Annonaceae A: 02263498 Mitrella beccarii (Scheffer) Diels Papua New Guinea: West Sepik [data not captured] K. Kerenga LAE 56551 1982-9-20
Araceae A: 01634530 Alocasia aequiloba N. E. Brown Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga 56453 1982
Araliaceae A: 02456822 Osmoxylon geelvinkianum Beccari Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga LAE 56450 1982-9-11
A: 02456940 Osmoxylon sessiliflorum (Lauterbach ex Harms) Philipson Papua New Guinea: West Sepik North West of bewani, Bewani Subprovince K. Kerenga LAE 55467 1982-8-31
Arecaceae A: 00255323 Brassiophoenix Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga 56487 1982-9-14
A: 00255323 Brassiophoenix schumannii (Beccari) Essig Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga 56487 1982-9-14
A: 00255324 Brassiophoenix schumannii (Beccari) Essig Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga 56487 1982-9-14
A: 02426441 Calamus warburgii K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga LAE 56457 1982-9-11
Burseraceae A: 02276627 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Bewani-Wutong Onei: North West of Bewani K. Kerenga LAE 55473 1982-8-31
Casuarinaceae A: 02245928 Casuarina papuana S. Moore Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Mt. Airu, N. slopes Bewani Mts. Bewani Subpr... K. Kerenga LAE 56497 1982-9-19
A: 02245974 Casuarina sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Gorge Nth of Meinat flood plains Bewani Subp... K. Kerenga LAE 56525 1982-9-19
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02565506 Anisoptera forbesii Brandis Papua New Guinea: West Sepik South of Wutung Patrol Post towards Mt. Boug... K. Kerenga LAE 56418 1982
Ebenaceae A: 02477222 Diospyros ferrea (Willdenow) Bakhuizen Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga LAE 56468 1982-9-11
A: 02477412 Diospyros papuana Valeton ex Bakhuizen Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga LAE 56483 1982-9-14
Elaeocarpaceae A: 02463569 Elaeocarpus amplifolius Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Ca. 1 Km South of Wutung Patrol Post. Subpro... K. Kerenga LAE 55499 1982-9-4
Gnetaceae A: 02461520 Gnetum gnemon Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Ca. 1 Km South of Wutung Patrol Post. Subpro... K. Kerenga LAE 55498 1982-9-4
Icacinaceae A: 02590905 Gonocaryum litorale Sleumer Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Blackwater creek logging area, Vanimo Subpro... K. Kerenga 56454 1982-9-11
Melastomataceae A: 02274855 Memecylon excelsum Blume Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Waraston forestry station, Vanimo Subprovinc... K. Kerenga LAE 56437 1982-9-9
Mimosaceae A: 02253823 Archidendron bellum Harms Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Meinat flood plains, Bewani subprovince K. Kerenga LAE 56562 1982-9-22
A: 02253824 Archidendron bellum Harms Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Meinat flood plains, Bewani subprovince K. Kerenga LAE 56562 1982-9-22
Moraceae A: 02576094 Artocarpus vrieseanus Miquel Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Bewani Patrol Post. Bewani Subprovince. K. Kerenga LAE 55411 1982-8-27
A: 02411808 Ficus congesta Roxburgh Papua New Guinea: West Sepik North West of Bewani Bewani Subprovince K. Kerenga LAE 55468 1982-8-31
A: 02411808 Ficus conocephalifolia Ridley Papua New Guinea: West Sepik North West of Bewani Bewani Subprovince K. Kerenga LAE 55468 1982-8-31
Myrsinaceae A: 02440575 Ardisia sideromalla K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Vanimo-Green River: Blackwater creek logging... K. Kerenga LAE 56447 1982-9-11
A: 02443153 Maesa haplobotrys F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Mt. Yungat K. Kerenga LAE 5628 1982-9-20
Nepenthaceae GH: 01871439 Nepenthes ampullaria Jack Papua New Guinea: Oenake Range, foothills of Mt. Bougainville,... K. Kerenga 56430 1982-7-9
Orchidaceae A: 02096910 Hippeophyllum sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Mt Yungat, Nth slopes Bewani Mts. Bewani Sub... K. Kerenga 56544 1982-9-20
A: 02096910 Oberonia rhizomatosa J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Mt Yungat, Nth slopes Bewani Mts. Bewani Sub... K. Kerenga 56544 1982-9-20
A: 02096910 Oberonia sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Mt Yungat, Nth slopes Bewani Mts. Bewani Sub... K. Kerenga 56544 1982-9-20
Phyllanthaceae A: 02486561 Antidesma petiolatum Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Gorge N of Meinat flood plains, Bewani Subpr... K. Kerenga LAE 65605 1982-9-19
Theaceae A: 02520168 Ternstroemia cherryi (F. M. Bailey) Merrill Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Mt. Yungat, Nth slopes Bewani Mts. Bewani Su... K. Kerenga LAE 56527 1982-9-20