Mez Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40690 1968-11-12
A: 02443111 Maesa bismarckiana Mez Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Kegsugl. A. N. Millar NGF 23102 1964-2-1
A: 02443137 Maesa haplobotrys F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanical Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18868 1963-12-11
A: 02443135 Maesa haplobotrys F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island A. N. Millar NGF 48554 1970-5-10
A: 02443182 Maesa haplobotrys F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Island near Holme's Logging Camp, Kui A. N. Millar NGF 22898 1967-5-17
A: 02443201 Maesa haplobotrys F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Selio Island, Aitape subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 40881 1969-5-31
A: 02443231 Maesa montis-wilhelmi P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23126 1964-2-2
A: 02443728 Myrsine acrostica (Mez) Pipoly Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 37779 1968-8-14
A: 00025651 Myrsine cacuminum (Mez) Pipoly Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, 12000 feet, 5°45'S, 145°05'E A. N. Millar NGF 14630 1962-9-24
A: 02600006 Myrsine rawacensis A. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Rd... A. N. Millar NGF 22805 1967-2-8
GH: 00025656 Myrsine velutina (Knoester, Wijn & Sleumer) Pipoly Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, 12000 feet A. N. Millar NGF 14678 1962-9-24
A: 02600073 Myrsine womersleyi (Sleumer) Pipoly Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 12161 1968-8-14
A: 00025651 Rapanea communis P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, 12000 feet, 5°45'S, 145°05'E A. N. Millar NGF 14630 1962-9-24
GH: 00025656 Rapanea nummularia P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, 12000 feet A. N. Millar NGF 14678 1962-9-24
A: 02600418 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF 22811 1967-2-8
A: 02600497 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23631 1964-8-12
A: 02600496 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 12160 1968-8-14
A: 02600488 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23117 1964-2-2
A: 02600483 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar NGF 40667 1968-11-11
A: 02600508 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu Village, Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14466 1962-1-18
A: 02600541 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40687 1968-11-12
Myrtaceae A: 02446117 Decaspermum bracteatum (Roxburgh) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Botanic Gardens, Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9940 1959-5
A: 02446117 Decaspermum coriandri (Blume) Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe Botanic Gardens, Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9940 1959-5
A: 02446181 Decaspermum fruticosum J. R. Forster & G. Forster Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 23878 1965
A: 02446203 Decaspermum lorentzii Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40705 1968
A: 02446199 Decaspermum lorentzii Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Chimbu [illegible]glguma, Kundiawa Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38441 1970
A: 02446231 Decaspermum neurophyllum Lauterbach & K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu Village above Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 18897 1964-1-14
A: 02446181 Decaspermum parviflorum (Lamarck) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 23878 1965
A: 02446838 Eucalyptus deglupta Blume Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl, Chimbu subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 23161 1964
A: 02445330 Lophostemon suaveolens (Solander ex Gaertner) Peter G. Wilson & J. T. Waterhouse Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Lake Murray A. N. Millar NGF 35380 1968-3-25
A: 02445787 Mearnsia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands near Kagamuga, Hagen sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 38320 1969-9-23
A: 02445510 Melaleuca sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River (Bulge) A. N. Millar NGF 35439 1968-3-28
A: 02445508 Melaleuca sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Lake Murray A. N. Millar NGF 35357 1968-3-25
A: 02445505 Melaleuca sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Pangoa Airstrip, Lake Murray A. N. Millar NGF 35419 1968-3-26
A: 02445463 Melaleuca viridiflora Solander ex Gaertner Papua New Guinea: Western Suki Creek, 200 miles Fly River, Daru A. N. Millar NGF 35348 1968-3-22
A: 02445617 Metrosideros cordata (C. T. White & W. D. Francis) J. W. Dawson Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 22907 1967
A: 02445787 Metrosideros sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands near Kagamuga, Hagen sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 38320 1969-9-23
A: 02449369 Rhodomyrtus elegans (Blume) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor A. N. Millar N.G.F. 14418 1961-12-20
A: 02449367 Rhodomyrtus elegans (Blume) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor Ck. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 12268 1961-2
A: 02449394 Rhodomyrtus pinnatinervis C. T. White Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF.22800 1967
A: 02449469 Rhodomyrtus trineura novoguineensis (Diels) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23475 1964
A: 02449468 Rhodomyrtus trineura novoguineensis (Diels) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF.12156 1968-8-14
A: 02449457 Rhodomyrtus trineura novoguineensis (Diels) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23475 1964
A: 02424979 Syzygium acuminatissimum (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Ridge A. N. Millar NGF 14603 1962-7-24
A: 02423082 Syzygium amplum T. G. Hartley & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Aibom Barat, Angoram Sub- district A. N. Millar NGF.37535 1969-5-23
A: 02423120 Syzygium aqueum (N. L. Burman) Alston Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek, below Dengalu Village, Bulolo... A. N. Millar N.G.F. 23007 1964-1-14
A: 02423115 Syzygium aqueum (N. L. Burman) Alston Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Yimas village, Amboin subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35145 1967-7-28
A: 02423138 Syzygium benjaminum Diels Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 40715 1968
A: 02423183 Syzygium branderhorstii Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Moitaka A. N. Millar NGF 48613 1970
A: 02423222 Syzygium buettnerianum (K. Schumann) Niedenzu Papua New Guinea: Morobe Red Hill, 15 miles from Lae. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 13899 1961-12-15
A: 02423382 Syzygium effusum (A. Gray) Müller Berol. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to McAdam Park A. N. Millar NGF 23342 1964-5-27
A: 02423378 Syzygium effusum (A. Gray) Müller Berol. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23324 1964
A: 02423341 Syzygium effusum (A. Gray) Müller Berol. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu A. N. Millar NGF 23066 1964-1-17
A: 02423509 Syzygium furfuraceum Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marfunga. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 40744 1968-11-13
A: 02423382 Syzygium leucoderme Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to McAdam Park A. N. Millar NGF 23342 1964-5-27
A: 02423378 Syzygium leucoderme Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23324 1964
A: 02445330 Tristania suaveolens Smith Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Lake Murray A. N. Millar NGF 35380 1968-3-25
Nepenthaceae A: 01871558 Nepenthes mirabilis (Loureiro) Druce Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Dengalu above Bulolo A. N. Millar 1964-1-14
