Aceraceae A: 00752820 Acer negundo violaceum (G. Kirchner) H. Jaeger USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45643 1941-8-31
Anacardiaceae A: 00752677 Rhus typhina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45569 1941-8-23
A: 00772391 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45484 1941-8-10
NEBC: 00772393 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45484 1941-8-10
Apiaceae GH: 00483781 Cicuta bulbifera Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45547 1941-8-23
GH: 01050933 Cicuta maculata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45597 1941-8-24
GH: 00415879 Hydrocotyle americana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45504 1941-8-15
NEBC: 01051559 Hydrocotyle americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45544 1941-8-23
Apocynaceae GH: 02180676 Amsonia tabernaemontana Walter USA: Missouri near Eagle Rock E. J. Palmer 45335 1941-7-7
GH: 02179828 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Indiana near Butlerville E. J. Palmer 45414 1941-7-15
Aquifoliaceae A: 00713176 Ilex mucronata (Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45559 1941-8-23
GH: 00713178 Ilex mucronata (Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45559 1941-8-23
Araliaceae A: 00282967 Aralia racemosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45533 1941-8-23
Aspleniaceae GH: 02068530 Asplenium resiliens Kunze USA: Kentucky near Cannonsburg E. J. Palmer 45292 1941-6-20
Asteraceae GH: 00753362 Ageratina altissima (Linnaeus) R. M. King & H. Robinson USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45630 1941-8-30
NEBC: 00734608 Ageratina aromatica (Linnaeus) Spach USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45630 1941-8-30
GH: 00359849 Aster lateriflorus (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near railway, ... E. J. Palmer 45678-A 1941-9-11
A: 00338921 Aster multiflorus Aiton USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near railway, ... E. J. Palmer 45677-A 1941-9-11
GH: 00359890 Aster puniceus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... E. J. Palmer 45679-A 1941-9-11
A: 00339069 Cichorium intybus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Peters Hill [J... E. J. Palmer 45674-A 1941-9-8
A: 00339069 Cichorium intybus alba Farlow USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Peters Hill [J... E. J. Palmer 45674-A 1941-9-8
GH: 00443359 Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Junipers ... E. J. Palmer 45667 1941-9-2
A: 00339747 Helenium autumnale Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of Admini... E. J. Palmer 45611 1941-8-28
GH: 01038583 Helianthus divaricatus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45616 1941-8-30
A: 00339919 Hieracium canadense Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of Admini... E. J. Palmer 45612 1941-8-28
GH: 00833592 Hieracium paniculatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45587 1941-8-24
A: 00339919 Hieracium sabaudum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, east of Admini... E. J. Palmer 45612 1941-8-28
GH: 01833543 Krigia biflora (Walter) S. F. Blake USA: Missouri [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45395 1941-7-11
GH: 01055314 Solidago canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45554 1941-8-23
GH: 01054871 Solidago juncea Aiton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45546 1941-8-23
A: 00338921 Symphyotrichum ericoides (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near railway, ... E. J. Palmer 45677-A 1941-9-11
GH: 00359849 Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near railway, ... E. J. Palmer 45678-A 1941-9-11
GH: 00574678 Symphyotrichum patens (Aiton) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45591 1941-8-24
GH: 00359890 Symphyotrichum puniceum (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... E. J. Palmer 45679-A 1941-9-11
Athyriaceae A: 00338212 Athyrium angustum (Willdenow) C. Presl USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... E. J. Palmer 45505 1941-8-15
A: 00338212 Athyrium filix-femina michauxii (Sprengel) Farwell USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... E. J. Palmer 45505 1941-8-15
A: 00338212 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... E. J. Palmer 45505 1941-8-15
GH: 00668821 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45463 1941-8-11
GH: 00668822 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45494 1941-8-12
NEBC: 00668826 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45622 1941-8-30
GH: 01565184 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45462 1941-8-11
Berberidaceae A: 00606795 Berberis vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45563 1941-8-23
Betulaceae A: 00634559 Betula lenta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45657 1941-8-31
A: 00634568 Betula lenta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45629 1941-8-31
A: 00634793 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45470 1941-8-12
A: 02071363 Carpinus caroliniana virginiana (Marshall) Furlow USA: Maryland [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45262 1941-6-19
A: 00727413 Corylus americana Walter USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45447 1941-8-11
