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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[42258] and year collected:[1967]
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A: 02527286
Justicia orchioides
Griffith ex C. B. Clarke South Africa: Northern Cape Province Namakwaland. On banks of Orangeriver, near U... H. P. Van der Schijff 6933 1967-7-19
A: 02527487
Monechma genistifolium
C. B. Clarke South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Keimoes. On way to Keimoes H. P. Van der Schijff 8048 1967-8-13
A: 02527492
Monechma mollissimum
(Nees) P. G. Meyer South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Just outside Vioolsdrif H. P. Van der Schijff 8169 1967-8-15
A: 02527574
Petalidium setosum
C. B. Clarke ex Schinz South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Vioolsdrif. Just outside Vioolsdrif H. P. Van der Schijff 8180 1967-8-15
A: 02434332
Chasmatophyllum sp.
South Africa: C. P. Van Rhynspas H. P. Van der Schijff 7215 1967-8-17
A: 02434333
Cheiridopsis sp.
South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok H. P. Van der Schijff 7063 1967-7-19
A: 02434378
Galenia pruinosa
Sonder South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Vioolsdrif. Just outside Vioolsdrif. H. P. Van der Schijff 8174 1967-8-15
A: 02434385
Galenia secunda
(Linnaeus f.) Sonder South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Pofadder. Nearly at turnoff from Kakam... H. P. Van der Schijff 6944 1967-7-20
A: 02434384
Galenia secunda
(Linnaeus f.) Sonder South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok. Tkouberg. H. P. Van der Schijff 8113 1967-8-14
A: 02411334
Gorteria diffusa
Thunberg South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Between Steinkopf and Springbok. H. P. Van der Schijff 8232 1967-8-15
A: 01871764
Cotyledon orbiculata
Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] H. P. Van der Schijff 8159 1967-8-14
A: 02504397
Euclea linearis
Zeyher ex Hiern South Africa: C.P. Van Rhynsdorp. Van Rhynspass. [see map] H. P. Van der Schijff 7175 1967-8-17
GH: 02517264
Babiana patula
N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Namakwaland. Between Garies and Kemmieskroon H. P. Van der Schijff 7009 1967-7-20
A: 02517272
Babiana sambucina
(Jacquin) Gawlowska South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C. P. Namakwaland; Spektakel H. P. Van der Schijff 6978 1967-7-20
A: 02517273
Babiana sambucina
(Jacquin) Gawlowska South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Springbok H. P. Van der Schijff 8125 1967-8-14
A: 02517357
Ferraria ferrariola
Willdenow South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C. P. Between Springbok and Steinkopf H. P. Van der Schijff 8250 1967-8-15
A: 02517486
Gladiolus hibernus
Ingram South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Between Riversdal and Swellendam H. P. Van der Schijff 7277 1967-9-3
A: 02517605
Hesperantha cucullata
Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Nieuwoudtville. Van Rhynspass H. P. Van der Schijff 7044 1967-7-20
A: 02517606
Hesperantha cucullata
Klatt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C. P. Nieuwoudville [Nieuwoudtville] H. P. Van der Schijff 7220 1967-8-17
A: 02517750
Lapeirousia anceps
Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Springbok H. P. Van der Schijff 8148 1967-8-14
A: 02517758
Lapeirousia plicata
(Jacquin) Diels South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Namakwaland. Tkouberg H. P. Van der Schijff 8102 1967-8-14
A: 02517811
Lapeirousia silenoides
Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Namakwaland, Spektakel H. P. Van der Schijff 6970 1967-7-20
A: 02517810
Lapeirousia silenoides
Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sprinbok, Spektakel, west of Springbok H. P. Van der Schijff 6951 1967-7-21
A: 02517809
Lapeirousia silenoides
Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Van rhijnsdorp, Van Rhijnspass H. P. Van der Schijff 7188 1967-8-17
A: 02517808
Lapeirousia silenoides
Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province K. P. [Kap. Prov.] Namakwaland. Spektakel H. P. Van der Schijff 6970 1967-7-20
A: 02517758
Lapeirousia sp.
South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Namakwaland. Tkouberg H. P. Van der Schijff 8102 1967-8-14
A: 02447736
Aristida ciliata
Desfontaines South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Upington district. 10 3/4 miles from U... H. P. Van der Schijff 8063 1967
A: 02447735
Aristida ciliata
Desfontaines South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Vioolsdrif H. P. Van der Schijff 8258 1967-8-15
A: 02447855
Aristida namaquensis
(Nees) Trinius & Ruprecht South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. 5 miles from Upington on road to Keimo... H. P. Van der Schijff 8043 1967-8-13
A: 02447865
Aristida obtusa
Delile South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok. Varseputs. H. P. Van der Schijff 8120 1967-8-14
A: 02447955
Aristida uniplumis
Licht South Africa: Northern Cape Province Upington. 10 3/4 miles from Upington. H. P. Van der Schijff 8062 1967
A: 02445752
Schmidtia kalahariensis
Stent South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. 7 miles from Upington H. P. Van der Schijff 8045 1967-8-13
A: 02447736
Stipagrostis ciliata
(Desfontaines) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Upington district. 10 3/4 miles from U... H. P. Van der Schijff 8063 1967
A: 02447736
Stipagrostis ciliata capensis
(Trin. & Rupr.) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Upington district. 10 3/4 miles from U... H. P. Van der Schijff 8063 1967
A: 02447735
Stipagrostis ciliata capensis
(Trin. & Rupr.) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Vioolsdrif H. P. Van der Schijff 8258 1967-8-15
A: 02447855
Stipagrostis namaquensis
(Nees) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. 5 miles from Upington on road to Keimo... H. P. Van der Schijff 8043 1967-8-13
A: 02447865
Stipagrostis obtusa
(Delile) Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok. Varseputs. H. P. Van der Schijff 8120 1967-8-14
GH: 02454138
Phylica oleaefolia
Ventenat South Africa: C. P. Van Rhijnspas H. P. Van der Schijff 7180 1967-8-17
A: 00815003
Lycium campanulatum
E. Meyer South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Namakwaland. Van Rhynspas. Stekelrige kruid. H. P. Van der Schijff 7022 1967-7-20
A: 00815011
Lycium cinereum
Thunberg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Vioolsdrif. H. P. Van der Schijff 8260 1967-8-15
A: 00815012
Lycium echinatum
Dunal South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Between Steinkopf and Springbok. H. P. Van der Schijff 8245 1967-8-15
A: 00815013
Lycium hirsutum
Dunal South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Outside Williston. H. P. Van der Schijff 7057 1967-7-20
GH: 02324089
Forsskaolea candida
Linnaeus South Africa: Just outside Vioolsdrif H. P. Van der Schijff 8173 1967-5-15
A: 02324087
Forsskaolea candida
Linnaeus South Africa: C. P. Keimoes H. P. Van der Schijff 1967-8-13