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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[95895] and year collected:[1941]
= with images
FH: 00481485
Amanita brunnescens
G. F. Atkins USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00481065
Amanita flavoconia
G. F. Atkins USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00481496
Amanita flavoconia
G. F. Atkins USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00481497
Amanita flavoconia
G. F. Atkins USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-18
FH: 00481501
Amanita frostiana
(Peck) Saccardo USA: Maine Camden: [no additional data] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00481527
Amanita muscaria
(Linnaeus) Lamarck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00481566
Amanita strangulata
(Fries) Quélet USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00489452
Cantharellula umbonata
(J. F. Gmelin) Singer: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00822468
Clitopilus albogriseus
(Peck) Saccardo USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: New Hampshire: Pequaket, on Piper ... D. H. Linder & R. Singer 1941-7-25
FH: 00490598
Collybia confluens
(Persoon) P. Kummer: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00490772
Collybia subnuda
(Ellis ex Peck) Gilliam USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00554822
Cortinarius torvus
(Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00555003
Crepidotus crocophyllus
(Berkeley) Saccardo USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00559733
Hemimycena sp.
USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00570337
Hydropus marginellus
(Persoon) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00570379
Hygrocybe coccinea
(Schaeffer) P. Kummer: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00570420
Hygrocybe laeta
(Persoon) P. Kummer: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00570341
Hygrocybe sp.
USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00570497
Hygrocybe unguinosa
(Fries) P. Karsten: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00585541
Inocybe calamistrata
(Fries) Gillet USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00301904
Leucopaxillus laterarius
(Peck) R. Singer & A. H. Smith USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: New Hampshire: Pequaket, on Piper ... D. H. Linder & R. Singer 1941-7-25
FH: 00599195
Lyophyllum ambustum
(Fries) Singer: Fries USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-11-11
FH: 00599192
Lyophyllum infumatum
(Bresàdola) Kühner USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00543542
Marasmius borealis
Gilliam USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00599304
Marasmius minutus
Peck USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-31
FH: 00599247
Marasmius strictipes
(Peck) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00599742
Mycena albiceps
(Peck) Gilliam USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: On Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00604076
Naucoria unicolor
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00608386
Pholiotina sp.
USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00543859
Phylloporus rhodoxanthus americanus
Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00608639
Pluteus admirabilis
(Peck) Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00584656
Psathyrella microsperma
(Peck) A. H. Smith USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588255
Resupinatus applicatus
(Batsch) Gray: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588310
Rhodophyllus asprellus
(Fries) Quélet: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588311
Rhodophyllus asprellus
(Fries) Quélet: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00543906
Rhodophyllus farlowii
Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588388
Rhodophyllus salmoneus
(Peck) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00546875
Tricholoma marginatum
(Peck) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00489246
Boletus edulis
Bulliard: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00489288
Boletus miniato-olivaceus
Frost USA: Maine Camden: Near Camden D. H. Linder & R. Singer ME 12 1941-7-25
FH: 00489311
Boletus radicans
Persoon USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00489351
Boletus subvelutipes
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00489352
Boletus subvelutipes
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00489354
Boletus subvelutipes
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00489355
Boletus subvelutipes
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00489357
Boletus subvelutipes
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00559622
Gyroporus castaneus
(Bulliard: Fries) Quélet USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00543814
Krombholzia oxydabilis
Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00590634
Leccinum chromapes
(Frost) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00584816
Pulveroboletus retipes
(Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00546326
Suillus granulatus snellii
Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00546353
Suillus pictus
(Peck) Kuntze USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00546246
Suillus rubinellus
(Peck) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00546326
Suillus weaverae
(A. H. Smith & Shaffer) H. Engel & Klofac USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00546698
Trachypus scaber
(Bulliard) Romagnesi USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00527251
Tylopilus eximius
(Peck) Singer USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00527836
Xerocomus subtomentosus
(Linnaeus) Quélet: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00496293
Cephalozia connivens
(Dickson) Lindberg USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer 1941-7
FH: 00608465
Physalacria inflata
(Schweinitz) Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00433416
Geoglossum glabrum
Persoon USA: New Hampshire Mt. Chocorua: [no additional data] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s. n. 1941-7
FH: 00433461
Geoglossum glabrum
Persoon USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s. n. 1941-7
FH: 00570058
Hydnellum aurantiacum
(Batsch) P. Karsten: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00570150
Hydnellum suaveolens
(Scopoli) P. Karsten USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00608120
Phlebia gigantea
(Fries) Donk USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00434052
Humaria hemisphaerica
(F. H. Wiggers) Fuckel USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s. n. 1941-7
FH: 00465059
Peziza atrovinosa
Cooke USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00465278
Peziza repanda
Wahlenberg USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00465059
Rugosporella atrovinosa
(Cooke) Pfister, Healy & LoBuglio USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00584005
Polyporus squamosus
(Hudson) Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00527436
Tyromyces caesius
(Schrader) Murrill: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00590096
Lactarius camphoratus
(Bulliard) Fries: Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00590383
Lactarius deceptivus
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00590181
Lactarius griseus
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00590432
Lactarius nigroviolascens
G. F. Atkinson USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00603053
Russula cinerascens
Beardslee USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00603080
Russula crustosa
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588756
Russula integra
(Linnaeus) Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588518
Russula lilacea
Quélet USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00603200
Russula olivacea
Persoon USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00588856
Russula pusilla
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-26
FH: 00603241
Russula pusilla
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00588884
Russula sphagnophila
Kauffman USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588908
Russula uncialis
Peck USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00603328
Russula vesca
Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00588994
Russula xerampelina
(Schaeffer) Fries USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00465927
Rutstroemia longipes
(Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00488667
Aleurocorticium macrodens
(Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00604577
Botryobasidium vagum
(Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00605484
Phanerochaete affinis
(Burt) Parmasto USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00605485
Phanerochaete affinis
(Burt) Parmasto USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: on Piper Trail D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00527820
Phlebiella ardosiaca
(Bourdot & Galzin) K.H. Larsson & Hjortstam USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00603618
Sistotrema coronilla
(F. X. R. von Hohnel & V. Litschauer) Donk ex D. P. Rogers USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7
FH: 00546054
Subulicystidium longisporum
(Patouillard) Parmasto USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25
FH: 00527820
Xenasma tulasnelloideum
(F. X. R. von Hohnel & V. Litschauer) Donk USA: New Hampshire Pequaket: [data not captured] D. H. Linder & R. Singer s.n. 1941-7-25