A: 02071707 Corylus americana Walter USA: Missouri [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45352 1941-7-7
A: 00746022 Corylus cornuta Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45445 1941-8-11
A: 00746169 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45623 1941-8-30
Brassicaceae GH: 01181709 Boechera canadensis (Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: West Virginia near Charleston E. J. Palmer 45291 1941-6-19
Caesalpiniaceae A: 01676621 Cercis canadensis Linnaeus USA: West Virginia near Charleston E. J. Palmer 45290 1941-6-20
Campanulaceae A: 00312700 Campanula aparinoides Pursh USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45502 1941-8-15
NEBC: 00698289 Campanula aparinoides Pursh USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45534 1941-8-23
Caprifoliaceae A: 00682258 Diervilla lonicera Miller USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45531 1941-8-23
A: 00721159 Sambucus nigra canadensis (L.) R. Bolli USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45542 1941-8-23
A: 02036428 Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench USA: Kentucky near Shelbyville E. J. Palmer 45304 1941-6-21
A: 02184458 Viburnum acerifolium Linnaeus USA: Maryland near Darlington E. J. Palmer 45261 1941-6-19
A: 00312819 Viburnum cassinoides Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45516 1941-8-18
GH: 02184806 Viburnum dentatum Linnaeus USA: Maryland near Darlington E. J. Palmer 45260 1941-6-19
A: 00702588 Viburnum lentago Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45543 1941-8-23
A: 00702590 Viburnum lentago Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45642 1941-8-31
A: 00312819 Viburnum nudum cassinoides (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45516 1941-8-18
A: 00611395 Viburnum nudum cassinoides (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45633 1941-8-30
Celastraceae A: 00295293 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: near Limerock Quarry E. J. Palmer 45645 1941-8-31
A: 00295288 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: on east slope of E. J. Palmer 45570 1941-8-23
A: 00295413 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Indiana [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45308 1941-6-21
Cistaceae GH: 00415176 Crocanthemum bicknellii (Fernald) Janchen USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 45519 1941-8-18
GH: 00415176 Helianthemum bicknellii Fernald USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 45519 1941-8-18
NEBC: 00569176 Lechea intermedia Leggett ex Britton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45558 1941-8-23
Commelinaceae GH: 02098004 Tradescantia subaspera Ker Gawler USA: Missouri Cape Girardeau: [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45405 1941-7-12
Cornaceae A: 00767174 Cornus amomum Miller USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45436 1941-8-11
A: 00767342 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45566 1941-8-23
A: 00573544 Cornus racemosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45576 1941-8-24
A: 00573545 Cornus racemosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45481 1941-8-10
A: 00502656 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45561 1941-8-23
A: 00502657 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45565 1941-8-23
A: 00502659 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45565 1941-8-23
Cupressaceae A: 02106718 Juniperus virginiana Linnaeus USA: Kentucky [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45303 1941-6-21
Cyperaceae NEBC: 01061334 Carex virescens Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45584 1941-8-24
GH: 01061335 Carex virescens Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45584 1941-8-24
GH: 00672105 Dulichium arundinaceum (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45613 1941-8-30
NEBC: 00672106 Dulichium arundinaceum (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45613 1941-8-30
GH: 01160406 Scirpus cyperinus (Linnaeus) Kunth USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45550 1941-8-23
Dennstaedtiaceae GH: 00681350 Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michaux) T. Moore USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45443 1941-8-11
GH: 00631295 Pteridium aquilinum latiusculum (Desvaux) Hultén USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45446 1941-8-11
Dryopteridaceae NEBC: 00636146 Dryopteris intermedia (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45493 1941-8-10
GH: 00657809 Dryopteris marginalis (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45435 1941-8-9
Ericaceae A: 00461342 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45626 1941-8-30
A: 00484841 Kalmia angustifolia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45468 1941-8-9
A: 00770885 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45575 1941-8-24
A: 00463047 Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45467 1941-8-11
A: 00463048 Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45490 1941-8-10
NEBC: 00463049 Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45490 1941-8-10
