Araceae A: 01654980 Arisaema concinnum Schott Nepal: Bagmati North of Lama Hotel, north side of Langtang ... H. Van T. Cotter, I. S. Cotter, J.... N79 1985-6-21
A: 01630453 Sauromatum brevipes (Hooker f.) N. E. Brown Nepal: Bagmati One hour's walk north of Lama Hotel. North s... H. Van T. Cotter, I. S. Cotter, J.... N102 1985-6-24
A: 01874291 Typhonium diversifolium Wallich ex Schott Nepal: Bagmati Ghora Tabela, south side of Langtang Khola H. Van T. Cotter, I. S. Cotter, J.... N93 1985-6-22
Cucurbitaceae A: 00252692 Solena heterophylla Loureiro Nepal: Bagmati H. Van T. Cotter, I. S. Cotter, J.... N73
Hypericaceae A: 02464100 Hypericum hookerianum Wight & Arnott Nepal: Bagmati between Bharku and Syabru. [see map on label... H. Van T. Cotter, I. S. Cotter, J.... N65 1985-6-19
Zingiberaceae GH: 00267157 Cautleya spicata (Smith) Baker Nepal: Bagmati near Lama Hotel, north side of Langtang Khol... H. Van T. Cotter, I. S. Cotter, J.... N 103 1985-6-24