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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[80568] and year collected:[1917]
= with images
GH: 02021292
Cirsium muticum
Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4117 1917-8
GH: 01832643
Hieracium pilosella
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4127 1917-6
GH: 01832715
Hieracium piloselloides
Villars Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4125 1917-8
GH: 01834130
Lactuca biennis
(Moench) Fernald Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4120 1917-8
A: 02193533
Betula pumila
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4353 1917-8-19
GH: 00974888
Barbarea vulgaris
W. T. Aiton Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4362 1917-8-22
GH: 00974889
Barbarea vulgaris
W. T. Aiton Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4363 1917-8-22
GH: 00974890
Barbarea vulgaris
W. T. Aiton Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4364 1917-8-22
GH: 00932029
Boechera divaricarpa
(A. Nelson) A. Löve & D. Löve Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4129 1917-6
GH: 00999313
Cardamine pensylvanica
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4130 1917-6
GH: 01087965
Cochlearia tridactylites
Banks ex de Candolle Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4132 1917-8
GH: 00986324
Descurainia incana
(Bernhardi ex Fischer & C. A. Meyer) Dorn Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4141 1917-8
GH: 01103245
Draba arabisans
Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 1917-6
GH: 01106876
Draba glabella brachycarpa
(Ruprecht) Fernald Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 3140 1917-8
GH: 01106877
Draba glabella brachycarpa
(Ruprecht) Fernald Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4134 1917-8-20
GH: 01115056
Draba incana
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4139 1917-8-19
GH: 01538691
Erysimum coarctatum
Fernald Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4361 1917-8-22
GH: 01693168
Rorippa sylvestris
(Linnaeus) Besser Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti, about 20 miles inland J. L. C. M. Victorin 4137 1917-8
FH: 00496369
Cephalozia leucantha
Spruce Canada: [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 1917-8-22
GH: 02003920
Atriplex glabriuscula
Edmondston Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4250 1917-8-20
GH: 01826353
Atriplex patula
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4249 1917-8-24
GH: 01826352
Atriplex patula
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4248 1917-8-24
GH: 01783559
Salicornia europaea prostrata
Fernald Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4255 1917-8-20
GH: 01783558
Salicornia europaea prostrata
Fernald Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4254 1917-8-23
GH: 01785324
Suaeda calceoliformis
(Hooker) Moquin-Tandon Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4256 1917-8-20
GH: 02392278
Carex brunnescens sphaerostachya
(Tuckerman) Kükenthal Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4016 1917-7
GH: 02393754
Carex canescens disjuncta
(Fernald) Toivonen Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4024 1917-6
GH: 02395374
Carex diandra
Schrank Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4051 1917
GH: 02394429
Carex disperma
Dewey Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4035 1917-8
GH: 02391514
Carex echinata
Murray Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4026 1917-6
GH: 02367948
Carex gynocrates
Wormskjold ex Drejer Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4033 1917-8
GH: 02367947
Carex gynocrates
Wormskjold ex Drejer Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4043 1917-8-17
GH: 00027366
Carex paupercula brevisquama
Fernald Canada: Quebec Province Ile-aux-Coudres J. L. C. M. Victorin 4021 1917-6
GH: 01774509
Carex utriculata
Boott Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4023 1917-6
FH: 00780732
Orthodicranum montanum
(Hedwig) Loeske Canada: Quebec Province Quebec City: [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 41 1917-7
GH: 01143402
Drosera anglica
Hudson Canada: Quebec Province Pointe-aux-Grains. Island of Anticosti. J. L. C. M. Victorin 4303 1917-8-23
GH: 01117176
Andromeda polifolia latifolia
Aiton Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti; [illegible]-aux-Beesies J. L. C. M. Victorin 4235 1917-8-25
GH: 01536112
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti; Bare Samte-Claire J. L. C. M. Victorin 4340 1917-8-17
GH: 01562809
Empetrum nigrum
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti; Baie Sainte-Claire J. L. C. M. Victorin 4206 1917-8
GH: 01591210
Epigaea repens
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti; Inland 25 miles J. L. C. M. Victorin 4243 1917-8-22
GH: 01594501
Kalmia polifolia
Wangenheim Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti; Riv. Becsie [Bec-Scie]. J. L. C. M. Victorin 4246 1917-8-25
GH: 01594502
Kalmia polifolia
Wangenheim Canada: Quebec Province Isle-Aux-Coudres J. L. C. M. Victorin 4234 1917-6
