Apocynaceae A: 02115717 Forsteronia floribunda Müller Arg. Jamaica: Manchester Parish Alumina Jamaica property near Kirkvine Works... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 14933 1958-1-8
A: 02375600 Tabernaemontana wullschlaegelii Grisebach Jamaica: Saint Catherine Parish Alumina Jamaica mud-lake dam area, 1 mile no... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15079 1958-1-16
Araceae A: 01635371 Anthurium obtusum (Engler) Grayum Jamaica: Parish: St. Ann; Mine area near Lydford Post... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 13431 1958-12-20
Aspidiaceae A: 00368920 Arachniodes lurida (Jenman ex Underwood & Maxon) Proctor Jamaica: Parish St. Ann ; Schwallenburgh property, no... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15165 1958-1-21
A: 00368921 Arachniodes lurida (Jenman ex Underwood & Maxon) Proctor Jamaica: Parish St. Ann; Stirling Castle Forest Reser... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15053 1958-1-15
A: 00368920 Polystichopsis chaerophylloides (Poiret) C. V. Morton Jamaica: Parish St. Ann ; Schwallenburgh property, no... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15165 1958-1-21
A: 00368921 Polystichopsis lurida (Jenman ex Underwood & Maxon) C. V. Morton Jamaica: Parish St. Ann; Stirling Castle Forest Reser... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15053 1958-1-15
Malpighiaceae A: 00063090 Malpighia maxima F. K. Meyer Jamaica: Manchester Parish Vicinity of Shooters Hill, wooded limestone ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 14974 1958-1-10
Nymphaeaceae A: 00978537 Nymphaea pulchella de Candolle Jamaica: Saint Catherine Parish Charlemont area northeast of Ewarton, near f... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15186 1958-1-23
Orchidaceae A: 00243724 Cranichis muscosa Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Stirling Castle Forest Reserve, vicinity of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15023 1958-1-15
A: 00262377 Cryptophoranthus atropurpureus (Lindley) Rolfe Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15140 1958-1-21
AMES: 00256223 Dinema polybulbon Lindley Jamaica: St. Ann parish, Schwallenburgh property, nor... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15175 1958-1-21
A: 00243865 Eltroplectris calcarata (Swartz) Garay & Sweet Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Stirling Castle Forest Reserve, vicinity of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15027 1958-1-15
AMES: 00253658 Epidendrum nutans Ruiz & Pavon Jamaica: St. Ann Parish; Stirling Castle Forest Reser... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15036 1958-1-15
A: 00264251 Govenia utriculata (Swartz) Lindley Jamaica: Saint Catherine Parish 1 mile north of Mt. Rosser, 1400-1600 ft R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15080 1958-1-16
A: 00243523 Habenaria quinqueseta (Michaux) Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Along the Queen's Highway 2 miles east of Ri... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15125 1958-1-20
AMES: 00262518 Lepanthes Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburg property, northeast slopes of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15144 1958-1-21
AMES: 00262519 Lepanthes Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15146 1958-1-21
AMES: 00262520 Lepanthes Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15147 1958-1-21
AMES: 00262521 Lepanthes Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15145 1958-1-21
A: 00271046 Maxillaria parviflora (Poeppig & Endlicher) Garay Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15142 1958-1-21
A: 00271046 Ornithidium confertum Grisebach Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15142 1958-1-21
A: 00271046 Ornithidium vestitum (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15142 1958-1-21
A: 00243865 Pelexia setacea Lindley Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Stirling Castle Forest Reserve, vicinity of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15027 1958-1-15
AMES: 00262760 Pleurothallis hirsutula Fawcett & Rendle Jamaica: Parish of St. Ann, Schwallenburgh property, ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15136 1958-1-21
AMES: 00253044 Pleurothallis tribuloides Lindley Jamaica: St. Ann Parish; Stirling Castle Forest Reser... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15038 1958-1-15
A: 00264448 Polystachya cerea Lindley Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburg property, northeast slopes of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15177 1958-1-21
A: 00264448 Polystachya foliosa (Lindley) Reichenbach f. Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburg property, northeast slopes of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15177 1958-1-21
A: 00271371 Ponthieva racemosa (Walter) C. Mohr Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Stirling Castle Forest Reserve, vicinity of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15019 1958-1-15
A: 00243281 Ponthieva ventricosa (Grisebach) Fawcett & Rendle Jamaica: Stirling Castle Forest Reserve, vicinity of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15020 1958-1-15
AMES: 00256974 Prescottia stachyodes (Swartz) Lindley Jamaica: Saint Andrew Parish Schwallenburg property, northeast slopes of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15137 1958-1-21
AMES: 00262309 Stelis Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15138 1958-1-21
AMES: 00262309 Stelis trigoniflora (Swartz) Garay Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15138 1958-1-21
A: 00243963 Stenorrhynchos speciosum (Jacquin) Richard ex Sprengel Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Stirling Castle Forest Reserve, vicinity of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15050 1958-1-15
Piperaceae A: 01984819 Peperomia amplexicaulis (Swartz) A. Dietrich Jamaica: Manchester Parish Vicinity of Shooters Hill R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 14982 1958-1-10
A: 01984891 Peperomia distachya (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh property, northeast slopes of... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15158 1958-1-21
A: 01981671 Peperomia simplex Hamilton Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish c. 0.4 mile east of Alumina Jamaica tremline... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15179 1958-1-21
A: 01965646 Piper arboreum Aublet Jamaica: Manchester Parish Somerset Woods, c. 5 miles due northwest of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 14955 1958-1-9
A: 01965822 Piper discolor Swartz Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Schwallenburgh estate, northeast slopes of M... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15167 1958-1-21
Solanaceae A: 00861071 Brunfelsia maliformis Urban Jamaica: Manchester Parish Vicinity of Shooters Hill R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 14979 1958-1-10
A: 00246315 Solanum acropterum Grisebach Jamaica: Saint Ann Parish Stirling Castle Forest Reserve, vicinity of ... R. A. Howard & G. R. Proctor 15024 1958-1-15