Nymphaeaceae A: 00978689 Nymphaea nouchali N. L. Burman Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Lake Murray A. N. Millar 1968-3-25
Olacaceae A: 02296467 Olax sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Ridge A. N. Millar 14596 1962-7-24
Oleaceae A: 02459853 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Madang Yagadun (Anul), Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF 12104 1968-7-17
A: 02459849 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: Northern Sub DIistrict: Popondetta; Oro Bay A. N. Millar 1905 1972-5-29
A: 02459933 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bu[u River, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 12278 1961-4
A: 02459998 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Markham Logging Area A. N. Millar NGF 23340 1964-4-28
A: 02459981 Chionanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road from Dengalu to Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14475 1962-1-18
A: 02458479 Jasminum gilgianum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Morobe Garaina A. N. Millar NGF 22674 1966-7-22
A: 02458450 Jasminum gilgianum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Kavieng A. N. Millar NGF 23823 1964-11-1
A: 02458513 Jasminum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23265 1964-3-3
A: 02458574 Jasminum sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40783 1968-11-14
A: 02458534 Jasminum sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23203 1964-2-3
A: 02458721 Ligustrum glomeratum Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: McAdam Park A. N. Millar NGF 12025 1967-10-31
Orchidaceae A: 02387907 Acanthophippium splendidum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaisenik, upper Bulolo Valley. Wau-Salamaua ... A. N. Millar 1956-1
AMES: 01828683 Acriopsis javanica Reinwardt ex Blume Papua New Guinea: [no additional data] A. N. Millar 1978-4-19
A: 02339505 Aglossorrhyncha sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Meri Creek, Wau Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38471 1970-1-21
A: 02338758 Agrostophyllum earinoides Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi, Wau Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF.37772 1968-8-14
A: 02338809 Agrostophyllum grubbianum Ormerod Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar NGF 40665 1968-11-11
A: 02338824 Agrostophyllum parviflorum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Lake Yimas, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35141 1967-7-28
A: 02338867 Agrostophyllum sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Elavala River, Kiunga Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF.35491 1968-4-2
A: 02338866 Agrostophyllum sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23273 1964-3-4
A: 00287599 Agrostophyllum triquetrum Ormerod Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dawon A. N. Millar NGF 23406 1964-6-12
A: 00083623 Agrostophyllum triquetrum Ormerod Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dawon A. N. Millar NGF 23406 1964-6-12
AMES: 01952053 Apostasia wallichii R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo, Wau Manki Ridge. Wau sub-dist. A. N. Millar 40970 1969-8-13
A: 01828745 Arachnis longicaulis (Schlechter) L. O. Williams Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 40863 1969
A: 01828744 Arachnis longicaulis (Schlechter) L. O. Williams Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Bulolo River; Collected near Kulolo Bri... A. N. Millar NGF 14517 1962
A: 02385336 Bulbophyllum cerinum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Madang Above Mam, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar 37744 1968-7-16
A: 02385338 Bulbophyllum chloranthum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Northern Mamba A. N. Millar 23566 1934-7-29
A: 02385339 Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindley Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Arawa Plantation, Kieta... A. N. Millar 38404 1969
A: 02385346 Bulbophyllum colliferum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River Valley A. N. Millar 22585 1965-5-28
A: 02385345 Bulbophyllum colliferum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River Valley A. N. Millar 22557 1965-5-27
A: 02385411 Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu Village. A. N. Millar 23035 1964-1-15
A: 02385448 Bulbophyllum macranthoides Kraenzlin Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Edivu Creek A. N. Millar 1969-3-22
A: 02385494 Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Meri Creek A. N. Millar 38468 1970-1-21
A: 02385486 Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Ekuam, Gumine Sub-District A. N. Millar 38356 1969-10-16
A: 02385501 Bulbophyllum oliganthum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat A. N. Millar 1968
A: 02385529 Bulbophyllum pachytelos Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar 40702 1968
A: 02385581 Bulbophyllum teysmannii J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Northern Ross Plantation A. N. Millar 23568 1964-7-29
A: 02385598 Bulbophyllum werneri Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Northern Gorari Mission A. N. Millar 23527 1964-7-27
A: 02388083 Calanthe chrysantha Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] A. N. Millar NGF 12117
A: 02388172 Calanthe sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Road above Avios. Woitape sub-dist. A. N. Millar 40987 1969-8-23
A: 02338276 Ceratostylis maboroensis Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Waria Gorge, Garaina sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 22669 1966-7-21
A: 02338307 Ceratostylis sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23132 1964-2-2
A: 02338331 Ceratostylis sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek A. N. Millar N.G.F. 14694 1962-9-26
A: 02093433 Coelogyne carinata Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda; Ross Plantation A. N. Millar NGF 23543 1964-7-28
A: 02093426 Coelogyne carinata Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda; Ross Plantation. A. N. Millar NGF 23543 1964-7-28
AMES: 02157415 Dendrobium alaticaulinum P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Lalagam A. N. Millar 27
A: 02157411 Dendrobium alaticaulinum P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Fatima River Valley, Marafunga, Goroka subdi... A. N. Millar N.G.F. 22580 1965-5-28
A: 02157418 Dendrobium aloifolium (Blume) Reichenbach f. Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Arawa Plantation, Kieta... A. N. Millar NGF.38391 1961
A: 02157448 Dendrobium antennatum Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Menyamya, Menyamya Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF.12184 1968-8-5
AMES: 02157463 Dendrobium aurantiroseum P. Royen ex T. M. Reeve Papua New Guinea: Sirunki A. N. Millar P.N.G. 22
A: 02157522 Dendrobium brevicaule Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14684 1962-9-25
AMES: 02157542 Dendrobium caliculi-mentum R. S. Rogers Papua New Guinea: Tyakopimanda Laiagam A. N. Millar PNG. 25, PNGH 4817
A: 02157534 Dendrobium caliculi-mentum R. S. Rogers Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau, Lae subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 22922 1967-7-11
A: 02157531 Dendrobium caliculi-mentum R. S. Rogers Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Ramu R. Bridge, Lae-Hagen Road A. N. Millar NGF 48632 1970-8-26
A: 02157558 Dendrobium capituliflorum Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Arawa Plantation, Kieta... A. N. Millar NGF 38402 1969-12-6
A: 02336128 Dendrobium chordiforme Kraenzlin Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau Gorge, near Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 22858 1967-4-28
A: 02336131 Dendrobium chordiforme Kraenzlin Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 23478 1964-7-22
