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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[437] and year collected:[1893]
= with images
GH: 01682352
Asarum caudatum
Lindley USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1649 1893-7-7
GH: 02141243
Agoseris glauca
(Pursh) Rafinesque USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1769 1893-7-2
GH: 02141462
Agoseris grandiflora
(Nuttall) Greene USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1616 1893-8-5
GH: 02141633
Agoseris heterophylla
(Nuttall) Greene USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1617 1893-6-14
GH: 00003661
Aster integrifolius
Nuttall USA: Washington Pullman: Pullman, Wash. C. V. Piper 1604 1893-8
GH: 00003661
Aster jessicae
Piper USA: Washington Pullman: Pullman, Wash. C. V. Piper 1604 1893-8
GH: 00003661
Aster latahensis
L. F. Henderson USA: Washington Pullman: Pullman, Wash. C. V. Piper 1604 1893-8
GH: 00003661
Aster militaris
Greene USA: Washington Pullman: Pullman, Wash. C. V. Piper 1604 1893-8
GH: 02142452
Crepis atribarba originalis
(Babcock & Stebbins) Babcock & Stebbins USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1611 1893-8-7
GH: 02207420
Erigeron acris kamteschaticus
(de Candolle) Herder USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1893-8-7
GH: 02206672
Erigeron corymbosus
Nuttall USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1601 1893-7-24
GH: 01831530
Hieracium cynoglossoides
Arvet-Touvet USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1614 1893-7-22
GH: 01833118
Hieracium umbellatum
Linnaeus USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1610 1893-8-5
GH: 02593114
Microseris linearifolia
(de Candolle) Schultz Bipontinus USA: Washington Almata C. V. Piper 1613 1893-6-3
GH: 00012567
Solidago serotina salebrosa
Piper USA: Washington Pullman: Along the Palouse River C. V. Piper 1580 1893-8-8
GH: 00003661
Symphyotrichum jessicae
(Piper) G. L. Nesom USA: Washington Pullman: Pullman, Wash. C. V. Piper 1604 1893-8
GH: 00033697
Betula occidentalis fecunda
Fernald USA: Washington Almota C. V. Piper 1642 1893-5-27
GH: 00097693
Lappula columbiana
A. Nelson USA: Washington Almota C. V. Piper 1703 1893-5-27
GH: 00097693
Lappula cupulata
(A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Washington Almota C. V. Piper 1703 1893-5-27
GH: 00974563
Athysanus pusillus
(Hooker) Greene USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1481 1893-5-19
GH: 00960813
Boechera retrofracta
(Graham) A. Löve & D. Löve USA: Idaho summit of Moscow Mt. C. V. Piper 1470 1893-7-4
GH: 01084198
Descurainia pinnata intermedia
(Rydberg) Detling USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1477 1893-6-26
GH: 01540791
Idahoa scapigera
(Hooker) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1478 1893-5-11
GH: 01741256
Arenaria congesta
Nuttall USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1689 1893-8-7
GH: 00057713
Corispermum hyssopifolium
Linnaeus USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 1770 1893-10
GH: 00263663
Corispermum hyssopifolium
Linnaeus USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 1770 1893-10
GH: 00057713
Corispermum pacificum
Mosyakin USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 1770 1893-10
GH: 00263663
Corispermum pacificum
Mosyakin USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 1770 1893-10
FH: 00530740
Clavaria botrytis
Persoon USA: Idaho [no additional data] C. V. Piper 322 1893-7-16
FH: 01012357
Cercospora ribicola
Ellis & Everhart USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 81 1893-8
FH: 01012358
Cercospora ribicola
Ellis & Everhart USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 81 1893-8
GH: 01683668
Pterospora andromedea
Nuttall USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1636 1893-8-7
FH: 01085005
Erysiphe artemisiae
Greville USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 142 1893-10
