Title | Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany |
Abbreviation | J. Linn. Soc., Bot. |
Publication Dates | Vol. 8-61, 1865-1968 |
Place of publication | London |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b11932697 |
BPH | 471.16 |
Preceded By | J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. |
Succeded By | Bot. J. Linn. Soc. |
Remarks | For information on publication dates see: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121583649/tocgroup |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 1446 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Impatiens griffithii Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1860, 4: 120Impatiens macroptera Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1864, 7: 186
Bartramia mathewsii Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 273
Bartramia patula Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 255
Philonotis asperifolia Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 185
Begonia henryi Hemsley [Isotype] 1887, 23: 322
Berberis polyantha Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1892, 29: 302
Berberis polyantha Hemsley [Syntype] 1892, 29: 302
Berberis julianae var. patungensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 69
Berberis julianae var. patungensis Ahrendt [Syntype] 1961, 57: 69
Berberis julianae var. patungensis Ahrendt [Syntype] 1961, 57: 69
Berberis julianae var. patungensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 69
Berberis julianae var. patungensis Ahrendt [Isolectotype] 1961, 57: 69
Berberis julianae var. oblongifolia Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 69
Berberis kansuensis var. procera Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 183
Berberis diaphana var. tachiensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 123
Berberis diaphana var. uniflora Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 124
Berberis schneideriana Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 76
Berberis taronensis var. trimensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 79
Berberis agricola Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 192
Berberis gagnepainii f. pluriflora Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 53
Berberis gagnepainii f. pluriflora Ahrendt [Isolectotype] 1961, 57: 53
Berberis gagnepainii f. pluriflora Ahrendt [Isolectotype] 1961, 57: 53
Berberis levis var. brachyphylla Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 75
Berberis tischleri var. abbreviata Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 125
Berberis koehneana var. auramea Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 210
Berberis circumserrata var. occidentalior Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 112
Berberis everestiana var. nambuensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 117
Berberis amoena var. umbelliflora Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 154
Berberis pruinosa var. tenuipes Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 81
Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 185
Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 185
Berberis rufescens Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 157
Berberis solutiflora Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 205
Berberis jamesiana var. sepium Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 180
Berberis paraspecta Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 47
Berberis paraspecta Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 47
Berberis paraspecta Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 47
Mahonia discolorifolia Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 56: 323
Mahonia duclouxiana var. hilaica Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 306
Mahonia salweenensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 314
Mahonia feddei Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 303
Carpinus pubescens Burkill [Type] 1899, 26: 502
Carpinus turczaninovii Hance [Isotype] 1868, 10: 203
Betula utilis var. prattii Burkill [Type] 1899, 26: 499
Alnus cremastogyne Burkill [Type] 1899, 26: 499
Alnus maritima var. formosana Burkill [Type] 1899, 26: 500
Boschia acutifolia Masters [Isotype] 1875, 14: 503
Bombax tenebrosum Dunn [Isotype] , 35: 486
Bonnetia parviflora Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5: 63
Bonnetia paniculata Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5: 63
Omphalodes cordata Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 148
Trigonotis mollis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 153
Trigonotis mollis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 153
Onosma burmanica Collett & Hemsley [Type] 1891, 28: 93
Ehretia hanceana Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 145
Ehretia hanceana Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 145
Eritrichium mandonii Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 51
Havilandia borneensis Stapf [Isosyntype] 1884, 4: 209
Lobostemon marlothii Levyns [Type] 1934, 49: 442
Symphytum bornmuelleri Bucknall [Isosyntype] 1913, 41: 536
Atelanthera perpusilla Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1861, 5: 138
Nasturtium rivulorum Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38 (267): 354-355
Cochlearia fumarioides Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 355
Draba ellipsoidea Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1861, 5: 153
Draba gracillima Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1861, 5: 153
Bryum polycarpum Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 293
Buxus harlandii Hance [Type] 1873, 13: 123
Buxus harlandii Hance [Type] 1873, 13: 123
Melhania griquensis Bolus [Isotype] 1887, 24: 172
Mezoneuron sinense var. parvifolium Hemsley [Isotype] 1887, 23: 205
Calomnion denticulatum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 192
Syrrhopodon aristifolius Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 176
Syrrhopodon borneenis var. robustus Dixon [Isosyntype] 1935, 50: 79
Syrrhopodon glaucovirens Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 176
Syrrhopodon pusillus Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 120
Syrrhopodon richardsii Dixon [Isotype] 1939, 50: 82
Calymperes lorifolium Mitten [Isosyntype] 1868, 10: 173
Calymperes porrectum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 172
Adenophora rupincola Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 13
Adenophora pubescens Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 12
Lonicera similis Hemsley ex H. O. Forbes & Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 366
Lonicera similis Hemsley ex H. O. Forbes & Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 366
Lonicera similis Hemsley ex H. O. Forbes & Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 366
Lonicera glaucophylla Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 165
Abelia parvifolia Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 358
Viburnum henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1888, 23: 353
Viburnum henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1888, 23: 353
Viburnum henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1888, 23: 353
Viburnum propinquum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1888, 23: 355
Viburnum propinquum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1888, 23: 355
Viburnum utile Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 356
Viburnum rhytidophyllum Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 255
Viburnum brachybotryum Hemsley ex H. O. Forbes & Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 349
Symphoricarpos longiflorus A. Gray [Holotype] 1873, 14: 12
Symphoricarpos oreophilus A. Gray [Lectotype] 1873, 14: 12
Symphoricarpos oreophilus A. Gray [Syntype] 1873, 14: 12
Drymaria nitida Ball [Type] 1885, 22: 31
Arenaria acicularis F. N. Williams [Isosyntype] 1909, 38: 400
Arenaria acicularis F. N. Williams [Isosyntype] 1909, 38: 400
Arenaria reptans var. pringlei F. N. Williams [Isotype] 1898, 33: 383
Arenaria benthamii var. diffusa F. N. Williams [Isosyntype] 1898, 33: 355
Arenaria benthamii var. diffusa F. N. Williams [Isosyntype] 1898, 33: 355
Microtropis fokienensis Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 357
Euonymus carnosus Hemsley [Holotype] 1886, 23: 118
Chloranthus henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 367
Chloranthus henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 367
Chloranthus henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 367
Parinari benna Scott-Elliot [Isotype] 1894, 30: 78
Cladonia balfourii Crombie [Type] 1876, 15: 433
Clavaria cyanocephala Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(46): 338
Clavaria cyanocephala Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(46): 338
Clavaria cyanocephala Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(46): 338
Caraipa costata Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1860, 5: 61
Lorostemon casiquiarensis Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5: 64
Allanblackia floribunda Oliver [Isotype] 1869, 10: 43
Allanblackia floribunda Oliver [Isotype] 1869, 10: 43
Marila nitida Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5: 64
Combretum rupicolum Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 28
Cyanotis cerifolia R. S. Rao & Kammathy [Isotype] 1966, 59: 306
Forrestia chinensis N. E. Brown [Isosyntype] 1903, 36: 158
Jacquemontia euricola Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 47
Sedum bupleuroides Wallich ex Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 98
Sedum humile Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 99
Sedum fastigiatum Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 98
Sedum tibeticum Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 96
Sedum trullipetalum Hooker f. & Thomson [Syntype] 1858, 2: 102
Sedum crassipes Wallich ex Hooker f. & Thomson [Syntype] 1858, 2: 99
Sedum crenulatum Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 96
Triactina verticillata Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 103
Crassula mannii Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1864, 7: 193
Crassula mannii Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1864, 7: 193
Thladiantha nudiflora Hemsley ex Forbes & Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1887, 23: 316
Thladiantha nudiflora Hemsley ex Forbes & Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1887, 23: 316
Hemsleya chinensis Cogniaux ex Forbes & Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 490
Cupressus hodginsii Dunn [Isosyntype] 1908, 38: 367
Fimbristylis henryi C. B. Clarke [Type] , 36: 237
Carex ichangensis C. B. Clarke [Isosyntype] 1904, 36: 290
Carex ichangensis C. B. Clarke [Isosyntype] 1904, 36: 290
Dicranoloma subecostatum Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 69
Campylopus annotinus Mitten [Isosyntype] 1869, 12: 80
Campylopus heterophyllus Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 77
Holomitrium flexuosum Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 57
Scabiosa afghanica Aitchison & Hemsley [Type] 1880, 18: 67
Hopea grisea Brandis [Syntype] 1895, 31: 63
Parashorea pliata Brandis [Syntype] 1895, 31: 104
Pentacme paucinervis Brandis [Syntype] 1895, 31: 73
Pentacme paucinervis Brandis [Syntype] 1895, 31: 73
Pentacme paucinervis Brandis [Syntype] 1895, 31: 73
Vatica havilandii Brandis [Isotype] 1895, 31: 133
Vatica celebensis Brandis [Isotype] 1895, 31: 126
Anisoptera tomentosa Brandis [Isotype] 1895, 31: 45
Shorea vidaliana Brandis [Isotype] 1895, 31: 83
Shorea grandiflora Brandis [Isotype] 1895, 31: 93
Nephrodium luersseni Harrington [Type] 1877, 16: 29
Nephrodium amboinense var. evolutus C. B. Clarke & Baker [Isotype] 1888, 24: 417
Maba lateriflora Hiern ex Baker [Isolectotype] 1883, 20: 366
Maba lateriflora Hiern ex Baker [Isolectotype] 1883, 20: 366
Diospyros rhombifolia Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 70
Diospyros glomerata Spruce ex Hiern [Isotype] 1861, 5: 7
Diospyros armata Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 69
Sciaromium crassinervatum Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 572
Echinocarpus sterculiaceus Bentham [Isosyntype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 72
Echinocarpus tomentosa Bentham [Isosyntype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 73
Echinocarpus dasycarpus Bentham [Isosyntype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 73
Echinocarpus dasycarpus Bentham [Isosyntype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 73
