Agaricaceae FH: 00458127 Cortinarius armillatus (Fries) Fries: Fries Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2395 1923-8-23
FH: 00822225 Entoloma albogriseum (Peck) Redhead Canada: Quebec Province Woods in the vicinity of the Machins-Riviere... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2370 1923-8-25
FH: 00458124 Leucopaxillus giganteus (Sowerby) Singer Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2585 1923-8-18
FH: 00822385 Stropharia hornemannii (Fries) S. Lundell & Nannf. Canada: Quebec Province vicinity of the Mechins-Rivière Cap Chat tr... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2317 1923-8-26
Apiaceae GH: 00395077 Angelica atropurpurea Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Matane County, western slope of Mt. Logan M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25933 1923-8-23
GH: 00395078 Angelica atropurpurea Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Matane County, western slope of Mt. Logan M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25933 1923-8-23
GH: 00395079 Angelica atropurpurea Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Matane County. Along Ouillet Brook, at head ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25932 1923-8-10
GH: 00395080 Angelica atropurpurea Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Matane County. Along Ouillet Brook, at head ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25932 1923-8-19
Asteraceae GH: 02140916 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26121 1923-8-10
GH: 02140912 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26121 1923-8-10
GH: 00282768 Arnica griscomi Fernald Canada: Quebec Province South of Fernald Pass, Mt. Mattaouisse, cold... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26084 1923-8-20
GH: 00002394 Arnica griscomi Fernald Canada: Quebec Province South of Fernald Pass, Mt. Mattaouisse, cold... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26084 1923-8-20
GH: 00002369 Arnica griscomi Fernald Canada: Quebec Province Cold chimneys in the schist at about 900-100... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26084 1923-8-20
GH: 00002369 Arnica griscomii Fernald Canada: Quebec Province Cold chimneys in the schist at about 900-100... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26084 1923-8-20
GH: 00968026 Artemisia borealis purshii Besser Canada: Quebec Province head of Hanging Valley, Mt. Pembroke M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26071 1923-8-24
GH: 00968025 Artemisia borealis purshii Besser Canada: Quebec Province heads of Hanging Valley, Mt. Pembroke M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26071 1923-8-24
GH: 00968104 Artemisia campestris canadensis (Michaux) Scoggan Canada: Quebec Province Gaspé County; between Mont Louis and Rivier... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26072 1923-8-14
GH: 02021265 Cirsium muticum Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26114 1923-8-24
GH: 02207311 Erigeron acris kamteschaticus (de Candolle) Herder Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26054 1923-8-14
GH: 01831622 Hieracium fernaldii Lepage Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26129 1923-8-24
Boletaceae FH: 00304843 Boletus sp. Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2464 1923-8-23
Brassicaceae GH: 00960369 Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa (M. Hopkins) Rollins Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25812 1923-8-14
GH: 00974594 Barbarea orthoceras Ledebour Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25798 1923-8-23
GH: 00948724 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25808 1923-8-24
GH: 00999324 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25803 1923-8-23
GH: 01115334 Draba lactea Adams Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25794 1923-8-21
GH: 01115341 Draba lactea Adams Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25780 1923-8-20
GH: 01115958 Draba nivalis Liljeblad Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25788 1923-8-21
GH: 00971102 Draba norvegica Gunnerus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25777 1923-8-20
GH: 00971103 Draba norvegica Gunnerus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25778 1923-8-24
Clavariaceae FH: 01154381 Clavariadelphus ligula (Schaeffer) Donk: Fries Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2447 1923-8-20
FH: 01154384 Clavariadelphus ligula (Schaeffer) Donk: Fries Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2449 1923-8-26
FH: 01154386 Clavariadelphus ligula (Schaeffer) Donk: Fries Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2449 1923-8-26