A: 02336139 Dendrobium conanthum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Lake Yimas, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35150 1967-7-28
AMES: 00074984 Dendrobium crispilinguum Cribb Papua New Guinea: Arona, Kainantu sub-dist., Eastern Higlands ... A. N. Millar 15917 1963-8-28
A: 02336119 Dendrobium crumenantum Swartz Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Arawa Plantation, Kieta... A. N. Millar NGF 38400 1969-12-4
A: 02157590 Dendrobium cuthbertsonii F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Ekuam, Gumine Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF.38366 1969-10-16
A: 02157619 Dendrobium dekockii J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14669 1962-9-24
A: 02157613 Dendrobium dekockii J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar NGF 37791 1968-8-26
A: 02157625 Dendrobium dichaeoides Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Arona A. N. Millar NGF 15914 1963-8-28
A: 02157641 Dendrobium discolor Lindley Papua New Guinea: Western Pangoa Airstrip, Lake Murray, Morehead Subdi... A. N. Millar NGF 35426 1968-3-26
A: 02157637 Dendrobium discolor Lindley Papua New Guinea: Central Brown River, Edihu Creek, Moresby Sub-Distri... A. N. Millar NGF 48601 1970-8-11
A: 02157636 Dendrobium discolor Lindley Papua New Guinea: Central Sogeri, Pt. Moresby Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 40850 1969-3-22
A: 02157634 Dendrobium discolor Lindley Papua New Guinea: Western Suki Creek, 200 miles Fly River, Daru Subdis... A. N. Millar NGF 35349 1968-3-22
AMES: 02157660 Dendrobium finisterrae Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Korombi, Paiela A. N. Millar 23, PNGH 60
A: 02157670 Dendrobium forbesii Ridley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Monio A. N. Millar NGF 23468 1964-6-11
A: 02157702 Dendrobium habbemense P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23673 1964-8-21
A: 02157701 Dendrobium habbemense P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40718 1968-11-12
AMES: 02157722 Dendrobium hellwigianum Kraenzlin ex Warburg Papua New Guinea: Enga Laiagam: Piakain Village A. N. Millar PNG 15, PNG H 44B
A: 02157720 Dendrobium hellwigianum Kraenzlin ex Warburg Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Daulo Pass, Goroka subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 38313 1969-9-1
A: 02157729 Dendrobium heteroglossum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Botanic Gardens, Lae A. N. Millar NGF 13816 1961-8
A: 02157728 Dendrobium heteroglossum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 12290 1961-4
A: 02157766 Dendrobium kietaense Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Arawa Plantation, Kieta... A. N. Millar NGF 38387 1969-12-3
A: 02157806 Dendrobium laceratum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Ramu River, near Bridge, Morobe Di... A. N. Millar NGF 48623 1970-8-23
A: 02157812 Dendrobium lasianthera J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Lake Yimas, Angoram sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 35114 1967-7-27
A: 02157811 Dendrobium lasianthera J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Lake Ymas, Angoram Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF.37544 1969-5-24
A: 02157782 Dendrobium lawesii F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23350 1964-3-4
A: 02157780 Dendrobium lawesii F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Above Bupu village, Wampit A. N. Millar NGF 23328 1964-3-4
AMES: 02157814 Dendrobium leucocyanum T. M. Reeve Papua New Guinea: Enga Laiagam: Plant found at Jengile valley A. N. Millar
A: 02157866 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: D'Albertis Junction A. N. Millar NGF. 35384 1968-3-29
A: 02157907 Dendrobium mirbelianum Gaudichaud Papua New Guinea: Madang Bulu Swamp, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF. 12099 1968-7-17
AMES: 02157925 Dendrobium nardoides Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Enga Laiagam: Plant collected on Kandep Range, La... A. N. Millar PNG 9
AMES: 02157956 Dendrobium petiolatum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Plant collected at Komanga Village, Paiella;... A. N. Millar PNG 19
AMES: 02157964 Dendrobium phlox Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Plant collected at Ingalepe village, Paiela A. N. Millar P.N.G. 26
A: 02157963 Dendrobium phlox Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Meri Creek A. N. Millar NGF.37781 1968-8-14
A: 02336006 Dendrobium polysema Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Monio A. N. Millar NGF 23467 1964-6-11
AMES: 02336091 Dendrobium simplex J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Enga Plants collected at YaKopimunda, Laiagam vil... A. N. Millar PNG 6
A: 01089165 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Pukar, Kerowagi subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 1851 1963-8-31
A: 01089187 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Daulo Pass, Goroka subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 38324 1969-10-14
A: 01089197 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Ekuam, Gumine subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 38348 1969-10-16
A: 02336392 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae-Wau Road A. N. Millar 1961-5
AMES: 02336396 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: collected at Meriamanda village A. N. Millar
AMES: 02336394 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Collected on northern slopes of Mt. Gilawe. A. N. Millar
AMES: 02336393 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Collected at Andita village, Paiella A. N. Millar
A: 02336158 Dendrobium subacaule Reinwardt ex Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Above Zenag A. N. Millar NGF. 40837 1969-2-27
AMES: 02336197 Dendrobium theionanthum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Enga Laiagam: Plants collected at Wanepos village A. N. Millar PNG 17
AMES: 02336220 Dendrobium vexillarius J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Collected Mt. Kumbivera, Paiella A. N. Millar
AMES: 02336248 Dendrobium violaceum Kraenzlin Papua New Guinea: Enga Collected from Lorombi Village, at Paiela. D... A. N. Millar
A: 02153104 Dendrochilum longifolium H. G. Reichenbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Waria Gorge, Garaina sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 22667 1966-7-20
AMES: 02153134 Dendrochilum longifolium H. G. Reichenbach Papua New Guinea: Jiwaka Minj: Mazmal A. N. Millar 18574 1963
A: 02153131 Dendrochilum longifolium H. G. Reichenbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Zenag A. N. Millar NGF.12175 1968-7-27
A: 02153126 Dendrochilum longifolium papuanum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mary Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23637 1964
AMES: 02125855 Diplocaulobium regale (Schlechter) A. D. Hawkes Papua New Guinea: Paiela, Andita Village A. N. Millar
A: 02125875 Diplocaulobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Pass. A. N. Millar 38326 1969-10-14
AMES: 02338050 Epiblastus chimbuensis P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Enga Laiagam: This plant from Kop Kop Village, La... A. N. Millar PNG 12
A: 02338060 Epiblastus montihageni P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23450 1964-6-25
A: 02338058 Epiblastus montihageni P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek A. N. Millar NGF 23200 1964-2-3
A: 02338081 Epiblastus pulchellus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Kundip A. N. Millar N.G.F. 18586 1963-9-2
A: 02338075 Epiblastus pulchellus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF.37776 1968-8-14
A: 02338087 Epiblastus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Zenag A. N. Millar NGF.12176 1968-7-27
A: 02162079 Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: McAdam Park A. N. Millar NGF.12023 1967-10-31
