Anacardiaceae A: 02279292 Buchanania macrocarpa Merr. ex Setch. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Near Mapo. L. S. Smith NGF 1356 1945-3
A: 02279944 Dracontomelon lenticulatum H.P.Wilk. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape-Lumi: a few miles S.E. of Tadji airst... L. S. Smith NGF 1196 1945-1
A: 02480019 Spondias cytherea Sonnerat Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape-Lumi: A few miles S.E. of Tadji airst... L. S. Smith NGF 1222 1945-1
Avicenniaceae A: 02521804 Avicennia alba Blume Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern District, Milne Bay. About 2/3 of th... L. S. Smith NGF 1370 1945-3
A: 02521805 Avicennia marina resinifera (J. G. A. Forster) Bakhuizen Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 2/3 of the way along the northern shor... L. S. Smith NGF 1386 1945-3
Boraginaceae A: 02476291 Cordia subcordata Lam. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 2/3 of the way along the northern shor... L. S. Smith NGF 1384 1945-3
Burseraceae A: 02276633 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 1/2 mile north of Waigani Plantation L. S. Smith NGF 1285 1945-3
A: 02276729 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 6 miles up the Dawa Dawa River. L. S. Smith NGF 1328 1945-3
A: 02277715 Haplolobus furfuraceus (Lauterbach) H. J. Lam Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay about 1/2 mile south of Waigani Plantation. L. S. Smith NGF 1312 1945-3
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02231397 Intsia bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Papua New Guinea: West Sepik a few miles SE of Tadji airstrip near Aitape L. S. Smith NGF 1207 1945-1
Casuarinaceae A: 02246021 Casuarina sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 2/3 of the way along the Northern shor... L. S. Smith NGF 1365 1945-3
Clusiaceae A: 00067319 Calophyllum laticostatum P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 6 miles up the Dawa Dawa River, rain f... L. S. Smith NGF 1327 1945-3
Cunoniaceae A: 02460640 Schizomeria sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Milne Bay area. Near Mapo. L. S. Smith NGF 1337 1945-3
A: 02460844 Weinmannia fraxinea (D. Don) Smith ex Miquel Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern district L. S. Smith NGF 1355 1945-3
Dilleniaceae A: 00348678 Dillenia fagifolia Hoogland Papua New Guinea: West Sepik A few miles S.E. of Tadji airstrip near Aita... L. S. Smith 1229 1945-1
A: 00348678 Wormia schlechteri (Diels) Gilg & Werdermann Papua New Guinea: West Sepik A few miles S.E. of Tadji airstrip near Aita... L. S. Smith 1229 1945-1
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02565562 Anisoptera thurifera polyandra (Blume) Ashton Papua New Guinea: Morobe Terr. of New Guinea. Morobe District: Oomsis... L. S. Smith [illegible] NGF 1250 1945-1
A: 02565561 Anisoptera thurifera polyandra (Blume) Ashton Papua New Guinea: Eastern District: Milne Bay area, ca. 1/2 mi... L. S. Smith NGF 1296 1945-3
A: 02567694 Hopea glabrifolia C. T. White Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay about 3/4 mi N of Waigani plantation L. S. Smith NGF 1307 1945-3
A: 02567719 Hopea papuana Diels Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay near Mapo L. S. Smith NGF 1342 1945-3
Ebenaceae A: 02477339 Diospyros hebecarpa A. Cunningham ex Bentham Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape District, A few miles S. E. of Tadji ... L. S. Smith NGF 1190 1945-1
A: 02477340 Diospyros hebecarpa A. Cunningham ex Bentham Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 1/2 mile north of Kaigami [?] Plantati... L. S. Smith NGF 1281 1945-3
Elaeocarpaceae A: 01829595 Aceratium oppositifolium de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern District, Milne Bay area. Near Mapo. L. S. Smith 1945-3
A: 02462619 Elaeocarpus polydactylus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Milne Bay area. On top of main divide above ... L. S. Smith NGF 1389 1945-3
A: 02464050 Elaeocarpus undulatus Warburg Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape district, a few miles S.E. of Tadji a... L. S. Smith NGF 1230 1945-1
A: 02466460 Sloanea forbesii F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: West Sepik a few miles S.E. of Tadji airstrip near Aita... L. S. Smith NGF 1209 1945-1
Euphorbiaceae A: 02414998 Macaranga aleuritoides F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape District; a few miles S.E. of Tadji a... L. S. Smith NGF 1216 1945-1
A: 02419365 Macaranga fimbriata S. Moore Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay area. about 6 miles up the Dawa Da... L. S. Smith NGF 1319 1945-3
A: 02415665 Neoscortechinia nicobarica (Hooker f.) Pax & K. Hoffmann Papua New Guinea: New Guinea: nr Aitape.; A few miles S.E. of ... L. S. Smith N.G.F. 1210 1945-1
Fabaceae A: 02304411 Pterocarpus indicus Willdenow Papua New Guinea: Morobe Between Basu & Bupu rivers; north of Lae L. S. Smith NGF 1184 1945-1
Fagaceae A: 02556477 Lithocarpus celebicus (Miquel) Rehder Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern District, Milne Bay area. A few mile... L. S. Smith NGF 1395 1945-3
