Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 00619820 |
Collector | C. G. Baenitz |
Country | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Geography | Europe: Europe (Region) (Region): Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Locality | Sutorina; sandiges Ufer an der Bocche di Cattaro |
Date Collected | 1898 [12./4. 4/5. 98] |
GUID | http://purl.oclc.org/net/edu.harvard.huh/guid/uuid/39751d7d-f6c3-45f6-aa7a-a65252c5c8f8 |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 00619820 |
Herbarium | GH |
Determination | Salix alba Linnaeus |
Determination Remarks | [is filed under name] [is Current name] |
Sex | not determined |
Phenology | NotDetermined |
Preparation Type | Sheet |
Preparation Method | Pressed |