<< < Previous Apocynaceae A: 02180354 Amalocalyx microlobus Pierre ex Spire Thailand: Chiang Rai Chiang Rai: Mae Fah Luang. Sahn Payapry, Pay... P. Palee 982 2006-5-27
A: 02116419 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don Thailand: Sisaket Kuhm Hahn; Panom Dongrak Wildlife Sanctuary,... P. Palee 655 2003-10-21
A: 02116481 Hunteria zeylanica (Retzius) Gardner ex Thwaites Thailand: Chiang Rai Mae Sai; Doi Dtung (Tung), open cliffs below... P. Palee 945 2006-5-23
A: 02116652 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Cambodia: KRATIE; Mekong River, NE tip of Narong Islan... P. Palee 1133 2006-11-17
A: 02380073 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill Thailand: Chiang Rai District: Maw sai; Doi Dtung (Tung) upper va... P. Palee 902 2006-4-6
A: 02381602 Parameria laevigata (Jussieu) Moldenke Thailand: Sisaket Kuhm Hahn; Panom Dongrak Wildlife Sanctuary,... P. Palee 654 2003-10-21
A: 02382806 Pottsia laxiflora (Blume) Kuntze Thailand: Chiang Rai District: Mae Fah Luang; Sahn Payapry, Payap... P. Palee 980 2006-5-27
A: 02383890 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Muang; Doi Sutep-Pui National Park... P. Palee 56 1992-7-9
A: 02381602 Urceola laevigata (Jussieu) D. J. Middleton & Livshultz Thailand: Sisaket Kuhm Hahn; Panom Dongrak Wildlife Sanctuary,... P. Palee 654 2003-10-21
Araceae A: 01634210 Acorus gramineus Solander Thailand: Chiang Mai Mae Awn District, Doi Lohn (Lahn), west side... P. Palee 794 2005-2-9
A: 01634298 Aglaonema simplex (Blume) Blume Thailand: Chiang Rai Chiang Rai: District: Mae Sai. Doi Dtung (Tu... P. Palee 895 2006-4-6
A: 01655104 Arisaema roxburghii Kunth Thailand: Chiang Mai Muang; Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, east sid... P. Palee 119 1993-6-1
A: 01655104 Arisaema sp. Thailand: Chiang Mai Muang; Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, east sid... P. Palee 119 1993-6-1
A: 01655656 Colocasia fallax Schott Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Mae Wang. Along the road to Chiang... P. Palee 708 2004-8-27
A: 01627023 Hapaline benthamiana (Schott) Schott Thailand: Lampang District: Jae Hom; conservation area in the ... P. Palee 942 2006-5-7
A: 01629592 Pistia stratiotes Linnaeus Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Muang. Chiang Mai University, acro... P. Palee 487 2001-6-9
Cucurbitaceae A: 00423462 Cucumis maderaspatanus Linnaeus Cambodia: Province: Steung Treng. District: Sime Bok, ... P. Palee 1142 2006-11-19
A: 00252413 Cucumis maderaspatanus Linnaeus Thailand: Chiang Rai P. Palee 427
A: 00252413 Cucumis sativus Linnaeus Thailand: Chiang Rai P. Palee 427
A: 00251493 Gomphogyne cissiformis Griffith Thailand: Chiang Mai P. Palee 322
A: 00251493 Gomphogyne heterosperma heterosperma Thailand: Chiang Mai P. Palee 322
A: 00589823 Luffa aegyptiaca Miller Cambodia: Province: Kratie. District: Sambour; Mekong ... P. Palee 1102 2006-11-14
A: 00589823 Luffa cylindrica M. Roemer Cambodia: Province: Kratie. District: Sambour; Mekong ... P. Palee 1102 2006-11-14
A: 00252201 Momordica charantia Linnaeus Thailand: Lamphun P. Palee 262
A: 00934556 Momordica charantia Linnaeus Thailand: Chiang Rai Chiang Rai: east side of Fish Cave, Bahn Tah... P. Palee 1049 2006-10-21
A: 00423462 Mukia maderaspatana (Linnaeus) M. Roemer Cambodia: Province: Steung Treng. District: Sime Bok, ... P. Palee 1142 2006-11-19
A: 00252413 Mukia maderaspatana (Linnaeus) M. Roemer Thailand: Chiang Rai P. Palee 427
A: 00252809 Thladiantha hookeri C. B. Clarke Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, east side, [?] ... P. Palee 67 1992-9-3
A: 00261290 Trichosanthes pubera rubriflos (Cayla) Duyfjes & Pruesapan Thailand: Chiang Rai P. Palee 458
A: 00261295 Trichosanthes quinquangulata A. Gray Thailand: Lamphun P. Palee 269
A: 00261291 Trichosanthes tricuspidata Loureiro Thailand: Chiang Rai P. Palee 445
Cyperaceae A: 00898151 Cyperus mitis Steudel Thailand: Chiang Mai P. Palee 746 2004-10-6
Fabaceae A: 00977679 Vigna radiata (Linnaeus) R. Wilczek Thailand: Chiang Rai Mae Fah Luang; Doi Dtung (Tung), Royal villa... P. Palee 851 2005-10-27
Gesneriaceae A: 00444065 Didymocarpus sp. Thailand: Phitsanulok Province Nakornthai: Phu Hin Rong Krah National Park,... P. Palee 802 2005-9-25
A: 00444066 Didymocarpus sp. Thailand: Uttaradit Nahm Baht: Kong Dtrawn (Tron) National Park,... P. Palee 815 2005-10-16
A: 00269901 Epithema carnosum Bentham Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, northern part a... P. Palee 73 1992-9-10
