Aceraceae GH: 00363525 Acer macrophyllum Pursh USA: California Guadalupe Creek below the Guadalupe Mine A. A. Heller 8431 1907-4-6
Alliaceae GH: 00357272 Allium peninsulare franciscanum McNeal & Ownbey USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon Bay road A. A. Heller 8564 1907-5-23
Apiaceae GH: 00404386 Ligusticum apiifolium (Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: California on the western end of the San Bruno Hills A. A. Heller 8456 1907-4-20
Asteraceae GH: 02141678 Agoseris hirsuta (Hooker) Greene USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8458 1907-4-25
GH: 00386920 Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pavon) Persoon USA: California Near Campbell A. A. Heller 8510 1907-5-7
GH: 00386920 Baccharis viminea de Candolle USA: California Near Campbell A. A. Heller 8510 1907-5-7
GH: 02020783 Cirsium edule Nuttall USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8542 1907-5-18
GH: 00387185 Corethrogyne californica de Candolle USA: California Above Crystal Spring on the Half Moon Bay ro... A. A. Heller 8576 1907-5-28
GH: 00387185 Corethrogyne filaginifolia californica (de Candolle) Saroyan USA: California Above Crystal Spring on the Half Moon Bay ro... A. A. Heller 8576 1907-5-28
GH: 02207621 Erigeron aphanactis Greene USA: Nevada [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8639 1907-6-27
GH: 02206826 Erigeron divergens Torrey & A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8870 1907-7-16
GH: 02353107 Erigeron glaucus Ker Gawler USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 1907-4-20
GH: 00006964 Eriophyllum latilobum Rydberg USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon Bay Road. A. A. Heller 8584 1907-5-28
GH: 00417672 Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott USA: California Above Crystal Springs on the Half Moon Bay r... A. A. Heller 8575 1907-5-28
GH: 01835912 Microseris douglasii tenella (A. Gray) K. L. Chambers USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8537 1907-5-30
Boraginaceae GH: 00093850 Amsinckia lunaris J. F. Macbride USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon road A. A. Heller 8555 1907-5-23
GH: 00094035 Amsinckia parviflora A. Heller USA: California Back of Alum Rock Park A. A. Heller 8470 1907-4-27
GH: 01957311 Amsinckia sp. USA: Nevada Truckee Pass East of Reno A. A. Heller 8649 1907-6-28
GH: 00420023 Plagiobothrys chorisianus (Chamisso) I. M. Johnston USA: California Near Lake Merced A. A. Heller 8439 1907-4-20
Brassicaceae GH: 01181543 Boechera breweri (S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz USA: California near the summit of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8617 1907-5-31
GH: 00378987 Cardamine californica integrifolia (Nuttall) Rollins USA: California Pacific Grove: [no additional data] A. A. Heller 8503 1907-5-1
GH: 00983879 Cardamine oligosperma Nuttall USA: California near the creek above Alum Rock Park A. A. Heller 8484 1907-4-27
GH: 00379477 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: California Back of Alum Rock Park A. A. Heller 8478 1907-4-27
GH: 01540281 Guillenia lasiophylla (Hooker & Arnott) Greene USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8474 1907-4-27
GH: 00422100 Streptanthus glandulosus Hooker USA: California Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8626 1907-5-31
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01742760 Cerastium arvense Linnaeus USA: California Near Lake Merced A. A. Heller 8446 1907-4-20
GH: 01743032 Cerastium arvense maximum (Hollick & Britton) Ugborogho USA: California Back of Alum Rock Park A. A. Heller 8485 1907-4-27
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01785787 Suaeda nigra (Rafinesque) J. F. Macbride USA: Nevada [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8650 1907-6-28
Convolvulaceae GH: 02055695 Calystegia subacaulis Hooker & Arnott USA: California Foothills west of Los Gatos A. A. Heller 8567 1907-5-24
GH: 02055696 Calystegia subacaulis Hooker & Arnott USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon Bay road A. A. Heller 8557 1907-5-23
Cornaceae GH: 00385458 Cornus occidentalis (Torrey & A. Gray) Coville USA: California Alma soda spring A. A. Heller 8540 1907-5-11
Fabaceae GH: 00065879 Lathyrus bolanderi quercetorum (A. Heller) Jepson USA: California Mount Hamilton, [near the summit] A. A. Heller 8623 1907-5-31
GH: 00065879 Lathyrus quercetorum A. Heller USA: California Mount Hamilton, [near the summit] A. A. Heller 8623 1907-5-31
GH: 00065879 Lathyrus sp. USA: California Mount Hamilton, [near the summit] A. A. Heller 8623 1907-5-31
GH: 00065879 Lathyrus vestitus Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Mount Hamilton, [near the summit] A. A. Heller 8623 1907-5-31
GH: 00366700 Lupinus albifrons Bentham USA: California back of Alum Rock Park A. A. Heller 8469 1907-4-27
