Title | Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis. Centralblatt für Sammlung und Veroffentlichung von Einzeldiagnosen neuer Pflanzen. [Edited by Friedrich Fedde]. Berlin |
Abbreviation | Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-51, 1905-1942 |
URL | Vols. 1-18: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/276 ; post-1922 vols seen at: https://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/records/item/14772-repertorium-specierum-novarum-regni-vegetabilis-fasciculus-xxxii-1933 |
BPH | 772.20 |
Remarks | Vols. 1-7, 1905-1909, titled Repertorium Novarum Specierum Regni Vegetabilis; in vols. 27-31, 1930-1933, and vols. 33 and 37, 1934, "Centralblatt" as "Zentralblatt". Superseded by Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. (ID: 915) URI links to resource for Vols. 1-7 (1905-1909) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 3088 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Begonia brachypoda var. pilosula O. E. Schulz [Type] 1933, 32: 86Berberis cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 454
Berberis cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 454
Berberis wangii C. K. Schneider [Type] 1939, 46: 246
Berberis dawoensis K. Meyer [Isolectotype] 1922, 12: 379
Berberis simulans C. K. Schneider [Type] 1939, 46: 258
Berberis taliensis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 252
Berberis taliensis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 252
Berberis taliensis C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 46: 252
Berberis taliensis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 252
Berberis taliensis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 252
Berberis amabilis C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 46: 257
Berberis amabilis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 257
Berberis ferdinandi-coburgii var. vernalis C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis ferdinandi-coburgii var. vernalis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis ferdinandi-coburgii var. vernalis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis ferdinandi-coburgii var. vernalis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis ferdinandi-coburgii var. vernalis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis ferdinandi-coburgii var. vernalis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis ferdinandi-coburgii var. vernalis C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis xanthoclada C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1939, 46: 261
Berberis willeana var. serrulata C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1939, 46: 245
Berberis fallax C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1939, 46: 260
Berberis fallax C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 260
Berberis bicolor H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 454
Berberis bicolor H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 454
Berberis nantoensis C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1939, 46: 252
Berberis densa C. K. Schneider [Isosyntype] 1939, 46: 254
Berberis insolita C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1939, 46: 257
Berberis insolita C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1939, 46: 257
Berberis insolita C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 46: 257
Berberis insolita C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 46: 257
Berberis gagnepainii var. omeiensis C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 46: 264
Berberis gagnepainii var. omeiensis C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 264
Berberis gagnepainii var. subovata C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1939, 46: 264
Berberis gagnepainii var. subovata C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 264
Berberis gagnepainii var. subovata C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 264
Berberis liophylla C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 46: 247
Berberis liophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 247
Berberis liophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 247
Berberis liophylla C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1939, 46: 247
Berberis alpicola C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1939, 46: 253
Berberis deinacantha var. valida C. K. Schneider [Isosyntype] 1939, 46: 260
Berberis deinacantha var. valida C. K. Schneider [Isosyntype] 1939, 46: 260
Berberis sublevis var. grandifolia C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1939, 46: 253
Berberis sublevis var. grandifolia C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 253
Berberis pruinosa var. viridifolia C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 250
Berberis pruinosa var. viridifolia C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 46: 250
Berberis lubrica C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1939, 26: 265
Berberis lubrica C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1939, 26: 265
Berberis fallaciosa C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 258
Berberis praecipua C. K. Schneider [Isosyntype] 1939, 46: 248
Berberis praecipua C. K. Schneider [Isosyntype] 1939, 46: 248
Berberis praecipua C. K. Schneider [Isosyntype] 1939, 46: 248
Berberis dumicola C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis dumicola C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1939, 46: 249
Berberis petrogena C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1939, 46: 253
Betula saitoana Nakai [Type] 1914, 13: 249
Betula saitoana Nakai [Type] 1914, 13: 249
Tecoma palmeri Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 220
Tecoma palmeri Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 220
Tecoma palmeri Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 220
Tecoma palmeri Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 220
Tecoma palmeri Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 220
Saldanhaea costaricensis Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 124
Tabebuia maxonii Urban [Type] 1922, 18: 370
Tabebuia wrightii Urban [Type] 1925, 22: 83
Pithecoctenium vitalbae f. glabratum Hassler [Syntype] 1910, 9: 56
Pithecoctenium vitalbae f. glabratum Hassler [Syntype] 1910, 9: 56
Pithecoctenium echinatum f. grandiflorum Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 56
Petastoma langlasseanum Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 56
Petastoma tonduzianum Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 56
Adenocalymma grenadense Urban [Isotype] 1916, 14: 306
Adenocalymma grenadense Urban [Isotype] 1916, 14: 306
Arrabidaea rhodothyrsus Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 20
Blechnum francii Rosenstock [Type] 1913, 12: 191
Blechnum bamlerianum Rosenstock [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 325
Bombax nicoyense Pittier [Type] 1914, 13: 315
Gyranthera darienensis Pittier [Type] 1914, 13: 318
Omphalodes mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 188
Omphalodes mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 188
Omphalodes mairei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 188
Omphalodes esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 188
Omphalodes cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 188
Omphalodes cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 188
Omphalodes vaniotii H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 188
Antiphytum bornmulleri Pilger [Type] 1908, 3: 24
Antiphytum bornmulleri var. asperior Pilger [Type] 1908, 3: 24
Lappula inconspicua Brand [Type] 1929, 26: 171
Lappula costaricensis Brand [Isotype] 1922, 18: 310
Lappula rattanii Brand [Isotype] 1922, 18: 311
Cordia tobagensis Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 39
Cordia tobagensis var. broadwayi Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 40
Cordia langlassei Loesener [Isotype] 1913, 12:240
Cordia langlassei Loesener [Isotype] 1913, 12:240
Tournefortia guadalupensis Urban [Type] 1921, 17: 169
Tournefortia guadalupensis Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 169
Tournefortia mapirensis Lingelsheim [Type] 1909, 7: 244
Tournefortia jamaicensis Urban [Type] 1921, 17: 170
Amsinckia longifolia Brand [Isotype] 1929, 26: 168
Amsinckia nigricans Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 319
Amsinckia leibergii Brand [Isotype] 1928, 25: 214
Amsinckia hansenii Brand [Type] 1928, 25: 213
Amsinckia santa-barbarae Brand [Isotype] 1929, 26: 168
Amsinckia parishii Brand [Type] 1924, 20: 320
Amsinckia irritans Brand [Type] 1928, 25: 213
Amsinckia debilis Brand [Isotype] 1928, 25: 212
Amsinckia marginata Brand [Type] 1928, 25: 211
Amsinckia longituba Brand [Isotype] 1928, 25: 212
Amsinckia toussaintii Brand [Type] 1929, 26: 168
Amsinckia macounii Brand [Type] 1928, 25: 211
Amsinckia howellii Brand [Type] 1928, 25: 213
Amsinckia microcalyx Brand [Isotype] 1928, 25: 211
Amsinckia helleri Brand [Type] 1928, 25: 212
Paracaryum inconspicuum Brand [Isotype] 1915, 13: 549
Lithospermum approximatum Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 15
Lithospermum colombianum Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 16
Lithospermum hoyasense Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 15
Lithospermum gentianoides Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 15
Lithospermum galeottii Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 17
Lithospermum galeottii Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 17
Lithospermum madrense Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 14
Lithospermum sordidum Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 15
Lithospermum aequitoriale Brand [Isotype] 1930, 28: 14
Lithospermum mairei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 286
Lithospermum komarovianum H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 280
Allocarya dichotoma Brand [Type] 1922, 18: 313
Allocarya hillebrandii Brand [Type] 1923, 19: 71
Allocarya filicaulis Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 72
Allocarya piperi Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 70
Allocarya piperi Brand [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 70
Allocarya jonesii Brand [Isotype] 1922, 18: 313
Allocarya commixta Brand [Isotype] 1922, 18: 312
Allocarya commixta Brand [Lectotype] 1922, 18: 312
Allocarya microcalyx Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 71
Allocarya versicolor Brand [Type] 1923, 19: 71
Allocarya versicolor Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 71
Allocarya fragilis Brand [Isotype] 1922, 18: 312
Allocarya alternifolia Brand [Type] 1929, 26: 169
Heliotropium myriophyllum Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 473
Heliotropium myriophyllum Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 473
Anoplocaryum limprichtii Brand [Syntype] 1929, 26: 170
Anoplocaryum limprichtii Brand [Syntype] 1929, 26: 170
Amblynotopsis ehrenbergii Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 105
Amblynotopsis humilis Brand [Holotype] 1925, 22: 105
Ehretia dunniana H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 65
Ehretia argyi H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 67
Oreogenia ferghanica Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 103
Oreogenia paulsenii Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 103
Cryptantha famatinae Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 318
Cryptantha modesta Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 48
Cryptantha weberbaueri Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 318
Cryptantha candelabrum Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 47
Cryptantha candelabrum Brand [Type] 1924, 20: 47
Cryptantha hansenii Brand [Isotype] 1927, 24: 58
Cryptantha campylotricha Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 47
Cryptantha piscoensis Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 49
Cryptantha buchtienii Brand [Isotype] 1927, 24: 56
Cryptantha argentinica Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 318
Cryptantha hossei Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 49
Cryptantha umbelliformis Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 317
Cryptantha lappula Brand [Type] 1927, 24: 56
Cryptantha cajabambensis Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 319
Cryptantha woitschachii Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 317
Trichodesma sinicum Brand [Isotype] 1913, 12: 504
Trichodesma hemsleyanum H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 327
Cynoglossum cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 534
Oreocarya macbridei Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 73
Oreocarya sheldonii Brand [Type] 1923, 19: 73
Oreocarya sheldonii Brand [Type] 1923, 19: 73
Oreocarya lutea Greene & Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 72
Hackelia nelsonii Brand [Isotype] 1929, 26: 170
Microcaryum duthieanum Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 101
Microcaryum duthieanum Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 101
Microcaryum duthieanum Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 101
Microcaryum duthieanum Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 101
Microcaryum duthieanum Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 101
Microcaryum diffusum Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 101
Microcaryum diffusum Brand [Type] 1925, 22: 101
Arabis epilobioides Greene [Isotype] 1908, 5: 242
Arabis pratinicola Greene [Isotype] 1908, 5: 244
Arabis covillei Greene [Syntype] 1908, 5: 243
Arabis covillei Greene [Syntype] 1908, 5: 243
Arabis covillei Greene [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 243
Arabis missouriensis Greene [Isotype] 1908, 5: 144
Arabis conferta Greene [Isotype] 1908, 5: 243
Arabis peramoena Greene [Isotype] 1908, 5: 242
Hartwegiella nasturtioides O. E. Schulz [Isotype] 1933, 33: 187
Erysimum schneideri O. E. Schulz [Isotype] 1921, 17(492-503): 289-290
Hemilophia pulchella var. pilosa O. E. Schulz [Syntype] 1921, 17(492-503): 290
Hemilophia pulchella var. pilosa O. E. Schulz [Isolectotype] 1921, 17(492-503): 290
Cochlearia henryi var. wilsonii O. E. Schulz [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 108
Cochlearia henryi var. wilsonii O. E. Schulz [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 108
Guzmania costaricensis Mez & Werckle [Type] 1919, 16: 78
Guzmania costaricensis Mez & Werckle [Type] 1919, 16: 78
Guzmania costaricensis Mez & Werckle [Type] 1919, 16: 78
Thecophyllum lehmannianum Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 72
Thecophyllum bracteosum Mez & Werckle [Type] 1916, 14: 246
Pitcairnia orchidifolia Mez [Type] 1921, 17: 114
Pitcairnia fuertesii Mez [Isotype] 1913, 12: 415
Pitcairnia riparia Mez [Type] 1913, 12: 416
Hechtia galeottii Mez [Syntype] 1919, 16: 71-72
Hechtia guatemalensis Mez [Holotype] 1906, 3: 41
Billbergia venezuelana Mez [Type] 1921, 17: 114
Billbergia venezuelana Mez [Type] 1921, 17: 114
Billbergia rubicunda Mez [Type] 1916, 14: 244
Billbergia wacketii Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 7
Billbergia minuta Mez [Type] 1916, 14: 244
Billbergia mexicana Mez [Isotype] 1919, 16: 6
Dyckia tomentella Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 69
Dyckia minutiflora Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 67
Dyckia interrupta Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 70
Hohenbergia inermis Mez [Type] 1913, 12: 414
Puya laccata Mez [Isotype] 1906, 3: 11
Puya reflexiflora Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 66
Puya longistyla Mez [Type] 1906, 3: 12
Puya fastuosa Mez [Type] 1906, 3: 12
Puya macrura Mez [Type] 1906, 3: 13
Puya cylindrica Mez [Isotype] 1919, 16: 66
Tillandsia australis Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 75
Tillandsia rodrigueziana Mez [Syntype] 1919, 16: 73
Tillandsia spuria Mez & Werckle [Isotype] 1919, 16: 74
Tillandsia crenulipetala Mez [Type] 1919, 16: 76
Vriesea alfarovii Mez [Syntype] 1916, 14: 247
Buxus bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 11: 549
Waltheria fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 120
Theobroma bernouillii Pittier [Isotype] 1914, 13: 319
Bauhinia augusti Harms [Type] 1922, 18: 234
Bauhinia appendiculata Hassler [Isolectotype] 1911, 9: 145
Bauhinia cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 11: 31
Cassia arduinervis Urban [Isotype] 1918, 15: 310
Cassia selleana Urban [Lectotype] 1918, 15: 311
Cassia huancabambae Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 94
Cassia huancabambae Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 94
Cassia gundlachii Urban [Lectotype] 1918, 15: 309
Cassia trachycarpa var. macrophylla Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 129
Cassia cathartica subsp. floribunda Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 130
Cassia basifolia var. aristulata Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 129
Cercis georgiana Greene [Type] 1912, 11: 110
Caesalpinia rosei Urban [Isotype] 1918, 15: 314
Afzelia borneensis Harms [Isolectotype] 1916, 14: 256
Afzelia borneensis Harms [Isosyntype] 1916, 14: 256
Rollandia fauriei Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 506
Burmeistera pittieri E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1932, 30: 19
Burmeistera tricolorata E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1932, 30: 22
Burmeistera ceratocarpa Zahlbruckner [Isotype] 1915, 13: 534
Burmeistera rivina E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 4
Burmeistera rivina E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 4
Burmeistera rivina E. Wimmer [Isolectotype] 1935, 38: 4
Burmeistera puberula E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 3
Pratia fangiana E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 3
Centropogon tenuifolius E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 13
Centropogon tenuifolius E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 13
Centropogon tortilis E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1926, 22: 217
Centropogon albertinus E. Wimmer [Type] 1935, 38: 15
Centropogon albertinus E. Wimmer [Type] 1935, 38: 15
Centropogon silvaticus E. Wimmer [Isolectotype] 1935, 38: 6
Centropogon silvaticus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 6
Centropogon silvaticus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 6
Centropogon preslii E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1924, 19: 248
Centropogon rubro-aureus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 13
Centropogon rubro-aureus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 13
Centropogon arcuatus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 242
Centropogon laxus Zahlbruckner [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 134
Centropogon umbrosus E. Wimmer [Isolectotype] 1924, 19: 250
Centropogon umbrosus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 250
Centropogon cupreus E. Wimmer [Type] 1931, 29: 70
Centropogon cupreus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1931, 29: 70
Centropogon grandidentatus var. diversidens E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 244
Centropogon grandidentatus f. incisa E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1924, 19: 244
Centropogon warscewiczii f. brevilobus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 11
Centropogon semperflorens E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 250
Siphocampylus andinus var. solemnis E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 23
Siphocampylus andinus var. solemnis E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 23
Siphocampylus andinus var. elegantissimus E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 22
Siphocampylus reflexifolius Zahlbruckner [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 181
Siphocampylus coltinya E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1931, 29: 84
Siphocampylus brevipedicellatus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 22
Siphocampylus albus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1929, 26: 17
Siphocampylus chloroleucus E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 17
Siphocampylus venustus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 263
Siphocampylus elfriedii E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 75
Siphocampylus glareosus Zahlbruckner [Isotype] 1915, 14: 182
Siphocampylus stenolobus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 24
Siphocampylus megalanthus Zahlbruckner [Isotype] 1915, 14: 184
Siphocampylus volubilis var. obtusus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1926, 22: 215
Siphocampylus soraticus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 23
Cinnamodendron ekmanii Sleumer [Isotype] 1936, 41: 127
Cinnamodendron ekmanii Sleumer [Isotype] 1936, 41: 127
Capparis bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 450
Capparis bodinieri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 450
Capparis humilis Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 252
Lonicera fragilis Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 337
Lonicera pampininii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 10: 145
Lonicera shensiensis Rehder [Type] 1909, 6: 269
Lonicera leptantha Rehder [Type] 1909, 6: 274
Lonicera nubigena Rehder [Type] 1909, 6: 270
Lonicera vaccinioides Rehder [Syntype] 1909, 6: 272
Lonicera graebneri Rehder [Type] 1909, 6: 273
Viburnum komarovii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 9: 78
Viburnum komarovii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 9: 78
Viburnum taquetii Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 443
Viburnum cavaleriei Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 442
Pycnophyllum holleanum Mattfeld [Isotype] 1922, 18: 177
Pycnophyllum holleanum Mattfeld [Isotype] 1922, 18: 177
Pycnophyllum filiforme Mattfeld [Isotype] 1922, 18: 172
Maytenus verticillata var. lehmannii Loesener [Isotype] 1905, 1: 161
Microtropis scottii R. Parker [Type] 1931, 29: 104
Euonymus vaniotii H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 259
Euonymus vaniotii H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 259
Euonymus fusiformis R. Parker [Type] 1931, 29: 104
Euonymus rugosa H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 8: 261
Euonymus mairei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 260
Euonymus bodinieri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 261
Euonymus coreanus H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 284
Euonymus darrisii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 261
Euonymus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 261
Euonymus distichus H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 261
Euonymus feddei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 539
Euonymus leclerei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 260
Euonymus centidens H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 262
Celastrus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 262
Celastrus kouytchensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] , 13: 263
Celastrus clemacanthus H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 284
Celastrus salicifolius H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 263
Celastrus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 13: 262
Celastrus mairei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 264
Celastrus mairei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 264
Celastrus seguinii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 262
Celastrus seguinii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 262
Rhacoma managuatillo Loesener [Isotype] 1910, 7: 294
Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen [Isotype] 1929, 26: 126
Hedyosmum subintegrum Urban [Isosyntype] 1929, 24: 1
Hirtella formicaria Suessenguth [Isotype] 1935, 39: 14
Hirtella sprucei subsp. meridionalis Hassler [Isotype] 1909, 7: 376
Combretum mellifluum var. cuspidatum Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 45
Commelina acutissima Urban [Type] 1923, 19: 1
Ipomoea gracilipes Hassler [Type] 1911, 9: 158
Ipomoea samanensis Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 343
Ipomoea subrevoluta var. induta Hassler [Isotype] 1911, 9: 159
Ipomoea pulchella var. lineariloba Hassler [Isotype] 1911, 9: 158
Porana esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 444
Lettsomia seguini Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 452
Lettsomia seguini Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 452
Lettsomia seguini Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 452
Lettsomia seguini Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 452
Rivea corymbosa var. paniculata Hassler [Isotype] 1911, 9: 151
Jacquemontia evolvuloides f. tomentosula Hassler [Syntype] 1911, 9: 194
Jacquemontia evolvuloides f. tomentosula Hassler [Syntype] 1911, 9: 194
Cornus hemsleyi C. K. Schneider & Wangerin [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 229
Cornus hemsleyi C. K. Schneider & Wangerin [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 229
Cornus hemsleyi C. K. Schneider & Wangerin [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 229
Cornus coreana Wangerin [Isosyntype] 1908, 6: 99
Cornus koenigi C. K. Schneider [Type] 1909, 7: 229
Cornus koenigi C. K. Schneider [Type] 1909, 7: 229
Cornus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 257
Cornus chinensis Wangerin [Isosyntype] 1908, 6: 100
Mastixia margarethae Wangerin [Type] 1907, 4: 335
Mastixia meziana Wangerin [Isotype] 1907, 4: 336
Echeveria pachanoi Rose ex Poellnitz [Type] 1935, 38: 187
Echeveria aequitorialis Rose ex Poellnitz [Type] 1935, 38: 187
Echeveria cuencaensis Poellnitz [Type] 1935, 38: 187
Luffa forskalii Schweinfurth ex Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 232
Cyathea mexicana var. boliviensis Rosenstock [Isotype] 1928, 25: 56
