Araceae GH: 01634235 Acorus calamus Linnaeus : New Guinea: Sirunki, Western Highlands, swam... P. M. Walker ANU 566 1962-8-21
Aspleniaceae A: 02407920 Asplenium bipinnatifidum Baker Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Putidi P. M. Walker ANU 869 1962-9-15
A: 02405095 Asplenium laserpitiifolium Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Near village of Kaiamanda P. M. Walker ANU 718 1962-10-5
A: 02405320 Asplenium nutans Rosenstock Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt P. M. Walker ANU 853 1962-10-13
Asteraceae A: 02250002 Blumea lacera (N. L. Burman) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, between the village of Kaipa... P. M. Walker ANU 579 1962-8-22
A: 02251237 Emilia sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, between Kaipare village and ... P. M. Walker ANU 573 1962-8-22
A: 02249287 Olearia leptocephala J. Koster Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 809 1962-10-9
A: 02251965 [None] Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, by the village of Nanguris. P. M. Walker ANU 555 1962-8-17
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, by the village of Nanguris. P. M. Walker ANU 555 1962-8-17
Cyperaceae A: 02428780 Carex appressa R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Swamp, by the village of Nanguris. P. M. Walker ANU 558 1962-8-17
A: 02428818 Carex brownii Tuckerman Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Slope leading to swamp, west side b... P. M. Walker ANU 653 1962-9-4
A: 02428825 Carex brownii transversa (Boott) J. Kern Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Pathway to lake basin by the villag... P. M. Walker ANU 614 1962-8-28
A: 02428953 Carex echinata Murray Papua New Guinea: Enga Near Sirunke, Lake Inim. P. M. Walker ANU 497 1962-8-6
A: 02429020 Carex gaudichaudiana Kunth Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, under Umbidam cliff. P. M. Walker ANU 516 1962-8-9
A: 02429131 Carex maculata Boott Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Inflow stream to Lake Iviva. P. M. Walker ANU 615 1962-8-28
A: 02429174 Carex phacota Sprengel Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki (Kiamanda). P. M. Walker ANU 444 1962-7-28
A: 02429170 Carex phacota Sprengel Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, Lake Iviva, old lake basin towards ... P. M. Walker ANU 649 1962-9-1
A: 02429156 Carex pseudocyperus fascicularis (Boott) Boott Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, between the village of Kaipare and ... P. M. Walker ANU 576 1962-8-22
A: 02429154 Carex pseudocyperus fascicularis (Boott) Boott Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, in swamp under Umbidam cliff. P. M. Walker ANU 512 1962-8-9
A: 02429266 Carex sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Situnki, Lutheran Mission Station. P. M. Walker ANU 706 1962-9
A: 02429400 Cladium articulatum R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, between Nanguris and Kaiaman... P. M. Walker ANU 679 1962-9-14
A: 02429398 Cladium articulatum R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, central area. P. M. Walker ANU 611 1962-8-27
A: 02429519 Eleocharis sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Kaiamanda near Sirunki. P. M. Walker ANU 440 1962-7-28
A: 02429515 Eleocharis sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Slope leading to swamp, west side, ... P. M. Walker ANU 652 1962-9-4
A: 02430088 Fimbristylis sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Lower slopes of Putidi Hill. P. M. Walker ANU 538 1962-8
A: 02430082 Fimbristylis sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, near the village of Nanguris... P. M. Walker ANU 690 1962-9-14
A: 02430081 Fimbristylis sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. P. M. Walker ANU 431 1962-7-27
A: 02430671 Kyllinga brevifolia Rottbøll Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, Lake Iviva. P. M. Walker ANU 727 1962-10-6
A: 02430728 Kyllinga gracillima Miquel Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. P. M. Walker ANU 403 1962-7
A: 02430733 Kyllinga melanosperma Nees Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp towards Rangango. P. M. Walker ANU 720A 1962-10
A: 02430971 Machaerina rubiginosa (Sprengel) Koyama Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, below Umbidam cliff. P. M. Walker ANU 509 1962-8-9
A: 02431407 Rhynchospora chinensis Nees & Meyen ex Nees Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, beneath the village of Nangu... P. M. Walker ANU 531 1962-8-13
A: 02431574 Schoenus curvulus F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Beneath the village of Nanguris. P. M. Walker ANU 532 1962-8-13
A: 02431775 Scirpus crassiusculus (Hooker f.) Bentham Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, central area. P. M. Walker ANU 610 1962-8-27
A: 02431766 Scirpus crassiusculus (Hooker f.) Bentham Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, central area. P. M. Walker ANU 610A 1962-8
A: 02431809 Scirpus habrus Edgar Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. North side of causeway near inflow ... P. M. Walker ANU 648 1962-9-1
A: 02431813 Scirpus inundatus (R. Brown) Poiret Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Lake Iviva, old lake basin, north s... P. M. Walker ANU 716 1962-9-20
A: 02431818 Scirpus maritimus Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, beneath the village of Nangu... P. M. Walker ANU 536 1962-8-14
A: 02431841 Scirpus mucronatus Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. In swamp under Umbidam cliff. P. M. Walker ANU 513 1962-8-9
A: 02431840 Scirpus mucronatus Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, beneath the village of Nangu... P. M. Walker ANU 530 1962-8-18
A: 02431861 Scirpus mucronatus clemensiae Kükenthal Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp by causeway. P. M. Walker ANU 402 1962-7
A: 02431915 Scirpus sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Lake Iviva, old lake basin in the i... P. M. Walker ANU 728 1962-10-6
