GH: 02171511 holosericea (Nuttall) Thorne USA: Nevada Charleston Mts.; Little Falls I. W. Clokey 5428 1935-8-3
GH: 02099250 balticus Willdenow USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5420 1935-8-4
GH: 02002912 bridgesii A. Gray USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5588 1935-8-1
GH: 02119215 eatonii A. Gray USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5586 1935-8-1
A: 00376033 montana Torrey & Fremont USA: California Yucca Grove I. W. Clokey 5528 1935-7-29
GH: 02121521 palmeri A. Gray USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5591 1935-7-31
A: 00381375 rigida Bentham USA: California Sespe Creek I. W. Clokey 6637 1935-5-2
A: 00381377 rigida Bentham USA: California Sespe Creek I. W. Clokey 637 1935-5-2
GH: 01856654 rotundata Rydberg USA: Nevada Charleston Park I. W. Clokey 5472 1935-7-25
AMES: 02050094 sparsiflora (S. Watson) Schlechter USA: Nevada Deer Creek I. W. Clokey 5424 1935-7-31
AMES: 02050097 sparsiflora (S. Watson) Schlechter USA: Nevada Deer Creek, Charleston Mts. I. W. Clokey 5424 1935-7-31
GH: 02396185 xiphioides E. Meyer USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5422 1935-8-4
Aceraceae GH: 01870887 Acer glabrum Torrey USA: Nevada Charleston Park. I. W. Clokey 5531 1935-8-3
A: 01791015 Acer glabrum diffusum (Greene) Smiley USA: Nevada Charleston Park. I. W. Clokey 5531 1935-8-3
Agavaceae A: 00357652 Yucca schidigera Roemer USA: California Cottonwood Springs, Riverside Co. I. W. Clokey 6548 1935-4-17
A: 00357707 Yucca whipplei Torrey USA: California Hillside, Pasadena Glen, Los Angeles County I. W. Clokey 1033 1935-7-1
A: 00357707 Yucca whipplei parishii M. E. Jones USA: California Hillside, Pasadena Glen, Los Angeles County I. W. Clokey 1033 1935-7-1
Asteraceae GH: 00414207 Ambrosia dumosa (A. Gray) W. W. Payne USA: California Mecca-Shafer Wells I. W. Clokey 6729 1935-4-17
GH: 00414308 Ambrosia salsola (Torrey & A. Gray ex A. Gray) Stother & B. G. Baldwin USA: California Cottonwood Springs I. W. Clokey 6985 1935-4-17
GH: 00414309 Ambrosia salsola (Torrey & A. Gray ex A. Gray) Stother & B. G. Baldwin USA: California Cottonwood Springs I. W. Clokey 6986 1935-4-17
GH: 02203613 Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5632 1935-7-31
GH: 02206109 Erigeron clokeyi Cronquist USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 56630 1935-8-1
GH: 02206880 Erigeron divergens Torrey & A. Gray USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5631 1935-8-1
GH: 00414207 Franseria dumosa A. Gray USA: California Mecca-Shafer Wells I. W. Clokey 6729 1935-4-17
GH: 00414308 Hymenoclea salsola Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Cottonwood Springs I. W. Clokey 6985 1935-4-17
GH: 00414309 Hymenoclea salsola Torrey & A. Gray USA: California Cottonwood Springs I. W. Clokey 6986 1935-4-17
Brassicaceae GH: 00986266 Descurainia californica O. E. Schulz USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5482 1935-8-3
GH: 01115261 Draba jaegeri Munz & I. M. Johnston USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5475 1935-8-8
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01741723 Arenaria kingii uintahensis (A. Nelson) Maguire USA: Nevada Lee Canon I. W. Clokey 5560 1935-8-4
Chenopodiaceae GH: 02003185 Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5453 1935-7-31
Cupressaceae A: 00356187 Juniperus californica Carr USA: California Cottonwood Springs I. W. Clokey 6507 1935-4-17
GH: 02104591 Juniperus communis montana Aiton USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5388 1935-8-8
A: 02105384 Juniperus monosperma Sargent USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5386 1935-8-1
GH: 02105735 Juniperus osteosperma (Torrey) Little USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5389 1935-8-4
GH: 02105734 Juniperus osteosperma (Torrey) Little USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5386 1935-8-1
A: 02106197 Juniperus scopulorum Sargent USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5387 1935-7-31
GH: 02106195 Juniperus scopulorum Sargent USA: Nevada [data not captured] I. W. Clokey 5387 1935-7-31
Ericaceae A: 01117693 Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth USA: Nevada Griffith's Lodge. I. W. Clokey 5533 1935-8-2
GH: 01117699 Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth USA: Nevada Charleston Park I. W. Clokey 5533 1935-8-2
A: 01117703 Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth USA: Nevada Charleston Mts. Charleston Park, Brushy sout... I. W. Clokey 5533 1935-8-2
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00395128 Croton californicus mohavensis A. M. Ferguson USA: California East of Mecca I. W. Clokey 6726 1935-4-16
Fabaceae GH: 00065414 Lupinus acclivatatis C. P. Smith USA: Nevada Charleston Mountains, Griffith's Lodge, nort... I. W. Clokey 5520 1935-7-29
GH: 00065414 Lupinus laxus Rydberg USA: Nevada Charleston Mountains, Griffith's Lodge, nort... I. W. Clokey 5520 1935-7-29
Fagaceae A: 00343560 Quercus wislizenii A. de Candolle USA: California West of Cajon Pass I. W. Clokey 6573 1935-5-15