Alsophila tarapotensis Rosenstock [Isotype] 1909, 7: 291
Alsophila bulligera Rosenstock [Isotype] 1928, 25: 57
Alsophila aquilina var. maxonii Rosenstock [Isotype] 1908, 16: 179
Oreobolus clemensiae Kükenthal [Isosyntype] 1940, 48: 69
Cyperus filiformis f. robustior Kükenthal [Type] 1926, 23: 190
Bulbostylis haitiensis Kükenthal [Isotype] 1926, 23: 199
Schoenus calyptratus Kükenthal [Isotype] 1940, 48: 248
Schoenus ericetorum var. ornithopodioides Kükenthal [Isotype] 1938, 44: 179
Carex gynaecandra H. Pfeiffer [Isotype] 1921, 17: 31
Carex ramosii Kükenthal [Isotype] 1910, 8: 8
Carex ekmanii Kükenthal [Isotype] 1926, 23: 221
Carex arsenii Kükenthal [Isotype] 1910, 8: 326
Carex elmeri Kükenthal [Isotype] 1910, 8: 326
Carex suksdorfii Kükenthal [Isotype] 1920, 16: 434
Carex feddeana H. Pfeiffer [Isolectotype] 1921, 17: 30
Carex jamesonii var. subfulva Kükenthal [Isotype] 1910, 8: 7
Carex eurycarpa var. attenuata Kükenthal [Isotype] 1929, 26: 254
Carex sphaerogyna var. brasiliensis H. Pfeiffer [Isotype] 1921, 17: 32
Dichromena ciliata var. cinnamomea Kükenthal [Isosyntype] 1926, 23: 200
Scirpus mattfeldianus Kükenthal [Type] 1929, 27: 108
Rhynchospora fuertesii Urban [Type] 1917, 15: 98
Rhynchospora pusilla var. ferruginescens Kükenthal [Isotype] 1926, 23: 207
Cladium ekmanii Kükenthal [Type] 1926, 23: 213
Daphniphyllum cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 60: 460
Daphniphyllum cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 60: 460
Dennstaedtia bradeorum Rosenstock [Isotype] 1925, 22: 3
Doliocarpus rufescens Sleumer [Isotype] 1935, 39: 46
Dioscorea hitchcockii R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 118
Dioscorea temascaltepecensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 223
Dioscorea bradei R. Knuth [Isotype] 1937, 42: 177
Dioscorea chancayensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 81
Dioscorea chaponensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1935, 38: 117
Dioscorea pennellii R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 346
Dioscorea pennellii var. pilosula R. Knuth [Isotype] 1926, 22: 346
Dioscorea killipii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1926, 22: 345
Dioscorea tafiensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 222
Dioscorea georgensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 83
Dioscorea georgensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 83
Dioscorea caucensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 86
Dioscorea pantojensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 223
Dioscorea narinensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 82
Dioscorea mitoensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 84
Dioscorea calcensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 30: 159
Dioscorea putisensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 82
Dioscorea pseudorajanioides R. Knuth [Isotype] 1926, 22: 347
Dioscorea burroyacensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 220
Dioscorea hondurensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1935, 38: 120
Dioscorea flaccida R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 85
Dioscorea chimborazensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 86
Dioscorea huii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1925, 21: 80
Dioscorea balsapuertensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1935, 38: 117
Dioscorea nervata R. Knuth [Isotype] 1926, 22: 345
Dioscorea lawrancei R. Knuth [Isotype] 1935, 38: 118
Dioscorea campos-portoi R. Knuth [Isotype] 1937, 42: 176
Dioscorea guerrerensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 221
Dioscorea suratensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 87
Dioscorea hintonii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 222
Morina chinensis P. Y. Pai [Isolectotype] 1938, 44: 122
Shorea vandekoppelii var. grandifolia Parijs [Isotype] 1933, 33: 244
Dryopteris polita Rosenstock [Type] 1914, 13: 218
Dryopteris phacelothrix C. Christensen & Rosenstock [Isotype] 1912, 11: 56
Dryopteris erythrosora var. cavaleriei Rosenstock [Type] 1914, 13: 131
Elaeagnus coreanus H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 101
Elaeagnus coreanus H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 101
Echinocarpus hederaerhiza H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 474
Sloanea domingensis Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 140
Sloanea domingensis Urban [Isoneotype] 1919, 16: 140
Elaeocarpus longibarbatus Warburg [Isotype] 1922, 18: 327
Elaeocarpus longibarbatus Warburg [Isotype] 1922, 18: 327
Elaeocarpus nitens R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 130
Elaeocarpus nitens R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 130
Elaeocarpus nutans R. Knuth [Type] 1938, 44: 131
Elaeocarpus rejangensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 131
Elaeocarpus rejangensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 131
Elaeocarpus sadikanensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 71
Elaeocarpus papuanus R. Knuth [Type] 1941, 49: 86
Elaeocarpus pachyophrys Warburg [Type] 1922, 18: 327
Elaeocarpus breviracemosus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 48: 73
Elaeocarpus firmus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 48: 75
Elaeocarpus matangensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 130
Elaeocarpus matangensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 130
Elaeocarpus lingualis R. Knuth [Syntype] 1940, 48: 76
Elaeocarpus lingualis R. Knuth [Syntype] 1940, 48: 76
Elaeocarpus lingualis R. Knuth [Syntype] 1940, 48: 76
Elaeocarpus kinabaluensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 70
Elaeocarpus kinabaluensis R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1940, 49: 70
Elaeocarpus hebridarum R. Knuth [Type] 1941, 50: 84
Elaeocarpus clemensiae R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 128
Elaeocarpus rugulosus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 48: 78
Elaeocarpus microphyllus Warburg [Isotype] 1922, 18: 238
Elaeocarpus microphyllus Warburg [Isotype] 1922, 18: 238
Elaeocarpus angustipes R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 124
Elaeocarpus conoideus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 128
Elaeocarpus congestifolius R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 68
Elaeocarpus kraengensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 84
Elaeocarpus angustus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 125
Elaeocarpus angustus R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1938, 44: 125
Elaeocarpus angustus R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1938, 44: 125
Elaeocarpus fulvo-tomentosus R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1938, 129 (1938)
Elaeocarpus fulvo-tomentosus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 129 (1938)
Elaeocarpus fulvo-tomentosus R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1938, 129 (1938)
Elaeocarpus atrescens R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 125
Elaeocarpus atrescens R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 125
Elaeocarpus confertifolius R. Knuth [Type] 1940, 48: 74
Elaeocarpus gracilipes R. Knuth [Type] 1940, 44: 70
Elaeocarpus crenulatus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 48: 74
Elaeocarpus glaberrimus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 44: 70
Elaeocarpus magnifolius Christophersen [Isotype] 1938, 44: 129
Elaeocarpus nitidulus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 67
Elaeocarpus ngoyensis R. Knuth [Type] 1940, 49: 72
Elaeocarpus alatus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 81
Elaeocarpus borneensis R. Knuth [Type] 1938, 44: 127
Elaeocarpus fuscoides R. Knuth [Type] 1940, 48: 75
Elaeocarpus azaleifolius R. Knuth [Type] 1940, 48: 72
Elaeocarpus ulapensis R. Knuth [Type] 1941, 50: 88
Elaeocarpus brunnescens R. Knuth [Type] 1938, 44: 127
Elaeocarpus baramensis R. Knuth [Isolectotype] 1938, 44: 126
Elaeocarpus crassinervatus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 69
Elaeocarpus argentellus R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1938, 44: 125
Elaeocarpus argentellus R. Knuth [Isosyntype] 1938, 44: 125
Elaeocarpus boridiensis R. Knuth [Type] 1940, 48: 73
Elaeocarpus penibukanensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 71
Elaeocarpus gustavifolius R. Knuth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 84
Elaeocarpus validus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 72
Elaeocarpus filiformidentatus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 48: 74
Elaeocarpus dallasensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 69
Elaeocarpus mindoroensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 86
Elaeocarpus molloides R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 71
Elaeocarpus ramosii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 131
Elaeocarpus linearifolius R. Knuth [Type] 1940, 49: 66
Elaeocarpus palimlimensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 49: 68
Elaeocarpus densiflorus R. Knuth [Lectotype] 1941, 50: 82
Elaeocarpus gammillii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 83
Elaeocarpus barbulatus R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 126
Elaeocarpus brassii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 48: 73
Elaeocarpus populneoides R. Knuth [Isotype] 1940, 48: 78
Elaeocarpus canipes R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 127
Ardisia meziana H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 374
Cassiope mairei Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 342
Cyathodes imbricata var. volcanica H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 155
Enkianthus dunnii Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 448
Enkianthus xantoxanthus Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 448
Enkianthus cavaleriei Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 448
Bodinieriella cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 12: 101
Bodinieriella cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 12: 101
Pieris coreana H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 5: 281
Xolisma longelaminata Sleumer [Isotype] 1934, 36: 271
Xolisma longelaminata Sleumer [Isotype] 1934, 36: 271
Xolisma urbaniana Sleumer [Isotype] 1934, 36: 273
Xolisma pseudotinensis Sleumer [Isotype] 1934, 36: 272
Xolisma pseudotinensis Sleumer [Isotype] 1934, 36: 272
Rhododendron fuchsiifolium H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 148
Rhododendron vaniotii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 13: 148
Rhododendron impressopunctatum J. J. Smith [Type] 1932, 30: 164
Rhododendron leucolasium Diels [Type] 1921, 17: 196
Eriocaulon insulare Ruhland [Type] 1925, 22: 32
Eriocaulon sclerocephalum Ruhland [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 31
Eriocaulon cubense Ruhland [Type] 1925, 22: 29
Erythroxylum pachyneurum O. E. Schulz [Isosyntype] 1909, 6: 352
Croton radlkoferi Pax & K. Hoffmann [Isosyntype] 1923, 19: 175
Croton sabanensis Urban [Isotype] 1914, 13: 458
Croton sabanensis Urban [Isotype] 1914, 13: 458
Croton sabanensis Urban [Isotype] 1914, 13: 458
Croton hutchisonianus Hosseus [Type] 1911, 10: 64
Croton rugelianus Urban [Isotype] 1914, 13: 453
Croton monogynus Urban [Isotype] 1914, 13: 455
Croton choristolepis Urban [Isosyntype] 1919, 15: 407
Croton choristolepis Urban [Isosyntype] 1919, 15: 407
Mallotus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 327
Mallotus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Lectotype] 1911, 9: 327
Mallotus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 327
Mallotus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 296
Mallotus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 11: 296
Antidesma seguinii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 460
Glochidion esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 186
Glochidion bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 183
Glochidion cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 183
Mercurialis acanthocarpa H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1906, 3: 21
Phyllanthus pachystylus Urban [Holotype] 1930, 28: 213
Phyllanthus urbanianus Mansfeld [Isotype] 1933, 32: 86
Phyllanthus fuertesii Urban [Type] 1914, 13: 451
Phyllanthus fuertesii Urban [Type] 1914, 13: 451
Phyllanthus excisus Urban [Type] 1914, 13: 449
Phyllanthus excisus Urban [Type] 1914, 13: 449
Julocroton triqueter var. albescens Pax & K. Hoffmann [Isosyntype] 1937, 41: 226
Dalechampia gruningiana Pax [Type] 1910, 8: 161
Hieronyma jamaicensis Urban [Type] 1919, 16: 137
Hieronyma domingensis Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 137
Alchornea haitiensis Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 188
Andrachne esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 327
Andrachne bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 187
Andrachne bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 187
Andrachne persicariifolia H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 187
Andrachne persicariifolia H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 187
Andrachne cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 187
Andrachne hypoglauca H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 187
Euphorbia fauriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1908, 5: 281
Euphorbia oryctis Dinter [Isotype] 1931, 29: 167
Acalypha hispaniolae Urban [Isotype] 1919, 15: 410
Acalypha stachyura Pax [Type] 1909, 7: 110
Acalypha vincentina Urban [Isotype] 1930, 28: 222
Acalypha arcuata Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 188
Clitoria nervosa Herzog [Type] 1909, 7: 56
Clitoria nana var. caaguazuensis Hassler [Isolectotype] 1910, 8: 128
Clitoria nana var. caaguazuensis Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 128
Stylosanthes montevidensis f. glabrata Hassler [Isosyntype] 1919, 16: 223
Stylosanthes psammophila Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 69
Stylosanthes guianensis f. esetosa Hassler [Isotype] 1919, 16: 221
Stylosanthes guianensis f. viscosissima Hassler [Isotype] 1919, 16: 221
Chaetocalyx weberbaueri Harms [Isotype] 1921, 17: 132
Lourea parviflora Schindler [Isotype] 1925, 21: 20
Lourea zollingeri Schindler [Isotype] 1925, 21: 19
Brongniartia seleri Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 95
Galactia augustii Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 16
Galactia grewiaefolia var. mucronulata Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 128
Galactia rugosa f. transiens Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 205
Galactia rugosa f. transiens Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 205
Galactia marginalis var. longepedunculata Chodat & Hassler [Isotype] 1919, 16: 227
Dolichos henryi Harms [Isotype] 1921, 17: 137
Coursetia seleri Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 14
Coursetia seleri var. caeciliae Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 14
Coursetia orbicularis var. mantaroana Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 15
Cladrastis fauriei Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 230
Erythrina buchii Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 157
Lonchocarpus seleri Harms [Isotype] 1921, 17: 324
Lonchocarpus argyotrichus Harms [Isotype] 1921, 17: 320
Nephrodesmus parvifolius Schindler [Isotype] 1924, 20: 277
Swartzia weberbaueri Harms [Isotype] 1922, 28: 235
Desmodium henryi Schindler [Isolectotype] 1926, 22: 260
Desmodium francii Harms [Isotype] 1911, 10: 130
Desmodium francii Harms [Isotype] 1911, 10: 130
Dalbergia glaziovii Harms [Isotype] 1928, 24: 212
Mucuna esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 231
Mucuna terrens H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 264
Arthroclianthus balansae Schindler [Isotype] 1925, 21: 16
Campylotropis neglecta Schindler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 340
Campylotropis neglecta Schindler [Holotype] 1912, 11: 340
Campylotropis alata Schindler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 431
Campylotropis wilsonii Schindler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 343
Campylotropis wilsonii Schindler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 343
Campylotropis wilsonii Schindler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 343
Campylotropis wilsonii Schindler [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 343
Campylotropis wilsonii Schindler [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 343
Campylotropis grandifolia Schindler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 346
Campylotropis Schneideri Schindler [Isotype] 1925, 21: 20
Campylotropis harmsii Schindler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 342
Nephromeria poeppigiana Schindler [Isotype] 1924, 20: 283
Indigofera thirionni H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 190
Indigofera esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 190
Indigofera mairei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 190
Dalea calliantha Ulbrich [Isotype] 1906, 2: 11
Dioclea paraguariensis Hassler [Type] 1919, 16: 228
Selerothamnus purpusii Harms [Isosyntype] 1921, 17: 326
Phyllolobium sichuanense Podlech [Isotype] 2009, 120: 56-57
Astragalus ammodendroides Bornmüller [Isosyntype] 1935, 39: 109
Astragalus ammodendroides Bornmüller [Isosyntype] 1935, 39: 109
Astragalus bouffordii Podlech [Isotype] 2009, 120: 53
Macrolobium stenosiphon Harms [Isotype] 1906, 3: 51
Macrolobium stenosiphon Harms [Isotype] 1906, 3: 51
Cracca poliophylla Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 236
Cracca poliophylla Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 236
Uraria henryi Schindler [Isosyntype] 1925, 21: 15
Uraria henryi Schindler [Isosyntype] 1925, 21: 15
Uraria henryi Schindler [Isosyntype] 1925, 21: 15
Uraria henryi Schindler [Isosyntype] 1925, 21: 15
Uraria henryi Schindler [Isosyntype] 1925, 21: 15
Uraria esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 191
Lespedeza fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 230
Lespedeza fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 230
Lespedeza argentea Schindler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 426
Lespedeza rosthornii Schindler [Isosyntype] 1911, 9. 516
Lessertia cryptantha Dinter [Isotype] 1932, 30: 201
Trifolium polygonum H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 282
Meibomia canbyi Schindler [Isotype] 1924, 20: 155
Meibomia humilis Schindler [Isotype] 1924, 20: 152
Meibomia alba Schindler [Isosyntype] 1924, 20: 150
Meibomia alba Schindler [Isosyntype] 1924, 20: 150
Meibomia prodiga Schindler [Isotype] 1924, 20: 148
Meibomia schusteri Schindler [Isotype] 1924, 20: 146
Castanopsis cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 506
Quercus cathayana Seemen [Type] 1906, 3: 53
Quercus cathayana Seemen [Type] 1906, 3: 53
Quercus trinervis H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 364
Quercus cryptoneuron H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 364
Quercus prainiana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 363
Quercus prainiana H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 363
Quercus merrillii Seemen [Isotype] 1908, 5: 21
Quercus cepifera H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 364
Quercus brunnea H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 364
Quercus mespilifolia var. borneensis Heine [Type] 1951, 54: 225
Carrierea dunniana H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 458
Lunania buchii Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 191
Casearia schulzeana O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 32: 87
Casearia crassinervis Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 118
Casearia formosa Urban [Type] 1925, 22: 91
Xylosma dussii Urban [Isotype] 1925, 22: 89
Scolopia hainanensis Sleumer [Type] 1936, 41: 123
Scolopia henryi Sleumer [Type] 1936, 41: 123
Flacourtia mollipila Sleumer [Type] 1938, 45: 12
Gentiana anthosphaera Gilg [Isotype] 1906, 2: 46
Gentiana thioshpaera Gilg [Isotype] 1906, 2: 46
Gentiana fiebrigii Gilg [Isotype] 1906, 2: 45
Gentiana myriantha Gilg [Isotype] 1906, 2: 43
Monsonia keniensis R. Knuth & Mildbraed [Type] 1930, 28: 89
Geranium fuscicaule R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 7
Geranium arsenianum R. Knuth [Isotype] 1922, 18: 290
Geranium fangii R. Knuth [Syntype] 1936, 40: 218
Geranium fangii R. Knuth [Syntype] 1936, 40: 218
Geranium fangii R. Knuth [Syntype] 1936, 40: 218
Geranium fangii R. Knuth [Syntype] 1936, 40: 218
Geranium venturianum R. Knuth [Type] 1936, 40: 218
Geranium crassiusculum R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 217
Geranium delphinifolium R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 45: 60
Geranium caucense R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 9
Geranium killipii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 8
Geranium choimacotense R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 9
Geranium pallidifolium R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 3
Geranium chaparense R. Knuth [Isotype] 1930, 28: 4
Besleria calceolus Fritsch [Type] 1922, 18: 12
Aeschynanthus dunnii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 453
Pearcea schimpfii Mansfeld [Type] 1936, 41: 149
Boea chaffanjoni H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 330
Gleichenia nitidula Rosenstock [Isotype] 1912, 10: 275
Gleichenia bradeorum Rosenstock [Isotype] 1912, 10: 274
Scaevola fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 150
Scaevola chamissoniana var. caerulescens H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 150
Aralidium integrifolium Heine [Isosyntype] 1951, 54: 245
Aralidium integrifolium Heine [Isosyntype] 1951, 54: 245
Strobilanthes lofouensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 99
Barleriola reedi Ekman ex Urban [Type] 1924, 20: 309
Beloperone kukulcan Lindau [Isotype] 1913, 12: 425
Strobilanthopsis hypericifolia H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 20
Pseuderanthemum adenocalix Lindau [Type] 1913, 12: 425
Acer dielsii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 432
Acer prainii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 432
Acer prainii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 432
Acer pedunculatum K. S. Hao [Type] 1934, 36: 196
Acer schneiderianum Pax & K. Hoffmann ex H. Limpricht [Isotype] 1922, 12: 435
Acer schneiderianum Pax & K. Hoffmann ex H. Limpricht [Isotype] 1922, 12: 435
Acer coriaceifolium H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 433
Acer cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 432
Actinidia dielsii H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 175
Actinidia rubus H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 282
Notholaena buchtienii Rosenstock [Isotype] 1908, 5: 238
Notholaena buchtienii Rosenstock [Isotype] 1908, 5: 238
Doryopteris ×hybrida Brade & Rosenstock [Isolectotype] 1925, 21: 346
Doryopteris ×hybrida Brade & Rosenstock [Isolectotype] 1925, 21: 346
Doryopteris patula var. latesinuata Rosenstock [Lectotype] 1925, 21: 346
Agave brevipetala Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 362
Agave brevispina Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 363
Iresine weberbaueri Suessenguth [Type] 1934, 35: 323
Iresine pilgeri Suessenguth [Isosyntype] 1935, 39: 12
Alternanthera albo-squarrosa Suessenguth [Isotype] 1935, 39: 1
Alternanthera robinsonii Suessenguth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 304
Alternanthera cinerella Suessenguth [Isotype] 1935, 39: 3
Alternanthera subumbellata Suessenguth [Isotype] 1937, 42: 55
Alternanthera congesta Suessenguth [Isotype] 1935, 88: 44
Alternanthera albo-tomentosa Suessenguth [Type] 1937, 42: 50
Alternanthera arequipense Suessenguth [Isotype] 1937, 42: 51
Alternanthera polygonoides var. elongata Suessenguth [Isotype] 1938, 44: 37
Alternanthera moquinii var. grandiceps Suessenguth [Holotype] 1934, 35: 302
Alternanthera philoxeroides f. angustifolia Suessenguth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 303
Alternanthera mexicana f. lanuginosa Suessenguth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 301
Chamissoa altissima var. rubella Suessenguth [Type] 1934, 35: 306
Pfaffia divergens O. Stützer [Isotype] 1935, 88: 31
Pfaffia eriocephala Suessenguth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 329
Gomphrena perennis subforma boliviana Stuchlik [Isotype] 1912, 11: 154
Gomphrena pulchella f. grandifolia Stuchlik [Isotype] 1913, 12: 523
Gomphrena pulchella subvar. pseudocristata Stuchlik [Isotype] 1913, 12: 523
Gomphrena elegans var. mandonioides Suessenguth [Lectotype] 1934, 35: 310
Semecarpus glabrescens Heine [Isotype] 1951, 56: 235
Rhus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 181
Rhus gummifera H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 474
Rhus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 474
Rhus echinocarpa H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 475
Rhus echinocarpa H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 475
Rhus echinocarpa H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 475
Rhus echinocarpa H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 475
Schinus ferox Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 373
Schinus dependens var. paraguariensis Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 373
Unonopsis buchtienii R. E. Fries [Isotype] 1928, 24: 247
Unonopsis buchtienii R. E. Fries [Isotype] 1928, 24: 247
Guatteria boliviana H. J. P. Winkler [Syntype] 1909, 7: 242
Guatteria boliviana H. J. P. Winkler [Syntype] 1909, 7: 242
Guatteria boliviana H. J. P. Winkler [Isotype] 1909, 7: 242
Guatteria boliviana H. J. P. Winkler [Isotype] 1909, 7: 242
Guatteria boliviana H. J. P. Winkler [Isotype] 1909, 7: 242
Guatteria boliviana H. J. P. Winkler [Isotype] 1909, 7: 242