Elaeocarpaceae A: 02463553 Elaeocarpus altigenus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 739 1962-10
A: 02463599 Elaeocarpus arfakensis Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 748 1962-10
A: 02462664 Elaeocarpus polydactylus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Kublis P. M. Walker ANU 915 1962-9-19
A: 02466260 Sericolea pullei (Lauterbach) Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; Ridge of Andyuku P. M. Walker ANU 752 1962-10
Ericaceae A: 01819811 Dimorphanthera sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Near Sirunki, Lake Inim P. M. Walker ANU 491 1962-8
A: 02545702 Styphelia suaveolens (Hooker f.) Warburg ex P. B. Sarasin & K. F. Sarasin Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Swamp by causeway. P. M. Walker ANU 414 1962-7
A: 02544876 Vaccinium auriculifolium Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki P. M. Walker ANU 922 1962-9-19
A: 02543321 Vaccinium striicaule Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; near the cliff of Putidi. P. M. Walker ANU 581 1962-8-23
A: 02543321 Vaccinium striicaule adenodes Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; near the cliff of Putidi. P. M. Walker ANU 581 1962-8-23
Euphorbiaceae A: 01767462 Acalypha sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Western Highlands, Putidi, west slo... P. M. Walker ANU 887 1962-9-15
A: 02419117 Macaranga carrii L. M. Perry Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 747 1962-10
A: 02419328 Macaranga domatiosa Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki P. M. Walker ANU 776 1962-10
Gesneriaceae A: 02313521 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; Ridge of Andyuku P. M. Walker ANU 831 1962-10-9
A: 02313519 Cyrtandra sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Western Highlands, Ridge of Andyuku P. M. Walker ANU 800 1962-10-8
Gleicheniaceae A: 02552877 Gleichenia vulcanica Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Swamp, beneath Kaiamanda corner. P. M. Walker ANU 596 1962-8-24
A: 02283101 Sticherus erectus (C. Christensen) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Alongside inflow stream near causew... P. M. Walker ANU 646 1962-8-31
Hymenophyllaceae A: 02552009 Hymenophyllum imbricatum Blume Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt P. M. Walker ANU 863 1962-9-13
A: 02552197 Hymenophyllum rubellum Rosenstock Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt. P. M. Walker ANU 864 1962-9-13
A: 02552195 Hymenophyllum rubellum Rosenstock Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 812 1962-10-9
Myrsinaceae A: 02441495 Discocalyx latepetiolata (Mez) Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Putidi, west slope P. M. Walker ANU 889 1962-9-15
A: 02443954 Myrsine leucantha (K. Schumann) Pipoly Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 818 1962-10-9
Myrtaceae A: 02423141 Syzygium benjaminum Diels Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 750 1962-10
Orchidaceae A: 02338369 Ceratostylis sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Ridge of Andyuku P. M. Walker ANU 735 1962-10-8
A: 02384742 Octarrhena sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; Ridge of Andyuku P. M. Walker ANU 736 1962-10-8
Piperaceae A: 01882364 Piper gibbilimbum C. de Candolle : New Guinea: Putide P. M. Walker NU 419 1962-7-27
Poaceae A: 02473721 Agrostis rigidula remota (Buse) Hoynck & J. M. Linden ex P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, near the village of Kaipare. P. M. Walker ANU 567 1962-8-21
A: 02469168 Arthraxon hispidus hispidus Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, N.E. slope of Putidi hill. P. M. Walker ANU 469 1962-8
A: 02469488 Dimeria dipteros Reeder Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp between Kiaimanda and Nanguis... P. M. Walker ANU 661 1962-9-5
A: 02473984 Echinopogon sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Old lake basin near causeway. P. M. Walker ANU 645 1962-8-31
A: 02469585 Eulalia trispicata (Schultes) Henrard Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Slope leading to swamp, west side b... P. M. Walker ANU 654 1962-9-4
A: 02471622 Isachne sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp near Nanguris. P. M. Walker ANU 681 1962-9-14
A: 02471600 Isachne sp. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, by the village of Nanguris. P. M. Walker ANU 551 1962-8-16
A: 02470061 Miscanthus floridulus (Labill.) Warb. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, Lake Iviva, old lake basin near Pud... P. M. Walker ANU 638 1962-8-30
A: 02472218 Paspalum orbiculare G. Forster Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. In swamp under Umbidam cliff. P. M. Walker ANU 514 1962-8-9
A: 00024375 Racemobambos hirta Holttum Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, above the village of Kulit, ca. 870... P. M. Walker ANU 733 1962-10-7
A: 02472419 Sacciolepis indica (Linnaeus) Chase Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp, between Kaipare village and ... P. M. Walker ANU 578 1962-8-22
A: 02472575 Setaria pumila pallide-fusca (Schumacher) B. K. Simon Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki, N.E. slope of Putide. P. M. Walker ANU 449 1962-8-1
Podocarpaceae A: 02246899 Phyllocladus hypophylla Hooker f. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt. P. M. Walker ANU 859A 1962-9-13
A: 02246898 Phyllocladus hypophylla Hooker f. Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt. P. M. Walker ANU 859 1962-10-13
A: 02247164 Podocarpus archboldii N. E. Gray Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt. P. M. Walker ANU 847 1962-10-13
Polyosmaceae A: 02502292 Polyosma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Ridge of Andyuku. P. M. Walker ANU 749 1962-10
Potamogetonaceae A: 00061798 Potamogeton papuanicus Wiegleb Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Lake Iviva, south side of lake P. M. Walker 650 1962-8-31
A: 00061798 Potamogeton sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Lake Iviva, south side of lake P. M. Walker 650 1962-8-31