Acanthaceae A: 02527074 Dyschoriste perrottetii (Nees) Kuntze Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 459 1960-10-10
A: 02527359 Justicia sp. Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 554 1960-10-22
A: 02527428 Mendoncia gilgiana (Lindau) Benoist Cameroon: 14 km N.-E. of Doumé, near road to Bertoua ... F. J. Breteler 767 1960
A: 02527603 Pseuderanthemum tunicatum (Afzelius) Milne-Redhead Cameroon: Bertoua, 5 km along road to Batouri and Beta... F. J. Breteler 810 1960-12-14
Apocynaceae A: 02378552 Landolphia owariensis P. Beauvois Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Along road to Meiga... F. J. Breteler 586 1960-10-29
Aristolochiaceae A: 02434777 Aristolochia albida Duchartre Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Around Lac Tison, 7... F. J. Breteler 362 1960-9-30
Asteraceae A: 02499046 Bidens barteri (Oliver & Hiern) T. G. J. Rayner Cameroon: Plateau of teh Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 277 1960-9-21
Connaraceae A: 02453465 Cnestis ferruginea DC. Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 868 1960-12-19
A: 02453568 Rourea minor (Gaertner) Leenhouts Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Along road to Meiga... F. J. Breteler 585 1960-10-29
Euphorbiaceae A: 02588749 Bridelia ferruginea Bentham Cameroon: Bertoua. around the Catholic Mission F. J. Breteler 216 1960
A: 02588809 Bridelia micrantha Baillon Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 627 1960
A: 02588782 Bridelia scleroneura Müller Argoviensis Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the elev... F. J. Breteler 262 1960-9-19
A: 00444233 Croton macrostachyus Hochstetter ex Delile Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Cattle breeding cen... F. J. Breteler 485 1960-10-13
A: 02452117 Drypetes gabonensis Hutch. Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 829 1960-12-15
Hippocrateaceae A: 02452881 Salacia mildbraediana Loes. Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 866 1960-12-19
Olacaceae A: 02437023 Aptandra zenkeri Engler Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 838 1960-12-16
Phyllanthaceae A: 02588691 Antidesma venosum E. Meyer ex Tulasne Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 587 1960-10-29
A: 02588904 Hymenocardia acida Tulasne Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 299 1960-9-23
A: 02553137 Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua.11 km south of Ngaou... F. J. Breteler 318 1960-9-26
A: 02553360 Uapaca togoensis Pax Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 597 1960-10-31
Poaceae A: 02542459 Andropogon schirensis A. Richard Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamoua. Grounds of the cattl... F. J. Breteler 302 1960-9-24
A: 02541417 Beckeropsis uniseta (Nees) K. Schumann Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Savannah around Lac... F. J. Breteler 595 1960-10-30
A: 02541401 Cenchrus setosus Swartz Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 491 1960-10-13
A: 02541417 Cenchrus unisetus (Nees) Morrone Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Savannah around Lac... F. J. Breteler 595 1960-10-30
A: 02541667 Echinochloa crus-pavonis (Kunth) Schultes Cameroon: Adamaoua 5 km south of Ngaoundéré, near road to Mei... F. J. Breteler 513 1960-10-17
A: 02542746 Hyparrhenia familiaris (Steudel) Stapf Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 526 1960-10-18
A: 02434107 Olyra latifolia Linnaeus Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 56b 1960-10-25
A: 02541846 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 590 1960-10-29
A: 02541845 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 564 1960-10-25
A: 02541401 Pennisetum subangustum (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 491 1960-10-13
A: 02447478 Sporobolus granularis Mez Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. at Wakwa, 10 km sou... F. J. Breteler 451 1960
A: 02541090 Trachypogon chevalieri (Stapf) Jacques-Félix Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 524 1960-10-18
Polygalaceae A: 01248174 Securidaca longepedunculata Fresen. Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. About 6 km south of... F. J. Breteler 480 1960-10-12
Rhamnaceae A: 02553763 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Cameroon: Bertoua near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 712 1960-12-2
Rubiaceae A: 02435348 Aoranthe cladantha (K. Schumann) Somers Cameroon: Doumé F. J. Breteler 654 1960
A: 02455267 Argocoffeopsis eketensis (Wernham) Robbrecht Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 875 1960-12-20
A: 02455150 Canthium venosum (Oliver) Hiern Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. 5 km south of Ngaou... F. J. Breteler 517 1960-10-17
A: 02455628 Cephaëlis peduncularis Salisbury Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 412 1960
A: 02455267 Coffea eketensis Wernham Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 875 1960-12-20
A: 02435830 Cremaspora triflora (Thonning) K. Schumann Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 425 1960
A: 02435123 Dictyandra involucrata (Hooker f.) Hiern Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 739 1960
A: 02455823 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 572 1960-10-25
A: 02455755 Geophila afzelii Hiern Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 852 1960-12-17
A: 02455757 Geophila neurodictyon Hepper Cameroon: Est Bertoua, 5 km along road to Batouri and Beta... F. J. Breteler 798 1960-12-13
A: 02455399 Ixora guianensis (Aublet) Sprengel Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 599 1960-10-31
A: 02455150 Keetia venosa (Oliver) Bridson Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. 5 km south of Ngaou... F. J. Breteler 517 1960-10-17
A: 02435123 Leptactina involucrata Hooker f. Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 739 1960
A: 02453008 Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redhead Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 747 1960
A: 02437928 Mussaenda arcuata Poiret Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua F. J. Breteler 387 1960
A: 02437958 Mussaenda erythrophylla Schumacher & Thonning Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. at Wakwa, 10 km sou... F. J. Breteler 420 1960
A: 02455346 Pavetta molundensis K. Krause Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 833 1960-12-16
A: 02435020 Pseudomussaenda stenocarpa (Hiern) E. M. A. Petit Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 711 1960
A: 02455628 Psychotria peduncularis (Salisbury) Steyermark Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 412 1960
A: 00273824 Sabicea capitellata Bentham Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 582 1960-10-27
A: 02411601 Sacosperma paniculatum (Bentham) G. Taylor Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamacua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 427 1960
A: 02435691 Tricalysia sp. Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 601 1960-10-31
Sapindaceae A: 02553378 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Near Lac Tison, 7 k... F. J. Breteler 359 1960-9-30
Sapotaceae A: 02360419 Synsepalum cerasiferum (Welwitsch) T. D. Pennington Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 565 1960-10-25
Ulmaceae A: 02453640 Celtis brownii Rendle Cameroon: 14 km N-E of Domé, near road to Dimako and ... F. J. Breteler 724 1960
A: 02453732 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 426 1960
A: 02453731 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Cameroon: 14 km N-E of Doumé, near the road to Dimako... F. J. Breteler 759 1960
A: 02453730 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Cameroon: 14 km N-E of Doumi, near the road to Dimako ... F. J. Breteler 722 1960
Verbenaceae A: 02516540 Clerodendrum umbellatum Poiret Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 720 1960-12-4
A: 02324850 Lippia adoensis Hochstetter ex Walpers Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 1960-10-27