Melodorum retusum H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 458
Annona sulcata Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 17
Acronema astrantiifolium H. Wolff [Type] 1929, 27: 192
Bowlesia tropaeolifolia var. gayana Domin [Isotype] 1907, 4: 299
Pleurospermum dielsianum Fedde [Type] 1929, 27: 121
Pleurospermum pilgerianum Fedde [Type] 1929, 27: 121
Pleurospermum rockii Fedde [Type] 1929, 27: 120
Tongoloa rockii H. Wolff [Isotype] 1929, 27: 127
Tongoloa rockii H. Wolff [Type] 1929, 27: 127
Langlassea eriocarpa H. Wolff [Isotype] 1911, 9: 421
Angelica wilsonii H. Wolff [Type] 1930, 29: 335
Physospermopsis cuneata H. Wolff [Type] 1929, 27: 126
Eryngium langlassei H. Wolff [Isotype] 1911, 9: 417
Ligusticum weberbauerianum Fedde ex H. Wolff [Type] 1930, 27: 312
Ligusticum pilgerianum Fedde ex H. Wolff [Syntype] 1930, 27: 322
Aspidosperma polyneuron var. longifolium Hassler [Type] 1913, 12: 260
Aspidosperma quirandy var. angustifolium Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 260
Aspidosperma quirandy var. silvaticum Hassler [Type] 1913, 12: 260
Rauvolfia andina Markgraf [Isotype] 1924, 20: 122
Rauvolfia divergens Markgraf [Isotype] 1924, 20: 19
Melodinus seguinii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1906, 2: 114
Melodinus bodinieri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1906, 2: 113
Melodinus chaffanjoni H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1906, 2: 114
Melodinus dunnii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 453
Melodinus dunnii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 453
Melodinus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1906, 2(21): 113
Melodinus flavus H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 11: 548
Melodinus edulis H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 11: 549
Melodinus edulis H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 11: 549
Melodinus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 11: 549
Alyxia schlechteri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 453
Aganosma schlechteriana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 325
Aganosma schlechteriana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 325
Parameria esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 325
Ervatamia daemeliana Domin [Isotype] 1913, 12: 97
Ilex hayataiana Loesener [Isosyntype] 1941, 1: 333
Ilex hayataiana Loesener [Isosyntype] 1941, 1: 333
Ilex hayataiana Loesener [Isosyntype] 1941, 1: 333
Ilex dunniana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 458
Ilex dunniana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 458
Ilex impressa Ekman & Loesener [Isosyntype] 1933, 33: 179
Ilex impressa Ekman & Loesener [Isosyntype] 1933, 33: 179
Ilex asprella var. megaphylla T. R. Dudley [Isotype] 1980, 91: 577
Ilex guianensis var. cuecensis Loesener [Isotype] 1933, 33: 180
Ilex guianensis var. cuecensis Loesener [Isolectotype] 1933, 33: 180
Aralia weberbaueri Harms [Isolectotype] 1917, 15: 254
Dendropanax morbiferum H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 283
Dendropanax morbiferum H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 283
Dendropanax morbiferum H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 283
Dendropanax morbiferum H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 283
Dendropanax morbiferum H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 283
Dendropanax morbiferum H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 283
Eleutherococcus mairei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 342
Schefflera pittieri Harms [Isotype] 1927, 23: 299
Schefflera pittieri Harms [Isotype] 1927, 23: 299
Schefflera pittieri Harms [Isotype] 1927, 23: 299
Schefflera hypoleucoides Harms [Isosyntype] 1919, 16: 246
Schefflera hypoleucoides Harms [Isosyntype] 1919, 16: 246
Schefflera hypoleucoides Harms [Type] 1919, 16: 246
Oreopanax gnaphalocephalus Harms [Isotype] 1918, 15: 247
Oreopanax stenodactylus Harms [Type] 1918, 15: 250
Cheirodendron trigynum var. mauiense H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 154
Cheirodendron trigynum var. hawaiiense H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 154
Geonoma dussiana Beccari [Type] 1920, 16: 436
Euterpe broadwayana Beccari [Syntype] 1920, 16: 436
Euterpe broadwayana Beccari [Syntype] 1920, 16: 436
Euterpe broadwayana Beccari [Syntype] 1920, 16: 436
Euterpe broadwayana Beccari [Syntype] 1920, 16: 436
Aristolochia weberbaueri O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 23: 294
Aristolochia schultzeana O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1933, 32: 96
Aristolochia tentaculata O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1927, 23: 283
Aristolochia tentaculata O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1927, 23: 283
Aristolochia montana Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1931, 29: 11
Aristolochia klugii O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1932, 30: 66
Aristolochia putumayensis O. C. Schmidt [Lectotype] 1935, 38: 112
Aristolochia putumayensis O. C. Schmidt [Isolectotype] 1935, 38: 112
Aristolochia esperanzae var. major Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 178
Gymnema mariae Schlechter [Type] 1915, 13: 540
Heterostemma angustilobum Schlechter [Isotype] 1915, 13: 565
Sarcophagophilus winklerianus Dinter [Type] 1923, 19: 156
Metalepis albiflora Urban [Type] 1920, 16: 37
Gongronema hemsleyana Warburg [Isotype] 1907, 3: 341
Conchophyllum elmeri Schlechter [Type] 1915, 13: 561
Tylophora clemensiae Schlechter [Type] 1915, 13: 562
Polystichum pachyphyllum Rosenstock [Isotype] 1914, 13: 130
Polystichum tenggerense Rosenstock [Type] 1910, 8: 164
Polystichum bonapartii Rosenstock [Isotype] 1909, 7: 297
Aspidium rufovillosa Rosenstock [Isotype] 1925, 22: 11
Asplenium francii Rosenstock [Type] 1911, 10: 161
Asplenium discrepans Rosenstock [Isotype] 1913, 12: 469
Asplenium longkaense Rosenstock [Type] 1913, 13: 123
Asplenium laetum f. minor Rosenstock [Isotype] 1925, 22: 8
Asplenium auricularium var. subintegerrimum Rosenstock [Type] 1913, 12: 469
Asplenium dimidiatum var. boliviense Rosenstock [Isotype] 1913, 12: 470
Salmea scandens subsp. paraguariensis Hassler [Syntype] 1915, 14: 174
Salmea scandens subsp. paraguariensis Hassler [Isolectotype] 1915, 14: 174
Garuleum crinitum Dinter [Syntype] 1932, 30: 184
Aster lofouensis H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 281
Mikania salicifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 367
Mikania salicifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 367
Mikania salicifolia Hassler [Type] 1913, 12: 367
Mikania salicifolia Hassler [Type] 1913, 12: 367
Mikania sapucayensis Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 171
Mikania sapucayensis Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 171
Mikania guaranitica Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 172
Mikania guaranitica Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 172
Mikania guaranitica Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 172
Mikania rubella Lingelsheim [Type] 1909, 7: 250
Mikania cinnamomifolia Lingelsheim [Type] 1909, 7: 251
Mikania cinnamomifolia Lingelsheim [Type] 1909, 7: 251
Mikania anisodora Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 172
Mikania scandens var. sagittifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 368
Mikania scandens var. sagittifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 368
Stevia cuneata Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 166
Stevia rojasii Hassler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 167
Stevia rojasii Hassler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 167
Stevia amplexicaulis Hassler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 165
Stevia amplexicaulis Hassler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 165
Stevia amplexicaulis Hassler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 165
Stevia parvifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 165
Stevia parvifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 165
Isostigma peucedanifolium f. discoidea Hassler [Isotype] 1916, 14: 277
Isostigma peucedanifolium f. discoidea Hassler [Isotype] 1916, 14: 277
Baccharis nipensis Urban [Syntype] 1929, 26: 104
Baccharis nipensis Urban [Syntype] 1929, 26: 104
Blumea conyzoides H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1909, 7(131-133): 22
Senecio cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 537
Senecio buchii Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 407
Senecio herreianus Dinter [Isotype] 1932, 30: 180
Senecio klinghardtianus Dinter [Type] 1932, 30: 96
Senecio samanensis Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 374
Senecio samanensis Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 374
Synedrellopsis grisebachii var. inversa Hassler [Isotype] 1916, 14: 272
Bileveillea granulatifolia H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 449
Bileveillea granulatifolia H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 449
Hieracium paletaranum Sleumer [Isotype] 1936, 41: 118
Zexmenia tenuifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 178
Zexmenia tenuifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 178
Zexmenia pseudosilphoides Hassler [Isosyntype] 1916, 14: 263
Zexmenia helianthoides f. lanceolata Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 178
Zexmenia arnottii subforma gracilis Hassler [Isotype] 1916, 14: 266
Zexmenia arnottii f. sericea Hassler [Isosyntype] 1916, 14: 267
Centratherum punctatum subsp. camporum Hassler [Isolectotype] 1913, 12: 369
Centratherum punctatum subsp. camporum Hassler [Lectotype] 1913, 12: 369
Centratherum punctatum subsp. camporum Hassler [Isolectotype] 1913, 12: 369
Gochnatia cordata var. mollissima Hassler [Isotype] 1919, 16: 27
Artemisia feddei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 138
Loricaria thuyoides var. thyrsoidea Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1954, 56: 170
Trichogonia menthaefolia f. attenuata A. Hassler [Syntype] 1916, 14: 291
Trichogonia menthaefolia f. attenuata A. Hassler [Syntype] 1916, 14: 291
Trichogonia menthaefolia f. attenuata A. Hassler [Syntype] 1916, 14: 291
Selleophytum buchii Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 484
Pyrethrum germanicopolitanum Bornmüller & Heimerl [Type] 1930, 28: 70
Gynoxys poggeana Mattfeld [Isotype] 1921, 17: 179
Gynoxys fallax Mattfeld [Isotype] 1921, 17: 183
Gynoxys fallax Mattfeld [Isotype] 1921, 17: 183
Eupatorium rojasii Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 168
Eupatorium rojasii Hassler [Type] 1912, 11: 168
Eupatorium rojasii Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 168
Eupatorium filifolium Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 171
Eupatorium filifolium Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 171
Eupatorium filifolium var. longifolia Hassler [Type] 1912, 11: 172
Eupatorium albissimum Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 172
Eupatorium albissimum Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 172
Eupatorium selleanum Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 9
Eupatorium selleanum Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 9
Eupatorium asperrimum f. pauciflorum Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 175
Eupatorium asperrimum f. pauciflorum Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 175
Eupatorium gibbosum Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 49
Eupatorium buchii Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 9
Eupatorium buchii Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 9
Eupatorium alternifolium f. lactevirens Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 288
Eupatorium alternifolium f. lactevirens Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 288
Eupatorium alternifolium f. dentatum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 287
Eupatorium alternifolium f. dentatum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 287
Eupatorium alternifolium f. dentatum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 287
Eupatorium alternifolium f. dentatum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 287
Eupatorium alternifolium f. molle Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 187
Eupatorium alternifolium f. densifolium Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 288
Eupatorium alternifolium f. densifolium Hassler [Isotype] 1916, 14: 288
Eupatorium chodatii Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 169
Eupatorium chodatii Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 169
Eupatorium conyzoides var. margaritense Hassler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 167
Eupatorium conyzoides var. margaritense Hassler [Syntype] 1912, 11: 167
Eupatorium conyzoides var. margaritense Hassler [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 167
Eupatorium laevigatum var. serratifolium Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 282
Eupatorium laevigatum var. serratifolium Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 282
Eupatorium laevigatum var. serratifolium Hassler [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 282
Eupatorium ferrugineum var. paraguariense Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 168
Eupatorium oxylepis f. glabratum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1916, 14: 281
Eupatorium oxylepis f. glabratum Hassler [Syntype] 1916, 14: 281
Eupatorium amygdalinum f. latifolium Hassler [Type] 1912, 11: 175
Eupatorium amygdalinum f. latifolium Hassler [Type] 1912, 11: 175
Eupatorium amygdalinum f. latifolium Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 175
Eupatorium amygdalinum f. latifolium Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 175
Eupatorium oblongifolium f. odoratissima Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 285
Eupatorium fiebrigii var. acuminatum Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 11: 174
Eupatorium ivaefolium var. hirsutum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1916, 14: 280
Eupatorium ivaefolium var. hirsutum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1916, 14: 280
Eupatorium caaguazuense var. hirsutum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 169
Eupatorium caaguazuense var. hirsutum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 169
Eupatorium caaguazuense var. hirsutum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 169
Vernonia reedii Ekman & Urban [Isotype] 1929, 26: 97
Vernonia reedii Ekman & Urban [Holotype] 1929, 26: 97
Vernonia jenssenii Ekman [Isotype] 1929, 26: 98
Vernonia jenssenii Ekman [Isotype] 1929, 26: 98
Vernonia kabaensis J. Koster [Syntype] 1933, 34: 1
Vernonia buchii Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 146
Vernonia buchii Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 146
Vernonia vaniotii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 531
Vernonia praestans Ekman & Urban [Isotype] 1929, 26: 101
Vernonia arbor Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 11: 304
Vernonia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 11: 301
Vernonia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 11: 301
Spilanthes urens var. typica Hassler [Isolectotype] 1916, 14: 278
Spilanthes urens var. typica Hassler [Isolectotype] 1916, 14: 278
Jungia calyculata Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1953, 55: 125
Saussurea cirsium H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 284
Saussurea cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 401
Anastraphia baracoensis Urban [Type] 1929, 26: 117
Grindelia scorzoneraefolia var. subintegra Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 370
Diplazium cuneifolium Rosenstock [Isotype] 1913, 12: 470
Diplazium divergens Rosenstock [Isotype] 1913, 12: 471
Diplazium tarapotense Rosenstock [Isotype] 1909, 7: 295
Clidemia vincentina Urban [Isotype] 1916, 14: 339
Blastus dunnianus H. Léveillé [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 449
Mecranium tuberculatum Urban [Type] 1916, 14: 339
Pachyanthus pedicellatus Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 232
Tetrazygia ekmanii Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 222
Miconia bisulcata Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 228
Barthea cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 8: 61
Ossaea brachystemon Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 239
Ossaea pulverulenta Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 237
Ossaea lomensis Urban [Isotype] , 13: 467
Ossaea costata Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 235
Graffenrieda parviflora Cogniaux [Type] 1910, 8: 1
Mouriri samanensis Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 342
Mouriri samanensis Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 342
Mouriri rostrata Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 240
Melastoma cavaleriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 21
Conostegia lomensis Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 161
Trichilia pungens Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 364
Trichilia weberbaueri C. de Candolle [Type] 1923, 19: 55
Cabralea weberbaueri Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 447
Hyperbaena macrophylla Ekman [Type] 1925, 21: 62
Mimosa widgrenii Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 233
Mimosa amambayensis Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 13
Mimosa amambayensis var. glabrata Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 13
Mimosa rojasii Hassler [Isolectotype] 1910, 9: 9
Mimosa rojasii Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 9
Mimosa monadelpha var. hirsuto-puberula Chodat & Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 14
Mimosa tobagensis Urban [Isotype] 1918, 15: 307
Mimosa adenocarpa f. paraguariensis Hassler [Isolectotype] 1910, 9: 7
Mimosa adenocarpa f. paraguariensis Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 7
Mimosa hassleriana var. reducta Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 8
Mimosa fiebrigii Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 9
Mimosa fiebrigii Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 9
Mimosa fiebrigii Hassler [Isolectotype] 1910, 9: 9
Mimosa asperata f. inermis Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 16
Mimosa asperata f. longepedunculata Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 18
Mimosa asperata f. aspera Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 15
Mimosa gracilis var. intermedia Hassler [Isolectotype] 1910, 9: 5
Mimosa bimucronata var. adenocarpa Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 3
Mimosa nervosa f. hirsuta Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 559
Mimosa nervosa f. hirsuta Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 559
Mimosa paraguariae f. induta Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 7
Mimosa rudis f. latifoliolata Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 560
Mimosa cordistipula var. tomentosa Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 5
Mimosa balansae var. rojasiana Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 557
Mimosa lasiocarpa f. glabriflora Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 6
Mimosa argillicola subsp. major Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 558
Albizia simeonis Harms [Isotype] 1921, 17: 133
Albizia macradenia Harms [Isotype] 1911, 10: 128
Calliandra weberbaueri Harms [Lectotype] 1921, 17: 88
Calliandra chotanoana Harms [Isotype] 1921, 17: 242
Calliandra brevicaulis f. hirsutula Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 555
Calliandra brevicaulis f. hirsutula Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 555
Calliandra brevicaulis var. puberula Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 555
Calliandra densifolia Rose [Isolectotype] 1921, 17: 89
Calliandra caeciliae Harms [Isotype] 1921, 17: 89
Inga latibracteata Harms [Type] 1923, 19: 64
Inga latibracteata Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 64
Inga augusti Harms [Isotype] 1919, 16: 245
Inga sciadodendron Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 62
Inga brevipedicellata Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 62
Inga micheliana Harms [Isotype] 1915, 13: 525
Inga pringlei Harms [Isotype] 1915, 13: 526
Inga pringlei Harms [Isotype] 1915, 13: 526
Inga pringlei Harms [Isotype] 1915, 13: 526
Inga eriorhachis Harms [Isotype] 1915, 13: 525
Inga fagifolia var. intermedia Hassler [Isolectotype] 1919, 16: 155
Inga fagifolia var. intermedia Hassler [Isolectotype] 1919, 16: 155
Inga fagifolia var. intermedia Hassler [Isosyntype] 1919, 16: 155
Inga fagifolia var. intermedia Hassler [Syntype] 1919, 16: 155
Inga fagifolia f. pedicellaris Hassler [Isolectotype] 1919, 16: 155
Inga tenuiramea Harms [Isotype] 1915, 13: 527
Acacia costaricensis Schenck [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 361
Acacia bursaria Schenck [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 363
Piptadenia weberbaueri Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 234
Piptadenia weberbaueri Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 234
Prosopis rubriflora Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 552
Prosopis hassleri Harms [Isotype] 1915, 13: 523
Schranckiastrum insigne Hassler [Isosyntype] 1919, 16: 152
Schranckiastrum insigne Hassler [Isosyntype] 1919, 16: 152
Morus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 146
Morus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 146
Morus mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 265
Morus inusitata H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 265
Ficus letaqui H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 550
Ficus taquetii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 282
Ficus taquetii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 282
Ficus taquetii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 282
Ficus feddei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 9: 19
Ficus mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 535
Ficus mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 535
Ficus marchandii H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 533
Ficus marchandii H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 533
Ficus blinii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 550
Ficus blinii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 550
Ficus suberosa H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 549
Ficus fortunati H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 66
Ficus kouytchense H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 65
Ficus faurei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 281
Ficus faurei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1908, 5: 281
Ficus faurei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 281
Ficus faurei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 281
Ficus faurei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isosyntype] 1908, 5: 281
Ficus orthoneura H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 66
Ficus orthoneura H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 66
Ficus hederifolia H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 323
Ficus fecundissima H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 9: 19
Ficus fecundissima H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1910, 9: 19
Ficus broadwayi Urban [Isotype] 1917, 15: 110
Ficus pseudopiriformis H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1908, 5: 282
Ficus pseudopiriformis H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1908, 5: 282
Ficus hypoleucogramma H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 65
Ficus macropodocarpa H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 66
Ficus bonatii H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 6: 112
Ficus michelii H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 61
Ficus michelii H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 61
Ficus porteri H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1910, 8: 550
Ficus porteri H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 550
Ficus tobagensis Urban [Isotype] 1917, 15: 110
Ficus acanthocarpa H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 65
Ficus nerium H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1907, 4: 66
Ficus jaminii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1910, 8: 550
Ficus sambucixylon H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 444
Ficus stapfi H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 325
Ficus stapfi H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 325
Ficus trichopoda H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 538
Myoporum fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 63
Myrica cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 12: 537
Myrica seguinii Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 13: 537
Myrica darrisii H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 13: 537
Myrica esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 13: 537
Ardisia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 186
Ardisia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 186
Ardisia dielsii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 461
Ardisia discolor H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 373
Ardisia crispa var. taquetii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 374
Myrsine molokaiensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 154
Myrsine feddei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 376
Embelia rubrinervis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 374
Embelia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 374
Grammadenia weberbaueri Mez [Type] 1920, 16: 418
Cybianthus lanceolatus Pax [Isotype] 1909, 7: 112.