A: 00269901 Epithema ceylanicum Wight Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, northern part a... P. Palee 73 1992-9-10
Hypericaceae A: 02498726 Hypericum hookerianum Wight & Arnott Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Intanon National Park, just below the su... P. Palee 2560 1994-9-9
Moraceae A: 00963934 Broussonetia papyrifera (Linnaeus) Ventenat Thailand: Chiang Mai near a students union Chiang Mai University,... P. Palee 184 1994-3-10
A: 00221402 Ficus abelii Miquel Thailand: Chiang Mai Jawn Tong, Doi Intanon National park, below ... P. Palee 258 1994-9-11
A: 00221402 Ficus ischnopoda Miquel Thailand: Chiang Mai Jawn Tong, Doi Intanon National park, below ... P. Palee 258 1994-9-11
Orchidaceae AMES: 02389361 Anthogonium gracile Lindley Thailand: Uttaradit District: Nahm Baht; Klong Dtrawn (Tron) Nat... P. Palee 812 2005-10-16
A: 02386468 Bulbophyllum taeniophyllum C. S. P. Parish & H. Gustav Reichenbach Thailand: Mae Hong Son District: Bang; Location: Mae La Nah cave, B... P. Palee 631 2003-9-30
A: 02389841 Calanthe labrosa (Reichenbach f.) Reichenbach f. Thailand: Chiang Rai District: Mae Sai; Doi Dtung (Tung), west si... P. Palee 1041 2006-10-20
A: 02094999 Coelogyne schultesii S. K. Jain & Sandh. Das Thailand: Chiang Mai Muang; Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, Sahn Goo... P. Palee 230 1994-7-17
AMES: 02175605 Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlachetko Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, summit of Doi P... P. Palee 233 1994-7-17
A: 02126146 Eria dasyphylla C. S. P. Parish & H. Gustav Reichenbach Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Muang; Doi Sutep-Pui National Park... P. Palee 231 1994-7-17
A: 02126219 Eria muscicola (Lindley) Lindley Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Mae Awn; Doi Lohn (Lahn), west sid... P. Palee 726 2004-9-28
A: 02341485 Eulophia promensis Lindley Thailand: Chiang Mai Jawn Tong, Doi Intanon National Park, east s... P. Palee 730 2004-9-29
A: 02341173 Geodorum sp. Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Muang Awn (limestone mountain), summit a... P. Palee 284 1995-6-5
A: 02095559 Liparis sp. Cambodia: Province: Kratie; District: Sambour; Mekong ... P. Palee 1112 2006-11-15
A: 02095536 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley Thailand: Mae Hong Son District: Bahng Ma Pah; Doi Pah Baw, west si... P. Palee 778 2004-11-11
AMES: 02175222 Malaxis orbicularis (W. W. Smith & Jeffrey) Tang & F. T. Wang Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Kuang. Doi Sutep-Pui National Park... P. Palee 232 1994-7-17
A: 02096381 Oberonia falcata King & Pantling Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Mae Awn; Doi Lohn (Lahn), west sid... P. Palee 727 2004-9-28
A: 02096405 Oberonia obcordata Lindley Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Mae Wang; Jet Lahng (Hmong) villag... P. Palee 745 2004-10-6
A: 02174031 Pholidota bracteata (D. Don) Seidenfaden Thailand: Chiang Rai Doi Dtung (Tung), west side of Pah Hoong cli... P. Palee 1046 2006-10-20
A: 02337432 Trichotosia dasyphylla Kraenzlin Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Mae Wang. below Pah Ngaem limeston... P. Palee 740 2004-10-5
Piperaceae A: 01936142 Piper hamiltonii C. de Candolle Thailand: Chiang Mai District: Jawm Tong. Doi Intanou National Pa... P. Palee 253 1994-9-10
Solanaceae A: 00619937 Lycianthes biflora Bitter Thailand: Chiang Rai Chiang Rai: Doi Bahng Noon, south slope, abo... P. Palee 995 2006-5-28
A: 00619945 Lycianthes biflora Bitter Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Lohn (Lahn), west side, below pine ridge... P. Palee 844 2005-10-25
Theaceae GH: 01583045 Camellia sinensis (Linnaeus) Kuntze Thailand: Chiang Mai Sahn Gahm Fang District, Mae Gahm Bawng Vill... P. Palee 330 1995-10-19
GH: 01583054 Camellia sinensis (Linnaeus) Kuntze Thailand: Chiang Mai Chiang Rai Province, Mae Fah Luang, Sahn Pay... P. Palee 1058 2006-10-23
GH: 01583054 Camellia sinensis assamica (Masters) Kitamura Thailand: Chiang Mai Chiang Rai Province, Mae Fah Luang, Sahn Pay... P. Palee 1058 2006-10-23
GH: 01583045 Camellia sinensis assamica (Masters) Kitamura Thailand: Chiang Mai Sahn Gahm Fang District, Mae Gahm Bawng Vill... P. Palee 330 1995-10-19
Zingiberaceae A: 00255501 Globba nisbetiana Craib Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Suter-Pui National Park, Ru-Sui [?] Cave... P. Palee 123 1993-7-9