FH: 00822146 Ramaria flava (Schaeffer) Quélet Canada: Quebec Province Woods in the vicinity of the Mechins-Riviere... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2457 1923-8-26
Cyperaceae GH: 01771567 Carex anticostensis minor Lepage Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25597 1923-8-24
GH: 02392270 Carex brunnescens sphaerostachya (Tuckerman) Kükenthal Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25530 1923-8-9
GH: 02316690 Carex deflexa Hornemann Canada: Quebec Province Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine (Quebec): ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25564 1923-8-9
GH: 02391548 Carex echinata Murray Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25536 1923-8-24
GH: 02391533 Carex echinata Murray Canada: Quebec Province Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine (Quebec): ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25535 1923-8-10
GH: 01773532 Carex oligosperma Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25593 1923-8-10
GH: 01774745 Carex rostrata Stokes Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25599 1923-8-9
GH: 02395823 Carex stipata Muhlenberg ex Willdenow Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25515 1923-8-23
GH: 02394682 Carex trisperma Dewey Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25531 1923-8-9
GH: 01774498 Carex utriculata Boott Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25598 1923-8-24
Droseraceae GH: 01145311 Drosera rotundifolia breviscapa Domin Canada: Quebec Province Southeast of the head of Pease Basin, betwee... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25814 1923-8-24
Ericaceae GH: 01117173 Andromeda polifolia latifolia Aiton Canada: Quebec Province southeast of the head of Pease Basin, betwee... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25959 1923-8-24
GH: 01536673 Arctous alpina (Linnaeus) Niedenzu Canada: Quebec Province western slope of Mt. Logan M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25963 1923-8-24
GH: 01595126 Loiseleuria procumbens (Linnaeus) Desvaux Canada: Quebec Province eastern face of Mt. Le Comte, Tabletop Mts. ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25951 1923-8-9
GH: 01719224 Monotropa hypopitys Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Woods in the vicinity of the Mechin-Rivière... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 1923-8-26
GH: 01761615 Pyrola grandiflora Radius Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25945 1923-8-24
GH: 01761775 Pyrola minor Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25940 1923-8-9
Exobasidiaceae FH: 00458363 Exobasidium vaccinii (Fuckel) Woronin Canada: Quebec Province head of Hanging Valley, Mt. Pembroke M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2761 1923-8-24
Fabaceae GH: 00064434 Oxytropis borealis viscida (Nuttall) Welsh Canada: Quebec Province Gaspé County, dry talus of slty cliffs, nor... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25874 1923-8-14
GH: 00064432 Oxytropis borealis viscida (Nuttall) Welsh Canada: Quebec Province Gaspé County, dry talus of slty cliffs, nor... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25874 1923-8-14
GH: 00064434 Oxytropis gaspensis Fernald & H. P. Kelsey Canada: Quebec Province Gaspé County, dry talus of slty cliffs, nor... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25874 1923-8-14
GH: 00064432 Oxytropis gaspensis Fernald & H. P. Kelsey Canada: Quebec Province Gaspé County, dry talus of slty cliffs, nor... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25874 1923-8-14
Geoglossaceae FH: 00445458 Spathularia clavata (Schaeffer) Saccardo Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith s.n. 1923-8-26
Helvellaceae FH: 00433845 Helvella infula Schaeffer Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith s. n. 1923-8-26
Juncaceae GH: 02100169 Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelmann) Fernald Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25610 1923-8-27
GH: 02101196 Juncus castaneus Smith Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25616 1923-8-23
GH: 02401301 Juncus filiformis Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25609 1923-8-21
GH: 02366877 Luzula multiflora frigida (Buchenau) V. I. Kreczetowicz Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25619 1923-8-24
Lecanoraceae FH: 00964749 Lecanora hagenii (Acharius) Acharius Canada: Quebec Province Matane County. Eastern slope of Mt. Fortin M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2801 1923-8-23
Melampsoraceae FH: 00940037 Melampsora arctica Rostrup Canada: Quebec Province Hanging Valley, Mt. Pembroke M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2795 1923-8-24