Cybianthus lanceolatus Pax [Isotype] 1909, 7: 112.
Maesa scandens H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 375
Maesa grossedentata Mez [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 309
Maesa dunniana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 463
Maesa cavaleriei H. Léveillé [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 462
Maesa bonii A. de Candolle [Type] 1910, 8: 353
Maesa myrsinoides H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 375
Maesa singuliflora H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 440
Maesa blinii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 376
Suttonia mauiensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 444
Rapanea aurea H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 376
Rapanea aurea H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 376
Rapanea aurea H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 376
Mitranthes pedicellata Burret [Isotype] 1941, 50: 55
Mitranthes pubescens Burret [Isotype] 1941, 50: 55
Acca velutina Burret [Isotype] 1941, 50: 58
Eugenia brownei Urban [Type] 1922, 18: 368
Eugenia abbottiana Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 341
Eugenia grenadensis Urban [Type] 1916, 14: 337
Eugenia androsiana Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 467
Eugenia dictyophylla Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 341
Psidium acranthum Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 367
Nania fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 150
Nania feddei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 150
Nania polymorpha var. incana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 149
Nania macropus var. microphylla H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 149
Arthropteris caudata Rosenstock [Isotype] 1910, 8: 163
Pisonia broadwayana Heimerl [Syntype] 1921, 17: 1
Pisonia broadwayana Heimerl [Syntype] 1921, 17: 1
Pisonia rufescens f. parvifolia Urban & Heimerl [Type] 1928, 24: 229
Pisonia obtusata var. brachycarpa Heimerl [Isosyntype] 1928, 24: 228
Pisonia obtusata var. brachycarpa Heimerl [Isosyntype] 1928, 24: 228
Allionia incarnata f. glutinosissima Heimerl [Isotype] 1939, 31: 97
Chionanthus coreanus H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 280
Fraxinus faurei H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 285
Syringa reflexa C. K. Schneider [Type] 1910, 9: 80
Syringa reflexa C. K. Schneider [Type] 1910, 9: 80
Syringa fauriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 285
Syringa fauriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 285
Epilobium paddoense H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1908, 5: 8
Epilobium congdonii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1908, 5: 98
Jussiaea longifolia var. intermedia Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 273
Jussiaea repens var. major Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 275
Jussiaea natans f. latifolia Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 277
Hauya longicornuta var. ovalifolia Loesener [Isotype] 1913, 12: 237
Epidendrum pseudoramosum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 361
Epidendrum pseudoramosum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 361
Epidendrum pseudoramosum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 361
Epidendrum obliquum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 457
Epidendrum obliquum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 457
Epidendrum trichorhizum Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 25: 21
Epidendrum trichorhizum Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 25: 21
Vanda henryi Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 17: 71
Spiranthes goodyeroides Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 448
Spiranthes goodyeroides Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 448
Spiranthes goodyeroides Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 448
Spiranthes goodyeroides Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1912, 10: 448
Spiranthes pulchra Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 198
Spiranthes nutantiflora Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 131
Spiranthes seminuda Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 18
Spiranthes seminuda Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 18
Spiranthes seminuda Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 18
Spiranthes seminuda Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 3: 18
Spiranthes seminuda Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 3: 18
Spiranthes seminuda Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 3: 18
Spiranthes seminuda Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 3: 18
Spiranthes tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 26
Spiranthes tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 26
Spiranthes tonduzii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 9: 26
Spiranthes epiphytica Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 130
Spiranthes brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 481
Spiranthes brenesii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 481
Spiranthes brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 481
Spiranthes brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1912, 10: 481
Spiranthes tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 2: 131
Spiranthes tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 131
Spiranthes tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 131
Spiranthes tuerckheimii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 2: 131
Spiranthes wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 482
Goodyera anomala Schlechter [Type] 1910, 9: 86
Thrixspermum tylophorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 206
Xerorchis amazonica Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 11: 45
Xerorchis amazonica Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 45
Xerorchis amazonica Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 11: 45
Disperis philippinensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 436
Leochilus ampliflorus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 340
Leochilus major Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 209
Octomeria guentheriana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 25: 19
Octomeria guentheriana Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 19
Quekettia australis Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1906, 2: 57
Kefersteinia pulchella Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 68
Hybochilus huebneri Mansfeld [Neotype] 1934, 36: 61
Hybochilus huebneri Mansfeld [TypeMaterial] 1934, 36: 61
Hybochilus huebneri Mansfeld [TypeMaterial] 1934, 36: 61
Hybochilus inconspicuus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 430
Oncidium tonduzii Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 9: 31
Oncidium tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 31
Oncidium tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 31
Oncidium tonduzii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1910, 9: 31
Oncidium tonduzii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 9: 31
Oncidium bolivianum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1911, 10: 459
Oncidium ostenianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1925, 21: 341
Oncidium ostenianum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1925, 21: 341
Oncidium salvadorense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 215
Oncidium salvadorense Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1913, 12: 215
Oncidium cabagrae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 292
Oncidium cabagrae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 292
Oncidium turialbae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 32
Oncidium guatemalense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 362
Oncidium costaricense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 30
Oncidium johannis Schlechter [NotType] 1912, 10: 362
Oncidium johannis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 362
Stenoptera plantaginea Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 446
Stenoptera plantaginea Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 446
Stenoptera plantaginea Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 446
Stenoptera plantaginea Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 446
Stenoptera plantaginea Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 446
Stenoptera guentheriana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 25: 19
Stenoptera guentheriana Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 19
Stenoptera guentheriana Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 19
Eriopsis wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 447
Campylocentrum turckheimii Schlechter [Holotype] 1912, 10: 363
Campylocentrum stenanthum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 486
Oberonia hosseusii Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 2: 84
Oberonia pleistophylla Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 22
Oberonia neglecta Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 26
Oberonia masarangica Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 22
Hippeophyllum celebicum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 26
Hippeophyllum celebicum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 26
Hippeophyllum celebicum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 26
Notylia guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 208
Zeuxine androcardium Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 9: 90
Dendrobium amabile Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 505
Dendrobium wilmsianum Schlechter [Holotype] 1906, 2: 86
Dendrobium smithianum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 74
Dendrobium smithianum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 74
Dendrobium smithianum var. nebularum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 75
Dendrobium lockhartioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 507
Dendrobium thysanophorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 73
Dendrobium subfalcatum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1913, 12: 30
Dendrobium subfalcatum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1913, 12: 30
Dendrobium gerlandianum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1909, 6: 317
Dendrobium odoratum Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 503
Dendrobium toadjanum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1913, 12: 30
Dendrobium chrysotainium Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 508
Dendrobium tuberculatum J. J. Smith [Type] 1913, 12: 31
Dendrobium juncifolium Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 76
Dendrobium vagans Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 104
Dendrobium vagans Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 104
Dendrobium speculigerum Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 507
Dendrobium speculigerum Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 507
Dendrobium sublobatum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1913, 12: 31
Dendrobium confusum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 72
Dendrobium hypodon Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 502
Dendrobium hypodon Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 502
Isochilus langlassei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 442
Isochilus langlassei Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 442
Isochilus langlassei Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 442
Isochilus alatus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 360
Isochilus alatus Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 360
Sarcoglottis purpusorum Schlechter [Type] 1925, 21: 333
Sarcoglottis purpusorum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1925, 21: 333
Microstylis nasuta Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 35
Microstylis nasuta Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 35
Microstylis pittieri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 203
Microstylis pittieri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 203
Microstylis elegantula Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 17
Microstylis elegantula Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 17
Microstylis elegantula Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 17
Microstylis elegantula Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 17
Microstylis guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 334
Microstylis guatemalensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1925, 21: 334
Microstylis lepanthiflora Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 200
Microstylis lunata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 162
Microstylis lunata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 162
Microstylis tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 106
Microstylis monticola Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 17
Microstylis monticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 17
Microstylis pandurata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 77
Microstylis pandurata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 3: 77
Microstylis acianthoides Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 200
Microstylis blephariglottis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 202
Microstylis blephariglottis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 202
Microstylis blephariglottis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 202
Microstylis blephariglottis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 202
Microstylis blephariglottis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 12: 202
Microstylis carinatifolia J. J. Smith [Type] 1912, 11: 131
Microstylis trichopoda Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 32
Microstylis trichopoda Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 32
Microstylis reichei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 335
Microstylis ovatilabia Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 330
Microstylis tridentula Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1929, 27: 36
Microstylis tridentula Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 36
Microstylis buchtienii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 449
Microstylis termensis Kraenzlin [PhotoOfType] 1905, 1: 91
Sarothrochilus dawsonianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 50
Adenoncos celebicus Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 192
Adenoncos nasonioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 193
Hartwegia bergeriana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 78
Tainia inamoena Kraenzlin [Type] 1921, 17: 387
Elleanthus glaucophyllus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 567
Elleanthus scopula Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 457
Elleanthus scopula Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 457
Elleanthus tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 567
Elleanthus tonduzii Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 567
Elleanthus roseus Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 8: 36
Elleanthus laxus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 213
Elleanthus macer Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1916, 14: 388
Elleanthus brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 11: 44
Elleanthus brenesii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 44
Mormodes lobulata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 456
Masdevallia guatemalensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1918, 15: 201
Masdevallia crescenticola F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [PhotoOfType] 1921, 17: 428
Masdevallia crescenticola F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 428
Masdevallia molossoides Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia molossoides Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia molossoides Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia anaristella Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 417
Masdevallia anaristella Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 417
Masdevallia superflua Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 414
Masdevallia funebris Endres ex Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 435
Masdevallia anura Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 433
Masdevallia aperta Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 430
Masdevallia odontochila Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 29
Masdevallia gomeziana F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 434
Masdevallia popayanensis F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia popayanensis F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia popayanensis F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia popayanensis F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia popayanensis F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 416
Masdevallia setipes Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 38
Masdevallia xanthura Schlechter [Lectotype] 1929, 27: 39
Masdevallia xanthura Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 39
Masdevallia xanthura Schlechter [Lectotype] 1929, 27: 39
Masdevallia buchtienii Schlechter [Type] 1912, 10: 450
Masdevallia carpophora Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 427
Masdevallia carpophora Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 427
Masdevallia johannis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 359
Masdevallia zahlbruckneri Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 413
Scaphyglottis pauciflora Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 47
Scaphyglottis unguiculata Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 206
Scaphyglottis brachiata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 432
Scaphyglottis guatemalensis Schlechter [NotType] 1906, 2: 133
Scaphyglottis guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 133
Scaphyglottis guatemalensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 2: 133
Scaphyglottis guatemalensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 2: 133
Warrea costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 446
Hexadesmia confusa Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 361
Hexadesmia confusa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 361
Hexadesmia confusa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 361
Platylepis morrisonii Schlechter [Type] 1911, 9: 161
Ponthieva appendiculata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1915, 14: 116
Ponthieva orchioides Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1917, 15: 50
Ponthieva ecuadorensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1915, 14: 117
Ponthieva nigricans Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1917, 15: 50
Ponthieva tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1906, 3: 47
Ponthieva tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 47
Ponthieva tuerckheimii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 3: 47
Ponthieva tuerckheimii Schlechter [NotType] 1906, 3: 47
Ponthieva hassleri Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 16: 439
Ponthieva hassleri Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 439
Ponthieva hassleri Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 16: 439
Ponthieva parvula Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 394
Ponthieva parvula Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 394
Ponthieva parvula Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 394
Ponthieva pulchella Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 196
Ponthieva triloba Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 25
Ponthieva triloba Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 9: 25
Ponthieva disema Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1915, 14: 116
Pelexia guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 197
Pelexia guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 197
Pelexia dolichorhiza Schlechter [Syntype] 1920, 16: 325
Pelexia dolichorhiza Schlechter [Syntype] 1920, 16: 325
Taeniophyllum uneoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 209
Taeniophyllum decipiens Schlechter [Type] 1911, 9: 112
Taeniophyllum decipiens Schlechter [Type] 1911, 9: 112
Comparettia peruviana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 389
Cyclopogon aphyllus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 321
Cyclopogon aphyllus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 321
Cyclopogon miradorensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 332
Octarrhena amesiana Schlechter [Type] 1911, 9: 439
Calanthe nephroglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 99
Calanthe nephroglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 99
Calanthe nephroglossa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 99
Calanthe anocentrum Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 9: 98
Calanthe anocentrum Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 9: 98
Calanthe anocentrum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 9: 98
Calanthe hosseusiana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1909, 7: 82
Calanthe hosseusiana Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1909, 7: 82
Sigmatostalix hymenantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 143
Sigmatostalix guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 253
Buchtienia boliviensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 34
Buchtienia boliviensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 34
Lycaste neglecta Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 66
Vrydagzynea celebica Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 13
Encyclia purpusii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 337
Encyclia purpusii Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1925, 21: 337
Dichaea stenophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 84
Dichaea stenophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 84
Dichaea stenophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 84
Dichaea stenophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 84
Dichaea robusta Schlechter [Lectotype] 1929, 27: 83
Dichaea robusta Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 83
Dichaea anguina Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 82
Dichaea anguina Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 82
Vanilla pittierii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 106
Sobralia pleiantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 79
Sobralia sancti-josephi Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 24: 22
Sobralia buchtienii Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 30
Sobralia buchtienii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 30
Sobralia buchtienii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1929, 27: 30
Sobralia caloglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1929, 27: 31
Sobralia caloglossa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 31
Ceratostylis keysseri Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1919, 16: 214
Ceratostylis vagans Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 67
Ceratostylis vagans Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 67
Agrostophyllum simile Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 39
Galeandra paranaensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 331
Rodriguezia corydaloides Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 24
Rodriguezia corydaloides Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 24
Hetaeria erimae Schlechter [Type] 1910, 9: 89
Hetaeria erimae Schlechter [Type] 1910, 9: 89
Hetaeria similis Schlechter [Type] 1910, 9: 88
Oreorchis parvula Schlechter [Type] 1912, 10: 483
Oreorchis parvula Schlechter [Type] 1912, 10: 483
Pterichis boliviana Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 436
Pterichis boliviana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 436
Cryptarrhena guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 253
Pleurothallis ottonis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 52
Pleurothallis ottonis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 52
Pleurothallis ottonis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 52
Pleurothallis ottonis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 52
Pleurothallis ottonis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 52
Pleurothallis boliviana Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 453
Pleurothallis frutex Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 454
Pleurothallis frutex Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 454
Pleurothallis spathata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 54
Pleurothallis spathata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 54
Pleurothallis spathata Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 54
Pleurothallis spathata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 54
Pleurothallis spathata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 54
Pleurothallis spathata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 54
Pleurothallis bernoullii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 204
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter [NotType] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter [NotType] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis tripterocarpa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 55
Pleurothallis tripterocarpa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 55
Pleurothallis cobanensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 11: 42
Pleurothallis cobanensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1912, 11: 42
Pleurothallis cobanensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 11: 42
Pleurothallis pansamalae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 354
Pleurothallis pansamalae Schlechter [Type] 1912, 10: 354
Pleurothallis pansamalae Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 354
Pleurothallis pansamalae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 354
Pleurothallis pansamalae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 354
Pleurothallis cogniauxiana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1907, 3: 246
Pleurothallis formosa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 291
Pleurothallis formosa Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 291
Pleurothallis otopetalum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 292
Pleurothallis panamensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 140
Pleurothallis wagneri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 141
Pleurothallis wagneri Schlechter [Lectotype] 1921, 17: 141
Pleurothallis pringlei Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 20
Pleurothallis pringlei Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 20
Pleurothallis pringlei Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 20
Pleurothallis pringlei Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 3: 20
Pleurothallis plastystylis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 395
Pleurothallis guentheri Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 51
Pleurothallis guentheri Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 51
Pleurothallis oxyglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 354
Pleurothallis pittieri Schlechter [NotType] 1906, 3: 247
Pleurothallis pittieri Schlechter [Type] 1906, 3: 247
Pleurothallis dolichopus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 394
Pleurothallis dolichopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 394
Pleurothallis papuligera Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 10: 453
Pleurothallis papuligera Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 10: 453
Pleurothallis acutipetala Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 353
Pleurothallis abbreviata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 352
Pleurothallis umbraticola Schlechter [Lectotype] 1929, 27: 56
Pleurothallis umbraticola Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 56
Pleurothallis umbraticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 56
Pleurothallis gacayana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 335
Pleurothallis scleropus Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 53
Pleurothallis scleropus Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 53
Pleurothallis sosoria Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 294
Pleurothallis sosoria Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 294
Pleurothallis wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 213
Endresiella zahlbruckneriana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 14
Odontoglossum purpusii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 340
Camaridium wrightii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 448
Camaridium wrightii Schlechter [Holotype] 1920, 16: 448
Camaridium pulchrum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 251
Camaridium tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 571
Camaridium turckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 296
Camaridium flavum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 27: 76
Dendrochilum microstylum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 339
Dendrochilum stenochilum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 339
Dendrochilum hamatum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 340
Dendrochilum megalanthum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 11: 141
Dendrochilum oxylobum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 431