GH: 00366717 Lupinus albifrons collinus Greene USA: California near the summit of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8624 1907-5-31
GH: 00366724 Lupinus albifrons collinus Greene USA: California western end of the San Bruno Hills A. A. Heller 8462 1907-4-25
GH: 00366717 Lupinus collinus (Greene) A. Heller USA: California near the summit of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8624 1907-5-31
GH: 00366724 Lupinus collinus (Greene) A. Heller USA: California western end of the San Bruno Hills A. A. Heller 8462 1907-4-25
GH: 00065680 Lupinus densiflorus Bentham USA: California [On the western slope of] Mount Hamilton A. A. Heller 8632 1907-5-31
GH: 02176350 Lupinus formosus Greene USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8514 1907-5-7
GH: 02176762 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8529 1907-5-10
GH: 02176761 Lupinus latifolius Lindley ex J. Agardh USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8562 1907-5-23
GH: 02177120 Lupinus malacophyllus Greene USA: Nevada [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8659 1907-7-1
GH: 00065680 Lupinus microcarpus Sims USA: California [On the western slope of] Mount Hamilton A. A. Heller 8632 1907-5-31
GH: 00065680 Lupinus microcarpus microcarpus USA: California [On the western slope of] Mount Hamilton A. A. Heller 8632 1907-5-31
GH: 02177277 Lupinus microcarpus densiflorus (Bentham) Jepson USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8561 1907-5-23
GH: 02177352 Lupinus nanus Douglas ex Bentham USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8452 1907-4-20
GH: 00065611 Lupinus pendletonii A. Heller USA: California Mount Hamilton [at the base of Copernicus Pe... A. A. Heller 8610 1907-5-31
GH: 00065680 Lupinus subvexus phoeniceus C. P. Smith USA: California [On the western slope of] Mount Hamilton A. A. Heller 8632 1907-5-31
GH: 02128827 Lupinus succulentus Douglas ex K. Koch USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8471 1907-4-27
GH: 02137846 Trifolium albopurpureum Torrey & A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8554 1907-5-23
GH: 02137924 Trifolium andersonii A. Gray USA: Nevada [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8658 1907-7-1
GH: 02619380 Trifolium appendiculatum Lojacono USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8600 1907-5-9
GH: 02619435 Trifolium barbigerum Torrey USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8498 1907-5-1
GH: 02342199 Trifolium beckwithii W. H. Brewer ex S. Watson USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8759 1907-7-6
GH: 02342251 Trifolium bifidum decipiens Greene USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8477 1907-4-27
GH: 02342250 Trifolium bifidum decipiens Greene USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8559 1907-5-23
GH: 02342575 Trifolium ciliolatum Bentham USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8506 1907-5-7
GH: 02342804 Trifolium dichotomum Hooker & Arnott USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8627 1907-5-31
GH: 02620657 Trifolium fucatum Lindley USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8505 1907-5-7
GH: 02620672 Trifolium fucatum Lindley USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8560 1907-5-23
GH: 02343601 Trifolium microcephalum Pursh USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8507 1907-5-7
GH: 02464323 Trifolium polyodon Greene USA: California near Pacific Grove; back of Point Pinos. A. A. Heller 8498 1907-5-1
GH: 02464329 Trifolium trichocalyx A. Heller USA: California back of Pacific Grove A. A. Heller 8499 1907-5-1
GH: 02498872 Trifolium variegatum Nuttall USA: California Pacific Grove A. A. Heller 8504 1907-5-1
GH: 02289301 Trifolium willdenovii Sprengel USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8450 1907-4-20
GH: 02289289 Trifolium willdenovii Sprengel USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8628 1907-5-31
GH: 02344396 Trifolium wormskioldii Lehmann USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8599 1907-5-9
GH: 02344454 Trifolium wormskioldii Lehmann USA: Nevada [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8654 1907-6-28
GH: 02344960 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8449 1907-4-20
Juncaceae GH: 02399173 Juncus occidentalis (Coville) Wiegand USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8511 1907-5-7
GH: 00404586 Luzula macrantha Zika & B. L. Wilson USA: California Deer Ridge Farm, summit of Santa Cruz Mounta... A. A. Heller 8435 1907-4-13
Lamiaceae GH: 00400197 Acanthomintha lanceolata Curran USA: California Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8605 1907-5-31
GH: 00400812 Pogogyne serpylloides (Torrey) A. Gray USA: California Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8535 1907-5-10
GH: 00403515 Salvia spathacea Greene USA: California San Bruno Hills A. A. Heller 8459 1907-4-25
