Title | Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany |
Abbreviation | J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-7, (1855)1857-1864 |
Place of publication | London |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b11932685 |
BPH | 477.13 |
BPH2 | 1: 659 |
Succeded By | J. Linn. Soc., Bot. |
Remarks | Error in abbreviation in BPH-2: 'Linn' instead of 'Linn.' For information on publication dates see: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121583649/tocgroup?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 71 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Impatiens arnottiana Miquel [Type] 1860, 4: 122Pachira humilis Spruce ex Decaisne [Type] 1862, 6: 108
Pachira humilis Spruce ex Decaisne [Type] 1862, 6: 108
Iberidella andersonii Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1861, 5: 177
Braya tibetica Hooker f. & Thomson [Isolectotype] 1861, 5: 168
Draba tibetica Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1861, 5: 152
Draba tibetica var. sikkimensis Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1861, 5: 152
Parrya languinosa Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1861, 5: 136
Campanula griffithii Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1858, 2: 22
Campanula khasiana Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1858, 2: 25
Campanula modesta Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1858, 2: 24
Campanula thomsonii Hooker f. [Type] 1858, 2: 25
Cyananthus inflatus Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 21
Dicranum stramineum Mitten [Isotype] 1864, 7: 148
Claoxylon mannii Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1861 [1862 publ. 1 Nov 1861], 6: 20
Derris polystachya Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4(Suppl.): 114
Lophocolea flaccida Mitten [Syntype] 1860, 5: 99
Lophocolea flaccida Mitten [Syntype] 1860, 5: 99
Chiloscyphus planus Mitten [Isotype] 1865, 8: 157
Bocagea leucodermis Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 5: 71
Bocagea espintana Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 5: 71
Acacia pallida F. Mueller [Isosyntype] 1859, 3: 147
Dendrobium panduratum Lindley [Isotype] 1859, 3: 19
Dendrobium panduratum Lindley [Isotype] 1859, 3: 19
Dendrobium hookerianum Lindley [Isotype] 1859, 3: 8
Pseudocentrum macrostachyum Lindley [PhotoOfType] 1859, 3: 64
Pseudocentrum macrostachyum Lindley [TypeMaterial] 1859, 3: 64
Macromitrium rupestre Mitten [Type] 1864, 8: 150
Orthotrichum parvulum Mitten [Lectotype] 1864, 8: 25
Orthotrichum parvulum Mitten [Lectotype] 1864, 8: 25
Amomum giganteum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isotype] 1864, 7: 109
Amomum giganteum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isotype] 1864, 7: 109
Amomum arundinaceum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isolectotype] 1864, 7: 109
Trachyloma kerrii Mitten [Isotype] 1859, 4: 86
Trachyloma kerrii Mitten [Syntype] 1859, 4: 86
Brownlowia peltata Bentham [Type] 1861, 5, suppl. 2: 56
Stereodon oldhamii Mitten [Type] 1864, 8: 154
Hypopterygium japonicum Mitten [Isotype] 1864, 8: 155
Utricularia spruceana Bentham ex Oliver [Type] 1860, 4: 173
Utricularia viscosa Spruce ex Oliver [Type] 1860, 4: 172
Utricularia peltata Spruce ex Oliver [Type] 1860, 4: 172
Strychnos hirsuta Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1856, 1: 106
Strychnos hirsuta Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1856, 1: 106
Strychnos lanceolata Spruce ex Bentham [Isosyntype] 1856, 1: 105
Strychnos lanceolata Spruce ex Bentham [Isosyntype] 1856, 1: 105
Strychnos rondeletioides Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1856, 1: 104
Strychnos brevifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1857, 1: 106
Spigelia coulteriana Bentham [Type] 1857, 1: 90
Orthotrichum columbicum Mitten [Lectotype] 1864, 8: 24
Orthotrichum consimile Mitten [Lectotype] 1864, 8: 24
Orthotrichum coulteri Mitten [Lectotype] 1864, 8: 25
Ribes luridum Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1858, 2: 87
Mollia tomentosa Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5(Suppl. 2): 60
Lepidostemon pedunculosus Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1861, 5: 156
Mollia lepidota Spruce ex Bentham [Syntype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 59
Mollia longifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 59
Carallia calycina Bentham [Type] 1858, 3: 75
Cochlearia scapiflora Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1861, 5: 154
Cochlearia scapiflora Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1861, 5: 154
Syntrichia fuegiana Mitten [Isolectotype] 1859, 4: 71
Peddiea parviflora Hooker [Isotype] 1862, 6: 20
Homalium grandiflorum Bentham [Syntype] 1859 [1860 publ. 1859], 4: 37
Homalium grandiflorum Bentham [Syntype] 1859 [1860 publ. 1859], 4: 37
Plectranthus decumbens Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 210
Cardamine elegantula Hooker f. & Thomson [Isolectotype] 1861, 5: 146
Barbarea elata Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1861, 5: 140
Amomum subsericeum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isolectotype] 1864, 7: 110
Amomum subsericeum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isolectotype] 1864, 7: 110
Saxifraga umbellulata Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1857, 2: 71
Andropogon pusillus Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 233
Viburnum corylifolium Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1858, 2: 174