Dendrochilum oxyglossum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 162
Dendrochilum panduratum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 562
Telipogon costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 166
Telipogon biolleyi Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 293
Telipogon pfavii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 143
Telipogon pfavii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1921, 17: 143
Odontochilus klabatensis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 12
Altensteinia fiebrigii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 445
Maxillaria longicaulis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 72
Maxillaria longicaulis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 72
Maxillaria longicaulis Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1929, 27: 72
Maxillaria longicaulis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 72
Maxillaria tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 295
Maxillaria poaefolia Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 74
Maxillaria dolichophylla Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 458
Maxillaria fallax Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 70
Maxillaria fallax Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 70
Maxillaria fallax Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 70
Maxillaria fallax Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 70
Maxillaria oxysepala Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 73
Maxillaria oxysepala Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 73
Maxillaria oxysepala Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 73
Maxillaria oxysepala Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 73
Maxillaria nardoides Kraenzlin [PhotoOfType] 1905, 1: 90
Maxillaria pachyacron Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 165
Maxillaria cobanensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 295
Maxillaria gracilipes Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 71
Maxillaria gracilipes Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 71
Maxillaria gracilipes Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 71
Maxillaria gracilipes Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 71
Maxillaria buchtienii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1929, 27: 86
Maxillaria buchtienii Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 86
Maxillaria buchtienii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 86
Lepanthes maxonii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 204
Lepanthes maxonii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 204
Lepanthes inaequalis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 336
Lepanthes oreocharis Schlechter [Neotype] 1912, 10: 483
Lepanthes stenophylla Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 396
Lepanthes stenophylla Schlechter [Type] 1912, 10: 396
Lepanthes stenophylla Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 396
Lepanthes guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 355
Lepanthes guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 355
Lepanthes turckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 357
Lepanthes koehleri Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1912, 10: 386
Lepanthes koehleri Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1912, 10: 386
Lepanthes wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 396
Lepanthes scopula Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 356
Lepanthes scopula Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 356
Lepanthes eciliata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 203
Catasetum guentherianum Kraenzlin [Type] 1928, 25: 28
Prescottia panamensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 20: 357
Prescottia panamensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 20: 357
Prescottia panamensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 20: 357
Prescottia panamensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 20: 357
Prescottia truncicola Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1920, 16: 319
Prescottia truncicola Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1920, 16: 319
Prescottia truncicola Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 16: 319
Prescottia truncicola Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 16: 319
Cryptophoranthus endresianus Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 437
Pogonia debilis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 196
Pogonia lutea Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 24
Saccolabium batakense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 11144
Saccolabium pantherinum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 391
Saccolabium pantherinum Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 391
Saccolabium pantherinum Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 391
Saccolabium celebicum Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 198
Saccolabium celebicum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 198
Coeloglossum kashmirianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 374
Pittierella calcarata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 81
Platanthera parvula Schlechter [Isotype] 1918, 15: 300
Platanthera parvula Schlechter [Isotype] 1918, 15: 300
Platanthera amesiana Schlechter [Holotype] 1911, 9: 212
Chondrorhyncha reichenbachiana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 15
Chondrorhyncha endresii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 14
Scelochilus tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1917, 10: 252
Scelochilus tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1917, 10: 252
Scelochilus tuerckheimii Schlechter [NotType] 1917, 10: 252
Scelochilus tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isotype] 1917, 10: 252
Scelochilus tuerckheimii Schlechter [NotType] 1917, 10: 252
Scelochilus tuerckheimii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1917, 10: 252
Scelochilus langlassei Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1910, 8: 572
Scelochilus langlassei Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1910, 8: 572
Scelochilus langlassei Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 8: 572
Scelochilus langlassei Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 8: 572
Scelochilus langlassei Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 8: 572
Stelis buchtienii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis buchtienii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis buchtienii Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis buchtienii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis buchtienii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis buchtienii Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis cleistogama Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 203
Stelis cleistogama Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 203
Stelis xanthantha Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis xanthantha Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis xanthantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis xanthantha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis xanthantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis patula Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1929, 10: 359
Stelis patula Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 10: 359
Stelis patula Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 10: 359
Stelis patula Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 10: 359
Stelis patula Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 10: 359
Stelis patula Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 10: 359
Stelis patula Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1929, 10: 359
Stelis tenuissima Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 204
Stelis tenuissima Schlechter [NotType] 1918, 15: 204
Stelis tenuissima Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 204
Stelis yungasensis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 49
Stelis yungasensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 49
Stelis yungasensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 49
Stelis bernoullii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 201
Stelis bernoullii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 201
Stelis bidentata Schlechter [Syntype] 1912, 10: 358
Stelis bidentata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 358
Stelis bidentata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 358
Stelis atrobrunnea Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 40
Stelis atrobrunnea Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 40
Stelis microchila Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 289
Stelis microchila Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 289
Stelis microchila Schlechter [Type] 1911, 9: 289
Stelis microchila Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 289
Stelis oxypetala Schlechter [NotType] 1918, 15: 203
Stelis oxypetala Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 203
Stelis oxypetala Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 203
Stelis oxypetala Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 203
Stelis simacoensis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 47
Stelis simacoensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 47
Stelis simacoensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 47
Stelis polycarpa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 46
Stelis polycarpa Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 46
Stelis polycarpa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 46
Stelis ovatilabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 211
Stelis ovatilabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 211
Stelis longicuspis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 28
Stelis bourgeavii Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 284
Stelis bourgeavii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 284
Stelis bourgeavii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 284
Stelis bourgeavii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 284
Stelis bourgeavii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 9: 284
Stelis trianguliflora Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis trianguliflora Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis trianguliflora Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis trianguliflora Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis trianguliflora Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis saxicola Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis saxicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis saxicola Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 452
Stelis cooperi Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1907, 3: 276
Stelis cooperi Schlechter [Isotype] 1907, 3: 276
Stelis cooperi Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1907, 3: 276
Stelis crescenticola Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 442
Stelis crescenticola Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 16: 442
Stelis hymenantha Schlechter [Holotype] 1912, 10: 291
Stelis hymenantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 291
Stelis virens Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 12: 484
Stelis virens Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 484
Stelis virens Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 12: 484
Stelis tricuspis Schlechter [Isotype] 1907, 3: 276
Stelis tricuspis Schlechter [Holotype] 1907, 3: 276
Stelis naviculigera Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 44
Stelis naviculigera Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 44
Stelis naviculigera Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 44
Stelis naviculigera Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 44
Stelis rubens Schlechter [NotType] 1910, 8: 564
Stelis rubens Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 564
Stelis coiloglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 453
Stelis coiloglossa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 8: 453
Stelis despectans Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 8: 453
Stelis despectans Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 8: 453
Stelis despectans Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 8: 453
Stelis despectans Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1910, 8: 453
Stelis curvata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 358
Stelis curvata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 358
Stelis curvata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 358
Stelis ottonis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 45
Stelis ottonis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 45
Stelis ottonis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 45
Stelis phaeomelana Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 45
Stelis phaeomelana Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 45
Stelis phaeomelana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 45
Stelis effusa Schlechter [Isotype] 1907, 3: 247
Stelis effusa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1907, 3: 247
Stelis effusa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1907, 3: 247
Stelis carioi Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 202
Stelis carioi Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 202
Stelis flexa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 41
Stelis flexa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 41
Stelis flexa Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 41
Stelis flexa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 41
Stelis flexa Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 41
Stelis laxa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis laxa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis laxa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 10: 451
Stelis tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 8: 564
Stelis heterosepala Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 42
Stelis heterosepala Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 42
Stelis vagans Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis vagans Schlechter [NotType] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis vagans Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 48
Stelis herzogii Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 484
Stelis herzogii Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 484
Stelis herzogii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 12: 484
Stelis herzogii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 12: 484
Gymnadenia himalaica Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 16: 283
Gymnadenia souliei Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 16: 284
Solenocentrum costaricense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 163
Liparis kwangtungensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1924, 19: 379
Liparis kwangtungensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 19: 379
Liparis stricta Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 9: 95
Liparis celebica Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 28
Liparis quadribullata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 29
Liparis werneri Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1911, 10: 250
Ornithidium flaccidum Kraenzlin [Type] 1928, 25: 31
Ornithidium flaccidum Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 31
Ornithidium costaricense Schlechter [Lectotype] 1910, 8: 456
Ornithidium mapiriense Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 25: 23
Ornithidium mapiriense Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 23
Ornithidium bracteatum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 9: 217
Ornithidium biolleyi Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1910, 9: 29
Ornithidium biolleyi Schlechter [Lectotype] 1910, 9: 29
Ornithidium tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1907, 3: 250
Ornithidium tonduzii Schlechter [NotType] 1907, 3: 250
Ornithidium bolivianum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 78
Ornithidium bolivianum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 78
Ornithidium bolivianum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 78
Laelia bahiensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 272
Warczewiczella caloglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 216
Cranichis nigrescens Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 10: 482
Cranichis nigrescens Schlechter [Lectotype] 1912, 10: 482
Cranichis pseudociliata Schlechter [NotType] 1913, 12: 202
Cranichis pseudociliata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 202
Cranichis pseudociliata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 202
Cranichis pittieri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1912, 11: 41
Cranichis subcordata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 130
Cranichis hassleri Cogniaux [Isotype] 1909, 7: 69
Polystachya guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 141
Polystachya simacoana Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 63
Polystachya simacoana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 63
Ponera mapirensis Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 22
Physurus luniferus Schlechter [Isotype] 1918, 15: 199
Physurus luniferus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 199
Physurus luniferus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 199
Physurus luniferus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 199
Physurus luniferus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 199
Physurus argyrostictus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 440
Physurus argyrostictus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 440
Physurus argyrostictus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 440
Physurus argyrostictus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 16: 440
Physurus argyrostictus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 16: 440
Physurus tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 132
Physurus tuerckheimii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 132
Physurus stictophyllus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 249
Physurus stictophyllus Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1911, 10: 249
Physurus stictophyllus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 249
Physurus stictophyllus Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1911, 10: 249
Physurus humidicola Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 198
Physurus trilobulatus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 199
Physurus parviflorus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 334
Sarcochilus macrosepalus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 203
Sarcochilus phalaenopsis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 203
Triphora wagneri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 139
Triphora nitida Schlechter & Schlechter [NotType] 1921, 17: 139
Sarcostoma celebicum Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 66
Ornithocephalus xiphochilus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1907, 3: 251
Ornithocephalus xiphochilus Schlechter [Lectotype] 1907, 3: 251
Bulbophyllum corticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 568
Bulbophyllum corticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 568
Bulbophyllum corticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 568
Bulbophyllum corticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 568
Bulbophyllum masarangicum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 96
Bulbophyllum jamaicense Cogniaux [Isotype] 1909, 7: 122
Bulbophyllum jamaicense Cogniaux [Isotype] 1909, 7: 122
Bulbophyllum levinei Schlechter [Syntype] 1924, 29: 381
Bulbophyllum levinei Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1924, 29: 381
Bulbophyllum levinei Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1924, 29: 381
Bulbophyllum sapoetanense Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 181
Bulbophyllum echinochilum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 385
Bulbophyllum echinochilum Kraenzlin [Holotype] 1921, 17: 385
Bulbophyllum codonanthum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 177
Bulbophyllum catenulatum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 7: 382
Bulbophyllum catenulatum Kraenzlin [Type] 1921, 7: 382
Bulbophyllum kwangtungense Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1924, 19: 381
Bulbophyllum kwangtungense Schlechter [Syntype] 1924, 19: 381
Bulbophyllum kwangtungense Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1924, 19: 381
Bulbophyllum longerepens Schlechter & Ridley [Isotype] 1911, 10: 95
Bulbophyllum klabatense Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 93
Bulbophyllum syllectum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 383
Bulbophyllum syllectum Kraenzlin [Holotype] 1921, 17: 383
Bulbophyllum anguipes Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 183
Bulbophyllum anguipes Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 183
Bulbophyllum pachyneuron Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 93
Bulbophyllum tylophorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 180
Bulbophyllum arrectum Kraenzlin [Type] 1921, 17: 384
Bulbophyllum arrectum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 384
Bulbophyllum myrianthum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 178
Bulbophyllum oligoblepharon Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1911, 10: 182
Bulbophyllum perpendiculare Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 179
Bulbophyllum mutabile var. ceratostyloides Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 179
Bulbophyllum laxiflorum var. celebicum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 178
Coelogyne zahlbrucknerae Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 389
Coelogyne zahlbrucknerae Kraenzlin [Type] 1921, 17: 389
Coelogyne zahlbrucknerae Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 389
Podochilus curviunguis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 34
Podochilus curviunguis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 34
Podochilus celebicus Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10;36
Podochilus schistanthera Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 35
Podochilus chinensis Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1924, 19: 380
Phreatia obtusa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 9: 108
Phreatia upoluensis Schlechter [Type] 1907, 3: 319
Pseuderia brevifolia J. J. Smith [Type] 1913, 12: 121
Pseuderia brevifolia J. J. Smith [Type] 1913, 12: 121
Acampe loheriana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 386
Acampe loheriana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 386
Acampe loheriana Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 386
Eria decipiens Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 10: 85
Eria virginalis Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 8: 511
Scaphosepalum elasmatopus Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 204
Scaphosepalum elasmatopus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 204
Scaphosepalum elasmatopus Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1913, 12: 204
Scaphosepalum pittierii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 78
Scaphosepalum naviculare Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 436
Scaphosepalum panamense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 12: 205
Scaphosepalum panamense Schlechter [NotType] 1918, 12: 205
Scaphosepalum panamense Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1918, 12: 205
Scaphosepalum endresianum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 435
Scaphosepalum endresianum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 435
Scaphosepalum endresianum Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 435
Cystorchis celebica Schlechter [Type] 1911, 10: 10
Lockhartia pittieri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 216
Lockhartia costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 3: 81
Lockhartia chiriquiensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1913, 12: 215
Habenaria quinquefila Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 195
Habenaria ottonis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 28
Habenaria ottonis Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 28
Habenaria subandina Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1929, 27: 29
Habenaria subandina Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 29
Habenaria costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 17: 138
Habenaria tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 2: 129
Habenaria tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 2: 129
Habenaria tuerckheimii Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 2: 129
Habenaria spithamaea Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 195
Habenaria vaupelii Schlechter [Isotype] 1910, 9: 84
Habenaria vaupelii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 9: 84
Habenaria dusenii Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 16: 251
Habenaria latipetala Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 194
Habenaria bonatiana Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 104
Habenaria bonatiana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 12: 104
Habenaria guentheriana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 25: 18
Habenaria guentheriana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1928, 25: 18
Habenaria guentheriana Kraenzlin [PhotoOfType] 1928, 25: 18
Habenaria polygonoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 16: 252
Habenaria sartoroides Schlechter [Lectotype] 1919, 16: 248
Habenaria siamensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1906, 2: 82
Habenaria siamensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1906, 2: 82
Habenaria heterophylla Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 16: 253
Habenaria dipleura Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1918, 15: 194
Habenaria laatiana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1925, 21: 330
Habenaria cyrtostigma Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 83
Habenaria sceptrum Schlechter [Type] 1919, 16: 249.
Habenaria williamsii Schlechter [Type] 1912, 10: 445.
Cirrhopetalum chryseum Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1910, 8: 97
Biophytum esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 181
Oxalis pennelliana R. Knuth [Isotype] 1926, 23: 144
Oxalis tolimensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1927, 23: 278
Oxalis mollissima R. Knuth [Isotype] 1927, 23: 275
Oxalis puracensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1927, 23: 279
Oxalis oblongiformis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1936, 40: 290
Oxalis trinidadensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1927, 23: 276
Oxalis corniculata var. papuana R. Knuth [Lectotype] 1940, 48: 3
Eschscholzia gigas Fedde [Isotype] 1906, 3: 28
Eschscholzia granulata var. minuscula Fedde [Isosyntype] 1906, 3: 147
Eschscholzia nevadensis Fedde [Isotype] 1906, 2: 146
Eschscholzia graminea Fedde [Isotype] 1906, 2: 146
Eschscholzia californica var. luxurians Fedde [Isotype] 1906, 3: 27
Eschscholzia menziesiana var. coarctata Fedde [Isotype] 1906, 2: 148
Meconella kakoethes Fedde [Type] 1907, 3: 275
Hesperomecon greeneana Fedde [Holotype] 1907, 3: 275
Argemone pleiacantha Greene [Isotype] 1908, 6: 161
Corydalis crassipedicellata Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 364
Corydalis allenii Fedde [Type] 1912, 10: 478
Corydalis allenii Fedde [Type] 1912, 10: 478
Corydalis bilimbata Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 379
Corydalis stracheyoides Fedde [Isotype] 1922, 18: 29
Corydalis chingii Fedde [Isotype] 1926, 22: 219
Corydalis chihuahuana Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 418
Corydalis scaphopetala Fedde [Isotype] 1926, 22: 220
Corydalis curvisiliquaeformis Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 11: 289
Corydalis pachyloba Fedde [Type] 1913, 12: 38
Corydalis curvisiliqua var. tenerior Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 365
Corydalis gooddingii Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 313
Corydalis macrorrhiza Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 479
Corydalis oregona Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 11: 290
Corydalis pseudomicrantha Fedde [Isotype] 1913, 11: 499
Corydalis clematis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 231
Corydalis clematis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 231
Corydalis crystallina var. strictissima Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 479
Corydalis crystallina var. strictissima Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 479
Corydalis aurea var. robusta Fedde [Type] 1912, 10: 379
Corydalis aurea var. diffusa Fedde [Isotype] 1912, 10: 378
Corydalis curviflora var. rosthornii Fedde [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 406
Corydalis pauciflora var. holanschanica Fedde [Isotype] 1926, 22: 221
Dicentra schneideri Fedde [Isotype] 1921, 17: 198
Dicentra ventii Khanh [Holotype] 1973, 83: 540
Dicentra lichiangensis Fedde [Isotype] 1921, 17: 199
Dendromecon myrtifolia Fedde [Isotype] 1907, 3: 245
Dendromecon brandegei Fedde [Syntype] 1907, 3: 245
Passiflora tilobophylla Harms [Type] 1922, 18: 297
Passiflora cremastantha Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 294
Passiflora callimorpha Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 295
Passiflora callimorpha Harms [Isotype] 1922, 18: 295
Passiflora deidamioides Harms [Type] 1923, 19: 57.