A: 00519833 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45560 1941-8-23
A: 00519847 Vaccinium corymbosum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45665 1941-8-31
A: 00517176 Vaccinium pallidum Aiton USA: Massachusetts Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45522 1941-8-23
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00415069 Acalypha rhomboidea Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45500 1941-8-14
GH: 00415069 Acalypha virginica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45500 1941-8-14
Fabaceae NEBC: 00711027 Desmodium canadense (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45653 1941-8-31
NEBC: 00739077 Desmodium ciliare (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45658 1941-8-31
NEBC: 00558637 Desmodium nudiflorum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45524 1941-8-23
NEBC: 00639156 Desmodium perplexum B. G. Schubert USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45655 1941-8-31
GH: 00639379 Lespedeza capitata Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45525 1941-8-23
A: 00639735 Lespedeza violacea (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45659 1941-8-31
GH: 00720027 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45477 1941-8-12
Fagaceae A: 00567305 Quercus bicolor Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45654 1941-5-31
A: 00695137 Quercus coccinea Münchhausen USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45448 1941-8-9
A: 00348493 Quercus leana Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Top of Hemlock... E. J. Palmer 45610 1941-8-28
A: 00695823 Quercus prinoides Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45625 1941-8-30
A: 00695824 Quercus prinoides Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45631 1941-8-30
A: 00695825 Quercus prinoides Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45479 1941-8-10
NEBC: 00695826 Quercus prinoides Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45479 1941-8-10
A: 00676468 Quercus robbinsii Trelease USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45628 1941-8-30
Hydrangeaceae A: 01750966 Hydrangea arborescens Linnaeus USA: Kentucky near Cannonsburg E. J. Palmer 45297 1941-6-20
A: 01737211 Hydrangea arborescens Linnaeus USA: West Virginia near Preston E. J. Palmer 45288 1941-6-19
Hypericaceae GH: 00774297 Hypericum canadense Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45556 1941-8-23
GH: 00774299 Hypericum canadense Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 4556 1941-8-23
GH: 00504618 Hypericum gentianoides (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Massachusetts near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45557 1941-8-23
GH: 00629113 Hypericum mutilum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45549 1941-8-23
Juncaceae A: 00348717 Juncus dichotomus Elliott USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 45666 1941-9-2
A: 00348717 Juncus dichotomus platyphyllus Wiegand USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 45666 1941-9-2
Lamiaceae GH: 00658536 Lycopus americanus Muhlenberg ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45615 1941-8-30
NEBC: 00611510 Mentha piperita Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45652 1941-8-31
GH: 01697098 Scutellaria elliptica Sprengel USA: Maryland near Darlington E. J. Palmer 45264 1941-6-19
GH: 00686507 Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45538 1941-8-23
GH: 00762445 Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45539 1941-8-23
GH: 00686628 Trichostema dichotomum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45592 1941-8-25
Liliaceae GH: 01182669 Lilium philadelphicum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester E. J. Palmer 45425 1941-7-20
GH: 00810916 Uvularia perfoliata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45586 1941-8-24
Lycopodiaceae GH: 00647855 Dendrolycopodium dendroideum (Michaux) A. Haines USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45571 1941-8-23
GH: 00661504 Huperzia lucidula (Michaux) Trevisan USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45585 1941-8-24
Lythraceae NEBC: 01069497 Decodon verticillatus (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45482 1941-8-12
Moraceae A: 00741170 Morus rubra Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln, near LImerock Quarry E. J. Palmer 45649 1941-8-31
NEBC: 00741171 Morus rubra Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45649 1941-8-31
A: 01545369 Morus rubra Linnaeus USA: Kentucky near Cannonsburg E. J. Palmer 45293 1941-6-20
Myricaceae A: 00563443 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45478 1941-8-10
NEBC: 00563444 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45478 1941-8-10
A: 00565266 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45555 1941-8-23
A: 00565268 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45607 1941-8-24
NEBC: 00565269 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45607 1941-8-24
Nyssaceae A: 01010521 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45553 1941-8-23
Onagraceae NEBC: 00745945 Ludwigia palustris (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45818 1941-8-30