Echinocarpus dasycarpus Bentham [Isosyntype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 73
Echinocarpus murex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 72
Sloanea synandra Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 66
Sloanea synandra Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 66
Sloanea paniculata Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 66
Sloanea paniculata Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 66
Sloanea brevipes Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 68
Sloanea parviflora Planchon ex Bentham [Type] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 68
Sloanea oppositifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 70
Sloanea oppositifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 70
Sloanea stipitata Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 68
Sloanea stipitata Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 68
Sloanea laxiflora Spruce ex Bentham [Isolectotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 65
Sloanea laxiflora Spruce ex Bentham [Isolectotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 65
Sloanea fendleriana Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 70
Sloanea floribunda Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 66
Elaeocarpus decipiens Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1886, 23: 94
Elaeocarpus decipiens Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1886, 23: 94
Elaeocarpus kambii Gibbs [Type] 1909, 39: 142
Erica tysoni Bolus [Type] 1887, 24: 181
Erica aspalathoides Guthrie & Bolus [Type] 1887, 24: 182
Grisebachia eremioides MacOwan [Isotype] 1890, 25: 392
Ericinella passerinoides Bolus [Isotype] 1881, 18: 393
Pieris swinhoei Hemsley [Holotype] 1889, 26: 17-18
Rhododendron aucubifolium Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 19
Rhododendron hypoglaucum Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 25
Rhododendron afghanicum Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1881, 18: 75
Rhododendron collettianum Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1881, 18: 75
Agapetes vaccinioides Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 515
Aulacopilum tumidulum Thwaites & Mitten [Type] 1873, 13: 307
Croton odoratus Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 58
Croton odoratus Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 58
Croton nigritanus Scott-Elliot [Isosyntype] 1894, 30: 97
Mallotus reticulatus Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 365
Mallotus populifolia Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 441
Mallotus roxburghianus var. glabra Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 365
Mallotus playfairii Hemsley [PhotoOfType] 1891, 26(177): 441
Antidesma fordii Hemsley [Syntype] 1894, 26: 430
Blachia denudata Bentham [Isotype] 1880, 17: 226
Blachia denudata Bentham [Isosyntype] 1880, 17: 226
Breynia officinalis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 427
Breynia officinalis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 427
Breynia officinalis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 427
Breynia officinalis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 427
Breynia officinalis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 427
Breynia officinalis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 427
Sapium sceleratum Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 60
Acalypha noronhae Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 59
Euptelea pleiosperma Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1864, 7: 243
Sweetia brachystachya Bentham [Isotype] 1865, 8: 262
Atylosia trichodon Dunn [Isotype] , 35: 491
Dolichos lagopus Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35: 490
Dolichos lagopus Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35: 490
Hymenolobium nitidum Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 84
Cladrastis sinensis Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 304
Cladrastis sinensis Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 304
Erythrina amasisa Spruce [Isotype] 1859, 3: 202
Lonchocarpus negrensis Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 98
Lonchocarpus negrensis Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 98
Lonchocarpus confertiflorus Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 96
Lonchocarpus spruceanus Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 99
Lonchocarpus fendleri Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 94
Lonchocarpus macrocarpus Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 91
Spatholobus suberectus Dunn [Isolectotype] 1903, 35: 489
Spatholobus suberectus Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35: 489
Spatholobus varians Dunn [Isolectotype] 1903, 35: 490
Spatholobus varians Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35: 490
Spatholobus varians Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35: 490
Spatholobus pulcher Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 489
Fordia cauliflora Hemsley [Type] 1886, 23: 160
Tipuana macrocarpa Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl: 72
Dalbergia inundata Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, suppl.: 49
Dalbergia spruceana Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, suppl.: 35
Dalbergia glaucescens Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, suppl.: 37
Fissicalyx fendleri Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5: 79
Pterocarpus rufescens Bentham [Type] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 79
Ecastaphyllum monetaria var. riedelii Bentham [Isolectotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 50
Indigofera scarciesii Scott-Elliot [Isotype] 1894, 30: 76
Millettia oosperma Dunn [Syntype] 1912, 41: 157
Millettia oosperma Dunn [Syntype] 1912, 41: 157
Millettia oosperma Dunn [Syntype] 1912, 41: 157
Millettia oosperma Dunn [Syntype] 1912, 41: 157
Millettia leptobotrya Dunn [Type] 1912, 41: 189
Millettia leptobotrya Dunn [Type] 1912, 41: 189
Millettia leptobotrya Dunn [Isolectotype] 1912, 41: 189
Millettia platyphylla Merrill ex Dunn [Lectotype] 1912, 41: 140
Millettia platyphylla Merrill ex Dunn [Lectotype] 1912, 41: 140
Millettia fordii Dunn [Type] 1912, 41: 156
Millettia pulchra var. microphylla Dunn [Type] 1912, 41: 152
Sophora franchetiana Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 358
Onobrychis dasycephala Baker [Isotype] 1880, 18: 48
Onobrychis spinosissima Baker [Isotype] 1880, 18: 49
Onobrychis laxiflora Baker [Isotype] 1882, 19: 159
Onobrychis microptera Baker [Type] 1880, 18: 48
Ormosia striata Dunn [Isosyntype] , 35: 492
Ormosia striata Dunn [Isosyntype] , 35: 492
Ormosia striata Dunn [Isosyntype] , 35: 492
Ormosia striata Dunn [Isosyntype] , 35: 492
Platymiscium polystachyum var. fendleri Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4: Suppl. 83
Platymiscium gracile Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4: Suppl. 82
Platymiscium parviflorum Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4: Suppl. 81
Platymiscium stipulare Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4: Suppl. 82
Platymiscium hebestachyum Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4: Suppl. 81
Platymiscium hebestachyum Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4: Suppl. 81
Astragalus congestus Baker [Isotype] 1882, 19: 158
Astragalus immersus Baker ex Aitchison [Isotype] 1880, 18: 45
Astragalus microdontus Baker [Isotype] 1880, 18: 46
Astragalus pickeringii var. serpens Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 36
Astragalus kuramensis Baker [Isotype] 1880, 18: 46
Astragalus hemsleyi Aitchison ex Aitchison & Baker [Isosyntype] 1882, 19: 158
Dipteryx rosea Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 125
Dipteryx tetraphylla Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 125
Dipteryx tetraphylla Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 125
Amphicarpaea edgeworthii var. japonica Oliver [Isotype] 1867, 9: 164
Lespedeza latifolia Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 488
Machaerium myrianthum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 59
Machaerium longifolium Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 55
Machaerium floribundum var. parviflorum Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4, Suppl.: 68
Caragana acaulis Baker [Isotype] 1880, 18: 44
Caragana ambigua Aitchison [Isosyntype] 1880, 18: 43
Caragana ambigua Aitchison [Isosyntype] 1880, 18: 43
Castanopsis chinensis Hance [Isotype] 1868, 10: 201
Castanopsis henryi Skan [Isotype] 1899, 1899: 523
Castanopsis tribuloides var. formosana Skan [Isosyntype] 1899, 26: 524
Castanopsis tribuloides var. formosana Skan [Isosyntype] 1899, 26: 524
Castanopsis tribuloides var. formosana Skan [Isosyntype] 1899, 26: 524
Quercus franchetii Skan [Type] 1899, 26: 513
Quercus franchetii Skan [Type] 1899, 26: 513
Quercus calathiformis Skan [Isosyntype] 1899, 26: 508
Quercus calathiformis Skan [Isosyntype] 1899, 26: 508
Quercus rex Hemsley [Type] 1903, 35: 477
Quercus rex Hemsley [Type] 1903, 35: 477
Quercus skaniana Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 366
Quercus harlandii var. integrifolia Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 366
Quercus baronii Skan [Isotype] 1899, 26: 507
Quercus amygdalifolia Skan [Type] 1899, 26: 506
Quercus brevicaudata Skan [Type] 1889, 26: 508
Quercus augustinii Skan [Isotype] 1899, 26: 507
Quercus carolinae Skan [Isotype] 1903, 35: 518
Fissidens perpellucidus Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 78
Fissidens scabrisetus Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 184
Fissidens lagenarius Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 184
Fissidens lagenarius Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 184
Fissidens pachyphyllus Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 79
Lunania parviflora Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 90
Lunania divaricata Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 90
Homalium pedicellatum Spruce ex Bentham [Isolectotype] 1860, 4: 36
Homalium densiflorum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4: 36
Homalium bracteatum Bentham [Type] 1860, 4: 37
Banara nitida Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 93
Banara grandiflora Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 93
Banara pubescens Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 92
Entosthodon chiloensis Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 245
Ophelia macrosperma C. B. Clarke [Isotype] 1875, 14: 448
Gentiana pterocalyx Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 132
Gentiana pterocalyx Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 132
Gentiana vandellioides Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 137
Gentiana otophora Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 130
Gentiana filicaulis Hemsley [Isotype] 1896, 26: 127
Gentiana henryi Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 128
Gentiana linoides Franchet ex Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 129
Gentiana bella Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 124
Gentiana arrecta Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 124
Gentiana rhodantha Franchet ex Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1890, 26: 133
Gentiana rhodantha Franchet ex Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 133
Gentiana stellariaefolia Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 135
Gentiana puberula Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 132
Gentiana cyananthiflora Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 126
Gentiana rigescens Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 134
Gentiana venosa Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 137
Gentiana jamesii Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 128
Gentiana sedifolia var. casapaltensis Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 49
Gentiana argentea var. albescens Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 124
Zonanthus cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1862, 6: 145
Eophylon tenellum A. Gray [Type] 1869, 11: 23
Swertia mannii Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 206
Swertia punicea Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 140
Swertia pumila Hochstetter ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 206
Grimmia gibertii Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 100
Griselinia alata Ball [Type] 1886, 22: 161
Strobilanthes latisepala Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 241