A: 02126870 Eria eriaeoides Rolfe Papua New Guinea: Northern Ross Plantation A. N. Millar NGF 23561 1964-7-29
A: 00243055 Glomera pseudomonanthos Ormerod Papua New Guinea: Dawon, Morobe District, TNG., 4600 ft A. N. Millar NGF 23408 1964-6-12
A: 02339177 Glomera sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Below Daulo Pass A. N. Millar NGF 23838 1965-2-15
AMES: 02339174 Glomera sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar NGF 40668 1968-11-11
A: 02339208 Glomera sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi, Wau Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF.37771 1968-8-14
A: 02339230 Glossorhyncha acuminata Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis, near Markham Bridge, Lae Sub-distric... A. N. Millar NGF 38436 1970-4-2
A: 02339271 Glossorhyncha diosmoides Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF.23099 1964-2-1
A: 02339311 Glossorhyncha hamadryas phaeotricha Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mori Creek A. N. Millar NGF.12250 1960-6-25
A: 02339447 Glossorhyncha sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF.12128 1968-8-9
A: 02339466 Glossorhyncha sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu Village above Gurakor, Lae Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF.12119 1968-7-28
A: 02339396 Glossorhyncha subalpina P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde A. N. Millar 14643 1962-9-23
A: 02339413 Glossorhyncha tortuosa P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar NGF 40678 1968-11-11
A: 02091639 Goodyera rubicunda (Blume) Lindley Papua New Guinea: Baijer River above bridge, Hagen Sub-distric... A. N. Millar 1968-7-7
A: 02091629 Goodyera venusta Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu A. N. Millar 1964-1-19
A: 02384600 Grammatophyllum pantherinum Reichenbach f. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sankwep 12 miles East of Lae, Lae subdistric... A. N. Millar 40800 1968-12-6
A: 01946864 Habenaria bauerleni F. Muell. & Kraenzl. Papua New Guinea: Bupu village, Wampit, Morobe Dist. A. N. Millar 22950 1967-7-13
A: 01946855 Habenaria bauerleni F. Muell. & Kraenzl. Papua New Guinea: Oive, Northern District A. N. Millar NGF 23532 1964-7-27
A: 02091813 Lepidogyne minor Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis, Lae Subdistrict A. N. Millar 1968-11-28
A: 02095921 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Sub-district A. N. Millar 12131 1968
A: 02095941 Liparis genychila Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lomolom A. N. Millar NGF 23433 1964-6-13
A: 01985898 Liparis ovalis Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Zenag, T.N.G. A. N. Millar NGF40861 1969-5-11
A: 02095956 Liparis schistochila Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Zenag, Lae subdist. A. N. Millar 40860
A: 02094002 Liparis sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar 23109 1964
A: 01685137 Liparis sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Fatima River, Marafunga, Sub-dist. Goroka A. N. Millar NGF 40649 1968-10-11
A: 00101000 Liparis werneri Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek, montane forest, 9000 feet A. N. Millar NGF 14695
A: 02175343 Malaxis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Gao River, Finschhafen sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 22629 1966
A: 02175332 Malaxis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23360 1964
A: 02337911 Mediocalcar agathodaemonis J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Ekuam, Gumine Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 38371 1969-10-19
A: 02337931 Mediocalcar arfakense J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23656 1964-8-13
A: 02337954 Mediocalcar bifolium J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Pengagl Creek A. N. Millar 14693 1962-9-26
A: 02094707 Mischobulbum papuanum (J. J. Smith) Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Above Gurakor A. N. Millar 18886 1964
A: 02094706 Mischobulbum papuanum (J. J. Smith) Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep River A. N. Millar 13882 1961-12-13
A: 02096596 Oberonia bifida Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 12129 1968-8-9
A: 02096635 Oberonia equitans (G. Forster) Mutel Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Watabung A. N. Millar 38328 1969-10-14
A: 02096638 Oberonia heliophila Reichenbach f. Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda; Ross Plantation. A. N. Millar 23544 1964-7-28
A: 02096596 Oberonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat, Kaiapit Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 12129 1968-8-9
A: 02096647 Oberonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Trauna Creek, Hagen Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF.37613 1968-7-7
A: 02096638 Oberonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda; Ross Plantation. A. N. Millar 23544 1964-7-28
A: 02096637 Oberonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda; Ross Plantation A. N. Millar 23541 1964-7-28
A: 02096635 Oberonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Watabung A. N. Millar 38328 1969-10-14
A: 02337836 Oxystophyllum nitidiflorum (J. J. Smith) M. A. Clements Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit River near Gurakor A. N. Millar NGF 23280 1964-2-26
A: 02337844 Oxystophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kulolo Creek Logging Area, Wau subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 22915 1967-7-6
A: 01945441 Peristylus pachyneuroides Renz Papua New Guinea: Above Keglsugl, Chimbu subdist., Eastern Hi... A. N. Millar 1964-2-3
A: 01945439 Peristylus pachyneurus (Schlechter) P. F. Hunt Papua New Guinea: Fatima River Valley, Goroka subdist., Easter... A. N. Millar 1965-5-28
A: 01945434 Peristylus pachyneurus (Schlechter) P. F. Hunt Papua New Guinea: Road to Nilguma, Kundiawa Subdistrict, Chimb... A. N. Millar 1969-10-19
A: 02174167 Pholidota carnea (Blume) Lindley Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Dengi, Kerowagi subdistrict A. N. Millar 1963-8-31
A: 02174163 Pholidota carnea (Blume) Lindley Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Road to Okapa, Kainantu sub-dist. A. N. Millar 1966
AMES: 01828126 Phreatia elongata Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep II; Markham Valley, Morobe Dist. A. N. Millar NGF 11766 1959-10-13
A: 01828226 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Zenag A. N. Millar NGF 12118 1968-7-26
A: 01828188 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23124 1964-2-2
A: 01828306 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Nr. Wantoat Station A. N. Millar NGF 35395 1968
A: 01828302 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Pass. A. N. Millar NGF 40620 1968
A: 01828300 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek A. N. Millar NGF 12165 1968-8-4
A: 01828297 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep A. N. Millar NGF 22900 1967
A: 01828294 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23613 1964
AMES: 01828258 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep; Markham Valley A. N. Millar NGF 11771 1959-10-13
A: 01828347 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kengi, Kerowagi sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 18526 1963-8-31
A: 01828331 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 18832 1963-11-15
A: 02389461 Plocoglottis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu near Duff's Plantation A. N. Millar NGF 23314 1964
A: 02158801 Pseudovanilla sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep River A. N. Millar 13865 1961
A: 02090507 Rhomboda atrorubens (Schlechter) Ormerod Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Dengalu Village A. N. Millar 14461 1962-1-18
A: 02329450 Robiquetia camptocentrum J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar 1964-6-12
