<< < Previous Annonaceae A: 02612923 Cyathocalyx petiolatus Diels Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58660 1973
Apocynaceae A: 02182730 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt Ulawun). ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58587 1973-6-5
A: 02114613 Cerbera floribunda K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Miller mapping point. Subdistrict Hoskins. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58543 1973-6-4
A: 02116793 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58688 1973-6-9
A: 02372856 Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poiret Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif, ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58724 1973
Araceae A: 01630566 Schismatoglottis calyptrata (Roxburgh) Zoll. & A. Mortizi Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Fulleborn Harbour, Subdistrict Gasmata P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58196 1973
A: 01630572 Schismatoglottis calyptrata (Roxburgh) Zoll. & A. Mortizi Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Fulleborn Harbour, Subdistrict Gasmata P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58199 1973
Araliaceae A: 02522004 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58263 1973-6-5
Araucariaceae A: 02468944 Agathis alba Foxworthy Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58791 1973-6-10
Aspidiaceae A: 02569878 Didymochlaena truncatula (Swartz) J. Smith Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58678 1973-6-9
Aspleniaceae A: 02407883 Asplenium beccarianum Cesati Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58752 1973-6-10
A: 02405275 Asplenium nidus Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58755 1973-6-10
A: 02405752 Asplenium sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Miller mapping point P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58529 1973-6-4
A: 02405746 Asplenium sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: SE slopes of The Father (Mt Ulawun) P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58595 1973-6-5
A: 02405738 Asplenium tenerum G. Forster Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58662 1973-6-8
A: 02405736 Asplenium tenerum G. Forster Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: SE slopes of The Father (Mt Ulawun) P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58581 1973-6-5
Asteraceae A: 02251158 Crassocephalum crepidioides (Bentham) S. Moore Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58633 1973-6-8
Athyriaceae A: 02402868 Diplazium cordifolium Blume Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58648 1973-6-8
A: 02402996 Diplazium sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58652 1973-6-8
A: 02569054 Diplazium sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58311 1973-6-5
A: 02569051 Diplazium sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58249 1973-5-4
A: 02569050 Diplazium sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58640 1973-6-8
Begoniaceae A: 02228346 Begonia brachybotrys Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58247 1973-5-4
A: 02228629 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58729 1973-6-9
Blechnaceae GH: 02569635 Parablechnum hieronymi (Brause) Gasper & Salino Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58774 1973-6-10
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02229474 Caesalpinia sumatrana Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Nantambu P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58622 1973-6-7
Chrysobalanaceae A: 02260659 Parinari nonda F. Mueller ex Bentham Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Nantambu P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58626 1973-6-7
Clusiaceae A: 00067320 Calophyllum leleanii P. F. Stevens : P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean
Cunoniaceae A: 02460627 Schizomeria sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58763 1973-6-10
A: 02460704 Schizomeria sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58256 1973-5-6
Cyperaceae A: 02429831 Fimbristylis complanata (Retzius) Link Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Willelo logging area, 2 km inland. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58619 1973-6-6
A: 02430581 Hypolytrum sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58798 1973-6-11
A: 02430954 Machaerina mariscoides (Gaudichaud) J. Kern Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Crater rim of North Son (extinct). P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58502 1973-6-2
A: 02431120 Mapania bougainvillensis D. A. Simpson Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58727 1973-6-9
A: 02431589 Schoenus laevinux (Kükenthal) Ohwi Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Crater rim of North Son (extinct). P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58506 1973-6-2
A: 02431684 Scirpodendron sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Nantambu. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58624 1973-6-7
A: 02468288 Scleria terrestris (Linnaeus) Fassett Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58800 1973-6-11
Daphniphyllaceae A: 02294590 Daphniphyllum gracile Gage Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58282 1973
Davalliaceae A: 02508679 Davallia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58744 1973-6-9
Dryopteridaceae A: 02507722 Oleandra neriiformis Cavanilles Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58693 1973-6-9
A: 02507789 Oleandra werneri Rosenstock Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58759 1973-6-10
Ebenaceae A: 02477367 Diospyros insularis Bakhuizen Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Fulleborn Harbour P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58197 1973-5-4
Elaeocarpaceae A: 01829682 Aceratium sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58733 1973
Ericaceae A: 01819357 Dimorphanthera bracteata P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt. Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58269 1973
Euphorbiaceae A: 02419314 Macaranga dioica (G. Forster) Müller Arg. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58575
A: 02419314 Macaranga domatiosa Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58575
A: 02419577 Macaranga involucrata (Roxburgh) Baillon ex Müller Arg. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58707
A: 02419577 Macaranga neo-britannica Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58707
A: 02415449 Melanolepis multiglandulosa (Blume) H. G. Reichenbach & Zollinger Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Willelo logging area, 2 km inland P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58615 1973-6-6
A: 02416092 Pimelodendron papuanum Warburg Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Miller mapping point. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58550
Fagaceae A: 02554538 Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58749 1973-6-9
Gesneriaceae A: 02312893 Cyrtandra laciniata G. W. Gillett Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Helicopter pad on lowers lopes of Mt Lu... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58221 1973-5-4