Strobilanthes henryi Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 6(175): 240
Strobilanthes polythrix T. Anderson [Isotype] 23 Aug 1867, 9: 470
Justicia latiflora Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 245
Justicia latiflora Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 245
Justicia latiflora Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 245
Acer wilsonii var. serrulatum Dunn [Type] 1908, 28: 258
Acer wilsonii var. serrulatum Dunn [Type] 1908, 28: 258
Actinidia hemsleyana Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 355
Actinidia hemsleyana Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 355
Actinidia sabiaefolia Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 357
Actinidia sabiaefolia Dunn [Holotype] 1908, 38: 357
Actinidia sabiaefolia Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 357
Actinidia strigosa Hooker f. & Thomson ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5: 55
Actinidia lanceolata Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 356
Actinidia championi var. mollis Dunn [Isotype] 1911, 39: 407
Saurauia oldhamii Hemsley [Isotype] 1886, 23: 79
Marasmius coracicolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1869, 18: 294
Marasmius tortipes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1969 [1968], 10(45): 298
Agaricus plutonius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 45): 292
Agaricus plutonius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 45): 292
Agaricus cheimonophyllus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, 10: 283
Agaricus cheimonophyllus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, 10: 283
Agaricus holoporphyrus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 45): 284
Agaricus holoporphyrus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 45): 284
Agaricus cheimonoceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Holotype] 1869 [1868], 10(no. 45): 283
Pharnaceum obovatum Bolus [Isotype] 1889, 25: 162
Aneura aequitexta Stephani [Isotype] 1892, 29: 263
Alphonsea mollis Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 485
Melodorum oldhamii Hemsley [Isotype] 1886, 23: 27
Melodorum oldhamii Hemsley [Isotype] 1886, 23: 27
Anthoceros pallens Stephani [Isotype] 1892, 29: 266
Lilaeopsis recurva A. W. Hill [Syntype] 1927, 47: 535
Lilaeopsis recurva A. W. Hill [Lectotype] 1927, 47: 535
Lilaeopsis sinuata A. W. Hill [Isolectotype] 1927, 47: 543
Lilaeopsis andina var. inundata A. W. Hill [Isolectotype] 1927, 47: 541
Lilaeopsis andina var. inundata A. W. Hill [Isosyntype] 1927, 47: 541
Bowlesia lobata var. humifusa Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 40
Bowlesia lobata var. chilensis Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 40
Hydrocotyle mannii Hooker f. [Type] 1864, 7: 194
Arisaema sazensoo var. magnidens N. E. Brown [Isotype] 1903, 36: 176
Aralia searelliana Dunn [Type] , 35: 498
Aralia searelliana Dunn [Isotype] , 35: 498
Aralia searelliana Dunn [Isotype] , 35: 498
Heptapleurum macrophyllum Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 499
Heptapleurum macrophyllum Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 499
Brassaiopsis ficifolia Dunn [Type] 1903, 35: 500
Brassaiopsis ficifolia Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35: 500
Brassaiopsis ficifolia Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35: 500
Heteropanax fragans var. chinensis Dunn [Isosyntype] 1906, 38: 360
Heteropanax fragans var. chinensis Dunn [Isosyntype] 1906, 38: 360
Acanthopanax diversifolius Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 340
Acanthopanax diversifolius Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 340
Acanthopanax diversifolius Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 340
Pentapanax verticillatum Dunn [Isotype] , 35: 498
Oreopanax chinense Dunn [Type] , 35: 500
Calamus ashtonii J. Dransfield [Isotype] 1980, 81(1): 9
Geonoma fendleriana Spruce [Isotype] 1871, 11: 108
Aristolochia mollis Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 364
Aristolochia tubiflora Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 364
Holostemma sinense Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 103
Holostemma sinense Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26: 103
Lugonia andina Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 49
Cynanchum stenophyllum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26: 108
Cynanchum fordii Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 106
Opegrapha adtinens Nylander [Isosyntype] 1883, 20: 58
Sphaeranthus hildebrandtii Baker [Isosyntype] 1890, 25: 326
Verbesina monticola Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 200
Verbesina monticola Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 200
Aster oldhamii Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 414
Aster fordii Hemsley [Syntype] 1888, 23: 410
Aster fordii Hemsley [Syntype] 1888, 23: 410
Aster alatipes Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 407
Aster procerus Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 415
Aster henryi Hemsley [Syntype] 1888, 23: 411
Aster lacunarum Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1882, 19: 168
Psiadia rodriguesiana I. B. Balfour [Type] 1877, 16: 15
Apodocephala pauciflorus Baker [Type] ,
Apodocephala minor Scott-Elliot [Type] 1891, 29: 28
Senecio sociorum Bolus [Type] 1887, 25: 175
Senecio profundorum Dunn [Type] 1903, 35: 507
Senecio profundorum Dunn [Syntype] 1903, 35: 507
Senecio henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1888, 23: 452
Senecio hoi Dunn [Syntype] 1903, 35: 506
Senecio leucanthemus Dunn [Type] , 35: 506
Senecio leucanthemus Dunn [Type] , 35: 506
Crepis heterophylla Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 475
Sonchus angustissimus Hooker f. [Type] 1864, 7: 203
Inula rupestris Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1882, 19: 169
Nanothamnus sericeus Thomson [Isotype] 1867, 9: 342
Hieracium chiclense Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 47
Hieracium chiclense Ball [Isotype] 1885, 22: 47
Prenanthes henryi Dunn [Syntype] , 35: 514
Cremanthodium hookeri f. irregulare R. D. Good [Isotype] 1929, 48: 280
Tanacetum fischerae Aitchison & Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1882, 19: 170
Pertya aitchisoni C. B. Clarke [Syntype] 1880, 18: 72
Gerbera podophylla Baker [Type] , 18: 271
Ainsliaea ramosa Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 471
Ainsliaea angustifolia Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke [Isotype] 1874, 14: 412
Vernonia henryi Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 500
Vernonia henryi Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 500
Vernonia mannii Hooker f. [Type] 1864, 7: 198
Vernonia mannii Hooker f. [Type] 1864, 7: 198
Vernonia esculenta Hemsley [Type] 1888, 23: 401
Vernonia fusco-pilosa Baker [Syntype] 1883, 20: 179
Stengelia insignis Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 199
Gynura ovalis var. pinnatifida Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 448
Microglossa densiflora Hooker f. [Type] 1864, 7: 200
Saussurea cordifolia Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1892, 29: 310
Saussurea cordifolia Hemsley [Syntype] 1892, 29: 310
Saussurea henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1892, 29: 311
Saussurea conyzoides Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 309
Saussurea populifolia Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 311
Saussurea lamprocarpa Hemsley [Syntype] 1888, 23: 465
Saussurea lamprocarpa Hemsley [Syntype] 1888, 23: 465
Saussurea lamprocarpa Hemsley [Syntype] 1888, 23: 465
Saussurea alatipes Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1892, 29: 308
Saussurea auriculata Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 308
Saussurea decurrens Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 310
Phyllagathis chinensis Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 360
Phyllagathis chinensis Dunn [TypeMaterial] 1908, 38: 360
Melastoma intermedium Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 360
Meteorium onustum Spruce ex Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 445
Meteorium aeruginosum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 171
Meteorium intricatum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 171
Meteorium intricatum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 171
Albizia bracteata Dunn [Syntype] 1903, 35: 493
Parkia parrii Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 359
Parkia parrii Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 359
Tambourissa rota Baker [Type] 1883, 20: 240
Tambourissa trichophylla Baker [Type] 1883, 20: 240
Ficus smithii Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1888, 20: 372
Ardisia henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26: 65
Ardisia henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26: 65
Ardisia henryi Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26: 65
Ardisia retinervia Ridley [Type] 1908, 38: 315
Myrsine playfairii Hemsley [Isotype] 1889, 26: 61
Eucalyptus aspera F. Mueller [Isosyntype] 1859, 3: 95
Eucalyptus phoeniceus F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 91
Eucalyptus odontocarpa F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 98
Eucalyptus polysciada F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 98
Eucalyptus bigalerita F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 96
Eugenia viridescens Ridley [Type] 1908, 38: 308
Eugenia pahangensis Ridley [Type] 1908, 38: 307
Neckera implana Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 169
Porotrichum elegantissimum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 187
Neckeropsis plagiochiloides Dixon [Isotype] 1935, 50: 102
Aschersonia viridans Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, 10: 376
Aschersonia viridans Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, 10: 376
Aschersonia cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 46): 351 [no. 557]
Aschersonia cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 46): 351 [no. 557]
Aschersonia cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 46): 351 [no. 557]
Olea capitellata Ridley [Isotype] 1908, 38: 317
Ligustrum henryi Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 90
Ligustrum henryi Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 90
Fraxinus insularis Hemsley [Holotype] 1889, 26: 86
Fraxinus bracteata Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 84
Jasminum bakeri Scott-Elliot [Isotype] 1894, 30: 86
Spiranthes stylites Lindley [DrawingOfType] 1857, 1: 178
Disperis namaquensis Bolus [Isosyntype] 1884, 20: 486
Disa bodkini Bolus [Isotype] 1885, 22: 74
Disa tenuicornis Bolus [Isosyntype] 1885, 22: 68
Disa lineata Bolus [Isotype] 1885, 22: 74
Notiophrys commelynae Lindley [Isotype] 1857, 1: 189
Dendrobium prasinum Lindley [Holotype] 1859, 3: 11
Dendrobium fuscatum Lindley [Isosyntype] 1859, 3: 8
Dendrobium bellatum Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1903, 36: 10
Dendrobium bellatum Rolfe [Type] 1903, 36: 10
Dendrobium bellatum Rolfe [Isotype] 1903, 36: 10
Dendrobium porphyrochilum Lindley [Isotype] 1859, 3: 18
Dendrobium porphyrochilum Lindley [Isotype] 1859, 3: 18
Dendrobium pensile Ridley [Isotype] 1896, 32: 253
Dendrobium protratum Ridley [Isotype] 1896, 32: 248
Dendrobium kelsalli Ridley [Isosyntype] 1896, 32: 237
Dendrobium uncatum Lindley [Isotype] 1859, 3: 5
Camarotis philippinensis Lindley [DrawingOfType] 1859, 3: 37
Mystacidium graminifolium Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 490
Mystacidium graminifolium Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 490
Microstylis andicola Ridley [Isotype] 1888, 24: 330
Microstylis longisepala Ridley [PhotoOfType] 1888, 24: 327
Cymbidium erythraeum Lindley [Type] 1859, 3: 30
Rhamphidia grandiflora Lindley [Isotype] 1857, 1: 182
Rhamphidia grandiflora Lindley [Isotype] 1857, 1: 182
Anoectochilus lanceolatus Lindley [Type] 1857, 1: 179
Calanthe gibbsiae Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 156
Calanthe kinabaluensis Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 156
Calanthe buccinifera Rolfe ex Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1892, 29: 318
Brachycorythis tysoni Bolus [Syntype] 1884, 20: 485
Brachycorythis tysoni Bolus [Isosyntype] 1884, 20: 485
Vrydagzynea lancifolia Ridley [Isosyntype] 1896, 32: 398
Vrydagzynea lancifolia Ridley [Isosyntype] 1896, 32: 398
Bromheadia alticola Ridley [Type] 1891, 28: 338
Bromheadia alticola Ridley [Isosyntype] 1891, 28: 338
Bromheadia sylvestris Ridley [Isotype] 1891, 28: 332
Vanilla organensis Rolfe [Isosyntype] 1896, 32: 457
