Orobanchaceae GH: 00395179 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California on north side of Swedes Flat Road, about 300... L. Ahart 20047 2015-4-18
GH: 00395180 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California on the north side of the Canyon Creek Trail,... L. Ahart 20167 2015-5-9
GH: 00395181 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) T. I. Chuang & Heckard USA: California on the east side of the road to the Forbesto... L. Ahart 20055 2015-4-18
GH: 00395182 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) T. I. Chuang & Heckard USA: California on the east side of the road to the Forbesto... L. Ahart 20055-A 2015-4-18
GH: 00395183 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) T. I. Chuang & Heckard USA: California on the east side of La Porte Road, about 2 1... L. Ahart 20135 2015-4-30
GH: 00395184 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) T. I. Chuang & Heckard USA: California on the east road bank, east side of the pave... L. Ahart 20242 2015-6-16
GH: 00395185 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) T. I. Chuang & Heckard USA: California on the north side of the paved road, about 1... L. Ahart 20291 2015-7-4
GH: 00395186 Castilleja attenuata (A. Gray) Chuang & Heckard USA: California along the south edge of Leesville Road, abou... L. Ahart 20005 2015-4-10
GH: 00395187 Castilleja foliolosa Hooker & Arnott USA: California along a small drainage, burned over in 2012,... L. Ahart 19988 2015-4-1
GH: 00395188 Castilleja foliolosa Hooker & Arnott USA: California on both sides of the poor dirt road, about 3... L. Ahart 20128 2015-4-30
GH: 00395189 Castilleja lacera (Bentham) Chuang & Heckard USA: California on the east side of Swedes Flat Road, about ... L. Ahart 20042 2015-4-18
GH: 00395190 Castilleja lacera (Bentham) Chuang & Heckard USA: California on the west side of Robinson Mill Road, abou... L. Ahart 20048 2015-4-18
GH: 00395191 Castilleja lacera (Bentham) Chuang & Heckard USA: California in a small dry meadow, about 100 yards south... L. Ahart 20193 2015-5-27
GH: 00395192 Castilleja martini Abrams USA: California on the south side of Brim Road, about 2 mile... L. Ahart 20013 2015-4-10
GH: 00395193 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: California on the west side of the paved road, about 1/... L. Ahart 20286 2015-7-4
GH: 00395194 Castilleja pruinosa Fernald USA: California on the southwest side of Rim Road, about 3 m... L. Ahart 20035 2015-4-13
GH: 00395195 Castilleja pruinosa Fernald USA: California on dry bare serpentine soil, about 1/4 mile ... L. Ahart 20119 2015-4-30
GH: 00395196 Castilleja pruinosa Fernald USA: California on the north side of the Canyon Creek Trail,... L. Ahart 20183 2015-5-9
GH: 00395186 Orthocarpus attenuata A. Gray USA: California along the south edge of Leesville Road, abou... L. Ahart 20005 2015-4-10
GH: 00395191 Orthocarpus lacerus Bentham USA: California in a small dry meadow, about 100 yards south... L. Ahart 20193 2015-5-27