Boraginaceae GH: 01956539 Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California Along Cajon Rd. and Strawhourt Rd. in sight ... D. M. Ferguson 37 1994-4-4
GH: 01956981 Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray USA: California near Bishop. North Lake area, near McGeee[Mc... D. M. Ferguson 5 1993-6-17
GH: 02237285 Borago sp. USA: California Berkeley: [data not captured] D. M. Ferguson 74 1997-5-22
GH: 00424984 Cryptantha incana Greene USA: California Lundy Lake Campground, north of Mono Lake D. M. Ferguson 9 1993-6-18
GH: 00424981 Cryptantha sp. USA: California Wildomar Offroad Camp, Cleveland National Fo... D. M. Ferguson 2 1993-6-15
GH: 00424982 Cryptantha sp. USA: California second turnout on Convict Lake Road near cre... D. M. Ferguson 15 1993-6-18
GH: 00424985 Cryptantha sp. USA: California Head of trail at McGee Creek Rd., Inyo Natio... D. M. Ferguson 20 1993-6-20
GH: 00424986 Cryptantha sp. USA: California Pinon picnic area, Bristlecone Pine Forest, ... D. M. Ferguson 17 1993-6-19
GH: 00424987 Cryptantha sp. USA: California along highway 38. Near Whispering Pines D. M. Ferguson 31 1993-7-3
GH: 00424988 Cryptantha sp. USA: California Summit of Mount Wilson, Angeles National For... D. M. Ferguson 28 1993-6-23
GH: 00424983 Cryptantha sp. USA: California Wildomar Offroad Camp, Cleveland National Fo... D. M. Ferguson 1 1993-6-15
GH: 00424989 Cryptantha sp. USA: California Above Stetson Ranch on a trail, ca. 0.5 mile... D. M. Ferguson 25 1993-6
GH: 00424990 Cryptantha sp. USA: California second turnout on Convict Lake Road near cre... D. M. Ferguson 14 1993-6-18
GH: 00424991 Cryptantha sp. USA: California near Bishop, North Lake area, near McGeee me... D. M. Ferguson 4 1993-6-17
GH: 00424992 Cryptantha sp. USA: California ca. 1. mile south of Lake Hughes. Angeles Na... D. M. Ferguson 22 1993-6-22
GH: 00420002 Hackelia sp. USA: California Lundy Lake Campground, north of Mono Lake D. M. Ferguson 6 1993-6-18
GH: 00420003 Hackelia sp. USA: California Lunday Lake Campground, north of Mono Lake D. M. Ferguson 7 1993-6-18
GH: 00420004 Hackelia sp. USA: California Lunday Lake Campground, north of Mono Lake D. M. Ferguson 8 1993-6-15
Brassicaceae GH: 01097667 Cakile geniculata (Robinson) Millspaugh USA: Louisiana [data not captured] D. M. Ferguson 1700 2009-6-4
GH: 01176871 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Louisiana Outside the Life Sciences Annex Building, LS... D. M. Ferguson 1617 2008-3-27
Fabaceae GH: 01539498 Kummerowia striata (Thunberg) Schindler USA: Louisiana [data not captured] D. M. Ferguson 1687 2008-10-29
GH: 02130284 Melilotus indicus (Linnaeus) Allioni USA: Louisiana [data not captured] D. M. Ferguson 1613 2008-3-26
GH: 02347141 Vicia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Louisiana [data not captured] D. M. Ferguson 1611 2008-2-28
GH: 02347399 Vicia sativa nigra (Linnaeus) Ehrhart USA: Louisiana [data not captured] D. M. Ferguson 1612 2008-2-28
Hydrophyllaceae GH: 00402724 Eriodictyon californicum (Hooker & Arnott) Torrey USA: California Mount Diablo State Park, Muir Picnic Area, n... D. M. Ferguson 59 1994-4-27