Orchidaceae NEBC: 01021240 Goodyera pubescens (Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45588 1941-8-24
A: 00423789 Spiranthes cernua (Linnaeus) Richard USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, south side of ... E. J. Palmer 45670 1941-9-2
GH: 01063696 Spiranthes lacera gracilis (Bigelow) Luer USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45662 1941-8-31
Orobanchaceae GH: 00775255 Agalinis acuta Pennell USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45527 1941-8-23
NEBC: 00775256 Agalinis acuta Pennell USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45527 1941-8-23
A: 00518131 Agalinis paupercula (A. Gray) Britton USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45670-A 1941-9-3
GH: 00375528 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Juniper group ... E. J. Palmer 45672 1941-9-8
GH: 00561494 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45568 1941-8-23
GH: 00630635 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45664 1941-8-31
A: 00518131 Gerardia paupercula (A. Gray) Britton USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 45670-A 1941-9-3
GH: 00375528 Gerardia tenuifolia Vahl USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Juniper group ... E. J. Palmer 45672 1941-9-8
Osmundaceae GH: 00639824 Osmunda claytoniana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45473 1941-8-12
GH: 00772072 Osmunda regalis spectabilis (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45459 1941-8-11
GH: 00631027 Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45460 1941-8-11
Papaveraceae NEBC: 00669955 Corydalis sempervirens (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45580 1941-8-24
Pinaceae A: 00629372 Pinus rigida Miller USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45627 1941-8-30
A: 00629373 Pinus rigida Miller USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45476 1941-8-10
A: 01113256 Pinus virginiana Miller USA: Virginia near Winchester E. J. Palmer 45266 1941-6-19
Poaceae A: 00415501 Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 45431 1941-8-4
A: 00415506 Agrostis palustris Hudson USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, oppostie Admin... E. J. Palmer 45428 1941-7-24
A: 00415501 Agrostis scabra Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 45431 1941-8-4
A: 00415506 Agrostis stolonifera Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, oppostie Admin... E. J. Palmer 45428 1941-7-24
A: 00415511 Alopecurus geniculatus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, opposite Admin... E. J. Palmer 45427 1941-7-25
GH: 00764223 Andropogon gerardi Vitman USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45579 1941-8-24
NEBC: 00764224 Andropogon gerardi Vitman USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45579 1941-8-24
A: 00338308 Aristida dichotoma Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Bussey St... E. J. Palmer 45671 1941-9-2
GH: 01813612 Bothriochloa laguroides torreyana (Steudel) Allred & Gould USA: Missouri [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45350 1941-7-9
GH: 01045160 Calamagrostis canadensis (Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45486 1941-8-10
GH: 00339307 Dichanthelium acuminatum lindheimeri (Nash) Gould & C. A. Clark USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, s.e. side of P... E. J. Palmer 45508 1941-8-15
GH: 00764864 Dichanthelium clandestinum (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45526 1941-8-23
GH: 00764938 Dichanthelium commutatum ashei (Pearson ex Ashe) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45594 1941-8-24
GH: 00875542 Dichanthelium oligosanthes scribnerianum (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45451 1941-8-11
GH: 00689003 Dichanthelium scabriusculum (Elliott) Gould & C. A. Clark USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45594 1941-8-24
NEBC: 00689004 Dichanthelium scabriusculum (Elliott) Gould & C. A. Clark USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45594 1941-8-24
GH: 00339307 Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon (Elliott) Gould USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, s.e. side of P... E. J. Palmer 45508 1941-8-15
GH: 00338458 Digitaria ischaemum (Schreber) Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain] E. J. Palmer 45679 1941-9-10
A: 00415583 Digitaria ischaemum (Schreber) Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45680 1941-9-10
GH: 00865828 Elymus hystrix Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45663 1941-8-31
GH: 00853749 Eragrostis pectinacea (Michaux) Steudel USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45452 1941-8-9
GH: 00859939 Glyceria canadensis (Michaux) Trinius USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45465 1941-8-9
GH: 00339307 Panicum lindheimeri Nash USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, s.e. side of P... E. J. Palmer 45508 1941-8-15
GH: 00853299 Panicum rigidulum Bosc ex Nees USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45595 1941-8-24
GH: 00853623 Paspalum setaceum muehlenbergii (Nash) D. Banks USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45530 1941-8-23
GH: 00338714 Poa compressa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, opposite Admin... E. J. Palmer 45429 1941-7-24