A: 02312892 Cyrtandra laciniata G. W. Gillett Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58725 1973-6-9
A: 02313560 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58753 1973-6-10
A: 02312928 Cyrtandra wariana Schlechter Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif, ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58713 1973-6-9
A: 02312927 Cyrtandra wariana Schlechter Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes of Mt Lu... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58226 1973-5-4
Gleicheniaceae A: 02552693 Dicranopteris sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Crater rim of North Son (extinct) P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58503 1973-6-2
Goodeniaceae A: 02305579 Scaevola oppositifolia Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Crater rim of North Son (extinct). ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58511 1973-6-2
Grammitidaceae A: 02221721 [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58239 1973-5-4
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58239 1973-5-4
Hymenophyllaceae A: 02552430 Vandenboschia auriculata (Blume) Copeland Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58682 1973-6-9
Icacinaceae A: 02589962 Gomphandra melanesiensis Schori Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58717 1973-6-9
A: 02589332 Platea excelsa borneensis (Heine) Sleumer Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58694 1973-6-9
A: 02589631 Ryticaryum sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58650 1973-6-8
Lauraceae A: 02535025 Actinodaphne sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58271 1973-5-6
A: 02535026 Actinodaphne sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 1973-6-9
A: 02535015 Actinodaphne sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 1973-5-4
A: 02535663 Beilschmiedia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif.;... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58704 1973-6-9
A: 02538590 Cryptocarya sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58277 1973-5-6
Lindsaeaceae A: 02286412 Lindsaea repens (Bory) Thwaites Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 1973-6-9
Malpighiaceae A: 02536609 Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Miller mapping point. Subdistrict Hoskins P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58536 1973-4-6
Melastomataceae A: 00387558 Astronia cuspidata J. F. Maxwell Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58323 1973-5-6
A: 00387558 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58323 1973-5-6
A: 02557749 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58235 1973-5-4
A: 02270446 Catanthera sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58756 1973-6-10
A: 02272120 Medinilla plumosa Mansfeld Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site ta edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58778 1973-6-10
A: 02274976 Memecylon sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58711 1973-6-9
A: 02274975 Memecylon sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mangen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58700 1973-6-9
Mimosaceae A: 02234287 Entada phaseoloides (Linnaeus) Merrill Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58669 1973-6-9
Moraceae A: 02413930 Ficus arfakensis King Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58708 1973-6-9
A: 02411562 Ficus calodictya Summerhayes Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58793 1973-6-10
A: 02411696 Ficus casearioides King Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Lower slopes of Mt. Lululua. Subdistrict Pom... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58259 1973-5-5
A: 02411887 Ficus crassiramea Miquel Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt Ulawun). ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58572 1973-6-5
A: 02412699 Ficus melinocarpa Blume Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58260 1973-5-5
Myrsinaceae A: 02441415 Conandrium polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58726 1973-6-9
A: 02443271 Maesa sayersii Sleumer Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt lululua. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58298 1973-5-6
A: 02443266 Maesa sayersii Sleumer Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Crater rim of North Son (extinct). P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58512 1973-6-2
A: 02600519 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes of Mt Lu... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58236 1973-5-4
A: 02600530 Rapanea sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58783 1973-6-10
A: 02600580 Tapeinosperma commutatum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58639 1973-6-8
Myrtaceae A: 02446171 Decaspermum fruticosum J. R. Forster & G. Forster Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Crater rim of North Son (extinct) P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58507 1973
A: 02446171 Decaspermum parviflorum (Lamarck) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Crater rim of North Son (extinct) P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58507 1973
A: 02446847 Eucalyptus deglupta Blume Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Willelo logging area, 2 km inland. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58605 1973-6-6
A: 02445645 Metrosideros salomonensis C. T. White Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58780 1973
A: 00247253 Rhodomyrtus Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58784 1973-6-10
A: 00247253 Rhodomyrtus mengenensis N. Snow Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58784 1973-6-10
A: 00247253 Rhodomyrtus pinnatinervis C. T. White Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58784 1973-6-10
A: 02449489 Rhodomyrtus trineura novoguineensis (Diels) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58273 1973
A: 02423175 Syzygium brevicymum (Diels) Merr. & L.M.Perry Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Miller mapping point. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58548 1973
Nephrolepidaceae A: 02506739 Nephrolepis sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58307 1973-5-6
Orchidaceae A: 00287644 Agrostophyllum sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: New Britain; near Mapping site at edge of Me... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58777 1973-10-6
A: 02340401 Appendicula sp. Blume Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes of Mt Lu... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58225 1973-5-4
A: 02157548 Dendrobium capituliflorum Rolfe Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt Ulawun). ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58588 1973-6-5
A: 02336048 Dendrobium rhodostictum F. Muell. & Kraenzl. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58657 1973
A: 02336384 Dendrobium sp. Papua New Guinea: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 1973-6-10
A: 00287644 Glomera neobritannica Ormerod Papua New Guinea: New Britain; near Mapping site at edge of Me... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58777 1973-10-6