A: 00556778 Robiquetia millariae Ormerod Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Araw Plantation, Kieta ... A. N. Millar NGF 38415 1969-12-6
A: 00085587 Robiquetia millariae Ormerod Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Araw Plantation, Kieta ... A. N. Millar NGF 38415 1969-12-6
A: 00556778 Robiquetia sp. Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Araw Plantation, Kieta ... A. N. Millar NGF 38415 1969-12-6
A: 02387482 Spathoglottis papuana F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Daulo Pass A. N. Millar 40612 1968
A: 02387498 Spathoglottis plicata Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar 14533 1962
A: 02387532 Spathoglottis sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Oive Ridge A. N. Millar 1964-7-27
A: 02387530 Spathoglottis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sumsum, Lae-Wau Road A. N. Millar 14521 1962
A: 02387597 Spathoglottis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Ekwap, Wantoat A. N. Millar 12142 1968
A: 02550424 Thrixspermum Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Bougainville Island: Aeawa Plantation, Kieta... A. N. Millar 1969-12-4
A: 01829027 Trichoglottis papuana Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Garden A. N. Millar NGF 14634 1962
A: 02337646 Trichotosia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar
Pandanaceae A: 02457327 Freycinetia funicularis (Savatier ex Lamarck) Merrill Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Pomio A. N. Millar NGF 49545 1968-10-16
A: 02457362 Freycinetia inermis Ridley Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep Creek A. N. Millar NGF 12207 1960-3-22
A: 02457403 Freycinetia linearis Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga, slopes of Keri-gomna A. N. Millar NGF 40757 1968-11-13
A: 02457446 Freycinetia perryana B. C. Stone Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglusugl, Chimbu subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 23125 1964-2-2
A: 02457529 Freycinetia undulata Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Fatima River, Marafunga, Goroka Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 40788 1968-11-14
Passifloraceae A: 02303325 Adenia heterophylla (Blume) Koorders Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] A. N. Millar 1959-2
A: 02303328 Adenia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Daru: [data not captured] A. N. Millar 1968-4-4
A: 02303420 Passiflora aurantia G. Forster Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: [data not captured] A. N. Millar 1969-3-21
A: 02303437 Passiflora foetida Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: [data not captured] A. N. Millar
A: 00423132 Passiflora sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wampit Road A. N. Millar 12263 1961-2
Phyllanthaceae A: 02486307 Antidesma excavatum Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 14588 1962-7-18
A: 02486390 Antidesma excavatum Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Wau A. N. Millar NGF 14507 1962-5-7
A: 02486444 Antidesma excavatum Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mc. Adam Park, Wau A. N. Millar NGF 14549 1962-6-12
A: 02486456 Antidesma excavatum Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Dengalu above Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 23003 1964-1-14
A: 02486452 Antidesma excavatum Miquel Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Kiunga, near Mission A. N. Millar NGF 35400 1968-3-30
A: 02486479 Antidesma excavatum olivaceum (K. Schumann) Petra Hoffmann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Amboin, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35125 1967-7-27
A: 02486468 Antidesma excavatum olivaceum (K. Schumann) Petra Hoffmann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Amboin, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35126 1967-7-27
A: 00045660 Antidesma ferrugineum Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau, 4400 feet A. N. Millar NGF 23458 1964-6-10
A: 02486548 Antidesma myriocarpum Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Kawimugl, Minj subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 23844 1965-2-15
A: 02486581 Antidesma rhynchophyllum K.Schum. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 9941 1959-5
A: 00045660 Antidesma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau, 4400 feet A. N. Millar NGF 23458 1964-6-10
A: 02490323 Aporosa papuana Pax & K.Hoffm. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Angoram: Arafundi River A. N. Millar NGF 35111 1967-7-27
A: 02490386 Aporosa sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Logging road A. N. Millar NGF 22527 1965-4-28
A: 02490413 Aporosa sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Angoram: Arafundi River, Agoram subdist., Ea... A. N. Millar NGF 35127 1967-7-27
A: 02330045 Baccaurea papuana F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 9778 1959-1-23
A: 02330077 Baccaurea papuana F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 23339 1964-4-24
A: 02508461 Phyllanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kainantu: Aiyura - Lae Road, 3 mi from Stati... A. N. Millar NGF 22713 1966-9-2
Piperaceae A: 01983688 Lepianthes umbellata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Ramamoorthy Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road to Yamap A. N. Millar NGF 23086 1964-1-19
A: 01978495 Peperomia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23390 1964
A: 01978512 Peperomia sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 23485 1964-7-25
A: 01978423 Peperomia tetraphylla (G. Forster) Hooker & Arnott Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Kwiona, Banz sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF.38336 1969-10-15
A: 01937313 Piper abbreviatum Opiz Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar 9930 1959-5
A: 01937344 Piper abbreviatum Opiz Papua New Guinea: Morobe Busu River, near Lae. A. N. Millar N.G.F. 12228 1960
A: 02029998 Piper arfakianum C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23627 1964
A: 01882241 Piper celtidiforme Opiz Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23246 1964-3-3
A: 01882238 Piper celtidiforme Opiz Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga, slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar NGF.40759 1968-11-13
A: 01882251 Piper celtidiforme Opiz Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kassam A. N. Millar N.G.F.22766 1966
A: 01882245 Piper celtidiforme Opiz Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda: [no additional data] A. N. Millar NGF 23490 1964-7-25
A: 01882390 Piper macropiper Pennant Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu Village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23240 1964-3-3
A: 01882501 Piper macropiper Pennant Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF.40792 1968-11-14
A: 01882541 Piper macropiper Pennant Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: [no additional data] A. N. Millar N.G.F. 14575 1962-6-13
A: 01882848 Piper subbullatum K. Schumann & Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23391 1964-6-11
A: 01882886 Piper triangulare Chew ex P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River Bank A. N. Millar NGF 22583 1965-5-28
A: 01882874 Piper umbellatum subpeltatum (Willdenow) C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Baiyer River A. N. Millar NGF.40813 1969-1-23
A: 01882908 Piper versteegii C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23453 1964
Poaceae A: 02470666 Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy Papua New Guinea: Western Bank of Fly River, 100 miles from Daru, Daru... A. N. Millar NGF 35289 1968-3-20
A: 02470665 Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: D'Albertis Junction. A. N. Millar NGF 35386 1968-3-29
A: 02473802 Briza minor Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Creek. A. N. Millar NGF 12147 1968-8-13