NEBC: 00339165 Setaria viridis (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Juniperus grou... E. J. Palmer 45674 1941-9-8
GH: 00734353 Sorghastrum nutans (Linnaeus) Nash USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45475 1941-8-12
Polygalaceae GH: 00752163 Polygala sanguinea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45528 1941-8-23
NEBC: 00752167 Polygala sanguinea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45528 1941-8-23
Polygonaceae NEBC: 00762829 Polygonum cilinode Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45562 1941-8-23
Polypodiaceae GH: 00696070 Polypodium incognitum Cusik USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45532 1941-8-23
Pteridaceae NEBC: 00681421 Adiantum pedatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45619 1941-8-30
Ranunculaceae GH: 01710448 Cimicifuga racemosa (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Kentucky near Cannonsburg E. J. Palmer 45300 1941-6-20
A: 00375999 Clematis gouriana finetii Rehder & E. H. Wilson USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Euonymus group... E. J. Palmer 45676 1941-9-10
A: 00575817 Clematis virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45440 1941-8-9
Rhamnaceae A: 00359402 Ceanothus americanus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 45511 1941-8-15
A: 00643765 Ceanothus americanus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45439 1941-8-11
A: 00643766 Ceanothus americanus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45661 1941-8-31
A: 00643767 Ceanothus americanus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45661 1941-8-31
A: 01789316 Ceanothus americanus Linnaeus USA: Virginia near Winchester E. J. Palmer 45279 1941-6-20
A: 01972214 Frangula purshiana (de Candolle) A. Gray USA: Idaho South Fork Clearwater River, Range 3 East-To... E. J. Palmer 3375 1941-6-20
A: 00359405 Rhamnus cathartica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 45510 1941-8-11
A: 00578473 Rhamnus cathartica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45498 1941-8-10
Rosaceae A: 00661095 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45523 1941-8-23
A: 00744227 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45536 1941-8-23
A: 00744228 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45564 1941-8-23
A: 00744229 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45442 1941-8-11
A: 01756325 Cotoneaster sp. USA: Massachusetts Boston: [Arnold] Arboretum Nurs. [Nursery] E. J. Palmer 1941-8-7
A: 01611569 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: West Virginia near Winchester, Frederick County. E. J. Palmer 45277 1941-6-20
NEBC: 00694133 Crataegus intricata Lange USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester E. J. Palmer 45424 1941-7-20
A: 00694135 Crataegus intricata Lange USA: Massachusetts Worcester: Worcester E. J. Palmer 45424 1941-7-20
A: 01613834 Crataegus intricata Lange USA: Kentucky near Cannonsburg E. J. Palmer 45295 1941-6-20
A: 01614106 Crataegus intricata biltmoreana (Beadle) Lance USA: Virginia near Winchester E. J. Palmer 45273 1941-6-20
A: 01614107 Crataegus intricata biltmoreana (Beadle) Lance USA: Virginia near Winchester E. J. Palmer 45272 1941-6-19
A: 00673548 Crataegus levis Sargent USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45599 1941-8-24
A: 00768352 Crataegus macracantha Loddiges ex Loudon USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45578 1941-8-24
A: 00654023 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45593 1941-8-24
A: 00654024 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45603 1941-8-24
A: 01647469 Crataegus rivularis Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Idaho 3 mi. S. W. of Franklin. Range 39 East-Towns... E. J. Palmer 4043 1941-8-12
NEBC: 00673546 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45599 1941-8-24
A: 01649865 Crataegus uniflora Münchhausen USA: Virginia near Winchester E. J. Palmer 45271 1941-6-19
A: 00740049 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45637 1941-8-31
NEBC: 00742845 Prunus susquehanae Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45602 1941-8-24
A: 00742849 Prunus susquehanae Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45602 1941-8-24
A: 00742850 Prunus susquehanae Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45471 1941-8-12
A: 00742851 Prunus susquehanae Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45471 1941-8-12
A: 00738262 Prunus virginiana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45601 1941-8-24
A: 00359585 Rosa carolina Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Peters Hill, J... E. J. Palmer 45512 1941-8-18
A: 00756922 Rosa carolina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45489 1941-8-10
A: 00653515 Rosa carolina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45600 1941-8-24
A: 01558949 Rosa carolina Linnaeus USA: Ohio Seven Caves, near Rainsboro E. J. Palmer 45417 1941-7-15
A: 01559080 Rosa carolina Linnaeus USA: Virginia near Winchester E. J. Palmer 45284 1941-6-20
A: 00742478 Rubus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45638 1941-8-30
A: 00443571 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum [Jamaica Plain]... E. J. Palmer 45256 1941-6-4