Sigmatochilus kinabaluensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1914, 42: 155
Sigmatochilus kinabaluensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1914, 42: 155
Pholidota yunnanensis Rolfe [Type] , 36: 24
Dendrochilum gibbsiae Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 147
Dendrochilum kinabaluense Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 148
Odontochilus yunnamensis Rolfe [PhotoOfType] 1903, 36: 43
Holothrix multisecta Bolus [Isosyntype] 1889, 25: 170
Bartholina ethelae Bolus [Syntype] 1884, 20: 472
Listera pinetorum Lindley [Isotype] 1857, 1: 175
Eulophia vaginata Ridley [Type] 1885, 21: 467
Eulophia pandurata Rolfe ex Scott-Elliot [DrawingOfType] 1891, 29: 52
Eulophia pratensis Lindley [Type] 1859, 3: 25
Eulophia hemileuca Lindley [Type] 1859, 3: 25
Eulophia ochreata Lindley [Type] 1859, 3: 24
Eulophia yunnanensis Rolfe [PhotoOfType] 1930, 36: 29
Satyrium emarcidum Bolus [Isotype] 1885, 22: 67
Satyrium saxicolum Bolus [Type] 1884, 20: 474
Satyrium calceatum Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 520
Satyrium marginatum Bolus [Isosyntype] 1884, 20: 476
Satyrium rhynchanthum Bolus [Type] 1882, 19: 342
Satyrium debile Bolus [Isotype] 1885, 22: 67
Satyrium ochroleucum var. major Bolus [Isotype] 1885, 22: 66
Platanthera kinabaluensis Kraenzlin ex Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 160
Bonatea darwini Weale [Isotype] 1869, 10: 470
Liparis forbesii Ridley [Isotype] 1886, 22: 383
Liparis resupinata Ridley [Isosyntype] 1886, 22: 290
Liparis resupinata Ridley [Isosyntype] 1886, 22: 290
Liparis triloba Ridley [DrawingOfType] 1886, 22: 295
Liparis elata var. latifolia Ridley [Isosyntype] 1886, 22: 260
Amphorkis lilacina Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 518
Amphorkis lilacina Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 518
Bulbophyllum botryophorum Ridley [Type] 1896, 32: 275
Bulbophyllum densiflorum Ridley & Rolfe [Isosyntype] 1896, 32: 277
Bulbophyllum mannii Hooker f. [Syntype] 1864, 7: 218
Coelogyne yunnanensis Rolfe [Type] 1903, 36: 23
Coelogyne cymbidioides H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1908, 38: 329
Tipularia josephi H. G. Reichenbach ex Lindley [Isotype] 1857, 1: 174
Eria pilosissima Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 152
Eria villosissima Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 150
Eria longerepens Ridley [Isotype] 1896, 31: 282
Eria mysorensis Lindley [Isotype] 1859, 3: 54
Eria retroflexa Lindley [DrawingOfType] 1859, 3: 60
Eria capitellata Lindley [Isotype] 1858, 3;57
Trichoglottis kinabaluensis Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1914, 42: 157
Angraecum rostratum Rolfe [Isotype] 1885, 21: 485
Habenaria minutiflora Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 503
Habenaria minutiflora Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 503
Habenaria minutiflora Ridley [TypeMaterial] 1885, 21: 503
Habenaria tenerrima Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 505
Habenaria tenerrima Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 505
Habenaria tenerrima Ridley [TypeMaterial] 1885, 21: 505
Habenaria anguiceps Bolus [NotType] 1889, 25: 164
Habenaria papillosa Ridley [Isosyntype] 1885, 21: 504
Habenaria papillosa Ridley [TypeMaterial] 1885, 21: 504
Habenaria imerinensis Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 21: 505
Habenaria imerinensis Ridley [TypeMaterial] 1885, 21: 505
Habenaria yunnanensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1903, 36: 61
Habenaria yunnanensis Rolfe [TypeMaterial] 1903, 36: 61
Cirrhopetalum henryi Rolfe [Isotype] 1903, 36: 15
Cirrhopetalum henryi Rolfe [Isotype] 1903, 36: 15
Pedicularis vagans Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 218
Pedicularis filicifolia Hemsley [Isotype] 1896, 26: 208
Macromitrium ochraceoides Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 89
Macromitrium glaucum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 167
Macromitrium beecheyanum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 167
Macromitrium angulatum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 167
Macromitrium powellii Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 168
Orthotrichum pusillum Mitten [Isotype] 1864, 8: 25
Oxalis sylvicola Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 25
Corydalis pulchella Aitchison & Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1882, 19: 151
Pentaphylax malayana Ridley [Type] 1908, 38: 305
Peronospora cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(46): 363
Pilotrichum ramosissimum Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 388
Abies recurvata Masters [Type] 1906, 37: 423
Abies recurvata Masters [Isotype] 1906, 37: 423
Pinus henryi Masters [Isotype] 1902, 26: 550
Pinus henryi Masters [Isotype] 1902, 26: 550
Pinus densata Masters [Type] 1906, 37: 416
Pinus densata Masters [Type] 1906, 37: 416
Pinus prominens Masters [Type] 1906, 37: 417
Picea watsoniana Masters [Isotype] 1906, 37: 419
Picea asperata Masters [Isotype] 1906, 37: 419
Picea asperata Masters [Type] 1906, 37: 419
Picea aurantiaca Masters [Isotype] 1906, 37: 420
Picea retroflexa Masters [Isotype] 1906, 37: 420
Picea purpurea Masters [Isotype] 1906, 37: 418
Alpinia officinarum Hance [Isotype] 1873, 13: 6
Amomum mannii Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isotype] 1864, 7: 110
Amomum mannii Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isotype] 1864, 7: 110
Amomum sceptrum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isolectotype] 1864, 7: 109
Pittosporum nadarivatense Gibbs [Type] 1909, 39: 140
Pittosporum mannii Hooker f. [Isotype] 1862, 6: 5
Pittosporum mannii Hooker f. [Isotype] 1862, 6: 5
Statice griffithii Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1882, 19: 175
Acantholimon leptostachyum Aitchison & Hemsley [TypeMaterial] 1881, 18: 76
Acantholimon munroanum Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1881, 18: 76
Acantholimon calocephalum Aitchison & Hemsley [TypeMaterial] 1881, 18: 77
Reimaria oligostachya Munro ex Bentham [Type] 1882, 19: 34
Schizostachyum chinense Rendle [Type] 1904, 36: 448
Pariana bicolor Tutin [Isotype] 1936, 50: 355
Trisetum henryi Rendle [Syntype] 1904, 36: 400
Arundinella anomala var. depauperata Rendle [Type] 1904, 36: 341
Arundinaria sparsiflora Rendle [Isotype] 1904, 36: 436
Arundinaria sparsiflora Rendle [Isotype] 1904, 36: 436
Enteropogon gracilior Rendle [Isotype] 1904, 36: 403
Dimeria sinensis Rendle [Isotype] 1904, 36: 359
Deyeuxia henryi Rendle [Type] 1904, 36: 393
Paspalum phonoliticum Ridley [Type] 1890, 27: 68
Avena oligostachya Munro ex Aitchison [Type] , 19: 193
Digitaria formosana Rendle [Isotype] , 36: 323
Phyllostachys congesta Rendle [Isosyntype] 1904, 36: 438
Phyllostachys henryi Rendle [Isotype] 1904, 36: 440
Podocarpus mannii Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 218
Polygala fallax Hemsley [Holotype] 1886, 22: 59
Polygonum biaristatum Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1881, 18: 90
Polygonum gracilipes Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 340
Polypodium aoristisorum Harrington [Type] 1877, 16: 30
Polypodium steerei Harrington [Type] 1877, 16: 32
Tortula decidua Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 171
Tortula decidua Mitten [Syntype] 1869, 12: 171
Anoectangium andinum Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 177
Weissia agoyanensis Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 135
Weissia stillicidiorum Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 134
Hyophila samoana Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 193
Leptodontium brevisetum Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 50
Leptodontium cirrhifolium Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 52
Leptodontium acutifolium Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 54
Leptodontium sulphureum (Müller Halle) Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 51
Lysimachia paludicola Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 54
Lysimachia auriculata Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 47
Lysimachia hypericoides Hemsley [Type] 1892, 29: 314
Lysimachia henryi Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 52
Lysimachia henryi Hemsley [Type] 1889, 26: 52
Lysimachia congestiflora Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 50
Lysimachia capillipes Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26: 48
Lysimachia crispidens Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 50
Primula concinna Watt [Type] 1882, 20: 5
Primula comata H. R. Fletcher [Isotype] 1942, 52: 338
Primula asarifolia H. R. Fletcher [Holotype] 1942, 52: 336
Primula reptans Hooker f. ex Watt [Isosyntype] 1882, 20: 14
Primula dickieana Watt [Type] 1882, 20: 9
Primula hookeri Watt [Isotype] 1882, 20: 14
Neolindbergia robusta Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 98
Adiantum steerei Harrington [Type] 1877, 16: 32
Garovaglia samoana Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 169
Garovaglia samoana Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 169
Garovaglia powellii Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 169
Garovaglia powellii Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 169
Powellia involutifolia Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 187
Clematis peruviana var. andina Ball [Type] 1885, 22: 28
Pyrrhobryum setosum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 174
Crossostylis harveyi Bentham [Type] 1859, 3: 77
Pygeum henryi Dunn [Isosyntype] 1904, 35: 493
Pygeum henryi Dunn [Isosyntype] 1904, 35: 493
Pygeum henryi Dunn [Isosyntype] 1904, 35: 493
Pygeum henryi Dunn [Isosyntype] 1904, 35: 493
Pygeum henryi Dunn [Isosyntype] 1904, 35: 493
Rubus henryi Hemsley & Kuntze [Type] 1887, 23: 231
Rubus henryi Hemsley & Kuntze [Type] 1887, 23: 231
Rubus cockburnianus Hemsley [Holotype] 1892, 29: 305
Rubus pinnatisepalus Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 305
Rubus riddelsdelli Rilstone [Type] 1950, 53: 415
Rubus tresidderi Rilstone [Type] 1950, 53: 414
Rubus lamburnensis Rilstone [Type] 1950, 53: 415
Rubus ichangensis Hemsley & Kuntze [Isotype] 1887, 27: 231
Rubus daveyi Rilstone [Type] 1950, 53: 413
Rubus newbouldianus Rilstone [Type] 1950, 53: 417
Neillia affinis Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29: 304
Rosa ecae Aitchison [Type] 1880, 18: 54
Rosa ecae Aitchison [Type] 1880, 18: 54
Rosa prattii Hemsley [Isotype] 1892, 29(202): 307, f. 30
Crataegus henryi Dunn [Isotype] 1903, 35: 494
Leptodermis vestita Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 390
Gardenia gordoni Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 361
Gardenia hillii Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 362
Gardenia gorriei Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 362
Pagamea coriacea Bentham [Type] 1857, 1: 110
Pagamea sessiliflora Spruce [Type] 1857, 1: 110
Pagamea macrophylla Spruce [Type] 1857, 1: 110
Pagamea plicata Spruce [Type] 1857, 1: 109
Uncaria velutina Haviland [Type] 1897, 33: 84
Adina multifolia Haviland [Isotype] 1897, 33: 45
Nauclea tenuis Haviland [Type] , 33: 55
Aitchisonia rosea Hemsley ex Aitchison [Isotype] 1882, 19: 166
Aitchisonia rosea Hemsley ex Aitchison [Isotype] 1882, 19: 166
Capirona decorticans Spruce [Type] 1859, 3: 200
Pentas schweinfurthii Scott-Elliot [Type] , 32: 432
Palicourea insularis Ridley [Type] 1890, 27: 41
Hydnophytum wilsonii Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 365
Calycosia hunteri Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1884, 20: 364
Dunnia sinensis Tutcher [Type] 1905, 37: 70
Otiophora parviflora var. stolzii Verdcourt [Isotype] 1950, 53: 407
Dolicholobium knollysii Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 360
Dolicholobium macgregori Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 360
Gaertnera rosea Thwaites ex Bentham [Isolectotype] 1857, 1: 111
Randia heterophylla I. B. Balfour [Isosyntype] 1877, 16: 14
Randia heterophylla I. B. Balfour [Type] 1877, 16: 14
Eriostemon thryptomenoides S. Moore [Isotype] 1920, 45: 166
Boronia foliosa S. Moore [Syntype] 1920, 45: 165
Meliosma myriantha var. discolor Dunn [Syntype] 1908, 38: 358
Meliosma myriantha var. discolor Dunn [Syntype] 1908, 38: 358
Meliosma fordii Hemsley ex F. B. Forbes & Hemsley [Isotype] 1886, 23: 144
Meliosma fordii Hemsley ex F. B. Forbes & Hemsley [Isotype] 1886, 23: 144
Meliosma patens Hemsley ex F. B. Forbes & Hemsley [Isotype] 1886, 23: 145
Sabia discolor Dunn [Isolectotype] 1908, 38: 358
Sabia discolor Dunn [Isolectotype] 1908, 38: 358
Sabia discolor Dunn [Isosyntype] 1908, 38: 358