A: 02470812 Cenchrus brownii Roemer & Schultes Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island. A. N. Millar NGF 38448 1970-5-11
A: 02470856 Cenchrus purpureus (Schumacher) Morrone Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Baiyer River Bird Sanctuary Roa... A. N. Millar NGF 37610 1968-7-7
A: 02243447 Centotheca lappacea (Linnaeus) Desvaux Papua New Guinea: Western Terarama, Fly River, 160 miles, Daru Sub-dis... A. N. Millar NGF 35321 1968-3-21
A: 02243446 Centotheca lappacea (Linnaeus) Desvaux Papua New Guinea: Western Mogumogu, Fly River, Daru Sub-district. A. N. Millar NGF 35304 1968-3-21
A: 02469276 Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retzius) Trinius Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island. A. N. Millar NGF 48552 1970-5-10
A: 02469275 Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retzius) Trinius Papua New Guinea: Western Madiri, Fly River, Daru Sub-district. A. N. Millar NGF 35269 1968-3-19
A: 02473973 Deschampsia sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. A. N. Millar NGF 14661 1962-9-24
A: 02471152 Digitaria setigera Roemer & Schultes Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Igam. On site of Institute of Technical... A. N. Millar NGF 35238
A: 02472905 Eleusine indica (Linnaeus) Gaertner Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island. A. N. Millar NGF 38449 1970-5-11
A: 02472904 Eleusine indica (Linnaeus) Gaertner Papua New Guinea: Western Terarama, Fly River, 160 miles, Daru Sub-dis... A. N. Millar NGF 35333 1968-3-21
A: 02469761 Imperata conferta (J.Presl) Ohwi Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Igam. On site of Institute of Technical... A. N. Millar NGF 35240
A: 02469795 Imperata sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Kiunga Airstrip. A. N. Millar NGF 35493 1968-4-3
A: 02244251 Nastus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek below Dengalu Village, Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 23008 1964-1-14
A: 02244250 Nastus sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Amamapi Creek below Dengalu Village, Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 23008 1964-1-14
A: 02471763 Oplismenus compositus (Linnaeus) Beauvais Papua New Guinea: Northern Oro Bay. A. N. Millar 1907 1972-5-29
A: 02471812 Oplismenus hirtellus imbecillis (R. Brown) U. Scholz Papua New Guinea: Northern Oro Bay. A. N. Millar 1906 1972-5-29
A: 02243720 Oryza rufipogon Griffith Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Lake Murray. A. N. Millar NGF 35376 1968-3-25
A: 02470223 Pogonatherum paniceum (Lamarck) Hackel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Waria River, Garaina sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 22682 1966-7-22
A: 02244867 [None] Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island. A. N. Millar NGF 38443 1970-5-11
A: 02244864 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Ellengowan Island, Fly River, Daru Sub-distr... A. N. Millar NGF 35407 1968-3-23
A: 02244863 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Pangoa Airstrip, Lake Murray. A. N. Millar NGF 35413 1968-3-26
A: 02244862 [None] Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Lake Yimas, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35122 1967-7-27
A: 02244861 [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Pangoa Airstrip, Lake Murray. A. N. Millar NGF 35412 1968-3-26
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna, Long Island. A. N. Millar NGF 38443 1970-5-11
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Ellengowan Island, Fly River, Daru Sub-distr... A. N. Millar NGF 35407 1968-3-23
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Pangoa Airstrip, Lake Murray. A. N. Millar NGF 35413 1968-3-26
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Lake Yimas, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35122 1967-7-27
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Pangoa Airstrip, Lake Murray. A. N. Millar NGF 35412 1968-3-26
Podocarpaceae A: 02246251 Dacrycarpus compactus (Wasscher) de Laubenfels Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. A. N. Millar NGF 14671 1962-9-24
A: 02246908 Phyllocladus hypophylla Hooker f. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27 adjacent to Summit Camp, Wau-Salamaua... A. N. Millar NGF 22785 1967-2-8
A: 02247228 Podocarpus brassii Pilger Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde. A. N. Millar NGF 14683 1962-9-25
A: 02247369 Podocarpus pilgeri Foxworthy Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27 adjacent to Summit Camp, Wau-Salamaua... A. N. Millar NGF 22792 1967-2-8
Polygalaceae A: 02420186 Psychanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Tatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar N.G.T. 40636 1968
A: 02420179 Psychanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Pota-Galai, near Mt. Bango A. N. Millar N.G.F. 40577 1968-10-18
Polyosmaceae A: 02502182 Polyosma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to Summit Camp, Salamaua Ro... A. N. Millar NGF 22815 1967-2-8
Polypodiaceae A: 02218091 Lepisorus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40684 1968-11-12
A: 02218983 Microsorum sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40685 1968-11-12
A: 02219091 Microsorum sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Pomio A. N. Millar NGF 40541 1968-10-15
A: 02219067 Microsorum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Baiyer River Bird Sanctuary A. N. Millar NGF 40803 1969-1-23
A: 02219720 Pyrrosia longifolia (N. L. Burman) C. V. Morton Papua New Guinea: Western Madiri, Fly River, Daru Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 35277 1968-3-19
A: 02220209 Selliguea bellisquamata (C. Christensen) Hovenkamp Papua New Guinea: Morobe Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23619 1964-8-11
A: 02220357 Selliguea lauterbachii (Brause) Hovenkamp Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Kundiawa. Kundiawa subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 38383 1969-10-19
Portulacaceae A: 02498597 Portulaca sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor: Matafuna A. N. Millar NGF 38445 1970-5-11
Proteaceae A: 02260750 Finschia chloroxantha Diels Papua New Guinea: Western Oriomo River, Daru Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 35500 1968-4-4
A: 02260752 Finschia chloroxantha Diels Papua New Guinea: Western Mogumogu, 120 mi up Fly River, Daru Subdistr... A. N. Millar NGF 35300 1968-3-20
A: 02260775 Finschia chloroxantha Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23268 1964-3-3
A: 02260861 Grevillea papuana Diels Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Road to Kwiona. Banz subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 38334 1969-10-15
A: 02260884 Grevillea papuana Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Scour Creek. Bank of Watut River A. N. Millar NGF 18775 1963-7-12
A: 02258364 Helicia sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Sugli, Kundiawa Subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 38431 1970-3-1
A: 02258373 Helicia sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23135 1964-2-2
A: 02258437 Helicia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe road to Bupu village A. N. Millar NGF 23322 1964-4-5
A: 02258443 Helicia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Patep A. N. Millar NGF 22603 1965-7-13
A: 02258455 Helicia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Morehead: Lake Murray A. N. Millar NGF 35378 1968-3-25
A: 02258459 Helicia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River 1 mile below camp A. N. Millar NGF 40774 1968-11-14
Psilotaceae A: 02580149 Psilotum nudum (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Papua New Guinea: Madang Utu A. N. Millar LAE 22654 1966-7-13
