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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[51102] and year collected:[1959]
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FH: 00388280
Alectoria ochroleuca
(Hoffmann) A. Massalongo Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959
A: 01831037
Crepis tectorum
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5140 1959-7-11
A: 02196029
Alnus viridis crispa
(Aiton) Turrill Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4727 1959-6-25
A: 02194206
Betula occidentalis
Hooker Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4889 1959-6-29
A: 02040850
Linnaea borealis longiflora
(Torrey) Piper & Beattie Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5017 1959-7-8
A: 01742725
Cerastium arvense
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4933 1959-7-2
A: 01742726
Cerastium arvense
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4877 1959-6-29
A: 01743981
Cerastium nutans
Rafinesque Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4900 1959-7-1
A: 01713599
Minuartia rubella
(Wahlenberg) Hiern Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4843 1959-6-28
A: 01752372
Silene involucrata
(Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Bocquet Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4908 1959-7-2
FH: 00406241
Cladonia arbuscula
(Wallroth) Flotow Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959
FH: 00406242
Cladonia arbuscula
(Wallroth) Flotow Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4516 1959
FH: 00370286
Cladonia mitis
Sandstede Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-28
FH: 00370287
Cladonia mitis
Sandstede Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-19
FH: 00370288
Cladonia mitis
Sandstede Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-25
FH: 00370289
Cladonia mitis
Sandstede Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-15
FH: 00426520
Cladonia rangiferina
(Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-18
FH: 00392938
Cladonia stellaris
(Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-2
FH: 00392939
Cladonia stellaris
(Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-19
FH: 00392940
Cladonia stellaris
(Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-5
FH: 00392941
Cladonia stellaris
(Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-2
FH: 00392942
Cladonia stellaris
(Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-9
FH: 00392944
Cladonia stellaris
(Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-25
A: 02104185
Juniperus communis depressa
Pursh Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4849 1959-6-28
A: 02105089
Juniperus horizontalis
Moench Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4846 1959-6-28
A: 02499124
Carex sp.
Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4968 1959-7-5
A: 01536200
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4836 1959-6-28
A: 01536201
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel Canada: Northwest Territories along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4583 1959-6-19
A: 01536886
Arctous rubra
(Rehder & Wilson) Nakai Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4594 1959-6-19
A: 01763789
Rhododendron groenlandicum
(Oeder) Kron & Judd Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4774 1959-6-25
A: 01765117
Rhododendron tomentosum
Harmaja Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4773 1959-6-25
A: 02067599
Astragalus agrestis
G. Don Canada: Northwest Territories District of Mackenzie; along Enterprise-Yell... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5030 1959-7-8
A: 02000226
Hippuris vulgaris
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4798 1959-6-26
A: 01749971
Sisyrinchium montanum
Greene Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4881 1959-6-29
A: 02163294
Diphasiastrum complanatum
(Linnaeus) Holub Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4835 1959-6-28
A: 02065728
Amerorchis rotundifolia
(Banks ex Pursh) Hultén Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4974 1959-7-6
A: 01739090
Corydalis sempervirens
(Linnaeus) Persoon Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4805 1959-6-27
FH: 00439781
Flavocetraria nivalis
(Linnaeus) Kärnefelt & A. Thell Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-2
FH: 00439782
Flavocetraria nivalis
(Linnaeus) Kärnefelt & A. Thell Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-28
FH: 00405797
Vulpicida tilesii
(Acharius) Mattsson & M. J. Lai Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-11
A: 01801962
Plantago canescens
Adams Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4907 1959-7-2
A: 01942464
Androsace septentrionalis
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4544 1959-6-18
A: 01926150
Primula mistassinica
Michaux Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4867 1959-6-28
A: 01706904
Anemone multifida
Poiret Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4890 1959-6-29
A: 01706905
Anemone multifida
Poiret Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4661 1959-6-22
A: 01710288
Caltha palustris
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4866 1959-6-28
A: 01664022
Ranunculus flammula
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5002 1959-7-7
A: 01838032
Ranunculus sceleratus
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5053 1959-7-9
A: 01838033
Ranunculus sceleratus
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4811 1959-6-27
A: 01839998
Thalictrum venulosum
Trelease Canada: Northwest Territories District of Mackenzie; along Yellow-knife hi... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5037 1959-7-8
A: 01607037
Fragaria virginiana glauca
(S. Watson) Staudt Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4550 1959-6-18
A: 01607038
Fragaria virginiana glauca
(S. Watson) Staudt Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5058 1959-7-9
A: 01610322
Geum triflorum
Pursh Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4880 1959-6-29
A: 01610323
Geum triflorum
Pursh Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4913 1959-7-2
A: 01568369
Potentilla hookeriana
Lehmann Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4910 1959-7-2
A: 01723081
Prunus pensylvanica
Linnaeus f. Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4852 1959-6-28
A: 02168122
Geocaulon lividum
(Richardson) Fernald Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4553 1959-6-18
A: 01616210
Mitella nuda
Linnaeus Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 5012 1959-7-8
A: 01651992
Ribes hudsonianum
Richardson Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4543 1959-6-16
A: 01631410
Saxifraga tricuspidata
Rottbøll Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4914 1959-7-2
A: 01631582
Saxifraga tricuspidata
Rottbøll Canada: Northwest Territories Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway... J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 4853 1959-6-28
FH: 00922384
Sphagnum fuscum
(Schimper) H. Klinggräff Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-19
FH: 00922385
Sphagnum fuscum
(Schimper) H. Klinggräff Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-16
FH: 00922386
Sphagnum fuscum
(Schimper) H. Klinggräff Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-5
FH: 00922387
Sphagnum fuscum
(Schimper) H. Klinggräff Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-25
FH: 00922388
Sphagnum fuscum
(Schimper) H. Klinggräff Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-14
FH: 00922389
Sphagnum fuscum
(Schimper) H. Klinggräff Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-27
FH: 00922392
Sphagnum fuscum
(Schimper) H. Klinggräff Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-13
FH: 00925932
Sphagnum warnstorfianum
Du Rietz Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-6-19
FH: 00925933
Sphagnum warnstorfianum
Du Rietz Canada: Northwest Territories [data not captured] J. W. Thieret & R. J. Reich 1959-7-16