FH: 00473194 Physconia americana Esslinger USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 1945-4-14
Agaricaceae FH: 00481500 Amanita flavoconia G. F. Atkins USA: Massachusetts Petersham: Harvard Forest [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00481535 Amanita phalloides (Vaillant ex Fries) Link USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00481546 Amanita porphyria Albertini & Schweinitz USA: Massachusetts Petersham: Harvard Forest near Petersham [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00481547 Amanita porphyria Albertini & Schweinitz USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00490412 Clitocybe clavipes (Persoon) P. Kummer: Fries USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-6
FH: 00490435 Clitocybe vibecina (Fries) Quélet USA: Massachusetts Petersham: Harvard Forest [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-15
FH: 00490615 Collybia maculata scorzonerea (Batsch) Gillet USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-11
FH: 00554545 Cortinarius armillatus (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00555202 Cystolepiota eriophora (Peck) Knudsen India: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1349 1945-7-31
FH: 00559511 Gymnopilus penetrans (Fries) Murrill USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00570531 Hygrophorus fragrans Murrill USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00570533 Hygrophorus gliocyclus Fries USA: Massachusetts Petersham: Harvard Forest [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-15
FH: 00585968 Laccaria amethystina Cooke USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-6
FH: 00599712 Mycena sp. USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00604011 Mycena subcaerulea (Peck) Saccardo USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-6-23
FH: 00548409 Naematoloma capnoides (Fries) P. Karsten USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-24
FH: 00605450 Phaeomarasmius confragosus (Fries) Singer USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-5-20
FH: 00588288 Rhodophyllus sp. USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-6
FH: 00588289 Rhodophyllus sp. USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00588299 Rhodophyllus sp. USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7-22
FH: 00527059 Tricholoma columbetta (Fries) P. Kummer: Fries USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00527071 Tricholoma marginatum (Peck) Singer USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-8-5
FH: 00527093 Tricholoma saponaceum (Fries) P. Kummer USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-6-20
FH: 00527988 Xeromphalina cauticinalis (Withering) Kühner & Maire USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-6-22
Amblystegiaceae FH: 01091942 Platylomella lescurii (Sullivant) A. L. Andrews USA: Pennsylvania Cucumber run, ohiopyle [data not captured] P95 1945-7-18
Anacardiaceae A: 01873510 Mangifera sp. Myanmar: 15 mi. SW of Myitkyina [data not captured] 79 1945-4-3
Apocynaceae A: 02115984 Funtumia elastica (Preuss) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu TERRIT. Beni; Parc National Albert; forêt r... [data not captured] 3 1945-6-1
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01682143 Asarum canadense Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] 6744 1945-10-21
Asteraceae GH: 02172260 Carduus nutans Linnaeus USA: Kentucky [data not captured] [data not captured] 1945-6-10
GH: 02172960 Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) Scopoli Canada: Ontario [data not captured] [data not captured] 1945-8-10
Boletaceae FH: 00489224 Boletus bicolor Raddi USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7-22
FH: 00607995 Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scopoli) Berkeley USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7
FH: 00546215 Suillus piperatus (Bulliard) Kuntze: Fries USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7-22
FH: 00546242 Suillus rubinellus (Peck) Singer USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7-23
FH: 00527781 Xanthoconium affine (Peck) Singer USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7-22
FH: 00527850 Xerocomus chrysenteron (Bulliard) Quélet USA: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7-22
Clavariaceae FH: 00543200 Clavaria broomei Cotton & Wakefield United Kingdom: Surrey [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-9-4
Crassulaceae A: 01988290 Sedum ewersii Ledebour Kyrgyzstan: Kirghiz SSR. Dzhalabad Oblast. [illegible] [data not captured] 563 1945-6-10
Cyperaceae GH: 02368889 Carex duriuscula C. A. Meyer USA: Minnesota [data not captured] [data not captured] 16924 1945-5-29