FH: 00995421 Thekopsora vacciniorum (de Candolle) P. Karsten Canada: Quebec Province Hanging Valley, Mt. Pembroke M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2617 1923-8-24
Ophioglossaceae GH: 02282684 Botrychium lunaria (Linnaeus) Swartz Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25392 1923-8-10
Orchidaceae AMES: 02065923 Coeloglossum viride bracteata (Muhlenberg) Grey Canada: Quebec Province in the vicinity of the Mechins-Rivière Cap ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25635 1923-8-26
AMES: 02065416 Cypripedium reginae Walter Canada: Quebec Province west of the Locked Camp, Rivière Cap Chat M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25633 1923-8-26
AMES: 02032907 Goodyera oblongifolia Rafinesque Canada: Quebec Province Fernald Basin, between Mts. Mattaouisse and ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25642 1923-8-25
AMES: 02032912 Goodyera oblongifolia Rafinesque Canada: Quebec Province in Fernald Basin, between Mts. Mattaouisse a... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25642 1923-8-25
AMES: 02050730 Listera auriculata Wiegand Canada: Quebec Province by Rivière Cap Chat. M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25645 1923-7-17
AMES: 02050746 Listera auriculata Wiegand Canada: Quebec Province by Rivière Cap Chat M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25645 1923-7-17
AMES: 02050752 Listera auriculata Wiegand Canada: Quebec Province by Rivière Cap Chat M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25645 1923-7-17
AMES: 02050842 Listera convallarioides (Swartz) Nuttall ex Elliott Canada: Quebec Province west of the Locked Camp, Rivière Cap Chat M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25646 1923-8-26
AMES: 02051171 Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brown Canada: Quebec Province Gaspé County, in the pass between Mts Le Co... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25644 1923-8-9
AMES: 02063194 Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex Beck Canada: Quebec Province Fernald Pass, between Mts. Mattaouisse, Fort... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25637 1923-8-21
AMES: 02046624 Platanthera orbiculata (Pursh) Lindley Canada: Quebec Province Lower entrance to Fernald Basin, between Mts... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25639 1923-8-19
Plantaginaceae GH: 01811866 Veronica serpyllifolia humifusa (Dickson) Syme Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25999 1923-8-23
Polygonaceae GH: 02365881 Oxyria digyna (Linnaeus) Hill Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25714 1923-8-5
Polyporaceae FH: 00458355 Fomitopsis pinicola (Swartz: Fries) P. Karsten Canada: Quebec Province in the vicinity of the Mechine-Rivière Cap ... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2455 1923-8-26
FH: 00458958 Polyporus rigidus Léveillé Canada: Quebec Province vicinity of the Mechins-Rivière Cap Chat tr... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2456 1923-8-26
Potamogetonaceae GH: 00449313 Potamogeton alpinus subellipticus (Fernald) Ogden Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25420 1923-8-27
Pucciniaceae FH: 00995379 Puccinia caricis Rebentisch Canada: Quebec Province south of Pease Basin, eastern slope of Mt. L... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2636 1923-8-23
FH: 00995351 Puccinia linkii Klotzsch Canada: Quebec Province western slope of Mt. Logan M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2792 1923-8-23
FH: 01131178 Puccinia pulsatillae Kalchbrenner Canada: Quebec Province Green Gully, northern slope of Mt. Mattaouis... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2642 1923-8-20
FH: 00995377 Puccinia septentrionalis Juel Canada: Quebec Province western slope of Mt. Logan M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2797 1923-8-23
FH: 00995369 Puccinia ustalis Berkeley Canada: Quebec Province Green Gully, northern slope of Mt. Mattaquis... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2642 1923-8-20
Rubiaceae GH: 02138015 Galium kamtschaticum Steller Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26017 1923-7-17
GH: 02139753 Galium trifidum Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 26021 1923-8-20
GH: 02139722 Galium trifidum Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 9018 1923-8-20
Thelephoraceae FH: 00822312 Stereum purpureum Persoon Canada: Quebec Province vicinity of the Mechins-Rivière Cap Chat tr... M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 2452 1923-8-26
Urticaceae GH: 02171178 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] M. L. Fernald & L. B. Smith 25712 1923-8-25