<< < Previous Annonaceae A: 00295750 Polyalthia sympetala I. M. Turner Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungei Sekaloh; Niah River, Fourth Divis... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 26053 1966-11-26
A: 00295750 [None] Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungei Sekaloh; Niah River, Fourth Divis... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 26053 1966-11-26
A: [None] Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungei Sekaloh; Niah River, Fourth Divis... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 26053 1966-11-26
Begoniaceae A: 02225947 Begonia niahensis K. G. Pearce Malaysia: Sarawak Near entrance to Great Cave, Niah; Miri Dist... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 26075 1966-11-27
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02304726 Saraca sp. Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 27554 1966-11-29
Convolvulaceae A: 02422716 Erycibe glomerata Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungei Sekaloh, Niah River, Fourth Divis... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S.26056 1966-11-26
A: 02422716 Erycibe glomerata angustifolia (H. Hallier) Hoogland Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungei Sekaloh, Niah River, Fourth Divis... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S.26056 1966-11-26
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02619843 Shorea havilandii Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 27555 1966-11-29
A: 02619854 Shorea havilandii Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak S side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river, Ni... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 27555 1966-11-29
Euphorbiaceae A: 02563001 Alchornea rugosa (Loureiro) Müller Argoviensis Malaysia: Sarawak Path from Pangkalan Lobang to Great Cave, Ni... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 1966-11-27
Gesneriaceae A: 02594724 Aeschynanthus sp. Malaysia: Sarawak [data not captured] J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 26086 1966-11-28
A: 00269886 Epithema carnosum Bentham Malaysia: Sarawak On southern slopes of Gunong Subis in the Se... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 26090 1966-11-28
A: 00269886 Epithema sarawakense Hilliard & B. L. Burtt Malaysia: Sarawak On southern slopes of Gunong Subis in the Se... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 26090 1966-11-28
Gnetaceae A: 02461370 Gnetum sp. Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis in Sekaloh river,... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 27560 1966-11-29
Meliaceae A: 02480537 Aglaia elliptica Blume Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 27573 1966-11-29
Moraceae A: 02576742 Ficus benjamina Linnaeus Malaysia: Sarawak On southern slopes of Gunong Subis in the Se... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 26087 1966-11-28
A: 02533050 Ficus deltoidea Jack Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 27558
A: 02533958 Ficus lepicarpa Blume Malaysia: Sarawak On southern slopes of Gunong Subis in the Se... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 26089 1966-11-28
A: 02268228 Ficus obscura Blume Malaysia: Sarawak On southern slopes of Gunong Subis in the Se... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 26088 1966-11-28
A: 02269254 Ficus sundaica Blume Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 27570 1966-11-29
Myrtaceae A: 02449982 Syzygium caudatilimbum (Merrill) Merrill & L. M. Perry Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S. 27572
A: 02448598 Syzygium hirtum (Korthals) Merrill & L. M. Perry Malaysia: Sarawak southern slopes of Gunong Subis in the Sekal... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S. 26098 1966-11-28
Phyllanthaceae A: 00045638 Antidesma brachybotrys Airy Shaw Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungei Sekaloh, Niah River, Fourth Divis... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S.26069 1966-11-26
A: 02487471 Aporosa frutescens Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sungei Sekaloh, Niah River, Fourth Divis... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 26064 1966-11-26
Piperaceae A: 01936567 Piper arborescens Miquel Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S.27571 1966-11-29
Psilotaceae A: 02580083 Psilotum complanatum Swartz Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis, in Sekaloh river... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 27566 1966-11-29
Rubiaceae A: 02289403 Timonius flavescens (Jack) Baker Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis in Sekaloh river,... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 27561 1966-11-29
A: 02289403 Timonius niahensis J. H. Chen & K. M. Wong Malaysia: Sarawak South side of Gunong Subis in Sekaloh river,... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... 27561 1966-11-29
Vitaceae A: 02327303 [None] Malaysia: Sarawak Path from Pangkalan Lobang to Great Cave, Ni... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 26073 1966-11-27
A: [None] Malaysia: Sarawak Path from Pangkalan Lobang to Great Cave, Ni... J. A. R. Anderson, Sonny Tan & E. ... S 26073 1966-11-27