GH: 00402028 Scutellaria tuberosa Bentham USA: California Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8521 1907-5-10
GH: 00402167 Stachys bullata Bentham USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon Bay road A. A. Heller 8563 1907-5-23
GH: 00002043 Stachys gracilenta A. Heller USA: California Above Crystal Springs on Half Moon Bay road A. A. Heller 8574 1907-5-28
GH: 00002051 Stachys quercetorum A. Heller USA: California Above Crystal Springs on the Half Moon Bay r... A. A. Heller 8577 1907-5-28
GH: 00002058 Stachys viarum A. Heller USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon Bay road A. A. Heller 8581 1907-5-28
Limnanthaceae GH: 01181284 Limnanthes douglasii R. Brown USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8538 1907-5-9
Linaceae GH: 00364915 Hesperolinon congestum (A. Gray) Small USA: California Above Crystal Springs on the Half Moon Bay r... A. A. Heller 8572 1907-5-28
Onagraceae GH: 01675040 Camissonia tanacetifolia (Torrey & A. Gray) P. H. Raven USA: California Meadow two miles south of Red Clover valley A. A. Heller 8733 1907-7-4
Orchidaceae AMES: 02050363 Platanthera unalascensis (Sprengel) Kurtz USA: California Salong Stevens creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8543 1907-5-18
Orobanchaceae GH: 01153466 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8528 1907-5-10
GH: 02033862 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California Near Lake Merced. A. A. Heller 8442 1907-4-20
GH: 01153466 Castilleja douglasii Bentham USA: California Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8528 1907-5-10
Plantaginaceae GH: 00466881 Callitriche marginata Torrey USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 1907-5-1
GH: 00365612 Collinsia franciscana Bioletti USA: California about four miles beyond San Mateo, on the Ha... A. A. Heller 8580 1907-5-28
GH: 00365614 Collinsia franciscana Bioletti USA: California on the western end of the San Bruno hills A. A. Heller 8463 1907-4-25
GH: 01998586 Collinsia heterophylla Graham USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8472 1907-4-27
GH: 00365612 Collinsia multicolor Lindley & Paxton USA: California about four miles beyond San Mateo, on the Ha... A. A. Heller 8580 1907-5-28
GH: 00365614 Collinsia multicolor Lindley & Paxton USA: California on the western end of the San Bruno hills A. A. Heller 8463 1907-4-25
GH: 01998664 Collinsia parviflora Lindley USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller [data not captured] 8808 1907-7-11
GH: 01998951 Collinsia sparsiflora Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8539 1907-5-9
GH: 02120293 Penstemon heterophyllus purdyi (D. D. Keck) McMinn USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8516 1907-5-10
GH: 01804639 Tonella collinsioides Nuttall ex A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8486 1907-4-27
Poaceae GH: 00361827 Bromus inermis pumpellianus (Scribner) Wagnon USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon bay road A. A. Heller 8566 1907-5-23
GH: 00361827 Bromus pumpellianus Scribner USA: California Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon bay road A. A. Heller 8566 1907-5-23
GH: 00360396 Melica imperfecta flexuosa Bolander USA: California Stevens Creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8551 1907-5-18
GH: 00361658 Nassella lepida (Hitchcock) Barkworth USA: California Stevens Creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8548 1907-5-18
GH: 00360495 Phalaris californica Hooker & Arnott USA: California hills west of Los Gatos A. A. Heller 8568 1907-5-24
GH: 00361658 Stipa sp. USA: California Stevens Creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8548 1907-5-18
Polemoniaceae GH: 01083811 Allophyllum gilioides (Bentham) V. E. Grant & A. D. Grant USA: California Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8533 1907-5-10
GH: 00385203 Leptosiphon ambiguus (Rattan) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson USA: California western slope of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8614 1907-5-31
GH: 00385204 Leptosiphon ambiguus (Rattan) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson USA: California Smith Creek, foot of Mt. HAMILTON A. A. Heller 8519 1907-5-10
GH: 00385203 Linanthus ambiguus (Rattan) Greene USA: California western slope of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8614 1907-5-31
GH: 00385204 Linanthus ambiguus (Rattan) Greene USA: California Smith Creek, foot of Mt. HAMILTON A. A. Heller 8519 1907-5-10
Polygonaceae GH: 02346341 Bistorta bistortoides (Pursh) Small USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8793 1907-7-9
GH: 01717625 Chorizanthe membranacea Bentham USA: California on the slopes beyond Hall's Valley on the Mt... A. A. Heller 8597 1907-5-30
GH: 00364319 Eriogonum marifolium Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Hills above Red Clover valley A. A. Heller 8707 1907-7-3