GH: 01718941
Moneses uniflora
(Linnaeus) A. Gray Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti J. L. C. M. Victorin 1917-8-19
GH: 01719417
Monotropa uniflora
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti. [Rev. Beesis] J. L. C. M. Victorin 1917-8-25
GH: 01683837
Pyrola asarifolia
Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4237 1917-6
GH: 01683857
Pyrola asarifolia
Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4238 1917-8-19
GH: 02129781
Medicago lupulina glandulosa
Neilreich Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4279 1917-7
GH: 02129920
Medicago sativa
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4280 1917-7
GH: 02000181
Hippuris vulgaris
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4298 1917-8
GH: 02098554
Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus
(Farwell) Hämet-Ahti Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4228 1917-8-24
GH: 02098553
Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus
(Farwell) Hämet-Ahti Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4227 1917-8-19
GH: 02100461
Juncus bufonius
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4231 1917-7
GH: 02400922
Juncus nodosus
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4229 1917-8
GH: 02398866
Juncus tenuis
Willdenow Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4230 1917-8-19
GH: 01975462
Utricularia macrorhiza
LeConte Canada: Quebec Province Ruisseau Harvey. J. L. C. M. Victorin 4268 1917-8-17
GH: 01937374
Cypripedium acaule
Aiton Canada: Quebec Province Isle-Aux-Coudres J. L. C. M. Victorin 4175 1917-6
AMES: 02045240
Platanthera hookeri
(Torrey ex A. Gray) Lindley Canada: Quebec Province Isle-aux-Coudres J. L. C. M. Victorin 4187 1917-6
AMES: 02045369
Platanthera huronensis
(Nuttall) Lindley Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti. Cap à l'Ours J. L. C. M. Victorin 4178 1917-8
GH: 01802991
Plantago maritima juncoides
(Lamarck) Hultén Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4207 1917-8
GH: 01811448
Veronica scutellata
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4277 1917-7
GH: 01811864
Veronica serpyllifolia humifusa
(Dickson) Syme Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4176 1917-6
GH: 00254388
Anthoxanthum nitens
(Weber) Y. Schouten & J. F. Veldkamp Canada: Quebec Province Isle-Aux-Coudres J. L. C. M. Victorin 4061 1917-6
GH: 00254388
Savastana odorata
(Linnaeus) Scribner Canada: Quebec Province Isle-Aux-Coudres J. L. C. M. Victorin 4061 1917-6
GH: 02346848
Bistorta vivipara
(Linnaeus) Gray Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4260 1917-8-19
GH: 02365283
Fallopia convolvulus
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4261 1917-8-19
GH: 02364165
Persicaria amphibia
(Linnaeus) Delarbre Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4263 1917-8
GH: 02364699
Persicaria coccinea
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Greene Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4264 1917-8
GH: 02362367
Persicaria orientalis
(Linnaeus) Assenov Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4257 1917-9
GH: 02361354
Polygonum achoreum
S. F. Blake Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4262 1917-9
GH: 02360058
Polygonum boreale
(Lange) Small Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4259 1917-8-25
GH: 02007564
Polygonum ramosissimum
Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4258 1917-8-25
GH: 02005773
Rumex occidentalis
S. Watson Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4252 1917-8-20
GH: 02005926
Rumex pallidus
Bigelow Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4253 1917-8-19
GH: 02005940
Rumex pallidus
Bigelow Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4251 1917-8
GH: 02138097
Galium labradoricum
(Wiegand) Wiegand Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4223 1917-8-23
GH: 02138810
Galium palustre
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4224 1917-8-19
GH: 02138853
Galium palustre
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4225 1917-5
GH: 02138854
Galium palustre
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4220 1917-6
GH: 02139939
Galium trifidum halophilum
(Fernald & Wiegand) Puff Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4226 1917-8-20
GH: 02139938
Galium trifidum halophilum
(Fernald & Wiegand) Puff Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4221 1917-8-23
GH: 02140159
Galium triflorum
Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4222 1917-8-25
FH: 00550675
Anomodon attenuatus
(Hedwig) Huebener Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 143 1917-8
FH: 01134284
Thuidium recgonitum
(Hedwig) Lindberg Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 1917-7
GH: 02171186
Urtica dioica gracilis
(Aiton) Selander Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4197 1917-8-17
GH: 02171174
Urtica dioica gracilis
(Aiton) Selander Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] J. L. C. M. Victorin 4196 1917-8-25