Populus glauca Haines [Type] 1906, 37: 408
Populus nigra var. afghanica Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1880, 18: 96
Salix daltoniana Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 49
Salix thomsoniana Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 54
Salix oreophila Hooker f. ex Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 57
Salix henryi Burkill [Type] 1899, 26: 530
Salix subpycnostachya Burkill [Type] 1899, 26: 532
Salix longiflora Wallich ex Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 50
Salix myrtillacea Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 51
Salix fargesii Burkill [Type] 1899, 26: 528
Salix insignis Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 47
Salix fruticulosa Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 53
Salix pycnostachya Andersson [Type] 1860, 4: 44
Henslowia sessiliflora Hemsley [Type] 1894, 26: 409
Dichopsis hornei Hartog ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 367
Saxifraga palpebrata Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1857, 2: 67
Saxifraga perpusilla Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1857, 2: 72
Saxifraga stracheyi Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1858, 2: 61
Saxifraga stracheyi Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1858, 2: 61
Saxifraga latiflora Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1857, 2: 71
Saxifraga purpurascens Hooker f. & Thomson [Isosyntype] 1857, 2: 61
Saxifraga viscidula Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1857, 2: 69
Saxifraga stella-aurea Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1857, 2: 72
Saxifraga nutans Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1857, 2: 69
Itea japonica Oliver [Isotype] 1867, 9: 164
Schisandra elongata var. longissima Dunn [Isosyntype] 1908, 38: 354
Schisandra elongata var. longissima Dunn [Isosyntype] 1908, 38: 354
Schisandra elongata var. longissima Dunn [Isosyntype] 1908, 38: 354
Schisandra elongata var. longissima Dunn [Isosyntype] 1908, 38: 354
Monochasma monantha Hemsley [Syntype] 1890, 26: 203
Rehmannia rupestris Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 195
Calorhabdos stenostachya Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 196
Calorhabdos venosa Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 197
Scrophularia petraea Aitchison & Hemsley [Isotype] 1882, 19: 180
Mazus pulchellus Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 182
Mazus gracilis Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 181
Meiothecium stratosum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 185
Meiothecium stratosum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 185
Meiothecium stratosum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 185
Acroporium macrorhynchum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 183
Acroporium macrorhynchum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 183
Acroporium longicuspis var. elatum Dixon [Isotype] 1935, 50: 120
Acroporium longicuspis var. elatum Dixon [Isotype] 1935, 50: 120
Acanthodium rigidum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 182
Taxitheliella richardsii Dixon [Type] 1935, 50:129
Mastopoma subrobustum Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 114
Trichosteleum fissum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 182
Smilax herbacea var. angustata C. H. Wright [Type] 1903, 36: 97
Chamaesaracha heterophylla Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 176
Scopolia sinensis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 176
Spiridens aristifolius Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 193
Barberina spruceana Miers [Isotype] 1880, 17: 295
Eurya loquaiana Dunn [Holotype] 1908, 38: 355
Eurya distichophylla Hemsley [Holotype] 1886, 23: 77
Pelekium velatum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 176
Pelekium velatum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 176
Thuidium erosulum Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 186
Thuidium samoanum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 186
Wikstroemia stenantha Hemsley [Type] 1894, 26: 400
Wikstroemia stenantha Hemsley [Isotype] 1894, 26: 400
Wikstroemia angustifolia Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 396
Wikstroemia angustifolia Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 396
Wikstroemia angustifolia Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 396
Wikstroemia angustifolia Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 396
Wikstroemia angustifolia Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 396
Wikstroemia micrantha Hemsley [Type] 1894, 26: 399
Wikstroemia micrantha Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 399
Wikstroemia micrantha Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 399
Wikstroemia obovata Hemsley [Isotype] 1894, 26: 400
Wikstroemia gracilis Hemsley [Isotype] 1894, 26: 397
Wikstroemia gracilis Hemsley [Isotype] 1894, 26: 397
Luehea cymulosa Spruce ex Bentham [Type] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 58
Luehea altheifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1861, 5, Suppl. 2: 58
Tovaria thyrsoidea Baker [Isosyntype] 1875, 14: 568
Tovaria thyrsoides Baker [Isosyntype] 1875, 14: 568
Tovaria thyrsoides Baker [Isosyntype] 1875, 14: 568
Tovaria oligophylla Baker [Isotype] 1875, 14: 565
Tovaria oleracea Baker [Syntype] 1875, 14: 569
Celtis nervosa Hemsley [Type] 1894, 26: 450
Ulmus castaneifolia Hemsley [Type] 1894, 26: 446
Elatostema viridissimum Gibbs [Type] 1914, 42: 141
Elatostema kinabaluense Gibbs [Isotype] 1914, 42: 141
Elatostema fruticosum Gibbs [Type] 1909, 39: 171
Boehmeria gracilis C. H. Wright [Type] 1899, 26: 485
Laportea grossedentata C. H. Wright [Syntype] 1899, 26: 474
Laportea grossedentata C. H. Wright [Syntype] 1899, 26: 474
Laportea sinensis C. H. Wright [Type] 1899, 26: 474
Debregeasia obovata C. H. Wright [Isosyntype] , 26: 492
Pilea notata C. H. Wright [Isosyntype] , 26: 476
Pilea notata C. H. Wright [Isosyntype] , 26: 476
Pilea notata C. H. Wright [Isosyntype] , 26: 476
Pilea rubriflora C. H. Wright [Type] , 26: 478
Pilea rubriflora C. H. Wright [Type] , 26: 478
Pellionia viridis C. H. Wright [Isosyntype] 1899, 26: 481
Vaccinium longibracteatum Ridley [Type] 1908, 38: 313
Vaccinium pubicarpum Ridley [Type] 1908, 38: 313
Valeriana remota Ball [Type] 1885, 22: 42
Valeriana interrupta var. minor Ball [Type] 1885, 22: 43
Patrinia angustifolia Hemsley [Isotype] 1888, 23: 396
Clerodendrum lehuntei Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 369
Callicarpa longifolia var. longissima Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26: 253
Premna ligustroides Hemsley [Syntype] 1890, 26: 256
Premna ligustroides Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 256
Vitis henryana Hemsley ex H. O. Forbes & Hemsley [Type] 1886, 23: 132
Vitis henryana Hemsley ex H. O. Forbes & Hemsley [Type] 1886, 23: 132
Vitis umbellata Hemsley ex H. O. Forbes & Hemsley [Type] 1886, 23: 137
Illigera cordata Dunn [Isosyntype] 1908, 38: 296
Hookeria diversifolia Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 364
Hookeria diversifolia Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 364
Hookeria tenuicuspis Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 347
Hookeria nitida Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 348
Hookeria rubriseta Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 341
Hookeria rugulosa Mitten [Isolectotype] 1869, 12: 358
Hookeria diffusa Wilson ex Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 354
Lepidopilum brevipes Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 376
Lepidopilum radicale Mitten [Syntype] 1869, 12: 378
Lepidopilum tortifolium Mitten [Isolectotype] 1869, 12: 374
Distichophyllum angustissimum Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 104
Distichophyllum angustissimum Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 104
Distichophyllum flavescens Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 191
Distichophyllum flavescens Mitten [Isotype] 1868, 10: 191
Daltonia compressa Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 400
Daltonia peruviana Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 401
Daltonia pulvinata Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 398
Daltonia tenuifolia Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 402
Daltonia trachyodonta Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 400
Hydrangea khasiana Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 76
Hydrangea robusta Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1858, 2: 76
Hydrolea graminifolia A. W. Bennett [Isotype] 1871, 11: 277
Trichomanes godmanii Hooker [Type] 1866, 9: 337
Trichomanes peltatum Baker [Isotype] 1866, 9: 336
Hymenophyllum thuidium Harrington [Isotype] 1877, 16: 25
Hypnum samoanum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 184
Hypnum jamesonii Taylor [Type] 1869, 12: 508
Hypnum sprucei Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 558
Isopterygium fissum Dixon [Isotype] 1935, 50: 136
Ectropothecium pacificum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 180
Ectropothecium laevifolium Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 517
Ectropothecium laevifolium Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 517
Stereodon erythrocaulis Mitten [Isotype] 1859, Suppl. 1: 97
Stereodon amblyostegus Mitten [Isosyntype] 1859, 1: 97
Stereodon russulus Mitten [Type] 1859, 1: 94
Stereodon russulus Mitten [Type] 1859, 1: 94
Stereodon tunguraguanus Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 534
Nectria diploa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 [1868], 10(no. 46): 378
Gladiolus fraternus N. E. Brown [Isotype] 1928, 48: 26
Geissorhiza bellendenii MacOwan [Isotype] 1890, 25: 393
Geissorhiza alpina Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 223
Babiana macrantha MacOwan [Isotype] 1890, 25: 394
Pterocarya hupehensis Skan [Isotype] 1899, 26: 493
Juncus modicus N. E. Brown [Isosyntype] , 36: 165
Luzula chinensis N. E. Brown [Isotype] 1903, 36: 161
Lamium foliatum Dunn [Isotype] 1908, 38: 363
Plectranthus nervosus Hemsley [Syntype] 1890, 26: 272
Plectranthus henryi Hemsley [Syntype] 1890, 26: 271
Plectranthus henryi Hemsley [Syntype] 1890, 26: 271
Plectranthus ramosissimus Hooker f. [Isotype] 1881, 6: 17
Teucrium bidentatum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 312
Teucrium albo-rubrum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 311
Teucrium albo-rubrum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 311
Teucrium albo-rubrum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 311
Stachys aculeolata Hooker f. [Type] 1862, 6: 18
Phlomis albiflora Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 304
Phlomis umbrosa var. australis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 306
Phlomis umbrosa var. australis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 306
Phlomis umbrosa var. australis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 306
Lindera cercidifolia Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 387
Lindera cercidifolia Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 387
Lindera cercidifolia Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 387
Lindera tzumu Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 392
Lindera tzumu Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 392
Lindera megaphylla Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 389
Lindera megaphylla Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 389
Lindera megaphylla Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 389
Lindera megaphylla Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 389
Lindera megaphylla Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 389
Lindera megaphylla Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 389
Lindera communis Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 387
Lindera communis Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 387
Lindera fruticosa Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 388
Lindera fruticosa Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 388
Lindera fruticosa Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 388
Lindera oldhamii Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 390
Lindera reflexa Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 391
Lindera laureola Collett & Hemsley [Type] 1890, 28: 119
Lindera mollis Oliver [Type] 1865, 9: 168
Litsea pungens Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 384
Litsea pungens Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 384