Pinus nana Lemée & H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 8: 60
Keteleeria esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 60
Xyris uleana Malme [Isotype] 1906, 3: 113
Xyris uleana Malme [Isotype] 1906, 3: 113
Xyris filiscapa Malme [Isotype] 1906, 3: 112
Piper perpallidum Ekman, Urban & Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 305, 309
Piper pilirameum C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1911, 9: 229
Piper pilirameum C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1911, 9: 229
Piper buchii Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 132
Piper buchii Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 132
Piper cingens C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1914, 13: 311
Piper oviedoi Urban [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 156
Piper oviedoi Urban [TypeMaterial] 1918, 15: 156
Piper perditum Trelease [Syntype] 1926, 23: 4, 7
Piper perditum Trelease [Syntype] 1926, 23: 4, 7
Piper perditum Trelease [Lectotype] 1926, 23: 4, 7
Piper subarborescens C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1914, 13: 304
Piper sinuatispicum Trelease & Ekman [TypeMaterial] 1929, 26: 342
Piper atropremnon Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1928, 24: 361
Piper depressibaccum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 306, 310
Piper depressibaccum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 306, 310
Piper brittonorum Trelease [Isotype] 1926, 23: 4, 8
Piper melanopremnum Trelease & Ekman [TypeMaterial] 1929, 26: 342
Piper jamaoanum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 29
Piper guanaianum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1911, 9: 232
Piper microtrichum C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1914, 13: 310
Piper platannanum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 308, 312
Piper torbecanum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 306, 310
Piper umbrigaudens C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1914, 13: 310
Piper ocoanum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 29
Piper luteobaccum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 29
Piper medium var. leonardi Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 305
Piper linguaefolium var. brevifolium Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1928, 24: 362
Piper camptostachys var. cuabanum Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 28
Piper scabrum var. kalacroixense Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 308
Peperomia friabilis Trelease [Isotype] 1926, 23: 16, 23
Peperomia dondonensis Trelease [Isotype] 1929, 26: 341
Peperomia dondonensis Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1929, 26: 341
Peperomia tenuipeduncula C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1914, 13: 306
Peperomia percrassicaulis Trelease [Isotype] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia percrassicaulis Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia cabaiana Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 321,328
Peperomia cabaiana Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 321,328
Peperomia guanensis Trelease [Isotype] 1926, 23: 17, 24
Peperomia quadrivii Trelease [Isotype] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia quadrivii Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia brouetiana Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 321, 328
Peperomia brouetiana Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 321, 328
Peperomia propugnaculi Trelease [Isotype] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia propugnaculi Trelease [Isotype] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia propugnaculi Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia propugnaculi Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 54
Peperomia semimetralis C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1914, 13: 305
Peperomia gloriosaefolia Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 319, 325
Peperomia gloriosaefolia Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 319, 325
Peperomia subbasellaefolia Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 325, 332
Peperomia pilipeduncula Trelease [Isotype] 1931, 29: 27
Peperomia pilipeduncula Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 27
Peperomia crispipila Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 322, 330
Peperomia crispipila Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 322, 330
Peperomia crispipila Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 322, 330
Peperomia crispipila Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 322, 330
Peperomia perlongipes C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1914, 13: 308
Peperomia medianiana Trelease [Isotype] 1931, 29: 25
Peperomia medianiana Trelease [Isotype] 1931, 29: 25
Peperomia medianiana Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 25
Peperomia medianiana Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 25
Peperomia yungasana C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 306
Peperomia yungasana C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 306
Peperomia rubripetiola Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 27
Peperomia rubripetiola Trelease [Isotype] 1931, 29: 27
Peperomia rubripetiola Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 27
Peperomia productamenta Trelease [Isotype] 1928, 24: 360
Peperomia productamenta Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1928, 24: 360
Peperomia papulata Trelease [Isotype] 1931, 29: 26
Peperomia papulata Trelease [Isotype] 1931, 29: 26
Peperomia papulata Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 26
Peperomia papulata Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 26
Peperomia perodiniana Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 322, 330
Peperomia ramosa Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 320, 327
Peperomia ramosa Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 320, 327
Peperomia commutata Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1926, 23: 22,29
Peperomia commutata Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1926, 23: 22,29
Peperomia crassispica Trelease [Isotype] 1927, 23: 321, 328
Peperomia crassispica Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1927, 23: 321, 328
Peperomia dominicana var. myriantha Trelease [Isotype] 1931, 29: 25
Peperomia dominicana var. myriantha Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1931, 29: 25
Pittosporum trigonocarpum H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 11: 492
Pittosporum fauriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 121
Plantago fiebrigii Pilger [Isotype] 1919, 15: 420
Plantago tolucensis Pilger [Isotype] 1915, 14: 112
Plantago linearis var. lasiophylla Pilger [Isosyntype] 1915, 14: 112
Acantholimon blandum Czerniakowska [Isotype] 1930, 27: 275
Acantholimon microstegium Bornmüller [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 547
Mesosetum penicillatum Mez [Isosyntype] 1918, 15: 124
Danthonia schneideri Pilger [Isotype] 1921, 17: 131
Muhlenbergia carinata Mez [Isotype] 1921, 17: 213
Muhlenbergia purpusii Mez [Isotype] 1921, 17: 214
Muhlenbergia trifida Hackel [Isotype] 1910, 8: 518
Stipa clandestina Hackel [Isotype] 1910, 8: 516
Agrostis durangensis Mez [Type] 1921, 17: 301
Agrostis thyrsigera Mez [Type] 1921, 17: 301
Agrostis thyrsigera Mez [Syntype] 1921, 17: 301
Agrostis boliviana Mez [Isotype] 1922, 18: 1
Agrostis boliviana Mez [Isotype] 1922, 18: 1
Chloris bahiensis f. glabrescens Hackel [Isotype] 1910, 8: 46
Paspalum mathewsii Mez [Type] 1917, 15;62
Paspalum mathewsii Mez [Type] 1917, 15;62
Paspalum anceps Mez [Isotype] 1917, 15;61
Bouteloua piurensis Pilger [Isotype] 1921, 17: 447
Olyra buchtienii Hackel [Type] 1912, 11: 20
Poa buchtienii Hackel [Isotype] 1912, 11: 29
Poa androgyna Hackel [Isotype] 1908, 6: 159
Poa dumetorum var. unduavensis Hackel [Isotype] 1912, 11: 27
Polemonium decurrens Brand [Type] 1921, 17: 316
Phlox multiflora var. intermedia Brand [Isotype] 1921, 17: 317
Phlox multiflora var. intermedia Brand [Isotype] 1921, 17: 317
Gymnosteris leibergii Brand [Isotype] 1921, 17: 318
Collomia macrocalyx Leiberg & Brand [Isosyntype] 1921, 17(19-30): 317
Cantua longifolia Brand [Isolectotype] 1924, 20: 46
Polygala dusenii Norlind [Type] 1914, 13: 402
Polygala dunniana H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 326
Polygonum duclouxii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1908, 6: 112
Polygonum alfredi Pilger [Isotype] 1921, 17: 126
Polygonum mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 338
Podopterus emarginatus Gross [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 218
Podopterus emarginatus Gross [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 218
Rumex orthoneurus K. H. Rechinger [Type] 1936, 40: 294
Rumex chiloensis K. H. Rechinger [Type] 1936, 39: 169
Rumex magellanicus var. donatii K. H. Rechinger [Type] 1936, 40: 300
Coccoloba lineari-lanceolata O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 24: 76
Coccoloba ceibensis O. C. Schmidt [Holotype] 1933, 32: 81
Coccoloba ceibensis O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 32: 81
Coccoloba baracoensis O. C. Schmidt [Holotype] 1927, 24: 73
Coccoloba humboldtii var. longipedicellata H. Gross [Isotype] 1913, 12: 219
Coccoloba fawcettii O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1927, 24: 76
Coccoloba fawcettii O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1927, 24: 76
Coccoloba caesia Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 24: 74
Coccoloba taylori Urban [Holotype] 1914, 13: 446
Coccoloba nipensis Urban [Isotype] 1914, 13: 445
Coccoloba acutissima Urban [Holotype] 1922, 18: 113
Coccoloba guaranitica Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 161
Coccoloba guaranitica var. opaca Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 162
Coccoloba helwigii O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1929, 27: 104
Coccoloba ekmanii Urban [Isotype] 1916, 14: 331
Coccoloba azuelensis O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1927, 24: 73
Coccoloba samanensis O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 32: 81
Coccoloba longiochreata Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 162
Coccoloba samuelssonii Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1929, 27: 105
Coccoloba nalgensis O. C. Schmidt [Holotype] 1933, 32: 80
Coccoloba neurophylla Urban [Holotype] 1923, 19: 1
Coccoloba albicans Ekman [Isotype] 1929, 27: 103
Coccoloba barkeri Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1929, 27: 104
Coccoloba paraguariensis var. grandifolia Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 163
Coccoloba paraguariensis f. intermedia Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 163
Coccoloba paraguariensis f. intermedia Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 163
Coccoloba cordata var. praecox Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 162
Leptogonum molle Urban [Type] 1924, 20: 338
Leptogonum molle Urban [Type] 1924, 20: 338
Polypodium longkyense Rosenstock [Type] 1914, 13: 134
Polypodium alfredii Rosenstock [Isotype] 1925, 22: 15
Polypodium bamleri Rosenstock [Isotype] 1910, 8: 163
Polypodium plectolepidioides Rosenstock [Isotype] 1912, 10: 278
Portulaca biloba Urban [Isotype] 1926, 22: 355
Helicia henryi Diels [Isotype] 1915, 13: 528
Pteris subundulata Rosenstock [Type] 1910, 9: 73
Thalictrum duclouxii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1909, 7: 98
Thalictrum verticillatum H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 97
Thalictrum mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 339
Thalictrum taquetii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 8: 100
Thalictrum punctatum H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 376
Thalictrum cirrhosum H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 97
Thalictrum fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 100
Thalictrum tenii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 98
Delphinium szechuanicum Ulbrich [Isotype] 1916, 14: 298
Aquilegia eminens Greene [Type] 1914, 13: 321
Aquilegia canadensis var. latiuscula Greene [Isotype] 1914, 13: 320
Aconitum infectum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 5
Aconitum insigne Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 5
Aconitum arizonicum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 5
Aconitum gracilentum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 1
Aconitum viviparum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 2
Aconitum helleri Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 3
Aconitum vestitum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 6
Aconitum vestitum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 6
Aconitum cheirophyllum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 4
Aconitum geranioides Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 2
Aconitum obtusiflorum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 4
Aconitum mogollonicum Greene [Type] 1909, 7: 5
Clematis coriigera H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 281
Clematis barahonensis Urban [Isotype] 1918, 15: 170
Clematis barahonensis Urban [Isotype] 1918, 15: 170
Clematis ornithopus Ulbrich [Holotype] 1922, 12: 375
Clematis vaniotii H. Léveillé & C. E. Porter [Type] 1910, 9: 20
Clematis limprichtii Ulbrich [Type] 1922, 12: 373
Clematis duclouxii H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 97
Clematis dioscoreifolia H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1909, 7: 339
Cormonema venezuelense Suessenguth & Overkott [Isotype] 1941, 50: 325
Paliurus mairei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 535
Rhamnus pseudofrangula H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 473
Rhamnus bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 473
Rhamnus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 148
Rhamnus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 10: 148
Rhamnus taquetii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 431
Rhamnus taquetii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 431
Rhamnus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 473
Rhamnus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 473
Microrhamnus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 535
Microrhamnus taquetii H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 284
Colubrina greggii var. macrocarpoides Suessenguth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 325
Colubrina greggii var. macrocarpoides Suessenguth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 325
Berchemia chanetii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 433
Berchemia cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 433
Ziziphus cupularis Suessenguth & Overkott [Isotype] 1941, 50: 330
Crumenaria polygaloides var. glabrescens Hassler [Type] 1915, 14: 165
Rhoiptelea chiliantha Diels & Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1932, 30: 75
Padus wilsonii Diels ex C. K. Schneider [Type] 1905, 1: 69
Padus wilsonii Diels ex C. K. Schneider [Type] 1905, 1: 69
Padus acrophyllus C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1905, 1: 70
Mespilus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 12: 188
Mespilus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 12: 188
Rubus duclouxii H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 6: 111
Rubus quelpaertensis H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1908, 5: 80
Rubus quelpaertensis H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1908, 5: 80
Rubus coreanus var. nakaianus H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 358
Rubus coreanus var. nakaianus H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 358
Rubus diamonticus H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1908, 5: 279
Rubus myriadenus var. grandifoliolatus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 334
Rubus umbellifer H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 6: 111
Rubus refractus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 332
Rubus stephanandria H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 8: 358
Rubus stephanandria H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 358
Rubus stephanandria H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 358
Rubus vanioti H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1908, 5: 280
Rubus hoatiensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 11: 32
Rubus schizostylus H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 5: 280
Rubus taqueti H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 340
Rubus bonatii H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 338
Rubus bonatii H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 338
Rubus boudieri H. Léveillé [Type] , 7: 534
Rubus diamantina H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 5: 279
Rubus talaikiaensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 334
Rubus minimiflorus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 332
Rubus croceacanthus H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 11: 33
Rubus croceacanthus H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 11: 33
Rubus petaloideus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 506
Rubus multibracteatus var. demangei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 11: 548
Rubus argyi H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 333
Rubus peltatus Maximowicz [Type] 1913, 12: 506
Rubus andropogon H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 8: 58
Rubus calycacanthus H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 58
Rubus calycacanthus H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 58
Rubus calycacanthus var. buergerifolia H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 58
Rubus sachalinensis H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 6: 332
Rubus sachalinensis H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 6: 332
Rubus sachalinensis H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 6: 332
Rubus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 333
Rubus mouyousensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 333
Rubus paykouangensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 333
Rubus paykouangensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 333
Rubus longistylus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 534
Rubus lyi H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 536
Rubus illudens H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 283
Rubus feddei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1910, 8: 549
Rubus darrisii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 188
Rubus xanthacantha H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 333
Rubus tongchouanensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 283
Rubus blinii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1909, 7: 258
Rubus papyrus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 332
Rubus labbei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1910, 8: 549
Rubus holadenus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 536
Rubus buchtienii Focke [Isotype] 1911, 9: 237
Rubus briareus Focke [Type] 1911, 9: 235
Rubus pseudo-saxatilis var. kouytschensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1908, 5: 280
Lachemilla moritziana Dammer [Isotype] 1918, 15: 364
Lachemilla moritziana Dammer [Isotype] 1918, 15: 364
Lachemilla moritziana Dammer [Isotype] 1918, 15: 364
Lachemilla purpusii Dammer [Isotype] 1918, 15: 362
Prunus clarofolia C. K. Schneider [Type] 1905, 1: 67
Prunus clarofolia C. K. Schneider [Type] 1905, 1: 67
Prunus dielsiana C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1905, 1: 68
Prunus dielsiana C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1905, 1: 68
Prunus dunniana H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 377
Prunus yunnanensis var. henryi C. K. Schneider [Isosyntype] 1905, 1: 66
Prunus yunnanensis var. henryi C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1905, 1: 66
Prunus litigiosa C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1905, 1: 65
Prunus litigiosa C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1905, 1: 65
Prunus densifolia Koehne [Type] 1913, 12: 135
Prunus rufoides C. K. Schneider [Type] 1905, 1: 55
Prunus rufoides C. K. Schneider [Type] 1905, 1: 55
Prunus bonatii Koehne [Type] 1912, 11: 265
Prunus diamentina H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 198
Prunus fauriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1909, 7: 198
Prunus fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 198
Prunus seoulensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 198
Prunus cavaleriei Koehne [Type] 1913, 12: 134
Prunus tatsiensis var. piliuscula C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1905, 1: 66
Prunus japonica var. packangensis C. K. Schneider [Type] 1905, 1: 53
Prunus taqueti H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Syntype] 1909, 7: 197
Rosa charbonneaui H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 8: 338
Rosa lucidissima H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 444
Rosa gechouitangensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 299
Rosa parmentieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 339
Rosa parmentieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 339
Rosa marretii H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 281
Rosa korsakoviensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 378
Rosa nakaiana H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 432
Rosa quelpaertensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 10: 378
Rosa willmottiana H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 299
Rosa mokanensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 340
Rosa mokanensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 340
Rosa mokanensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 340
Rosa tongtchouanensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 300
Rosa adenoclada H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 10: 431
Rosa taquetii H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 199
Rosa cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 61
Rosa sorbus H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 338
Rosa mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 299
Rosa mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 299
Rosa clavigera H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 338
Rosa fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 199
Rosa oulengensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 11 (286-290): 299-300
Spiraea ouensanensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 197
Spiraea ouensanensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 197
Spiraea fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 281
Spiraea fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 281
Spiraea cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 321
Spiraea esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9(214-216): 322
Spiraea esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isolectotype] 1911, 9(214-216): 322
Spiraea bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 322
Spiraea bodinieri var. concolor H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 322
Spiraea bodinieri var. concolor H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 322
Holodiscus loesenerii Dammer [Isotype] 1919, 15: 385
Apopetalum pinnatum Pax [Type] 1908, 5: 226
Crataegus orthosepala Haussknecht & Bornmüller ex Diapoulis [Isotype] 1933, 34: 61
Crataegus orthosepala var. glabra Diapoulis [Isotype] 1933, 34: 62
Crataegus pomasae H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 189
Crataegus taquetii H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 377
Crataegus taquetii H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 377
Crataegus taquetii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 377
Crataegus taquetii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 377
Crataegus taquetii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 377
Crataegus coreana H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 197
Crataegus coreana H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 197
Crataegus coreana H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 197
Pyrus brunnea H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 377
Pyrus mokpoensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 200
Pyrus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 67
Pyrus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 189
Pyrus sinensis var. maximowicziana H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 377
Pyrus sinensis var. maximowicziana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 377
Osteomeles chinensis Lingelsheim & Borza [Type] 1914, 13: 386
Cotoneaster coreanus Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 11: 64
Sorbus wilfordii Koehne [Isotype] 1912, 10: 503
Sorbus aria var. mairei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 341
Photinia bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1907, 4: 334
Photinia rubrolutea H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 460
Leptodermis mairei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 179
Leptodermis ovata H. Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 162
Leptodermis schneideri H. Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 156
Leptodermis schneideri H. Winkler [Isotype] 1922, 18: 156
Leptodermis schneideri var. hutchinsonii H. Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 156
Leptodermis tomentella Franchet ex H. Winkler [Isotype] 1922, 18: 159
Leptodermis esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 324
Leptodermis rehderiana H. Winkler [Holotype] 1922, 18: 157
Leptodermis pilosa var. glabrescens H. Winkler [Isotype] 1922, 18: 160
Leptodermis fusca H. Winkler [Isolectotype] 1922, 18: 158
Leptodermis fusca H. Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 158
Leptodermis dielsiana H. Winkler [Neotype] 1922, 18: 151
Leptodermis dielsiana H. Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 151
Leptodermis oblonga var. leptophylla Winkler [Type] 15 Sep 1922, 18 (10-18): 161 (-162)
Leptodermis potanini var. tomentosa Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 153
Leptodermis potanini var. tomentosa Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 153
Leptodermis potanini var. tomentosa Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 153
Leptodermis potanini var. tomentosa Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 153
Leptodermis potanini var. tomentosa Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 18: 153
Leptodermis potanini var. glauca (Diels) Winkler [Lectotype] 15 Sep 1922, 18 (10-18): 153
Cephalanthus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 176
Lasianthus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 11: 295
Isidorea leonardii Urban [Type] 1923, 19: 8
Pavetta malacophylla Bremekamp [Type] 1934, 37: 81
Pavetta macropoda Bremekamp [Type] 1939, 47: 22