Pteridaceae A: 02528173 Pteris opaca J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu River, Lae Sub-District A. N. Millar NGF 48564 1970-7-18
A: 02528391 Pteris sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Kiunga airstrip A. N. Millar NGF 35496 1968-4-3
Ranunculaceae A: 01005144 Clematis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Buluwat near Watut River, Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 15611 1962-12-12
A: 01005145 Clematis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: near Pine Tops, Wau A. N. Millar NGF 15602 1962
A: 01005151 Clematis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe road to Kauli Creek, above Wau A. N. Millar NGF 14582 1962-6-13
A: 01005154 Clematis sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Logging Area, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 14409 1961-12-20
Rhamnaceae A: 02553652 Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl) Reissek ex Endlicher Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu Village near Bulolo A. N. Millar 18898 1964-1-14
A: 01005063 Gouania sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Utu A. N. Millar NGF 22657 1966-7-13
A: 01005065 Gouania sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Yagadun, near Anul, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF.12100 1968-7-17
Rhizophoraceae A: 02264207 Bruguiera gymnorhiza (Linnaeus) Lamarck ex Savigny Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Losanga Island, near Kui A. N. Millar NGF 22841 1967-4-17
A: 02264643 Carallia brachiata (Loureiro) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18861 1963-12-11
A: 02263904 Rhizophora apiculata Blume Papua New Guinea: Northern Popondetta. Oro Bay A. N. Millar 1908 1972-5-29
Rubiaceae A: 00092315 Amaracarpus montiswilhelmii P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Lake Aunde, 12500 feet A. N. Millar 14685 1962-9-26
A: 00092316 Amaracarpus subalpinus P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Below Lake Aunde, 12500 feet A. N. Millar 14690 1962-9-26
A: 00092316 Dolianthus subalpinus (P. Royen) A. P. Davis Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Below Lake Aunde, 12500 feet A. N. Millar 14690 1962-9-26
A: 02605739 Dolicholobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Wago A. N. Millar NGF 23348 1964-6-10
A: 02605960 Mitragyna speciosa (Korthals) Haviland Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Angoram: Lake Ymas A. N. Millar NGF 37540 1969-5-24
A: 02604565 Ophiorrhiza sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Kupandu, Wantoat A. N. Millar NGF 12190 1968-8-9
A: 02604563 Ophiorrhiza sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23452 1964-6-12
A: 02605331 Wendlandia paniculata de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu Village above Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 23033 1964-1-15
A: 02605368 Wendlandia paniculata de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road along top of airstrip. A. N. Millar NGF 18827 1963-11-14
A: 02605343 Wendlandia paniculata de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Bupu village, Wampit A. N. Millar NGF 22923 1967-7-13
A: 02605339 Wendlandia paniculata de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Dengalu Village above Bulolo. A. N. Millar NGF 23033 1964-1-15
A: 02605413 Wendlandia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Road above Baptist Mission A. N. Millar NGF 37685 1968-7-9
Sabiaceae A: 02295386 Sabia pauciflora Blume Papua New Guinea: Northern Oive Ridge A. N. Millar 23534 1964-7-27
A: 02295385 Sabia pauciflora Blume Papua New Guinea: Northern Oive Ridge A. N. Millar 23534 1964-7-27
Santalaceae A: 02295603 Dendromyza sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar 23439 1964
A: 02295910 Scleropyrum aurantiacum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Pilger Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River (Bulge) A. N. Millar 35437 1968-3-28
Smilacaceae A: 00030121 Smilax nova-guineensis T. Koyama Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Pota-Galai, near Mount Bango, 300 f... A. N. Millar NGF 40574 (A) 1968-10-18
Staphyleaceae A: 02459214 Dalrympelea sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23127 1964-2-2
A: 02459221 Dalrympelea sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor Creek A. N. Millar NGF 13820 1961-8
Symplocaceae A: 02601756 Symplocos cochinchinensis (Loureiro) S. Moore Papua New Guinea: Morobe near Wau A. N. Millar NGF 14506 1932-3-7
A: 02601823 Symplocos cochinchinensis leptophylla (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23659 1964-8-13
A: 02601818 Symplocos cochinchinensis leptophylla (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River A. N. Millar NGF 40767 1968-11-14
A: 02601907 Symplocos cochinchinensis leptophylla (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Mount Hagen: Kundip A. N. Millar NGF 18603 1963-9-3
A: 02602083 Symplocos cochinchinensis orbicularis (Hemsley) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Chimbu [no additional data] A. N. Millar 14686 1962-9-26
A: 02602266 Symplocos cochinchinensis sogeriensis (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Central Above Avias, Woitape sub-dist. A. N. Millar NGF 38311 1969-8-24
A: 00078273 Symplocos cylindrica Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Omosis, Markham road, 6°45S 147°00E,1... A. N. Millar NGF 9916 1959-2-25
A: 02602458 Symplocos sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: on road to Kauli Creek A. N. Millar NGF 14576 1962-6-13
Theaceae A: 02524949 Eurya sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima RIver, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40747 1968-11-13
A: 02524973 Eurya sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23413 1964-6-12
A: 02456022 Eurya sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Edie Crek A. N. Millar NGF 37775 1968-8-14
A: 02456009 Eurya sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Slopes of Kerigomna A. N. Millar NGF 40673 1968-11-11
A: 02520152 Ternstroemia britteniana F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga A. N. Millar NGF 40768 1968-11-14
A: 02520213 Ternstroemia cherryi (F. M. Bailey) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Northern Kokoda A. N. Millar NGF 23482 1964-7-25
Thelypteridaceae A: 02404642 Coryphopteris sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River Valley A. N. Millar NGF 22546 1965-5-27
A: 02403803 Sphaerostephanos sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River A. N. Millar NGF 22540 1965-5-27
Thymelaeaceae A: 00268314 Phaleria pilistyla P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River Bank, Goroka subdist., ... A. N. Millar NGF 22581 1965-5-28
Urticaceae A: 02267966 Boehmeria sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Near Nadzab A. N. Millar NGF 15628 1963-1-8
A: 02264026 Oreocnide rubescens (Blume) Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 14638 1962-9-11
Verbenaceae A: 02328384 Callicarpa longifolia Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Western Daru: Terarama, Fly River, 160 miles, Daru S... A. N. Millar NGF 35325 1968-3-21
A: 02328383 Callicarpa longifolia Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23454 1954-6-10
A: 02328375 Callicarpa longifolia Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Morobe Busa River, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 12223 1960
A: 02328503 Callicarpa sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wagau A. N. Millar NGF 23375 1964-6-11
A: 02328501 Callicarpa sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu River, above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23355 1964-3-4
A: 02328563 Callicarpa sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Daru: Terarama, Fly River, 160 miles, Daru S... A. N. Millar NGF 35324 1968-3-21
A: 02328562 Callicarpa sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Road to Utu A. N. Millar NGF 22644 1966-7-12