Litsea pungens Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 384
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [NotType] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [NotType] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea cupularis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 380
Litsea playfairii Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 384
Litsea mollis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 383
Litsea mollis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 383
Litsea mollis Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 383
Litsea confertifolia Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 379
Litsea confertifolia Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 379
Litsea confertifolia Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 379
Litsea confertifolia Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 379
Litsea hupehana Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 382
Litsea hupehana Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 382
Litsea faberi Hemsley [Isotype] 1891, 26: 381
Litsea gracilipes Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 387
Litsea gracilipes Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 387
Litsea variabilis Hemsley [Isotype] 1891, 26: 386
Machilus faberi Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 374
Machilus faberi Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 374
Machilus faberi Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 374
Machilus neurantha Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 376
Machilus neurantha Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 376
Machilus neurantha Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 376
Machilus neurantha Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 376
Machilus neurantha Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 376
Machilus macrophylla Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 375
Machilus macrophylla Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 375
Machilus macrophylla Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 375
Machilus macrophylla Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26: 375
Machilus microcarpa Hemsley [Syntype] 1891, 26: 376
Machilus microcarpa Hemsley [Type] 1891, 26: 376
Leskea gracillima (Taylor) Mitten [Type] 1869, 12: 567
Octoblepharum dentatum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 178
Octoblepharum asperum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 178
Octoblepharum recurvum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 179
Cladopodanthus microcarpus Dixon [Isotype] 1935, 50: 74
Cladopodanthus truncatus Dixon [Type] 1935, 50: 73
Leucobryum rugosum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 192
Leucobryum rugosum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 192
Leucomium compressum Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 502
Leucomium compressum Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 502
Thelotrema subconforme Nylander [Isotype] 1883, 20: 53
Drymophila moorei Baker [Isotype] 1875, 14: 57
Smilacina dilitata Nuttall ex Baker [Isotype] 1875, 14: 563
Zigadenus fremontii var. minor Torrey ex Baker [Type] 1879, 17: 480
Zigadenus fremontii var. minor Torrey ex Baker [Type] 1879, 17: 480
Schoenocaulon intermedium Baker [Isosyntype] 1879, 17: 477
Schoenocaulon coulteri Baker [Isotype] 1879, 17: 477
Streptopus brevipes Baker [Type] 1875, 14: 592
Calochortus apiculatus Baker [Isotype] 1875, 14: 305
Calochortus lyallii Baker [Type] 1875, 14: 305
Veratrum maximowiczii Baker [Isotype] 1879, 17: 472
Veratrum eschcholtzii var. watsoni Baker [Lectotype] 1879, 14: 471
Veratrum nigrum var. japonicum Baker [Syntype] 1879, 17: 472
Polygonatum hookeri Baker [Type] 1875, 14: 558
Polygonatum cathcartii Baker [Type] 1875, 14: 559
Lobelia erecta Hooker f. & Thomson [Type] 1858, 2: 28
Geniostoma macgregori Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 363
Buddleja tsetangensis C. Marquand [Holotype] 1929, 48: 202
Loranthus oreophilus Oliver [Isotype] 1864, 7: 196
Magnolia henryi Dunn [Type] 1903, 35: 484
Magnolia henryi Dunn [Syntype] 1903, 35: 484
Michelia maudiae Dunn [Type] 1927, 38: 353
Michelia maudiae Dunn [Type] 1927, 38: 353
Michelia maudiae Dunn [Type] 1927, 38: 353
Michelia maudiae Dunn [Type] 1927, 38: 353
Michelia skinneriana Dunn [Type] 1908, 38: 354
Talauma villariana Rolfe [Isotype] 1884, 21: 307
Durio lanceolatus Masters [Isotype] 1875, 14: 499
Durio oblongus Masters [Isotype] 1875, 14: 500
Kosteletzkya flava E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1894, 30: 74
Ophiotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 349
Prionitis lyallii Harvey [Syntype] 1862, 6: 173
Prionitis lyallii var. normalis Harvey [Isotype] 1862, 6: 173
Didissandra saxatilis Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1890, 26: 227
Aeschynanthus buxifolius Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1913, 35: 515
Didissandra speciosa Hemsley [Syntype] 1890, 26: 228
Oreocharis benthamii var. reticulata Dunn [Syntype] 1908, 38: 362
Didissandra saxatilis var. microcalyx Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 227
Berberis hibberdiana Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 79
Irpex cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(46): 326
Entodon serrulatus Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 632
Rubus cornubiensis (W. M. Rogers & Riddelsdell) Rilstone [Type] 1950, 53: 413
Asparagus racemosus var. subacerosus Baker [Isotype] 1875, 14: 624
Asparagus racemosus var. zeylanicus Baker [Isosyntype] 1875, 14: 623
Zanthoxylum setosum Hemsley [Holotype] 1886, 23: 107
Ligustrum strongylophyllum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26(173): 93
Ligustrum strongylophyllum Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1889, 26(173): 93
Ligustrum deciduum Hemsley [Holotype] 1889, 26(173): 90
Embelia oblongifolia Hemsley [Holotype] 1889, 26(173): 62
Marasmius hinnuleus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(45): 297
Marasmius hinnuleus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(45): 297
Cyathus pallidus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 346
Lycoperdon epixylon Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Lycoperdon epixylon Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Lycoperdon epixylon Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Lycoperdon fuligineum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Lycoperdon oblongisporum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Lycoperdon rubellum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Scleroderma tenerum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 346
Lycoperdon tephrospermum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Lycoperdon tephrospermum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 345
Diplocystis wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 344
Diplocystis wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 344
Pilacre nivea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 363
Midotis verruculosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 370
Peziza scatigena Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10: 366
Phillipsia domingensis Berkeley [Type] 1881, 18: 388
Phillipsia domingensis Berkeley [Type] 1881, 18: 388
Wynnea macrotis (Berkeley) Berkeley [Type] 1886, 23: 424
Campylandra aurantiaca Baker [Syntype] 1875, 14(80): 582
Aneilema angustifolium N. E. Brown [Isosyntype] 1903, 36: 151
Sisymbrium foliosum Hooker f. & Thomson [Isotype] 1861, 5: 160
Clavaria clara Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(46): 338
Clavaria clara Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(46): 338
Rhizina spongiosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10 (46): 364
Agaricus anthiceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 286
Agaricus anthiceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 286
Agaricus bambusigenus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, Bot. 10: 291
Agaricus bambusigenus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, Bot. 10: 291
Agaricus bambusigenus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, Bot. 10: 291
Agaricus euspeireus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 285
Agaricus hypoporphyrus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 289
Agaricus plumiger Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 292
Agaricus plumiger Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 292
Agaricus semitectus M. J. Berkeley & M. C. Cooke [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 288
Agaricus semitectus M. J. Berkeley & M. C. Cooke [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 288
Agaricus subpellucidus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 286
Agaricus subpellucidus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 286
Agaricus subviridis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 292
Agaricus subviridis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, Bot. 10(no. 45): 292
Wikstroemia linoides Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1894, 26: 398
Coniophora fusca (Persoon) Massee [Type] 1889, 25: 139
Coprinus cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 293
Corticium ceraceum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1890, 27: 151
Corticium citrinellum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [NotType] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium inconspicuum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium saccharinum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium saccharinum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium saccharinum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium saccharinum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium tephrum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Corticium tephrum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 336
Grammothele grisea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grammothele grisea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grammothele lineata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grammothele lineata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grammothele mappa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grammothele mappa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grammothele mappa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grammothele polygramma Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Grandinia accumulata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 326
Grandinia accumulata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 326
Grandinia accumulata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 326
Grandinia tomentosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869'], 10(no. 46): 326
Grandinia tomentosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869'], 10(no. 46): 326
Hydnum laminiferum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 325
Hydnum laminiferum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 325
Hydnum pyramidatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 326
Hydnum pyramidatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 326
Hydnum pyramidatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 326
Hydnum pyramidatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 326
Hymenochaete aspera Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete cervina Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete cervina Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete dura Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete dura Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete muscicola Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete muscicola Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete muscicola Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete muscicola Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete siparia Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete siparia Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete tomentosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 335
Hymenochaete tomentosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 335
Hymenochaete tomentosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 335
Hymenochaete leonina Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete rigidula Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 334
Hymenochaete sallei Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 333