Pavetta pitardii Bremekamp [Isosyntype] 1934, 37: 83
Pavetta luzonica Bremekamp [Type] 1934, 37: 109
Pavetta crassicaulis Bremekamp [Type] 1934, 37: 112
Pavetta modesta Bremekamp [Type] 1939, 47: 26
Pavetta unguiculata Bremekamp [Type] 1939, 47: 91
Pavetta robusta Bremekamp [Isotype] 1939, 47: 19
Pavetta leytensis Bremekamp [Type] 1939, 47: 26
Pavetta leytensis Bremekamp [Type] 1939, 47: 26
Pavetta batanensis Bremekamp [Type] 1939, 47: 22
Pavetta kyimbilensis Bremekamp [Type] 1934, 37: 149
Pavetta pierrei Bremekamp [Isotype] 1934, 37: 101
Pavetta pierrei Bremekamp [Isotype] 1934, 37: 101
Oldenlandia selleana Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 145
Paederia cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 13: 179
Paederia dunniana H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 10: 146
Paederia mairei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 13: 179
Paederia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 10: 146
Ophiorrhiza seguini H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 177
Ophiorrhiza labordei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 177
Psychotria henryi H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 179
Psychotria esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 435
Psychotria esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 435
Psychotria limonensis var. laxinervia Loesener [Isotype] 1922, 18: 361
Ferdinandusa paxii H. J. P. Winkler [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 249
Ferdinandusa paxii H. J. P. Winkler [Isosyntype] 1909, 7: 249
Canthium henryi H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 178
Canthium henryi H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 178
Mussaenda cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 8: 178
Guettarda abbottii Urban [Type] 1922, 18: 372
Guettarda abbottii Urban [Type] 1922, 18: 372
Uragoga domingensis Urban [Isotype] 1921, 17: 7
Wendlandia dunniana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 434
Wendlandia cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 434
Wendlandia feddei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 434
Wendlandia feddei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 434
Randia tomatillo Loesener [Isotype] 1922, 18: 360
Damnacanthus esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 435
Ixora miquelii Bremekamp [Isotype] 1934, 37: 192
Ixora henryi H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 178
Ixora henryi H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 178
Ixora henryi H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 178
Ixora henryi H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 178
Pelea hillebrandii H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 152
Pelea acutivalvata H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 153
Platydesma oahuensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 10: 154
Fagara dictyophylla Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 303
Fagara leonardi Urban [Isotype] 1927, 24: 5
Amyris polymorpha Urban [Type] 1925, 21: 64
Amyris polyneura Urban [Type] 1922, 18: 113
Agathosma lambii Dummer [Isotype] 1912, 11: 405
Agathosma acutissima Dummer [Isotype] 1912, 11: 332
Agathosma gnidiflora Dummer [Isotype] 1912, 11: 415
Agathosma peglerae Dummer [Isotype] 1912, 11: 325
Agathosma taskerae Dummer [Isotype] 1912, 11: 402
Zanthoxylum bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 12: 266
Zanthoxylum ignoratum Beurton [Isotype] 1987, 98: 61
Zanthoxylum chaffanjoni H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 13: 266
Boenninghausenia sessilicarpa H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 282
Clausena dunniana H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 67
Sabia dielsii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 456
Sabia dielsii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 456
Populus alaschanica Komarov [Syntype] 1914, 13: 233
Salix argyi H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 473
Salix argyi H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 473
Salix erioclada H. Léveillé [Type] 1906, 3: 22
Salix erioclada H. Léveillé [Type] 1906, 3: 22
Salix blinii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 435
Salix blinii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 435
Salix blinii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 435
Salix taquetii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 436
Salix angiolepis Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 22
Salix angiolepis Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 22
Salix feddei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 436
Salix funebris H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 287
Salix pachyclada H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 22
Salix andropogon Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 21
Salix andropogon Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1906, 3: 21
Salix pseudogilgiana H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 436
Salix anisandra H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 20
Salix anisandra H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 20
Salix gymnolepis H. Léveillé [Type] 1906, 3: 22
Salix mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 342
Salix mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 342
Salix pseudolasiogyne H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 436
Salix luctuosa H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 342
Salix luctuosa H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 342
Salix pseudojessoensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 436
Salix dolichostyla var. hirosakensis H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 22
Xerospermum testudineum Radlkofer [Isotype] 1922, 18: 340
Xanthoceras enkianthiflora H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 534
Xanthoceras enkianthiflora H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 534
Aphania dasypetala Radlkofer [Type] 1922, 18: 333
Aphania dasypetala Radlkofer [Type] 1922, 18: 333
Serjania eriocarpa Radlkofer [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 71
Serjania minutiflora Radlkofer [Isotype] 1921, 17: 355
Serjania minutiflora Radlkofer [Isotype] 1921, 17: 355
Chrysophyllum montanum Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 469
Chrysophyllum montanum Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 469
Dipholis ferruginea Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 32: 94
Dipholis ferruginea Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 32: 94
Cavaleriea enkianthoidea H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 11: 66
Schisandra hypoglauca H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 459
Schisandra vestita H. Limpricht ex Pax & K. Hoffmann [Holotype] 1922, 12: 381
Vriesea camptoclada Mez & Werckle [Type] 1916, 14: 247
Scrophularia fruticosa Bornmüller [Syntype] 1909, 7: 203
Scrophularia fruticosa Bornmüller [Syntype] 1909, 7: 203
Calceolaria ramosissima Kraenzlin [Syntype] 1905, 1: 107
Calceolaria rivularis Kraenzlin [Syntype] 1905, 1: 83
Calceolaria polyclada Kraenzlin [Type] 1905, 1: 105
Calceolaria fiebrigii Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1905, 1: 84
Calceolaria fiebrigii Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1905, 1: 84
Calceolaria flabellifolia Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1929, 27: 4
Calceolaria buchtieniana Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1908, 5: 369
Sutera dioritica Dinter [Isotype] 1932, 30: 187
Selaginella fallax Hieronymus [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 104
Simaba glabra var. inaequilatera Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 10: 347
Simaba glabra var. emarginata Hassler [Isotype] 1912, 10: 347
Smilax engleriana F. W. Apt [Isosyntype] 1922, 18: 407
Smilax dunniana Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 446
Smilax taquetii Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 372
Smilax taquetii Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 372
Smilax luteocaulis Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 339
Smilax perulata Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 9: 78
Smilax gymnopoda F. W. Apt [Isotype] 1922, 18: 402
Acnistus bornmuelleri Dammer [Type] 1919, 15: 391
Acnistus bornmuelleri Dammer [Type] 1919, 15: 391
Acnistus lehmanni Dammer [Isotype] 1919, 125: 390
Cacabus multiflorus Dammer [Isotype] 1918, 15: 366
Solanum syringoideum Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 225
Solanum lehmannianum Bitter [Type] 1912, 10: 532
Solanum sanctae-marthae Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 60
Solanum sanctae-marthae Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 60
Solanum buchtienii Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 558
Solanum buchtienii Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 558
Solanum irenaeum Bitter [Type] 1912, 10: 551
Solanum dolichorhachis Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 490
Solanum dolichorhachis Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 490
Solanum plurifurcipilum Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 15
Solanum brevicaule Bitter [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 390
Solanum chlamydogynum Bitter [Isosyntype] 1920, 16: 398
Solanum ellipsoideibaccatum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 486
Solanum ellipsoideibaccatum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 486
Solanum dunnianum H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 324
Solanum bangii Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 552
Solanum maracayuense Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 227
Solanum stenophyllidium Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 51
Solanum mandonis var. dryophyllum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 487
Solanum mandonis var. tardecalvescens Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 487
Solanum mandonis var. tardecalvescens Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 487
Solanum alatirameum Bitter [Isotype] 1919, 16: 88
Solanum hypocalycosarcum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 11: 489
Solanum approximatum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 86
Solanum devernicascens Bitter [Isolectotype] 1913, 11: 483
Solanum hylobium Bitter [Type] 1912, 11: 223
Solanum diodontum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 552
Solanum subtusviolaceum Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 207
Solanum confertiseriatum Bitter [Isosyntype] 1913, 11: 490
Solanum cochabambense Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 553
Solanum longipedicellatum Bitter [Syntype] 1912, 11: 457
Solanum longipedicellatum Bitter [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 457
Solanum longipedicellatum var. psuedoprophyllum Bitter [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 458
Solanum longipedicellatum var. psuedoprophyllum Bitter [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 458
Solanum medians Bitter [Isoneotype] 1912, 11: 366
Solanum dendroicum O. E. Schulz & E. L. Ekman [Isosyntype] 1933, 32: 91
Solanum dendroicum O. E. Schulz & E. L. Ekman [Syntype] 1933, 32: 91
Solanum dendroicum O. E. Schulz & E. L. Ekman [Syntype] 1933, 32: 91
Solanum dendroicum O. E. Schulz & E. L. Ekman [Syntype] 1933, 32: 91
Solanum schenckii Bitter [Isoneotype] 1912, 11: 448
Solanum schenckii Bitter [Isoneotype] 1912, 11: 448
Solanum hasslerianum f. euinerme Hassler [Isotype] 1918, 15: 237
Solanum jamesii var. heterotrichium Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 444
Solanum jamesii var. heterotrichium Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 444
Solanum jamesii subsp. nayaritense Rydberg [Isotype] 1913, 12: 9
Solanum jamesii var. ripicolum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 151
Solanum jamesii var. brachistotrichum Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 444
Solanum jamesii var. brachistotrichum Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 444
Solanum robusrum var. laxepilosum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1918, 15: 237
Solanum robusrum var. laxepilosum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1918, 15: 237
Solanum robusrum var. laxepilosum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1918, 15: 237
Solanum robusrum var. laxepilosum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1918, 15: 237
Solanum bulbocastanum var. dolichophyllum Bitter [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 447
Solanum bulbocastanum var. dolichophyllum Bitter [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 447
Solanum cardiophyllum subsp. pliozygum Bitter [Isosyntype] 1912, 11: 439
Solanum cardiophyllum subsp. pliozygum Bitter [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 439
Solanum suaveolens var. heterotrichostylum Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 11: 356
Solanum coerulescens var. manophyes Bitter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 554
Solanum aculeatum var. luxurians O. E. Schulz ex O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 32: 91
Solanum aculeatum var. luxurians O. E. Schulz ex O. C. Schmidt [Syntype] 1933, 32: 91
Solanum grandiflorum var. macrocarpum Hassler [Isosyntype] 1911, 9: 118
Solanum pinnatisectum var. heptazygum Bitter [Syntype] 1913, 12: 50
Solanum pinnatisectum var. heptazygum Bitter [Isolectotype] 1913, 12: 50
Solanum graveolens var. pentazygum Bitter [Isotype] 1913, 12: 64
Solanum ochranthum var. glabrifilamentum Bitter [Lectotype] 1912, 11: 465
Solanum torvum f. grandifolium O. E. Schulz ex D. Schmidt [Syntype] 1933, 32: 93
Solanum plousianthemum var. kyimbilense Bitter [Isotype] 1922, 18:302
Solanum plousianthemum var. kyimbilense Bitter [Isotype] 1922, 18:302
Solanum formonense O. E. Schulz [Syntype] 1933, 32: 92
Solanum formonense var. parvifolium O. E. Schulz [Isotype] 1933, 32: 92
Solanum gonatotrichum Bitter [PhotoOfType] 1912, 11: 230
Solanum geniculatistrigosum Bitter [PhotoOfType] 1912, 11: 232
Sessea hypotephrodes Bitter [Isotype] 1922, 18: 209
Saracha urbaniana Bitter & Dammer [Isosyntype] 1921, 17: 342
Saracha sanctae-marthae Bitter [Type] 1922, 18: 99
Saracha nitida Bitter [Isotype] 1924, 19: 265
Saracha nitida Bitter [Isotype] 1924, 19: 265
Markea pendula Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1958, 61: 81
Markea pendula Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1958, 61: 81
Hebecladus weberbaueri Bitter [Isotype] 1924, 20: 372
Iochroma weberbaueri Dammer [Isotype] 1918, 15: 366
Cestrum baenitzii Lingelsheim [Isolectotype] 1909, 7: 248
Cestrum baenitzii Lingelsheim [Isolectotype] 1909, 7: 248
Cestrum baenitzii Lingelsheim [Type] 1909, 7: 248
Cestrum baenitzii Lingelsheim [Type] 1909, 7: 248
Cestrum sphaerocarpum var. latifolium O. E. Schulz [Isosyntype] 1933, 32: 89
Sterculia forbesii Warburg [Type] 1923, 19: 121
Sterculia forbesii Warburg [Isosyntype] 1923, 19: 121
Sterculia forbesii Warburg [Isosyntype] 1923, 19: 121
Rehderodendron praeteritum Sleumer [Holotype] 1935, 38: 208
Alniphyllum fauriei Perkins [Isotype] 1907, 4: 1
Styrax argyi H. Léveillé [Isolectotype] 1912, 11: 64
Styrax cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1907, 4: 331
Styrax cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1907, 4: 331
Styrax macrotrichus Perkins [Isotype] 1906, 2: 23
Styrax macrotrichus Perkins [Isotype] 1906, 2: 23
Styrax macrotrichus Perkins [Isotype] 1906, 2: 23
Styrax subargenteus Sleumer [Isotype] , 41: 126
Styrax touchanensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 11: 64
Styrax mathewsii Perkins [Isotype] 1906, 2: 17
Styrax mathewsii Perkins [Isotype] 1906, 2: 17
Styrax pseudargyrophyllus Sleumer [Isotype] 1936, 41: 125
Styrax pseudargyrophyllus Sleumer [Isotype] 1936, 41: 125
Styrax buchtienii Sleumer [Isotype] 1936, 41: 125
Styrax buchtienii Sleumer [Isotype] 1936, 41: 125
Styrax limprichtii Lingelsheim & Borza [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 386
Symplocos salix Brand [Type] 1916, 14: 325
Symplocos salix Brand [Type] 1916, 14: 325
Symplocos sinuata Brand [Lectotype] 1916, 14: 326
Symplocos argyi H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 431
Symplocos prainii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 445
Symplocos dielsii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 445
Symplocos dagamensis Brand [Type] 1916, 14: 324
Symplocos lehmannii Brand [Isolectotype] 1906, 2: 13
Symplocos stewardii Sleumer [Type] 1937, 42: 266
Symplocos intermedia Brand [Isotype] 1901, 3: 217
Symplocos seguini H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 431
Symplocos castanea Brand [Isolectotype] 1916, 14: 324
Symplocos castanea Brand [Isolectotype] 1916, 14: 324
Symplocos coronigera H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 431
Symplocos herzogii Sleumer [Isoneotype] 1937, 42: 264
Symplocos pinfaensis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 9: 77
Symplocos melanochroa Sleumer [Isolectotype] 1937, 42: 265
Symplocos esquirolli H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 445
Symplocos caerulea H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 9: 77
Symplocos caerulea H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 9: 77
Camellia costei Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 148
Ternstroemia gracilifolia O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1925, 22: 95
Ternstroemia gracilifolia O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1925, 22: 95
Ternstroemia selleana Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 24: 79
Ternstroemia selleana Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 24: 79
Ternstroemia barkeri Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 24: 78
Laplacea urbanii O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1925, 22: 93
Laplacea urbanii O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1925, 22: 93
Laplacea samuelsonii O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1931, 29: 16
Daphne bodinieri H. Léveillé [Isolectotype] 1914, 13: 258
Daphne bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 13: 258
Daphne feddei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 326
Daphne martini H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 369
Daphne martini H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 369
Daphne martini H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 369
Wikstroemia fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 10: 156
Wikstroemia fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 156
Wikstroemia multispicata H. Léveillé ex Rock [Type] 1914, 13: 355
Stellera bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 369
Luehea microcarpa var. polymorpha Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8:43
Heliocarpus caeciliae Loesener [Type] 1913, 12: 227
Pentace esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 10: 147
Tilia tuan var. cavaleriei Engler & H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1909, 6: 266
Celtis cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 440
Celtis cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 440
Celtis polycarpa H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 296
Celtis polycarpa H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 296
Celtis bungeana var. heterophylla H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 476
Celtis bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 265
Celtis bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 265
Trema dunniana H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 10: 146
Ulmus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 11: 296
Elatostema ichangense H. Schroeter [Isosyntype] 1939, 47: 220
Elatostema ichangense H. Schroeter [Isosyntype] 1939, 47: 220
Elatostema mongiensis Lauterbach [Type] 1914, 13: 239
Pilea leptogramma Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 338
Pilea samanensis Urban [Isotype] 1924, 20: 337
Pilea roemeri H. Winkler [Type] 1919, 15: 418
Vaccinium albidens H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1911, 9: 447
Vaccinium foetidissimum H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1911, 9: 447
Vaccinium foetidissimum H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1911, 9: 447
Vaccinium buxifolium H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 101
Vaccinium buxifolium H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1913, 12: 101
Vaccinium siccum H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1911, 9: 447
Vaccinium fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 182
Vaccinium hamatidens H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 10: 152
Valeriana verrucosa Schmale [Type] 1937, 41: 293
Phyllactis convallarioides Schmale [Isotype] 1937, 41: 294
Lippia yucatana Loesener [Isotype] 1911, 9: 364
Stachytarpheta albiflora var. coerulea Loesener [Type] 1911, 9: 366
Cornutia jamaicensis Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 191
Cornutia thyrsoidea Banks ex Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 193
Cornutia lilacina Moldenke [Holotype] 1936, 40: 181
Cornutia lilacina var. velutina Moldenke [Holotype] 1936, 40: 183
Cornutia lilacina var. velutina Moldenke [Holotype] 1936, 40: 183
Cornutia microcalycina var. anomala Moldenke [Type] 1936, 40: 176
Cornutia microcalycina var. pulverulenta Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 175
Cornutia microcalycina var. pulverulenta Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 175
Cornutia grandifolia var. purpusi Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 169
Cornutia grandifolia var. intermedia Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 167
Cornutia pyramidata var. isthmica Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 187
Cornutia pyramidata var. isthmica Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 40: 187
Callicarpa resinosa C. Wright & Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 142
Callicarpa revoluta Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 143
Callicarpa esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 325
Callicarpa martini H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 455
Callicarpa martini H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 455
Callicarpa lyi H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 439
Callicarpa kinabaluensis Bakhuizen & Heine [Type] 1951, 54: 246
Callicarpa leonis Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 142
Callicarpa fulva var. glabrescens Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 141
Petrea nitidula Moldenke [Isotype] 1938, 43: 168
Petrea scaberrima Moldenke [Holotype] 1938, 43: 177
Petrea amazonica Moldenke [Isotype] 1938, 43: 173
Petrea colombiana Moldenke [Holotype] 1938, 43: 174
Petrea colombiana Moldenke [Isotype] 1938, 43: 174
Petrea pubescens var. klugii Moldenke [Isotype] 1938, 43: 172
Petrea volubilis var. pubescens Moldenke [Isotype] 1938, 43: 45
Citharexylum venezuelense Moldenke [Type] 1934, 37: 237
Citharexylum krukovii Moldenke [Type] 1934, 37: 228
Citharexylum decorum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 221
Citharexylum glaziovii Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 224
Citharexylum mexicanum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 229
Citharexylum gleasonianum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 225
Citharexylum montanum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 231
Citharexylum montanum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 231
Citharexylum chartaceum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 219
Citharexylum andinum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 217
Citharexylum grezenbachianum Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 226
Citharexylum costaricense C. Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 219
Citharexylum viride Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 238
Citharexylum viride Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 238
Citharexylum mirifolium Moldenke [Holotype] 1934, 37: 230
Citharexylum karsteni var. lanceolatum Moldenke [Holotype] 1934, 37: 228
Citharexylum fruticosum var. smallii Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 223
Aegiphila montana Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 133
Aegiphila brasiliensis Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 115
Aegiphila caucensis Moldenke [Type] 1933, 33: 117
Aegiphila salticola Moldenke [Type] 1934, 37: 211
Aegiphila lanceolata Moldenke [Type] 1933, 33: 129
Aegiphila lewisiana Moldenke [Type] 1933, 33: 131
Aegiphila spruceana Moldenke [Holotype] 1933, 33: 139
Aegiphila perplexa Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 136
Aegiphila perplexa Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 136
Aegiphila floribunda O. Moritz & Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 122
Aegiphila pendula Moldenke [Type] 1933, 33: 135
Aegiphila pennellii Moldenke [Type] 1933, 33: 136
Aegiphila gleasonii Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 123
Aegiphila fendleri Moldenke [Type] 1933, 33: 121
Aegiphila fendleri Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 121
Aegiphila sylvatica Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 140
Aegiphila sylvatica Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 140
Aegiphila hirsutissima Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 127
Aegiphila killippi Moldenke [Type] 1933, 33: 128
Aegiphila killippi Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 128
Aegiphila monticola Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 210
Aegiphila magnifica Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 132
Aegiphila crenata Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 119
Aegiphila mollis var. intermedia Moldenke [Isotype] 1933, 33: 133
Lantana urticoides Hayek [Syntype] 1906, 2: 162
Lantana urticoides Hayek [Syntype] 1906, 2: 162
Premna cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 439
Premna bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 440
Premna martini H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 440
Priva peruviana Moldenke [Isotype] 1936, 41: 23
Priva socotrana Moldenke [Holotype] 1936, 41: 38
Vitex integrifolia Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 369
Rehdera penninervia Standley & Moldenke [Isotype] 1935, 39: 50
Caryopteris esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 449
Amasonia spruceana Moldenke [Isotype] 1934, 37: 213
Viola joergensenii W. Becker [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 353
Viola joergensenii W. Becker [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 353
Viola seleriana W. Becker [Isotype] 1924, 20: 6
Viola tucumanensis W. Becker [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 352
Viola nuevo-leonensis W. Becker [Isotype] 1922, 18: 125
Viola vallenarensis W. Becker [Type] 1927, 24: 111
Viola jalapensis W. Becker [Isotype] 1922, 18: 125
Viola pallascaensis W. Becker [Isotype] 1922, 18: 181
Viola pallascaensis W. Becker [Isotype] 1922, 18: 181
Viola guatemalensis W. Becker [Isotype] 1924, 20: 6
Viola rockiana W. Becker [Type] 1925, 21: 236
