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Index of Botanical Specimens
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GH: 02197119
Alnus rubra
Bongard Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 134 1901-6
GH: 00974241
Arabis eschscholtziana
Andrzejowski ex Ledebour Canada: British Columbia District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 12 1901-6
GH: 02040773
Linnaea borealis longiflora
(Torrey) Piper & Beattie Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 20 1901-6
A: 02038357
Lonicera involucrata
(Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 73 1901-6
GH: 02038365
Lonicera involucrata
(Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 73 1901-6
GH: 01744690
Honckenya peploides major
(Hooker) Hultén Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 125 1901-6
GH: 01715399
Sagina maxima crassicaulis
(S. Watson) Crow Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 62 1901-6
GH: 01755812
Stellaria crispa
Chamisso & Schlechtendal Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 41 1901-6
GH: 02019917
Cornus unalaschkensis
Ledebour Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 95 1901-6
GH: 02391875
Carex echinata phyllomanica
(W. Boott) Reznicek Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 122 1901-6
GH: 01145129
Drosera rotundifolia
Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia District of Renfrew. C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 130 1901-6
A: 01592175
Gaultheria shallon
Pursh Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 56 1901-6
GH: 01592191
Gaultheria shallon
Pursh Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 56 1901-6
GH: 01718541
Menziesia ferruginea
Smith Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew. C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 1901-6
GH: 02148890
Lathyrus japonicus glaber
(Seringe) Fernald Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 52 1901-6
GH: 02344356
Trifolium wormskioldii
Lehmann Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 13 1901-6
GH: 01749182
Sisyrinchium californicum
(Ker Gawler) Dryander Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 48 1901-6
GH: 01749471
Sisyrinchium idahoense
E. P. Bicknell Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 14 1901-6
GH: 02498118
Juncus ensifolius
Wikström Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 36 1901-6
GH: 02401189
Juncus falcatus alaskensis
Coville Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 50 1901-6
GH: 02399406
Juncus paucicapitatus
Buchenau Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 123 1901-6
GH: 02366185
Luzula parviflora
(Ehrhart) Desvaux Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 104 1901-6
GH: 02366819
Luzula subsessilis
(S. Watson) Buchenau Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 33 1901-6
GH: 00001512
Prunella vulgaris calvescens
Fernald Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island, District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 1 1901-7
GH: 01698912
Stachys chamissonis cooleyae
(A. Heller) G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 71 1901-6
GH: 01675384
Chamaenerion angustifolium
(Linnaeus) Scopoli Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 94 1901-6
GH: 01672597
Epilobium ciliatum
Rafinesque Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 112 1901-6
AMES: 02051243
Listera cordata
(Linnaeus) R. Brown Canada: Ontario Vancouver Island C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 125 1901-6
AMES: 02063427
Platanthera dilatata
(Pursh) Lindley ex Beck Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 97 1901-6
GH: 01877835
Castilleja miniata
Douglas ex Hooker Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 24 1901-6
GH: 01880811
Kopsiopsis hookeri
(Walpers) Govaerts Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 109 1901-6
GH: 00398037
Pinus contorta
Douglas ex Loudon Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: Exposed places along coast C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 44 1901-6
GH: 00399026
Pinus monticola
Douglas ex D. Don Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew; on ri... C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 135 1901-6
GH: 01803237
Plantago maritima juncoides
(Lamarck) Hultén Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 21 1901-6
GH: 01804795
Veronica americana
Schweinitz ex Bentham Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 40 1901-6
GH: 01920197
Armeria maritima californica
(Boissier) A. E. Porsild Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 19 1901-6
GH: 01859246
Claytonia sibirica
Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 60 1901-6
GH: 01860649
Montia parviflora
Douglas Canada: British Columbia District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 8 1901-6
GH: 01922982
Glaux maritima
Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 63 1901-6
GH: 01918272
Lysimachia europaea
(Linnaeus) U. Manns & Anderberg Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 16 1901-6
GH: 01709555
Aquilegia formosa
Fischer Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 23 1901-6
GH: 01838499
Ranunculus uncinatus parviflorus
(Torrey) L. D. Benson Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 22 1901-6
GH: 01840105
Trautvetteria caroliniensis
(Walter) Vail Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: along Gordon R. C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 82 1901-6
GH: 01726756
Amelanchier alnifolia semiintegrifolia
(Hooker) C. L. Hitchcock Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 88 1901-6
GH: 00994128
Aruncus sylvester
Kosteletzky Canada: British Columbia District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 66 1901-6
GH: 01606274
Fragaria chiloensis pacifica
Staudt Canada: British Columbia along coast; District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 29 1901-6
GH: 01861629
Malus fusca
(Rafinesque) C. K. Schneider Canada: British Columbia District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 72 1901-6
GH: 01566703
Potentilla anserina pacifica
(Howell) Rousi Canada: British Columbia District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 5 1901-6
GH: 01556179
Potentilla villosa
Pallas ex Pursh Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 4 1901-6
GH: 01559332
Rosa gymnocarpa
Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew; On ba... C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 80 1901-6
GH: 01559651
Rosa nutkana
C. Presl Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: Along edge of forest. C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 2 1901-6
GH: 01605994
Rubus macropetalus
Douglas ex Hooker Canada: British Columbia District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 26 1901-6
GH: 02358941
Galium aparine
Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 117 1901-6
GH: 02140237
Galium triflorum
Michaux Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: [data not captured] C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 34 1901-6
GH: 01733428
Boykinia occidentalis
Torrey & A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 58 1901-6
GH: 01633636
Ribes bracteosum
Douglas Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 105 1901-6
A: 01633638
Ribes bracteosum
Douglas Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 105 1901-6
A: 01633643
Ribes bracteosum
Douglas Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 105 1901-6
GH: 01633211
Tellima grandiflora
(Pursh) Douglas ex Lindley Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 76 1901-6
GH: 01631777
Tiarella trifoliata
Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 46 1901-6
GH: 01841556
Erythranthe guttata
(de Candolle) G. L. Nesom Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 6 1901-6
GH: 02041572
Scrophularia californica
Chamisso & Schlechtendal Canada: British Columbia Vancouver Island: District of Renfrew C. O. Rosendahl & C. J. Brand 55 1901-6
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