Asteraceae GH: 02140988 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2157 1895-8-1
GH: 02141006 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2198 1895-8
GH: 02141344 Agoseris glauca dasycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) Jepson USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-7-15
GH: 00106821 Agoseris vestita Greene USA: Washington Mt. Rainier, 7000 ft C. V. Piper 2149 1895-8
GH: 00106822 Agoseris vestita Greene USA: Washington Mt. Rainier, 7000 ft C. V. Piper 2149 1895-8
GH: 00002347 Arnica betonicaefolia Greene USA: Washington Near summit of Mt. Steele, Olympic Mts. C. V. Piper 2202 1895-8
GH: 00988819 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Washington Wawawai: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1895-10
GH: 00988811 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Washington Wawawai: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1895-10
GH: 00988810 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Washington Wawawai: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1895-10
GH: 02215525 Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G. L. Nesom USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
GH: 02020811 Cirsium edule Nuttall USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2152 1895-8
GH: 02207728 Erigeron aureus Greene USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
GH: 02207727 Erigeron aureus Greene USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
GH: 02206426 Erigeron compositus Pursh USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2144 1895-8
GH: 02353029 Erigeron glacialis (Nuttall) A. Nelson USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8-15
GH: 02204061 Heterotheca oregona (Nuttall) Shinners USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
GH: 01831740 Hieracium gracile Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2155 1895-8-1
GH: 02022318 Saussurea americana D. C. Eaton USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2141 1895-8-1
GH: 02022317 Saussurea americana D. C. Eaton USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
Betulaceae A: 02193951 Betula utahensis Britton USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1642 1895-4-20
Boraginaceae GH: 02023780 Cryptantha hendersonii (A. Nelson) Piper ex J. C. Nelson USA: Idaho Lewiston C. V. Piper 1895-5-11
Brassicaceae GH: 00946431 Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2180 1895-8
GH: 00946452 Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2064 1895-8
GH: 00946453 Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2064 1895-8
GH: 00944048 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2065 1895-8
GH: 00944050 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2181 1895-8
GH: 00983917 Cardamine oligosperma Nuttall USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2183 1895-8
GH: 00999022 Cardamine oligosperma kamtschatica (Regel) Detling USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2061 1895-8
GH: 00999634 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
GH: 01103553 Draba aureola S. Watson USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2061 1895-8
GH: 01103554 Draba aureola S. Watson USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2061 1895-8
GH: 00019034 Draba lonchocarpa semitonosa H. St. John USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2060 1895-8
GH: 01538218 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2062 1895-8
GH: 01538220 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00283957 Stellaria obtusa Engelmann USA: Washington Lake Cushman C. V. Piper 2238 1895-8
GH: 00283957 Stellaria washingtoniana B. L. Robinson USA: Washington Lake Cushman C. V. Piper 2238 1895-8
Chenopodiaceae GH: 02003945 Atriplex gmelinii C. A. Meyer ex Bongard USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-9-1
GH: 01785228 Sarcocornia perennis USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-9-1
Crassulaceae GH: 01991363 Sedum divergens S. Watson USA: Washington Olympic Mts. C. V. Piper 2221 1895-8
GH: 01991751 Sedum oreganum Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Washington Mashel River Canyon C. V. Piper 2123 1895-8
Cupressaceae GH: 00022481 Juniperus communis jackii Rehder USA: Washington Mount Rainier, 7000-9000 feet C. V. Piper 1895-8
A: 02104297 Juniperus communis jackii Rehder USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
A: 02107596 Xanthocyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Farjon & D. K. Harder USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
Cyperaceae GH: 02368157 Carex engelmannii L. H. Bailey USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2541 1895-8
GH: 02369648 Carex macrocephala Willdenow ex Kunth USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-9-1
Ericaceae A: 01117497 Arctostaphylos nevadensis A. Gray USA: Washington Orchard Point C. V. Piper 1895-7
GH: 01117503 Arctostaphylos nevadensis A. Gray USA: Washington Longmire Springs C. V. Piper 2047 1895-8-15
A: 01536653 Arctostaphylos sp. USA: Washington Gravel bars of Nisqually River, Longmire Spr... C. V. Piper 2047 1895-8
GH: 01536562 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Washington Mt Rainier C. V. Piper 2058 1895-8