A: 02556476 Lithocarpus celebicus (Miquel) Rehder Papua New Guinea: Northern Northern district, Buna hinterland about 10 ... L. S. Smith NGF 1279 1945-3
Gnetaceae A: 02461583 Gnetum gnemonoides Brongniart Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape district, about 1 miles south of Aita... L. S. Smith NGF 1244 1945-1
Lauraceae A: 02538120 Cryptocarya alleniana C. T. White Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Milne Bay area. About 1/2 mile south of Waig... L. S. Smith NGF 1378 1945-3
A: 02538120 Cryptocarya longepetiolata Kostermans Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Milne Bay area. About 1/2 mile south of Waig... L. S. Smith NGF 1378 1945-3
A: 02539598 Endiandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Near Mapo L. S. Smith NGF 1340 1945-3
A: 02539744 Endiandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Near Mapo L. S. Smith NGF 1340 1945-3
A: 02499622 Litsea collina Moore Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern district, Milne Bay area. Near Mapo L. S. Smith NGF 1349 1945-3
A: 02499652 Litsea domarensis O. C. Schmidt Papua New Guinea: West Sepik A few miles S.E. of Tadji airstrip near Aita... L. S. Smith NGF 1220 1945-1
Lindsaeaceae A: 02286131 Lindsaea ensifolia Swartz Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Mapo L. S. Smith NG 162 1945-3
A: 02286186 Lindsaea lucida Blume Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Mapo L. S. Smith NG 163 1945-3
Lythraceae A: 02519369 Sonneratia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern district. About 2/3 of the way along... L. S. Smith NGF 1382 1945-3
Malvaceae A: 00936044 Thespesia patellifera Borssum Waalkes Papua New Guinea: Northern Buna hinterland about 10 miles west of Embi ... L. S. Smith 1277 1945-3
A: 00058158 Thespesia robusta Borssum Waalkes Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Milne Bay area, N. Waigani Plantation, 75 fe... L. S. Smith NGF 1288 1945-3
Melastomataceae A: 02557649 Astronia sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Papua: Milne Bay area. Near Mapo. L. S. Smith NGF 1346 1945-3
Meliaceae A: 02482137 Aglaia argentea Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe between Busu and Bupu Rivers, north of Lae. L. S. Smith NGF 1183 1945-1
A: 02482249 Aglaia euryanthera Harms Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay about 1/2 mile North of Waigani Plantation. L. S. Smith NGF 1282 1945-3
A: 02482386 Aglaia parviflora C. de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Northern Buna hinterland, about 7 miles N.W. of Embi ... L. S. Smith NGF 1273 1945-3
A: 02484575 Chisocheton lasiocarpus (Miquel) Valeton Papua New Guinea: Morobe between Busu and Bupu Rivers north of Lae L. S. Smith NGF 1185 1945-1
Moraceae A: 02576177 Artocarpus sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape district, a few miles S.E. of Tadji a... L. S. Smith NGF 1219 1945-1
Myrsinaceae A: 02439785 Aegiceras corniculatum (Linnaeus) Blanco Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 2/3 of the way along the northern shor... L. S. Smith NGF 1383 1945-3
Myrtaceae A: 02424995 Syzygium acutangulum (K. Schumann) Niedenzu Papua New Guinea: Eastern district, Milne Bay area. About 1/2 ... L. S. Smith NGF 1377 1945-3
A: 02423467 Syzygium furfuraceum Merrill & L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern district, Milne Bay area. About 6 mi... L. S. Smith NGF 1329 1945-3
A: 02422301 Xanthomyrtus sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Milne Bay area. About 1/2 mile north of Waig... L. S. Smith NGF 1293 1945-3
Simaroubaceae A: 02252016 Ailanthus integrifolia Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Northern Buna hinterland, about 7 miles west of Embi ... L. S. Smith NGF 1271 1945-3
Stemonuraceae A: 02588565 Stemonurus ammui Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Northern Buna hinterland, about 9 miles North of Embi... L. S. Smith 1262 1945-3
Symplocaceae A: 02601867 Symplocos cochinchinensis leptophylla (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Near Mapo. L. S. Smith NGF 1347 1945-3
A: 02601866 Symplocos cochinchinensis leptophylla (Brand) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay near Mapo. L. S. Smith NGF 1347 1945-3
Theaceae A: 02456028 Eurya sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Along a ridge a few miles north of Mape L. S. Smith NGF 1353 1945-3
A: 02520277 Ternstroemia merrilliana Kobuski Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern District. About 6 miles up the Dawa ... L. S. Smith NGF 1325 1945-3
A: 02520276 Ternstroemia merrilliana Kobuski Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay About 6 miles up the Dawa Dawa River L. S. Smith NGF 1325 1945-3
Verbenaceae A: 02324517 Gmelina brassii Moldenke Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Eastern District, bout 1/2 mile north of Wai... L. S. Smith NGF 1298 1945-3
A: 02324557 Gmelina moluccana Backer ex K. Heyne Papua New Guinea: West Sepik a few miles S.E. of Tadji airstrip near Aita... L. S. Smith NGF 1221 1945-1
A: 02526155 Teijsmanniodendron bogoriense Koorders Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape district, a few miles S.E. of Tadji a... L. S. Smith NGF 1205 1945-1