Araceae A: 01654805 Arisaema ringens (Thunberg) Schott Japan: Kagoshima Kimotsuki-gun, Konejime - Izashiki K. Kondo 1928 1927-4-19
Berberidaceae A: 01153611 Berberis chinensis Poiret China: Liaoning Fenghuangshan K. Kondo 9424 1928-8-16
Droseraceae A: 01973231 Drosera spatulata Labillardiere Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Okinawa, Kunigamison, Henton... K. Kondo 1930-6-6
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974575 Utricularia cornuta Michaux USA: Florida Near Old Tampa Bay along 9th Street North an... K. Kondo 866 1970-5-30
GH: 01975368 Utricularia juncea Vahl USA: North Carolina Boiling Spring Lakes, on Hwy. N. C. 89. K. Kondo 971 1969-9-28
GH: 01975367 Utricularia juncea Vahl USA: North Carolina 3. 4. miles northwest of junction of Hwy. N.... K. Kondo 970 1968-9-22
GH: 01975366 Utricularia juncea Vahl USA: North Carolina North of Hwy. N. C. 50, 2.2 miles southeast ... K. Kondo 969 1968-9-22
Orchidaceae A: 01949797 Gymnadenia conopsea (Linnaeus) R. Brown Japan: Kuriles: Is. Etorofu, Porosu. K. Kondo 2560 1927-7-18
A: 01949577 Neottianthe cucullata (Linnaeus) Schlechter Japan: Kuriles: Is. Shikotan. K. Kondo 6040 1927-8-11
A: 01948309 Platanthera japonica (Thunberg) Lindley Japan: Shikoku: Pref. Tokushima, Iya valley K. Kondo 2479 1928-5-28
A: 01948408 Platanthera tipuloides (Linnaeus) Lindley Japan: Kuriles: Is. Etorou, Shana-Bettobi K. Kondo
Rosaceae A: 01005380 Amelanchier asiatica Endlicher Japan: Fukuoka Kyushu; Futsukaichimachi, Mt. Tenpai K. Kondo 4804 1927-10-15
A: 02229404 Malus spontanea Makino Japan: Kagoshima Mt. Kirishima, Ebino K. Kondo 6403 1927-5-14
A: 00620654 Rosa marretii H. Léveillé Japan: Hokkaido Kuriles: Is. Etorofu, Sahna. K. Kondo 1927-7-11
A: 00620789 Rosa multiflora Thunberg Japan: Miyagi Tohoku Distr. Miyagi Pref., Sendai-shi, Aoba... K. Kondo 154 1994-6-3
Saxifragaceae A: 00403689 Saxifraga cherlerioides rebunshirensis Don Japan: Kuriles: Is. Shikotan, Inemoshi-Yurui K. Kondo 5953 1929-9-6
A: 00403690 Saxifraga cherlerioides rebunshirensis Don Japan: Kuriles: Isl. Shikotan Anama K. Kondo 332 1929-8-28