Echinodiaceae FH: 01091942 Sciaromium lescurii (Sullivant) Brotherus USA: Pennsylvania Cucumber run, ohiopyle [data not captured] P95 1945-7-18
Ericaceae GH: 01718283 Lyonia mariana (Linnaeus) D. Don USA: Georgia Thomasville Airforce Base [data not captured] 57 1945-4-18
GH: 01765455 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured] 526 1945-7-23
Geoglossaceae FH: 00445644 Trichoglossum hirsutum (Persoon) Boudier USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Swampy woods by Long Pond, Middl... [data not captured] s.n. 1945-7-29
Helotiaceae FH: 00374987 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carpenter USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [no additional data] [data not captured] s. n. 1945-10-14
Iridaceae A: 00962526 Iris alberti Regel Kyrgyzstan: Dzhalabad Oblast [see label] [data not captured] 568 1945-8-21
GH: 01747823 Iris setosa interior (E. S. Anderson) Hultén USA: Alaska Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area: Manley Hot Spring... [data not captured] 3680 1945-7-19
Moraceae A: 02412050 Ficus erythrosperma Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulowat East. [data not captured] NGF 2511 1945-7-3
Myrtaceae A: 02446166 Decaspermum fruticosum J. R. Forster & G. Forster Papua New Guinea: Manus Les Nagros, Admiralty Islands [data not captured] NGF 541 1945-2
A: 02446166 Decaspermum parviflorum (Lamarck) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: Manus Les Nagros, Admiralty Islands [data not captured] NGF 541 1945-2
Orchidaceae A: 02093039 Coelogyne viscosa Reichenbach f. USA: Illinois Chicago: Ex Harvard Greenhouse; originally f... [data not captured] 1945-2-2
AMES: 01938653 Corallorhiza striata Lindley Canada: Alberta Cypress Hills [data not captured] 22 1945-7-5
AMES: 02157695 Dendrobium gouldii H. G. Reichenbach USA: Florida Florida Island. [data not captured] 1945
AMES: 02341774 Eulophia krebsii (Reichenbach f.) Bolus : Africa: Dickenson collection at "Hope Ranch" [data not captured] 1945-11-29
AMES: 01947936 Habenaria lavrensis Hoehne Brazil: Minas Gerais Lagôa Grande, Municipio of Nova Lima. [data not captured] 6571 1945-4-10
AMES: 01945758 Peristylus maculiferus (C. Schweinfurth) Renz Fiji: Viti Levu: Naitasiri: Near Nasinu. [data not captured] 1129 1945-6
AMES: 02083020 Pleurothallis caespitosa Barbosa Rodrigues Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul Montenegro: S. Salvador [data not captured] 29715 1945-5-5
AMES: 02084697 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. South end, east sid... [data not captured] 702 1945-5-16
AMES: 02155046 Scaphyglottis sp. Costa Rica: Rio Birris Canyon [data not captured] 1945-5
Poaceae A: 02433209 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Weenen District. Tabamhlope. (Table M... [data not captured] A.11457 1945-4-26
A: 02433209 Merxmuellera stricta (Schrader) Conert South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Weenen District. Tabamhlope. (Table M... [data not captured] A.11457 1945-4-26
Polyporaceae FH: 00605426 Phaeolus schweinitzii (Fries) Patouillard USA: Massachusetts Newton: Waban [data not captured] s.n. 1945-8
Pucciniaceae FH: 00945545 Phragmidium rubi-idaei (de Candolle) P. Karsten Canada: British Columbia Agassiz [data not captured] SBC 845 1945-7-31
Rosaceae GH: 01602959 Rubus arcticus acaulis (Michaux) Focke USA: Alaska Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area: Circle Hot Spring... [data not captured] 3557 1945-6-28
Russulaceae FH: 00823773 Lactarius tabidus Fries USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
FH: 00603099 Russula decolorans (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-13
Sarcoscyphaceae FH: 00432455 Cookeina speciosa (Fries) Dennis Costa Rica: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1344 1945-11-17
Saxifragaceae GH: 01679105 Ribes triste Pallas Canada: Northwest Territories District of Mackenzie, N.W.T.; "Eldorado"; '... [data not captured] 45-619 1945-7-26
Sclerotiniaceae FH: 00465881 Rutstroemia sp. USA: Massachusetts Harvard: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-6
Solanaceae A: 00813570 Lycium cestroides Schlechtendal Argentina: Salta Dep. Metan; Rio Concha [data not captured] 1945-2-12
Thelephoraceae FH: 00458058 Corticium luridum Bresàdola USA: Michigan [data not captured] [data not captured] 509 1945-7-10
FH: 00599538 Merulius tignicola Harmsen Denmark: [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-3-16
Tricholomataceae FH: 00588465 Ripartites strigiceps (Fries) P. Karsten: Fries USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1945-10-14
Verbenaceae GH: 02516570 Clerodendrum splendens G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala; (Congo Belge) [data not captured] 334 1945