A: 02327730 discolor Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Trisagobobi - 3 miles NE of Nomad K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73912 1978-4-18
A: 00067508 fusiformis P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Nomad, primary rainforest floor, 100 ... K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73932 1978-4-18
A: 00444954 ledermannii Pilger Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Hill above Drillng camp, Frieda R... K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 74221 1978-5-1
A: 02540907 macgregoriae F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Base camp, Frieda River K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 74216 1978
A: 02588588 monticolus (Schellenberg) Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Nomad K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean 73946 1978-4-19
A: 02464367 pachyanthus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Mt. Mauwe, near Frieda River. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 74203 1978-4-30
A: 02441253 polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Trisagobabi - 3 miles NE of Nomad. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73925 1978-4-18
A: 02245960 rumphiana Miquel Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Hononabi Mission Station. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73956 1978-4-20
A: 02459949 rupicolus (Lingelsheim) Kiew Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: 3 miles SE of Frieda Airstrip K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73966 1978-4-26
A: 02231214 schlechteri (Harms) de Wit Papua New Guinea: Madang Usino Bundi: Usino Station K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73905 1978-4-6
A: 02466651 sogerensis E. G. Baker Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Mt. Mauwe, near Frieda River. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73998 1978-4-29
A: 02418181 sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Trisagobabi- 3 miles NE of Nomad. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73917 1978-4-18
A: 02445987 sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Nomad K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73934 1978-4-18
A: 02325711 sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Nomad K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73941 1978-4-19
A: 02538448 sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Mt. Mauwe, near Frieda River K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAe 74200 1978-4-29
A: 02557794 sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Mt. Mauwa, near Frieda River. Sub... K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73995 1978-4-29
A: 02557793 sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Mt. Mauwe, near Frieda River. Sub... K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73994 1978-4-29
A: 02603290 sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Ekuti Divide, between Watut and Aseki. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 74228 1978-5-21
A: 02516879 sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Usino Bundi: Kumoktebin K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73900 1978-4-5
A: 02276588 sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: 3 miles SE of Frieda Airstrip. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73962 1978-4-26
A: 02590939 sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Nomad K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean 73942 1978-4-19
A: 02526199 sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Nomad K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73943 1978-4-19
A: 02422309 sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Mt. Mauwe, near Frieda River. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73989 1978-4-29
A: 02246392 sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Road leading from Base Camp to Dr... K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 74225 1978-5-1
A: 02276568 vitiense A. Gray Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Trisagobabi - 3 miles NE of Nomad. K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73929 1978-4-18
Annonaceae A: 00871932 Monoon pachypetalum I. M. Turner & Utteridge Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Telefomin: Frieda River, airstrip area K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73977 1978-4-27
Araceae A: 00139302 Homalomena steenisiana A. Hay Papua New Guinea: Mt. Mauwe, near Frieda River. Subprovince Te... K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 74206 1978
Asclepiadaceae A: 02478297 Hoya sp. Papua New Guinea: Frieda River, airstrip area. Subprovince Tel... K. Kerenga & Y. Lelean LAE 73984 1978-4-27