FH: 01085005
Erysiphe cichoracearum
de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 142 1893-10
GH: 00058871
Astragalus arrectus
A. Gray USA: Washington Near Pullman C. V. Piper 1493 1893-7-3
GH: 02047243
Astragalus canadensis mortonii
(Nuttall) S. Watson USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1495 1893-8-7
GH: 00058871
Astragalus palousensis
Piper USA: Washington Near Pullman C. V. Piper 1493 1893-7-3
GH: 00058871
Astragalus reventus
A. Gray USA: Washington Near Pullman C. V. Piper 1493 1893-7-3
GH: 00065876
Lathyrus pauciflorus
Fernald USA: Washington Almota, in Snake River canyon C. V. Piper 1487 1893-5-27
GH: 00063468
Thermopsis montana ovata
B. L. Robinson ex Piper USA: Idaho Along streams in woods C. V. Piper 1489 1893-7-4
GH: 00063469
Thermopsis montana ovata
B. L. Robinson ex Piper USA: Idaho Along streams in woods C. V. Piper 1489 1893-6-16
GH: 02619475
Trifolium cyathiferum
Lindley USA: Washington Pullman: [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1484 1893-7-20
GH: 02069773
Frasera fastigiata
A. Heller USA: Idaho Cedar Mts. Latale C. V. Piper 1618 1893-6-16
GH: 02069772
Frasera fastigiata
A. Heller USA: Idaho Ceder Mt. Latah C. V. Piper 1618 1893-6-16
GH: 02069768
Frasera fastigiata
A. Heller USA: Idaho Latah C. V. Piper 1518 1893-7-16
GH: 02069765
Frasera fastigiata
A. Heller USA: Idaho Cedar Mt. Latah C. V. Piper 1618 1893-8-7
GH: 02069762
Frasera fastigiata
A. Heller USA: Idaho Latah C. V. Piper 1893-8-7
GH: 02167516
Gentianella amarella acuta
(Michaux) J. M. Gillett USA: Idaho Ceder Mts. C. V. Piper 1624 1893-7-14
FH: 00989812
Melampsora farinosa
(Persoon) J. Schröter USA: Washington Pullman C. V. Piper 503 1893-9-23
FH: 00989385
Melampsora sp.
USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 504 1893-9-23
GH: 01778642
Gayophytum diffusum parviflorum
F.H. Lewis & Szweyk. USA: Idaho Cedat Mts. C. V. Piper 1633 1893-7-14
FH: 00088833
Ascochyta veratrina
Ellis & Everhart USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 145 1893-11-13
FH: 00088835
Ascochyta veratrina
Ellis & Everhart USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 145 1893-11-13
GH: 00466439
Besseya rubra
(Douglas ex Hooker) Rydberg USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1658 1893-6-1
GH: 02119534
Penstemon fruticosus
(Pursh) Greene USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1661 1893-7-7
GH: 00091369
Penstemon ovatus pinetorum
Piper & Beattie USA: Idaho C. V. Piper 1893-6-16
GH: 02121368
Penstemon ovatus pinetorum
Piper & Beattie USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1662 1893-7-4
GH: 02121367
Penstemon ovatus pinetorum
Piper & Beattie USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1662 1893-7-4
GH: 02121361
Penstemon ovatus pinetorum
Piper & Beattie USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1662 1893-7-4
GH: 00091369
Penstemon wilcoxii
Rydberg USA: Idaho C. V. Piper 1893-6-16
GH: 01804683
Tonella floribunda
A. Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1655 1893-5-27
FH: 00949362
Aecidium hydrophylli
Peck USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 121 1893-5-12
FH: 00945294
Phragmidium ivesiae
Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Washington Pullman C. V. Piper 124 1893-8-8
FH: 00945295
Phragmidium ivesiae
Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Washington Pullman C. V. Piper 1893-8-8
FH: 00945296
Phragmidium ivesiae
Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Washington Pullman C. V. Piper 1893-8-8
FH: 00996157
Puccinia andropogonis
Schweinitz USA: Idaho Cedar Mts. C. V. Piper 1893-8-7
FH: 00996199
Puccinia andropogonis pentastemonis
(Schweinitz) Arthur USA: Idaho Cedar Mts. C. V. Piper 130 1893-8-7
FH: 00949362
Puccinia apocrypta
Ellis & Tracy USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 121 1893-5-12
FH: 00964343
