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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[33386] and year collected:[1959]
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GH: 01235840
Achillea borealis
Bongard Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: NE. corner of Duncan's... C. E. Garton 6142 1959-7-10
GH: 00988394
Artemisia ludoviciana
Nuttall Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: W. side of St. Ignace ... C. E. Garton 6794 1959-8-9
GH: 00988379
Artemisia ludoviciana
Nuttall Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: W. side of St. Ignace ... C. E. Garton 6793 1959-8-9
GH: 02172946
Cirsium arvense
(Linnaeus) Scopoli Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6801 1959-8-9
GH: 02021993
Cirsium vulgare
(Savi) Tenore Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6976 1959-8-15
GH: 02216856
Conyza canadensis
(Linnaeus) Cronquist Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6882 1959-8-13
GH: 01832284
Hieracium kalmii
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6781 1959-8-9
FH: 00996853
Aulacomnium acuminatum
(Lindberg & Arnell) Kindberg Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: in mat of mosses among... C. E. Garton 7129 1959-9-27
GH: 00992746
Arabidopsis lyrata kamchatica
(Fischer ex de Candolle) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6191 1959-7-11
GH: 00974602
Barbarea orthoceras
Ledebour Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6966 1959-8-15
GH: 01538487
Erysimum cheiranthoides
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7085 1959-8-22
GH: 02105232
Juniperus horizontalis
Moench Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6129 1959-7-10
GH: 02392087
Carex brunnescens
(Persoon) Poiret Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6404 1959-7-19
GH: 02393491
Carex canescens
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6322 1959-7-15
GH: 02391635
Carex echinata
Murray Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6509 1959-7-24
GH: 01773283
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6798 1959-8-9
GH: 02395778
Carex stipata
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6575 1959-7-30
GH: 01774080
Carex utriculata
Boott Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6911 1959-8-14
GH: 02371934
Carex vulpinoidea
Michaux Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6797 1959-8-9
GH: 01145091
Drosera rotundifolia
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Newash Point at SW corner of St. Ignace I. T... C. E. Garton 6931 1959-8-14
GH: 01145092
Drosera rotundifolia
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Stowe Point on Blind Channel at SW corner of... C. E. Garton 6716 1959-8-5
GH: 01117130
Andromeda polifolia latifolia
Aiton Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: W. end of angelica I. ... C. E. Garton 6218 1959-7-12
GH: 01536206
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: Just W. of Caribou Cov... C. E. Garton 6978 1959-8-15
GH: 01562887
Empetrum nigrum
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: E. end of Bowman I. of... C. E. Garton 6298 1959-7-15
GH: 01591750
Gaultheria hispidula
(Linnaeus) Muhlenberg Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: Newash Point at SW. co... C. E. Garton 6928 1959-8-14
GH: 01718869
Moneses uniflora
(Linnaeus) A. Gray Canada: Ontario E end of Armour I. just off S side of St. Ig... C. E. Garton 6332 1959-7-16
GH: 01719825
Orthilia secunda
(Linnaeus) House Canada: Ontario along lakeshore, S. side of Schelling Lake, ... C. E. Garton 6496 1959-7-24
GH: 01683990
Pyrola asarifolia
Michaux Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6161 1959-7-11
GH: 01761681
Pyrola minor
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6417 1959-7-20
GH: 01763517
Rhododendron groenlandicum
(Oeder) Kron & Judd Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6194 1959-7-11
GH: 02343051
Trifolium hybridum
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6783 1959-8-9
GH: 02343839
Trifolium pratense
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6662 1959-8-4
GH: 02345762
Vicia cracca
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6690 1959-8-4
FH: 00498222
Frullania eboracensis
Lehmann Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6289 1959-7-13
GH: 02098639
Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus
(Farwell) Hämet-Ahti Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7040 1959-8-19
GH: 02099524
Juncus balticus littoralis
(Engelmann) Snogerup Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6577 1959-7-30
GH: 02100265
Juncus brevicaudatus
(Engelmann) Fernald Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6583 1959-7-30
GH: 02100424
Juncus bufonius
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6990 1959-8-18
GH: 02102268
Juncus dudleyi
Wiegand Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6683 1959-8-4
GH: 02401363
Juncus filiformis
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7101 1959-8-22
GH: 02399030
Juncus nodosus
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6579 1959-7-30
GH: 02399770
Juncus pylaei
Laharpe Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7100 1959-8-22
GH: 02398835
Juncus tenuis
Willdenow Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7069 1959-8-22
FH: 00499140
Jamesoniella autumnalis
(de Candolle) Stephani Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6472 1959-7-22
FH: 00511492
Sphenolobus saxicola
(Schrader) Stephani Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7132 1959-9-27
FH: 00511694
Tritomaria quinquedentata
(Hudson) H. Buch Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7024 1959-8-18
FH: 00500023
Lepidozia reptans
(Linnaeus) Dumortier Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [no additional data] C. E. Garton 1959-7-16
GH: 02028334
Goodyera repens ophioides
Fernald Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: NE. corner of Squaw Ba... C. E. Garton 6636 1959-8-2
GH: 02045332
Platanthera huronensis
(Nuttall) Lindley Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: S. side of Schelling L... C. E. Garton 6506 1959-7-24
GH: 02046242
Platanthera obtusata
(Banks ex Pursh) Lindley Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: just inland from lakes... C. E. Garton 6141 1959-7-10
GH: 02212404
Callitriche palustris
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7037 1959-8-19
GH: 02000923
Linaria vulgaris
Miller Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6985 1959-8-18
GH: 01804739
Veronica americana
Schweinitz ex Bentham Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6524 1959-7-25
GH: 01811106
Veronica peregrina xalapensis
(Kunth) Pennell Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 7093 1959-8-22
GH: 01811104
Veronica peregrina xalapensis
(Kunth) Pennell Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6204 1959-7-11
GH: 02346871
Bistorta vivipara
(Linnaeus) Gray Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6196 1959-7-11
GH: 02006181
Rumex acetosella
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6570 1959-7-28
GH: 02006974
Rumex crispus
Linnaeus Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6440 1959-7-21
GH: 01927893
Primula intercedens
Fernald USA: New York Angelica I. just off Squaw Bay at SW. corner... C. E. Garton 6212 1959-7-12
FH: 00509431
Ptilidium ciliare
(Linnaeus) Hampe Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6368 1959-7-17
GH: 01837010
Ranunculus pensylvanicus
Linnaeus f. Canada: Ontario [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6371 1959-7-17
GH: 02359503
Galium brevipes
Fernald & Wiegand Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6372 1959-7-17
GH: 02140198
Galium triflorum
Michaux Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6777 1959-8-9
FH: 00510823
Scapania irrigua
Dumortier Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] C. E. Garton 6838 1959-8-10