GH: 00402837 Eriodictyon crassifolium Bentham USA: California Ca. 1 mile south of Lake Hughes, Angeles Nat... D. M. Ferguson 23A 1993-6-22
GH: 00402838 Eriodictyon crassifolium Bentham USA: California Wildomar Offroad Camp, Cleveland National Fo... D. M. Ferguson 3 1993-6-15
GH: 00402839 Eriodictyon crassifolium Bentham USA: California Ca. 1 mile south of Lake Hughes, Angeles Nat... D. M. Ferguson 23B 1993-6-22
GH: 00402840 Eriodictyon crassifolium Bentham USA: California On road to Blue Jay Campground, Cleveland Na... D. M. Ferguson 46 1994-4-17
GH: 00402860 Eriodictyon crassifolium nigrescens Brand USA: California On highway 2, near Clear Creek Ranger Statio... D. M. Ferguson 27 1993-6-23
GH: 00402911 Eriodictyon trichocalyx A. Heller USA: California Along Cajon Rd. and Strawhourt Rd. in sight ... D. M. Ferguson 39 1994-4-4
GH: 00402912 Eriodictyon trichocalyx A. Heller USA: California On highway 2, 1 mile east of Charleton Flat,... D. M. Ferguson 30 1993-6-23
GH: 00402957 Eriodictyon trichocalyx lanatum (Brand) Jepson USA: California Pena Springs, Anza-Borego State Park D. M. Ferguson 93 1996-1-4
GH: 00403017 Eriodictyon trichocalyx lanatum (Brand) Jepson USA: California Pena Springs, Anza-Borego State Park D. M. Ferguson 93 1996-1-4
GH: 00288823 Phacelia bicolor Torrey ex S. Watson USA: California Second turnout on Convict Lake Road near cre... D. M. Ferguson 12 1993-6-18
GH: 00288822 Phacelia campanularia A. Gray USA: California Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Clarement D. M. Ferguson 56 1994-4-19
GH: 00288822 Phacelia campanularia vasiformis (G. W. Gillett) G. Walden & R. Patterson USA: California Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Clarement D. M. Ferguson 56 1994-4-19
GH: 00288819 Phacelia grandiflora A. Gray USA: California On highway 2, 5 miles north of Glendale, jus... D. M. Ferguson 26 1993-6-23
GH: 00288815 Phacelia heterophylla Pursh USA: Oregon Along Hwy 395, 4.0 mi north of 395-20 juncti... D. M. Ferguson 126 1996-6-10
GH: 00288815 Phacelia heterophylla virgata (Greene) Dorn USA: Oregon Along Hwy 395, 4.0 mi north of 395-20 juncti... D. M. Ferguson 126 1996-6-10
GH: 00288816 Phacelia humilis A. Gray & Torrey USA: California Head of trail at McGee Creek Rd., Inyo Natio... D. M. Ferguson 21 1993-6
GH: 00288829 Phacelia minor Thellung USA: California Sylmar; above stetson Ranch on trial, ca. 0.... D. M. Ferguson 24 1993-6-22
GH: 00402983 Phacelia mohavensis A. Gray USA: California Onyx summit, along highway 38. In meadow on ... D. M. Ferguson 35 1993-6-23
GH: 00288827 Phacelia ramosissima Douglas ex Lehmann USA: California Second turnout on Convict Lake Road near cre... D. M. Ferguson 10 1993-6-18
GH: 00401040 Phacelia ramosissima Douglas ex Lehmann USA: California Second turnout on Convict Lake Rd. near cree... D. M. Ferguson 11 1993-6-18
GH: 00401041 Phacelia ramosissima Douglas ex Lehmann USA: California Onyx summit, along highway 38 D. M. Ferguson 32 1993-7-3
GH: 00288824 Phacelia thermalis Greene USA: Oregon 1.0 miles east of junction of Hwy 205 and ro... D. M. Ferguson 125 1996-6-10