A: 00758477 Rubus allegheniensis Porter USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45450 1941-9-9
A: 01603121 Rubus argutus Link USA: Kentucky near Shelbyville E. J. Palmer 45302 1941-6-21
A: 00443595 Rubus idaeus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 45253-A 1941-6-4
A: 00443595 Rubus idaeus canadensis Richardson USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near Administr... E. J. Palmer 45253-A 1941-6-4
A: 01701625 Rubus odoratus Linnaeus USA: West Virginia near Moundville E. J. Palmer 45422 1941-7-15
A: 01702128 Rubus pensilvanicus Poiret USA: Indiana [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45411 1941-7-14
Rubiaceae A: 00484480 Cephalanthus occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island near Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45458 1941-8-11
NEBC: 00503727 Galium asprellum Michaux USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45487 1941-8-10
GH: 02359558 Galium circaezans Michaux USA: Missouri [data not captured] E. J. Palmer 45324 1941-6-25
NEBC: 00375748 Galium mollugo Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 45501 1941-8-14
A: 00359616 Galium mollugo Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 45668 1941-9-2
NEBC: 00375748 Galium palustre Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 45501 1941-8-14
NEBC: 00503499 Galium triflorum Michaux USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45621 1941-8-30
Salicaceae NEBC: 00688400 Populus balsamifera Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45647 1941-8-31
A: 00688401 Populus balsamifera Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45647 1941-8-31
A: 00688411 Populus canadensis Moench USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45488 1941-8-10
A: 00653236 Salix bebbiana Sargent USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45456 1941-8-9
NEBC: 00653238 Salix bebbiana Sargent USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45456 1941-8-9
A: 00756935 Salix discolor Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45648 1941-8-31
NEBC: 00441705 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45454 1941-8-9
A: 00441706 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45454 1941-8-9
NEBC: 00769329 Salix humilis Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45474 1941-8-10
A: 00769331 Salix humilis Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45474 1941-8-10
NEBC: 00723001 Salix lucida Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45483 1941-8-10
A: 00723003 Salix lucida Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45483 1941-8-10
A: 00723175 Salix nigra Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45453 1941-8-9
NEBC: 00723176 Salix nigra Marshall USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45453 1941-8-9
A: 00641192 Salix sericea Marshall USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45455 1941-8-9
NEBC: 00641193 Salix sericea Marshall USA: Massachusetts Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45455 1941-8-9
A: 00641874 Salix sp. USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45469 1941-8-9
Saxifragaceae NEBC: 01008264 Chrysosplenium americanum Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45548 1941-8-23
A: 00665073 Ribes americanum Miller USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45641 1941-8-31
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00678847 Mimulus ringens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45551 1941-8-23
Solanaceae A: 00518275 Solanum carolinense Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum. Old Quarry alo... E. J. Palmer 45433 1941-8-4
A: 00564429 Solanum dulcamara Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45535 1941-8-23
Sphagnaceae FH: 00338185 Sphagnum sp. USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, southeast side... E. J. Palmer 1941-8-15
Thelypteridaceae GH: 00708219 Thelypteris noveboracensis (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45496 1941-8-12
Tiliaceae A: 00733221 Tilia americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill E. J. Palmer 45598 1941-8-24
Ulmaceae A: 00730320 Ulmus americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45457 1941-8-9
A: 00721972 Ulmus rubra Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45650 1941-8-31
Urticaceae NEBC: 00696930 Boehmeria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland E. J. Palmer 45541 1941-8-23
NEBC: 00866115 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln E. J. Palmer 45646 1941-8-31
Verbenaceae GH: 01955733 Verbena simplex Lehmann USA: Kentucky near Shelbyvulle E. J. Palmer 45305 1941-6-21
Vitaceae A: 00518632 Vitis aestivalis bicolor Deam USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 45509 1941-8-15
A: 00518632 Vitis aestivalis argentifolia (Munson) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 45509 1941-8-15
A: 00518632 Vitis argentifolia Munson ex L. H. Bailey USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, near top of Pe... E. J. Palmer 45509 1941-8-15
A: 00518635 Vitis riparia Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: The Arnold Arboretum, Conifer group ... E. J. Palmer 45669 1941-9-2