Classification | Cyperaceae: Carex |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 00057542 |
Type Status | Syntype, NotType |
Collector | H. N. Bolander |
Collector number | 4905 |
Country | United States of America |
State | California |
Geography | North America: North America (CA, US, MX) (Region): United States of America: California |
Locality | Inspiration Rock, Yosemite |
GUID | |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 00057542 |
Herbarium | GH |
Previous ownership | ex Herb. William Boott |
Family | Cyperaceae |
Type Status | Syntype |
Syntype of | Carex fulva var. hornschuchiana W. Boott |
Verified by | J. Mastrogiuseppe |
Date Determined | 1996-06-** |
Taxon Reference | (for Carex fulva var. hornschuchiana W. Boott) Bot. California 1880. 2: 250. |
Family | Cyperaceae |
Type Status | NotType |
NotType of | Carex fulva var. hornschuchiana W. Boott |
Verified by | Zika (WTU) |
Date Determined | 2010 |
Determination Remarks | Bolander 4905 is not a syntype for c. fulva Gooden. var. hornschuchiana (Hoppe) W. Boott; type is European. See Flora 7: 595. 1824. |
Taxon Reference | (for Carex fulva var. hornschuchiana W. Boott) Bot. California 1880. 2: 250. |
Family | Cyperaceae |
Determination | Carex lemmonii W. Boott |
Determined by | Zika (WTU) |
Date Determined | 2010 |
Determination Remarks | [current name] |
Family | Cyperaceae |
Determination | Carex lemmonii W. Boott |
Determined by | J. Mastrogiuseppe |
Date Determined | 1996-06-** |
Family | Cyperaceae |
Determination | Carex lemmonii W. Boott |
Family | Cyperaceae |
Determination | Carex fulva var. hornschuchiana W. Boott |
Determination Remarks | [label name] |
Sex | not determined |
Phenology | Flower |
Preparation Type | Sheet |
Preparation Method | Pressed |
Item Remarks | [mounted on the same sheet as C. lemmonii (M. E. Jones 292), which is not a type.] |