A: 02328526 Callicarpa sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18849 1963-12-11
A: 02516859 Clerodendrum sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Gurakor Creek A. N. Millar NGF 13821 1961-8
A: 02516780 Clerodendrum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Drimdemasuk Village, Kiunga Sub-district A. N. Millar NGF 53455 1968-3-30
A: 02516778 Clerodendrum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Near Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF 35478 1968-4-1
A: 02324298 Faradaya sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Wampit A. N. Millar NGF 18885 1964-1-6
A: 02324306 Faradaya sp. Papua New Guinea: Northern 12 miles from station A. N. Millar NGF 23526 1964-7-27
A: 02324305 Faradaya sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Amboin, Angoram subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 35136 1967-7-28
A: 02324279 Faradaya splendida F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Brown River A. N. Millar NGF 48608 1970-8-12
A: 02324256 Faradaya splendida F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Hopahandon, Finschhafen sub-dist. A. N. Millar 22626 1966-6-9
A: 02324332 Geunsia farinosa Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu Village, Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14469 1962-1-18
A: 02324605 Gmelina sessilis C. T. White Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu village above Wampit River A. N. Millar NGF 23247 1964-3-3
A: 02324601 Gmelina sessilis C. T. White Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Road above Baptist Mission, Hagen Sub-distri... A. N. Millar NGF 37668 1968-7-9
A: 02324972 Petraeovitex sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe native in forest section of Lae Botanic Gard... A. N. Millar NGF 14406 1961-12-18
A: 02324969 Petraeovitex sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Pota-Galai, near Mt. Bango Sub-dist. Hoskins A. N. Millar NGF 40569 1968-10-18
A: 02518216 Premna serratifolia Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 18873 1963-11-19
A: 02526843 Vitex cofassus Reinwardt ex Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Creek A. N. Millar NGF 14539 1962-5-15
A: 02526857 Vitex cofassus Reinwardt ex Blume Papua New Guinea: Madang Road to Amele A. N. Millar NGF 22650 1966-7-12
A: 02526853 Vitex cofassus Reinwardt ex Blume Papua New Guinea: Madang Marup, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF 12108 1968-7-18
A: 02526917 Vitex cofassus Reinwardt ex Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mumeng: Potep II A. N. Millar NGF 38477 1970-1-21
A: 02526935 Vitex novae-pommeraniae Warburg Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Lae Botanic Gardens A. N. Millar NGF 9782 1959-1-30
Vitaceae A: 02326831 Apocissus acrantha (Lauterbach) Jackes & Trias-Blasi Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to summit Camp. Salamaua Rd... A. N. Millar NGF 22794 1967-2-8
A: 02329899 Cayratia acris Domin Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected at Botanic Gardens Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9775 1959-1-23
A: 02329938 Cayratia japonica (Thunberg) Gagnepain Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae-Wau Road A. N. Millar NGF 14608 1962-8-14
A: 02329937 Cayratia japonica (Thunberg) Gagnepain Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Tabai-Rekau, Sub-dist. Hoskins A. N. Millar NGF 40586 1968-10-19
A: 02329981 Cayratia maritima Jackes Papua New Guinea: Western Kiunga: Fly River - 100 miles from Kiunga A. N. Millar NGF 35382 1968-3-29
A: 02326831 Cissus acrantha Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Morobe Pad 27. Adjacent to summit Camp. Salamaua Rd... A. N. Millar NGF 22794 1967-2-8
A: 02327714 Cissus conchigera Ridley Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Aiyuta, Kainatu subdist. A. N. Millar NGF 22521 1965-4-14
A: 02327740 Cissus discolor Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis logging area (N.G.I) LAe subdistrict A. N. Millar NGF 12037 1967-11-16
A: 02327804 Cissus discolor Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Daru: Suki Creek, 200 miles Fly River, Daru ... A. N. Millar NGF 35346 1968-3-22
A: 02327802 Cissus discolor Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected Markham Road near Oomsis A. N. Millar NGF 9784 1959-2-2
A: 02327791 Cissus discolor Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Garagos A. N. Millar NGF 13863 1961-12-6
A: 02327782 Cissus discolor Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu River, near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 12275 1961-4
A: 02327744 Cissus hastata Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14502 1962-3-6
A: 02326419 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Morobe Garaina A. N. Millar NGF 22673 1966-7-22
A: 02326398 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Western Ellengowan Island, Fly River, Daru Sub-distr... A. N. Millar NGF 35409 1968-3-23
A: 02326455 Leea rubra Blume ex Sprengel Papua New Guinea: Western Daru: Suiki Creek, 200 miles Fly River, Daru... A. N. Millar 35336 1968-3-22
A: 02325125 Tetrastigma lauterbachianum Gilg Papua New Guinea: Morobe Dengalu Village road above Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 23002 1964-1-14
A: 02325119 Tetrastigma lauterbachianum Gilg Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Matali River A. N. Millar NGF 40556 1968-10-16
A: 02325113 Tetrastigma lauterbachianum Gilg Papua New Guinea: Morobe Collected Markham Road. near Lae A. N. Millar NGF 9773 1959-1-27
A: 02325107 Tetrastigma lauterbachianum Gilg Papua New Guinea: Morobe Behind Gurakor Village A. N. Millar NGF 14487 1962-1-18
A: 02325150 Tetrastigma papillosum Planchon Papua New Guinea: Morobe Road from Dengalu to Bulolo A. N. Millar NGF 14471 1962-1-18
A: 02325182 Tetrastigma pullei Lauterbach Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Fatima River, Marafunga. A. N. Millar NGF 40695 1968-11-12
Zingiberaceae A: 02532193 Alpinia oceanica Burkill Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Pota-Galai, near Mt. Bango, subdist. Hoskins A. N. Millar NGF 40578 1968-10-18
A: 02532183 Alpinia oceanica Burkill Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Kavieng A. N. Millar NGF 23820 1964-10-31
A: 02532183 Alpinia sp. Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Kavieng A. N. Millar NGF 23820 1964-10-31
A: 00030628 Alpinia stenobracteolata R. M. Smith Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Korongl River, Kerogawi Sub-district, 6000 f... A. N. Millar NGF 37800 1968-8-27
A: 02421462 Amomum sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Above Mam, Kar Kar Island A. N. Millar NGF.37746 1968-7-16
A: 02421572 Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Smith Papua New Guinea: Western Suki Creek, 200 miles Fly River, Daru Sub-di... A. N. Millar NGF.35347 1968-3-22
A: 02421570 Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Smith Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bupu, near Duff's Plantation. A. N. Millar NGF 23318 1964
A: 02420263 Riedelia marafungensis P.Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Goroka: Marafunga A. N. Millar N.G.F. 15798 1963-8-29
A: 02420281 Riedelia monticola Valeton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kaindi A. N. Millar NGF 23658 1964-8-13
A: 02420834 Zingiber sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Keglsugl A. N. Millar NGF 23189 1964
A: 02420670 [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Kupandu, Wantoat A. N. Millar NGF.12196 1968
A: 02420663 [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bunkin River A. N. Millar N.G.F. 9730 1958-1-14
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Kupandu, Wantoat A. N. Millar NGF.12196 1968
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bunkin River A. N. Millar N.G.F. 9730 1958-1-14