AMES: 00085792 Glomera neobritannica Ormerod Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58777 1973-6-10
A: 02095920 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Miller mapping point. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58542 1973
A: 01828350 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58762 1973
A: 01828349 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58757 1973
A: 01828348 Phreatia sp. Lindley Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58561 1973
Osmundaceae A: 02578982 Leptopteris sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58262 1973-5-6
Pandanaceae A: 02457491 Freycinetia scandens Gaudichaud Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58654 1973-8-6
Phyllanthaceae A: 02490457 Aporosa sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt. Lululua. District... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58324 1973-5-6
A: 02508484 Phyllanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58303 1973-5-6
A: 02508459 Phyllanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58638 1973-6-8
Piperaceae A: 01978407 Peperomia rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt Ulawun). ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58560 1973
A: 01978485 Peperomia sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes of Mt Lu... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58223 1973
A: 01937345 Piper abbreviatum Opiz Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58792 1973
A: 01882012 Piper betle Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Willelo logging area, 2 km inland. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58609 1973-6-6
Poaceae A: 02469256 Chionachne macrophylla (Bentham) Clayton Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Willelo logging area, 2 km inland. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58614 1973-6-6
A: 02469920 Ischaemum muticum L. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Nantambu. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58628 1973-6-7
A: 02471807 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Miller mapping point. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58531 1973-6-4
A: 02471815 Oplismenus hirtellus undulatifolius (Arduino) U. Scholz Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58632 1973-6-8
Polyosmaceae A: 02502152 Polyosma sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Helicopter pad on Lower slope of Mt. Lu... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58215 1973-5-4
Polypodiaceae A: 02218350 Loxogramme parksii Copeland Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58224 1973-5-4
A: 02219028 Microsorum sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58738 1973-6-9
Pteridaceae A: 02528355 Pteris sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: lower slopes of Mt Lululua. P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58310 1973-5-6
Rhamnaceae A: 01005049 Gouania sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Southeast slopes of The Father (Mt Ulawun). ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58573 1973
Rhizophoraceae A: 02263286 Gynotroches axillaris Blume Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58296 1973-5-6
Rubiaceae A: 02603927 Exallage lapeyrousei (DC.) Neupane & N.Wikstr. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58206 1973-5-4
A: 02603224 Hedyotis pubescens (Valeton) Merr. & L.M.Perry Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58715 1973-6-9
A: 02603240 Hedyotis schlechteri (Valeton) Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58203 1973-5-4
A: 02603272 Hedyotis sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Mt. Mataleloch P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 51166 1971-2-14
A: 02604058 Neanotis hirsuta (Linnaeus f.) W. H. Lewis Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes o... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58229 1973-5-4
A: 02604465 Ophiorrhiza sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58706 1973-6-9
A: 00286705 Uncaria orientalis Guillaumin Papua New Guinea: Southeast slopes of the Father (Mt. Ulawun).... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58567 1973
A: 00286705 Uncaria sp. Papua New Guinea: Southeast slopes of the Father (Mt. Ulawun).... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58567 1973
Santalaceae A: 02295589 Dendromyza sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean 58275 1973
Staphyleaceae A: 02459251 Dalrympelea sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58795 1973-6-10
Symplocaceae A: 02601826 Symplocos cochinchinensis leptophylla (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58636 1973-6-8
A: 02601945 Symplocos cochinchinensis leptophylla (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Helicopter pad on lower slopes of Mt Lu... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58241 1973-5-4
Taenitidaceae A: 02528861 Taenitis hookeri Holttum Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58734 1973-6-9
Theaceae A: 02524876 Eurya sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Crater rim of North Son (extinct) P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58508 1973-6-2
A: 02524875 Eurya sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Lower slopes of Mt Lululua P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58300 1973-5-6
A: 02022919 Gordonia papuana Kobuski Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Lower slopes of Mt. Lululua. District East N... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58294 1973
A: 02520280 Ternstroemia merrilliana Kobuski Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen Massif P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58695 1973-6-9
Thelypteridaceae A: 02403805 Sphaerostephanos sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near Mapping site at edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58680 1973-6-9
A: 02402113 Thelypteris sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Pomio: Near mapping site on edge of Mengen M... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58644 1973-6-8
Verbenaceae A: 02516818 Clerodendrum sp. Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Lower slopes of Mt Lululua, subdistrict Pomi... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58312 1973-5-6
Vitaceae A: 02329955 Cayratia japonica (Thunberg) Gagnepain Papua New Guinea: East New Britain Near Mapping Site at edge of Mengen Massif. ... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58801 1973-6-11
A: 02326401 Leea indica (N. L. Burman) Merrill Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Willelo logging area, 2 km inland. Subdistri... P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58603 1973-6-6
Vittariaceae A: 02407173 Antrophyum sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Hoskins: Miller mapping point P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58525 1973-6-4
Zingiberaceae A: 02532206 Alpinia oceanica Burkill Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Willelo logging area, 2 km inland P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58606 1973-6-6
A: 02532206 Alpinia sp. Papua New Guinea: West New Britain Willelo logging area, 2 km inland P. F. Stevens & Y. Lelean LAE 58606 1973-6-6