Kneiffia fulva Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Kneiffia fulva Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Kneiffia grisea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Kneiffia grisea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Lachnocladium cartilagineum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 330
Lachnocladium cartilagineum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 330
Polyporus subolivaceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 313
Polyporus subolivaceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 313
Ilex cumingiana Rolfe [Type] 1884, 21(884): 308
Laschia caerulescens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Laschia caerulescens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Lentinus cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 302
Lentinus cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 302
Lentinus cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 302
Lentinus blepharodes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 301
Lentinus blepharodes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 301
Lentinus vellereus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 301
Lentinus vellereus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 301
Clerodendrum fortunei Hemsley [Type] 1890, 26(175): 259
Verrucaria franckliniana Leighton [Isotype] 1867, 9: 199
Marasmius rugulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Marasmius rhyssophyllus Montagne ex Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Marasmius rhyssophyllus Montagne ex Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Merulius rugulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Merulius rugulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Merulius rugulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Merulius rugulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Merulius rugulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Lenzites cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 303
Agaricus cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 282
Anthericum stenocarpum Baker [Isotype] 1876, 15: 317
Anthericum stenocarpum Baker [Isotype] 1876, 15: 317
Pistillaria cupressiformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 339
Pistillaria cupressiformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 339
Polyporus craterellus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 305
Thelephora murrayi Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 329
Thelephora murrayi Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 329
Thelephora murrayi Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 329
Polyporus virgatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Polyporus virgatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Stereum vibrans Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 332
Stereum sulphuratum Berkeley & Ravenel [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 331
Stereum glabrescens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 330
Stereum glabrescens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 330
Stereum ferreum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 332
Stereum ferreum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 332
Stereum ferreum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 332
Stereum cyphelloides Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 331
Stereum pruinatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(No. 46): 332
Stereum pruinatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(No. 46): 332
Stereum seriatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 332
Stereum seriatum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 332
Stereum sprucei Berkeley [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 331
Polyporus subliberatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 318
Polyporus subliberatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 318
Polyporus albogilvus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 308
Polyporus albogilvus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 308
Polyporus albogilvus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 308
Polyporus albogilvus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 308
Boletus cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Boletus lignatilis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 303
Clavaria brunneola Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 338
Clavaria brunneola Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 338
Clavaria flavella Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 338
Clavaria flavella Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 338
Clavaria misella Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 339
Clavaria misella Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 339
Polyporus albostygius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 309
Craterellus pulverulentus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 328
Craterellus pulverulentus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 328
Hiatula caespitosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 293
Hiatula caespitosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 293
Lentinus subcervinus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 300
Lentinus subcervinus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 300
Marasmius albofuscus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius albofuscus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius atroviridis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius atroviridis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius atroviridis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius badius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Marasmius chrysochaetes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 297
Marasmius chrysochaetes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 297
Marasmius chrysochaetes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 297
Marasmius chrysochaetes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 297
Marasmius cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius merulinus (Bertero ex Montagne) Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(no. 45): 299
Marasmius petiolorum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius petiolorum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius proletarius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius purpureus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 299
Marasmius purpureus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 299
Marasmius purpureus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 299
Marasmius semiustus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius semiustus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius semiustus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Panus wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 299
Panus wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 299
Polyporus armenicolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 315
Polyporus carbonaceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus carbonaceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus carbonaceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus carbonaceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus cirrhifer Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 314
Polyporus cirrhifer Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 314
Polyporus cirrhifer Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 314
Polyporus cladotrichus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 309
Polyporus cladotrichus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 309
Polyporus evolutus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 308
Polyporus evolutus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 308
Polyporus evolutus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 308
Polyporus fendzleri Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus fendzleri Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus hemileucus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 312
Polyporus hemileucus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 312
Polyporus holotephrus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 315
Polyporus holotephrus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 315
Polyporus holotephrus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 315
Polyporus hydrophilus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 306
Polyporus nebulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Syntype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus nebulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Syntype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus nebulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Syntype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus rheicolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 313
Polyporus rivulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 318
Polyporus rivulosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 318
Polyporus rufoflavus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 310
Polyporus rufoflavus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 310
Polyporus scleromyces Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 312
Polyporus sobrius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 316
Polyporus sobrius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 316
Polyporus stipitarius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Polyporus stipitarius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Polyporus stipitarius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Polyporus stipitarius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Polyporus stipitarius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 304
Polyporus subflexibilis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 311
Polyporus subpulverulentus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 306
Polyporus subpulverulentus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 306
Polyporus undiger Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus undiger Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Polyporus undiger Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 317
Marasmius dealbatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius fibrosipes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 293
Marasmius fibrosipes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 293
Marasmius floriceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 298
Marasmius multiceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 298
Marasmius subcoracinus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Marasmius subcoracinus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Lentinus chrysopeplus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 301
Craterellus confluens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1867, 9: 423
Corticium lilacinum Berkeley & Broome [Type] 1873 ["1875"], 14(no. 74): 70
Agaricus dichromus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ("1869"), 10(45): 292
Lonchocarpus brachypterus Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4 (Suppl.): 100
Lonchocarpus fasciculatus Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 4 (Suppl.): 100
Lonchocarpus barteri Bentham [Isosyntype] 1860, 4 (Suppl.): 99
Marasmius aciculiformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 297
Marasmius aciculiformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 297
Marasmius hypophaeus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Lectotype] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 298
Marasmius viridifuscus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius viridifuscus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 295
Polyporus oxydatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 45): 317
Laschia intermedia Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 46): 322
Favolus princeps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 46): 321
Favolus princeps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 46): 321
Favolus purpurascens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Syntype] 1869 ["1868"], 10(no. 46): 321
Psilopezia mirabilis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 364
Psilopezia mirabilis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 364
Agaricus subclypeolarius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 283 [no. 7]
