Araceae GH: 01874928 Xanthosoma mexicanum Liebmann Colombia: Santander Amarilla Creek, Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja... O. L. Haught 1922 1936-7-7
Athyriaceae GH: 02402188 Diplazium nicotianifolium C. Christensen Colombia: Santander [data not captured] O. L. Haught 1897 1936-7-1
GH: 02467460 Diplazium nicotianifolium C. Christensen Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1897 1936-7-1
Danaeaceae GH: 02462336 Danaea chococola Christenhusz Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1890 1936-6-26
Fabaceae GH: 00053411 Clitoria plumosa Fantz Colombia: Magdalena Vicinity of barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 2075 1936-11-15
GH: 00053411 Clitoria sp. Colombia: Magdalena Vicinity of barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 2075 1936-11-15
Hymenophyllaceae GH: 00022238 Trichomanes haughtii Maxon Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 2095 1936-12-7
Mimosaceae A: 00069211 Marmaroxylon magdalenae Killip ex L. Rico Colombia: Santander On Rio Colorado, near El Centro; vicinity of... O. L. Haught 2097 1936-12-7
A: 00069211 Zygia ocumarensis (Pittier) Barneby & J. W. Grimes Colombia: Santander On Rio Colorado, near El Centro; vicinity of... O. L. Haught 2097 1936-12-7
Orchidaceae AMES: 02110544 Epidendrum cirrhochilum F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin Colombia: Santander Caimana Creek. Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja,... O. L. Haught 1941 1936-7-22
AMES: 02083441 Pleurothallis henrici Schlechter Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Barmeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 2058 1936-11-8
Piperaceae GH: 00005132 Peperomia clavatispica Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Caldas Quebrada Pantona, W of La Dorada; 400 m. O. L. Haught 2133 1936-12-30
GH: 01982081 Peperomia emarginella (Swartz ex Wikström) C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1929 1936-7-13
GH: 01982326 Peperomia leucostachya C. de Candolle Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1982 1936-9-13
A: 01934186 Piper tuberculatum Jacquin Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1911 1936-8-16
Podostemaceae GH: 00368458 Marathrum utile Tulasne Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1925 1936-7-10
Polypodiaceae GH: 00021873 Polypodium oreophilum Maxon Colombia: Santander Cerro Armas O. L. Haught 1959 1936-7-26
Verbenaceae A: 00093531 Aegiphila cordata colombiana Moldenke Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1885 1936-6-16