Viola llullaillacoensis W. Becker [Type] 1927, 24: 109
Viola taltalensis W. Becker [Type] 1926, 23: 223
Viola exigua var. castillonii W. Becker [Isosyntype] 1926, 23: 222
Viola johnstonii W. Becker [Type] 1927, 24: 1101
Viola flagelliformis var. glabrescens W. Becker [Isotype] 1924, 20: 9
Viola werdermannii W. Becker [Isosyntype] 1926, 23: 222
Viola werdermannii var. glaberrima W. Becker [Isosyntype] 1926, 23: 223
Isodendrion faurei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 11: 63
Vitis esquirolii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1906, 3: 20
Vitis esquirolii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1906, 3: 20
Vitis quelpaertensis Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 351
Vitis quelpaertensis Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 351
Vitis marchandii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 12: 531
Vitis marchandii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 12: 531
Vitis chrysobotrys H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 3: 350
Vitis seguinii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 4: 331
Vitis mairei Léveillé [Isotype] 1909, 7: 338
Vitis mairei Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 338
Vitis feddei H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 7: 231
Vitis prunisapida H. Léveillé [Type] 1907, 3: 350
Cissus sicyoides var. palmata Hassler [Isotype] 1915, 14: 166
Leea theifera H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 58
Leea dielsii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 8(160-162): 58
Distylium dunnianum H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 11: 67
Hernandia obovata O. C. Schmidt [Type] 1929, 27: 164
Illigera dunniana H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 326
Aesculus woerlitzensis Koehne [Type] 1912, 11: 396
Hippocratea cubana Urban [Type] 1916, 14: 332
Hydrangea sachalinensis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea sachalinensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea tiliifolia H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea tiliifolia H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea tiliifolia H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea taquetii H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea taquetii H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea taquetii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 282
Hydrangea tiliaefolia H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 8: 282
Deutzia cyanocalyx H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 438
Deutzia fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1910, 8: 283
Deutzia coreana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1910, 8: 283
Philadelphus sericanthus var. rehderianus Koehne [Type] 1911, 10: 127
Philadelphus incanus f. hupehensis Koehne [Type] 1911, 10: 127
Philadelphus schrenkii var. jackii Koehne [Lectotype] 1911, 10: 127
Phacelia adspersa Brand [Type] 1921, 17: 319
Hymenophyllum alfredii Rosenstock [Isotype] 1925, 22: 4
Sisyrinchium praealtum Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1914, 13: 119
Nemastylis silvestris Loesener [Isotype] 1919, 16: 200
Lapeirousia avasmontana Dinter [Isotype] 1931, 29: 256
Lapeirousia dolomitica Dinter [Isotype] 1931, 29: 255
Lophanthus argyi H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 181
Hyptis arborescens Epling [Isotype] 1933, 34: 100
Hyptis schusteri Urbatsch [Isotype] 1919, 16: 145
Hyptis armillata Epling [Isotype] 1933, 34: 126
Hyptis septentrionalis Epling [Isotype] 1933, 34: 98
Hyptis havanensis Britton ex Epling [Isotype] 1933, 34: 125
Salvia haitiensis Urban [Isotype] 1924, 19: 306
Salvia azuensis Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 475
Salvia ampelophylla Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 76
Salvia parciflora Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 368
Salvia abbottii Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 195
Salvia amissa Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 187
Scutellaria franchetiana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 221
Thymus lanicaulis Ronniger [Isosyntype] 1924, 20: 386
Thymus poliothrix Ronniger [Isosyntype] 1924, 20: 390
Thymus praecox subsp. filicaulis Ronniger & Bornmüller [Isotype] 1924, 20: 66
Pogostemon lavandulaespica Léveillé [Holotype] 1914, 13: 344
Elsholtzia cavalieri H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Syntype] 1910, 8: 424
Elsholtzia dielsii Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 441
Elsholtzia tristis Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1910, 8: 425
Elsholtzia lychnitis Léveillé & Vaniot [Syntype] 1910, 8: 425
Elsholtzia lychnitis Léveillé & Vaniot [Syntype] 1910, 8: 425
Persea buchtienii O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 31: 179
Lindera cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 371
Lindera cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 371
Lindera paxiana H. J. P. Winkler [Type] 1922, 12: 382
Lindera esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 327
Lindera esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 327
Lindera yunnanensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 371
Lindera camphorata H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 459
Cinnamomum cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 370
Cinnamomum mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 174
Cinnamomum taquetii H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1912, 10: 370
Cinnamomum bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 369
Nectandra steinbachii O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 31: 186
Nectandra comasensis O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 31: 185
Nectandra caudato-acuminata O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1929, 27: 162
Nectandra pulchra Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1929, 27: 162
Litsea dunniana H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9: 460
Litsea coreana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 370
Litsea coreana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 370
Litsea coreana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 370
Litsea coreana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 10: 370
Litsea chaffanjonii Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 182
Ocotea gracilipes Mez [Isosyntype] 1906, 3: 71
Ocotea piurensis Mez [Syntype] 1920, 16: 308
Ocotea weberbauerii O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 31: 181
Ocotea munacensis O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 31: 185
Machilus dunnianus H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 174
Machilus mairei H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 174
Machilus dominii H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13: 174
Couroupita froesii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 341
Couroupita froesii R. Knuth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 341
Cariniana ianeirensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 340
Cariniana ianeirensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 340
Cariniana ianeirensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1934, 35: 340
Convallaria majuscula Greene [Neotype] 1908, 5: 46
Eriospermum avasmontanum Dinter [Isotype] 1932, 30: 83
Eriospermum avasmontanum Dinter [Isotype] 1932, 30: 83
Eriospermum convallariifolium Dinter [Isotype] 1932, 30: 83
Anthericum sublanatum Dinter [Isotype] 1931, 29: 262
Veratrum caudatum var. tenuipetaloides O. Loesener [Isotype] 1927, 24: 66
Veratrum puberulum O. Loesener [Isotype] 1927, 24: 63
Roucheria laxiflora H. J. P. Winkler [Type] 1909, 7: 109
Cyanea blinii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 156
Cyanea blinii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 156
Cyanea fauriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 10: 156
Cyanea feddei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 156
Lobelia dielsiana E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1926, 22: 194
Lobelia piscinula E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 84
Lobelia yucatana E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 83
Lobelia calcarea E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1935, 38: 83
Clermontia fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 156
Buddleja mairei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1914, 13: 258
Buddleja monticola Loesener [Lectotype] 1911, 9: 360
Spigelia caaguazuensis Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1916, 14: 293
Phoradendron moringicola Trelease [Isotype] 1929, 26: 343
Phoradendron barahonae Urban & Trelease [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 444
Phoradendron barahonae Urban & Trelease [Isosyntype] 1914, 13: 444
Phoradendron ficulneum Trelease [Type] 1928, 25: 55
Lycopodium bolivianum Rosenstock [Isotype] 1912, 11: 59
Lycopodium alpinum var. novoguineense Nessel [Isotype] 1935, 39: 65
Urostachys brassii Nessel [Isotype] 1935, 39: 62
Urostachys whartoniensis Nessel [Isotype] 1935, 39: 62
Urostachys homocarpus Herter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 163
Cuphea fiebrigii Koehne [Type] 1910, 8: 166
Cuphea riparia Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1929, 27: 106
Cuphea riparia Ekman & O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1929, 27: 106
Cuphea grata Koehne [Type] 1910, 8: 165
Pleurophora saccocarpa var. fiebrigii Koehne [Isotype] 1910, 8: 199
Pleurophora saccocarpa var. glabrescens Koehne [Type] 1910, 8: 199
Pleurophora saccocarpa var. glabrescens Koehne [Type] 1910, 8: 199
Haitia buchii Urban [Isotype] 1919, 16: 141
Malpighia micropetala Urban [Isotype] 1922, 18: 187
Banisteria polygama Niedenzu [Isotype] 1929, 26: 345
Hiptage cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 372
Hiptage esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 372
Hiptage esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1912, 10: 372
Asterochlaena sidifolia var. paraguariensis Hassler [Type] 1910, 8: 114
Asterochlaena sidifolia f. crenata Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 114
Asterochlaena sidifolia var. rupestris Hassler [Syntype] 1910, 8: 115
Asterochlaena sidifolia var. rupestris Hassler [Type] 1910, 8: 115
Abutilon selerianum Ulbrich [Isotype] 1913, 12: 227
Abutilon fuscicalyx Ulbrich [Type] 1915, 13: 498
Abutilon pubistamineum Ulbrich [Isotype] 1915, 13: 500
Cienfuegosia sulphurea var. major Hassler [Isolectotype] 1909, 7: 379
Hibiscus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 184
Hibiscus labordei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1913, 12: 184
Pavonia heterostemon Urban [Isolectotype] 1928, 24: 233
Pavonia mattogrossensis var. minor Hassler [Isotype] 1913, 12: 267
Pavonia mattogrossensis var. lobata Hassler [Isotype] 1909, 7: 377
Pavonia cancellata var. cordata Hassler [Isotype] 1909, 7: 378
Marattia werneri Rosenstock [Type] 1908, 5: 44
Marattia rolandi-principis Rosenstock [Isotype] 1911, 10: 162
Epipactis wilsonii Schlechter [Isotype] 1924, 20: 382
Masdevallia purpurina Schlechter [Neotype] 1921, 9: 61
Masdevallia bulbophyllopsis Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 412
Masdevallia deformis Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 428
Masdevallia frontinoensis Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 421.
Masdevallia huebschiana Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 411.
Masdevallia remotiflora Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 415.
Masdevallia sanctae-fidei Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1921, 17: 414
Aspidopterys esquirolii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 11(274-278): 65
Aspidopterys dunniana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 11(274-278): 65
Aspidopterys dunniana H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 11(274-278): 65
Aspidopterys cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9(222-226): 458
Polypodium pendulum var. boliviense Rosenstock [Isolectotype] 1928, 25: 60
Polypodium pendulum var. boliviense Rosenstock [Syntype] 1928, 25: 60
Rhabdothamnopsis limprichtiana Lingelsheim & Borza [Syntype] 1914, 13: 390
Lysionotus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 328
Lysionotus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 328
Ornithocephalus tripterus Schlechter [NotType] 1918, 15: 209
Physurus buchtienii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 34
Pleurothallis lamprochlamys Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1914, 14: 130
Pleurothallis lamprochlamys Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1914, 14: 130
Ardisia perforata H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 462
Gesneria gibberosa Urban [Isolectotype] 1915, 13: 477
Geranium sarawaketense R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 45: 61
Geranium sarawaketense R. Knuth [Lectotype] 1938, 45: 61
Geranium clemensiae R. Knuth [Isotype] 1938, 45: 61
Geranium clemensiae R. Knuth [Lectotype] 1938, 45: 61
Crusea rosea Loesener [Isotype] 1922, 18: 362
Citharexylum standleyi Moldenke [Isotype] 1934. (31 Dec 1934), 37(974/980): 234
Corchorus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 437
Solanum ipomoea var. macrostachyum Hassler [Isotype] 1918, 15: 120
Ternstroemia nashii Urban [Isotype] 1915, 13: 466
Maesa aurea H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 375
Symplocos cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 9: 77
Symplocos martini H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 9: 77
Symplocos bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 9: 76
Ardisia bodinieri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 461
Ligustrum taquetii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 378
Ligustrum taquetii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 378
Embelia schlechteri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 374
Embelia schlechteri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 374
Embelia dielsii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 374
Embelia dielsii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1912, 10: 374
Embelia bodinieri H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9(214–216): 327
Embelia blinii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10: 375
Pleuropterus ciliinervis Nakai [Holotype] 1897, 13(363-367): 267
Cyanea salicina H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 505
Pinus argyi Lemée & H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 8: 60
Pinus argyi Lemée & H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1910, 8: 60
Pinus argyi var. longevaginans H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 8: 60
Pinus cavaleriei Lemée & H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1910, 8: 60
Hedyotis mairei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1915, 13: 176
Cunila menthiformis Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 141
Eschscholzia caruifolia var. cyathifera Fedde [Isotype] 1906, 2:147
Allocarya nigra Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 71
Allocarya nigra Brand [Isotype] 1923, 19: 71
Agrostophyllum celebicum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 10: 40.
Sabia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 457
Paederia bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 179
Paederia bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1914, 13: 179
Sobralia gracilis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1916, 14: 387.
Machilus camphoratus H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9: 460
Stelis casanaensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 40.
Cornus wilsoniana Wangerin [Lectotype] 1908, 6: 97
Cornus ulotricha C. K. Schneider & Wangerin [Isotype] 1909, 7: 228
Cornus poliophylla C. K. Schneider & Wangerin [Isotype] 1909, 7: 228
Casimirella guarantica Hassler [Type] 1913, 12: 250
Corydalis brunneovaginata Fedde [Isotype] 1921, 17(481–485): 128–129
Stelis megahybos Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 122.
Stelis megistantha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 65
Stelis microtatantha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 7: 43.
Stelis millei Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 122.
Stelis myriantha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 90.
Stelis perlaxa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 122
Stelis pilostylis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 123
Stelis sodiroi Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 124.
Stelis superposita Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 124.
Stelis superposita Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 124.
Stelis superposita Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1915, 14: 124.
Stelis tippenhaueri Urban [TypeMaterial] 1917, 15: 103.
Stenorrhynchos hennisianus Sandt [NotType] 1928, 24: 248.
Stenorrhynchos hennisianus Sandt [TypeMaterial] 1928, 24: 248.
Cycnoches buchtinei Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1928, 25: 26.
Cyrtopodium buchtienii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 64.
Cyrtopodium buchtienii Schlechter [Isotype] 1929, 27: 64.
Cyrtopodium buchtienii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1929, 27: 64.
Diothonea sodiroi Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1916, 14: 389.
Cyrtopodium dusenii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 16: 334.
Cyrtopodium dusenii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 16: 334.
Cyrtopodium dusenii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 16: 334.
Cyrtopodium paranaense Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 16: 333
Cyrtopodium paranaense Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1920, 16: 333
Sicyos chaetocephalus Harms [Isotype] 1923, 19: 172
Vittaria bradeorum Rosenstock [Isotype] 1925, 22(606–608): 18
Appendicula grandifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 339
Monogramma paradoxa var. novoguineensis Rosenstock [Isotype] 1910, 8: 164
Daphnopsis ekmanii Domke [Isolectotype] 1933, 32: 85
Plantago gaudichaudiana H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 151
Vaccinium fauriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 152
Vaccinium fauriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 152
Myrsine fauriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 154
Dennstaedtia articulata Rosenstock [Isotype] 1912, 10: 322
Dennstaedtia smithii var. novoguineensis Rosenstock [Isotype] 1912, 10: 323
Conomorpha discolor Mez [Syntype] 1920, 16(468-473): 419
Acacia fiebrigii Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 8: 553
Acacia amambayensis Hassler [Isotype] 1919, 16: 152
Polypodium superficiale var. attenuata Rosenstock [Isotype] 1914, 13(355-358): 134
Callicarpa bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9(222-226): 456
Callicarpa feddei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1912, 10(260–262): 439
Callicarpa panduriformis H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9(222-226): 455
Callicarpa seguinii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9(222-226): 455
Viburnum dielsii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1911, 9(222-226): 443
Antirhea shaferi Urban [Type] 1915, 13: 479
Pectis denticellata Urban [Isotype] 1929, 26: 113
Liparis finetiana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 10: 29
Diervilla suavis Komarov [Isotype] 1911, 9: 391
Diervilla suavis Komarov [Isotype] 1911, 9: 391
Thymus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 11: 298
Thymus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1912, 11: 298
Diothonea pulchra Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1916, 14: 388
Cardamine multiguga var. gracilis O. E. Schulz [Isolectotype] 1920, 17(492–503): 289
Centropogon viriduliflorus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 16
Giulianettia Keysseri Schlechter [Neotype] 1919, 16: 216
Arrabidaea anguillulicarpa Hassler [Isotype] 1910, Arrabidaea
Memora cuspidata Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 57
Memora cuspidata Hassler [Isosyntype] 1910, 9: 57
Memora cuspidata f. parvifoliolata Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 58
Petastoma multiglandulosum Bentham ex Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1921, 17: 58
Haplolophium dusenianum Kraenzlin [Isosyntype] 1921, 17: 118
Tecoma odontodiscus var. paraguariensis Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 60
Tecoma odontodiscus var. paraguariensis Hassler [Isotype] 1910, 9: 60
Blechum panamense Lindau [Isotype] 1913, 12: 424
Strobilanthes bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1913, 12: 19
Centropogon rufus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 249
Centropogon flos-mutisii f. haticensis E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 15
Centropogon flos-mutisii f. haticensis E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 15
Centropogon belliflorus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 13
Centropogon belliflorus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38: 13
Siphocampylus grandiflorus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 257
Siphocampylus longebracteolatus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 258
Burmeistera xerampelina E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1931., 29: 59.
Burmeistera pastoralis E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1931, 29: 58.
Centropogon lignescens E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 252
Siphocampylus nobilis E. Wimmer [Isolectotype] 1929, 19: 252
Siphocampylus bichromatus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 253
Siphocampylus aurocinctus E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1924, 19: 243
Lobelia clavata E. Wimmer [Isotype] 1935, 38 (6–12): 78
Siphocampylus sparsipilus E. Wimmer [NotType] 1924, 19: 388
Siphocampylus sparsipilus E. Wimmer [NotType] 1924, 19: 388
Centropogon lehmannii Zahlbruckner [Isolectotype] 1915, 13: 536
Centropogon lehmannii Zahlbruckner [Isolectotype] 1915, 13: 536
Siphocampylus verticillatus var. grandiflorens E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 214
Siphocampylus verticillatus var. grandiflorens E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 214
Siphocampylus verticillatus var. grandiflorens E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 214
Siphocampylus verticillatus var. grandiflorens E. Wimmer [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 214
Pavetta hongkongensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1934, 37(961–973): 104
Psychotria prainii H. Léveillé [Type] 1911, 9(214–216): 324
Hibiscus fauriei H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 120
Platanthera papuana Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1911, 1: 4
Hedyotis esquirolii H. Léveillé [Type] 1914, 13(355–358): 176
Phyllanthus comosus Urban [Isolectotype] 1914, 13: 451
Sterculia malvacea H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1913, 12: 185
Eugenia esquirolii H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 9: 459
Eupatorium estrellense Hassler [Type] 1912, 11: 173
Phyllodium elegans var. javanicum Schindler [Isolectotype] 1924, 20: 270
Pelea sessilis H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1911, 10: 152
Koellensteinia elegantula Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1920, 7: 161
Koellensteinia elegantula Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1920, 7: 161
Vitis dichromocarpa H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1907, 3: 350
Aniseia cernua f. chacoensis Hassler [Isolectotype] 1911, 9: 156
Aniseia cernua f. chacoensis Hassler [Syntype] 1911, 9: 156
Solanum juciri f. paraguariense Hassler [Lectotype] 1911, 9: 118
Microstylis distans Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 141
Hypolepis neocaledonica Rosenstock [Type] 1911, 10: 159
Solanum adenochlamys Bitter [Isolectotype] 1914, 13: 169
Cotyledon ausana Dinter [Isotype] 1932, 30: 196
Pyrus taquetii H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 7(143–145): 199
Pyrus taquetii H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1909, 7(143–145): 199
Burmeistera dichlora E. Wimmer [Syntype] 1931, 29: 56
Desmodium wolohoense Schindler [Isotype] 1925, 21: 1
Werneria plantaginifolia var. macrocephala Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1953, 55: 153
Jacquemontia fruticulosa f. subsericea Hassler [Isotype] 1911, 9: 160
Jacquemontia fruticulosa f. viscosissima Hassler [Isotype] 1911, 9: 160
Jacquemontia heterantha var. multiflora Hassler [Syntype] 1911, 9: 194
Jacquemontia heterantha var. multiflora Hassler [Syntype] 1911, 9: 194
Jacquemontia hirsuta var. adenotricha Hassler [Syntype] 1911, 9: 193
Capsicum microcarpum var. glabrescens Hassler [Isolectotype] 1918, 15: 244
Buxus myrica H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1913, 11: 549
Viburnum bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1911, 9: 442
Saccoloma inaequale var. costaricense Rosenstock [Syntype] 1925, 22(606-608): 6
Plumeria barahonensis Urban [Type] 1916, 14: 341
Plumeria barahonensis Urban [Type] 1916, 14: 341
Plumeria barahonensis Urban [Isolectotype] 1916, 14: 341
Plumeria barahonensis Urban [Isolectotype] 1916, 14: 341
Dryopteris subincisa var. palmensis Rosenstock [Lectotype] 1925, 22(606-608): 11
Cirsium fangii Petrak [Isotype] 1938, 44: 48
Appendicula anceps var. celebica Schlechter [Isotype] 1925, 21: 174
Polypodium buchtienii K. H. H. Christ & E. Rosenstock [Isotype] 20 Aug 1908, 5: 237 (-238)
Cryptantha seleri Brand [Isotype] 1924, 20: 317
Danaea elliptica var. crispula Rosenstock [Syntype] 1909, 7: 310
Bonamia subsessilis Hassler [Isolectotype] 1911, 9: 149
Bonamia tomentosa Hassler [Isotype] 1911, 9: 148
Microstylis torricellensis Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1911, 1: 114
Microstylis torricellensis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 114
Stipa diminuta Mez [Isotype] 1921, 17: 208
Elaeocarpus lagunensis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 85
Elaeocarpus sessilis R. Knuth [Isotype] 1941, 50: 87
Zeuxine leucochila Schltr. [TypeMaterial] 1907, 3: 46
Vaccinium cavaleriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1911, 9: 447
Catasetum kraenzlinianum Mansf. [TypeMaterial] 1929, 27: 26
Ipomoea cernua f. paraguariensis Hassler [Isotype] 1911, 9: 156
Lycianthes lysimachioides var. formosana Bitter [Isotype] 1922, 18: 320–321
Lycianthes biflora subsp. yunnanensis Bitter [Isolectotype] 1922, 18: 319-320
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 7 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Micromeles keissleri C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1906, 3: 151Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1985, 96: 602
Afzelia borneensis Harms [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1917, 15: 19
Solanum verrucosum var. iopetalum Bitter [Isosyntype (Isolectotype designation)] , 11: 455. 1912
Chenopodium wolfii Rydberg [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1929, 26: 139
Cunila angustifolia Bentham [Isolectotype] 1936, 85: 140
Stachys albens A. Gray [Lectotype] 1934, 80: 57