A: 01536577 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Washington Orchard Point C. V. Piper 1895-7
A: 01536584 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2058 1895-8
A: 01537231 Cassiope mertensiana (Bongard) D. Don USA: Washington Mt. Rainier. C. V. Piper 2053 1895-8-1
GH: 01537254 Cassiope mertensiana (Bongard) D. Don USA: Washington Olympic Mts C. V. Piper 2184 1895-8
A: 01591110 Empetrum nigrum Linnaeus USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2051 1895-8
GH: 01591114 Empetrum nigrum Linnaeus USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2051 1895-8
A: 01591934 Gaultheria humifusa (Graham) Rydberg USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2044 1895-8
GH: 01591939 Gaultheria humifusa (Graham) Rydberg USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2044 1895-8
A: 01591976 Gaultheria ovatifolia A. Gray USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2055 1895-8
GH: 01591981 Gaultheria ovatifolia A. Gray USA: Washington Olympic Mts. C. V. Piper 2187 1895-8
GH: 01591994 Gaultheria ovatifolia A. Gray USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2053 1895-8
A: 01593362 Harrimanella stelleriana (Pallas) Coville USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2050 1895-8
GH: 01593363 Harrimanella stelleriana (Pallas) Coville USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 2050 1895-8
GH: 01683089 Phyllodoce empetriformis (Smith) D. Don USA: Washington Mount Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2043 1895-8-1
A: 01683228 Phyllodoce empetriformis (Smith) D. Don USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2043 1895-8-1
GH: 01683249 Phyllodoce empetriformis (Smith) D. Don USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2043 1895-8-1
GH: 01683404 Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Coville USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2052 1895-8
A: 01683412 Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Coville USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2052 1895-8
A: 01762175 Rhododendron albiflorum Hooker USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2049 1895-8
GH: 01762177 Rhododendron albiflorum Hooker USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2049 1895-8
Fabaceae GH: 02177096 Lupinus lyallii macroflorus B. J. Cox USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2092 1895-8
GH: 02177094 Lupinus lyallii macroflorus B. J. Cox USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2092 1895-8
GH: 02128271 Lupinus rivularis Douglas ex Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2315 1895-7
GH: 02128565 Lupinus sericeus Pursh USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2011 1895-6-22
GH: 02128604 Lupinus sericeus Pursh USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2011 1895-6-22
GH: 00065693 Lupinus volcanicus Greene USA: Washington Mount Rainier C. V. Piper 2120 1895-8
Grimmiaceae FH: 00557575 Grimmia donniana Smith ex Spruce USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
Helotiaceae FH: 00374920 Belonium sp. USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 452 1895-8
Hippuridaceae GH: 02000098 Hippuris montana Ledebour USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2136 1895-8
GH: 02000527 Hippuris vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2225 1895-8
Juncaceae GH: 02399362 Juncus parryi Engelmann USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2169 1895-8-1
GH: 02399361 Juncus parryi Engelmann USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2169 1895-8-1
GH: 02117424 Luzula glabrata Desvaux USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2170 1895-8-1
GH: 02366439 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2171 1895-8-1
GH: 02366495 Luzula piperi M. E. Jones USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2172 1895-8
GH: 02366779 Luzula spicata Linnaeus USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2173 1895-8
GH: 02366778 Luzula spicata Linnaeus USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2173 1895-8
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02077919 Lycopodium clavatum Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2105 1895-8
Melampsoraceae FH: 00956776 Pucciniastrum myrtilli (Schumacher) Arthur USA: Washington Lake Cushman C. V. Piper 1895-8
FH: 00956776 Pucciniastrum sp. USA: Washington Lake Cushman C. V. Piper 1895-8
Orchidaceae AMES: 01938358 Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: Washington Blue Mts. C. V. Piper 1895-7-15
GH: 01938484 Corallorhiza mertensiana Bongard USA: Washington near base of Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2089 1895-8
AMES: 02050218 Platanthera stricta Lindley USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 2094 1895-8-1
Orobanchaceae GH: 00056095 Castilleja angustifolia abbreviata Fernald USA: Washington Olympic Mountains, rock cliffs, 5000 feet C. V. Piper 2175 1895-8
GH: 00056094 Castilleja angustifolia abbreviata Fernald USA: Washington Olympic Mountains, dry slopes, 5000 feet C. V. Piper 2175 1895-8
GH: 00056199 Castilleja rupicola Piper USA: Washington Mount Rainier, rock cliffs, 7000 feet C. V. Piper 2075 1895-8
Pinaceae A: 00395809 Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindley USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1895