GH: 01986403 Eriogonum ochrocephalum S. Watson USA: Nevada [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8656 1907-7-1
Portulacaceae GH: 01858653 Claytonia gypsophiloides Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California near Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8527 1907-5-10
GH: 01858664 Claytonia gypsophiloides Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: California near the summit of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8622 1907-5-31
GH: 01858893 Claytonia parviflora Douglas ex Hooker USA: California [data not captured] A. A. Heller 8621 1907-5-31
GH: 00012313 Limnia cuprea A. Heller USA: California Pacific Grove: A. A. Heller 8501 1907-5-1
Pucciniaceae FH: 00955556 Puccinia grindeliae Peck USA: California above Crystal Springs on the Half Moon Bay R... A. A. Heller 8575 1907-5-28
Ranunculaceae GH: 00369541 Clematis lasiantha Nuttall USA: California Back of Alum Rock Park A. A. Heller 8473 1907-4-27
Rhamnaceae GH: 00425042 Ceanothus papillosus Torrey & A. Gray USA: California high ridge southeast of Alma soda spring A. A. Heller 8633 1907-5-11
GH: 00425823 Frangula californica (Eschscholtz) A. Gray USA: California Stevens Creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8547 1907-5-18
GH: 00425823 Rhamnus californica Eschscholtz USA: California Stevens Creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8547 1907-5-18
Rosaceae GH: 01728683 Amelanchier pallida Greene USA: California near the summit of the grade between Smith C... A. A. Heller 8531 1907-5-10
GH: 00346765 Padus demissa (Nuttall) M. Roemer USA: California at Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8534 1907-5-10
GH: 00346765 Prunus virginiana demissa (Nuttall) Torrey USA: California at Smith Creek, foot of Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8534 1907-5-10
GH: 00345887 Rosa californica Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: California two miles beyond San Mateo, on the Half Moon... A. A. Heller 8582 1907-5-28
Rubiaceae GH: 00385663 Galium andrewsii A. Gray USA: California Mt. Hamilton, just below the observatory A. A. Heller 8619 1907-5-31
GH: 00417124 Galium aparine spurium (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: California on Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8625 1907-5-31
GH: 00417124 Galium spurium Linnaeus USA: California on Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8625 1907-5-31
Salicaceae GH: 00383320 Salix laevigata Bebb USA: California Guadalupe Creek near Guadalupe Mine A. A. Heller 8432 1907-4-6
Saxifragaceae GH: 00363705 Boykinia major A. Gray USA: California Stevens Creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8545 1907-5-18
GH: 00363744 Lithophragma affine A. Gray USA: California western end of the San Bruno hills A. A. Heller 8464 1907-4-25
GH: 00363830 Lithophragma heterophyllum (Hooker & Arnott) Hooker & Arnott USA: California near Smith Creek, along the roadside on the ... A. A. Heller 8525 1907-5-10
GH: 00380657 Ribes glutinosum Bentham USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
A: 00380669 Ribes glutinosum Bentham USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
GH: 00380572 Ribes menziesii leptosmum (Coville) Jepson USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
A: 00380557 Ribes menziesii senile (Coville) Jepson USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
GH: 00380657 Ribes sanguineum glutinosum (Bentham) Loudon USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
A: 00380669 Ribes sanguineum glutinosum (Bentham) Loudon USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
A: 00380557 Ribes senile (Coville) Fedde USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
GH: 00380572 Ribes subvestitum Hooker & Arnott USA: California Near Saratoga A. A. Heller 1907-4-13
GH: 00363705 Therofon elatum (Nuttall) Greene USA: California Stevens Creek near Soda Rock A. A. Heller 8545 1907-5-18
Taxaceae GH: 00355424 Torreya californica Torrey USA: California Ridge above Alma soda spring A. A. Heller 8634 1907-5-11
GH: 00355424 Tumion californicum (Torrey) Greene USA: California Ridge above Alma soda spring A. A. Heller 8634 1907-5-11
Valerianaceae GH: 00031689 Plectritis collina A. Heller USA: California Mount Hamilton A. A. Heller 8609 1907-5-31
GH: 00031689 Plectritis macrocera macrocera USA: California Mount Hamilton A. A. Heller 8609 1907-5-31
GH: 00031695 Plectritis nitida A. Heller USA: California Above Crystal Springs on the Half Moon Bay r... A. A. Heller 8578 1907-5-28
Violaceae GH: 00381978 Viola purpurea quercetorum (M. S. Baker & J. C. Clausen) R. J. Little USA: California Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8608 1907-5-31
GH: 00381978 Viola quercetorum M. S. Baker & J. C. Clausen USA: California Mt. Hamilton A. A. Heller 8608 1907-5-31