Agaricus carecomoeis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 284
Agaricus roridulus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 285
Agaricus hemiphlebius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 288
Agaricus flavolanatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 288
Agaricus subbarbatus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 288
Agaricus putredinus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 287
Agaricus tephrostictus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 289 [no. 52]
Agaricus chrysopellus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 290
Agaricus helvoliceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] ,
Agaricus coprinoceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 290
Agaricus oinodes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 291
Agaricus martianus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 291
Agaricus pyrrhus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 291
Agaricus palmigena Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 292
Hiatula purpurascens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 293
Marasmius tenebrarum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Marasmius sericipes Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 294
Marasmius putredinus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius cyathiformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius subglobosus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 295
Marasmius purpurascens Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius tenerrimus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 296
Marasmius obliquus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 299
Lentinus sparsibarbis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 301
Lentinus wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 300
Lentinus rigidulus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 300
Marasmius concolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 299
Lentinus fuligineus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 302
Lentinus castoreus var. pusillus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 303
Polyporus hydniceps Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 305
Polyporus stereinus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 308
Polyporus versicutis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 308
Polyporus microstomus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 309
Polyporus havannensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 310
Polyporus calcitratus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 314
Polyporus vibratilis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 314
Polyporus arenicolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 315
Polyporus arenicolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 45): 315
Laschia purpurea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 322
Laschia pensilis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Merulius spadiceus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Porotheleum cubense Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 323
Hydnum reniforme Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 325
Kneiffia gelatinosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 327
Craterellus spathularius Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 328
Craterellus marasmioides Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 328
Thelephora retiformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 330
Thelephora spongia Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 330
Thelephora spongia Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 330
Dictyonema spongiosum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 335
Cyphella palmarum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 337
Corticium simile Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 337
Corticium simile Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 337
Clavaria cervina Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 338
Clavaria laeticolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 338
Calocera flagelliformis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 339
Pistillaria subpellucida Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 339
Tremella rufolutea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 340
Tremella rufolutea Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 340
Tremella janus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 340
Tremella wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 341
Tremella wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 341
Tremella wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 341
Coryne vinosa Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 340
Leptothyrium passiflorae Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 351
Peziza palmicola Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 364
Peziza adnata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 365
Peziza adnata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 365
Peziza inaequalis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 365
Peziza hirneoloides Berkeley [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 365
Peziza cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 366
Peziza albotecta Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 367
Peziza albotecta Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 367
Peziza fimbriifera Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 367
Peziza illota Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 368
Peziza leucopsis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 368
Lycoperdon rugosum Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 345
Peziza sclerogena Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 369
Peziza hypophylla Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 368
Cordierites coralloides Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 370
Ascobolus cubensis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 370
Bulgaria similis Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868 ["1869"], 10(no. 46): 370
Strobilanthes debilis Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1890, 26(175): 239
Oxygraphis shaftoana Aitchison & Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1882, 19: 149
Chondrus elatus Holmes [Type] 1896, 31: 252
Bignonia roseoalba Ridley [Isotype] 1890, 27: 52
Senecio mannii Hooker f. [Isotype] 1861, 6: 14
Stenosiphonium parviflorum T. Anderson [Isolectotype] 1867, 9: 464
Stenosiphonium setosum T. Anderson [Isolectotype] 1867, 9: 464
Temnolepis scrophulariifolia Baker [Isotype] 1886, 22: 495
Telekia africana Hooker f. [Isotype] 1864, 7: 201
Marasmius rotula var. fuscus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 297
Marasmius phaeus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Isotype] 1868 ["1869"], 10(45): 298
Ixora carewi Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 364
Ixora carewi Horne ex Baker [Isotype] 1883, 20: 364
Ixora hiernii Scott Elliot [Isotype] 1894, 30: 82
Hypolaena aspera Masters [Isolectotype] 1868, 10: 264
Hypolaena tenuis Masters [Isotype] 1868, 10: 265
Hypolaena tenuis Masters [Isotype] 1868, 10: 265
Dovea hookeriana Masters [Syntype] 1868, 10: 249
Elegia acuminata Masters [Isolectotype] 1885, 21: 580
Elegia glauca Masters [Syntype] 1885, 21: 579
Elegia propinqua var. equisetacea Masters [Isolectotype] 1868, 10: 242
Elegia spathacea Masters [Syntype] 1885, 21: 588
Elegia vaginulata Masters [Isolectotype] 1885, 21: 586
Hypodiscus aristatus var. bicolor Masters [Syntype] 1868, 10: 253
Hypodiscus oliverianus Masters [Isotype] 1868, 10: 254
Hypolaena burchellii Masters [Syntype] 1868, 10: 268
Hypolaena eckloniana Nees ex Masters [Isolectotype] 1868, 10: 263
Hypolaena eckloniana Nees ex Masters [Syntype] 1868, 10: 263
Hypolaena virgata Masters [Isotype] 1868, 10: 268
Ceratocaryum fistulosum Masters [Isolectotype] 1868, 10: 274
Restio festuciformis Nees ex Masters [Isolectotype] 1865, 8: 248
Restio purpurascens Nees ex Masters [Isolectotype] 1865, 8: 249
Restio subfalcatus Nees ex Masters [Isolectotype] 1865, 8: 231
Thamnochortus fruticosus var. glaber Masters [Syntype] 1868, 10: 229
Millettia cubitti Dunn [Isosyntype] 1912, 41(280): 188–189
Aulacocalyx trilocularis Scott Elliot [Isolectotype] 1894, 30: 81
Aulacocalyx trilocularis Scott Elliot [Isosyntype] 1894, 30: 81
Randia micrantha var. zenkeri S. Moore [Isotype] 1906, 37: 304
Pyrostria trilocularis I. B. Balfour [Isolectotype] 1877, 16: 14
Scyphochlamys revoluta I. B. Balfour [Isolectotype] 1877, 16: 15
Arthrobotryum melanoplaca Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10(46): 360
Ascophora fusca Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10 (46): 363
Aspergillus erythrocephalus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1868, 10 (46): 362
Lactuca humifusa Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35(247): 512
Lactuca humifusa Dunn [Isosyntype] 1903, 35(247): 512
Vignaldia occidentalis Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1864, 7: 197
Hypoxis juncea var. wrightii Baker [Isotype] 1878, 17: 106
Polygonum amplexicaule var. sinense Forbes & Hemsley [Isosyntype] 1891, 26(176): 333
Garovaglia carinata Mitten [Type] 1873, 13: 314.
Octoblepharum longofolium Mitten [Isotype] 1869, 12: 110
Silene caespitella F. N. Williams [Syntype] 1909, 38(268): 403
Berberis concinna var. extensiflora Ahrendt [Isotype] 1961, 57: 119
Agrostophyllum saccatum Ridley [TypeMaterial] 1896, 31: 286
Cyrtandra benguetiana Kraenzlin [Syntype] 1906, 37: 281
Stereodon hookeri Mitten [Syntype] 1859, 1(2): 114
Convolvulus aitchisonii C. B. Clarke [Isotype] 1882, 19: 179
Silene subcretacea F. N. Williams [Syntype] 1909, 38: 404
Stipa tortilis var. pubescens Ball [Syntype] 1878, 16(96-97): 711
Agaricus rubrotinctus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis [Type] 1869, 10(no 45): 284
Brunia teres Oliver [Isotype] 1867, 9: 333
Gentiana melandrifolia Franchet ex Hemsley [Isotype] 1890, 26: 129
Stereum spongiosum Massee [Isotype] 1890, 27: 127
Asparagus striatus var. linearifolius Baker [Isosyntype] 1875, 14: 622
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 28 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Linociera congesta Baker [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1980, 80: 202Berberis silvicola C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 52
Berberis liechtensteinii C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1961,
Berberis asmyana C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 46
Berberis stiebritziana C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 2020, 174
Mahonia caesia C. K. Schneider [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1961, 57: 331
Berberis salicaria Fedde [Isolectotype] 1961, 197
Berberis amabilis C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 43
Berberis willeana C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 69
Berberis fallax C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1961, 49
Mahonia leschenaultii Wallich ex Wight & Arnott [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1961, 57: 325
Berberis bergmanniae C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1961, 57: 67
Berberis bergmanniae C. K. Schneider [Lectotype (Syntype designation)] 1961, 57: 67
Brighamia insignis A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1969, 62: 192
Berberis subacuminata C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 62
Goniothalamus repevensis Finet & Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 2008, 156: 371
Goniothalamus repevensis Finet & Gagnepain [Lectotype] 2008, 156: 371
Kadsura apoensis Elmer [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1996,
Berberis sublevis var. grandifolia C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1961,
Ligularia arnicoides de Candolle ex Royle [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1929, 48: 289
Berberis coryi Veitch [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1961, 57: 207
Strobilanthes debilis Hemsley [Isolectotype] 2006, 150(3): 375
Berberis silva-taroucana C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 57: 169
Berberis insolita C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 56
Berberis insolita C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 56
Berberis lubrica C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 55
Berberis vernae C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1961, 175
Berberis concinna Hooker f. [Isolectotype] 1961, 57: 119