Puccinia balsamorhizae
Peck USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1893-8
FH: 00950406
Puccinia boisduvaliae
Peck USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 135 1893-8
FH: 01131889
Puccinia boisduvaliae
Peck USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 135 1893-8
FH: 01131890
Puccinia boisduvaliae
Peck USA: Washington Spangle C. V. Piper 393 1893-6-24
FH: 00950406
Puccinia epilobii-tetragoni
G. Winter USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 135 1893-8
FH: 01131275
Puccinia galii
(Persoon) Schweinitz USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 141 1893-10
FH: 01131279
Puccinia galii
(Persoon) Schweinitz USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 141 1893-10
FH: 00955023
Puccinia gentianae
(F. Strauss) Link USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 127 1893-9-23
FH: 00955037
Puccinia gentianae
(F. Strauss) Link USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 127 1893-9-23
FH: 00782511
Puccinia mcclatchieana
Dietel & Holway USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 84 1893-8
FH: 00950406
Puccinia oenotherae
Vize USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 135 1893-8
FH: 01131889
Puccinia oenotherae
Vize USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 135 1893-8
FH: 01131890
Puccinia oenotherae
Vize USA: Washington Spangle C. V. Piper 393 1893-6-24
FH: 01131275
Puccinia punctata
Link USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 141 1893-10
FH: 01131279
Puccinia punctata
Link USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 141 1893-10
FH: 00949362
Puccinia rubigo-vera apocrypta
(Ellis & Tracy) Arthur USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 121 1893-5-12
FH: 00782511
Puccinia scirpi
de Candolle USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 84 1893-8
FH: 00941343
Uromyces eriogoni
Ellis & Harkness USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 119 1893-7-31
FH: 00941349
Uromyces eriogoni
Ellis & Harkness USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 119 1893-7-31
FH: 01125527
Uromyces glycyrrhizae
(Rabenhorst) Magnus USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 118 1893-7-31
FH: 01125537
Uromyces glycyrrhizae
(Rabenhorst) Magnus USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 118 1893-7-31
FH: 00941343
Uromyces intricatus
Cooke USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 119 1893-7-31
FH: 00941349
Uromyces intricatus
Cooke USA: Washington Wawawai C. V. Piper 119 1893-7-31
GH: 01720561
Aconitum divaricatum
Finet & Gagnepain USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1456 1893-8-7
GH: 00093903
Anemone piperi
Britton ex Rydberg USA: Idaho C. V. Piper 1469 1893-6-16
GH: 01710885
Clematis columbiana
(Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho Cedar Mts. C. V. Piper 1454 1893-7-7
GH: 01657902
Coptis occidentalis
(Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1893-7-7
GH: 01615553
Crataegus macracantha
Loddiges ex Loudon USA: Pennsylvania Pullman C. V. Piper 1535 1893-9-22
GH: 00032591
Rosa macdougalii
Holzinger USA: Washington Pullman: C. V. Piper 1540 1893-6-26
GH: 00032592
Rosa macdougalii
Holzinger USA: Washington Pullman: C. V. Piper 1540 1893-9
GH: 00032591
Rosa nutkana hispida
Fernald USA: Washington Pullman: C. V. Piper 1540 1893-6-26
GH: 00032592
Rosa nutkana hispida
Fernald USA: Washington Pullman: C. V. Piper 1540 1893-9
GH: 00040943
Sorbus scopulina
Greene USA: Idaho Cedar Mountains C. V. Piper 1527 1893-6-16
GH: 02170700
Parietaria pensylvanica
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1507 1893-6-6
GH: 02171539
Urtica dioica holosericea
(Nuttall) Thorne USA: Idaho [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1508 1893-7-14
GH: 02171531
Urtica dioica holosericea
(Nuttall) Thorne USA: Washington [data not captured] C. V. Piper 1510 1893-7-9