Araliaceae A: 00249736 Boerlagiodendron Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Hidden Valley tributary, below upper camp. G. Dennis 2126 1965-7-9
A: 00249736 Osmoxylon novoguineense (Scheffer) Beccari Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Hidden Valley tributary, below upper camp. G. Dennis 2126 1965-7-9
A: 00249736 [None] Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Hidden Valley tributary, below upper camp. G. Dennis 2126 1965-7-9
A: [None] Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Hidden Valley tributary, below upper camp. G. Dennis 2126 1965-7-9
Arecaceae A: 00057882 Drymophloeus lepidotus H. E. Moore Solomon Islands: Makira: San Cristobal, ultrabasic hill east ... G. Dennis 53 1965
Gesneriaceae A: 02312861 Cyrtandra filibracteata B. L. Burtt Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal, eastern slops of Mt. Gallego G. Dennis RSS 2148 1965-7-10
A: 02312864 Cyrtandra fulvo-villosa Rechinger Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal. Hidden Valley tributary below u... G. Dennis RSS 2128 1965-7-9
A: 02312894 Cyrtandra laciniata G. W. Gillett Solomon Islands: Makira: San Cristobal, ridge East of Warahit... G. Dennis RSS 2285 1965-8-1
Icacinaceae A: 02588292 Medusanthera laxiflora (Miers) R. A. Howard Solomon Islands: Makira: San Cristobal river G. Dennis 2263 1965-7-28
Moraceae A: 00034720 Ficus oleracea villosa Corner Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal Monitor Creek, Hidden Valley tributary, belo... G. Dennis 2121 1965-7-9
Orchidaceae AMES: 02385439 Bulbophyllum longiscapum Rolfe Solomon Islands: Makira: San Cristobal, ridge East of Warahit... G. Dennis 2283 1965
AMES: 02156118 Cadetia ceratostyloides Schlechter Solomon Islands: San Cristobal, mouth of Huni river. G. Dennis 2326 1965-8-6
AMES: 02388156 Calanthe triplicata (Willen) Ames Solomon Islands: San Cristobal, ridge East of Warahito. G. Dennis 2282 1965
AMES: 02388156 Calanthe ventilabrum Reichenbach f. Solomon Islands: San Cristobal, ridge East of Warahito. G. Dennis 2282 1965
AMES: 02157874 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal eastern slopes of Mt. Gallego G. Dennis 2026 1965
AMES: 02157873 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal eastern slopes of Mt. Gallego G. Dennis 2043 1965-7-7
AMES: 02091628 Goodyera erythrodoides Schlechter : Papuasia: Guadalcanal, Slopes of Mt. Gallego... G. Dennis 2057 1965-7-7
AMES: 01946869 Habenaria cruciata J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Guadalcanal, 6 miles up Umusami river camp s... G. Dennis 2002 1965-7-3
AMES: 02090172 Macodes dendrophila Schlechter Solomon Islands: San Cristobal, ridge East of Warahite G. Dennis 2281 1965-1-8
AMES: 00100313 Rhomboda dennisii Ormerod Solomon Islands: San Cristobal, ridge east of Warahito, old g... G. Dennis RSS 2278 1965
AMES: 00100314 Rhomboda dennisii Ormerod Solomon Islands: San Cristobal, ridge east of Warahito, old g... G. Dennis RSS 2278 1965
Poaceae A: 02243651 Leptaspis zeylanica Nees Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal [no additional data] G. Dennis RSS 2027 1965