A: 00395951 Abies lasiocarpa (Hooker) Nuttall USA: Washington Mt Rainier C. V. Piper 2101 1895-8
Plantaginaceae GH: 02001459 Nothochelone nemorosa (Douglas) Straw USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2080 1895-8
GH: 02118775 Penstemon davidsonii menziesii (D. D. Keck) Cronquist USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2176 1895-8
GH: 00091364 Penstemon newberryi rupicola Piper USA: Washington Mount Rainier, on rock cliffs, 7000 feet C. V. Piper 2086 1895-8
GH: 02121947 Penstemon procerus tolmiei (Hooker) Cronquist USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2088 1895-8
GH: 02121925 Penstemon procerus tolmiei (Hooker) Cronquist USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2079 1895-8
GH: 02122511 Penstemon serrulatus Menzies ex Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2068 1895-8
GH: 02122508 Penstemon serrulatus Menzies ex Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2068 1895-8
GH: 02122534 Penstemon serrulatus Menzies ex Smith USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2178 1895-8
GH: 01803372 Plantago maritima juncoides (Lamarck) Hultén USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-7
GH: 01805659 Veronica cusickii A. Gray USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2084 1895-8
GH: 01812575 Veronica wormskjoldii nutans (Bongard) Pennell USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2083 1895-8
Polemoniaceae GH: 00091607 Polemonium elegans Greene USA: Washington Mount Rainier, on rock cliff, 9000 feet C. V. Piper 2129 1895-8
GH: 00091607 Polemonium viscosum elegans (Greene) Brand USA: Washington Mount Rainier, on rock cliff, 9000 feet C. V. Piper 2129 1895-8
Polygonaceae GH: 02346229 Aconogonon davisae (Brewer ex A. Gray) Soják USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2112 1895-8
GH: 02346237 Aconogonon davisae glabrum (G. N. Jones) S. P. Hong USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2112 1895-8
GH: 01966181 Eriogonum pyrolifolium coryphaeum Torrey & A. Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2117 1895-8
GH: 02364046 Oxyria digyna (Linnaeus) Hill USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2104 1895-8
GH: 02360633 Polygonum douglasii Greene USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2130 1895-8
GH: 02360615 Polygonum douglasii Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2239 1895-8
GH: 02360606 Polygonum douglasii Greene USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2240 1895-8
GH: 02360983 Polygonum minimum S. Watson USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2122 1895-8
GH: 02360981 Polygonum minimum S. Watson USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-8
GH: 02007048 Polygonum nuttallii Small USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2241 1895-8
GH: 02007110 Polygonum paronychia Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2304 1895-9-1
Protomycetaceae FH: 01125347 Protomyces sp. USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 514 1895-8
Pucciniaceae FH: 00990981 Nyssopsora echinata (Léveillé) Arthur USA: Washington Orchard Pt. C. V. Piper 1895-7-17
FH: 01006361 Puccinia areolata Dietel & Holway USA: Washington Olympic Mts. C. V. Piper 461 1895-8
FH: 01093316 Puccinia bistortae (F. Strauss) de Candolle USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 484 1895-8
FH: 01001063 Puccinia heucherae (Schweinitz) Dietel USA: Washington Orchard Pt., Kitsup Co. C. V. Piper 433 1895-7-15
FH: 00782112 Puccinia ligustici Ellis & Everhart USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 447 1895-8
FH: 00782680 Puccinia menthae Persoon: Persoon USA: Washington Orchard Point C. V. Piper 1895-6-23
FH: 01129779 Puccinia porphyrogenita M. A. Curtis USA: Washington Longmire Springs C. V. Piper 487 1895-7-28
FH: 01131346 Puccinia ranunculi A. Blytt USA: Washington Olympic Mts. C. V. Piper 457 1895-8
FH: 01001063 Puccinia saxifragae Schlechtendal USA: Washington Orchard Pt., Kitsup Co. C. V. Piper 433 1895-7-15
FH: 00956206 Puccinia violae (Schumacher) de Candolle USA: Washington Olympic Mts. C. V. Piper 458 1895-8
FH: 01125347 Uromyces erythronii (de Candolle) Passerini USA: Washington Mt. Rainier C. V. Piper 514 1895-8
Ranunculaceae GH: 00038219 Delphinium glareosum Greene USA: Washington Olympic Mountains, alt. 7000 feet C. V. Piper 2003 1895-8
GH: 00404992 Delphinium glareosum Greene USA: Washington Olympic Mts. C. V. Piper 2003 1895-8
GH: 00038550 Thalictrum rainierense H. St. John USA: Washington Mount Rainier C. V. Piper 2022 1895-8-1
Rubiaceae GH: 02138350 Galium mexicanum asperulum (A. Gray) Dempster USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-7-20
Urticaceae GH: 02171428 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-7-10
GH: 02171424 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-7-10
GH: 02171422 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Washington Seattle: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1895-7-10
GH: 02171421 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Washington Seattle: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2316 1895-7-10
GH: 02171420 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Washington Seattle: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 2316 1895-7-10